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突发新闻:Michael Saylor 将 MicroStrategy 的比特币购买规模提高至 7 亿美元

Emergency news: Michael Saylor raised the purchase scale of MicroStrategy's bitcoin to $700 million

Michael Saylor 的 MicroStrategy 再次加大了对比特币购买的押注,宣布向投资者提供 7 亿美元的优先可转换票据。

MicroStrategy of Michael Saylor has again increased the bets purchased in bitcoin and announced the provision of $700 million in priority negotiable instruments to investors.


MicroStrategy 将其可转换票据发行规模从 5 亿美元提高到 7 亿美元。

MicroStrategy increased the size of its translable instrument issue from $500 million to $700 million.


mobilized funds will be used mainly to purchase more bitcoins.

Bernstein 将 MicroStrategy 的评级定为“跑赢大盘”,目标价为 2,890 美元,预计增长强劲。

Bernstein rated MicroStrategy as a “run-win” with a target price of $2,890, which is expected to grow strongly.

在 Michael Saylor 的领导下,MicroStrategy 今天再次以其最新公告引起了市场参与者的关注。 最近的一份公告显示,在宣布发行 5 亿美元可转换优先票据的第二天,该公司已将发行金额提高至 7 亿美元。

, led by Michael Saylor, MicroStrategy today again attracted the attention of market participants with its latest announcement, which showed that the company had raised the amount issued to $700 million on the day after the announcement of $500 million in converted priority instruments.

值得注意的是,此举表明 MicroStrategy 继续致力于扩大其比特币持有量并追求一般企业目标。

 Michael Saylor 发行 7 亿美元票据,加大对比特币的押注

andnbsp; Michael Saylor issues $700 million in bills to increase the margin's bet

MicroStrategy 最新公告显示,其初始 5 亿美元可转换优先票据发行规模将扩大至 7 亿美元。这些票据将于 2032 年到期,利率为 2.25%,自 2024 年 12 月 15 日起每半年支付一次。值得注意的是,此次发行计划于 2024 年 6 月 17 日结束,但须遵守惯例条件。

MicroStrategy's latest bulletin indicates that its initial $500 billion worth of priority negotiable instruments will be extended to $700 million. These instruments will expire in 2032 at a rate of 2.25 per cent and will be paid semi-annually from 15 December 2024.

然而,据 MicroStrategy 称,这些票据将根据 1933 年《证券法》第 144A 条私下出售给机构买家。除了扩大发行规模外,由 Michael Saylor 领导的 MicroStrategy 还授予初始购买者在发行后 13 天内购买最多 1 亿美元票据的选择权。

, however, according to MicroStrategy, these instruments will be sold privately to institutional buyers in accordance with section 144A of the Securities Act 1933. In addition to expanding distribution, MicroStrategy, led by Michael Saylor, also grants the initial purchaser the option to purchase up to $100 million in bills within 13 days of issuance.

同时,这些无担保优先债务将可转换为现金、MicroStrategy 的 A 类普通股或两者兼而有之,由公司自行决定。 值得注意的是,转换率从每 1,000 美元票据 0.4894 股开始,相当于每股约 2,043.32 美元的初始转换价格。

At the same time, these unsecured priority debts will be converted to cash, MicroStrategy's regular A or both, at the firm's discretion. , it is worth noting that the conversion rate starts with an initial conversion price of approximately $2,043.32 per 1,000 dollar notes.

该价格比 2024 年 6 月 13 日的成交量加权平均价格 1,513.46 美元高出 35%。但是,转换率可能会根据某些事件进行调整。

The price is 35% higher than the transaction-weighted average price of $1,513.46 on June 13, 2024. However, conversion rates may be adjusted for certain events.

与此同时,Michael Saylor 的 MicroStrategy 重申了其使用出售收益购买更多比特币的立场。值得注意的是,自 2020 年以来,Michael Saylor 和 MicroStrategy 都是比特币的积极支持者。现在,该公司表示,这些收益将用于在其投资组合中添加更多比特币以及用于其他商业目的。

Meanwhile, Michael Saylor's MicroStrategy reiterated its position on the use of sales proceeds to purchase more bitcoins. Notably, Michael Saylor and MicroStrategy have been active supporters of bitcoins since 2020. Now, the company states that these proceeds will be used to add more bitcoins to its portfolio and for other commercial purposes.


MicroStrategy 打算使用约 6.878 亿美元的收益(如果行使额外购买选择权,则为 7.86 亿美元)来购买更多比特币并用于其他公司目的。 值得注意的是,此举符合该公司巩固其作为领先比特币持有者地位的战略。

MicroStrategy intends to use revenues of approximately $687.8 billion (US$ 786 million if additional purchasing options are exercised) to purchase more bitcoins and use them for other company purposes, notably in line with the company's strategy to consolidate its position as a leading Bitcoin holder.

与此同时,MicroStrategy 对比特币的持续投资使其成为加密货币市场的主要参与者。增加票据发行量的决定凸显了其持续致力于将比特币作为其金融战略核心部分的承诺。

At the same time, MicroStrategy's continued investment made it the main participant in the encrypted currency market. The decision to increase the circulation of instruments highlights its continuing commitment to include Bitcoin as a central part of its financial strategy.

鉴于该公司对比特币的关注度不断提高,伯恩斯坦最近向 MicroStrategy 发出了“跑赢大盘”的评级。此外,该预测将 MSTR 股票的目标价上调至 2,890 美元。

In view of the increasing interest of the company in Bitcoin, Bernstein recently issued a "win-win" rating to MicroStrategy. In addition, the projection raised the target price of the MSTR stock to $2,890.

此外,伯恩斯坦表示,MicroStrategy 有望实现显着增长,同时预测比特币将在 2030 年达到 100 万美元。截至撰写本文时,MSTR 股价在 6 月 14 日早盘交易中上涨 1.29% 至 1,503 美元。突发新闻MICHAELSAYLOR将MICROSTRATEGY的比特币购买规模提高至7

Furthermore, Bernstein states that MicroStrategy is expected to grow significantly, with bitcoin projected to reach $1 million in 2030. At the time of writing, MTR shares had increased by 1.29% to $1,503 in early-disk transactions on June 14. Early News MICHELSAYOR has increased the size of MICROSTRATEGY's bitcoins to 7

热点:狗狗币美元 btc美元 比特币美元 火币网美元 nft美元



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