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Wu Peng, a former co-founder of the block chain CEO, Primas, a block chain expert, an Internet product expert, and a member of the China Association for the Promotion of Democracy. A master's degree in personal mobile satellite communications from Bradford University, United Kingdom, graduated and joined the conjecture group to plan operating systems and software products. In 2008, he was in charge of software design for the joint mobile interconnection terminal (MID) ideaapadU8.


The original block chain, the country’s first major copyright data chain, currently serves dozens of media outlets and institutions such as the People’s Daily Economic Weekly, the China Education Press, the Financial Times, the Beijing Business Journal, the Daily Economic News, Florin and the China Channel Copyright Trading Centre.


Primas is an Internet-based content agreement based on block chains, and the Foundation is registered in Singapore. Primas has issued Token as a PST, and has now entered several digital currency exchanges.


Today's project is the PRIMAS content-building agreement through the block chain.


What did the Internet information age bring about?


1. Overflow of information


2. Copyings, copyrights


3. Deterioration in the quality of content


4. Privacy, data abuse


II. Content protocol layer based on block chains and applications - DTCP


1. DNA, the only global content


2. Content-sharing communities


3. Quality content screening system


4. Decentralizing the global search

三、Primas DAPP应用

III. PRIMAS DAPP applications


1. Product Overview


2. Recent developments


Good evening, I am the co-founder of Primas, Wu Peng, and I am pleased to accept the invitation of Silicon Valley Live to introduce you to this project.


Before that, I was often asked: Is Primas a DAPP? I'm officially telling you today that Primas is not a DAPP, and Primas is a basic Internet content value protocol. There's a DAPP named Primas on the top of this protocol, and there's a bottom line. You can see two parts, part of the protocol, and part of the DAPP.


Why would we think of doing the Primas project? Before Primas, we had been working on the application of a chain of alliances to solve the problem of value realization in the content ecology. But, after analysing the Internet as a whole, we found that there is a core problem in the Internet's ecology, which is that the current value distribution system of the Internet is problematic, that is, the Internet has been at the core of connecting more nodes since its birth, allowing for a better flow and dissemination of information.


So, based on the current state of affairs, we say that the early agreement on the Internet, if some of the agreements created in order to get access to information, would solve the problem of traceability, which is to help you find more information. But now, when the information on the Internet becomes so rich, the problem is how to get more valuable and more credible information.


In our understanding of the Internet, there is no protocol to address the credibility and usability of information until today, and we hope to create an agreement to help the Internet build a better content ecology with block chain technology and our accumulation, which is what we Primas are doing now.


So, when we see a message, he's not a fixed message anymore. He's a modifier. When we see a message, for example, he can see who's at what point in time and what the message is, what is his claim to it? How does his copyright claim look? In the process of disseminating the information, who spreads it and who produces its evaluation and comment?

再来说说这件事情的本质的价值是什么?我们先抛开上层的商业价值不说。说谷歌。对于谷歌来说,它的本质的价值是什么?谷歌帮我们把所有的信息连接起来,建立了一个全球的信息索引,这是对这个数数据格式的一个改变,他给你带来价值。内容分发平台它的价值什么?他是把所有的内容标签化,把它以信息流的方式推荐给客户,这是对于数据重组的过程,数据重组会创造价值。那对于我们的DTCP协议来说,通过把所有的互联网的信息打上高质量的这样一个标签,把它跟高质量的Meta data关联起来,同时成为一个高质量信息的数据库,通过这样的方式来创造属于我们的价值。

What's the value of this thing? Let's leave the top business value aside. What's the value of Google? What's the value of it for Google? Google helped us connect all the information and set up a global index of information, which is a change in the format of this number of data, and he brought you value. What's the value of the content distribution platform? He's labeling all the content and recommending it to the client in the form of a flow of information, which is the value that data will be created for the data reorganization process. For our DTCP agreement, by putting all the information on the Internet on a high-quality label, linking it to a high-quality Meta data, and making it a high-quality database of information that creates value for us in this way.


The first is that we stop worrying about the quality of this information when we see it. The second is that copying and piracy are less and less. Because of the identity information behind each one, we can trace it to copyright information, which can make it more easily accessible. And, with the identity information of the author, there is more metadata of the modified information, the quality of the information can be greatly improved. We can recommend this quality to more of our clients, and in our Primas' DAP, we can see a lot of high quality information, which is an improvement in our internal quality as a whole. Last point, all the codes of our algorithms are open-source, and we don't collect some privacy data about you in this room, and you can get a better exchange, without fear of your privacy or disclosure.


This is the benefit that the Primas platform can bring to all and is a fundamental part of Primas.


What else can we do about the DTCP deal? Or what are the features of the DTCP deal? First of all, let us say that we have a more central feature of the DTCP agreement, and that we will generate the DNA information of the only identity for all the quality content around the world, and through this definition of information, we can better promote and facilitate it. For the first time, we have turned the information into a tradable asset by tracking and tagging it.


The second is to say what we're doing. On the basis of our DTCP agreement, our PRIMS client will be a community of content-sharing. On the client side, you can see a very open ecology in which you can freely construct a content ecology that we want, and build a content community that we want. Information in which you get a better flow and filtering. Communities are a tool for filtering and filtering our content, or a structure like this. We don't recommend this algorithm, because it has been tried out in the last few years, and the algorithms are not going to solve this problem very well. We still want to do more by community, by people, to recommend quality information.


In conclusion, we hope that by bringing together such information, Prmas will become a platform for quality content that can be searched wherever you want and meet the information you want.


From this point of view, Parmas is a very special block chain project, because for many people, the block chain project is either a public chain or a DAPP, but Plimas is a project that is neither a public chain nor a DAPP, which is an intermediate layer between the public chain and the DAPP. From this point of view, we are going to do an agreement that I have just explained to you, and what is the effect of such an agreement? It has a very good role to play. For all those entrepreneurs interested in the content, it is no longer necessary to build a complete ecology of their own, as long as the agreement at Primas is convenient to build a public chain of different blocks, and now we're going to go to that room. If we're going to go to the future, we're going to go to the EOS, for example. For all entrepreneurs interested in the content, it is not necessary for them to go to the heart to build a complete ecology of their own.

我们产品的推进速度比较快,在元旦的时候,测试版本就已经上线了。现在主要在做的事情是邀请社区的一些核心成员去测试整个系统的健壮性、稳定性以及系统的经济模型。现在我们看到测试用户在平台上面发布非常多的信息,他们在在里面玩的是非常开心的。近期我们在进行用户第二轮的招募,邀请更多的用户进来,去参与我们这样的一个早期的开发和测试。这边的话简单看一下。我们可以看到有非常多的用户和作者在里面发布很多的信息了,大家可以自由的去发现自己想创建内容,可以获得自己的收益。一个内容的获得了1103.92个pst。 还有就是各种各样的圈子在里面被建立起来,去聚集自己喜欢的一个群体,可以自由的去组合,去找到自己感兴趣的人,去创建自己的社区。

Our product is moving faster, and at New Year’s Day, the test version is already online. The main thing is to invite some of the community’s core members to test the system’s robustness, stability, and economic models. Now we see a lot of information from the test users on the platform, and they're having a great deal of fun in it. We've recently been recruiting for a second round of users, inviting more users to participate in an early development and testing. This is a simple look. We can see that there are a lot of users and authors in it, and you can freely find out what you want to create.


For projects with the concept of a zone, there are fewer projects that are actually located. For block-chain projects, there are two parts of value, and for everyone, the value of his investment. The other part is a social value that the project itself carries. We hope that we can get such a product to land as quickly as possible, that we can agree that more projects will be used and that the value of the project itself will be felt as quickly as possible.


Problems in cooperation: Cooperation has always been there, and we have been in contact and communication. I am basically in bed for about three or four hours a day, basically working together, and spending more effort on building the whole ecology. Since many projects have not yet reached a certain stage, there is no way to share them with you first, and if we make progress, we can share them with you, and if we have good projects, we can recommend them to you, because cooperation can be very helpful between projects, and one plus one could have an effect greater than 11.


I see people saying the difference between primas and UIP?


To be honest, I think that Primas is different from most of the projects, because, as far as I know, Plimas is the only one, and should be the first one, to be supported by an application or project at the protocol level. There are many projects that may be said to be copyrighted, or to be distributed in content, but these are our main concerns. We do a basic agreement on the Internet, and on the ecology of this agreement we can develop more possibilities.


We believe that the agreement is an important landing point in the chain of blocks, and that the chain of blocks is a very low-level technology that would be of relatively greater value if it were placed at the bottom. For example, if I were to do an operation at the upper level, it would depend mainly on people rather than technology. One project, if it were not technology, would mean less to sell the rights to use the chain of blocks. When a claim is at the bottom, it must have to be resolved using block chain algorithms, and when it has to be resolved with block chain technology, the value of the chain of blocks will have to be realized with block chain thinking.


What's the advantage of primas?

primas的优势还是在于刚才我说的协议。东方人对于企业的理解是很困难的,因为大部分互联网协议都是西方国家发明的。我们在这个协议方面是有蛮深的经验和积累。 我们跟国际上比较顶尖的团队做过相关的一些交流,之前就是在做内容生态的时候,对于协议这块有深入的研究。一定要说primas项目的话,我们的核心团队是一个有过多个成功的互联网产品开发和就是运行的团队,我们成功运营过几个千万级产品的互联网项目,所以对我们来说的话,我们不再是一个仅仅有极客推动的项目。我们在产品上运营上有非常深入的积累,我们可以保证可以达到一个底层的协议使用,我们的产品体验会非常的好,所以就让我们的整个项目会有比较强的竞争力。

The advantage of the primas is the agreement that I have just said. Easterners have a very difficult understanding of business, because most of the Internet protocols are invented in Western countries. We have a very deep experience and accumulation in this agreement.


What's the difference between Parmas and Steem?

对steem来说,我还是认为它是一个类似于内容发布的一个平台。 对于primas,我刚才说了primas平台只是协议中的一个产品。将来的话steem也可以成为primas社区当中的一部分,就是steem可以嵌入primas的DNA,他可以使用primas底层的这个协议,让steem上面的价值内容价格更高,变得更加可信,然后可用性会变的更好。primas是一个更大的平台,因为只有协议这件事情是真正可以跨平台的,可以跨办公设备,可以跨越不同的项目,那这个是说我们跟steem的这样一个区别。而且说对于我们来说的话,steem是一个封闭的平台,它的内容只在steem体系内部沟通,但primas相对来说是一个更开放的这样的一个生态体系,就是系统外的内容跟系统内的内容是可以直接去沟通的。就比如说我们可以在系统内把一个内容通过这个支付托管的方式转载到系统外部去,然后核心当中的节点也会进行内容监测,会把互联网上跟我们这个体系里面就是相同的内容,或者说我们在primas里面发布一些原创在互联网上有一百次的转载,那转载数据会通过primas系统收录到我们的算法里面,把这部分的价值评估通过算法反馈到我们的价值评估体系里面去。

For Stem, I still think that it is a platform similar to content release. For Plimas, I said that the Prmas platform was just a product of the agreement. The future version could also be part of the prmas community, where it could be embedded in the DNA of the prmas, where it could be used to communicate only within the system, but Prmas was a relatively open ecosystem, where the contents of the system could be communicated directly. For example, we could have an element of the system that could be reproduced across the platform, across the office equipment, across the different projects, which was such a difference between us and Steem. And, for us, it was a closed platform, where the content was only in the system, but it was in the same system, and it was in the system that the value of the system was in the system that we published, or in the system that we had the value that we had in the system that we had in the system that was in the original version of the system.


The difference between premas and the copyright protection project?


In fact, the first feeling that primas are a copyright protection project is right, and we can say it is right, but it would be very narrow to think of the plimas project, because copyright protection is only one of the branch functions achieved by the prmas project, that is, for the Prmas we can carry more content, and we will be building an eco of a better content. Because the block chain itself is not of value, it does not create value, and the core value of the block chain is of empowerment, which will make the original value more valuable. The block chain is of value to all people in the content ecology, to all distributors, to all readers, and to all projects. We will help these people and projects to get more value, which is the difference between the prmas and the copyright project.


Questions of regulation and auditing.


In the current development of the Internet, a lot of people would think that there is regulation and censorship, for example, if you post problematic pictures or content on Facebook, which may be removed or blocked. Is that enough? Indeed, it is not enough. These mechanisms are controlled by a Facebook platform. There is something on the Internet called Internet violence. What causes it? The reason is that the cost of publishing information on the Internet is very low. But there is no incentive to publish hydrologics or malicious chapters, where you create content that is no longer a zero-cost thing. In an ecology like this, creating content that is part of a PST that is to be mortgaged.


We re-emphasize that we're not copyrights, copyrights, just a small part of our ecology, and we're doing big content data. We're doing an agreement-level project, a decentralised and credible content agreement, a core concept of the premas.


Can the plimas model be used on the property block chain?


I'm not particularly sure whether the primas can be used on the chain of property blocks, but if the chain at the bottom of the prmas is one that you might think about, maybe you can build an application like this. The logic is the same: you have the right to determine some digital assets, and if there is a way to digitize property rights, maybe we can think of turning it into a project to enforce power through our technology.


There are also students who ask about the concept of a community. The concept of a community and community governance are two problems. In the Prmas community, where people can freely build the community they want, the community will have rules that will be defined by itself, of course, that will be opened up one step at a time, and then you will be able to form a community in your own way. For example, if you create a rule that can be used by many people, the rule will become popular.


For the Prmas community, we have a complete set of rules for strategic community governance, and we encourage more people to participate in the operation of our community, which will operate with relatively open and transparent relationships and more interaction and collaboration with all of us.


Will the future PST ecology fund-raising be based on PST?


If there's a project that's going to be used for some collection and running, of course we're welcome, but we're going to be more supportive of projects in the community from the protocol level and from the technical point of view. Indeed, as you can see, some projects will be asked to do some technical support, and I will probably be the consultant for some new projects to help them develop better, and the project will also have some synergy and association with Parmas to help us build a larger and more efficient ecology.


What's the relationship between the Plumas project and the original?

primas这个项目其实脱胎于原本的,因为原本其实是我们构建的第一个区块链项目,是一个联盟链的应用,它的主要的场景是对媒体机构去进行一个底层的支持,就给他们提供一个blockchain is service 的一个服务平台。

The Prmas project was actually born out of the original, because it was actually the first block chain project that we built, and it was an application of a chain of alliances, the main scene of which was a bottom-up support for media institutions and a service platform that provided them with a blackchain is service.


In the course of our original practice, we have come to discover that the alliance chain is limited for many of the scenes, that it is not the ultimate form of the products we want, so we have simplified them from the original one, and we have evolved the current pattern of the product of the primas. Our development classmates have argued that the primas are the ultimate form of the original product, or that the primas are a much more ideal basis for all future integrated projects. As you can see, for the Plumas team, our core idea is to create a distributed scientific content agreement. We have two model applications, one called the Phrmas, and one called the Phrmas. In the future, there will be more applications or more products for the future.


Will there be any future transactions with content data?


For Parmas, we help to filter high-quality content through a DTCP agreement, which, when it comes to high-quality content, is naturally capitalized. When it is assetized, it has the possibility to exchange and trade.


Is the Plumas project being built on the Ether Net?

确实是的,目前是构筑在以太网上面的。刚才也提到了,我们的核心是在以太网上层的协议层,协议层有一个叫做primas node的节点,这个节点将来会进行分布式的部署,我们很多社区里面的核心参与者都可以参与去部署primas node,primas node将来也会通过说运营的方式,产生一定收益。 我们后面会去跟大家去披露相关的信息。对于底层的部分,我们会跨越不同的链,现在还不能说完全是跨链,但是在底层的话会去支持EOS,支持cosmos,让这个底层的生态变得更加丰富。我们的核心不是做链,不是做DAPP,我们的核心通过一个协议去构筑更好的互联网内容生态,我们的核心是用技术来解决问题,而不是单纯的为了做技术去做技术。

Indeed, it is now built on the Ethernet. It was also mentioned that the core of our agreement is in the super-net layer, where there is a node called primas node, which will be deployed in a distributed manner in the future, and where core players in many of our communities can be involved in the deployment of the primas node, primas node, node, in a business-like way in the future.


Will Prmas have a strategic partner in the future?

其实不用未来了,现在primas就有非常多的战略合作伙伴。genaro是我们的合作伙伴,做项目评级的DRC是我们的合作伙伴,one chain也是我们的合作伙伴,还有一些大家可能还还没有看到的,陆续会被发布出来的。今天在我们群里面,已经有人发现了,说刚才所提到的项目已经把我们顾问的海报贴出来了。类似这样的项目,都是我们生态里面非常重要合作伙伴。

In fact, there are a lot of strategic partners for the future. Genaro is our partner, the project rating DCC is our partner, one has been our partner, and some of them may not have been seen yet, and some of them have been released. Today in our group, it has been discovered that the projects mentioned have been posted with posters of our advisors. Projects like this are very important partners in our ecology.


Should it only be retroactive to filter high-quality content by agreement?

其实不是这样子的,不只是做溯源而已。其实刚才我们说了,说我们的协议的核心价值是连接数据或者说内容跟和内容相关的mate data数据。那我们是做了内容和他的元数据之间的对应关系,把这个对应关系存到了区块链网络上去,所以这不仅仅是一个溯源,还有数据和数据之间连接的纽带。由于我们我们对于数据的存储和组织形式做了优化和改变,所以我们创造了额外的价值,这个是primas的分析价值。

That's not true, it's not just retroactive. As we said earlier, the core value of our agreement is to connect data or to say that content and content-related mate data. So we did the correspondence between content and its metadata, and put it into a network of blocks, so it's not just a trace, but also a link between data and data. Because we optimized and changed the form of data storage and organization, we created additional value, which is the analytical value of the primas.


Some students say they see a technical program based on the copyright and content of Ethernet?


You don't really need to know what technology is, the so-called technology program is something that partners see. You just have to understand that the Prmas project is a two-part, part of a distributed core content agreement, and the other part of the DAPP, which is distributed on the basis of an identical text called Parmas. Just remember these two things. Our first thing is a deal, and the second is a DAPP -- an example of what we do on the basis of the agreement. There will be more DAPs on this deal in the future, which is a structure for the entire project.



We're not much of a match for others' projects. Yoyo's early, and we respect Yoyo. The point we're stressing is that Plimas is based on such a project at the protocol level, and he's not like any other project. For us, we're building core content value agreements, and this is a feature of our primas, and it's one of our core ideas, and we're building technology protocols for the Internet.


By the way, in the first half of 2017, we discovered that the founder of Mannet, Bernard Lee, actually had an open-source project in mit, and that his project centred on solving the question of the credibility and viability of the content on the Internet. But the difference between him and us was that they didn't do it on the basis of a block chain, or on the basis of their own idea. We were at a better point of time, and we found that the block chain was better suited to do it, so we made such an agreement on the basis of a block chain. We were actually standing on the shoulders of giants, because the chain of blocks, as a matter that is now widely accepted by the global conglomerates and by the public, is already valuable. Based on our understanding of the whole content industry and the bottom of the Internet, we made a technical agreement on such an agreement, and I think it is very interesting to us.



I think this may be an implicit question, because for Prmas, actually, through our original project, through the PrmasDAP project, more and more projects are being produced through the dissemination of ideas, and more and more of our protocols are being used, and more and more of them are able to store high-quality data onto the Internet, so we can expand on something that we might call a distributed search engine, so that we can find high-quality content more quickly.


There are already small partners who really understand what we are doing, and yes, we are developing DAPP on the basis of the DTCP agreement. Not every content-making team needs to understand what the block chain is, nor do I need to think about going to Etheria? EOS?Steem? or something. They just have to do what they want to do, just to give you something better. Say, for example, that I just want to go from here to another city, and I just have to drive a car, and I don't need to build a car myself.

目前的话,我们的合作项目可能在一个比较私密的状态,因为要获得双方的许可才能发布出来。然后onechain于我来说,因为原来是同一个投资人投资的兄弟团队,可能后面的话我们也会更多合作,看onechain在跨链方面的积累有没有可能用在primas项目中去,目的就是更好的把区块链的技术推广到内容生态里面的更多的合作伙伴。 这不仅仅是合作,其实一个生态上的整合了。我们会把这生态里面就是更好的这样一些技术的积累和沉淀整合在一起,呈现给大家。

For the time being, our cooperation projects may be in a more private state, because they can only be released with permission from both sides. And then onechain, for my part, because it was a team of brothers who invested with the same investor, and perhaps we would work more together later to see if the accumulation of onechain in the cross-linkage could be used in the Plimas project, in order to better extend the technology of the block chain to more partners in the content ecology.



You can focus on our projects, and then you can be part of our internals, and you've recently done a second batch, interested little partners, and you can tolerate a few little bugs, and you're welcome to join the internals. It's interesting to send you some candy every day. You're happy to post articles every day.

看到了粉丝觉得我们埋头苦干,担心我们的运营方面会有一些滞后。我觉得现在大部分的项目,会把重心放在宣传上面去,我们希望尽快的把项目的价值落地,因为宣传这件事情是永远都可以做的,但是落地这件事情其实要尽快的,所以说我们会第一时间争取把项目落地。 我们项目已经其实已经是处于落地的阶段,大家开始在用了,后面工作重心会转移到宣传和推广上来。我们会把产品以及理念推广给社区里面更多的小伙伴,推广给全球各地的小伙伴。我们社区已经其实分布得很广了,在欧洲,芬兰,新加坡,日本,北美都有我们小伙伴,大家会共同的去推动primas项目在全球范围内的这样的一个社区的建设,以及项目的落地,会有更多全球的合作伙伴参与进来。

I think most of the projects are now going to focus on publicity, and we want to put the value of the project on the ground as quickly as possible, because it is always possible to do so, but it's going to happen as quickly as possible, so we're going to try to get the project on the ground as soon as we can. We're already in the field, and we're starting to do it, and the focus will shift to advocacy and promotion.


To add, with regard to the use and downloading of Parmas products, this phase may be somewhat more rigorous for the screening of participants in the internal survey phase, and I hope that at the outset, this part of us is a very important core member of our project, what we call the super-user, and that in the future it may give more incentive and encouragement to these early users involved in the testing of our project, so that more tangible gains can be made.



This is a good question. When we last aired, we discussed policy issues and how to do a compliance project. Our team in the country is mainly doing technology, and the promotion team will still be distributed around the globe, in different parts of the world. This project is a distributed project, and we will be looking more for regions that are compliant and policy-dependent across the globe. So I am not really worried about it.


第一部分是有很多的社区的小伙伴已经在帮我们去做一些推广和落地的工作。第二是在我们过去的积累了大量的合作伙伴,有很好全球的分发渠道的,可以通过他们跟他们的合作,把我们的DAPP理念推广到全球的范围。 第三,传统的平台现在内容传播上都遇到了瓶颈,他们有机会在我们的协议里面做更多的尝试和变现。其实我现在身边就有很多媒体朋友已经开始跃跃欲试,摩拳擦掌准备加入到primas社区里去了。因为社区可以真正的让他的内容获得一个价值回报。未来大家可以看到有一大批的优质作者进来,也欢迎有很好的写作能力的人,一起参与进来,为社区贡献自己的力量。关于传统的门户合作,包括跟海外的一些媒体,沟通和协作,其实更多的是一个苦力活,需要我们一家一家去谈,一家一家去推动。但是我相信会有越来越多的人认识到什么是一个很好的这样的一些事情,他们会更多的愿意去加入到这样一个协议和生态里面去。在未来的宣传推广当中,我们会更加着力于对于协议的介绍,希望能够吸引到更多的传统内容平台加入进来。

Third, traditional platforms now face bottlenecks in the dissemination of content, and they have the opportunity to try and make more of our agreement. I have a lot of media friends on my side who are ready to leapfrog to join the Plimas community. Because communities can really get a reward for his content. You can see a lot of high-quality authors coming in, and you can welcome people with good writing skills to join in and contribute to the community. With traditional portal cooperation, including some media abroad, communication and collaboration, it is more a hard job for us to talk about, and one to push forward. But I'm sure that more and more people will realize what is a good thing to do, and they will be more willing to join in such an agreement and ecology.



For me, whatever the headlines, any content platform can be distributed on the basis of the premas, or even on the basis of a technology agreement such as the primas, to build a platform of its own. I think that the future word might have a very, very large headline in the primas, which would help you get more quality content.


Is there an overseas version? Not to ask, there are overseas versions, and now our next version is multilingual, and now we support English, so that in the future we can expand more language parts, and then those who have developed more countries can participate in our communities.



Keep an eye on the public number of our primas, which already has a super-user registration portal, so you can sign up and join the team of our primas super-user to build our community.



When you look at the project, you have to look at the long-term value of the project. There's no way to say what you're gonna do in three years, but I'm sure there's going to be a lot of ecological applications in three years, and there's going to be a lot of data. Now what we're seeing on the IOS platform is already tens of billions of data, so I'm not at all worried about the long-term value of the Plimas project.


这个要说声抱歉,因为最近社区的工作太多了,所以挖矿这个事情出现了一些延误,但是大家放心,未来会通过primas的DTCP协议层会有一个primas核心节点,参与核心节点计划里面的人都是可以参与挖矿的,核心节点可以成为社区的基础运营者,帮社区的客户的做贡献。 争取在春节前把初步的方案带给大家。

Sorry about this, but there has been some delay in mining because there has been too much community work lately, but one can rest assured that there will be a primas core node in the future through the DTCP tier of the primas, that all those involved in the core node program can participate in mining, that the node can be the basic operator of the community, and that the community’s clients will be able to contribute.


Our classmates are saying if it's too radical, we're fighting for this, but we don't necessarily guarantee it, and we're trying to get the plan out as fast as we can.



This is why we have to do a deal. The first is because we find that the Internet needs such an agreement, and the second because we realize that the performance of the existing block chain is such that there is no way to meet the demands of our content industry. So we have to speed up performance at the primas level, at the protocol level, we have to do data and distribution, we have to do some optimization, we have to do some combination strategy, we have to help the premas deal with a higher performance than the main chain to avoid systemic bottlenecks. And, if the bottom chain really works to an unaffordable level, through our protocol, we can switch quickly to the other public chain, which is what we do at the protocol level.



Primas does not rule out the possibility of cooperating with any project.



We think that not all of us need to build their public chains. We think that we can just solve our problems. When we started this project, we didn't think about it in a traditional way, we didn't have to do a public chain, we had to do a DAP. We wanted to make it better for people in all content ecosystems to use all the chains, to develop their own DAPs, which is one of the greatest values that our project has for us. It also shows that our team has its own independent thinking, as long as we can use new technologies to generate value for society and have a better increase in the Internet, which is really a good thing for us.


Some say the public chain is more valuable, but I don't think it is. If there is a chain that is recognized by a lot of projects, of course it is worth it. If someone makes a chain that calls himself a public chain, but no one accepts it, it must be worth it. Yes, even if you do a public chain, no one accepts it or has no value. So it is our idea that the core claim is to solve the problem rather than to make a public chain for the purpose of doing it.


It's not all about making public chains, because if everyone goes to the public chain, who's going to solve the real problem now? It's not really about the public chain. For a project, core values are getting bigger and bigger for his community, its ecology is getting richer, and more and more people are involved in the chain and the community's ecology, and he's not going to have to say I'm going to do the chain and the DAPP. It's a third idea. I'm not saying it's a third idea.



It should be good for the time being, but we are still in the process of sustained optimization, and by the time we are officially on the line, this speed of the transaction should not be a major bottleneck.



This is where we've been focusing, and we're going to work with more storage projects, and the core logic is to solve problems, and we're going to do it if it helps.



This is a matter that depends on the project of the other party and is not yet certain.


Our time has come, and we may have a series of interactive events later, and we leave the other issues behind. We also welcome your interaction in our communities, in our communities, and I can come and talk to you at any time, with technology, products, projects.


And then thank you, my e-mail: Primas001.


This post is compiled by a friend with a fever.


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