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imtoken是全球最大的以太坊轻钱包,为数百万区块链领域的用户提供安全、便捷的数字资产服务。多链钱包支持比特币、以太坊;去中心化交易所 Tokenlon 实现快速币币兑换。以太坊轻钱包imtoken怎么使用?史上最全的imtoken下载及使用攻略:

Imtoken is the world’s largest Etherian light wallet, providing security and easy digital asset services to millions of users in the area of block chains. Multi-chain wallets support Bitcoin, Ether, and go to the central exchange Tokenlon for fast currency exchange. How is it used with the Ethio light wallet mtoken?


Background Note


In order to be involved in a project in the currency circle (investment requires caution), most of the money is to be traded in the Taiwan (the issuing currency is based on the TERC20 standard), so this paper describes the operation of the iToken software, which is now more widely used in the country.

目前市面上的数字钱包有很多, 像 imToken,KCSAH, myetherwallet, parity, Metamask, Jaxx 等等, 种类很多,选择适合自己的就好,这里我就不一一说明了,直接以 imToken 为例, 教大家如何创建属于自己的第一个钱包。

There's a lot of digital wallets on the market, like ImToken, KCSAH, minewallet, balance, Metamask, Jaxx, etc., and there's a lot of different kinds of choice for themselves, and I'll tell you one thing, just like ImToken, to teach you how to create your first wallet.


Let's start with a few concepts of wallets:


Private Key

钱包的本质其实就是一个私钥,它是一个随机的哈希值字符串。用户拥有了私钥就拥有了该钱包的使用权, 而 keystore 和助记词可以理解为是私钥的另一种表现形式。

The very essence of the wallet is a private key, a random hickey string. The user has the private key and the user has the right to use the wallet, and the keystore and the helpword can be understood as another expression of the private key.


keystore 是使用用户特定密码加密过后的私钥, 使用 keystore 进行交易转账等钱包操作, 必须知道该 keystore 的密码。

Keystore is a private key that is encrypted using a user-specific password and is used to handle wallets such as transaction transfers. The keystore password must be known.



助记词, 可以是12个, 15个, 18个, 21个, 24个特定的单词。这些单词有一个统一的、固定的词库, 并不是凭空而来。imToken 创建钱包生成的助记词个数是12个, 但是支持导入上述个数的助记词。

Helpwords, which can be 12, 15, 18, 21, 24 specific words. These words have a single, fixed vocabulary, not empty. The number of help words generated by the imToken wallet creation is 12, but they are supported for importing these numbers.


ImToken Download Address


Website: https://token.im/


(a) Apple users: Appstore does not have this software in the country and needs to go to Hong Kong to download it and recommend that one be found, around $10.


b. Andre users: downloading and installing software stores that are directly available on the network above or on their own mobile phones.


Ether's Light Wallet Imtoken is a tutorial.


Download completes the following icons:


Step 1: Click to create a wallet


Enter the wallet creation interface to enter the wallet name and password. The name here is random, the letter suggests the number + the letter, and the capital case is combined.


The password here requires re-entry when you do sensitive operations, so remember it.

这里出现了上述的两个提示词:助记词和 Keystore,下一步会用到。

Here are two of the above-mentioned hints: helpwords and Keystore, which will be used next.


Step 2: Backup wallet

创建钱包后, 会看到一个提示备份钱包的界面,这是我们恢复、掌握资产的唯一途径,请大家务必完成这个过程。

When you create a wallet, you'll see an interface to the back-up wallet, which is the only way we can recover and control our assets, and please make sure that this process is done.


When you back up your wallet, you can enter the password again, so remember that the password is important, and then record all the English words sent by the system, that is, the word "accompanies", and record them on your entity book. Read the explanation above.


It is recommended that the notes should not be placed on a computer or on a mobile phone, or that the notebooks should be safe, and that it should be locked somewhere else.


Step 3: add assets


Here we will add new assets, as shown in the figure, by clicking on the top right corner plus sign, adding more assets to the list, showing the pages shown below in the medium map, and then changing the currency you need to use to open mode, and then then returning to the asset page, and finding more currency you need.


Step four: charging the coins.


Click on the asset page in the currency you need, such as LRC, and then click into the replenishment page and click on the bottom right corner to collect.


When you click on the receipt, a line of numerics, letters and letters and a two-dimensional cipher will appear. That code is the LRC wallet address, which you can enter from other websites, such as the currency of Antenna, and when you raise the money.


After the transfer, you have to wait patiently, depending on the currency, the timing of the transfer of the platform may vary. Three minutes less, 10 minutes more, or more.


Step 5: Transfer of assets


Also on the asset page, click on the LRC, then click on the transfer at the lower left corner, enter the address below, the number of reprints, the miner’s fees (explained below).


Finally, click on the next step for confirmation, after which it will be possible to see the progress of the transfer: it will take some time (minutes, 10 minutes, 20 minutes if possible) to confirm the transaction site, and you will have to wait patiently.


Explanation of truancy costs

在一个公有链上, 任何人都可以读写数据,读取数据是免费的, 但是向公有链中写数据时需要花费一定费用, 这种开销有助于阻止垃圾内容, 并通过支付保护其安全性。

On a public chain, anyone can read and write data, and reading data is free, but writing data in a public chain costs a certain amount of money, which helps to stop garbage content and to protect its safety by paying for it.

而且网络上的任何节点都可以参与称作挖矿的方式来保护网络,由于挖矿需要计算能力 和电费, 所以矿工们的服务需要得到一定的报酬, 这也是矿工费的由来。

And any node on the network can be involved in protecting the network by what is known as mining, and because mining requires computing power and electricity, the miners need to be paid for their services, which is also the source of the miners' fees.

另外矿工费与转账速度有关系, 为了尽快收到转账, 可以将滑竿拉到最大,但是我要说明下,拉到最大,费用越高。

And the miners' fees are related to the speed of transfers, and in order to receive the transfers as soon as possible, they can be pulled to the maximum, but I'd like to make it clear that the greater the cost is.


Absence is calculated in such a way as to include the following:

一笔交易的矿工费用 gas 和 gas price 两者组成,gas 代表这笔交易所执行命令所需要消耗的 gas,而 gas price 代表每一个 gas 的价钱。这就像你 想让汽车跑 100 公里,需要消耗 5 升汽油,一升汽油 10 美刀,你总共需要消耗 50 美刀。 imToken 的交易费用=gas数量 * gas price ( gas 单价,以太币计价)

The cost of a trade consists of gas and gas price, which represents the amount of gas that the exchange needs to take to execute the order, and gas price, which represents the price of every gas. This is like if you want a car to run 100 km, you need to consume 5 litres of petrol, 10 litres of gas, and you need 50 dollars of knives. ImToken's transaction cost = number of gas * gas price (unit price, in tas)


So what's the difference between the cost of the miners and the speed of the transaction?

一个交易区块就像这辆火车,体积有限,你作为司机(矿工)想要利益最大化就是,让火车尽可能多的载客,同时选 择票价高的乘客。所以矿工在打包区块时,会选择给的 gas price 价格越高,但 gas 相对低的交易打包。 所以你希望交易越快被打包,你可以选择合理的 gas 的同时,调高 gas price。

A trading block is like this train, limited in size, and you want to maximize your benefits as a driver (miner) by allowing the train to carry as many passengers as possible, while selecting high-priced passengers. So when the miners pack the blocks, the higher the gas price, but the lower the deal.


Once you've finished the set-up, you can enter your wallet and make a deal according to your needs or transfer your assets.


Finally, remember your private key! Private key! Back up your letters and KEYSORE!



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