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1991年,W.Scott Stornetta和Stuart Haber描述了区块链。 目的是为文档加上时间戳,以使它们变得不可变。 这意味着您无法以任何方式修改日期。

In 1991, W. Scott Stornetta and Stuart Haber described the block chain with the aim of putting a time stamp on the document to make it immutable. This means that you cannot change the date in any way.

2008年,世界金融崩溃了。 匿名角色或群组的黄金时间称为 中本聪 创建一个称为比特币的开源协议。

In 2008, world finance collapsed. The golden hour of an anonymous character or group is called & nbsp; & nbsp; creating an open source agreement called Bitcoin.

不要对比特币感到困惑“比特币是一种资产,如果您是投资者,则很重要”。 最有趣的不是价格涨跌,而是区块链技术。

Don't be confused with bitcoin; bitcoin is an asset, and if you are an investor, it's important & rdquao; the funniest thing is not price hikes and falls, but block chain technology.


For the first time in the block chain world!

区块链 是包含信息的一系列块。 从它的名字就可以说明一切-区块链。

Block chain & nbsp; is a series of blocks containing information from which the name indicates everything - the block chain.

区块链 它就像公司的主要会计账本(分类帐)。 公司所有与金钱有关的活动均受到密切监控。

Block chains & nbsp; it's like the company's main accounting books (sub-accounts), and all money-related activities of the company are closely monitored.


In this case, the block chain is a ledger operated in the technical field, while the stored data are digital data.

区块链用于将信息存储在互连的信息块中。 它由参与系统的每个人管理。

The block chain is used to store information in interconnected information blocks, which are managed by everyone involved in the system.

而不是像州或中央银行那样的个人第三方。 它还允许通过复杂的加密系统安全地传输数据,并随着时间的推移而扩展。

It also allows the safe transmission of data through sophisticated encryption systems, which expand over time.

而且,创建该技术是为了应对系统中的数据更改。 它 还有一个非常特殊的功能,即数据传输不需要任何中介来确认信息。

Moreover, the technology was created to respond to data changes in the system. It & nbsp; it also has a very special function, i.e. data transfer does not require any intermediary to confirm the information.


Because there are many independent nodes in the block chain system that can verify the information in the system without the need for &ldquao; signs of belief & rdquao; and

输入信息 区块链区块链 只有在系统中每个人的同意下,才能更改和添加它。

Enter information & nbsp; block chain chain & nbsp; it can be changed and added only with the consent of each person in the system.


It is a system that ensures a high level of data security and prevents data theft.


Particularly sensitive data, such as online bank accounts, payment card accounts... Even if part of the block chain system is hacked, the rest will not be affected and efforts will continue to be made to protect information.


Each block will be stored in three parts:

  • 数据
  • 当前块的哈希
  • 哈希块优先

数据将取决于区块链的类型。 例如,比特币的区块链将包含交易数据。

Data will depend on the type of block chain; for example, the block chain in Bitcoin will contain transaction data.


The transaction data include information on the sender, the recipient and the number of coins sent.

将当前块的哈希值作为识别的设置点。 它是唯一的,不会像我们的指纹那样重叠。

It's the only one that doesn't overlap like our fingerprints.

由于此哈希,关联的块创建了一个链。 但是,第一个块将不会与任何块相关联。 因为它是首先创建的。

As a result, the linked block creates a chain, but the first block will not be associated with any block, because it was first created.


The first block, known as the Genesis block, was translated into Vietnamese as &ldquao; the original block & rdquao;

区块链技术 充当分类帐,记录系统中发生的所有交易。 区块链的主要特征包括:

Block chain technology & nbsp; serves as a ledger to record all transactions occurring in the system. The main features of the block chain include:

  • 不能伪造,不能摧毁区块链:
  • 不变的
  • 数据安全
  • 透明
  • 智能合约

区块链几乎是坚不可摧的。 从理论上讲,只有量子计算机才能干扰和解码区块链。

The block chain is almost indestructible, and in theory only quantum computers can interfere with and decode the block chain.


It will be completely destroyed only when the world is free of the Internet.

区块链中的数据几乎是不可变的。 它只能由创建它的人修改。

The data in the block chain is almost immutable. It can only be modified by the person who created it.


However, there must be a consensus on the web and data will remain forever.

区块链链中的信息和数据是分布式的,绝对安全。 只有私钥的所有者才能访问该数据。

The information and data in the block chain are distributed and absolutely secure. Only the owner of the private key can access the data.


Anyone can follow the data path in the block chain from one address to another and can track the entire historical record on that address.

智能合约 通过if-then-then-then(IFTTT)代码数字嵌入系统中。

Smart contracts & nbsp; embedded in the system through if-then-then-then (IFTT) code numbers.

允许他们在没有第三方的情况下执行。 区块链不需要第三方加入系统。

They are allowed to do so without a third party, and third parties are not required to join the system for block chains.


It ensures that all parties are aware of the details of the contract and comply automatically with the terms once the conditions have been met.

然后要修改块的数据 哈希 该块的将会更改。 被修改的块后面的块无效。 因为现在 上一个区块的哈希 与修改后的不一样。

Then you have to change the data of the block & nbsp; Hashi & nbsp; the block will change. The block behind the modified block is invalid. Because now   Hasi & nbsp of the previous block; it is not the same as the modified block.


Therefore, the only way to modify block data is to make all the blocks behind it valid.

要使该块有效,您必须干预该块并暂时更改Hash。 但是因为日期计算器可以非常快速地进行计算。

In order for the block to be effective, you must intervene in the block and change the Hash temporarily, but because the date calculator can be calculated very quickly.

他们每秒可以计算数十万个哈希。 这会影响电涌保护。

They can count hundreds of thousands per second.

在这一点上,纯铜机制将决定谁将添加新块。 目的是防止字符串被覆盖。 从那里确保完整性和机密性。

On this point, the pure copper mechanism will determine who will add a new block, the purpose of which is to prevent the string from being covered, and from there to ensure integrity and confidentiality.

区块链使用架构 对等网络 而不是管理中心。 这意味着任何人都可以加入网络。

Block chains use architecture & nbsp; peer network & nbsp; instead of managing the centre. This means that anyone can join the network.

网络中的每个人都是骨灰(节点)。 他们将收到区块链的完整副本。 他们使用此副本确认一切仍然正常。

Everyone in the network is ash (nodes), and they will receive a complete copy of the block chain, which they use to confirm that everything is still normal.

所有节点都建立共识。 如果共识大于50%,则该区块有效并添加到区块链中。

All nodes are consensus-building, and if the consensus is greater than 50 per cent, the block is valid and added to the block chain.


Reciprocal networks combined with consensus create a layer of protection against harmful activities.


In block chain systems, there are three main types: public, private and licensed:


Public: This is a block chain system on which anyone can read and write data.


The process of verifying transactions on the block chain requires the participation of thousands or even thousands of nodes.

因此,由于成本高昂,不可能攻击该区块链系统。 公共区块链的示例: 比特币 , 以太币...

Therefore, it is not possible to attack the block chain system because of its high cost. Example of the public block chain: & nbsp; &bitcoin  & nbsp; & taser...


Private: It is a block chain system that allows users to read data only and not write data because it belongs to a trusted third party.

在某些情况下,该第三方可能会或可能不会允许用户读取数据。 第三方可以自由决定区块链上的所有更改。

In some cases, the third party may or may not allow users to read the data, and the third party is free to decide all changes in the block chain.


As this is a private block chain, the transaction is confirmed very quickly, as only a small amount of equipment is required to authenticate the transaction.


For example, Ripple is one of the private block chains that allows 20 per cent of nodes to be fraudulent, while only the remaining 80 per cent is required to stabilize the work.

许可:也称为联盟。 这是私有区块链的一种形式,但增加了某些功能。

Licence: Also known as the Alliance, which is a form of private block chain but adds certain functions.


It combines & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & in public events.


For example, banks or financial institutions will use their own block chains.

现在 区块链技术 有3个主要版本,包括:

Now   block chain technology & nbsp; there are three main versions, including:

区块链1.0-货币和付款: 是区块链的最早和第一个版本。

Block chain 1.0 - Currency and payment:   is the earliest and first version of the block chain.

该版本的主要应用是与加密货币有关的工作。 它包括货币换算,汇款和创建数字支付系统。

The main application of the version is the work related to encrypted currency, which includes currency conversion, remittances and the creation of digital payment systems.


It is also an area that many are familiar with, and sometimes many mistakenly think of Bitcoin and block chains as one of them.

区块链2.0-金融与市场: 这是区块链的第二版。

Block Chain 2.0 - Finance and Market: & nbsp; this is the second edition of the block chain.


Its application is financial and banking: to expand the size of the block chain and to integrate it into financial and market applications.


Assets include stocks, cheques, liabilities, ownership rights and anything related to transactions or contracts.

区块链3.0-设计和监控活动: 这是当前区块链的最高版本。

Block chain 3.0 - Design and monitoring activity: & nbsp; this is the highest version of the current block chain.

在此版本中,区块链技术将超越仅服务于金融部门的边界。 它针对其他领域,例如教育,政府,卫生和艺术...

In this version, block chain technology will go beyond the borders that only serve the financial sector, targeting other areas such as education, government, health and the arts...

共识机制 区块链 可以理解为区块链系统中的每个人都可以同意系统中发生的交易的方式。 以下是区块链中共识机制的常见类型:

Consensus mechanisms & nbsp; block chains & nbsp; understood as the way in which everyone in the block chain system can agree to transactions that occur in the system. The following are the common types of consensus mechanisms in the block chain:

工作证明 (工作证明) 是最受欢迎的共识机制,用于比特币,以太坊, 莱特币 , 多吉币 和大多数加密货币。 这是一种共识机制,会消耗大量功率。

Certification of work & nbsp; (Victim of work) & nbsp; the most popular consensus mechanism for Bitcoin, in Tails, & nbsp; Latcoin & nbsp; & nbsp; Doggie & nbsp; and most encrypted currency. This is a consensus mechanism that consumes a lot of power.

股权证明 (库存证明): 这是Decred,Peercoin以及未来以太坊和许多其他加密货币的通用共识机制。 这种共识机制更加分散,消耗的能量更少,并且不容易受到威胁。

Equity certification & nbsp; (stock certification): & nbsp; this is a common consensus mechanism for Decred, Peercoin, and many other encrypted currencies in the future. Such a consensus mechanism is more decentralized, less energy consumed, and is not easily threatened.

委托权益证明(股票授权): 这是一个普遍的共识机制 Steemit, EOS, BitShares。 这种共识机制的交易成本低; 可扩展 高能量性能。 但是,由于该算法选择了一个可信任的人进行授权,因此它仍然具有一定的针对性。

& nbsp; this is a universal consensus mechanism   Steemmit,   EOS,   BitShares. This consensus mechanism has low transaction costs; scalable high-energy performance.

授权证明: 这是常见的共识机制 POA网络,以太坊Kovan测试网。 这种共识机制具有高性能,良好的可伸缩性。

Authorisation:   this is a common consensus mechanism & nbsp; POA network, testing the network with the Taepan Kovan. This consensus mechanism has high performance and good scalability.

重量证明(重量证明/越大越好): 这是Filecoin的Algorand中常见的共识机制。

Weight certification (weight certification/better) & nbsp; this is the common consensus mechanism in Algoran in Filecoin.

这种共识机制是可定制和可扩展的。 但是,促进发展的过程将是一个巨大的挑战。

Such a consensus mechanism would be customized and scalable, but the process of promoting development would be a huge challenge.

拜占庭容错(拜占庭共识包围的区块链): 这是Hyperledger,Stellar,Dispatch和瑞波币 .

Byzantine misbehaviour (the chain of blocks surrounded by Byzantine consensus): & nbsp; this is Hyperledger, Stellar, Dispatch and Ripcoin & nbsp.

这种共识机制是高效的,低成本的,可扩展的。 但是仍然不能完全信任。

Such a consensus mechanism is efficient, low-cost, scalable, but it still cannot be fully trusted.


The algorithm has two versions:

  • 实用的拜占庭容错 (反对欺诈的共识/拜占庭将军在实践中围绕区块链)
  • 拜占庭联合协定 (拜占庭联盟同意)

有向无环图(拓扑算法): 这是Iota(Tangle技术),Hashgraph,Raiblocks / Nano(Block-lattice技术)中常见的共识机制,它是Blockchain的竞争对手。

There is a consensus mechanism common to Iota (Tangle Technology), Hashgraph, Raiblocks / Nano (Block-lattice Technology), which is a competitor to Blockchain.


The first well-known useful application of block chain technology could be virtual currency like bitcoin.

但是目前,区块链正在革新大多数行业。 这是生活中区块链技术应用的一些实际例子。

At present, however, the block chain is in the process of innovating most industries, and this is a practical example of the application of block chain technology in life.


Today, I will describe the application of block chains in various economic fields in Viet Nam, so that you can easily imagine!

微软和ConsenSys正在共同努力,以在Microsoft Azure上提供以太坊区块链即服务(EBaaS),以便企业客户和开发人员可以拥有一个区块链开发环境。

Microsoft and ConsenSys are working together to provide Ether block chains or EBaaS on Microsoft Azure so that business clients and developers can have a block chain development environment.

据信,谷歌还致力于开发独家区块链以支持该业务。 母公司Alphabet正在开发一种分布式账本,第三方将能够使用该账本存储与Google的企业云服务有关的数据。

Google is also believed to be working to develop a unique block chain to support the business, and Alphabet, the parent company, is developing a distributed account, which will be used by third parties to store data related to Google's corporate cloud service.

位于澳大利亚弗里曼特尔的成熟项目,专注于使用区块链技术的分散式能源和水系统。 太阳能电池板被用于日光照射的地方以收集电力,然后将其用于加热水并提供记录在区块链上的能量和数据。

The mature project in Frimantel, Australia, focuses on decentralized energy and water systems using block chain technology, where solar panels are used to collect electricity and then heat water and provide energy and data recorded in the block chain.

智利国家能源局已开始使用区块链技术作为验证与该国能源使用有关的数据的手段。 作为南美国家电气基础设施现代化和安全计划的一部分,敏感数据将存储在区块链上。

The Chilean National Energy Agency has begun to use block chain technology as a means of validating data related to energy use in the country, and sensitive data will be stored on block chains as part of the national plans for the modernization and security of electrical infrastructure in South America.

区块链目前正用于支持可持续捕鱼。 非法捕捞的鱼是该行业中的地方性问题,而分布式分类帐技术提供了一种方法来证明在何处捕捞,加工和出售鱼。 该“板到网”链使检查人员可以确定鱼是来自因侵犯人权而臭名昭著的地区,还是来自受经济制裁影响的国家。

The chain of blocks is currently being used to support sustainable fishing. Illegal fishing of fish is a local issue in the industry, and distributed ledger technology provides a way to prove where to catch, process, and sell fish. & ldquo; board to net & rdquo; chain to enable inspectors to determine whether fish comes from areas that are notorious for human rights violations or from countries affected by economic sanctions.

您知道食物,衣服等来自何处吗? 供应链管理是一个极其复杂的领域,通常涉及从制造到采购的数十个中介。

Do you know where food, clothing, etc., comes from? Supply chain management is an extremely complex area, usually involving dozens of intermediaries from manufacturing to procurement.

那么,在从制造商到消费者的漫长旅程中,我们如何确保产品的质量,透明度和可靠性? 答案是区块链。

So, in the long journey from manufacturer to consumer, how do we ensure product quality, transparency and reliability? The answer is block chains.

  • 食品工业: 区块链应用程序可以提高透明度和效率,从而弄清整个供应链中哪些地方和哪些地方可以污染食品。
  • OriginTrail: 一个让消费者知道他们购买的食品来自何处以及如何制造的区块链平台。

乌克兰很荣幸成为第一个使用区块链促进资产交易的国家。 由著名的加密货币支持者和TechCrunch创始人Michael Arrington出售的财产。

Ukraine is honoured to be the first country to use a block chain to facilitate asset-trading. Property sold by Michael Arrington, a well-known supporter of encrypted currency and founder of TechCrunch.


The deal was activated with the support of an intelligent contract on the Taiwan block chain and is expected to be the first deal that Propy (a start-up company specializing in real estate transactions).

俄罗斯铁路运营商Novotrans正在使用区块链技术,旨在提高其运行速度。 该国最大的股票运营商之一,将使用区块链来记录与维修请求,库存和与其运营相关的其他问题相关的数据。 这个想法是,区块链记录将更能抵抗篡改和数据损坏。

One of the country’s largest stock operators will use a block chain to record data related to maintenance requests, inventories, and other issues related to its operation. The idea is that block chain records will be more resistant to tampering and data damage.

佐治亚州政府使用它来注册土地所有权。 他们创建了一个定制设计的区块链系统,并将其集成到国家公共注册局(NAPR)的数字记录系统中。 乔治亚州目前正在利用区块链技术提供的透明度和减少欺诈的优势。

Georgia’s government uses it to register land ownership. They have created a customized block chain system that is integrated into the National Public Registry’s (NPR) digital record system.

Waltonchain的RFID技术正在中国的智能废物管理系统中使用。 该项目将使用沃尔顿的区块链,实现废物监控,以提高运营效率并优化资源。

Waltonchain's RFID technology is being used in China's smart waste management system. The project will use the Walton block chain to achieve waste monitoring to improve operational efficiency and optimize resources.

具有基本区块链技术的加密货币正被用于促进各种项目中的移动支付。 宣布于2018年秋季启动的最新举措之一将涉及日本银行财团。 他们将使用 瑞波币 启用即时移动支付。

Encrypted currencies with basic block chain technology are being used to facilitate mobile payments in various projects. One of the latest initiatives announced for launching in the autumn of 2018 will involve the Bank of Japan consortium.

供应链管理被认为是区块链最有益的用例之一,对于从头到尾,从制造商到制造商再到不同人手中运送货物的行业来说,它是理想的选择。商店。 IBM和沃尔玛已经联手在中国启动了区块链食品安全联盟。 该项目由财富500强京东(JD.com)运营,旨在改善食品追踪和安全性,从而轻松验证食品的食用安全性。

Supply chain management is considered to be one of the most useful examples of block chains, and is an ideal option for the industry that transports goods from manufacturer to manufacturer to different people. Shops. IBM and Wal-Mart have joined forces to launch a block chain food safety alliance in China.

区块链记录运输数据的适用性显而易见。 许多项目已经分发了分类帐技术以在该区域中运行。 在海上物流行业中使用它可以为国际贸易中不可避免的官僚机构带来透明度。

Many projects have distributed ledger techniques to operate in the region. Use of them in the maritime logistics industry can bring transparency to the bureaucracies that are inevitable in international trade.


Two industry giants, IBM and Maski, created the world's first shipping block chain platform, TradeLens.

比特币原子是比特币的一个新分支,它允许轻松交换加密货币而无需支付交易费用。 交易时您不会被黑客入侵。 它使比特币真正去中心化。

The bitcoin atom is a new branch of bitcoin, which allows easy exchange of encrypted currency without having to pay transaction costs. You are not hacked into at the time of the transaction. It makes bitcoin truly central.

该技术基于原子交换。 这被认为是交换加密货币的宝贵工具,不需要可信的第三方。

The technology is based on the exchange of atoms, which is considered a valuable tool for the exchange of encrypted currencies and does not require a credible third party.

但是目前,由于原子交换需要很高的技术技能,因此阻止了原子交换的广泛采用。 比特币原子只能部分解决此问题。

At present, however, the need for high technical skills in the exchange of atoms has prevented the widespread use of the exchange of atoms, which can only be partially resolved by the Bitcoin atoms.


Securrence is an encrypted currency trading platform that includes a variety of assets, including non-cash assets.

所有这些都通过安全令牌交换。 该项目允许加密货币在其专用交易之外进行交易。

All of this is exchanged through security badges, which allow encrypted currency to be traded outside their exclusive transactions.

Ripple旨在成为全球支付解决方案提供商。 他们将连接支付服务,业务和数字资产交易的银行提供商。 根据全球需求即时处理交易。

Ripple aims to become a global provider of payment solutions. They will connect to bank providers of payment services, business, and digital asset transactions.


ABRA is a global application and encrypted currency wallet that allows you to purchase, invest and store 20 encrypted currencies, including Bitcoin, Etheria, Letco...

Aeternity是一个高度可扩展的区块链平台。 它可以用于需要高交易速度的任何应用程序。

Aiternity is a highly scalable block chain platform that can be used for any application that requires high transaction speed.


This includes smart contracts created through chains, nano and micropayments.

保险行业中经常提到区块链,但许多人不知道该技术已被实施。 例如,保险公司American International Group Inc.与International Business Machines Corp合作,已经完成了渣打银行(Standard Chartered Bank)PLC的一项称为“智能合约”的跨国政策试点,并且通过区块链进行复杂的国际范围管理计划。

For example, the insurance company American International Group Inc., in cooperation with International Business Machines Corp, has completed a PLC called Standard Chartered Bank PLC & ldquo; smart contracts & rdquo; transnational policy pilots and complex international scope management plans through sector chains.

世界著名钻石公司戴比尔斯集团(De Beers Group)现在拥有自己的名为“ Tracr”的区块链,并且正在运营,旨在为平台上注册的每颗钻石设置数字记录。平台。

The world-renowned diamond company De Beers Group now owns a block chain called & ldquo; Tracr” and is operating to create a digital record for each diamond registered on the platform.

担心钻石的原产地以及与钻石原产地有关的道德规范,以及被交换为价值较低的物品的风险。 从采矿池到零售点,区块链是很自然的选择。 因为每个记录都是不可磨灭的,所以它将确保每个钻石的数据都存在,只要它是钻石。

From mining ponds to retail points, the chain of blocks is a natural choice. Because every record is indelible, it will ensure that every diamond data exists, provided it is a diamond.

商品市场的领先公司之一,S&P Global Platts,正在测试一种用于记录石油存储数据的区块链解决方案。 每周库存将存储在区块链上,从而减少了手动数据管理的需要,并将人为错误的可能性降至最低。

One of the leading companies in the commodity market, S&P Global Platts, is testing a block chain solution for recording oil storage data. Weekly stocks will be stored on block chains, reducing the need for manual data management and minimizing the likelihood of human error.

3年2017月,IBM与能源区块链实验室共同发起了区块链食品安全联盟,以跟踪中国的碳资产。 这创建了一个可测量的,经过审核的系统来监控排放,并为寻求在促销期间抵消其能源消耗的公司提供了可交易的市场。鼓励绿色产业活动。

In 2017, IBM and the Energy Block Chain Laboratory launched the Block Chain Food Safety Alliance to track China’s carbon assets. This created a measurable, audited system to monitor emissions, and provided a tradable market for companies seeking to offset their energy consumption during marketing.

能源行业的最大挑战之一。 具有提供剩余价值的交易习惯的公司需要保持记录,并且记录是无误的。 实时跟踪能源分配并确保在整个供应链中进行有效分配需要大量数据点,还需要所有实体之间的紧密合作。

Companies with trading habits that provide residual value need to keep records and record them correctly. Tracking energy distribution in real time and ensuring effective distribution across the supply chain requires a large number of data points, as well as close cooperation among all entities.

每天,现实世界中使用的区块链项目都在增加。 从物流到美术,很难找到这一变革性技术无法触及的领域。 区块链已经达到了一种技术被证明比现在更好的地步。

From logistics to art, it is difficult to find an area that is beyond the reach of this transformative technology. Block chains have reached a point where they have proved to be better than they are today.

2010年,来自太平洋西部大学的微软前中国总裁唐骏(Tang Jun)获得博士学位。

In 2010, Tang Jun, former President of China, Microsoft, from the University of the Western Pacific, received a doctorate.

调查人员发现,不仅这些学校未经测试,而且学位的价格仍然太便宜了。 只需要2.595 USD,学生就不需要学习任何东西。

Investigators found that not only were these schools untested, but the price of the degree was still too cheap, and that it was only 2.595 USD that students did not have to study anything.


One year later, dozens of other senior managers were also involved in other large fake diplomas from suspicious processes.

注册者只能“正确”学习。 因此,非常需要透明性。

Registerers can only & ldquao; correct & rdquao; study. There is therefore a great need for transparency.

盗版是一个长期存在的问题。 在区块链出现之前,似乎没有解决方案可以完全解决。 目前,也许该技术是解决该问题的唯一方法。

Until the block chain emerges, there seems to be no solution. For the time being, perhaps the technology is the only way to solve the problem.

即使您是音乐家,也要确保在发布音乐时获得版税。 或简单地主张所有权。

Even if you are a musician, make sure you get royalties when you release music, or simply claim ownership.


Block chain technology can help us protect assets by creating in real time indisputable ownership records.

区块链在葡萄酒和饮料行业也正在加速发展。 3年2019月,有消息传出高端威士忌品牌Ailsa Bay将发布它认为是世界上第一个使用基于区块链的系统追踪的威士忌。

Block chains are also accelerating in the wine and beverages industry. In 2019, three years, news has come of the high-end whiskey brand, Ailsa Bay, to publish what it considers to be the first whiskey in the world to be tracked by a system based on block chains.

5月下旬,审计公司Big Four E&Y宣布了其专有的区块链解决方案,该解决方案用于一个主要的新平台,可帮助整个亚洲的消费者确定质量,原产地和真实性。欧洲进口葡萄酒。

In late May, the auditing firm Big Four E&Y announced its exclusive block chain solution, which is used as a major new platform to help consumers across Asia determine quality, origin and authenticity.

与纳斯达克(Nasdaq)合作的纽约互动广告交易所正在使用区块链创建一个电子市场,品牌,发行商和代理商可以购买广告。 使用以太坊区块链上的开放协议,该过程很简单,尽管尽可能安全。

The New York Interactive Advertising Exchange, which works with Nasdaq, is using a block chain to create an electronic market, branding, issuers, and agents to buy advertising. Using an open protocol on the Ether-Team block chain, the process is simple, though as safe as possible.

地位现在是新闻业中的热门话题。 一个错误的举动以及多年的努力和研究可能会走很长的路。 区块链是解决该问题的明智之举。

A wrong move, as well as years of effort and research, could go a long way. Block chains are a wise way to solve the problem.


Civil affairs, de-centralized news markets, in addition to the obvious benefits of block chains, provide economic incentive models for high-quality news content, as well as permanent storage capacity, which is readily accessible.

在对患者进行检查或测试时,他们的所有结果都将存储在区块链技术中。 这有助于患者将其所有信息和指标保密。

When patients are examined or tested, all their results are stored in block chain technology, which helps patients keep all their information and indicators confidential.

如果患者需要转移到世界任何地方。 他们只需要检索信息并在区块链上找到测试结果。 无需经历繁琐而复杂的传统程序。

If patients need to move anywhere in the world, they simply need to retrieve the information and find the test results on the block chain.

  • MedicalChain

MedicalChain是第一家使用区块链技术的医疗保健公司。 它有助于电子病历的存储和使用,以提供完整的远程医疗(telemedicine)体验。

Medical Chain, the first health-care company to use block chain technology, contributes to the storage and use of electronic medical records to provide a complete telemedicine experience.


They are real doctors in the UK health care system and want to change from within.

  • MedRec的


MedRec provides safe access to patient records to any health care provider.


MedRec uses block chains to save time, money and duplicate processes to implement procedures between facilities and suppliers.


Patients can also access their medical records to study health service providers.

保险行业中经常提到区块链,但许多人不知道该技术已被实施。 例如,保险公司American International Group Inc.与International Business Machines Corp合作,已经完成了渣打银行(Standard Chartered Bank)PLC的一项称为“智能合约”的跨国政策试点,并且通过区块链进行复杂的国际范围管理计划。

For example, the insurance company American International Group Inc., in cooperation with International Business Machines Corp, has completed a PLC called Standard Chartered Bank PLC & ldquo; smart contracts & rdquo; transnational policy pilots and complex international scope management plans through sector chains.

流行的病历很普遍且容易出错,数据处理程序不一致,这意味着医院和诊所经常被迫处理不准确或不完整的病历。 医疗保健项目正在使用区块链作为支持数据共享,同时提供身份验证和维护机密性的手段。

Prevailing medical records are widespread and prone to errors, and inconsistent data-processing procedures mean that hospitals and clinics are often forced to process inaccurate or incomplete medical records. Health-care projects are using block chains as a means of supporting data-sharing while providing identification and maintaining confidentiality.

LGBT社区: 区块链可以帮助建立德国的粉红色经济,并帮助LGBT社区在不泄露所有人身份的情况下争取自己的权利。

LGBT community: & nbsp; block chains can help build up the German pink economy and help LGBT community to claim their rights without disclosing the identity of the owner.


The second issue is of the utmost importance, as hate crimes are common in homosexual communities, especially in countries that are notorious for human rights violations and homosexuality. Prohibitions are prohibited, or at least due to physical discomfort.

虽然区块链为我们提供了透明性并可以控制我们自己的数据。 这项技术对政府也是一样。 这暗示了一件事:税收。

Although block chains provide us with transparency and control over our own data, this technology is the same for governments. This suggests one thing: taxation.


In China, the authorities are now using block chains to pay taxes and electronic invoices.


The first block chain invoice was created in the local restaurant in 2018.


Owing to the complex problem of security and electoral fraud, few countries have turned to electronic voting machines (EVM).

很难否认,EVM使投票惰性变得更容易获得。 因此,促进了人民参与选举。 但是,大多数国家都评论说,风险大于积极因素。

It is difficult to deny that the EVM has made voting inertia more accessible. As a result, participation in the elections has been facilitated.

区块链可以为这个问题提供解决方案。 区块链的不可变性意味着双重投票之类的问题。 更改投票和删除投票将在一夜之间被“删除”。

The block chain provides a solution to this problem. The non-variability of the block chain means a problem like double voting. Changing and deleting the vote will be & ldquao; deleting & rdquao;


The block chain will also eliminate the need for counting and produce results almost immediately after the conclusion of the poll.

2016年,美国国土安全部(DHS)宣布了一个项目,该项目将使用区块链作为存储和传输所获取数据的安全手段。 使用Factom的区块链,对从安全摄像机和其他传感器检索到的数据进行加密和存储。 使用区块链作为最小化数据泄露风险的手段。 该项目仍在进行中。

In 2016, the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced a project that will use block chains as a secure means of storing and transmitting the data obtained. Using the Fedom block chain, the data retrieved from security cameras and other sensors will be encrypted and stored.

目前,两国之间在欧洲之星列车上的乘客在多个地点接受边境管制。 区块链将提供一种确保数据不被篡改并可以正确验证的手段。

Currently, passengers on the European Star train between the two countries are subject to border control at multiple locations, and the block chain will provide a means of ensuring that the data are not tampered with and can be correctly verified.

瑞士楚格州(被称为加密谷)-一群区块链公司的总部,已经与Uport合作开发了一个区块链项目来注册居民的ID。 它使他们能够参与在线投票并证明其居住地。

The Swiss canton of Chug (known as the encrypted valley) - the headquarters of a group of block chain companies, in cooperation with Uport, has developed a block chain project to register residents'IDs, which enables them to vote online and to prove their place of residence.

与钻石贸易类似,艺术品行业取决于艺术品的来源和真实性。 尽管区块链无法验证图片的真实性,但可以用来证明作品的前任拥有者。

Similar to the diamond trade, the art industry depends on the origin and authenticity of the works, and although the chain of blocks cannot verify the authenticity of the pictures, it can be used to prove the former owner of the works.

此外,区块链现在被用作获取艺术品的手段。 这是如何使用区块链技术使有形对象易于访问和在世界上任何地方进行交换而无需从安全内存进行物理转移的另一个示例。安全。

In addition, the block chain is now used as a means of obtaining works of art, which is another example of how block chain technology can be used to make physical objects easily accessible and traded anywhere in the world without physical transfer from safe memory.

区块链技术的主要优势之一是它消除了中介机构或中介机构。 音乐是一个行业的典范,在这个行业中,效率低下的艺术家付出的努力与其付出的努力相比差。 已经出现了许多基于区块链的项目,以寻求音乐作曲家的公平交易。

One of the main advantages of block chain technology is that it eliminates intermediaries or intermediaries. Music is a model industry in which inefficient artists are less committed than they are.

例如:Inmusik,一个使用区块链的音乐生态系统。 申请听众和音乐家从创作,发现和更新内容中获利:

For example, Inmusik, a music ecosystem that uses block chains, applies to listeners and musicians for the benefit of creating, discovering and updating content:

随着游戏内购买和游戏内计费交易的增加。 现在,许多游戏玩家拥有与他们的各个帐户相关联的庞大的资料库。

With the increase in purchases and billing transactions within the game, many game players now have large databases linked to their accounts.

显然,这会带来安全问题。 如果黑客窃取了该怎么办? 如果母公司的服务器离线,会发生什么?

What if the hacker steals the server and what happens if the parent company's server goes offline?


By deploying block chains, game players will eventually be able to own these items and fully control their state.

将游戏内物品转移给其他人也将变得更加容易和安全。 没有人可以非法复制它们。

It will also be easier and safer to transfer items from the game to others. No one can copy them illegally.

正在研究区块链,作为一种通过给游客提供以比特币和其他货币购买本地商品和服务的机会来改善夏威夷经济的手段。 这样,希望是吸引游客,尤其是来自亚洲的游客,以便他们可以花更多的钱,最终帮助夏威夷发展经济。

Block chains are being studied as a means of improving the Hawaiian economy by providing tourists with the opportunity to purchase local goods and services in bitcoin and other currencies. The hope is to attract tourists, especially those from Asia, so that they can spend more money ultimately to help Hawaii develop its economy.


& ldquo; unattended & rdquao; a non-governmental organization working with leading developers to find ways to use block chain technology to protect and protect endangered species.

智慧城市不再是科幻小说。 台北正努力借助分布式账本技术将自己定位为未来之城。 他们已经宣布与IOTA建立合作伙伴关系,并且他们正在致力于创建可检测光,温度,湿度和污染的标签。

Taipei is trying to position itself as a city of the future with distributed bookbook technology. They have announced a partnership with IOTA, and they are working to create labels that detect light, temperature, humidity, and pollution.


What's the block chain technology? Details of all the knowledge you need. More information about the block chain technology.

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