MetaMask也发币?以太坊第一钱包是怎样炼成的 2020年1月6日,因MetaMask官方推特一则介绍MetaMask Swaps的视频更新,随后Shapeshift首...

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来源:雪球App,作者: 区块链卷毛,(

2020年1月6日,因MetaMask官方推特一则介绍MetaMask Swaps的视频更新,随后Shapeshift首席执行官Erik Voorhees在推特发布一条预告推文并配上神似MetaMask品牌Logo的标志图。两者关联起来即引发加密社区关于MetaMask发币的猜测。而这一消息迅速在中国加密社区传播,几乎所有的中国区块链媒体都发表了MetaMask发币的报道,触觉敏锐的网友纷纷开始进行MetaMask相关交互操作提前埋伏,企图获得MetaMask代币空投。

On 6 January 2020, as a result of a video update of MetaMask Swaps by the official Twitter account of MetaMask, Shapeshift Chief Executive Officer Erik Voorhees posted on Twitter a pre-advertisement with a logo that resembled the MetaMask brand Logo. The association triggered encoded community speculation about MetaMask’s coining.

然而细心的网友发现,Shapeshift发行了一个名为“FOX”的项目,其Logo则为Erik Voorhees预告推文发布的小狐狸标志,对此网友认为Erik Voorhees推文大概率是在预告自己的项目,但因其项目Logo神似MetaMask,让不少人误以为其在预告MetaMask发币,才导致此次的乌龙事件。

However, careful web users found that Shapeshift had published a project called “FOX” and that his logo was a little fox sign for Erik Voorhees' prognosis, for which he thought that Erik Voorhees' prognosis was probably a prognosis for his project, but because his project Logo looked like Metamask, which led many people to think that it was a pre-arrangement for MetaMask to pay.


The genuineness of the currency issue, the Chinese block chain media link consulted MetaMask's parent company, ConsenSys, for the exact answer, and ConsenSys denied the rumours that MetaMask had issued the currency.


As a result of the incident, it was not difficult to find that MetaMask was becoming one of the world's most visible sectors in the block chain industry, and that every move on MetaMask could cause extremely high levels of discussion in the community.



MetaMask is known as the world’s best and most useful Ether wallet, which helps investors to easily manage their Ether assets. Using MetaMask does not have to download a client, it can only be used if it is added to the browser extension. The user-friendly computer helps free memory, with a test Ether smart contract function, supports the best Dapp, is compatible with the hardware wallets Ledger and Trezor, and has one key start, making the smallest Ether wallet welcome to the community as soon as it is launched.

MetaMask母公司是由由以太坊联合创始人Joseph Lubin创办的区块链巨头“三大支柱”之一的ConsenSys。作为以太坊的联创Joseph Lubin,当然全部目光都集中在以太坊生态建设的事业上。ConsenSys成立多年来孵化了50多个有助于以太坊生态成长的知名项目,涵盖核心集成组件、服务、开发人员工具、基础设施项目、B2C dapps、企业解决方案、多平台的应用程序等等。同时通过与政府部门、金融机构、互联网巨头等建立亲密的合作关系,将以太坊推向主流世界。

The MetaMask mother company is ConsenSys, one of the “three pillars” of the block chain, founded by Joseph Lubin, a co-founder of Ether's association. As Joseph Lubin, a joint venture of Ether's kind, of course, the whole focus is on Ether's ecological development. ConsenSys has hatched over the years more than 50 well-known projects that have contributed to the ecological growth of Tai's community, covering core integration components, services, human development tools, infrastructure projects, B2C dapps, enterprise solutions, multi-platform applications, etc. It will move to the mainstream world through close partnerships with government departments, financial institutions, Internet giants, etc.


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MetaMask是ConsenSys布局的六大业务板块基础设施板块的重点项目,虽然此前曾有新闻爆出MetaMask贡献者反馈在MetaMask的发展过程中并没有得到ConsenSys太多的支持,然而这一说法遭到了首席开发者Daniel Finlay的否认,Daniel Finlay表示在MetaMask项目开发过程中,团队得到了ConsenSys和创始人Joe Lubin莫大的支持,并对母公司的支持表示感谢。Daniel Finlay的回应也粉碎了ConsenSys不重视MetaMask及团队方向迷茫的谣言。

MetaMask was the focus of six major business infrastructure blocks in the ConsenSys layout, and although earlier news leaks from MetaMask contributors did not receive much support from ConsenSys in the development of MetaMask, this claim was denied by the lead developer, Daniel Finlay, who said that during the development of the MetaMask project, the team had the support of ConsenSys and his founder, Joe Lubinmo, and thanked the parent company for its support. Daniel Finlay’s response also crushed the rumour that ConsenSys did not value MetaMask and his team’s direction.


According to the annual review of ConsenSys for 2020, in fact, MetaMask remains one of the most strategic product lines of ConsenSys.


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在开发和团队磨合过程中多少存在不少插曲,并不妨碍MetaMask从推出到现在表现一如既往的强势,这离不开其背后优秀的团队。MetaMask团队大多是来自互联网巨头苹果,创始人Aaron Davis和首席开发者Dan Finlay是前同事兼好友,Aaron Davis是通过参与比特币社区活动进入区块链行业,随后因认同以太坊的理念而投入到以太坊的生态建设中来。MetaMask团队规模只有25人,麻雀虽小然配置齐全,职位分工明确涵盖了从营销、开发、产品、运营、设计在内的各个岗位。除此之外,MetaMask有着分布在全世界各地的社区贡献者配合团队一起将MetaMask推广至全球加密用户。

Most of the Metamask teams are from Internet giants


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2018年 8月11日,MetaMask正式推出中文版并迅速上线了360、百度等国内一线的浏览器应用市场。MetaMask官方中文名为数字面具,然而由于其品牌Logo“一只3D立体的狐狸头”实在是太过于深入人心,于是被中文社区亲切地称为小狐狸。据说在确定品牌Logo时,主设计师设计了多个版本的狐狸头,最后经过团队的多番讨论最终定下了这个跟面具一般的3D立体的狐狸头。

The official Chinese name of MetaMask is Digital Mask, but the name Logo's “a 3D shape fox head” is too deep-seated to be called a fox by the Chinese community. It is said that in determining the brand Logo, the designer designed multiple versions of the fox head, which was finally finalized by the team's discussion of the mask's 3D head.


Historical experience has shown that the unique brand, Logo, has a great advantage in market promotion, and that it can always be “a thousand years away”, and that the three-d foxes, from UniSwap's pink unicorn to MetaMask, are unique and novel, which also provides a good demonstration for subsequent block chain projects — a focus on the design of the brand Logo, a good brand Logo that can do a half-time job in brand promotion.


An impressive brand image can add value to the project, yet any type of product must have a [ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha. The first-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha. The first-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.




With a distinctive brand image and colourful product features, MetaMask, with a distinct advantage, has only one or two opportunities to be successful. There are two good moments in the development of MetaMask to “spill” as a result of market behavior.



It is well known that 2019 was a cold winter in the crypto-currency industry, and that the continuing fall in currency prices caused a continuing slump in the encryption market. But this year was also a year of significant progress in the development of the Taiku ecology, with the remarkable results of the rise of the DeFi, the network, Dapp, the developers’ ecology, etc. The new Dapp to over 520, the new accounts to reach more than 20 million, and the new active addresses to 400,000+. At the same time, DeFi,


The boom in the Taiwan ecology has contributed to a surge in demand for its infrastructure, and innovative products like MetaMask are first and foremost favoured by users. With the development of the Taiwan ecology, the introduction of a privacy model, and improved functionality, more and more people are beginning to focus on MetaMask, which has created excellent conditions for MetaMask to break new milestones, and in 2019, MetaMask revealed 1.3 million users in the project’s dynamic update.


This is the first eruption of MetaMask.



By 2020, despite the failure of DeFi to travel a circle in 2019, the construction of the DeFi ecology in 2019 had paved the way for the outbreak of DeFi in 2020. In June 2020, the DeFi lending project Comboud’s COMP currency surged overnight, with prices doubling by 10 times a day. The era of DeFi officially opened, with the DeFi sector booming from June 2020 to October 2020.


With DeFi’s explosion, the amount of lockdown in the DeFi agreement rose from $700 million at the beginning of the year to $15 billion in December. The encryption market also saw the birth of numerous excellent projects overnight: decentralized trading agreements, decentralized lending, decentralized insurance, and so forth.


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The creation of a large number of DeFi projects, DeFi digital assets in Etheria, means that the demand for wallets is growing rapidly for a large number of users. As the master of Ether’s wallets, a large number of users have poured into MetaMask.


According to NewsBTC, there is a positive correlation between the Meta Mask monthly active user growth curve and the DeFi financial lock-down growth curve.

                          MetaMask月度活跃用户与DeFi 的资金锁仓量

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显然DeFi市场的爆发推动了MetaMask的用户增长,而这只是其中的一个原因,据媒体分析MetaMask第二次的爆发跟现象级的产品UniSwap息息相关。今年夏天,以UniSwap为代表的去中心化交易协议登上历史舞台,以一天成交量超过10亿美元,超过交易所巨头 Coinbase Pro再到后来超越一线交易平台币安。DEX在2020年成功超车,在2019年全球DEX的交易量仅占全球加密货币交易市场的1%,剩下99%的市场份额被各大中心化交易所瓜分。DeFi狂潮的到来彻底改变了加密货币交易市场的局面,据Dune Analytics数据显示,2020年9越去中心化交易所(DEX)的月交易量已飙升至100亿美元以上。

It is clear that the outbreak of the DeFi market contributed to the growth of users in MetaMask, and this is one of the reasons why, according to media analysis, the second outbreak in MetaMask was linked to the phenomenon-based UniSwap. This summer, a decentralised deal, represented by UniSwap, took place on the historical stage, trading more than $1 billion a day, surpassing the exchange giant & nbsp; Coinbase Pro went beyond a single trading platform. DEX successfully oversized the global DEX market by 1% in 2019, leaving 99% of the market share divided by major central exchanges.

UniSwap作为DEX赛道的最大交易平台,用户数在去年8月突破了14万,占据了去中心化交易所46%的市场份额。参与过DeFi项目及DEX交易的用户都知道,钱包是链接DEX和DeFi项目,方便投资者进行资产管理、储存资产、转账等必不可少的工具。由于其简易轻便、隐私性强等特性,在所有的支持Wallet Connect的钱包中,MetaMask最受投资者欢迎。几乎所有需要在以太坊链上DEX参与流动性挖矿的投资者都将MetaMask作为第一选择。

UniSwap, as the largest trading platform for the DEX track, passed 140,000 users in August last year, accounting for 46% of the market share of the decentralized exchange. Users who have been involved in the DeFi and DEX deals know that wallets are essential tools for linking DEX and DEX to facilitate investors’ asset management, asset storage, transfer, etc. Because of their simplicity and privacy, Metamask is most popular among all Wallet Connett’s wallets.


The media even directly attributed the growth of MetaMask to the explosion of decentralisation agreements such as Uniswap, announced in September 2020 that the currency would be issued by Uniswap and dropped on all users who had used UniSwap by 1 September, which directly pushed MetaMask’s monthly life to a new milestone. On 6 October 2020, the official Medium account of MetaMask released a new dynamic, declaring that the monthly life of the MetaMask web page and mobile end had broken by 1 million, an increase of more than 400% compared to 264,000 in 2019.


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In his post, the team also acknowledged that the growth of the user base of MetaMask is based on the rapid development of the DeFi ecology of the Etherm. Although the tide of DeFi is slowly retreating, it is only the beginning of the Meta Mask era.


At this point, MetaMask completed its second outbreak of World War I.


2020年12月ConsenSys宣布面向机构用户推一款新的MetaMask产品,在过去,MetaMask主要面向C端用户,MetaMask机构版本的推出将能够拓展交易公司和加密货币托管人等B端资源,有研究人员认为这是ConsenSys在继MetaMask Swap后尝试通过与机构用户合作提供金融业务的方式去实现流量变现,只有这样才能让MetaMask 得以持续性的经营发展,走得更远。

In December 2020, ConsenSys announced the introduction of a new MetaMask product for institutional users. In the past, MetaMask, a version of which was intended primarily for C-end users, will enable the introduction of B-end resources, such as trading companies and encrypted money custodians, and some researchers believe that ConsenSys, after MetaMask Swap, has tried to make the flow realization possible by working with institutional users in order to enable MetaMask to develop its operations on a sustainable basis and move further.


In any event, if competitors fail to produce more surprising products in the short term, the future will remain a Meta Mask track.


Finally, friends interested in the use of MetaMask can view the web link of the article



《How Uniswap & DeFi Drove Ethereum Wallet MetaMask To 1M Users》—Tony Spilotro

《Top Ethereum Wallet MetaMask Hits Milestone Despite DeFi Slowdown》—Nick Chong


Analysis of the Development of the Etheraya Ecosystems in 2019 - Blue Fox Note

《ConsenSys:加密行业中最重要的公司之一》—Frog AOA

ConsenSys: One of the most important companies in the encryption industry—Frog AOA


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