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编者按 近年来,比特币价格迅速攀升,吸引了大批中小投资者参与。同时,以比特币和各类虚拟货币为媒介的非法金融活动蔓延,风险巨大。监管层反复提示虚拟货币及ICO存在风险,并于近期叫停ICO、关停虚拟货币交易平台。本版今起推出“严控虚拟货币风险”系列报道,以帮助读者进一步认清虚拟货币本质,防范炒买炒卖及相关各类非法金融风险。

At the same time, illicit financial activity in the form of Bitcoin and various virtual currencies has spread with great risks. Regulatory levels have repeatedly pointed to the risks of virtual currency and ICO, and have recently shut down the ICO and virtual currency trading platforms.


Today, the gunnet, OKCoin, announced that it would cease registration and charging, and that it would phase out all transactions involving the conversion of digital assets into the renminbi by 31 October. Virtual currency trading platforms such as Bitcoin China, microbitt, and the Yunnet would be shut down.


Bitcoin, on the day that it announced the closure of the deal, collapsed in the major virtual currencies. Bitcoin, on the other hand, showed that bitcoin fell by about 20%, fell by 20,000 dollars, and that Leitco and Etega fell by more than 30%.


Where will the virtual currency go after a series of regulatory policies?


Virtual currency is not currency.


Whether the characterization of a virtual currency in seven sectoral communications or the conclusions reached by industry experts points to the point that a virtual currency is not a legal currency.


In fact, unlike sovereign currencies, virtual currencies are based on mathematical algorithms, their prices depend on the reliability of algorithms and market confidence, and there are many technical flaws and loopholes, and the value base is fragile.


As early as 2013, the nature of Bitcoin was clarified in the Circular on Protection against the Risk of Bitcoin issued by five ministries, including the People’s Bank of China, which considered that Bitcoin was not issued by the monetary authorities, was not of a monetary nature, was not of a legal and mandatory nature, and was not a currency in the true sense. “In its nature, Bitcoin is a specific virtual commodity that has no legal status equivalent to that of money and cannot and should not be used as a currency in the market.”


In recent days, seven departments have also pointed out in the Proclamation on Protection against the Risk of Financing the Issue of Currency Issue that the currencies or virtual currencies used in the financing of the issue of currencies are not issued by the monetary authorities, have no monetary attributes such as legal and mandatory, have no legal status equivalent to that of currencies, and cannot and should not be used as currencies in the market.


First, the first condition of the currency is that the currency is stable, and then it can be used by others to measure transactions. Second, it has to increase supply in the same proportion as the real economy develops. Because of the limited number of bitcoins, it is impossible to keep pace with the real economy and therefore cannot be used as a currency.


The President of the Institute of Internet Financial Innovation of China and the Director of the Central University of Finance and Economics Institute of Financial Law of China, Huang Chien, also argued that the price of bitcoin was highly volatile and that items whose value was unstable could not be used as currency, so that bitcoin could only be a digital product known as “currency”.


Development of a digital currency study


“It is inevitable that the central bank will drive the issuance of statutory digital currencies.” Fan Yi, Vice-President of the People’s Bank of China, wrote a few days ago that the mechanisms behind the existing ones are decentralized, mainly through distributed accounting. These digital currencies still have the same fundamental flaws as historical private currencies: their value is unstable, their credibility is weak, and their acceptability is limited, and they tend to create a greater negative externality.


This means that virtual currencies such as the currently hot bitcoin do not form the basis of the statutory currency. The statutory digital currency issued by the central bank is currently being developed.


Since 2014, the People's Bank of China has set up a special research team and strengthened it further in early 2015, conducting in-depth studies on the framework for digital currency distribution and operations, key technologies for digital currency distribution, and the environment in which digital money is issued, among other things, and has now achieved milestones.


With regard to digital money, Central Bank Governor Zhou Xiaochuan explained that the current issuance and repatriation of cash is based on the current dual system of “Central Bank-Bank Banking Institutions.” The distribution and operation of digital money should still be based on the dual system, but the delivery and custody of money has changed: the mode of delivery has changed from physical to electronic; and the method of preservation has changed from the central bank’s distribution bank and banking institution’s operating bank to a cloud computing space for storing digital currency.


Currently, the world’s major central banks are focusing on digital currency issues. Previously, the Bank of England had taken a more active approach to issuing statutory digital currency, and had now begun to study how to make effective use of digital currency technology, and had already begun to examine the feasibility of issuing statutory digital currency by central banks.


It has also been suggested that the legal digital currency is the “mode” of monetary digitization, and that the innovation of monetary digitization will occur and develop around the legal digit currency. A “virtual currency” such as Bitcoin, or a “virtual currency” such as a dar currency, will not be replaced.


It's gonna take some time for real rollout.


Whether from a technical or security point of view, there is still a long way to go from the design of research to its introduction and acceptance.


“The legal digital currency needs to pass the market test threshold and is viable only if it is accepted by society and the market.” According to researchers at the Digital Monetary Institute of the People's Bank of China, digital currency needs to draw on the advantages of absorbing both traditional monetary and non-cash payment instruments, to exploit comparative advantages and to be subject to market testing, thereby effectively reducing the total cost of social transactions and contributing to improved efficiency in the functioning of the economy.


The block chain technology is currently the most widely recognized and considered the most promising digital money technology. However, the ECB and the Bank of Japan have recently stated that, while distributed book technology, such as block chains, has the potential to improve system elasticity, it is not mature enough to support the largest payment system in the world.


That is why the design of digital money to be introduced by our central bank will be more complex. In addition to block chain technology, our central bank’s digital currency research team has studied in depth other relevant technologies related to digital currency.


In addition to this, how to guarantee security and protect privacy are central issues in the design of digital money.


Zhou Xiaochuan has set out several principles for the issuance of digital currency by central banks: first, facilitation and security; second, a balance between the protection of privacy and the maintenance of social order and the fight against criminal offences, in particular money-laundering and terrorism, with the necessary deterrents; third, the effective operation and transmission of monetary policy; fourth, the preservation of the control of monetary sovereignty, which is freely convertible and controlled convertible. Digital currency, as a legal currency, must be issued by central banks, and the issuance, circulation and trading of digital currency should be governed by the same principles, along the lines of traditional monetary and digital monetary integration.

“要求货币发行去国家化是行不通的。”黄震表示,经过这一轮虚拟货币市场和监管的洗礼之后,期待在央行主导下,尽快推出我国自己的主权数字货币,助力我国数字金融早日走入全球化时代。(经济日报·中国经济网记者 陈果静)

“It is not feasible to demand denationalization of money distribution.” The earthquake indicated that after this round of virtual money markets and regulatory baptisms, it looked forward to the launch of our own sovereign digital currency as soon as possible, under the auspices of the central bank, to help our digital finance move early into the era of globalization.


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