什么是 Web 3.0?

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很多人并不理解什么是 Web 3.0。本文尝试以最简洁的语言来解释一下我对于这个问题的理解。

Many people don't understand what is Web 3.0. This is an attempt to explain my understanding of this issue in the most concise language.

01. 互联网范式迭代

01. Internet Paradigms

Web 1.0,也就是第一代互联网,是静态互联网,主要的应用是网络媒体。各网媒雇佣一大批编辑,将图文并茂的内容发布成为网页。读者访问网站,浏览数字内容,但只能读不能写,无法参与内容的创造。整个 Web 1.0 媒体相当于传统报刊杂志的电子化。

Web 1.0, the first generation of the Internet, is static, and the main application is web-based media. Web-based media employ a large number of editors and publish graphics as web pages. Readers visit the website, view digital content, but cannot read, write and participate in content creation.


Based on these figures, the following four issues are considered:

  1. 谁创造它?
  2. 它归谁所有?
  3. 它由谁管理、控制和支配?
  4. 它创造的价值如何分配?

那么 Web 1.0 范式是这样的:平台创造、平台所有、平台控制、平台受益。

The Web 1.0 paradigm is as follows: platform creation, platform ownership, platform control, platform benefits.

Web 2.0,也就是第二代互联网,是交互式互联网,主要的应用是社交网络和电商。在这个阶段,平台只是提供一个基础设施,自己创造的内容很少,绝大多数内容是用户创造的。但是平台却静悄悄的扩张了自己的权利,凭借着自己对技术基础设施的控制权,兵不血刃地把用户数据的所有权也拿到了手上。在 Web 2.0 平台上,用户创造的数字内容,所有权属于平台,控制权也属于平台,平台可以决定编辑、修改、删除和屏蔽用户的内容,甚至可以删掉用户的账号,将用户驱逐出其社交网络。此外,这些数字内容所创造的价值如何分配,由平台说了算。用户在使用互联网过程中产生的大量数据足迹,其价值也由平台无偿占有。

Web 2.0, or the second generation of the Internet, is an interactive Internet. The main applications are social networks and electric power providers. At this stage, the platform provides only an infrastructure in which little content is created and most content is created by users. But the platform quietly expands its rights and, with its own control over the technological infrastructure, secures ownership of user data. On the Web 2.0 platform, users create digital content that is owned and controlled by the platform, and that allows the platform to decide to edit, modify, remove and shield user content, even by removing user accounts, and to expel users from its social network.

因此 Web 2.0 的范式是:用户创造、平台所有、平台控制、平台分配。

So the paradigm of Web 2.0 is: user creation, platform ownership, platform control, platform allocation.

对比 Web 1.0 和 2.0,不难看出,Web 1.0 虽然对用户不友好,将数字内容和数据的生产限定在了一个很小的范围,但符合“谁创造、谁拥有、谁受益”的市场经济基本原则。而 Web 2.0 从数字内容、或者数据的所有权和价值分配角度来看,是扭曲的,是不合理的,创造者的基本权利被剥夺,用户价值被随意汲取,这实际上是一种数字奴役制度。

In contrast to Web 1.0 and 2.0, it is easy to see that Web 1.0, while unfriendly to users, confines the production of digital content and data to a very small range, is consistent with the basic principles of a market economy that “who creates, owns, and benefits from” and that Web 2.0 is distorted from the point of view of digital content, or the ownership of data and the distribution of value.

这解释了为什么只有 Web 2.0 时代产生了若干超级巨头,因为这些平台实际上无偿占有了数千万甚至数亿用户所生产和创造的价值的很大一部分。

This explains why only the Web 2.0 era produced a number of super-largers, as these platforms actually account for a large portion of the value produced and created by tens of millions of, if not hundreds of millions of, users.

Web 3.0 的范式是:用户创造、用户所有、用户控制、协议分配。

The paradigm for Web 3.0 is: user creation, user ownership, user control, protocol allocation.

也就是说,在 Web 3.0 中,用户所创造的数字内容,所有权明确为用户所有,由用户控制,其所创造的价值,根据用户与他人签订的协议进行分配。

This means that in Web 3.0 users create digital content that is clearly owned by the user, is controlled by the user and the value it creates is distributed according to the agreement between the user and others.


Under this system, the content of these figures is no longer simple data, but a digital asset, because its rights are guaranteed at the asset level.


This is similar to the market economy in the digital economy, where digital property rights of individuals are recognized, respected and protected, and values are exchanged on a contractual basis.

如果市场经济相对于奴隶制度和封建制度极大的释放了生产力,提升了经济水平,那么 Web 3.0 相对于 Web 2.0,对于数字经济的发展,应该具有类似的效应。

If the market economy has greatly released productivity and increased economic performance relative to slavery and feudal systems, then Web 3.0 should have a similar effect on the development of the digital economy vis-à-vis Web 2.0.

02. Web 3.0 的技术基础是区块链

02. Web 3.0 is based on the block chain


The block chain is in fact a decentralised computing agreement that provides for the decentralized creation and maintenance of a distributed computing infrastructure by different stakeholders, thus separating “infrastructure management” from “user data control”, and preventing a single platform from achieving control over user data, user assets and user identification through computing infrastructure management authority.


The block chain is also a transparent and credible system of rights recognition and retroactivity, and once a right is digitized as a pass on the block chain, it can be reliably authenticated and can be traced throughout its flow, trade, conversion and transformation.


A block chain is also a platform for creating and automatically executing agreements. Smart contracts are a central expression of this capability.

因此区块链是 Web 3.0 必不可少的基础设施。但区块链只是手段,目的是实现用户数字资产权益的确认和保护。

The block chain is therefore an essential infrastructure for Web 3.0. But the block chain is only a means to achieve the recognition and protection of user digital asset rights.

03. 通证(token)的意义

03. Signal meaning


There is no other way for a user to have his or her digital rights recognized and protected than to have them certified. There is no effective de facto management at the level of the original data, so that attempts to validate the original data, recommend the trade rules and the trading market, if not futilely, are far from reaching the height of the digital assets and are bound to be extremely costly.

Web 3.0 上绝大多数的通证都将是 NFT。

The vast majority of the passes on Web 3.0 will be NFT.

我们目前正处于从第二代互联网向第三代互联网,也就是 Web 3.0 过渡的时期。这个过程大约会持续 10-15 年,其结果将是彻底的重塑互联网和全球数字经济。

We are now in the transition from the second-generation to the third-generation Internet, the Web 3.0. This process will last about 10-15 years and will result in a complete re-engineering of the Internet and the global digital economy.

元宇宙是 Web 3.0 社交网络的一个重要的应用。

Web 3.0 时代将崛起若干全球性的巨型平台,以及比现在多一百倍的创业英雄,多一千倍的数字资产富豪,但是我们可能看不到今天这样的社交网络帝国和数字寡头,至少希望如此。

Web 3.0 The era will rise a number of global giant platforms, as well as a hundred times more entrepreneurial heroes and a thousand times more digital asset-rich, but we may not see today's social network empires and digital oligarchs, or at least hope so.

未能融入这一运动的数字经济体,在 15 年内将完全掉队,未来其规模和影响力在全球数字经济格局中将变得微不足道。

The digital economy that has not been integrated into this movement will fall completely behind in 15 years and its size and influence will become insignificant in the global digital economy landscape in the future.


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