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Hong Kong highlights:


14 Hong Kong virtual assets active ETFs are paid today for approximately HK$ 15.35 million


According to the Flying Bull data, as of today (14 June), 14 of Hong Kong's first released virtual assets, on-the-shelf ETF transactions, totalled HK$15.34.6 million.


Of which:


The Hong Kong dollar counters are the same.


(a) ETF (3042.HK) in Washington, D.C., with an amount of HK$ 8.4322 million;


(a) ETF (3046.HK) in the amount of HK$ 230.72 million in Huaxia;


The cash ETF (3439.HK) in Katsebitco was awarded HK$12.1223 million;


The sum of HK$ 317.2 million in TNT (3179.HK);


(a) HashKey bitcoin ETF (3008.HK) was awarded HK$ 1.6386 million in Bohing;


HashKey paid HK$51.66 million in ETF (3009.HK) at Bohing;


The total is approximately HK$14.441 million.

美元柜台及人民币柜台,以截至发稿7.81116 美元/港元(USDHKD)、0.92890 港元/人民币(HKDCNY)汇率分别计为,

The United States dollar counter and the Chinese renminbi counter are calculated at the exchange rates of $7.811116/United States dollar (USDHKD) and 0.92890/ HKDCNY, respectively, up to the date of issuance.


(a) Wal-Shabitcoin-U (09042.HK) amounted to $787 million, or approximately HK$61.47 million;


(a) The sum of NT.00.00, or approximately HK$00.00, was paid by NT.U (09046.HK);


(a) HuaShabitcoin-R (83042.HK) with a value of RMB 781,000.00, or approximately HK$7254.71;


(a) The sum of NT.00.00, or approximately HK$00.00, paid by NT.E-R (83046.HK);


(a) Katsumibitco-U (09439.HK) with a volume of $4387.00, or approximately HK$34267.56;


The sum of NT-U (09179.HK) was US$ 220.00, or approximately HK$1718.46;


(a) HashKeybitcoin-U (09008.HK) at Bohr with a volume of $3.38 million, or approximately HK$ 26.4 million;


(a) HashKey at Bohr was paid at US$00.00 in taeco-U (09009.HK), approximately HK$00.00;


The total is approximately HK$92.19 million.


A total of HK$15.34.6 million has been transferred to the 14 Hong Kong virtual assets active ETFs today.



On 14 June, according to the announcement of the Kutt Group (02369.HK), the Hong Kong stock listing company entered into a contract in June 2024 for the purchase of equipment at a total cost of $13,583,700 (equivalent to approximately HK$ 106,089,000) for 2,700 electronic computing servers for the encryption of mining.

酷派集团表示,该集团的现有算力为873,000 TH/S,待采购合约交易完成后,算力将增至1,504,800 TH/S。

According to the Coolie Group, the Group has a current capacity of 873,000 TH/S, which will increase to 1,504,800 TH/S once the contract transactions are completed.


In addition, the transaction software also shows that the Coolie Group is currently deactivated. According to an exchange announcement, the company officially suspended its license at 9 a.m. on 2 April 2024.


Subsequently, in early May 2024, the company adopted an investment plan in which it was announced that the group could purchase up to $28 million (equivalent to approximately HK$ 219 million) of listed securities in the United States related to the crypto-asset industry through open-market transactions.

彼时投资细节显示,公司全资附属子公司Digital Tech于2024年4月16日至5月8日期间,以总代价23.84百万美元(相当于186.43百万港元)收购了合共1,500,000股CLSK股份,相当于每股CLSK股份约15.89美元(相等于约124.26港元);于2024年4月19日至5月8日期间,以总代价4.03百万美元(相等于约31.51百万港元)收购了合共113,000股IBIT股份,相当于每IBIT股份约35.64美元(相等于约278.70港元)。

From 16 April to 8 May 2024, Digital Tech, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, acquired a total of 1,500,000 shares of CLSK at a total cost of $23.84 million (equivalent to HK$ 186.43 million) equivalent to approximately US$ 15.89 per share of CLSK (equivalent to approximately HK$124.26); and from 19 April to 8 May 2024, a total of US$ 4.03 million (equivalent to approximately HK$ 31.51 million) at a total cost of 113,000 shares of IBIT shares equivalent to approximately US$ 35.64 per share of IBIT (equivalent to approximately HK$278.70).


The investment plan also includes, but is not limited to, ARKB, BITB, EZBC, FBTC, GBTC, DEFI, BTCO, HODL, BRRR, BTCW, etc., which are listed from time to time in the United States.


Apple Vision Pro中国开正式启预购,线下门店预约显示爆满

Apple Vision Pro has officially opened a pre-purchase in China, and the under-the-door appointment is full

6月14日,Apple Vision Pro在中国开启预购,人民币售价29,999元起,线下门店已开启预约“一对一演示试用”。6月28日(星期五)起正式发售。

On June 14, Apple Vision Pro opened a pre-purchase in China, selling the renminbi at $29,999, and the under-line shop opened an appointment & ldquo; a one-to-one demonstration trial & rdquo; and an official sale started on Friday, June 28.


As of 9:30 a.m. on June 14, a number of districts entered through the Apple China Network, showing & ldquo; all service hours were about & & rdquao; and on social networking platforms, a number of users felt that they could not afford or experience a wave of mentalities, leading to an overflow of appointments at the under-line shop.

据悉,Apple Vision Pro的试用可体验30分钟,6月28日起开始试用,每天名额有限。如果佩戴眼镜人士,店里可以提供蔡司眼镜插片试用,但需要提前告知。

If someone wears glasses, the shop can offer a test of Chai's glasses, but it needs to be informed in advance.


Since then, on 14 June, around 10 p.m., apples appear to have opened up more opportunities for offline experience shops, and 16 provincial and municipal areas covered by the Apple Shop were able to make appointments until 28 June.

6月11日的“WWDC24”上,苹果发布visionOS 2,对Vision Pro进行了全面升级。一是通过机器学习的方式,让用户可以直接将2D照片转换为空间照片;二是加入了抬手、双指互点的输入交互方式,让手势能够应用到更多的功能上;三是在使用电脑协同工作的场景下,Vision Pro强化了Mac虚拟显示屏,用户将可以感受到相当于两台4K显示器并排摆放的超宽屏,在这项功能下,Vision Pro使用了动态注视点技术,让显示内容无论从哪个角度看都清晰无比。

& & & & & & & & & June 11; WDC24” on the occasion of Apple's launch of Vision OS 2, full upgrade of Vision Pro. First, through machine learning, allows users to directly convert 2D photos to space photographs; second, by adding hand-lifting, two finger-pointing interactive input, so that gestures can be applied to more functionality; and third, in the context of working together with computers, through the enhancement of the Mac Virtual Screen by Vision Pro, users will feel the equivalent of two 4K monitors and displaying ultra-broad screens, under which Vision Pro uses dynamic point-of-view technology to show content from no angle.

据媒体报道,Vision Pro还未正式上市时,就有不少企业已经开始研发Vision Pro面向C端的内容,推出适配Vision Pro的线下娱乐场景。B端亦有。

According to media reports, while VisionPro is not officially on the market, a number of companies have started to develop VisionPro-C-oriented content and to launch an offline entertainment scene with VisionPro.

Vision Pro在医疗、教育、工业等领域已有诸多成功的案例。例如,外科医生已在使用Mako机器人辅助进行髋关节、膝关节等部位的手术,以减轻病患手术疼痛和缩短恢复时间。随着My Mako的应用的推出,医生可以借助Vision Pro更直观地执行可视化手术。

For example, surgeons have been using Mako robotics to support surgeries in hips, knees, etc. to reduce the pain and recovery time of patients. With My Mako’s application, doctors can perform visualization with Vision Pro.

Vision Pro的线下娱乐也正在展现出更强的延展力。

VisionPro’s offline entertainment is also showing a much stronger boost.

各个企业在其正式发售前已做好变革的先手。在Vision Pro尚未发布时,Vision Pro的线上租赁服务就已开始接受预定,价格基本都在2500元/天以上,排队时间甚至长达15天。在Vision Pro上市后一个月,租赁的价格也下滑到500元/天,如今在200-500元/天。面向娱乐市场,由于Vision Pro定价高昂,首先爆发的不是C端的个人用户而是线上租赁与线下体验店的生意。

Businesses started to make changes before they were officially released. By the time Vision Pro was released, VisionPro’s online rental services had begun to be booked, at prices of roughly $2,500/day or more, and were in queue for up to 15 days. One month after VisionPro was listed, rental prices also fell to $500/day, now 200-500/day. For the entertainment market, because of the high price of VisionPro, the first outbreak was not for C-end personal users, but for the online rental and offline experience shop business.

2023年是XR终端提质的关键年,最为关键的就是苹果发布Vision Pro,将视觉、听觉、交互提升到最高级别,提升VR魅力的同时也让XR的体验达到了前所未有的境界。

The year 2023 was a crucial year for the XR terminal lifting, and the most critical was the Apple launch of the Vision Pro, which raised vision, hearing, interaction to the highest levels, enhancing VR charisma while also bringing the XR experience to an unprecedented level.

Vision Pro的到来,成为了区别以往XR终端的全新载体,叠加前所未有的品牌力与技术集成创造的革新体验,全面激活了大众对空间计算时代的想象。

The arrival of Vision Pro has become a completely new vehicle to distinguish between former XR terminals, adding to the experience of innovation in the creation of unprecedented brand power and technological integration, fully activating popular imagination of the space computing age.

Distance Technologies获270万美元融资,宣布推出无需佩戴眼镜的XR技术

Distance Technologies received $2.7 million in funding to announce the introduction of XR technology without glasses

近日,专注于为汽车、航空航天和国防市场开发裸眼扩展现实技术的Distance Technologies宣布,已完成270万美元种子轮融资,由FOV Ventures和Maki.vc领投,Business Finland和David Helgason投资。

In recent days, Distance Technologies, which focuses on the development of nudity-extended reality technologies for the automobile, aerospace and defence markets, announced the completion of $2.7 million in seed wheel financing, led by FOV Ventures and Maki.vc, with investments in Business Finland and David Helgason.

据介绍,Distance Technologies正在开发无需佩戴眼镜的XR技术,可以将任何透明表明转换为XR体验,如飞机或者汽车上,通过任何透明的窗口,用户都可以即刻体验混合现实。该公司的解决方案完全不依赖于用户面部或身体上佩戴的任何设备。

Distance Technologies is developing XR technologies that do not need glasses to convert any transparency to XR experiences, such as aircraft or cars, where users can immediately experience mixed reality through any transparent window. The company’s solution is completely independent of any equipment that the user wears on his face or body.


Distance states that & & ldquo; at the 2024 Real World Exposition (AWE), a private presentation of its techniques will be given to selected analysts, journalists and groups of influencers & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & @ & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &. & & & & & & & & & @ & & & & & & & & & & @ & @ @ & & @ & & & & & & @ & & & & & & & & @ @ & & & & & & & & & &

OpenAI任命前美国国家安全局局长(NSA)Paul Nakasone为董事会成员

OpenAI appointed Paul Nakasone, former Director of the National Security Agency of the United States (NSA), as a member of the Board of Trustees of

6月14日,据彭博社,OpenAI 已任命美国退役陆军上将Paul Nakasone为董事会成员。

On 14 June, according to Bloomberg, OpenAI appointed General Paul Nakasone, former United States Army Commander, as a member of the Board of Trustees.

Paul Nakasone曾担任美国国家安全局(NSA)局长和美国网络司令部领导人。

Paul Nakasone was Director of the United States National Security Agency (NSA) and leader of the United States Cyber Command.

Paul Nakasone还将加入OpenAI新成立的安全与保障委员会,该委员会专注于OpenAI的关键安全决策。

Paul Nakasone will also join the new OpenAI Safety and Security Committee, which focuses on key security decisions in OpenAI.


As previously reported, OpenAI established a board of directors committee to assess the security and safeguards of its AI model, a governance change that took place a few weeks after the company's chief in charge of this area resigned and the company dissolved its internal team.


Data phenomena:

比特币短时跌破67000 USDT

"Strong" Bitcoin fell short by 67,000 USDT

据Bitget行情显示,比特币短时跌破67000 USDT,日内跌近4%。

Bitget showed that bitcoin fell short of 67,000 USDT and nearly 4 per cent in the day.


Bitcoin spot ETFs had a total net outflow of $226 million yesterday, with a net ETF asset ratio of 4.45 per cent


According to SosoValue data, the spot ETF in Bitcoin had a total net outflow of $226 million on 13 June.


Of this amount, the greyscale (Grayscale) GBTC had a net one-day outflow of $61,328 million, and the current GBTC had a single-day net outflow of $18,155 million; the largest single-day net inflow of the Bitcoin spot ETF was Black Rock IBIT, with a single-day net inflow of $18,273 million, and the current total IBIT had a total net inflow of $17,640 million.


By the time of issuance, the total net assets of the current ETF in Bitcoin amounted to $58,535 million, the net assets ratio of the ETF (market value compared to the total market value of Bitcoin) amounted to 4.45 per cent and the accumulated historical net inflows amounted to $15,296 million.


20,000 bitcoins and 200,000 ethals coming to an end

据Deribit数据,2万张比特币期权和20万张以太坊期权即将到期,涉及的名义价值分别达到13.5亿美元和7.1亿美元。比特币期权的Put Call Ratio为0.49,最大痛点为68500美元。以太坊期权的Put Call Ratio为0.36,最大痛点为3600美元。

According to Deribit, 20,000 Bitcoins and 200,000 ETAs are about to expire, amounting to $1.35 billion in nominal terms and $710 million in nominal terms, respectively. Put Call Ratio in Bitcoins is 0.49, with a maximum pain point of $68,500. Put Call Ratio in ESP is 0.36, and a maximum pain point of $3,600.



According to Coinglass data, $108 million has been reported for the last 24 hours, including $84.09 million for more than one blast and $23.51 million for more than one blast. $2.351 million for Bitcoin and $2.74 million for the other.


Industry finance:

NEAR基金会成立的Nuffle Labs完成1300万美元战略融资,Electric Capital领投

The Nuffle Labs, founded by the NEAR Foundation, completed strategic financing of $13 million, with the Electric Capital funding of

NEAR基金会成立独立实体Nuffle Labs,并完成1300万美元战略融资。本轮融资资金来自NEAR基金会的战略拨款和Electric Capital牵头的投资,Canonical Crypto、Fabric Ventures、Robot Ventures、Caladan、Lyrik Ventures以及天使投资人,其中包括Selini的Jordi Alexander、NEAR的Bowen Wang、EigenLayer的Sreeram Kannan、Frax的Sam Kazemian以及Polygon的Sandeep Nailwal参投。

The NEAR Foundation has established an independent entity, Nuffle Labs, and has completed strategic financing of $13 million. This round of financing is financed by the NEAR Foundation’s strategic allocation and by investments led by Electric Capital, with the participation of Canonical Crypto, Fabric Ventures, Robot Ventures, Caladan, Lyrik Ventures and Angel investors, including Jordi Alexander of Selini, Bowen Wang of NEAR, Sreram Kannan of EigenLayer, Sam Kazemian of Frax and Sandeep Nailwal of Polygon.

Nuffle Labs构建了NEAR的数据可用性层(NEAR DA)、NEAR快速最终性层(NFFL)以及NEAR模块化产品套件中的其他产品。

Nuffle Labs constructed the Near Data Usability Layer (NEAR DA), the NFFL and other products in the NEAR modularized product package.

去中心化信贷协议Qiro Finance完成120万美元Pre-Seed轮融资,Alliance领投

Decentitation Credit Agreement Qiro Finance completes $1.2 million Pre-Seed Round Finance, and Alliance projects

去中心化信贷协议Qiro Finance完成120万美元Pre-Seed轮融资,Alliance领投,Druid Ventures、Escape Velocity(EV3)、Trident Digital和CMT Digital等参投。所筹资金将用于进一步开发其去中心化信贷协议,增强代币化RWA支持信贷应用的能力。

The funds will be used to further develop its decentralised credit agreement and to enhance the ability of the currency RWA to support credit applications.

除融资外,Qiro Finance还获得由Polygon提供的10万枚MATIC和Aptos基金会提供的5万美元开发资助。

In addition to financing, Qiro Finance received US$ 50,000 in development funding from the Polygon Foundation for 100,000 MATIC and Aptos.


Paradigm has already secured $850 million in new fund mobilization

加密投资公司Paradigm联合创始人Matt Huang发推称,Paradigm已完成8.5亿美元新基金筹集,该基金将专注于早期阶段的加密项目。

Matt Huang, co-founder of the cryptographic investment company Paradigm, deduced that Paradigm had completed the collection of $850 million in new funds, which would focus on early-stage encryption projects.

此前消息,据彭博社援引知情人士报道,Paradigm正在与投资者洽谈,计划为一只新基金筹集7.5亿至8.5亿美元。Paradigm曾于2021年推出规模达25亿美元的基金。去年9月,The Information报道称Paradigm计划筹集10亿美元的基金。

Earlier, according to sources quoted by Bloomberg, Paradigm was negotiating with investors to raise $750 million to $850 million for a new fund. Paradigm had launched a $2.5 billion fund in 2021. In September last year, The Information reported that Paradigm was planning to raise $1 billion.


The $50 million ecological fund launched by the Manta Foundation is now open for application at .

Manta Network发推称,Manta基金会启动5000万美元生态基金,现已开放申请。该基金将支持DeFi、游戏、NFT等领域项目。其中,3500万美元将直接投资基于Manta Network的有前景的项目,1000万美元将通过提供赠款来支持生态系统内的特定领域,包括AI/DePin、ZK、meme等,500万美元用于举办线上和线下活动和黑客松。

Manta Network postulates that the Manta Foundation has launched an ecological fund of $50 million, which is now open for applications. The fund will support projects in the areas of DeFi, games, and NFT. Of this, $35 million will be invested directly in promising projects based on Manta Network, $10 million will support specific areas of the ecosystem through grants, including AI/DePin, ZK, meme, etc., and $5 million will be used to organize online and offline activities and hacking operations.


Regulatory developments:


The Moscow Exchange stopped trading in dollars and euros due to United States sanctions


The Moscow Exchange (MOEX) announced that it would suspend all transactions related to the United States dollar and the euro as a result of United States sanctions against its platforms. The measure, which came into force on 13 June, covered foreign exchange, precious metals, stocks, bonds, money and standardized off-site derivatives markets. MOEX stated that, in the face of new challenges, it would “continue to provide customers with access to all links in the trading place”.


U.S. Congressman

福克斯记者Eleanor Terrett发推称,加州民主党人Brad Sherma向众议院规则委员会提交一项修正案,要求必须在通过的《国防授权法案》(NDAA)中包含以下内容:

According to Fox journalist Eleanor Terrett, a California Democrat, Brad Sherma, submitted an amendment to the House Rules Committee requiring the adoption of the Defence Authorization Act (NDAA) to include the following:


1) The U.S. Treasury Secretary will have “unequivocal powers to prohibit digital asset trading platforms and trading intermediaries under U.S. jurisdiction from trading with encrypted currency addresses known or likely to be reasonably identified as in Russia”.


2) The Financial Crime Enforcement Network (FINCEN) will be entitled to require United States taxpayers involved in overseas encrypted currency transactions worth more than $10,000 to submit to FinCEN Form 114 (FBAR).

市场消息:Gary Gensler认为ETH ETF S1将于夏季获批

Market News: Gary Gensler thinks ETH ETF S1 will be approved in the summer

市场消息,美国证券交易委员会(SEC)主席Gary Gensler认为ETH ETF S1将于夏季获批。

Market news indicates that Gary Gensler, Chairman of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), believes that ETH ETF S1 will be approved in the summer.


The European Banking Authority issued the final draft of the MiCA Technical Standard on Prudential Matters


The European Banking Authority (EBA) publishes a final draft of technical standards on prudential matters to be followed by enterprises under the regulatory law on the cryptographic asset market (MiCA).


Dozens of countries, including the United States and the United Kingdom, issued a joint statement to combat tax evasion in encrypted currencies


Dozens of countries, such as the United States and the United Kingdom, have issued joint statements to combat tax evasion in encrypted currencies and have assured the public that these jurisdictions have agreed to the Encrypted Asset Reporting Framework (CARF) for encryption tax rules developed by the Economic Cooperation Organization. “The widespread, consistent and timely implementation of CARF will further enhance our ability to ensure tax compliance and combat tax evasion, as tax evasion reduces public revenues and increases the burden on taxpayers.” The Encrypted Asset Reporting Framework is expected to be launched in 2027.


The Central Bank of Kenya will issue operating licences to two financial technology payment companies

肯尼亚中央银行(CBK)将向金融科技支付公司颁发运营许可证,其中包括两家尼日利亚支付公司Chipper Cash和Flutterwave。央行行长Kamau Thugge表示,央行正在修订2011年《国家支付系统法》,以使金融科技公司能够合法运营。

The Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) will issue operating licences to the Financial Science and Technology Payments Corporation, including two Nigerian payment companies, Chiper Cash and Flutterwave. Central Bank President Kamau Thugge said that the Central Bank was in the process of amending the National Payments System Act 2011 to enable the Financial Science and Technology Corporation to operate legally.


Users in some European jurisdictions can use Robinhood to pledge SOL to earn an incentive

Robinhood Crypto EU发文宣布符合条件的Robinhood Crypto客户可以直接通过应用程序质押其持有的SOL资产来赚取奖励,并可以随时取消质押。

Robinhood Crypto EU wrote that eligible Robinhood Crypto clients could obtain an incentive to pledge their SOL assets directly through the application and could cancel the pledge at any time.


Swiss Financial Markets Supervisory Authority closes the encryption-related bank FlowBank and commences insolvency proceedings

瑞士金融市场监管局(FINMA)关闭提供货币服务的瑞士网上银行FlowBank,FlowBank启动破产程序。FINMA称该银行「不再拥有足够的资本来维持其银行业务」,并且「严重违反」最低资本要求。瑞士顶级律师事务所Walder Wyss已被FINMA任命为该银行的破产清算人。

The Swiss Financial Markets Supervisory Authority (FINMA) shut down the Swiss online bank FlowBank, which provides monetary services, and opened insolvency proceedings. FINDA claims that the bank "no longer has enough capital to maintain its banking business" and "seriously violates" its minimum capital requirements.


Judge Strang approved the $4.47 billion settlement agreement between Terraform and the SEC.

美国纽约地方法院法官Jed Rakoff已批准Terraform与美国证券交易委员会(SEC)达成的44.7亿美元和解协议。根据协议,Terraform将支付近36亿美元的罚没款、4.2亿美元的民事罚款和约4.67亿美元的预估利息。在与Terraform共同合作的基础上,Do Kwon同意支付1.1亿美元的罚没款和1430万美元的预审利息,以及8000万美元的民事罚款。

Under the agreement, Terraform would pay nearly $3.6 billion in fines, $420 million in civil fines, and some $467 million in estimated interest. On the basis of cooperation with Terraform, Do Kwon agreed to pay $110 million in fines and $14.3 million in pre-trial interest, as well as $80 million in civil penalties.

此前消息,Terraform Labs计划解散其业务,其CEO、Terra开发者Chris Amani计划出售其在Terra生态系统中的项目,包括Pulsar Finance、Station Wallet和Enterprise DAO。

Previously, Terraform Labs planned to dismantle its operations and its CEO, Terra developer Chris Amani planned to sell its projects in the Terra ecosystem, including Pulsar Finance, State Wallet and Enterprise DAO.


Global wind direction:


Biden nominated US-CFTC members for senior positions in the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Ministry of Finance

白宫近日发布声明表示,美国总统拜登提名美国商品期货交易委员会(CFTC)委员Christy Goldsmith Romero领导联邦存款保险公司(FDIC),Kristin Johnson担任财政部金融机构助理部长。两位民主党CFTC委员都曾敦促该机构发布规则或指导方针,以保护消费者并解决加密货币领域的利益冲突。

The White House has recently issued a statement stating that US President Biden has nominated Christy Goldsmith Romero, a member of the United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), to lead the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FIDC), and Kristin Johnson to serve as Assistant Secretary for Financial Institutions at the Department of the Treasury. Both Democratic CFTC members have urged the agency to issue rules or guidelines to protect consumers and resolve conflicts of interest in the area of encryption currency.

Christy Goldsmith Romero是CFTC技术咨询委员会的发起人,该委员会今年早些时候投票决定向委员会提交一份报告,呼吁政府和行业努力了解DeFi。Kristin Johnson曾表示,CFTC应「立即制定」有关资产托管的法规。目前拜登政府正在推动首次提名听证会于7月8日开始。

Christy Goldsmith Romero, the initiator of the CFTC Technical Advisory Committee, voted earlier this year to submit to the Committee a report calling on the government and industry to work towards understanding the DeFi. Kristin Johnson said that the CFTC should “promulgate immediately” the rules governing the trusteeship of assets. The Biden government is now promoting the start of the first nomination hearing on 8 July.


MicroStrategy plans to issue $500 million in non-public convertible priority instruments, and the net proceeds will buy more bitcoins


MicroStrategy issued an announcement stating that $500 million in non-public distribution was planned to convert the preferred instrument MSTR and that it was planned to use the net proceeds from the sale of the instrument to purchase more bitcoins and to use them for general corporate purposes.


Consensys: Film.io will join VillageDAO with the aim of centralizing Hollywood


The block chain technology company Consensys states that Film.io, a start-up company aimed at democratizing the Hollywood production system, will be the first partner to join the VillageDAO, which was launched by Consensys in 2022, using the power of the Web3 community to provide client support and services to dApp users and developers.


Film.io and VillageDAO are launching a “community experts” certification scheme that allows members of Film.io to support existing communities and facilitate the presence of new users.

Consensys是一家区块链技术公司,为企业、开发者和个人提供基于以太坊的软件和解决方案,其创始人Joseph Lubin也是以太坊联合创始人之一。除开发和咨询服务外,旗下产品包括钱包MetaMask、开发套件Infura、智能合约审计服务Diligence、开放源代码的区块链Quorum等。

Consensys is a block chain technology company that provides software and solutions based on Ether for businesses, developers, and individuals, and its founder, Joseph Lubin, is one of the co-founders of Ether. In addition to development and advisory services, the products under the banner include a wallet, Metamask, development package Infoura, smart contract audit service Diligence, open source chain Quorum, etc.

Consensys在5轮融资中共筹集到7.5亿美元,2022年3月,Consensys以70亿美元估值完成4.5亿美元D轮融资,由ParaFi Capital领投,参投机构包括淡马锡、软银愿景基金二期、微软等。

Consensys raised a total of $750 million in five rounds of financing, and in March 2022 Consensys completed the $450 million D round of financing with a $7 billion valuation, led by ParaFi Capital, and participated in institutions such as Leamasin, Soft and Silver Vision Fund II, Microsoft, etc.


Base hints that cooperation with Adidas will be reached

以太坊L2 Base发推称,「即将揭幕,Adidas已进入Base状态」,配图为Base生态Meme Onchain Summer广告牌,内容为「Onchain Summer of Sports」,侧面附有Adidas品牌标志。之后该推文得到Adidas账号转发,并附有两个表情符号。

According to Tai Fan L2 Base, "Adidas is in the state of Base, soon to be unveiled" with a poster for the Base Ecome Onchain Summer of Sports, accompanied by the Adidas brand logo. The tweet was then forwarded by the Adidas account, accompanied by two emoticons.


DeFi Ecology:


Founder of Curve: $10 million in bad debt due to liquidation today, 93 per cent repaid

Curve创始人Michael Egorov发推称,「Curve Finance团队与自己一直在解决今天发生的清算风险问题。很多人都知道,我的所有贷款都被清算了,我的头寸规模太大,市场无法承受,造成1000万美元坏账。只有lend.curve.fi上的CRV市场受到了影响,该市场的头寸最大。我已经偿还了93%坏账,并打算很快偿还其他部分。」

The founder of Curve, Michael Egorov, deduced that "The Curve Finance team and itself have been addressing the liquidation risks that have occurred today. Many people know that all my loans have been liquidated, that my position is too large for the market, resulting in $10 million in bad debts. Only the CRV market on lend.curve.fi has been affected, and it has the largest position. I have paid 93 per cent of my bad debts and intend to repay the rest soon."

此前消息,Curve创始人Michael Egorov被清算1.4亿美元CRV。昨日CRV价格跌破其清算门槛后,他在5个协议中的上亿贷款头寸全部被清算。其一度从币安提取600万枚USDT并换为CRVUSD以延长其清算时间。

Earlier, it was reported that Michael Egorov, the founder of Curve, was liquidated with $140 million in CRV. When CRV prices fell down its liquidation threshold yesterday, he was liquidated with hundreds of millions of loan positions in five agreements. At one point, he withdrew 6 million USDTs from the currency and replaced them with CRVUSD to extend the liquidation period.

ZK Nation:承认空投设计有不完善之处,代币申领将于6月17日开放

ZK Nation: Acknowledging the imperfections of the air-drop design, the currency application will open on June 17th

ZK Nation针对近日有关空投分配的反馈发推回应称,其空投设计为非常规方式,有不完善之处。但「对自己选择的道路感到自豪,并相信我们做出了合理的权衡。」此外,很多用户因为收到的空投份额比预期的少而感到沮丧,团队对此非常重视。「我们花了好几天好几个晚上研究报告,反复核对数据,以了解全貌,消除任何可能的错误。」结果并未发现重大问题,但团队也意识到,其对空投设计细节的沟通不够清晰,因此正在为社区准备更系统的方式来收集和优先处理反馈,并将尽最大努力回答剩余问题,代币申领将于6月17日开放。

ZK National, responding to recent feedback on the distribution of airdrops, argued that it had been designed to be unconventional and imperfect. But "I am proud of the path we have chosen and believe we have made a reasonable trade-off." Moreover, many users were frustrated by the fact that they received fewer airdrops than expected, and the team attached great importance to it. "We spent days and nights studying and rechecking data to understand the whole picture and eliminate any possible errors." The results did not reveal significant problems, but the team also realized that its communication of airdrop design details was not sufficiently clear, and was therefore preparing communities for a more systematic approach to collecting and prioritizing feedback, and would do their utmost to answer the remaining questions.


Uniswap hints or will support ZKsync

Uniswap Labs发布推文「Locked in. Ready for the Endgame.」,暗示或将支持ZKsync。此前,ZKsync曾于4月3日发布置顶推文表示「ZK is the Endgame」。

Uniswap Labs published a tweet, "Locked in.Ready for the Endgame," implying or going to support ZKsync. Previously, ZKsync published a caption saying "ZK is the Endgame."

iZUMi Finance:100%ZK代币空投将重新分配给用户

iZUMi Finance: 100% ZK token drop will be reallocated to the user

多链DeFi协议iZUMi Finance发推称,其获得的100% ZK代币空投将重新分配给用户,并将在未来发布详细计划。

The multi-chain DeFi agreement iZUMi Finance presumes that 100 per cent of the ZK proxy drops it received will be redistributed to users and detailed plans will be issued in the future.


SyncSwap: ZKsync airdrops will distribute 100% to the community

ZKsync上DEX SyncSwap发推称,ZKsync空投将100%分配给社区。

DEX SyncSwap on ZKsync presumably distributed 100 per cent of ZKsync airdrops to communities.


other.fi: Over 5.6 million ZK drops received and weETH will be on line ZKsync


By surmise of the Taiwan re-manding agreement, each of the 5,644,020 ZK drops from ZKsync will soon be on the line of ZKsync.


Bubblemaps: 30% worth of money purchased by internal sources at the time of DADDY's release

区块链数据可视化公司Bubblemaps发推称,Andrew Tate在X上推广DADDY之前,内部人士就在发行时购买总供应量30%的代币,当前价值4500多万美元。

The block chain data visualization company Bubblemaps assumed that prior to Andrew Tate's promotion of DADDY on X, internal sources had purchased 30 per cent of the total supply at the time of issuance, currently valued at over $45 million.

6月9日,DADDY将总供应量的40%发送给Andrew Tate,Andrew Tate后来购买并销毁了价值1万美元代币。Andrew Tate信守承诺,没有出售任何代币。

On 9 June, DADDY sent 40% of the total supply to Andrew Tate, who later purchased and destroyed $10,000 in tokens. Andrew Tate kept his promise and did not sell any.


But prior to DADDY’s first tweet, 11 wallets bought 20% of DADDY on June 9 at almost the same amount. Bubblemaps could not confirm 100% that they belonged to the same person because they raised money through the currency, but the 11 addresses seemed to be the same person in terms of time and money.

这些钱包持有总供应量19%代币,价值3000万美元。另外两组地址持有总供应量10%代币,通过钱包4SfQWh连接。这两组地址均是在Andrew Tate发布第一条推文之前购买的,当前价值1600万美元。

These wallets hold 19% of the total supply, valued at $30 million. Two other groups of addresses hold 10% of the total supply, connected by wallet 4SfQWh. Both groups were purchased before Andrew Tate issued its first tweet, currently valued at $16 million.

此外,Andrew Tate尚未销毁其持有的40%代币,该部分价值6400万美元。

In addition, Andrew Tate has not destroyed 40 per cent of its holdings, valued at $64 million.


The privacy protection protocol on the Cosmos chain Penumbra has opened an empty investment grid search


The privacy protection protocol in the Cosmos chain, Penumbra, indicated that an open-space investment grid search had been opened and more details would be published later.

2021年11月,Penumbra Labs完成由Dragonfly Capital牵头的475万美元种子轮融资,参投方包括Robot Ventures、Figment以及ZKValidator等。

In November 2021, Penumbra Labs completed a $4.75 million seed rotation facility led by Dragonfly Capital, with the participation of Robot Ventures, Figment and ZKValidador among others.

Lista DAO将于6月20日开启LISTA代币TGE和空投

Lista DAO will open LISTA token TGE and drop

LSDfi和CDP解决方案Lista DAO发推称,其将于6月20日开启LISTA代币TGE和空投,用户将拥有30天的时间来领取空投。此外,官方表示空投申领流程将于6月20日之前公布。

The LSDfi and CDP solution Lista DAO has assumed that it will open LISTA token TGE and airdrop on 20 June, and that users will have 30 days to receive airdrops. In addition, the government has indicated that the airdrop application process will be announced by 20 June.


Nostra will allocate 1 million NTRs to reward active Discord members

Starknet生态DeFi协议Nostra发布首次空投标准及快照详情。积分计划第一季结束时的快照与NSTR LBP结束时一致(6月13日22:00)。1000万枚NSTR(总供应量10%)将分配给Nostra积分计划第一季的217,789名参与者,其中100万枚NSTR(总供应量1%)用于奖励活跃的Discord会员(50万枚平均分配给308个已提交钱包用户、50万枚根据发送消息的数量进行线性奖励)。

The Starknet EcodeFi agreement Nostra publishes the first air drop standards and snapshot details. The snapshots at the end of the first quarter of the plan coincide with the end of the NSTR LBP (22:00 June). Ten million NTRs (10% of the total supply) will be allocated to 217,789 participants in the first quarter of the Nostra plan, of which 1 million NTRs (1% of the total supply) will be used to reward the active Discord members (5 million on average for 308 submitted wallet users and 500,000 linear awards based on the number of messages sent).


The final date, distribution and criteria will be adopted in the coming months. In addition, the official launch will take place on 17 June.


Earlier, Nostra announced that it would launch a token NTR, with a total supply of 100 million units, unlocked 100 per cent at start-up and 11 per cent dropped on the community at TGE hours.


StarkWare is about to launch L3


StarkWare postulates that the forthcoming launch of L3, similar to Appchain, could further reduce costs and costs for developers and users.

Tabi Chain公布TABI代币经济学,40%将用于挖矿奖励

Tabi Chain announces TABI monetic economics, 40% of which will be used for mining

Tabi Chain公布TABI代币经济学,总供应量100亿枚,40%将用于挖矿奖励,15%分配给生态系统,14%分配给团队,14%分配给投资者,8%用于空投,5%用于市场营销与顾问,4%用于公售。

Tabi Chain announced the TABI token economics, with a total supply of 10 billion units, 40 per cent for mining incentives, 15 per cent for ecosystems, 14 per cent for teams, 14 per cent for investors, 8 per cent for airdrops, 5 per cent for marketing and consultancy and 4 per cent for public sales.

Tabi Chain代币已于昨晚21:00开始公售。

Tabi Chain has been on sale since 2100 last night.


Zetachain announces the first XP air drop, and 10 million ZeTA awards will be allocated

全链抽象L1 Zetachain公布XP第一轮空投,将分配1000万枚ZETA奖励,任何在Zetachain主网上部署活跃合约并拥有活跃用户的团队都可在北京时间7月1日08:00前提交ZETA奖励RFP提案。本次空投重点关注5月1日时快照的第一批XP用户,约有41.9万用户符合资格,这部分用户至少拥有20万XP。

The full-chain abstract L1 Zetachain announces the first round of XP airdrops, allocating 10 million ZeTA awards, and any team that deploys active contracts on Zetachain's main web site and has active users can submit a ZETA RFP proposal by 0800 hours Beijing time on July 1. This airdrop focuses on the first batch of XP users on May 1, with approximately 419,000 users eligible, with a minimum of 200,000 XP users.


Zetachain states that the project should allocate at least 95% of the money to the user at the time the proposal is created, and that the development team can retain up to 5% to cover operating costs or future user growth plans.

此外,Zetachain表示,自Zetachain 1.0发布以来,User Growth Pool已将8000万枚ZETA分配给用户。

In addition, Zetachain indicated that, since the publication of Zetachain 1.0, User Growth Pool had distributed 80 million ZETAs to users.


Web3 Entertainment Social Game Ecosystem Skytopia will be on the line tomorrow for 10 million dynasty drops

Web3娱乐社交游戏生态系统Skytopia发文称,将于6月14日开启1000万枚治理代币FPU空投活动,用户完成基础的社交任务即可每日领取1:1 SFPU,同时每天前1000名交互用户可获得双倍奖励,参与用户越多奖池越大,获得的空投越多。

The Web3 Entertainment Social Game Ecosystem Skytopia reported that 10 million management token FPU airdrops would be opened on 14 June, with users receiving 1:1 SFU per day to complete basic social assignments, while the top 1,000 interactive users received a double reward each day, and the larger the number of prize pools involved, the greater the number of air drops.

Skytopia已于近日完成由VertexCapital 、SuperChain Capital、博雅互动(Boyaa)、火凤资本(Initiate Capital)等参投的240万美元融资,其生态资产Skytopia Mayor Pass NFT实现翻倍增长。

Skytopia has recently completed a doubling of its ecological asset, Skytopia Mayor Pass NFT, with $2.4 million in financing from Vertex Capital, Super Chain Capital, Boya Interact (Boyaa), Initiate Capital.

Arweave AO:已上线AO代币铸造,用户持有AR可获得AO

Arweave AO: Founded on line AO tokens, user-owned AR can get AO

Arweave公共测试网Arweave AO发推称,其已上线AO代币铸造,AR持有者已可陆续收到AO。在6月18日跨链桥奖励启动之前,铸造的AO代币将100%分配给AR代币持有者。

Arweave's public testing network Arweave AO assumes that it has been established on line AO tokens and that AR holders can receive AOs on a continuous basis.


After the launch of the cross-chain bridge incentive, 33.3% of AO's will be distributed proportionately to AR holders, and 66.6% of AO's will be allocated to users who cross the chain of assets to AO. Users will be able to deposit the stETH for a token incentive, which will support more assets in the future.


LayerZero will be extended to the Bitcoin re-martling BounceBit


LayerZero extrapolated that it would be extended to the Bitcoin re-molding chain of BounceBit, combining DeFi opportunities with CeFi functions such as supervised hosting and off-site settlements. In addition, BounceBit developers would be able to connect to more than 70 other chains through LayerZero.

借贷协议Avalon Finance与Core DAO达成合作并完成上链部署

loan agreement Avalon Finance entered into cooperation with Core DAO and completed upper-chain deployment

比特币生态借贷协议Avalon Finance与EVM公链Core DAO达成合作,并完成上链部署,双方将共建Core DAO的比特币生态。

The Bitcoin eco-lending agreement, Avalon Finance, entered into cooperation with the EVM public chain Core DAO and completed the upper chain deployment, which will combine the construction of Core DAO's Bitcoin ecology.

Core DAO是EVM兼容的L1公链。此前,Core DAO去中心化组织为Satoshi Plus生态系统的官方开发者。Avalon Finance作为比特币生态借贷协议,目前已完成5条公链的部署。

Core DAO is the EVM-compatible L1 chain. Prior to that, Core DAO was decentralised as the official developer of the Satoshi Plus ecosystem.


Scallop entered into cooperation with Bluefin and the veSCA holder will be eligible for Bluefin airdrop


The Sui Eco-Lending Agreement Scallop pushed for cooperation with the Sui Eco-Centred Trading Agreement, Bluefin, whereby the veSCA holder would be eligible for Bluefin airdrops.

DeSyn Protocol与KelpDAO合作推出KelpDAO ETH Restaking Fund,年化收益率最高500%

DeSyn Protocol, in collaboration with KelpDAO, launched KelpDAo ETH Restaking Fund with an annualized return of up to 500%

Web3资产管理平台DeSyn Protocol与KelpDAO合作推出KelpDAO ETH Restaking Fund,该基金为用户提供最高500%年化收益率奖励,同时提供最高3倍Kelp Miles和3倍DeSyn Points积分奖励。此外,KelpDAO将为DeSyn用户提供特别福利,随着基金池质押量的增加,KelpDAO还为DeSyn用户提供更高的积分奖励。

The Web3 asset management platform, DeSyn Protocol, in collaboration with KelpDAO, launched KelpDAO ETH Restaking Fund, which provides users with a maximum annualized rate of return of 500%, while providing a maximum of three times the Kelp Miles and three times the DeSyn Points credits. In addition, KelpDAO will provide special benefits to DeSyn users, and KelpDAO will provide higher credits to DeSyn users as the pool deposits increase.


DeSyn will also launch a four-week welfare campaign on June 13.

MantaCeDeFi已集成Ethena Labs,质押Ethena可赚取5倍积分

MantaCeDeFi has been integrated into Ethena Labs and pledges Ethena to earn five times

Manta Network发推表示,MantaCeDeFi现已集成Ethena Labs。在Manta CeDeFi上质押Ethena时可赚取5倍Sats(Ethena积分)。

Manta Network tweets that MantaCeDeFi is now integrated into Ethena Labs.

Lava Network:即将上线主网,并将公布空投细节

LavaNetwork: On the way to the main network, details of the drops will be published

模块化区块链基础设施开发商Lava Network发推称,随着主网上线日期临近,其将很快公布空投细节。Lava Network主网可视为一个模块化层,区块链可插入其中,为用户及开发者提供顺畅的连接和交易。

The modular block chain infrastructure developer, Lava Network, assumes that as the main web line approaches, it will soon publish the details of the drop. The Lava Network main network can be considered as a modular layer in which a block chain can be inserted, providing easy connections and transactions for users and developers.

Lava Network发布LAVA代币经济学。LAVA代币总供应量为10亿枚,并采用通缩机制,用于在主网的初始阶段吸引API提供者(Provider)。其中31%代币将用于研发与生态系统协议维护与开发;27%代币将分配给早期贡献者、核心团队、顾问等贡献者;25%代币将用于未来计划和奖励储备(6.6%代币将用于每月分配给提供者奖励);17%代币将分配给投资者。

Lava Network publishes LAVA proxy economics. The total supply of LAVA tokens is 1 billion and a deflationary mechanism is used to attract API providers (Provider) during the initial phase of the main network. 31 per cent of this amount will be used for R & D and ecosystem agreement maintenance and development; 27 per cent will be allocated to early contributors, core teams, consultants, etc.; 25 per cent will be allocated to future plans and incentive reserves (6.6 per cent will be allocated to monthly incentives for providers); and 17 per cent will be allocated to investors.

Orderly Network上线以太坊主网,用户可直接从基础层进行交易

Orderly Network where users can trade directly from the base level

NEAR生态交易协议Orderly Network发推称,其已上线以太坊主网,用户可直接从基础层进行交易。此外,以太坊主网上的DEX现可提供由Orderly Network提供支持的永续合约交易。

The NEAR eco-trading agreement is based on the assumption that it is already online and that users can trade directly from the base. In addition, DEX on the web is now available for permanent contract transactions supported by Orderly Network.

此前消息,NOrderly Network发推称,将为早期用户空投总供应量10%代币(1亿枚),NEAR交易者需要在6月27日前绑定钱包。用户现可通过空投查询网站查询空投分配并绑定钱包。

Previously, NOrderlyNetwork had suggested that it would supply 10% (100 million) of the total amount of airdrops to early users, and that NEAR traders would need to bind their wallets by June 27.


Orderly is a full-chain derivative liquidity layer project that integrates the full-chain derivative liquidity and provides liquidity and settlement support for any asset, any public chain and any product interface.

UXLINK推出Social DEX to Earn功能

UXLINK to launch Social DEX to Earn

Web3社交平台和基础设施UXLINK发推称,在注册用户超1000万后,其已于DApp及官方Telegram Bot中推出Social DEX to Earn功能,首期上线的包括交易费返还、Pre-Market和资产跨链三项交易功能。用户除了能获得更好的交易体验及预期收益外,还能获得链上积分。

The Web3 social platform and infrastructure UXLINK deduced that, after registering more than 10 million users, it had launched the Social DEX to Earn functionality in DApp and in the official Telegram Bot, with the first three transactional functions of transaction fee return, Pre-Market, and asset cross-linking. In addition to obtaining a better trading experience and expected benefits, users could also gain points in the chain.

UXLINK社区负责人表示,此次推出的交易功能,是为了「More Trust Less FUD」,为用户打造值得信赖的交易场景。UXLINK将会与合作伙伴采用共同研发和分佣机制,也是未来Social Layer建设的一部分。

UXLINK community leaders said that the transaction function was introduced to create a trusted trading scene for users by “More Trust Less FUD.” UXLINK will use joint research and development and commissioning mechanisms with partners as part of the future construction of Social Layer.

Zapper将推出Zapper Protocol,由第四季度发布的ZAP代币提供支持

Zapper will launch Zapper Protocol, supported by ZAP tokens released in the fourth quarter

DeFi资管平台Zapper发推称,其将推出开放协议Zapper Protocol,旨在激励用户解读和诠释链上信息。官方表示,该协议将通过ZAP代币支持运行,代币计划于今年第四季度发布,后续将披露更多细节。

The DeFi capital platform Zapper deduces that it will launch the Open Protocol Zapper Protocol, designed to inspire users to interpret and interpret the information on the chain. Officially, the agreement will be supported by ZAP tokens, which are scheduled to be released in the fourth quarter of this year, and further details will be disclosed.


Money Distribution Agreement Layer3 Introduction of the Incentive Coordination Mechanism Races


An incentive multiplier is available for early participants, and incentives are distributed when the upper limit is reached. Users can view specific Races activities via a network of officials.

Gitcoin Grants 21即将推出

Gitcoin Grants21 is about to be launched

开源软件和社区捐助平台Gitcoin发推称,Gitcoin Grants 21(GG21)即将推出。

Open-source software and community donor platform Gitcoin deduced that Gitcoin Grants 21 (GG21) was about to be launched.


Swell: The audit of the rsweETH withdrawal is expected to be completed next week

流动性再质押平台Swell发推称,rswETH提款目前正由Nethermind和Sigma Prime进行审计,预计将于下周完成。此外,官方预计最迟将在7月初开放提款。

The mobile re-deposit platform, Swell, deduced that the rsweETH withdrawal was currently being audited by Nethermind and Sigma Prime and was expected to be completed next week. In addition, it was officially expected that the withdrawal would be opened by early July.

Shopify已通过Helio的Solana Pay支持数百种代币支付

Shopify has supported hundreds of token payments through Solana Pay in Helio

Web3支付应用Helio发推称,Shopify已通过Helio的Solana Pay支持数百种代币支付,可以USDC、USDT、PYUSD、USDY支付稳定币,实现亚秒级交易,为NFT持有者提供折扣,空投cNFTs和Discord会员资格,自动将收益转换为法币等。Solana Pay还可为商家提供低费用、即时支付、零退款、全球可访问性等服务。

Web3 uses Helio to assume that Shopify has supported hundreds of token payments through Helio's Solana Pay, which allows USDC, USDT, PYUSD, USDY to pay stable currencies, achieve subscene transactions, provide discounts for NFT holders, air-drop cNFTs and Discord membership, and automatically convert proceeds to French. Solana Pay also provides low-cost, instant payments, zero refunds, global access, etc. services to businesses.

Lumoz将推出Node Sale,预售及白名单注册活动将于6月17日启动

Lumoz will launch Node Sale, and the pre-sale and white list registration campaign will be launched on 17 June .

模块化算力层&ZKRaaS平台Lumoz将在全球范围内推出zkVerifier Node售卖,节点预售及白名单注册活动将于北京时间6月17日15:00正式启动。

The Modular Arithmetic & ZKRaaS platform Lumoz will launch a global sale of zkVerifier Node, and node pre-sale and white list registration will be officially launched on 17 June in Beijing.

Lumoz zkVerifier Node是Lumoz网络的重要组成部分,主要负责验证执行结果。此次售卖的Lumoz zkVerifier Node上限为20万个,先到先得。全球所有用户均可参与白名单注册、购买并参与到整个网络的运行中,进而赚取4000万Lumoz积分(主网上线前)、25% Lumoz Token挖矿(主网上线后)以及Lumoz生态新链潜在代币空投等奖励。

Lumoz zkVerifier Node is an important part of Lumoz’s network and is primarily responsible for validating the results. Lumoz zkVerifier Node, who sells this sale, has a cap of 200,000, first-come-first-served sales. All users worldwide are allowed to register, purchase and participate in the operation of the entire network, thereby earning 40 million Lumoz credits (in front of the main web line), 25% of Lumoz Token digs (in the back of the main web line) and incentives such as potential currency drops in the Lumoz new ecological chain.


Lumoz, a modular computing layer and ZK-RaaS platform, has recently completed a new round of financing with a $300 million valuation and is expected to be online in the third quarter of this year.


Memenote CUT pre-sold by Milady's founder

Milady创始人Milady Maker(Charlotte Fang)发行的meme币CULT(邪教币)预售已完成,本次预售时间为7天,北京时间6月13日上午开始。

The sale of CULT, issued by Milady Maker (Charlotte Fang), founder of Milady, has been scheduled for seven days, beginning on the morning of 13 June Beijing time.


CUT is the official ecosystem token of Remilia and an infamous substitute for self-organizing cults.


Meme project ZKPEPE will migrate to Arbitrum and change its name to ARBEPE


ZKPEPE, the ZKsync EcoMeme project, states that it will respond to community calls to relocate from ZKsync to Arbitrum and change its name to ARBEPE. In addition, new currency drops will be made on ZKPEPE and ARB holders.


CARV nodes sold over $37 million in the first week of the week

为游戏和AI行业提供模块化数据层的CARV节点在6月5日公开发售,首周累计售出超37,000个,价值超3300万美元。同时,日本游戏公链Oasys开发商、Web3游戏公司double jump.tokyo于今日宣布对CARV节点进行投资,并将为CARV核心用户(包括节点持有者与社区活跃贡献者)空投OAS。

The CARV node, which provides modularized data layers for the games and the AI industry, was publicly released on June 5 and accumulated over 37,000 sales worth over $33 million during the first week. Meanwhile, the Japanese game chain Oasis Developer, Web3 game company Double jump.tokyo, announced today an investment in CARV node and will drop OAS for the CARV core users, including node holders and community active contributors.


The whole chain of the NFT agreement, Holograph, was hacked, and an additional billion HLG tokens were forged

全链NFT协议Holograph发推称,其Operator合约遭黑客攻击,黑客额外铸造了10亿枚HLG代币。团队已修补初始漏洞,目前正在与交易平台合作伙伴合作锁定恶意账户并联系执法部门。受该事件影响,HLG价格24小时下降逾50%,触及0.007 USDT。

The whole-chain NFT agreement Holograpph argues that its Operator contract was hacked, with hackers casting an additional billion HLG tokens. The team has closed the initial loopholes and is currently working with trading platform partners to lock up malicious accounts and contact law enforcement. As a result, HLG prices fell by more than 50% in 24 hours, reaching 0.007 USDT.

UwU Lend将为「首个确认并找到」黑客的用户发放500万美元ETH赏金

UwU Lend will distribute $5 million in ETH reward for the first hacker to identify and find

据链上数据显示,借贷协议UwU Lend将为「首个确认并找到」黑客的用户发放500万美元ETH赏金,并无需追回资金或费用。

According to the data on the chain, the loan agreement UwU Lend will distribute $5 million in ETH to the users of the "first identification and location" hacker, without the need to recover funds or fees.

此前,UwU Lend曾讨论过直接与攻击者建立白帽黑客关系。若攻击者归还80%资金,可保留剩余20%并将不再追究此事,也不会让执法部门介入,但之后黑客未回复官方提议。

If the attackers return 80% of their funds, the remaining 20% will be retained and will no longer be pursued, nor will law enforcement intervene, but the hacker did not respond to the official offer.



According to DeviLlama data, the four platforms in front of 24-hour capital inflows are: currency ($150 million), Bybit ($9.59 million), OKX ($8.58 million) and Bitget ($4.337 million).


In terms of the seven-day inflows, currency inflows of $1.26 billion were at the top of the list, with negative growth in OKX, byybit inflows of $2.563 million and Bitget inflows of $6.58 million in third place.


In terms of monthly capital inflows, only Bitget, the head trading platform, showed positive growth, with $1.265 billion at the top.

BNB Chain和Binance Labs推出BNB孵化联盟

BNB Chain and Binance Labs launched the BNB Incubation Alliance

BNB Chain和Binance Labs推出BNB孵化联盟(BIA)。该孵化器旨在通过一系列全球活动支持和加速早期区块链项目的发展。

BNB Chain and Binance Labs launched the BNB Incubation Alliance (BIA), which aims to support and accelerate the development of early block chain projects through a range of global activities.

BNB孵化联盟将与合作伙伴合作,在全球范围内举办线下活动。这些活动将专注于由联合主办方选择的早期项目,包括BNB Chain、币安实验室、顶级风险投资公司和孵化器。

BNB Incubators will work with partners to organize off-line events around the world. These events will focus on early projects selected by the co-sponsors, including BNB Chain, the currency lab, top risk investment companies and incubators.


: The criteria for selecting projects will be raised and the requirements for the audit of zombie coins will be strengthened

何一在「币安全球用户注册数破两亿」Twitter Space中表示,希望找到质量好的项目,希望帮助项目方带去新的用户,将提高选项目的标准,让整个市场更健康。针对僵尸币,审核的不仅仅是社交媒体活不活跃,也会看流动性、开发进展与监管要求。

Why, on Twitter, "Registration of 200 million Global Users in the currency", expresses the hope that a good quality project will be found, that it will help project participants bring new users, that the criteria for selecting projects will be raised and that the market will be healthier. For zombie coins, it is not only social media that are not active, but that will also look at mobility, progress in development, and regulatory requirements.

DWF Labs成为GME做市商

DWF Labs became GME marketer

Solana上社区币GME发文称,已选择DWF Labs作为其做市商。

The community banknote GME from Solana stated that DWF Labs had been chosen as its marketer.

LTO Network与DWF Labs合作,以参与其做市服务

LTO Network works with DWF Labs to participate in their municipal services

Layer1项目LTO Network与DWF Labs合作,以增强LTO Network流动性,双方将展开进一步业务合作。LTO Network将为DWF Labs团队提供抵押品,以参与其做市服务。

The Layer1 project LTO Network works with DWF Labs to enhance the mobility of LTO Network, where further operational cooperation will take place. The LTO Network will provide collateral for the DWF Labs team to participate in its municipal services.


Ton network TVL breakthroughs $500 million


Ton deduced that the Ton network TVL was over $500 million.

Lyra TVL突破4100万美元,创历史新高

Lyra TVL out of $41 million, up to an all-time high

据L2BEAT数据,L2扩展解决方案Lyra TVL突破4100万美元,触及4141万美元,创历史新高,7日内涨幅为33.90%。

According to L2BEAT data, the L2 extension solution, Lyra TVL, exceeded $41.1 million, reaching an all-time high of 33.90 per cent in seven days.

Upbit将上线Ondo Finance(ONDO)

Upbit will be on line Ondo Finance (ONDO)

韩国加密交易平台Upbit将上线Ondo Finance(ONDO),支持韩元、BTC以及USDT交易对。

The Korean encrypted trading platform Upbit will be online on Ondo Finance (ONDO), supporting Korean Won, BTC and USDT trading pairs.

或受Upbit将上线ONDO影响,据Bitget行情显示,ONDO短时上涨逾7%,触及1.34 USDT。

Or under the influence of Upbit going up the line of ONDO, which, according to Bitget, rose by more than 7 per cent for a short period of time, reaching 1.34 USDT.


Coinbase International Station will be on line with the BoME-NOT permanent contract


Coinbase International Station will be on-line BOME and NOT for a permanent contract, and the deal will be opened at 17:30 Beijing time on or after 20 June.


Technological frontier:


Taiko cross-link bridge repaired and fully operational


According to Taiko, a network based on zkRollup on the second tier of the Taiko district, its cross-linkage bridge has been repaired and is fully operational.


Previously, Taiko had alleged that its cross-link bridge was currently in a state of emergency and that the engineer team was working to repair the problem (in the back end of the repeater).

The Graph集成Galxe开发的L1公链Gravity,将为Gravity上的开发者提供数据查询和索引服务

The Graph integrated the L1 public chain developed by Galxe to provide data query and indexing services to developers on Gravity

去中心化索引协议The Graph将集成由Galxe开发的L1公链Gravity网络,基于其子图描述将各个合约时间数据映射到Graph数据库中。用户将可通过Graph数据进行数据查询和可视化操作,开发者可通过Graph为Gravity上的DApp提供支持。本次合作标志着Gravity生态获得了新的里程碑进展。

Decentralizing the indexing protocol The Graph will integrate the L1 public chain Gravity network, developed by Galxe, and map various contract time data into the Graph database based on its sub-map description. Users will be able to access and visualize data through Graph data, and developers will be able to support DApp on Gravity. This collaboration marks a new milestone in the Gravity ecology.

zkLink Nova与Scroll集成,将为Scroll用户提高资本效率

zkLink Nova and Scroll will increase capital efficiency for Scroll users

多链聚合Layer3 zkLink Nova发推称,已与Scroll集成,将为Scroll用户提高资本效率与跨链连接。zkLink Nova用户可使用Scroll上的原生资产,Scroll开发者可轻松迁移其DApp。

The multi-chain convergence of Layer3 zkLink Nova suggests that it has been integrated with Scroll to improve capital efficiency and cross-linkage for Scroll users. zkLink Nova users can use raw assets on Scroll, and Scroll developers can easily migrate their Dapps.


Marlin works with ZKM and developers can use ZkVM for complex computing and access to hardware providers


Marlin, a verifiable computing protocol based on TEE and ZK, deduced that a partnership with the generic zero-knowledge demonstration platform ZKM would provide greater scalability and efficiency for ZK demonstration generation. ZK certified that the market Kalypso would provide a platform for ZKM to connect with users and protocols requiring ZK functions. Developers could use ZKM's zkVM on the Marlin network for complex calculations and access to hardware providers using Kalypso.


goes to the centralized AI network Cerboai to launch the Ghost Personal AI Assistant


Cerboai, a centralized artificial intelligence network, promotes the Ghost personal AI assistant to bring privacy, autonomy and offline functions through decentralised technology.


CerboAI combines decentralised technology and advanced AI to create community-owned and constructed AI ecosystems with emphasis on data segregation, device encryption, and local training to protect user privacy.

Magic Eden移动钱包已在iOS上开启第二轮测试

Magic Eden's mobile wallet has started a second round of testing on iOS

NFT交易市场Magic Eden发推称,其移动钱包已在iOS上开启第二轮测试,该轮测试向前2000名下载用户开放。

The NFT trading market, Magic Eden, assumed that its mobile wallet had started a second round of testing on iOS, which was open to 2,000 downloaders.

此前消息,Magic Eden发推称,其已上线移动钱包iOS版本首轮测试。

Earlier information indicates that Magic Eden has deduced that it has been tested for the first round of the iOS version of the online mobile wallet.


ARPA incubated dark-style full-chain game DEAR Upline Base will present a prized puzzle challenge


The dark-black-style global game, developed by the ARPA team incubation, is now on line at 1900 on June 13. This round of games overlaps the state of Stay, the medium that interacts with the living body, etc., and adds puzzle challenges to make the game more playable. The project plan is to re-introduce a token incentive, and players involved in the puzzle will have an opportunity to get an ARPA token award.


Prior to this, from 15 May to 29 May, DEAR was on the line of Redstone, where more than 1,500 players interacted with life contracts on the chain more than 18,000 times, players interacted with each other more than 58,000 times, active players 247 per day, and more than 500 players joined the Discord channel.


DEAR is a limited game with a limited number of blocks of life. The game is designed to explore the boundaries of human nature and complex intellectual contracts. Players can interact with the living body through simple operations such as Feed, Abuse, Stay, Transfer, and the shape of the living body will vary according to the behaviour of the global player.

综合消息来源:Foresight News、PANews、律动Blockbeats、Odaily、Techub News、吴说区块链、Penta Lab、金色财经、陀螺科技、华尔街见闻、巴比特、MarsBit、Dethings、每日币研、链新闻、blocktempo、桑币区识(zobit)、喵言AI等。(声明:请读者严格遵守所在地法律法规,本文不代表任何投资建议)

Combined sources: Foresight News, PANews, Blockbeats, Odaily, Techub News, Wu Man, Penta Lab, Gold Book, gyrotechnics, Wall Street News, Babbit, MarsBit, Dethings, Daily Currency Research, Chain News, Blocktempo, zobit, Myo-AI, etc. (Statements: request readers to strictly observe the laws and regulations of their location and this document does not represent any investment proposals).


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