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在a股市场上,很多游戏公司早早就上了元宇宙的概念。 例如,中青宝宣称将推出元宇宙概念模拟经营游戏,尽管游戏仍在研发中,这一消息使中青宝股价在51个交易日内上涨了3倍多。

In the a-share market, many game companies have long been in the concept of the meta-cosmos. For example, Qingbao declared that he would launch a meta-cosm concept simulation game, although the game is still under development, which led to a more than three-fold increase in the value of Qingbao’s share in 51 trading days.


The ability of the metacosystem to land, the accumulation of virtual reality technology behind it and the ability to create related content, and, more importantly, sound ecological operations.


Full text: expected 8120 minutes of reading


Building a mature metacosystem requires interactive techniques, such as virtual reality, to satisfy user immersion, 5G and cloud computing techniques to ensure multi-user online, reduce time lags, computing algorithms to leapfrog the rendering pattern.

元宇宙的终极目标是创造一个与现实世界平行的虚拟世界,虚拟与现实不断冲突,元宇宙渗透到生活的方方面面,而基础技术是元宇宙向远景进化的限制条件。 基于现有技术水平,元宇宙正处于发展初期,是从物理世界到虚拟世界的阶段,主要应用场景主要集中在游戏、社会、消费领域。

The ultimate goal of the meta-cosm is to create a virtual world parallel to the real world, where virtualism and reality are in conflict, where the meta-cosm permeates all aspects of life, and where the underlying technology is a constraint on the evolution of the meta-cosm toward the future. Based on existing technological levels, the meta-cosmos is in its early stages of development, from the physical world to the virtual world, with its main applications concentrated in the fields of games, society, and consumption.

图片来源: bilibili

Image by Bilibili

游戏将成为元宇宙沉浸式体验的先锋。 虚拟与现实的深度融合是元宇宙的主要特征。

The game will be the vanguard of the immersion experience of the meta-cosm. The deep integration of virtual and reality is the main feature of the meta-cosm.

而游戏中的身份、多样性、沉浸感、经济系统等因素与元宇宙相同,游戏的产品形态也与元宇宙高度相似,天然具有虚拟场景和玩家的虚拟身份。 根据海通媒体的观点,与当今时代的游戏场景相比,元宇宙时代的游戏场景通过数字孪生/AR/MR等手段融入现实世界元素,实现了虚拟与现实的深度互动,游戏世界的有限边界被打破。 元宇宙时代的游戏UGC内容生产模式,通过玩家自身开发游戏模式和游戏世界,降低游戏开发门槛,丰富游戏内容和生态,引导玩家产生更深的沉浸式体验。

The game’s identity, diversity, immersion, and economic systems are the same as the meta-cosm, and its product patterns are highly similar to those of the meta-cosm, with natural virtual scenes and player virtual identities. According to the sea-to-air media, the game scenes of the meta-cosmos are integrated into real world elements through digital birthing/AR/MR, etc., allowing virtual and real interaction and breaking down the limited boundaries of the game world.


At present, the market and the number of users of the games are expanding, and according to data from the iiMedia and the Institute of Forward-looking Industries, the Chinese market will be close to 100 billion yuan in 2023. The number of users will reach 610 million, and the huge market will contribute to the rapid development of the game scenes of the Won-Cosmos era.


Today, what are the ten-dollar cosmopolitan concepts of the world?


Fortress night.

Rec Room





The Sandbox

Axie Infinity


Star Atlas

My DeFi Pet

我的世界) )。

My World)


*Note: ranking has nothing to do with ranking.

堡垒之夜图片来源: epicgames

Fortress Night Image Source: epicgames


Online time:


13 June 2018

简介:堡垒之夜是Epic旗下最重要的王牌游戏,是TPS (第三人称射击)制作的大逃跑游戏。 游戏设定的背景是,在全球变暖导致环境污染严重的情况下,晚上出现了入侵人类领地的怪物,为了保护人类的家园,年轻人必须在训练所学习跳伞、房屋建设、枪支使用、逃离恶劣环境等技术。

Preface: Fortress Night is the most important ace game under Epic’s flag, and is a big escape game made by TPS (third-person fire). The game is set against the background of the presence of a monster invading human territory at night in a situation where global warming is leading to severe environmental pollution.

这个游戏的基本模型包括保卫家园( PvE )、空降作战( PvP )、快乐岛( harpy island )、创造( Creative )。 丰富的游戏模式,让《堡垒之夜》突破了传统的枪战、竞争等元素,让玩家感受到在虚拟世界中与他人交流、社交的乐趣。

The basic models of this game include defending homes (Pve), landing operations (PvP), happy islands (harpy island), and creating (Creative). The rich pattern of the game allows Fortress Night to break through the traditional elements of gun battle, competition, etc., and gives players the pleasure of communicating with others and socializing in the virtual world.

融资情况:堡垒之夜开发商Epic Games于2021年4月14日宣布,该公司通过新融资筹集10亿美元,将公司估值提升至287亿美元。

Financing: The Fortress Night Developer, Epic Gomes, announced on 14 April 2021 that it had raised the company's valuation to $28.7 billion through new financing of $1 billion.


Relevant data: According to the January 2020 financial statement submitted by Epic, Fortress Night earned $5.477 billion in 2018, $3.709 billion in 2019 and cumulatively $9.186 billion in two years.

主要玩法: 1、保卫家园(即PvE )。

Main game: 1 - Defending the Home (i. e. PveE).

在这种模式中,玩家必须不断扩大屏障,建造堡垒和陷阱,应对夜晚来袭的各种怪物。 玩家还可以通过突破和抽签获得枪的图纸、陷阱、角色卡,提高自己和堡垒的防御力。 (收费) ) ) ) )。

In this model, players must expand their barriers, build forts, and traps, to deal with the kinds of monsters they attack at night. Players can also raise their own and fort defenses by breaking through and drawing lots for gun drawings, traps, role cards.

2、空降作战(即PvP ) )。

2. Airborne Combat (i. e. PvP).

在这个模型中,一个玩家可以和九十九个其他玩家竞争,两个人组队,四个人组队,一起和其他队伍战斗。 随着暴风眼的到来,玩家必须不断收集物资,建造房屋进行玩家之间的对抗,然后淘汰所有对手,最后胜利,成为选拔胜者。 (免费)

In this model, a player can compete with 99 other players, two in teams, four in teams, and fight with other teams. With stormy eyes coming, players have to gather supplies, build houses to fight between players, then eliminate all rivals, and eventually win. (Free)

3、海皮亚岛(自由制作并在地图上玩) )

3. Haipia (freely made and played on maps)

在这个模式中,玩家可以自己制作自己的岛,可以制作自己的地图。 也可以邀请朋友一起玩哦。 也可以在其他玩家制作的地图上玩,但需要代码。 (免费)

In this mode, the player can make his own island, make his own map, or invite friends to play. Or play on maps made by other players, but need a code. (Free)

Rec Room


Image source: 100 degrees


Online time:



简介: Rec Room是由Against Gravity制作并发行的体育游戏。 游戏本身包括许多模式和内容,玩家互动丰富,不仅可以组队进行奇怪的复制,还可以多人踢足球、打篮球、射击对战。

RecRoom is a sports game produced and distributed by Against Gravity. The game itself consists of many models and content, with a lot of interactive players who not only can form teams to make strange replications, but can also play football, play basketball, shoot at each other.

融资情况: recroom于2021年12月完成了1.45亿美元的融资。 本轮融资由Coatue Management领取,旧股东Sequoia Capital、Index Ventures、Madrona Venture Group参加。

Financing: Recroom completed $145 million in December 2021, and the current round of financing was received by Coatue Management, with the participation of the former shareholders Sequoia Capital, Index Ventures, Madrona Venture Group.

相关资料:在新型冠状病毒大爆发期间,Rec Room用户迅速增加。 2020年11月2021年12月,Rec Room每月用户数增长了近450%,同步移动用户数增长了10倍以上。 2021年初,Rec Room报道称届时每月有100万活跃VR用户和1500多万终身用户。

In December 2020, the number of Rec Room monthly users increased by nearly 450%, and the number of simultaneous mobile users increased more than tenfold. In early 2021, Rec Room reported that there were 1 million active VR users and more than 15 million permanent users every month.

主要玩法:玩家被随机分配头像,可以在镜子前改变。 但是,可供选择的样式、颜色有限,需要通过令牌解除锁定。 令牌的获取方法可以通过在游戏中获胜或制作游戏来获取。

Main game: Players are randomly assigned head images, which can be changed in front of mirrors. However, the style and colour available are limited and need to be unlocked by tokens.

Rec Room有趣的特色是去游戏大厅需要开门,玩其他游戏也需要进入各种各样的门,增加代入感等很多操作都融入了现实行为。 魔性的塑造和美术,再加上经常笑嘻嘻的笑容,在游戏中Rec Room总是给人带来难以言喻的快乐。 事实上,与许多逼真的VR游戏不同,Rec Room的美术风格很简单,人物甚至没有四肢。 尽管如此,Rec Room可以让人沉浸其中。 在开发者Against Gravit看来,让大脑相信“我在这里”其实不需要太夸张的画风。

RecRoom’s interesting feature is that going to the game hall requires opening doors, playing other games requires access to a wide variety of doors, and many operations, such as increasing the sense of introspection, are integrated into real behavior. Magical shapes and art, together with often hip-hop smiles, always bring untold pleasure to the game.

打扮好后,玩家进入公开的游戏大厅,第一次与其他玩家相遇。 那时,可以和其他玩家交流,除了声音之外,还可以进行击掌和握手等。 之后,玩家还可以建立自己的俱乐部房间,只邀请朋友来避免陌生人的打扰。

After dressing up, the player enters the open game hall, first meeting with the other players. At that time, it is possible to communicate with other players, in addition to sound, to slap and shake hands.

在Rec Room中,玩家可以通过不同的分类门进入不同的游戏,这些游戏分为剧本、PVP等不同类型,玩家可以交换不同的游戏。 现在,Rec Room里的游戏不多,但很有趣。 主要有几个PVP很受欢迎。 团队对战、吃鸡、突破等应有尽有。 麻雀虽小,五脏俱全。

In Rec Room, players can enter different games through different categories, with different types of games, such as scripts and PVPs, and players can exchange different kinds of games. Now, Rec Room has few games, but interesting ones.

Roblox图片来源: eurogamer

Roblox Photo Source: eurogamer


Online time:


1 September 2006


Introduction: One of the largest interactive communities in the world and a large multiplayer game creation platform: Connecting the globe through games, everyone explores, imagines, creates and creates tens of millions of immersion 3D games produced by global community developers

融资情况:经历过8次融资。 2020年2月,Roblox获得了安德森霍洛维茨( AndreessenHorowitz )收到的1.2020亿美元融资。 在2021年最新的5.2021亿美元融资中,受益人为AltimeterCapital和DragoneerInvestment Group,本轮融资后的Roblox估值达到295亿美元。

In February 2020, Roblox received $120 million in financing received by Anderson Horowitz. Of the latest $520.21 million in financing in 2021, the beneficiaries were AltimeterCapital and Dragoneer Investment Group, with Roblox valued at $29.5 billion after the current round of financing.

玩家数据:目前Roblox用户数据增长和流水表现处于割裂状态: 21Q1、Q2、Q3 DAU同比呈加速增长趋势; 相反,流水方面,21年与去年同期相比有明显的下降趋势。 1月以后,寒假的季节性结束,预计2-3月用户方面不会大幅增加。 另一方面,1月较差的水流量呈现出去年q水流量较高的基数,意味着2-3月水流量如果没有出现超预期的增长,整体Q1水流量将低于市场一致预期,因此预测区间为7.07.3亿美元,同比增长7%-12%

Player data: The current growth in Roblox user data and current water flow performance are in a state of dissipation: 21Q1, Q2, Q3 DAU are showing an accelerated trend of growth over time; on the contrary, there is a marked downward trend in current water over 21 years compared to the same period last year. After January, the seasonal end of the winter vacation is not expected to increase significantly for February-March.


Source: Skywind Securities Institute.

主要玩法: Roblox平台有枪战、格斗、跑步等传统玩法; 《AdoptMe!》可以领养孩子和宠物,照顾孩子,装修房子,购买道具,和别人交朋友,开派对,《RobloxianHigh School》可以扮演皇家公主在学院上课,参加舞会等等

The Roblox platform has traditional games such as gun battles, fights, running; Adoptme! can adopt children and pets, take care of children, renovate houses, buy props, make friends, party, Robloxian High School can play the Royal Princess in college, go to prom, etc.


The Roblox platform consists of Roblox Studio, Roblox client and RobloxCloud.

1 ) RobloxStudio )面向开发者使用Lua语言,是用于开发、公开、执行用户独自设计的内容的开发引擎,以简化开发、执行、发行的步骤,降低门槛为目的,RobloxStudio

1 RobloxStudio), a user-oriented development engine in the Lua language for developers to develop, open and implement user-designed content with the aim of simplifying the steps of development, implementation, distribution and lowering the threshold, RobloxStudio

2 )面向roblox客户端)玩家。 是让玩家体验Roblox上3D世界内容的平台,包括移动iOS系统、Andriod系统、PC端的windows、mac、主机端的XBOX,以及VR设备的Oculus。

2) Player for Roblox Clients. This is a platform for players to experience the 3D world content on Roblox, including mobile iOS, Andrid, PC-end windows, mac, host-end XBOX, and VR devices Oculus.

3 ) RobloxCloud )提供网络存储、安全、传输等方面的支持服务和基础设施。 Cloud根据用户的社交影像、地理位置、语言、年龄等因素,将用户分配到特定的内容实例,当特定体验的用户数量增加时,RobloxCloud会自动生成很多服务器实例开发者3部分合作,实现开发运行体验相关保障的完整链接。

RobloxCloud provides support services and infrastructure for network storage, security, transmission, etc. Cloud assigns users to specific content examples based on social images, geographical location, language, age, etc. RobloxCloud automatically produces a number of server example developers working together in three parts to develop a full link to the security associated with the running experience when the number of users of a given experience increases.


Decentraland Photo Source: TUNNET


Online time:


We're on the line in September 2017.

简介: Decentraland是以太坊基于VR的虚拟世界,首次进入完全中心化、用户拥有的虚拟世界。 其中心内容是艺术作品,有展示数字化艺术品的地方。 苏富比拍卖行已经进入Decentraland了。 还有虚拟房地产拍卖交易场景,用户可以购买土地和其他商品,建立自己的房子和城市。 Decentraland使用了NFT令牌MANA,可以用于拍卖。 2021年3月,Decentraland赌场聘用现实用户作为经理,员工管理赌场的运营,工资由虚拟资产支付。 可以在Decentraland购买Domino披萨。

Decentraland, a virtual VR-based world for the first time, has entered a fully central, user-owned virtual world. Its central content is art work, with places where digital works of art are displayed.

融资情况:根据Crunchbase的信息,Decentraland已经完成了三次融资。 在风险投资回合中,Digital Currency Group投资了这个项目,金额没有公开。 然后在种子回合中,这个项目得到了Animoca Brands万美元的融资。 ——Animoca Brands是利用流行品牌、游戏化、人工智能、区块链和移动技术的全球开发者。 这个区块链VR项目通过ICO (首次发售令牌)筹集了2500万美元的资金; 重要投资者包括结构venture、Genesis One Capital、Fundamental Labs和George Burkefounder pool的COO。

Finance: According to Crunchbase, Decentraland has completed three financings. During the venture round, Digital Policy Group invested in the project, which was undisclosed.

主要玩法:用户除了在Decentraland上获得虚拟世界的体验感外,还可以通过制作作品并进行NFT化,或者交易其他NFT来获利。 Decentraland为不同等级的玩家提供不同的游戏。

Main play methods: In addition to gaining a sense of virtual world on Decentraland, users can profit by making works and making NFTs, or trading other NFTs. Decentraland offers different games to players at different levels.

高端玩家主要针对熟悉区块链、设计能力强的用户制作3D场景、设计并销售NFT。 3D场景的创建:用户通过建模软件和Decentraland自带的模型设计自己的3D场景,在场景中嵌入NFT,利用场景的娱乐性和吸引力,提高NFT的曝光率和交易概率,Youtupe、Twitter 设计并销售NFT :用户可以设计出具有吸引力的可穿戴设备,这些作品经社区批准铸造和发布后,除自身使用外,还可以作为NFT销售给其他玩家,将用户的作品货币化对普通用户来说,玩法主要是直接参与NFT交易。 Decentraland允许商店和交易市场直接参与NFT交易,包括平台中的土地、可穿戴设备和专有名称,从而实现与其他NFT交易平台相同的操作,方便玩家接受。

High-end players make 3D scenes, design and sell NFTs, mainly for users who are familiar with block chains, design and sell NFTs. 3D scenes are created: users design their own 3D scenes through modelling software and models of Decentraland's own belt, embed NFTs in the scene, take advantage of the entertainment and attractiveness of the scene, increase NFT exposure and transaction probability, YouTube, Twitter, design and sell NFTs: users can design attractive apparel devices that can be forged and released with community approval, sell their works to other players as NFTs, in addition to their own use, and monetize their works to ordinary users, mainly by directly participating in NFT transactions.

The Sandbox

图片来源: Sandbox

Image source: Sandbox


Online time:

The Sandbox最初只是沙箱游戏,iOS版本于2012年上线; 2018年,香港游戏开发商Animoca Brands启动了该项目的区块链版本,让这款游戏再次升温。 元宇宙概念的爆发,将进一步拉动Sandbox游戏的问世及其令牌SAND的上涨行情。

The Sandbox was originally a sandbox game, the iOS version was launched in 2012; In 2018, the Hong Kong game developer, Animoca Brands, launched the block chain version of the project to warm the game again. The explosion of the meta-cosm concept will further boost the emergence of Sandbox and the upward movement of its token, SAND.

简介: The Sandbox是一个虚拟世界,玩家可以通过平台效用令牌SAND在以太网区块链上创建,拥有自己的游戏体验,并获得利润。

Introduction: The Sandbox is a virtual world in which players can create their own game experience and gain profit through the platform utility sAND on the Ether Net block chain.

融资情况: 2021年11月,The Sandbox获得9300万美元的B轮融资。

Financing: In November 2021, The Sandbox received $93 million in B-round financing.

相关数据: 2012年5月,The Sandbox系列在iOS上发布。

Data: The Sandbox series was published on iOS in May 2012.

2013年2月,The Sandbox安卓市场发布。

In February 2013, the Sandbox Andre market was launched.

2014年3月,The Sandbox的下载量超过了1000万。

In March 2014, the Sandbox had more than 10 million downloads.

2015年3月,在GDC游戏开发者大会上发表了The Sandbox的发展(第2位)。

In March 2015, the development of The Sandbox (second place) was published at the GDC Games Developer's Conference.

2016年6月,在iOS、Android平台和Steam平台上发布的The Sandbox的进化。

In June 2016, the evolution of The Sandbox was launched on iOS, Android and Steam platforms.

2017年7月,The Sandbox进化宣布可以在Steam上免费下载。

In July 2017, The Sandbox evolved to announce that it could be downloaded free of charge on Steam.

2018年4月,The Sandbox由4000多万下载量和7000多万玩家创作

In April 2018, The Sandbox was created by more than 40 million downloads and 70 million players.


In 2021, multiplatforms - availability of games on smartphones and on board computer devices.


2022, the game platform — there are more than 1,000 games available.

主要玩法: The Sandbox的核心是面向玩家和创作者的生态系统,由三个主要组件组成。 立体像素编辑器“VoxEdit”、市场、游戏本身。 The Sandbox提供了一种独特的创建、组装和共享三维体素模型的方法。 为创作者提供直观、强大的内容创作工具。 您可以创建自己的3D体素对象并将其动画化,然后在我们的全球市场上发布和销售。 VoxEdit是我们的3D工具,任何人都可以创建、导入、设置和导出自己的体素对象到市场。 用户可以将其转换成有限的ERC-1155令牌,称为资产。 ASSETS资产是数字稀缺、安全、真实的虚拟令牌。 它们是独特而有限的条件,是独特而不可分割的。

The Sandbox provides a unique way to create, assemble, and share three-dimensional models. It provides creators with visual, powerful content creation tools. You can create and animate your own 3D bodyware objects, and then publish and sell them on our global market. VoxEdit is our 3D tool, and anyone can create, import, set, and export their own bodyware objects to the market.

Axie Infinity


Image by The World of the Beast


Online time:

2021年7月13日( UTC 8)在线

13 July 2021 (UTC 8) Online

简介: Axie Infinity是一款去中心化的卡片战略类游戏,其白皮书显示,Axie Infinity是一个由宝可梦触发的宇宙,任何玩家都可以通过娴熟的游戏和对生态系统的贡献来赚取Token,玩家可以通过其宠物Axie表示不同的数字宠物,以NFT形式存在,可以在游戏内和公开市场进行交易; 土地是游戏内的另一个NFT,供应总量为90,601元。 在通证经济模式下,Axie Infinity采用多通证系统,其中SLP(smoothloveportion )为游戏内货币,AXS ( axieinfinityshards )为管理货币,SLP和axs自由

Axie Infinity is a decentralised card strategy game, with white papers showing that Axie Infinity is a dream-driven universe where any player can earn Token through skilful games and contributions to the ecosystem. Players can express different digital pets through their pet Axie, which can be traded within the game and in the open market; Land is another NFT in the game, with a total supply of $90,601. Under the Translator Economy Model, Axie Infinity uses a multi pass system in which SLP (smoothloportion) is the currency of the game, AXS (axiefinances) manages the currency, SLP and axs are free.

融资情况: Axie Infinity的开发商SkyMavis进行了约1.5亿美元的B轮融资,最新估值接近30亿美元。 该轮融资由a16z领取,Paradigm也参加投资。

Financing: The developer of Axie Infinity, SkyMavis, made approximately $150 million in B-round financing, the latest valuation of which is close to $3 billion, received by a16z and invested by Paradigm.

相关数据: Axie Infinity在越南、菲律宾等地上线后吸引了众多玩家,热度持续上升。 根据ChainNews的数据,2021年8月总交易额为8.6亿美元,比去年同期增长28.5%。 总收入为3.6亿美元,比上个月增长84.8%。

According to ChainNews, the total volume of transactions in August 2021 was $860 million, an increase of 28.5 per cent over the same period last year. Total income was $360 million, an increase of 84.8 per cent over the previous month.

根据CoinGecko的调查数据( 2021年7月),41%的Axie Infinity玩家每天151-200SLP ),每月对应1665美元),超过了东南亚地区的最低工资标准。 收益高的同时,Axie Infinity的入场门槛也很高,玩家需要购买三只Axie才能开始游戏(约690美元)。

According to CoinGecko’s survey (July 2021), 41% of Axie Infinity players, equivalent to $1665 per month, exceeded the minimum wage in South-East Asia. At the same time, the Axie Infinity threshold was high, and players needed to buy three Axie to start the game (approximately $690).

Axie Infinity经济模型图片来源:东吴证券研究所制作

Axie Infinity Economic Model Source: Production by the East Wu Securities Institute

主要玩法:新玩家购买3只Axie开始游戏,通过战斗和日常任务获得SLP或AXS奖励。 战斗有PvE (冒险模式)和PvP (玩家竞技)两种模式,PvP模式下SLP的收益较高。 日常任务包括每日签到、5个冒险模式关卡通关、5场竞技比赛胜利。 玩家在获得SLP和AXS后,有两种选择,投入到新一代的繁殖中,新的Axie可以用于战斗和销售,或者直接销售SLP和AXS获得收益。

A new player buys three Axie to start the game and receives SLP or AXS awards for combat and routine tasks. There are two modes of combat: Pve (risk mode) and PvP (player game), where SLP benefits are higher.

对游戏开发团队来说,他们通过出售游戏中的资产( Axie,土地)和游戏中每笔交易4.25%的交易费用获得收益。

For the game development team, they gain by selling the game's assets (Axie, land) and 4.25 per cent of the transaction costs of each transaction in the game.


图片来源: bestreviewgames

Image from: bestviewgames


Online time:


14 February 2022

简介:据HoYoverse官网消息,米哈游( miHoYo )是一个全新品牌,旨在通过各种娱乐服务为全球玩家创造和传递沉浸式虚拟世界体验据介绍,该品牌是为米哈伊尔添加代码的元宇宙之举。

Profile: According to the HoYoverse official network, MiHoyo is a brand new designed to create and transmit a immersed virtual world experience for global players through various entertainment services, described as the meta-cosm of adding code to Mikhail.


It is known that Mihahi was created mainly by three Shanghai Transport University students and was founded in 2011 with the original series of games entitled " The Gods, the Collapse School, the Collapse School 2 and the Collapse 3 ", original.


Mihahi, based in Shanghai, China, has a global layout in Singapore, the United States, Canada, Japan and the Republic of Korea and currently has 4,000 employees.


Operational level: According to informed sources, the new brand HoYoverse has now identified three main operational capabilities, namely, content production, technical research and product distribution.


As can be seen from the official network, the Hoyo-MiX department, which is responsible for Mikhail's music production, is also this one - Choi Jinhan, the main manager of the studio, entered Mikhail in 2011 and assumed the post of music director, almost all of the items.


Talent level: The recruitment information currently published by the Network shows that the new brand includes seven modules on operations, quality, products, markets, technology, performance, integration, etc., with a total of 68 jobs - one, including multiple jobs such as conventional localization and back-to-end development

米哈伊尔董事长蔡浩宇表示,希望在2030年创造一个全球10亿人想生活的虚拟世界,这也被很多人视为米哈伊尔进军元宇宙的发令枪。 通过这样的积累,米哈伊尔投靠了清华大学元宇宙报告第一版中国元宇宙的五大典型企业。

The wish to create a virtual world in 2030 for one billion people around the world is also seen by many as the trigger for Mikhail’s march into the universe. As a result of this build-up, Mikhail has joined the five typical companies of the Chinese dollar universe in the first edition of the Qinghua University Yuan Cosmos report.


Source: Official website.


Relevant data: Micaw has been active in the meta-cosmology field in recent years, with the creation in 2018 of a “reverse entropy studio”, which is responsible for the virtual image “a deer chirping” and the smart machine interface project.

米哈游于2020年成立了蒙特利尔工作室。 据网友猜测,该工作室开发的项目或全新IP的3A跨平台游戏定位为开放世界第三人称射击游戏——。 这个项目可能是2019年英伟达GTC大会上,黄仁勋爆发的咪咕旅行新作《Project X》。

The project developed by the studio, or a completely new 3A cross-platform game, is, according to Internet users, positioned as an open-world third-person shooting game. This project could be a new project X for the Muck trip, which broke out by Huang In-hoon, at the 2019 British GTC conference.


In March 2021, Mikhail announced the establishment of a joint laboratory, in cooperation with the Reginan Hospital, affiliated to the Shanghai Grand Medical School, to carry out research on subjects such as brain interfaces for the treatment of depression.

2021年12月,米哈伊尔公司上海米哈伊尔苹果科技有限公司与上海交通大学计算机教授吕宝粮共同成立上海零唯一思科技有限公司。 其主营范围为医学研究与试验发展、软件开发、动漫游戏开发等,结合过去的合作经验,主要项目也很可能与智能机接口技术的走向有关。

In December 2021, Mikhail's Shanghai Mikhail Apple and Technology Ltd., together with the computer professor at Shanghai Transport University, Lubao, established Shanghai Zero Unique Science and Technology Ltd. Its main camp is medical research and experimental development, software development, mobile games development, etc., and, in the light of past experience of cooperation, the main project is likely to be related to the evolution of smart machine interface technology.

主要玩法: HoYoverse的产品矩阵不同。 包括游戏产品《崩坏3》《原神》《未定事件簿》《崩坏:星穹铁道》055-79000、桌面APP“人工桌面”和社交产品“HoYoLAB”四种。 拓展游戏产品和技术研究领域,推出虚拟形象yoyo鹿鸣、人工桌面、动漫、漫画、轻小说、音乐等。

The four main methods of play: HoYoverse’s work matrix is different. These include the game product “Breaking Three.” The original God’s undetermined event book “Breaking: Star Dome Drive” 055-79000; the desktop APP “Manual Desktop” and the social product “HoyoLAB.”


There's a lot of play in the product matrix, so it's not going to work.

Star Atlas

图片来源: Star Atlas

Image source: Star Atlas


Online time:


7 September 2021

简介: Star Atlas是一款基于2620年的虚拟游戏元宇宙。 在这个遥远的未来,三个主要派别已经出现,不断争夺资源、领土和政治统治。 玩家可以选择想参加的派系。 这将直接影响元宇宙的进程,通过在游戏中的贡献可以获得现实世界的收入。

In this distant future, three major factions have emerged, competing for resources, territory, and political rule. Players can choose the factions they want to join.

融资情况: Star Atlas于2021.1.28完成种子轮融资,此次融资由Serum和MoonWhale Ventures承担。

Status of funding: Star Atlas completed seed rotation financing in 2021.1.28, which was undertaken by Serum and MoonWhale Ventures.


Main play: The background of the game story, which took place in 2620, is divided into three major factions in the future world:


(1) The human-dominated MUD area;


2) ONI Union of Foreigners of the Earth


3) Ustur area controlled by universal robotics.

这三大派系为了资源、领土和政治统治而继续斗争。 所有玩家一开始都会选择出生于其中一个阵营。 而且,作为该派的另一个公民,可以在游戏中自由探索、交易、冒险、战斗,可以通过自己的贡献获得报酬,也可能影响这个星际旅行的结果。 游戏中的土地、皮肤、武器等会成为NFT,但如果战斗失败,玩家的特定道具( NTF资产)会被废弃。 游戏模式是MMO (空间探索型)、RTS )、RPG )的组合。

And, as another citizen of the group, it can freely explore, trade, take risks, fight, and be rewarded for its contribution, and can also affect the outcome of this interplanetary journey. The game’s land, skin, weapons, etc. will become NFT, but if the battle fails, the player’s particular props (NTF assets) will be abandoned.

My DeFi Pet

图片来源: jbb.one

Image source: jbb.one


Online time:


14 May 2021

简介:这款个性化的DeFi宠物养成游戏,将传统游戏体验与DeFi、NFT收藏玩法整合在一起,玩家可以在其中繁殖、购买、交易宠物; 组建自己的战队,与其他玩家战斗,获得报酬; 也可以开发NFT Pet,在NFT市场销售。

Profile: This personalized DeFi pet breeds a game that integrates traditional game experiences with the DeFi and NFT collections, where players can reproduce, buy, trade pets; form their own teams to fight with other players and get paid; also develop NFT Pet, which can be sold on the NFT market.

融资情况: My DeFi Pet由KardiaChain孵化,越南游戏开发商TopeBox开发,迄今已完成100万美元的私人筹资。 投资地点包括: Animoca Brands、Spark Digital Capital、Axia8 Ventures、OKEx Blockdream Ventures、Consensus Labs、Bixin Ventures、DFG、mom

Finance: My DeFi Pet, hatched by Kardia Chain, developed by the Vietnamese game developer TopBox, has so far completed $1 million in private financing. Investment locations include: Animoca Brands, Spark Digital Capital, Axia8 Ventures, OKEx Blockdream Ventures, Consensus Labs, Bixin Ventures, DFG, Mom

相关数据: My DeFi Pet在App Store和Googleplay上有很多特色游戏,全球下载量超过1亿次。 My DeFi Pet继承了Unity Engine优秀的3D图像和NFT区块链特性,将用户体验带来完全不同的水平。 2021年5月14日,第一个My DeFi Pet将在Android和网络版本上发布,玩家可以参加并获得报酬。

My DeFi Pet has many unique games on App Store and Googleplay, with more than 100 million downloads worldwide. My DeFi Pet has inherited the excellent 3D image of Unity Engineering and NFT block chain properties, bringing a completely different level of user experience.

主要玩法: My DeFi Pet可以在游戏中购买蛋并孵化成宠物。 系统包括培育、战斗、宠物交易、繁殖等部分,玩家的目标是提高宠物水平,繁殖稀有物种,参与恶霸战和玩家对战。

My DeFi Pet can buy eggs in the game and hatch into pets. The system consists of breeding, fighting, pet trading, breeding, etc. Players aim to raise pet levels, breed rare species, participate in bullying and player warfare.


First, the games are officially two medals (rocks and cans), block chain currency DPET, and accelerated use of Gem.


Secondly, there are two investments in the game.


The first is the Cages, which are used to raise pets and can produce "stones";


The second is the building of arable land, which can produce "experient values" and "cans".

Minecraft (我的世界)图片来源: Sogou

Minecraft (My World) photo source: Sogou

在线时间: 2009年5月13日(首次公开版)、2017年9月15日(网络版) )。

Time online: 13 May 2009 (first public edition), 15 September 2017 (web version).

简介: Minecraft (我的世界)是一款第一人称视角的沙盒游戏,最初由瑞典游戏设计师马库斯阿列克谢泊松单独开发,目前由Mojang Studios进行维护(微软为Microsoft

Introduction: Minecraft (My World) is a first-person sandbox game, originally developed by Swedish game designer Marcus Alexeipsone alone and currently maintained by Mojang Studios (Microsoft for Microsoft)

作为沙箱建设游戏,Minecraft呈现的是侧重于游戏性而非华丽的画面和特效的世界。 玩家可以在游戏中的三维空间中创造并破坏游戏中的方块,甚至可以在多人服务器和一个世界中体验不同的游戏模式,创造出精致的建筑物、造物和艺术品。

As a sandbox-building game, Minecraft presents a world that focuses on games rather than glamorous images and effects. Players can create and destroy squares in games in three-dimensional spaces in a game, and can even experience different patterns of games on multiple servers and in a world that creates fine buildings, works, and works of art.

相关数据: 2016年,网易正式代理沙盒类游戏《我的世界》,中国地区该游戏热度持续升温。 据专家介绍,2020年《我的世界》 MAU、DAU分别在3千万、6千万左右,用户平均在线时间约为每天3小时。

Data: In 2016, the Internet-based official proxy sandbox game, My World, continued to heat up in China. According to experts, in 2020, My World MAU and DAU were around 30 million and 60 million, respectively, the average online time for users was about three hours a day.

主要游戏方式:玩家们可以在游戏中自由选择模式(生存、创造、冒险、极限(仅限Java版)和旁观(仅限Java版) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 玩家可以通过一人或多人模式破坏或创造精致的建筑物或艺术,或者收集道具搜索地图,完成游戏主线。 玩家还可以尝试红石电路和命令块等高科技游戏。

The main game: Players are free to choose their mode (survival, creation, risk-taking, limits (Java version only) and bystanders (Java version only)) in the game. Players can destroy or create fine buildings or art in one or more people’s modes, or collect prop search maps to complete the main game line.


Photo source: My World Bureau Network, Gamma Data, Head Panther Institute Editor

从这十大游戏可以看出,元宇宙游戏普遍具备3D场景,具有较高的自由度和较强的社交关系,致力于构建可持续稳定的交易体系。 这一切都需要供给侧的技术运营力和需求侧的大量参与,随着现实与元宇宙博弈互动的深入,生活、艺术、科技可能融入元宇宙博弈,为人们打开新的世界之窗,更优质、更先进的元宇宙博弈还在孕育之中。

From these 10 games, it can be seen that the meta-cosm game generally has 3D scenes, has a high degree of freedom and social relationships, and is dedicated to building a sustainable and stable trading system. All of this requires a great deal of technical operation and demand-side involvement on the supply side, and as reality interacts with the meta-cosmos game, life, art, and technology can be integrated into the meta-cosm game, opening new world windows for people, and a better, more advanced meta-cosm game is still being conceived.

- END -本文由所有元宇宙的Allmetaverse撰写。 元喜喜欢,原蒜素材的整理不被新闻和网络许可。 请不要转载文章。 感谢您用私信转发白色/投稿/合作~

END - This paper is written by Allmetaverse of all meta-cosmos. Yuan Xi likes that the collection of the original garlic material is not allowed in the news or online. Please do not reproduce the article. Thank you for transmitting the white/draft/cooperative letter.


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