42岁币圈创业者自杀 疑百倍杠杆做空比特币爆亏超1亿

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01 一场离奇的死亡

01 a strange death


After 90 years, Sun Woo did not expect that, on the second day (5 June) of his “officially” filming of the Buffett luncheon, one of his colleagues, the entrepreneur of the currency ring, the 42-year-old founder of Bitley, would leave the world forever.


(Friends for one, source: Tiger Sniffnet)


On 10 June, the former Bitley partner, Zhang Quan, announced this message among his classmates at the Yangtze Business School:


The same coins, a moment when they are about to rise to their highest light, eat with the “God” of capital, and one stops in unwieldy years, and lives stop.


It's kind of like a big map of digital money in the jungle market.


"Thou offers a course at a platform for Sun Woo-jung"


It is understood that Huixai graduated in 2003 from the Chinese University of Science and Technology (Bachelor of Editorial and Publishing, Master of Management) and the Yangjiang Business School, EMBA, who was a senior researcher at the IBM China Research Centre and a senior product manager for Microsoft.


His creation of “bitley”, once referred to as “coin coops”, was officially introduced as the industry's leading segment chain market data analysis and service platform, providing digital money investors with specialized market analysis tools, data indicators and risk management strategies to help them effectively manage the risk of digital currency investment.


Prior to Huixiang’s accident, there had been a public announcement of a series of A-round strategic investments in soft and silver China and blue finance, but it has now been denied by the silver and silver side:


There is a media that interprets the move as a “roll-out pot.” In fact, there is a lot of detail to understand the panic of the silver.

02 自杀原因:100倍杠杆做空比特币导致爆仓?

02 Cause of suicide: 100 times as much leverage as an empty bitcoin to blow up the barn?


Unlike most of those who died with mourning and memory, Huixiang's death gave rise to a large amount of speculation and small news in the media, as if the material had been truthful, even though these statements had not yet been confirmed by his family or friends.


One of the most widely publicized words is that:


Hue has committed suicide, as shown in a number of micro-letters, including a group of 500 people invested in bits, either alive or with a 100-fold loss on bitcoin's leverage sheet, or because of a 100-fold loss on a 100-fold leveraged warehouse, which resulted in a close to 100 million yuan renminbi.


The amount of rumours is so large that it explodes.


Additional information for is as follows:

疑似动用了客户2000个BTC;今年 1 月份向用户募集资金作为用户基金,准备靠用户的钱去“交易”来养活自己;目前比特易公司已人去楼空。

It is suspected that 2,000 BTCs have been used by clients; in January of this year, funds were raised from users as a user fund to “trade” with user money to support themselves; and now Bitley is empty.


Plus, the amount of information is like a big explosion in the universe.


There is even some surprise that if the BTC, full of 10 times the bar, looks up the contract, and the BTC drops by 10%, the user will burst. Huixiang is 100 times the bar, and if the BTC is fully loaded, the BTC price will be 1% higher, and the money in the account will be lost.


A self-made product called Bitble, “Providing professional market analysis tools, data indicators and risk management strategies for digital money investors”, can “help investors to effectively manage the risk of digital money investment”.


So, from the very beginning, it's a strategy to sell water instead of digging gold in person, and why does it come from eating words, taking risks directly, using not only client funds, but also a hundred times as much leverage as it dares?


These statements, which are not officially accepted, appear to be being progressively corroborated by more “evidence” coming to light, such as group discussions, friends interviews, etc.


(A screenshot of an investment pool of bits on the Internet)

03 天堂地狱一瞬间

{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}The hell of heaven for a moment {\/strang}


In fact, in that little circle, there's the name of the Great God.


By the time the pass index reached 4800 in 2015, Huixiao had taken the initiative to withdraw, the stock stock had been cleared, and the stock had arrived suddenly after 5178, and his prophet had been known, and his friends had called him the “Escape Top Man”.


By cutting into the Bitcoin market, Huixiang became a “expert” in the eyes of others, without which it would not be possible to explain why a large group of 500 people invested in Bitcoin remained full.


On 8 January of this year, the Bitle Public launched the first Bitle “User Fund” revenue sheet, with a three-month final gain of 79 per cent, and showed that a new fund was about to open.


It's not hard to imagine what happened to Kei-Xiao, who has been operating with the currency in the past few months, in the light of the vexation of the Bitcoin market.


On the Internet, a screenshot of the “showhouse” movement and group discussions in the Pittele investment group was posted:


(Trust: Babbitt)


has therefore also been questioned:

“这人以前都很准,应该赚了不少,为啥一次爆仓就自杀呢? ”

"This guy used to be a good guy. He should have made a lot of money. Why did he kill himself at the time of the explosion?"


To answer this question, it may be only psychologically explained that almost all of the Big Gods in the hole have gone through a similar path:


Small profits — self-inflated — bulges — think that they can do anything, think that they can manipulate markets, predict markets — become greedy and begin to leverage — coins are thrown to the sky at 50 per cent, or even more, on the other side.


It's about this step to push himself into the abyss and to throw it on the other side of the coin.

04 交易需要信仰,德行必须配位

04 Trade requires faith and virtue must be matched.


Somehow, today, when I see the story of Huixiao, it reminds me of Lefmore, the great stock god and author of the big stock memoirs.


On November 29, 1940, the greatest trader in human history, Lefmore, shot himself, and ended his life of legend and speculation. When he died, he was heavily indebted, with countless classic battles, and was wiped out by a failure in 1932.


In July 1932, Dow Jones finally saw the end of the three-year Great Depression, which brought the US stock down to 11%. In the more than 40 days that followed, Dow Jones's index rebounded by more than 90%.


Since 1934, when Livermore went bankrupt and owed $5 million in debt, it has not been possible to start again.


After , most people, in rewrite the life of this great trader, refer to one word: .


"Kind of $1,000 in a pocket to a $100 million giant bear," Lefmore is still a man who has no faith, who lives on a trade, who's obsessed with money.


And his financial bosses in the same period, including Morgan, Bernard Burke and others, became the big family of the United States today, and they stayed forever in American business history. And River Moore, with the exception of that classic book, left nothing behind.


It is true that trade requires faith, just as virtue requires a place to be. If there is a risk, there is sufficient fear of risk. Leveraging is a risk, and a 100-fold leverage is irrational, considering risk as a childish act.


It is said that Huixiang wrote this sentence on the front wall of the office:


You have to really like money. The alias of money is freedom.


I just don't know if Huixiang heard the French thinker Rousseau say this before he died:


Life is free, but everywhere is in chains.


— It seems as if the words of the first generation, more than 200 years ago, are still in the wood.


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