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(i) What's Bitcoin?

     比特币(英文名Bitcoin,简称 BTC)自从其诞生那一天起,就注定是一个充满神奇色彩和颇多争议的产物。“比特币”这简单的三个字里就包含了密码学、经济学、政治学、货币学、计算机技术等前沿的理论和技术。

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Bitcoin (English name Bitcoin, or BTC) has been destined to be a magical and controversial product since the day of its birth. The simple word “bitcoin” contains theories and technologies such as cryptography, economics, political science, monetary science, technology.


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; since the beginning of 2013, along with the frenzy of price growth, Bitcoin has been a frequent feature of various technologies and mainstream media, attracting much attention, turning into the most mysterious part of the popular “ finance.” Many still wonder whether Bitcoin is a great Internet financial experiment to destabilize the existing financial system, or is it a very guest-led ponzi scheme?

     比特币这个概念,最早由中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)2008年11月在一个隐秘密码学讨论小组中贴出的一篇研究报告《Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System(比特币:一个点对点的电子现金系统)》中提出。随后,他又开发出最早的比特币发行、交易和账户管理的系统。

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Bitcoin, the concept of which was first introduced by Satoshi Nakamoto in November 2008 in a secret code panel study, Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System (bitcoin: an electronic cash-to-point system). He then developed the earliest bitcoin distribution, trading and account management system.


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; as Ben-Sung excavated the first block chain on 3 January 2009, known as “God's block” (which is not true, the first block is not), the first 50 bitcoins were declared dead. At that time, who could have thought that, in a few years, Bitcoin would be accepted and liked by so many people, would move so quickly from the conglomerates to the public, and would show its distinctive charm in such a way that it would grow at such a fierce price?


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; since the birth of the Internet, the concept of “digital money” has been a hot topic, but there is a major challenge to how to address counterfeiting and double payment. Digital money is a simple message, and how to avoid people simply pasting it and then making payments as they please is a crucial question.


& nbsp; & nbsp; Prior to the advent of Bitcoin, the more common solution was to establish a central settlement system to account for all transactions in real time, while ensuring that people could not re-use spent electronic currency. This approach required a credible third-party agency to manage the system as a whole. The banking system in daily life uses such a central settlement system.


Bitcoin avoids double payment by means of a publicly distributed account (also called block chain Blockchain) that completely abandons the architecture that requires management by a third-party agency. All historical transactions in bitcoin are recorded through block (block). The account book is not stored on a central server, but is made publicly available online, on every computer connected to the Bitcoin network.


& nbsp; & nbsp; The information is quickly disseminated throughout the Bitcoin network when a complete transaction instruction is issued. The network node begins to calculate whether the transaction is valid (i.e. whether the account balance is sufficient to pay) and attempts to generate a block containing the transaction information. Only when the cumulative six blocks contain the transaction information is considered " certified through ", formally confirming the transaction's success.


(ii) Bitcoin supply mechanisms


& nbsp; The new bitcoin is made in the form of running software, which appears to be somewhat similar to the supply of precious metals such as gold and silver and is therefore often portrayed as “Mining”, whereas the miner is known as “Miner”; there is also a perception that the process of creation is similar to that of playing gold in the game, known as “bitcoin”.


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; The essence of mining is to compete for rights to account. In the world of Bitcoin, every 10 minutes a data block is made publicly available to the whole network, which contains all transactions verified globally in 10 minutes. And the opportunity to identify this data block is to be robbed, allowing the winner to add a sum to his own account for each new block. If a miner does not take the rights to account (in principle, only one miner gets it) within 10 minutes, he will be able to go back into the next round of competing rights to account.


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; and the way to compete for the right to bookkeeping is to play a cryptography game called Hashi, the algorithm being SHA-256 (a typical safety hash algorithm).


Because of the randomness of Hashi's calculations, there is no way to optimize the algorithm, which can only run upwards from scratch (i.e., the “hungry method”), the more likely it is that whoever has the capacity to do so will have the opportunity to find it first. The possibility of “discovering” the new data block is based on a comparison between his computing capacity and that of the whole network.

      在比特币网络中,新币的生产速度是预先设定的。每个交易区块的生成时间保持在10分钟左右,最初每成功抢到一个块的奖励是50个比特币。区块链的规模每达到21万的整数倍(每四年会达到一次),成功抢到块获得的奖励便会减半:先从50个比特币减少至25个,再从25个减到12.5个。以此类推,大约到2140年整个系统将产生 2100万比特币,达到事先设定好的总量上限。之后比特币不再增加,比特币矿工的收益将由转账手续费支付。

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; In the Bitcoin network, the rate of production of the new currency is predetermined. Each block is generated for about 10 minutes, with an initial incentive of 50 bitcoins per block. The size of the block chain reaches 210,000 integer times (every four years), and the winning reward is halved: from 50 bitcoins to 25 and from 25 to 12.5. By so doing, the entire system will generate approximately 21 million bits by 2140, reaching a pre-set total ceiling.


(iii) Who was Benz of Bitcoin's founder?


& nbsp; & nbsp; Until now, the true identity of the middle-brained remains confused and unknown. Some guesses are endless, whether he is Japanese or not, whether he is an organization or not. One only knows that he should be at least the best algorithm engineer and programmer.


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Nakamoto rarely discloses his information. The online profile shows that he lives in Japan, but the e-mail address is a free service point from Germany, and no information about him can be found on Google.


On December 5, 2010, after Bitcoin users began to ask WitkiLeaks to accept the Bitcoin donation, he wrote at the Bitcoin Forum, “This project needs to grow gradually so that software can grow more and more in the process.” I called on WikiLeaks not to accept Bitcoin, but it is also a small testing community in the bud. At this stage, if not handled properly, it will only destroy Bitcoin.”

     格林威治时间2010年12月12日6点22分,就在他发帖争辩维基解密比特币捐赠问题7天后,中本聪在论坛发了最后一个帖子,帖中谈到软件最新版本几个无关紧要的细节,之后,他就从论坛消失了,他的邮件回复也变得不稳定,最后完全终止了。此后中本聪只与少数几个人保持着联系,作为后来比特币核心开发团队领导人的加文安德烈森(Gavin Andresen)就是其中之一。2011年4月26日,安德烈森告诉比特币开发团队的其他成员:“中本聪今早提议,在公开谈论比特币时,我们应尽量回避‘神秘创始人’这一话题。”随后,中本聪甚至连安德烈森的电子邮件都不再回复了。

After & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Greenwich Time at 6.22 p.m. on December 12, 2010, seven days after he had debated the issue of WikiLeaks' donation of Bitcoin, Nakaki sent his last post to the Forum, in which he spoke of a few minor details of the latest version of the software, after which he disappeared from the Forum and his mail response became unstable and terminated completely. After that time, only a few people remained in contact, one of which was Gavin Anderson, who was later the leader of the Bitcoin core development team. On April 26, 2011, Anderson told the other members of the Bitcoin development team that: “He had proposed this morning, when talking openly about Bitcoin, we should try to avoid the topic of `mysterious founders'.” Then, he stopped answering even his e-mail.


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Mystery Bint has completely disappeared, and bitcoin fans are sad and confused about his departure, while bitcoin continues to develop with great vitality.


& nbsp; In memory of him, a little game of play with bitcoin as a chip was developed, named "SatoshiDice", which allows players to choose different odds of winning, completely random, and unable to cheat. In July 2013, this little game became the first big acquisition case in the Bitcoin industry by an anonymous secret buyer at a price of 12,6315 bitcoins (at that time valued at $11.5 million).


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; conjecture and conjecture about Chinese bellicose is one of the topics that Bitcoin fans are interested in, adding a sense of bitcoin mystery and providing a lot of material to conspiracists.


Now it seems that the true identity of the human being among the inventors of Bitcoin may remain a mystery.


Man/Shanowa SUFA 699

(来源:肖野1的财富号 2019-09-19 11:14) [点击查看原文]

(Source: Shashino 1's wealth number 2019-09-19 11:14) [click on original]


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