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在2020年全国两会即将召开之际,由中国12家省级主流新媒体作为首批成员单位组建的全国首个区块链新闻编辑部于5月20日在云端正式成立。 全国区块链新闻编辑部是由湖北广播电视台融媒体新闻中心倡导筹备,由湖北广播电视台长江云、北京广播电视台北京时间等12个省市的主流新媒体作为首批媒体单位联合组建,系全国首个云上新闻编辑部。

In the run-up to the Second National Conference in 2020, China’s first regional network of news editors, formed by 12 new provincial mainstream media outlets as the first members, was inaugurated on 20 May in Yunya, under the auspices of the Hubei Radio and Television Integrated Media Information Centre, and was co-organized by 12 new mainstream media outlets from provinces and cities, such as Hubei Radio and Television, Jiangyun, Beijing Radio and Television and Beijing Time, as the first one in the country.



According to a recent study released by the Heng Da Institute, with the rapid influx of capital and talent, the scenes suitable for block-chain applications will be accelerated and the industry will grow faster and more regulated within three to five years. The report states that the combination of block-chain technology and industry is expected to usher in “ from 1 to N” that at the moment of the outbreak it will explode or will not be linear but non-linear, and that the chain of blocks may come from “ trust machines & rdquo; upgrading to become important & & ldquao; and engines & & rdquao;


Beijing City Housing Commission: encourage enterprises to use technological and technological means such as block chains to promote online housing selection and contracting


The Beijing Housing and Urban and Rural Development Commission issued a circular on the improvement of the management of premises for the sale of real estate development projects during the prevention and control of the epidemic. The circular indicates that, in order to further cooperate with online transactions, the Beijing municipality will further optimize its web-marking services and promote “ Internet + web-marking & & rdquo;

成都发布金融科技发展三年规划 聚焦区块链等前沿领域

publishes the three-year financial science and technology development plan, focusing on such frontier areas as block chains


A press conference was held in the afternoon of 20 June by the Cheng City Local Financial Supervisory Authority, where the Cheng City People’s Government, in association with the Chengdu branch of the People’s Bank of Cheng City, officially launched the Plan for the Development of Financial Science and Technology in Cheng City (2020-2022). The Plan proposes that by the end of 2022, efforts should be made to build Chengdu as a regional financial science and technology centre with international influence and to build & ldquo; an identity, national impact, domestic demonstration, international synchronization & rdquo; and a model system for financial science, technology and innovation, which establishes the status of the capital as the leading, first-class national centre for financial science and technology in the central and western regions.



In recent days, Hainan Sanya has published Measures to Accelerate the Construction of New Infrastructures in the City of Sanya. 100 million yuan per year will be allocated to support the construction of new infrastructure. The city’s new infrastructure areas include information infrastructure such as 5G stations, data centres, artificial intelligence, block chains, satellite Internet; integrated infrastructure such as smart cities, smart energy, new energy chargers, etc.; innovative infrastructure such as deep-sea technology, South breeding, satellite remote sensing, etc.; and the construction of priority industrial parks such as the City of Science and Technology, the Internet Information Industry and the Remote Sensing Information Industry.


First & ldquao in the country; block chain + bid & rdquao; platform online at Shenzhen


Recently, the construction and trading service centre in Shenzhen City completed & ldquo; block chain + tender & rdquo; the platform was built and put into use. The electronic bidding process-wide data & & ldquo were achieved through the use of block chain technology features that are not counterfeit, traceable, traceable and transparent; timely documentation, real-time verification & rdquo; and industry pain points, such as false information, the crisis of trust among traders, were effectively addressed, providing a solid technical basis for further innovation in regulatory practices, improved transaction quality, and optimized business environment.



The National Council of Political Ministers and the President of the Supreme People’s Court of Shaanxi Province have suggested that the state should take urgent steps to draw up a law on block chains. In his view, block chain technology is a double-edged sword that can be used by outlaws to promote economic and social development and must be regulated by law.



& & ldquo; I suggest using block chain technology to build a national network game prevention platform. & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, & & & &, & & &,, &,, & &,,, &,,,,,, &,,,, & & & &,,, & &,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


works to distribute Jiangsu & ldquao; cross-border financial block chain finance & rdquao; business US$ 9 million


In late 2019, the National Foreign Exchange Administration launched a cross-border financial block chain service platform, fully utilizing features such as centralization, confidence-building, openness and reliable databases, which effectively enhanced the ease and reliability of export trade finance operations through the sharing of data and information between the pooled banks, the external authorities and the customs authorities.


national grid operator rolls out supply chain-based financial and electricity-cost financial services


According to a 20-day article published by the National Electricity Network Corporation, the National Networking Company has been effective in harnessing the technological advantages of sector chain mitigation efficiency, synergies and innovation efficiency gains through the use of block chain technology in electricity finance and supply chain finance by a number of provincial electricity companies, including the United Nations Network, Jiangsu and Shanxi.


block chain technology formally applied to financial App filing management


According to the Chinese Internet Finance Association, as of now, more than 1,000 institutions have completed the registration process, and 73 Apps from 33 institutions have been placed on the list. As a next step, the Association will organize a nationwide campaign to promote the application and gradually implement self-regulatory controls such as risk-sharing, complaint-handling mechanisms, black and white lists, and non-compliance checks.

阿里GMV突破1万亿美元 以区块链等技术为数字经济体根基

AriGMV breaks $1 trillion and uses technology like block chains as the foundation of the digital economy


On May 22, the Alibaba Group released its record for the entire fiscal year 2020 and the fourth quarter, with its consumer-oriented business of the Alibaba digital economy, worth over $1 trillion, and its digital economy crossing new milestones. Behind the multiplier rise in the commercial efficiency of the Alibaba platform is a strong investment in technology and innovation.

蚂蚁区块链合同正式发布 中小企业可实现“链签约”

Ant block chain contract officially issued SMEs can achieve &ldquao; chain signing & rdquao;


On May 18, an ant block chain service was officially launched for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which can use the ant block chain to sign, upgrade the digital transformation and facilitate the resumption of work. The Alibaba group will take the lead in signing the hug chain and will sign the contract for the use of the ant block chain in an increasing number of external cooperation.


Development of block chain medical record application with digital medical advisory services

唯链宣布与数字化医疗咨询机构 I-Dante 开发区块链医疗存证应用“E-HCert App”,为新冠病毒核酸检测和新冠病毒抗体快速检测的最终结果提供了基于唯链区块链的存证方案。

&ldquao; E-HCert App” and a documented programme based on the chain of blocks for the final results of the new coronary virus nucleic acid test and the new coronary virus rapid detection of antibodies.

世界经济论坛发布一系列区块链行为准则 呼吁行业参与者共同遵守

The World Economic Forum (WEF) issued a series of block chain codes of conduct calling on industry participants to join in


The World Economic Forum recently published the Presidio Principles: Fundamental Values for a Decentralized Future. The article notes that the WEF’s Global Block Chain Council has drafted a set of principles of conduct. The WEF calls on all industry participants, including developers, governments, managers, international organizations, corporate boards and others, to adhere to these principles in the construction of block chain applications and to automatically direct their ecosystems to use them as a basis for protecting users.

亚马逊、IBM等公司撰写报告 敦促美国国防部接受区块链

Amazon, IBM, among others, wrote a report urging the U.S. Department of Defense to accept block chains .

美国智库价值技术基金会(American think tank Value Technology Foundation)近日发布了一份报告,该报告旨在向美国国防部(DoD)介绍区块链技术在网络安全工作中的诸多好处。报告的众多合著者中包括IBM、亚马逊、Accenture、Deloitte和CGI Federal等。这份题为《区块链对美国国防部的潜在用途》的报告列举了一系列分布式账本技术可能利于未来网络安全。

The American think tank Value Technology Foundation recently released a report aimed at informing the United States Department of Defense (DoD) of the benefits of block chain technology in cybersecurity. Many co-authors of the report included IBM, Amazon, Accenture, Deloitte, and CGI Federal.


U.S. Congress representative proposed & ldquao; advanced block chain method & rdquao;

5月19日,美国国会代表Brett Guthrie提出了“推进区块链法”。根据法律草案,该法案要求联邦贸易委员会和商务部长对区块链的用途和在美国的采用状况进行新的调查。该法案寻求重新确定联邦机构的作用,要求负责调查的监管机构“对与区块链技术有关的联邦活动进行调查,以简要描述与区块链技术有关的联邦机构的管辖权和专业知识。” 此外,该法案未提及加密货币或数字资产。

On 19 May, Brett Guthrie, the U.S. Congress Delegate, introduced & ldquo; the Promotion of Block Chains Act & & rdquo; under the draft law, the bill required the Federal Trade Commission and the Secretary of Commerce to conduct a new investigation into the use of block chains and their use in the United States. The bill sought to redefine the role of federal agencies and required the regulatory body responsible for the investigation & & ldquo; an investigation of federal activities related to block chain technology to provide a brief description of the jurisdiction and expertise of federal agencies related to block chain technologies. & & rdquo; and the bill made no reference to encrypted currency or digital assets.

IBM成为区块链平台we.trade股东 持股7%

IBM becomes the block chain platformwe.trade shareholder 7%


IBM has become a shareholder in the block chain platform of We.trade, with a 7% share. It is known that IBM was originally a technology provider in We.trade.


The University of Daegu, Korea, created a block chain campus


On May 22, Suseong University in Korea agreed with the Korean Association for Artificial Intelligence (KORAIA) to create a block chain and an AI campus in Daegu. The university in Daegu plans to teach artificial intelligence, big data and cloud-based technology in the new faculty and intends to start enrolling students in 2021.


sent a circular to ban virtual currency & ldquao; mine mining & rdquao; event


A circular was issued under the office of the Bureau for Development Reform and Economic Information of the Muri Tibetan Autonomous District of the Sichuan Shan Autonomous Oblast, on the delivery of the virtual currency & ldquo; mine mining & rdquo; on the activities, calling for the immediate cessation of the virtual currency & ldquo; mine mining & rdquo; on the solicitation of the activities, no additional virtual currency & ldquo; mine mining & rdquo; and on the projects, otherwise it would be recommended to the people's governments in the counties to take administrative measures such as the investigation of illegal construction projects and the imposition of a ban, a fine and an order to dismantle them themselves, until they are handed over to the People's Court for enforcement.


The official forum of the International Monetary and Financial Institutions announced the establishment of the Digital Monetary Institute

国际货币金融机构官方论坛(OMFIF)宣布成立数字货币研究所,旨在弥合数字货币与传统银行之间的鸿沟,并将重点放在批发和零售市场中的支付工具以及央行数字货币(CBDC)上。OMFIF的金融技术研究主管Bhavin Patel表示:“我们相信未来几年,包括欧元区在内的许多司法管辖区,将会有更多的央行数字货币项目。”

The official forum of international monetary and financial institutions (OMFIFIF) announced the establishment of the Digital Monetary Institute, aimed at bridging the gap between digital and traditional banks and focusing on payment instruments in wholesale and retail markets, as well as central banks’ digital currencies (CBDCs). The OMFIF Financial Technology Research Director, Bhavin Patel, said: & ldquo; we believe that in the coming years, many jurisdictions, including the eurozone, will have more central banks’ digital money projects.


The Central Bank of Korea conducted an advance technical review of the CBDC pilot project


The Central Bank of Korea (BoK) is accelerating its technical review of the Central Bank's pilot testing of digital currencies (CBDCs), which has been analysed as a technical reference for the Korea CBDC pilot test (development phase) in 14 countries, including China, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and Japan. The pilot test aims to create a virtual environment and to examine the central bank's digital currency operations.


The President of Iran called for the development of a national strategy for encrypt currency mining

伊朗总统哈桑·鲁哈尼(Hassan Rouhani)已下令政府为新兴的加密产业制定新的国家战略。鲁哈尼本周早些时候告诉伊朗中央银行(CBI)、能源部以及信息和通信技术部的官员,他们需要为加密货币挖矿业制定新的国家战略,包括监管和挖矿收入。

Iranian President Hassan & Middot; Hassan Rouhani has ordered the government to develop a new national strategy for the emerging encryption industry. Rouhani told officials of the Central Bank of Iran (CBI), the Ministry of Energy, and the Ministry of Information and Communications Technology earlier this week that they needed to develop a new national strategy for the mining of encrypted money, including regulation and mining revenues.



Russian legislators have proposed a fine of up to 2 million roubles ($27,800) and a prison sentence of seven years for the illegal trade in digital assets and encrypted currency, a draft amendment to the administrative and criminal offences law that has been confirmed as true but has not yet been legally accepted.

乌克兰发布新虚拟资产法律草案 正向公众征询意见

5月18日,乌克兰数字化转型部发布了题为“虚拟资产”(On Virtual Assets)的新法律草案,旨在确定加密资产在该国的法律地位、流通规则和发行规则。该法案的当前版本不是最终版本,该部正在征求加密社区的意见和建议直至2020年6月5日。加密社区可发送电子邮件或寄信以发表意见,有关公众讨论结果的报告将发布在数字化转型部的官方网站上。

On 18 May, the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine issued a new draft law entitled & ldquo; Virtual Assets & rdquo; On Virtual Assets, aimed at determining the legal status of encrypted assets in the country, rules of circulation and rules of distribution. The current version of the bill is not a final version, and the Ministry is seeking comments and suggestions from the encryption community until 5 June 2020. The encrypted community can send e-mails or send letters for comments, and the report on the results of the public discussion will be posted on the official website of the Ministry of Digital Transformation.


The Austrian Bank for Austria-Austria is conducting a national digital currency pilot

奥地利奥合国际银行(RBI)正在与企业分布式账本技术(DLT)提供商Billon合作进行国家数字货币的试点工作。正如5月18日宣布的那样,RBI和Billon正在进行RBI代币化平台的初始阶段,目前称为RBI Coin。两者表示,该试验计划将进行至2020年末,旨在加快跨境的银行间或公司间交易并改善流动性管理。

As announced on 18 May, RBI and Billon are in the initial phase of the RBI monetization platform, now known as RBI Coin. Both indicate that the pilot plan will run until late 2020, with the aim of accelerating cross-border inter-bank or inter-firm transactions and improving liquidity management.


The Global Bank issues digital currencies mostly without &ldquao; block chains & rdquao;


A new survey shows that central banks in 46 countries are considering the creation of a central bank digital currency (CBDC) using a restricted form of distributed booking technology (DLT), but they are sceptical about block chains. The survey found that 65 per cent of respondents were active in studying digital currencies, yet only one “ a small African central bank & & rdquo; using the block chain as the basis of the CBDC, called & & ldquo; and considering using it only when the block chain is the best available platform.

Libra协会任命法律总顾问 曾任汇丰银行和高盛合规方面高管

Libra Association appointed General Counsel to the HSBC and Goldman Sachs compliance executives

Libra协会19日发推表示,将任命Robert Werner为Libra协会法律总顾问。据悉,Robert Werner有丰富的监管、金融犯罪合规和执法经验,在加入Libra协会之前,其曾是GRH咨询公司的创始人及CEO,也在包括汇丰银行、高盛在内的世界知名金融机构担任政策、隐私、合规关系相关高管职位,此外,其还曾负责过美林证券金融犯罪合规工作。

On 19th, the Libra Association announced that Robert Werner would be appointed General Counsel to the Libra Association. Robert Werner was known to have extensive regulatory, financial crime compliance and law enforcement experience. Prior to joining the Libra Association, he was a founder of the GRH consulting firm and CEO. He also held high-level positions in policy, privacy and compliance-related financial institutions around the world, including HSBC and Goldman Sachs, and was also responsible for compliance with financial crime in the United States of America.


Bakkt will launch an encrypted currency application focused on retail transactions

近期Bakkt收购消费者忠诚度初创公司Bridge2 Solutions,并宣布即将推出专注于零售交易的加密货币应用程序。该应用程序将推出奖励积分,积分可转换为加密货币和现金。

Bakkt recently acquired Bridge2 Solutions, a consumer loyalty start-up company, and announced the upcoming launch of an encrypted currency application focusing on retail transactions. The application will introduce incentive credits that can be converted into encrypted currency and cash.

Visa提交名为“数字法定货币”的专利申请 适用于央行数字货币

Visa submitted a patent application entitled & ldquao; digital legal currency & rdquao; applicable to central bank digital currency


On 14 May, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) reported that Visa had submitted a patent application to create digital currency on the block chain, called & ldquo; digital legal currency & & rdquo; designed to create digital currency on a central computer using block chain technology. The patent application applied to digital dollars and other central bank digital currencies, such as the pound sterling, Japanese yen, and the euro, so that central bank currencies in kind could be digitized anywhere in the world.

IOHK 正研究一种加密原生微芯片 可在不联网状态下实现加密货币转换

IOHK is studying a crypto-origin microchip that can convert encrypted currency in a non-connected state

Cardano 创始人 Charles Hoskinson 详细介绍了 IOHK (Cardano 的开发公司)正在怀俄明大学区块链实验室进行的一项关于加密原生微芯片的研究。该芯片可以在没有互联网访问的情况下实现加密货币转换,从而有可能向全球数亿人提供类似于现金的体验。Charles Hoskinson 强调,芯片上完成的所有工作将保持开源状态,不仅会使 Cardano 受益,还将使整个加密社区受益,这是一个需要数年才能完善的长期项目。

Cardano’s founder, Charles Hoskinson, detailed a study that IohK (Cardano’s developers) is conducting at the Block Chain Laboratory at Wyoming University on cryptographic microchips. The chip can be encrypted for currency conversion without Internet access, making it possible to provide hundreds of millions of people around the world with a cash-like experience. Charles Hoskinson stresses that all work done on the chip will remain open and will benefit not only Cardano, but also the entire encryption community, a long-term project that will take years to complete.

亚马逊 Prime 播放一部关于南非比特币先驱的纪录片

Amason Prime plays a documentary about the South African Bitcoin pioneer

一部关于南非比特币先驱的新纪录片《非洲银行业:比特币革命》正在亚马逊 Prime 上推出。一同发布的还有一份研究报告,该报告介绍了有关非洲加密货币的全面和最新信息。这部纪录片探讨了南非的比特币先驱(包括教育性非营利组织 Satoshi Center 创始人 Alakanani Itireleng )如何利用加密货币克服非洲大陆普遍存在的挑战:基础设施差、经济管理不善、汇款费用高和普遍贫困。

A new documentary on South Africa’s Bitcoin pioneer, African Banking: The Bitcoin Revolution, is being launched on Amazon Prime. A study was also launched, which presented comprehensive and up-to-date information on encoded African currencies. The documentary explored how South Africa’s Bitcoin pioneers, including the educational non-profit organization Satoshi Center’s founder, Alakani Itireleng, could use encrypted currencies to overcome the continent’s pervasive challenges: poor infrastructure, poor economic management, high remittance costs and widespread poverty.


former Vice-President of the Council: Block chains can help the insurance industry achieve mitigation efficiency


The National Council of Political Ministers and former Vice-President of the China Insurance Council, Zhou Yianli, said that the application of block chain technology was important for the insurance industry in two ways: first, the block chain technology essentially resolved the issue of mutual trust and broke information barriers while protecting data privacy; and second, the block chain could help the insurance industry achieve mitigation efficiencies. In particular, during the critical period of the resumption of work after the outbreak, the block chain could provide more technological support and risk guarantees.


President of the China Institute for Connectivity: The correct understanding and use of block chains can contribute to the high quality of the real economy

全国政协委员、中国联通研究院院长、党委副书记张云勇认为,区块链可以应用在国家治理、商业、金融和产业的不同领域。但目前全球区块链产业处于发展初期,规模较小,可复制商业模式较少,应用尚存在较大发展空间。他表示,正确认识和使用区块链,将区块链和云、大、物、移、智等 IT 技术深度融合,真正地释放创新活力,才能促进实体经济高质量发展。

The National Council of Political Ministers, the President of the China Institute of Connectivity, and the Deputy Secretary of the Party Council, Zhang Yun Yong, argue that block chains can be applied in different areas of state governance, commerce, finance, and industry. But the global block chain industry is now in the early stages of development, small in size, with fewer business models to replicate, and there is still much room for development.

马斯克:不信比特币 但至少比美金靠谱

Mask: No bitcoin, but at least it's more than a dollar.


Recently, Harry & Middot; Porter's author, JK & Middot; Lorraine said on social networks that she did not believe in Bitcoin. Then Tesla CEOmask agreed on social networking. But, “ believe & rdquao; whether it was relative or not, Musk claims that the issuance of large amounts of money by the Central Bank of the United States makes it seem more stable and reliable than Bitcoin.

嘉楠科技发布一季报:总净营收6830万元 同比增长44.6%

KAIST issues a quarterly report: a total net revenue of $68.3 million, an increase of 44.6 per cent .


On May 22, Beijing time, KANO published unaudited financial statements for the first quarter of the year. The financial statements show that, in the first three months of March 31, 2020, the company had received a total net income of 68.3 million yuan, an increase of 44.6 per cent over Q1 in 2019, with gross profits totalling 2.4 million yuan, an increase of 417.0 per cent over the same period, and the Māori rate increased from 1.0 per cent in 2019 to 3.5 per cent in 2020.

数字资产借贷平台 Genesis Capital 收购机构托管服务 Vo1t

Digital Asset Loan Platform Genesis Capital Hosting Service Vo1t

数字资产借贷平台 Genesis Capital 宣布收购机构托管服务 Vo1t,此次收购将补充 Genesis 现有服务,包括全球场外交易和机构贷款,同时推出主经纪商业务 Genesis Prime,成为一站式交易、贷款和数字资产安全平台。在未来几个月,Genesis 还计划建立一个集成式客户界面,创建其他技术解决方案,建立一个衍生品交易平台,并针对对冲基金、量化基金、资产管理公司和家族办公室新增功能。

A digital asset lending platform, Genesis Capital, announces the hosting of a buying agency, Vo1t, which will complement the existing services of Genesis, including global off-site transactions and institutional lending, while launching the main broker, Genesis Prime, as a one-stop shop, loan, and digital asset security platform. In the coming months, Genesis also plans to create an integrated customer interface, create other technological solutions, create a derivative trading platform, and add new functions to hedge funds, quantitative funds, asset management companies, and family offices.

去中心化自治组织 DXdao 3天完成2000枚ETH融资

Decentralised Autonomous Organization DXDao 3 days to complete 2,000 ETH finance

去中心化自治组织 DXdao 3天完成 2000 枚 ETH 融资。DXdao 是一个完全去中心化自治组织,目前拥有自己的去中心化网站,并拥有 3 款去中心化软件,包括一个隐私资产管理工具、预测市场平台和为 Gnosis 协议运行的 DEX 前端界面 Mesa.eth.link。链上数据显示,DXdao 目前有 400 多名成员,其中大部分是匿名,持有其代币 DXD 可以股息的形式获得 DXdao 未来收入的 10%。

DXDao, a fully decentralised self-governing organization, now owns its own decentralized website and 3 decentralised software, including a privacy asset management tool, a forecasting market platform and a DEX front-end interface for the Gnosis protocol, Mesa.eth.link. The data on the chain show that DXDao currently has more than 400 members, most of whom are anonymous, holding DXD, which can receive 10% of DXDao’s future earnings in the form of dividends.

CoinDCX 在A轮融资2个月后再获250万美元新融资

CoinDCX gets a further $2.5 million in new financing two months after the A round of financing

印度最大的加密货币交易所 CoinDCX 在 A 轮融资后仅两个月再次获得 250 万美元的新融资,本轮融资由 Polychain Capital 领投,Coinbase Ventures 参投。CoinDCX 联合创始人兼首席执行官 Sumit Gupta 称,新资金将用于促进加密技术在印度的应用,并表示计划推出多种面向散户投资者的新产品,包括贷款。

CoinDCX, the largest crypto-currency exchange in India, received new financing of $2.5 million only two months after the A round of financing, led by Polychain Capital, in which Coinbase Ventures participated. CoinDCX co-founder and CEO Sumit Gupta stated that the new funds would be used to facilitate the application of encryption technology in India and indicated plans to launch a variety of new products, including loans, for diaspora investors.


The average transaction cost of Bitcoin has increased more than 22 times since this year.


Since 1 January of this year, the average transaction cost for Bitcoin has increased by 2213%. The average transaction cost has also increased by 144% since the halving of Bitcoin.


Forbes: The total value of dark net bitcoin transactions increased by 340% in three years


A study by Bitfury, Bitcoin Technology, shows that the total value of the dark net Bitcoin transaction has increased by 65% in the last year and by 340% in three years. The data show that darknet sellers received 47,000 bitcoins in the first quarter of 2020, a 25% reduction from the amount of bitcoin inflows in the same period last year.



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