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The oxen have many years of experience in block chain service, providing professional service information to users. Here is a note on what the entire bitcoin node is and how many bitcoin nodes there are now. The choice of oxen can help you resolve the problems encountered in currency games whenever and wherever you want, so that you can no longer be troubled by the cumbersome nature of job titles.


Bitcoin's perfect introduction.


What is a bitcoin? Is it a bitcoin? You don't know that bitcoin is a lie? Bitcoin, you're too out of order, let me give you a lesson and actually make bitcoin a virtual currency, but it is a decentralised monetary system, that is, it has a central issuer, like the United States dollar by the Fed, the renminbi by the People's Bank by the q coin, and so on. Bitcoin is controlled by all bitcoins users, and there is no central agency or server and no no no node at the end of the Internet, so as to ensure fairness, reliability, security in the distribution, management, circulation, etc., and also to avoid inflation and currency counterfeiting.

2008年10月31日,一个自称中本聪的人在网络上发表了一篇论文,比特币,一种点对点的电子现金系统。十天后,在全球最大的开源网站上South forage.net出现了一个叫做比特币的项目。2009年1月3日,世界上第一枚比特币诞生。2013年8月19日,德国率先承认比特币合法地位,由政府19日承认比特币的合法货币地位,成为全球首个立法认可比特币的国家。

On October 31, 2008, a self-proclaimed human being-in-law published a paper on the Internet, Bitcoin, a point-to-point electronic cash system. Ten days later, a project called Bitcoin appeared on the world's largest open-source website, South Forage.net. On January 3, 2009, the world's first Bitcoin was born. On August 19, 2013, Germany took the lead in recognizing Bitcoin's legal status and the Government's 19th recognition of Bitcoin's legal monetary status as the first country in the world to legislate for Bitcoin.


It is simple to say that bitcoin is actually a number of numbers based on cryptography. But, because of its many characteristics, it is equipped to become a currency, even in many ways better than gold and credit monetary systems. Erón, how can you get bitcoin to produce something similar to gold, which needs to be shot? Only gold is mined from underground gold mines, and bitcoin is actually used from an Internet-based, specific algorithm, which we call a miner. Likewise, we need to deploy a system to run bitcoin algorithms to get bitcoin, which we call a miner, which we call a miner, which everyone can be a miner, so there is no central issue. The first bitcoin is actually a computer that we use, which needs to implement a specific algorithm.

说起比特币的应用,现在可是非常的广泛,在互联网世界里,它在全球范围内已经成为了一种认可度最高的虚拟货币,如我的press、《海盗湾》、Reddit等知名的博客、音乐、电影、图书软件、社交网站都纷纷开通了比特币的支付平台,在线下也有越来越多的商家开始支持比特币支付。2012年10月,专为比特币提供支付解决方案的公司bitch pay发布报告说,已经有超过1000家商户通过他们的支付系统来接受比特币的付款。从纽约的没得烧烤,到加利福尼亚州的豪生大酒店,从富勒顿会议中心到俄克拉荷马州的婚礼,蛋糕店接受比特币支付的供应商不断增加,至今于beat配签约的商家已超不过8000家。在欧洲,牙医连锁参与殡葬服务公司开始使用比特币进行支付,用比特币也可以买到撒喇forever创、深挖source等品牌。

The use of bitcoin is now very widespread, and in the Internet world it has become the most widely recognized virtual currency worldwide, such as my press, Pirate Bay, Reddit, and other well-known blogs, music, film, book software, social networking sites, all of which have opened up bitcoin’s payment platforms, and a growing number of businesses online have started to support bitcoin payments. In October 2012, a company dedicated to providing a payment solution for bitcoin published a report that more than 1,000 businesses have been paid by bitcoins through their payment systems.

目前98个国家的很多企业超过50万种商品都可以通过比特币进行购买,此外,比特币甚至开始冲击房地产市场,也有人用比特币购买了一辆保时捷跑车儿,在塞浦路斯街头还出现了比特币提款机哦,没想到比特币已经这么流行了。除了用比特币交易,比特币本身也成为了一种新兴的投资产品。2009年-2010年初,比特币一文不值,随后半年,一比特币的价值还不到十次每分。2010年夏天,突如其来的供应趋紧导致需求上升,比特币的网上交易价格开始上涨到11月初,一个比特币涨到36美分,2011年2月比特币的价值再多上扬,合计咨询网站slash store曾报道称,比特币上涨到了与美元等值的水平1.06美元。2011年春,美国知名 财经 杂志图古斯对比特币进行了报道,其价值由此一路飙升,4月初到5月底从86美分涨至8.89美元,再到29.57美元,半年升值34倍,流通中所有比特币的市值则达到了1.3亿美元。时至今日,比特币问世已十二年,价值曾一度飙升至每个最高20000美元,增长了百万倍,甚至被称为电子黄金,而整个比特币交易市场的价值更是超过了数万亿美元。从刚才的节目当中,我们看到了比特币的疯狂的行情,可以用比特币捐款买东西,也有商家接受比特币的支付。

In addition to the more than half a million commodities currently available in 98 countries, which could be purchased through bitcoin, Bitcoin even began to hit the real estate market ten times in the following six years. In the summer of 2010, the sudden increase in the supply of bitcoin led to an increase in demand, the price of Bitcoin’s online transactions began to rise to $36 in the beginning of November, the value of Bitcoin rose again in February 2011, and the total advisory website slash store reported that the value of bitcoin had risen to $1.06 per dollar in the following six months. The value of the dollar was also higher than the value of Tucusco’s commercial online transactions in the first half of November, the value of which rose to $3.6 billion at the end of April, and the value of the entire dollar in the second dollar was higher than the value of the current market, and the value of the entire dollar in the second dollar was higher than the value of the current dollar, and the value of the dollar in the second dollar was higher than the price of $2.

这里正好就是货币最基本的定义。随着 社会 的不断发展,各国政府发行的信用货币法币,也就是我们俗称的指令最终登上了 历史 舞台,并一直持续至今。如今全球共有两百多种国家或地区货币,由于法律本身并不具备价值,而仅仅是由政府信用作为担保贷,一种交换媒介,政府可以随意控制它的发行。法币进给人们带来了经济的繁荣、贸易的自由,但同时也给人类带来很多困惑,可灾难如今货币和资本的辣酒成为了 社会 的隐忧。

As society evolves, the credit-currency coins issued by governments, commonly known as our directives, are finally on the stage of history, and continue to this day. Today, there are more than 200 national or regional currencies around the world, which, because the law is not of their own value, are merely government credit as collateral and a medium of exchange, the government can control their distribution at will.


In 2008, a financial crisis originating on Wall Street in the United States swept the globe, and four years later, the crisis triggered a debt crisis in the tree countries in Europe, with African countries such as Ainta, Greece, Italy, Spain, and Portugal still seeing no sign of drones, and Europe as a whole trying to survive the crisis. In just over a decade since the end of the last century, the global financial crisis has broken out.

货币的过度发行就是通货膨胀,这实际上是一种不合理的税收,而货币的发行权正好就在政府手中,因此通货膨胀几乎是不可避免的结局。津巴布韦于2009年发行了一张100万亿面值的钞票,最近几年津巴布韦的财政收入中超过50%来自于发行货币,结果导致津巴布韦的恶性通货膨胀, 历史 上仅送大的通货膨胀,无一例外都是国家中央银行过度发行货币的结果。20世纪初心,德国魏玛共和国时期的通货膨胀,不仅导致了一个国家的衰败,更导致了第二次世界大战的爆发。20世纪后期,南美国家的通货膨胀断送了这些国家几十年经济发展的成果,至今走不出先进低迷的陷阱。实际上,虽然各国政府都在推行自己的法币,但是每个国家也都没有放弃对黄金的储备,也就是说实际上货币的发行者们对自己都没有足够的信心,以至于黄金仍然没有退出 历史 舞台,各国政府争相储备黄金,人们对信用货币的发行和使用进制始终缺乏足够的安全感,近些年来也出了很多基于互联网的虚拟货币,实际上这些虚拟货币和国家发行的法币很类似,也是由中央机构发行,只不过因为发行者只是一个公司,不可能具备国家的信用度,而且国家也不可能授予一个公司发行货币的权利,因此这些虚拟货币一般都只能在公司内部或公司提供服务的范围内进行使用。

In the early twentieth century, inflation during the Weimar Republic of Germany led not only to the decline of a country, but also to the outbreak of the Second World War. In the late twentieth century, inflation in South American countries scuttled decades of economic development in those countries and has so far fallen short of the advanced pitfalls.


Given the combination of the characteristics of the current monetary system and the advantages of gold, and the large demand for virtual network trading, what are the characteristics of Bitcoin that made her so popular? Let us analyse them carefully. Decentralized, Bitcoin is a distributed virtual currency, the entire network is formed by the users themselves, without a central agency, without a central server, and based entirely on point-to-point design, meaning that every user is equal and is one of the components of the Bitcoin system, which ensures that Bitcoin is safer than any currency currently in existence because it does not fail or is bankrupt, only central institutions and collapses, while other currencies are dependent on the Central Bank, and if the central bank collapses or loses control, the entire monetary system collapses.

阿尔无需第三方机构当今 社会 ,我们大部分的钱都是存在银行,我们在贸易活动中的交易支付实际上是基于对银行的信赖,我们把钱从一个账户转到另一个账户,都是在银行的系统内部修改一些数字而已,如果银行倒闭了,这些钱也就都蒸发了,而比特币不需要银行来帮助我们进行交易,我们只需要在比特币的钱包软件中填写对方的比特币钱包编码,就可以将比特币直接转入对方的钱包中三专属所有权,只要你拥有你自己设置的秘窑,那么你的比特币就永远属于您,不可能被别人盗取。这是基于密码学无法破解,而不需要将资金存放在第三方,比如银行,因为第三方的信用度再高,也比不过对负极的信任顺,彻底规避通货膨胀,由于没有中央机构,也就不会有人操纵发行数量,再加上比特币的总数已经被算法本身固定,因此比特币永远不会出现通货膨胀。五、比黄金更适合做护臂比特币的新 游戏 ,因为黄金很类似,但如果作为货币,比特币更易于携带分割,如果有需要,每个比特币还可以切割为十的八次,方哥也更安全,还可以远程交易,这些黄金都无法办到。六、全球自由流通,不占有国家和汇率的壁垒,只要有互联网的地方就可以平等地使用比特币行交易费用低,因为没有中心,虽然维护和交易费用更低吧,认可度,作为一种货币必须得到大家的认可,否则就不可能成为用于交易的货币,而从比特币诞生到现在,人们对它的认可度审越来越高。

Al does not need a third-party institution in today’s society, where most of our money is held in banks, where our transaction payments in trade activities are actually based on trust in the bank, where we transfer money from one account to another, which we can only modify within the bank’s system. If the bank closes, the money evaporates. Bitcoin doesn’t need a bank to help us do our business. It just needs to fill out the other’s bitcoin wallet code in Bitcoin’s wallet software, so that no one can manipulate the distribution of the bitcoin, and as long as you have your own secret kiln, your bitcoin will never be yours.

普通货币的认可度来源于人们对国家政府的信任,可是 历史 告诉我们,政府在通胀的问题上总是无法找到绝对的规避方案,而比特币不需要人们对别人的信任,因为并没有中央机构,而是由每一个使用者构成。因此,信任比特币就是信任人们自己,人类对自己的认可度总是最高的。

The recognition of ordinary currencies stems from trust in national governments, but history tells us that governments can never find an absolute way out of inflation, and Bitcoin does not need trust in others, because there is no central authority, but is made up of every user. So trust in bitcoin is trust in people themselves, and humans always have the highest recognition of themselves.

当然,作为一种新生的事物,比特币还有很多有待完善的地方,比如它的匿名性、如何控制它能否日政府税收等问题和谐相处,如何增强流通性、控制投资行为等等,但谁又敢说现行的货币制度就没有问题,无需完善? 历史 总是惊人的相似。在货币分半和金融的发展史上,为当有一种创新出现,无论他对 社会 带来的是正面还是负面的影响,他都会造成一次财富的重新分配,造就一批富人。荷兰最先发明的股份制成就了辉煌一时的东印度公司,银行业的兴起造就了博文镇意大利的美第奇银行家族,而对国债和货币发行的控制,成就了几乎垄断整个世界的罗斯柴尔德家族特地的出现也完全颠覆了人们对货币的理解,她是否也将带来一场巨大的金融变革呢哟,或者创造出一个全新的领域,于现行的货币体系和谐相处呢?而不管怎样,比特币诞生的四年级来一直在不断的成长,并已经其实正在跟投身其中的先驱者们创造大量的财富,那就让我们来看看比特币是如何为人们创造财富的来滴。

Of course, as a new thing, Bitcoin has a lot to do, such as its anonymity, how to control its tax revenues, how to live in harmony, how to improve its liquidity, how to control investment, and so on, but who dares to say that the current monetary system has no problem or need to be perfected? History is strikingly similar. In the history of money-sharing and financial development, when there is an innovation, whether it has a positive or a negative impact on society, she will bring about a major financial change, or a new area, where the current monetary system is harmonious.

特地淘金热腾讯 科技 6月25日报道,外界所有的质疑都没温阻挡亲本和比特币玩家继续涌入市场的热情。在中国,比特币交易和投资,挖矿芯片生产,矿机生产,矿企组装乃至托管服务正在运出一条新的虚拟货币产业链,并成为全世界比特币生产的中心。从上面的报道中我们可以看到,比特币的整个产业链包括交易,投资,挖矿,芯片生产,矿机生产,矿机组装,托管服务等等,而这些产业已经让很多人从中获利。首先,看看比特币的交易和投资,我们可以明显的看到,从最初的1万枚比特币换两个批发,到最高峰时20000美元一枚的市场价值,比特币的价值提升数亿万倍。

In China, bitcoin trading and investment, mining chip production, mining machine production, mining companies organizing and even hosting services are moving out of a new virtual money chain and becoming the center of the world’s bitcoin production. As we can see from the above reports, Bitcoin’s entire industrial chain includes trading, investment, mining, chip production, mineral production, mineral assembly, hosting, and so on, and many people are already profiting from it.

大多数新兴行业都会有一个早期的爆发期,产生暴力也共同危机。有人做过这样的计算,如果未来比特币成为了网络世界类似黄金的精准护壁,按目前全球央行12万亿美元黄金储备换算下来,2040年后一枚比特币大约价值将高达57万美元。腾讯 科技 7月15日报道,从6万-6000万,网络作家圣严比科比同分神话,最初的矿工们通过CPU和气体中将会获取不菲的收益,而现在几乎已经全部是专业矿机的天下了。北航计算机专业博士南瓜张设计了一种命名为Avalon的专业比特币矿机,在165月份的一篇报道中显示,该矿机每天能产生357个比特币。按照当年7月12日的比特币价格换算,1比特币兑换579元人民币,南瓜张比特币矿机一天可产出20万人民币。能够产生如此惊人的利润,南瓜张口气虽然很大,在出货比特币矿机使用南瓜张曾写下霸王条款,即便如此不可理喻,当年南瓜张接到的芯片订单已经超过了30万片,价值数亿元。当然,目前啊不能控制的产量不可能还有如此之高,但市场价格仍然被炒到20-30万,一台在全球范围内最著名的矿机公司,还有美国的蝴蝶实验室,以及新近崭露头角的蜂巢工作室。购买红蝶矿机目前也需要预定,而且没有准确的发货时间进程,很多用户今年4月份就已经付款预定,而到了7月仍然没有到货。蜂巢工作室利用谷歌云服务绑定专业芯片,设计出目前最先进的云矿机,目前采用众筹的模式对外合作扩大规模。

Most of the emerging industries will have an early outbreak period, with violence and a common crisis. Some have calculated that, if Bitcoin were to become an accurate shield for the Internet-like gold in the future, it would be worth approximately US$ 570,000 after 2040, at the current global central bank’s US$ 12 trillion in gold reserves. Technology and technology, as reported on July 15, would produce 357 bitcos a day from $60 million to 60 million, the Internet writer Sant’s symphony with the same myth, the original miners would have earned a lot of money from CPU and gas, and now almost all of it would have been a professional miner’s.


In addition, there are many windfall funds and start-up companies that are constantly entering the bitcoin mining industry, and that is the expression of the decentralized spirit of freedom and equality of the bitcoin. Some in the future of bitcoin say that bitcoin has no real value, and that other technical details can be refined and amended, but that bitcoin is the basis of everything, and that, from its birth to the present, no matter how its value fluctuates, it is ultimately recognized and trusted by a growing number of people. In this group, the bitcoins have become a monetary value, but they are not the source of credit for their own sake, and the trust is their own, so the snowball is bound to grow larger, but the trust is the basis of everything, and we see that bitcoins, from now on to now, are increasingly recognized and trusted, regardless of how their value fluctuates, and that it is not necessary to give credit to a new currency, even if it is a new currency, but a new currency, because it is not a currency that has become a currency that has become a source of currency.

比特币作为一种新生的事物,从十二年前的默默无闻走到今天的掀起的淘金热,无论中间有多少曲折与繁华,天使人们对他褒贬不一,他始终带着与生俱来的自由和平等,让越来越多的人认识并接纳,让我们怀着一颗包容和开放的心去看待和理解。比特币是一种自由货币的发端,就像人类 社会 本身也是在不断的尝试中一步步走来,就像一个比特币从业者所述,现行的货币制度经过累计几千年期间给人类带来了繁荣,也带来了一次次的灾难,直到现在我们也还在不断的完善货币制度,而比特币本身就是改善货币制度的一个方向,也许他并不完美,但至少正在通向完美的路上。

Bitcoin, as a new thing, has gone from silence 12 years ago to gold-grabbing today, and no matter how many twists and blooms in the middle, angels have been remissing him, and he has always been born free and equal, recognized and accepted by a growing number of people, allowing us to look and understand with an inclusive and open mind. Bitcoin is the beginning of a free currency, just as human society itself is constantly trying, and, as a Bitcoin practitioner has said, the current monetary system has brought prosperity to humanity over thousands of years and has caused another catastrophe, until now we are still improving the monetary system, which is itself a direction for improving the monetary system, perhaps not perfect, but at least on the way to perfection.

#比特币[超话]# #数字货币# #欧易OKEx#

♪ Bitcoin ♪ ♪ Digital currency ♪



Block links could have been decentralised because the entire network nodes synchronized with each other's books. So the block nodes do not need a central accounting institution. What is the node?


Bitcoin is a point-to-point electronic cash system, or, more directly, node-to-node. Each transaction is broadcast by node around the launch direction, and the node around it is then broadcast to itself, and eventually spread to the whole network.

每一个比特币钱包都是一个节点,其中拥有完整区块链账本的节点叫做全节点。2017年10月,比特币全网约有9300个全节点,负责比特币转账交易的广播和验证。转账交易发生后,由所有节点共同广播至全网,挖矿的节点验证该交易正确后会记录至区块链账本。美国、德国、法国拥有的比特币全节点数最多,中国的全节点数量约占全球5%。(数据来源于: bitnodes.21.co)运行比特币节点不提供任何奖励,且不需要全节点也可以进行比特币转账,所以比特币的全节点数只占节点数的一小部分。

Every bitcoin wallet is a node, and the node with the complete block chain book is called full node. In October 2017, there were about 9,300 full nodes on the entire Bitcoin network for broadcasting and validating Bitcoin transfer transactions. After the transfer transaction took place, all nodes were broadcast together to the whole network, and the node for digging the mine verified that the transaction was correct and the whole node was recorded in the node book. The United States, Germany, France had the highest number of full bitco nodes, and China accounted for about 5 per cent of the world. (Source: Bitnodes.21.co) The node running the Bitco node did not provide any incentive and could also be transferred by bitco, so the whole node of bitco is only a fraction of the number of nodes.


The nature of Bitcoin is an account book that keeps all the transactions recorded throughout history. The Bitcoin client interacts with other clients in the form of p2p, so it's called p2p node. If this client downloads all the books, that node is the full node.

比特币采用了基于互联网的 P2P (peer-to-peer)网络架构。 P2P 是指位于同一网络中的每台计算机都彼此对等,各个节点共同提供网络服务,不存在“特殊”节点。每个网络节点以“扁平(flat)”的拓扑结构相互连通。在 P2P 网络中不存在任何服务端(server)、中央化的服务、以及层级结构。 P2P 网络的节点之间交互运作、协同处理:每个节点在对外提供服务的同时也使用网络中其他节点所提供的服务。P2P 网络也因此具有可靠性、去中心化,以及开放性。

Bitcoin uses an Internet-based P2P (peer-to-peer) network structure. P2P means that every computer located in the same network is peer-to-peer and that there is no “special” node to provide network services. Each network node is connected with a flat flat (flat) top-up structure. There is no service end (server), centralized service, and hierarchical structure in the P2P network. The P2P network operates interactively between nodes, synergeticly: each node provides services from the outside as well as using other nodes in the network. The P2P network is thus reliable, decentralized, and open.

比特币所采用的 P2P 网络结构不仅仅是选择拓扑结构这样简单。比特币被设计为一种点对点的数字现金系统,它的网络架构即是这种核心特性的反映,也是该特性的基石。去中心化控制是设计时的核心原则,它只能通过维持一种扁平化、去中心化的 P2P 共识网络来实现。

The P2P network structure used by Bitcoin is not just as simple as choosing a top-up structure. Bitcoin is designed as a point-to-point digital cash system, whose network structure is a reflection of, and the cornerstone of, this core feature. Decentralization control is the core principle at the time of design, and it can only be achieved by maintaining a flat, decentralized P2P consensus network.

比特币 P2P 网络中的各个节点相互对等,但是根据所提供的功能不同,各个节点的分工也不尽相同。每个比特币节点都是路由、区块链数据库、挖矿、钱包服务的功能集合。一个比特币网络全节点包括四个功能:钱包、矿工、完整区块链、网络路由节点。

The various nodes in the Bitcoin P2P network are reciprocal, but the distribution of the nodes varies depending on the function provided. Each bitcoin node is a combination of circuits, block chain databases, mining, wallet services. A bitcoin network includes four functions: wallets, miners, complete block chains, network nodes.


Some dots maintain a complete, up-to-date copy of the block chain, which is called the “full node”. The whole node can independently verify all transactions without any external reference. Other nodes retain only part of the block chain, and they complete the transaction by means of a “simple payment certification” called “SPV node” or “lightweight node”.


Digging nodes create new blocks in a competitive manner by operating a workload proof (POW) algorithm on special equipment hardware. Some mining nodes are also full nodes, keeping complete copies of the block chain; others involved in mining in ponds are lightweight nodes, and they must work on the full node maintained by the pond server.


User wallets can also be part of the full node, which is more common on desktop bitcoin clients. More and more user wallets are currently SPV nodes, especially for bitcoins on resource-limited devices such as smartphones, which are becoming more common.


A block chain node means a smart device connected to a block chain network, all of which can be called a node, except that this node may play a different role depending on the characteristics of the device. This is a very large feature of the distributed network, and the more there are nodes on the whole block chain network, the more stable and secure it is. The node contains cell phones, mine machines, servers, etc.. A node can be operated by ordinary wallet users, miners and multi-person collaborator.




Node is a regional server. In an Internet area, an enterprise has all the data in one server, so the server is node.


It's like a micro-mail that we use every day, processing so many chat messages, transfers, etc. The data are stored and run in the servers of the tweaking company. So this is a data processing server that we can call the "node." And in the block chain world, you already know that the block chain is a decentralized distributed database, and it's not dependent on a centralized server, it's composed of tens of millions of small servers. As long as we download a block chain client, we become one of the tens of millions of small servers.


So, if we're going to play block chains, we're going to be a node ourselves.


Nodes are also light nodes and full nodes. The whole node is the node that has all the transaction data on the Internet, so the node is only the node that has all the relevant transaction data. And the more distributed the node is, the more central the network of blocks is, the more secure the network is. The chain letter, for example, now has 16 million users, which means that there are a lot of chain nodes.


The existence of nodes is an indication of the distribution of the block chain and the charm of the block chain.


Block chains are distributed systems, and there are many nodes in the system, which you simply understand as computers or servers connected through the Internet. And then, depending on the nature of the block chain, they become nodes in different ways. Of course, nodes are defined differently.


However, in the current bitcoin, miners, full nodes, light nodes, or even ordinary users, may be called nodes in different contexts. But, in any case, Bitcoin’s system is more about digging or trading (and at the same time you don’t trust the results of other people’s verification) than about automatic obligations, but about voluntariness.


I'm sure you have a better idea of what bitcoin is and how many bitcoin nodes there are now, and thank you for your support and attention!


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