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The main features of the




Block chains are a decentralized system, where data are stored on multiple nodes in the network, rather than concentrated on a single central server. This means that there is no single control body, with power spread between participants in the network. Gy9iivdNxh5vhBH9xxCvqBtpH3RMrUdZWuvgN.png


For example, in a particular building, the management of the building is usually controlled by a central property management company, which is responsible for the operation, maintenance and maintenance of the building. Sometimes, however, decisions by central property companies may not be recognized by all owners, or investors may be concerned about their interests.


Now, the management model of the building is transformed into a decentralised approach. Each owner of the floor has a building management manual that details the rules for repair, maintenance, cost-sharing, etc. When any decision is made, the owners discuss and vote. Each owner has equal rights to participate in decision-making, regardless of the level of their floors.


In this metaphor, the floor owners represent the nodes in the block chain, where they participate in management decision-making and share the management manual (which forms the block chain). There is no central property company with exclusive control of power, but where owners can manage the building in a centralized manner. This decentralized model guarantees fairness, transparency and democracy in decision-making, with each owner having the opportunity to participate in and influence the direction of the building’s management, managing transactions and data together as participants in block chain technology do.




The data in the block chain are linked together in blocks, each containing the Hashi value of the previous block, a chain structure that makes it difficult to tamper with the data. Once the data is written into the block chain, it is almost impossible to modify the information in it, as it involves changing all subsequent blocks of the entire chain.



For example, you have a special notebook with a safe lock on every page, and once you write the notes and lock the notebook, you cannot change or delete the contents. Each page lock depends on the lock on the previous page, and the lock is very complex and almost impossible to break.


Now, as long as you have one important piece of information to record, you write it down in this notebook and lock it in it. Others can have the same notebook and record it according to the same rules. In this way, everyone can have their own notebook, and the owner can verify each other's records.


This metaphoric notebook lock is similar to the Hash technology in the block chain, which uses the information from the previous block as a “lock” to protect the information from the current block, while using the information from the current block as a “lock” from the next block, forming a continuous, non-manufactured chain. As if the lock from the safe could not be broken, tampering techniques in the block chain make it impossible to tamper with the confirmed data, because once a block has been tampered with, all subsequent blocks will be changed, which is a very complex and almost impossible process.




Transactions and data in the block chain are publicly available and any participant can view all information on the block chain. This helps to build confidence, and anyone can verify the legitimacy of the transaction and data. KzASPg2D9WVpCr7M KoXTkdmn08PnDrXjUegYr5.png


Imagine you're operating in a transparent room, where walls and ceilings are completely transparent glass. Anyone can see clearly what happens in the room from the outside, whether you're doing it or interacting with others.


In this transparent room, your actions and decision-making are public and nothing can be hidden. Others can observe at all times to ensure that your actions are in accordance with the rules and that there is no improper activity. This transparency builds confidence, because anyone can verify that your actions are consistent and follow the rules.


The transparency of the block chain is similar to that of the transparent room in the metaphor. In the block chain, all transactions and data are publicly visible and can be viewed and verified by anyone. This openness ensures transparency of the transaction and reduces the likelihood of fraud and misconduct.




Block chains use cryptography techniques to protect data confidentiality and rights. Each transaction requires encryption and authentication, and participants require a certain cryptography key for identification and authorization. 6zptJxxqqb54BkkMgUKNwMgunoc1UZUCw.png


For example, you have a special lock, only you know how to open it. It's so perfectly solid that there's no technical means to force it. You use it to protect your important document, to make sure only you can access it.


Now, imagine a group of hackers trying to hack into your files, but they found that the lock could not be broken or broken by violent means. They started to try various methods, but in any case they couldn't break the unbreakable lock. Your documents are thus intact and security is extremely secure.


The lock in this metaphor is similar to cryptography and encryption in the block chain, which ensures the security of transactions and data. The block chain uses powerful cryptography to protect data, making it impossible for any unauthorized access to break the lock in the metaphor. The security of the block chain effectively prevents malicious attacks and authorized access, and protects the confidentiality of transactions and data.

智能合约(Smart Contracts):

Smart Contracts:


Smart contracts are automated contracts implemented on the block chain and contain a series of codes and conditions. Once the predefined conditions are met, smart contracts automatically perform the corresponding operations and consume human power. zhBgzNt2LGDcoX4ZQBITpWfB6oKjgXd6fMHfd.png


Imagine having a special notebook between you and your friends, which has some predefined rules and conditions. Whenever something happens, you can write down instructions on the notebook, which will be executed automatically in accordance with the predefined rules.


For example, you can write down instructions that if it rains tomorrow, the window will be closed automatically, or, if your friend borrows money from you, it will be transferred to you automatically from his account within a month.


When the relevant conditions are met, the notebook automatically opens, executes the instructions you write, and automatically handles them every time. The rules of automatic execution are like “intelligent contracts” in the notebook, which operate automatically under predefined conditions, reducing the need for artificial intervention.


In block chains, smart contracts are similar to the automatic execution instructions in this metaphor. They are programmed codes that are deployed on block chains and can be performed automatically under certain conditions. For example, you can create a smart contract on block chains that can automatically trigger payments, spins, authorizations, etc. under certain conditions without artificial intervention. Automatic enforcement and transparency of smart contracts make many business processes more efficient and credible.

高可用性(High Availability):

High Availability:


As block chain data are stored on multiple nodes, the system can continue to function and maintain high availability and stability, even if some nodes fail.



Imagine that you have a back-up generator that can be activated automatically in case of power failure in the main power source to provide electricity to your home. This back-up generator is well designed, with high reliability and automatic switching to ensure that power is maintained while the main power source is out of power and your family is functioning properly.


Now, assume that your main power supply is in trouble, causing the power outage. However, due to the availability of the backup power supply, the power supply in your home will not be disrupted, and the backup power supply will be automatically activated to ensure the continuity of the power supply and to avoid inconvenience and loss caused by the power outage.


In this metaphor, the back-up generator is a high-availability part of the system. It is a backup mechanism that automatically takes over and sustains the system when the primary system fails. In computer and network systems, the high-availability component refers to the ability of the system to continue to provide services in the event of a malfunction or power outages, guaranteeing the stability and continuity of the system through technical means such as backup, regeneration and automatic switching. Just as backup generators guarantee uninterrupted power supply, high-availability assurance system services are not interrupted in the event of a malfunction, increasing the stability and credibility of the system.

快速结算和跨境交易(Fast Settlement and Cross-Border Transactions):

Fast Settlement and Cross-Border Transactions:


Cross-border transactions in traditional financial systems usually require considerable time and institutional involvement, while block chain technology can speed up the process of settlement of transactions, reduce gaps in entry and reduce settlement costs. 26SrMSNU34Ey490SuluI626g3NcZox56GU7panx.png


Imagine that you are travelling abroad, and you use your credit card payments after shop shopping.


Now, imagine a magic way of making your transaction almost instantaneously complete. When you pay a store card, your account shows a successful payment, and the store receives the payment immediately. This way of paying is not geographically restricted, and even when you shop abroad, you can settle it instantaneously, and there will be no extra border transaction costs.


In block chains, quick settlements and cross-border transactions are equivalent to the payment modality in this metaphor. Block chain technology can support almost real-time transactions settlements, regardless of faults. When you make transactions on block chains, transactions are almost immediately quickly validated and confirmed, so that settlements can be completed in a short time. For cross-border transactions, block chains can eliminate the cumbersomeness of intermediate banking and remittance processes, reduce the time and cost of transactions, and make global transactions more closely connected to this rapid settlement and cross-border transactions an important advantage of block chain technology.

匿名性与隐私性(Anonymity and Privacy):

Anonymous and Privacy:


Although block chain transaction data are publicly available, the user's identity is usually expressed by the real name of the key, thereby protecting some anonymity. However, this raises a number of privacy and compliance issues. hr1itjq3Lpd QzL8jqHn4qCBAO9NutulN5abw8.png


Imagine you're going to a big event, but you don't want anyone else to know who you are. You wear masks and disguises to make sure you remain anonymous. No matter what you do, no one else can directly identify you, and your behavior and identity are protected.


In some blocks, you can create an anonymous account for transactions and interactions without knowing your true identity.


On the other hand, some block chain technologies are also concerned with privacy, which means that, while the transaction is public, the relevant identity and details are encrypted and protected. This is as much as you use a disguise to protect your appearance in your activities so that others are not able to see your true situation easily.


It is important to note that, while block chains can provide a degree of anonymity and privacy, not all block chains have these functions and, in some cases, transactions on block chains can still be traced and analysed. Privacy and anonymity may be restricted where legal compliance and regulatory requirements are involved.

共识机制(Consensus Mechanisms):

Consensus mechanism (Consensus Mechanisms):

区块链网络通过共识机制来决定哪些交易被确认并写入区块链。常见的共识算法包括工作量证明(Proof of Work)和权益证明(Proof of Stake)等。H7jNwaCjkHFwswIN1iao5cPyeaTaouj7adp9KUKP.png

The block chain network determines which transactions are identified and written into the block chain through a consensus mechanism. Common consensus algorithms include Proof of Work and Proof of Stock, etc. H7jNwaCjkHwswin1iao5cPyeaTaouj7adp9KUKP.png


The consensus mechanism is a rule or algorithm in the block chain network to allow agreement on the validity of transactions, the order to be added to the block and the network status. It is a key mechanism to ensure that the environment is decentralized in which participants agree and accept the same data and status.


Consensus mechanisms can be understood by analogy: imagine a group of people trying to decide an issue without a leader. Consensus mechanisms are a rule that helps them reach common decisions without a central decision maker. Different consensus mechanisms use different ways to ensure consensus, which may include voting, random selection, validation of contributions, etc.


The following are some of the common consensus mechanisms:

  1. 工作量证明(Proof of Work,PoW):节点通过解决复杂的数学问题来竞争验证交易并创建新的区块。第一个解出问题的节点将获得权利添加新的区块,但需要大量计算能力和能源。比特币就是使用 PoW 的典型例子。

    workload certification (Proof of Work, PoW): nodes compete to validate transactions and create new blocks by resolving complex mathematical problems. The first node to solve the problem will acquire rights to add new blocks, but will require significant computing capacity and energy. Bitcoin is a typical example of the use of PoW.

  2. 权益证明(Proof of Stake,PoS):节点的权益(通常是虚拟货币)决定了他们被选中了验证交易的权利。持有更多货币的节点更有可能被选中,因为他们有更大的经济激励去维护网络的安全性。以太坊的未来版本计划采用PoS。

    Proof of Stake, PoS: The interests of nodes (usually virtual currencies) determine their right to validate transactions. Nodes with more currencies are more likely to be selected because they have greater economic incentives to maintain network security.

  3. 权威证明(Proof of Authority,PoA):一组预设的权威节点负责验证交易和创建区块。这种机制通常用于终端链或联盟链,其中节点的身份受到授权和监管。

    Authority Certificate (Proof of Authority, PoA): A set of pre-defined authoritative nodes are responsible for verifying transactions and creating blocks. This mechanism is usually used in the terminal or coalition chain, where the identity of the nodes is authorized and regulated.

  4. 股份授权(Delegate Proof of Stake,DPoS):持币者投票选出一组代表来验证交易并创建提高区块。这些代表节点被授权执行网络的任务可以,交易速度和可扩展性。

    shares authorization (Delegate Proof of Stake, DPoS): currency holders vote to select a group of representatives to validate the transaction and create an enhanced block. These nodes are authorized to perform network tasks, speed of transaction and scalability.

  5. 旋转算法(Proof of Elapsed Time,PoET):节点通过等待一个随机的时间间隔来获得区块添加的权利,相当于随机选举。这种方法可用于提高能源效率。

    rotation algorithm (Proof of Elapsed Time, PoET): nodes obtain rights to block additions by waiting for a random interval, which is equivalent to random elections. This method can be used to improve energy efficiency.


These are aimed at ensuring the safety, reliability and consistency of the network, while meeting different needs and technical constraints. The selection of appropriate consensus mechanisms is based on the objectives and characteristics of a particular block chain.


In general, the characteristics of block chain technology in terms of decentralisation, security, immeasurability and smart contracts offer a wide range of applications in areas such as finance, supply chains, health care, etc.


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