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< b/ > The Half-monthly Talks is one of the necessary reading and learning publications for civil servants of the party political organs and is also a very good document for the examination of civil servants.


Below is a Web-based reading version:


  1  让农民参与,让农民满意


On 23 September, in the fall of the agricultural calendar, hundreds of millions of our farmers will be celebrating their first holiday — the “China Peasant Harvest Festival.” The “China Peasant Harvest Festival” is not only a good day for farmers to celebrate their harvests and enjoy them, but is also the most vivid expression of the five valleys of Fong Tent, and of the nation's people.


40 years of reform and opening up, the country's agriculture, rural areas and farmers have experienced unprecedented transformations, especially since the Party's eighteenth birthday, and the development of the “Three Farmers” has been a historic achievement: the country's food production capacity has stabilized for five consecutive years at more than 1.2 trillion pounds after harvest; farmers are rich and free from poverty, and rural residents have a disposable income of more than 13,000 yuan; ancient villages have changed, beautiful villages, green development, the “basket revolution”, four good rural roads have been built, and a rural reform has led to a beautiful transformation...


For hundreds of millions of farmers, the “breathing harvest” is a symbol of a new and happy rural life in a new era of wealth, a better environment and social stability.


Establish the “China Farmers' Harvest Festival” and insist that farmers be the majority. To express the happiness of the farmers, the whole society must feel the joy of the harvest and make the world aware of the Chinese farmers’ festivals.


In recent years, as the urbanization process has accelerated, many farmers have left the countryside for towns and cities, and many younger generations have never been exposed to agriculture and have less feelings for it. Using the east wind of the China Farmers Harvest Festival, farmers must feel the pride of hard work and creativity, the country and society as a whole, while also attracting more social attention to agriculture, understanding farmers, nurturing the feelings of the Three Farmers, respecting agricultural production, and awakening the hope and frustrations of the people in their hearts and minds over the land of the fields.


The completion of the “China Peasant Harvest Festival” to fully reflect the achievements of the “Three Farmers” reform and development. The “China Peasant Harvest Festival” is a tribute to the harvest. 40 years of reform and opening up, the country’s agricultural production, the rural landscape, and the lives of farmers have changed dramatically, creating a new situation in which agricultural production has grown year after year, the lives of farmers have improved significantly, and the rural society has been harmoniously stable. The “China Peasant Harvest Festival” provides a platform and provides the world with the best window to demonstrate the development results of our reform.


Since the Party’s eighteenth-largest party, the Party’s central government and the State Council have introduced a series of policies for strong farmers and farmers to stabilize the country’s combined food production capacity at more than 1.2 trillion pounds through the sustained promotion of the food-storage, food-storage and technology-based strategy, which is the basic aspect of our agriculture, the level of our capacity to produce food and a source of confidence for farmers’ harvests. Even in individual years, some areas may experience natural disasters and poor harvests, but through the “China Peasant Harvest Day” harvests, harvests, harvests and harvests, they can also boost farmers’ confidence in their harvests and provide a platform for increasing farmers’ harvests.


Put together the “China Peasant Harvest Festival” – a better vision of rural revitalization. Farmers’ harvests are the hope of rural revitalization, which in turn provides fertile ground for farmers.


The establishment of the “China Farmers' Harvest Festival” not only demonstrates the State's concern for, respect for, and respect for, “farmers,” but also serves to awaken the enthusiasm for agricultural development and rural life, which has been overshadowed by the urbanization process, to awaken everyone's concern for farmers and the very origin of their lives; to attract more social groups into agriculture, to become new farmers, to stimulate the dynamism and creativity of the whole society, to gather people and strength for rural renewal, and to boost the enthusiasm and confidence of millions of farmers to revitalize their villages.


As a farmer's holiday, the “China Farmers' Harvest Festival” must reflect the wishes of the farmers and respect the realities of the countryside. The festival must be organized in such a way as to remove the clothes of China and return to the nature of the farm.


It is worth recalling that “China Farmers’ Harvest Day” must be easy to organize. “All the grains are hard” is a millennia of education for Chinese people. On this day of celebration, we must avoid formalism, be vigilant and wasteful, celebrate harvests in the most accessible and popular way, and must never be made a flower rack, adding to the burden on grass-roots and farmers.


Ancient and young China, where harvests are still dependent on farmers’ wisdom and hard sweat. During this new holiday, which belongs to farmers, we look forward to seeing them smile brightly.


  2  为何要把脱贫质量放在首位?

  今年8月19日,《中共中央 国务院关于打赢脱贫攻坚战三年行动的指导意见》(以下简称《指导意见》)发布,“坚持把提高脱贫质量放在首位”写入文件。为什么把提高脱贫质量放在首位?如何准确理解脱贫质量?

On 19 August of this year, the Chinese Communist Party (CPC) State Council's Guidance for three years of action to combat poverty (hereinafter referred to as the Guidance) issued a document entitled “Assisting that the quality of the fight against poverty should be raised first.” Why should the quality of the fight against poverty be raised first? How can the quality of the fight against poverty be accurately understood?


Over the past five years, our country has advanced its fight against poverty, which is so large, so large and so far as its impact has never been greater.


The establishment of durable mechanisms for the stabilization of poverty out of poverty, as proposed in the Guidance, will effectively ensure the quality of poverty eradication: address the urgent need for “one size fits all, three guarantees” and establish long-term mechanisms to prevent the return to poverty from being caused by disease, taking into account the long-term development of industries and employment for those targeted by poverty reduction; and strengthen the dynamic management of stubble cards, further the identification of the bottoms of poverty out and back into poverty, so that poverty can be lifted and returned to poverty, and so on, while maintaining the policy of poverty eradication and non-poverty eradication.


The fight against poverty has entered the stupor phase, and some problems even negative biases have emerged, testing the “colour” of the fight against poverty.

  在脱贫攻坚中,一些地方未能严格执行现行扶贫标准,扶贫工作仍欠精准; 一些地方扶贫扶出了贫困村和非贫困村、贫困户和非贫困户待遇的“悬崖效应”,留下了后遗症。

In the fight against poverty, poverty has not been strictly enforced in some parts of the world, and poverty reduction is still less precise; Poverty has left behind the “front effects” of the treatment of poor villages and non-poor villages, poor households and non-poor households.


A number of local forms of poverty eradication, bureaucracy, hypocrisy, impatience and irritation, as well as passive corruption, persist.


For example: some do not exploit endogenous dynamics and suffer from “policy dependence” and “financial dependence”; some do not follow the pace of progress despite the actual “early graduation” from poverty; others do layer checks and evaluations, which lead to a great deal of energy being wasted on “materials”... a range of poverty alleviation problems, leading to poor quality and popular awareness of poverty eradication.


The quality of poverty eradication can only be assured by ensuring that it is not biased and does not change its effects. Real poverty, real poverty, real poverty, real poverty, real poverty, real poverty, real poverty, real poverty, real poverty, real poverty.




The Chairman of the Board of Directors of Alibaba, Maun, at the World Smart Congress hosted by the city of Tianjin, among other things, stated: "An ant goldsuit has an engineer who wrote himself as an engineer on his blind date website, and no one opened his resume. Then he changed his name to being a block chain engineer and received more than 360 letters of love."


In the name of the block chain, a technology that has been placed on high expectations, often with the equivalent of the one-night rich, is seen by many as a golden key to opening the door to wealth. With the sharp rise and fall of Bitcoin prices, the technology behind the block chain has become a “windlight” for money to compete with.


Despite the lack of “hand-off”-level application of block chain technology in the real economy, over-inflection in the industry, influenced by the pursuit of “one-night rich” negative social mentality, is on the rise, with high trends of “block chain plus distribution” fraud.


strong >


The country’s block chain industry has been growing rapidly in recent years. The data show that, as of 31 July 2018, the number of enterprises with a “block chain” in the name of their business name, scope of operation and business profile was close to 16,000, with a hundreds-fold increase in just three years.


Liu Gang, the chief economist and director of the Institute of Economics at Nankai University, argues that the greatest advantage of the block chain is the technical means to solve the “trust mechanisms” that traditional systems cannot solve. As the technology matures, it is expected to be widely applied.


While the number of businesses has increased dramatically, the physical application of the block chain has fallen far short of expectations. Oyang Yiu, Vice-President of the China Institute for Internet Economics of the Central University of Finance and Finance, said that the application of block chain technology now extends to areas such as physical networking, letters, logistics, and supply chain finance.


The President of the Beijing Municipal Institute for Financial Risk Management, Lee Young-jung, argued that, owing to the lack of a mature business model and application scene, many block-chain teams were moving away from real applications, talking about the prospects of block-linking, and even advocating the concept of “one-night rich” as a way of doing things.


In addition to inviting special actors and performers to participate in the production, some block chain institutions are keen to label “official background.” Many block chain forums, under the title “most official” “highest specification” in history, try to draw the endorsement of “institutional energy”.


In May of this year, at the Third China Financial Enlightenment Conference, the head of a relevant department in Beijing stated publicly that Beijing did not welcome the issuance of a currency.


While the concept of
is hot, there are also “freaking projects” such as the Second Master's Dollar, the Young Model Chain.


“Technology of block chains is complex, and many so-called “block chain experts” do not really understand.” Ouyang Ilhui argues that as the concept of block chains rises, many experts engaged in completely unrelated research “cross-border” as “stations” of the block chain. “The forum has opened a lot, but has been very ineffective in its practical application. Even many former micro-businesses have turned the chain of battle.”


On the night of 21 August this year, a group of microfiche publics of the block chain were shut down by micro-letters, including gold, deep-chain, gun information, artillery ratings, currency world alert services, daily currency readings, etc. More than a dozen prominent players in the business. Before the end of 2017 to the beginning of the year, more than 300 major projects focused on the sector chain appeared from the media, and some of the “soft letters” of the head from the media were worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.


Refurbishment of the “block chain + fraud”


On 24 August of this year, the five ministries co-authored a communication stating that in recent times, some outlaws, under the banner of financial innovation, block chains, have absorbed funds by issuing so-called “virtual currency” “virtual assets” “digital assets” that violate the legitimate rights and interests of the public.


A half-month reporter survey revealed that in recent years there have been frequent frauds under the banner of the block chain, involving hundreds of millions of dollars and thousands of victims. At the beginning of this year alone, more than 3,000 distribution platforms using the block chain concept have been used.


— “Cuting vegetables”. In May this year, Shenzhen police reported a capital fraud: Shenzhen Silver Block Chain Group Ltd. artificially manipulated the price of the so-called virtual currency “Golden Silver” by firing a single price from 0.5 to 10 dollars; when a large number of investors came in, the company continued to cash it.


In April of this year, the Jinan police took down a distribution group under the banner of the block chain and seized over 300 million dollars; the group first gave a certain amount of so-called “virtual currency” based on block chain technology, such as the “gold coin”, and then artificially raised the price of these “virtual currency” to attract investors to a high-level webcam, and then chose to do the “circumcision” exercise.


Five ministries have written that outlaws are illegally profiting through behind-the-scenes manipulation of so-called virtual currency price movements, the setting of profit and withdrawal thresholds. In addition, some outlaws are issuing tokens in different ways, such as ICO (first indentation), IFO (first indentation), IEO (first in-transaction in-transaction) or using IMO (first in-transaction) as a sign of the shared economy for virtual currency production, which is more subtle and confusing.


– “Ponzi fraud.” In April this year, the Xian police broke down a large case of the “Grand Tang” network under the banner of the block chain, with its criminal gang having set up a 28-degree division agent to develop thousands of registered members in just 18 days. In the Ticco case, which was discovered last year, the criminal gang used the “Tyco” to cover its marketing substance, and the “clients” were rewarded with 10% of the rental costs of the “mine machines” for each development of a lower line.


- “Export transfer inward sale.” According to public information, in the case of “Vica coins” amounting to $1.6 billion, the distribution website and marketing model were set up by Bulgarian organizations, with servers based in Denmark, claiming to be based on block chain technology and a second generation of encrypted electronic money after “bitcoin.” Lee Young-Long argued that, after our legal closure of the ICO and the legal closure of the virtual currency exchange in the country, the “export transfer inward sales” of the fraud organization began to increase, and the “digger” turned back into a “Professor of the Ocean” and took the fraud home.


It is reported that some outlaws are renting websites from overseas servers, but the goal is to control illegal activities remotely for residents in the country. Some individuals in the chatting tool group claim that they can obtain the amount of investment in high-quality offshore block chain projects that they can invest in on their behalf, which is highly likely to be fraudulent.


Extortion of social values and risk pitting


The hysteria of the concept of the sector of block chains, and the proliferation of frauds in the name of the chain of blocks, disrupts social order. Many of the chain operators are keen to promote “one-night rich” and have a negative impact on the culture and value orientation of society.


- “Little labor for poverty, money for enrichment” spreads misvalue orientation. After we stopped the ICO in the second half of last year, many currency circles declared the transition to “linker circles” and continued to advocate for the “rich properties” of the block chain.


Despite our express order to stop the ICO, one of Guo's “Big Money Circles” has recently declared in the social media that “As a result of the emergence of the ICO, the small team, the people's business start-ups are worth dozens of times and hundreds of times the value can be realized”. This “Big Money Circle” not only boasts frequently of estates and luxury cars purchased by Canadian giants, but also states that “The currency circle is growing, and when the bubble comes, one species chooses to leave, and this person is getting smarter; the other one now joins the bubble, and this person is getting richer”.


The Director of the Institute of Sociology of the Tianjin Academy of Social Sciences, Zhang Bao Yi, argued that the over-exploitation of block chains by many stakeholders and the promotion of digital money could make people `one night rich'. This “working for poverty and money-rich” public opinion paradox further reinforced the idea of “catching up for money” and not only increased the sense of wealth of ordinary people, but also severely damaged the social culture.


– People are often involved, challenging regulatory capacity. Industry sources argue that “block chain fraud” generally uses web platforms, and even “internal and external interactions” where the numbers of people who have been defrauded are tens of thousands and hundreds of millions or billions of dollars involved, creating a clear element of social instability.


In the case of the Aoe coin, which was uncovered by the Haiguchi police last year, criminal gangs quickly developed their membership of over 47,000 people, amounting to $4.06 billion. After the titanium coin case, which was reported by the crowd, some insiders said that, in the absence of regulatory intervention, when the company’s money chain breaks down, the fraud is likely to reach 10 billion and tens of thousands of people.


According to Zhang Poi Yi, many of the current block chain projects are carried out under the banner of “government support” – a widespread problem of authority and the invisibility of government authority. Participants who recommend block chain sales have their heads drawn up and are in fact part of the chain of interests and lack the incentive to report them. Some people, knowing it was a fraud, still want to “crash in the fire” before the scheme collapses. As long as the scheme collapses, the participants become “victims” and come together to assert their rights, thereby exerting pressure on the government.


  4  短短5年,“一带一路”成绩单为何如此亮眼?


Over the past five years, the < b/ > One-way initiative has gained a high degree of international acceptance for its concept of open cooperation and win-win; it has continued to create new realities in the field of cooperation because of its common and shared principles; and it has increased the sense of well-being among the people of the countries of origin by virtue of its inclusive and pragmatic character.


The Secretary-General of Xi Jinping, in an important speech at the 5th anniversary symposium on moving forward with the construction of the "one-way" process, stressed that building the "one-way" was in keeping with the inherent demands of the changes in the global governance system, highlighted the sense of a community of destiny shared by all and shared responsibility, and provided new ideas for improving the transformation of the global governance system.


< strong> participation is impressive, with a single score


Over the past five years, the international recognition of the One Way initiative has increased, with a number of experts and institutions expressing support for the construction of the One Way initiative.


The report of the German Foundation for Science and Political Science found that the “one-way” had become a global hotspot and was viewed as the most important opportunity by many countries. The President of the Institute of Policy Studies of the Asian Association of the United States, Kevin Rudd, argued that the “one-way” was a positive initiative by China to further expand its openness to the outside world and to promote the integration of different countries and civilizations, and could become a new bridge between East and West. The President of the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies, Mikhail Vladkov, argued that China's message to the international community was clear and pragmatic and did not demand exclusive ownership and did not seek world leadership. The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace’s numerous reports suggested that the “one-way” initiative and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank offered great opportunities to promote connectivity and integration between Asia and Europe, and that the “one-way” could be seen as a force for globalization and open trade.


Over the past five years, the “one-way” initiative has entered a new phase of comprehensive practical cooperation, with the pace of progress towards full practical cooperation being felt through the results of one year in 2017 alone.


In March 2017, the United Nations Security Council unanimously adopted resolution 2344 on Afghanistan, calling on the international community to rally its assistance to Afghanistan to strengthen regional economic cooperation, including through “one-way” construction, to urge the parties to provide a secure environment for “one-way” construction, to strengthen the alignment of development policy strategies and to promote practical cooperation for connectivity.


In April, Liaoning, Zhejiang, Henan, Hubei, Sichuan, Xingxi and Chongqing 7 were established as the third free-trade zone established in the country, essentially resulting in a new pattern of full-scale and high-level opening of the “1+3+7” trade zone as a skeleton, east-central-west coordination, land-cum-sea integration, providing important support for accelerating the implementation of the “one-way” zone.


In May, the Summit Forum on International Cooperation "One Way" was held with an unprecedented attendance of more than 1,600 delegates from more than 140 countries and more than 80 international organizations.


In July, the Asian Association for Financial Cooperation, a regional international non-governmental, non-profit social organization, was established to set up a new platform for exchange and cooperation among Asian financial institutions.


In October, the Party's nineteenth report noted the need to focus on “one-way” construction, to insist on introducing and moving forward, to adhere to the principle of common and shared business, to strengthen innovative capacity for open cooperation and to create an open pattern of territorial and maritime outreach and mutual East-West and West-West enrichment.


In December, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank announced its approval of accession applications for the four economies of the Cook Islands, Vanuatu, Belarus and Ecuador, resulting in its fourth expansion since its inception in 2016, with 84 members, from Asia to the world.


By the end of 2017, the Silk Road Fund had contracted 17 projects with a commitment of approximately $7 billion, with a total investment of over $80 billion in projects supported; China had cumulatively signed 100 “one-way” cooperation documents with 86 countries and international organizations; Central European Banley had accumulated nearly 7,000 columns, with an increasing level of marketized operations; Kazakhstan had completed seven large projects, such as the Southline Gas Pipeline, the Maldives Home for the People, the China-Russian Crude Oil Pipe 2 Project, 19 large projects, such as the China-Myanmar crude oil pipeline, the Monne Railway and the Samir Wind Project, and 17 large projects, such as the China-Mon Friendship 8 Bridge, the Amur Gas Plant and the Brazilian T-voltage Transmission Project.


good genes keep the whole world safe


2018 is the fifth year of the One-way initiative, which will be a new starting point for a steady and steady start. In just five years, the One-way initiative has been so sharp that it benefits from its natural genes of peace, prosperity, openness, innovation, and inclusion.


The "one way" is the road to peace. The "one way" builds an environment of peace and tranquillity. President Xi Jinping stated that a new form of international relations centred on cooperation and win-winness, dialogue and non-confrontational and non-aligned partnerships should be built. States should respect each other's sovereignty, dignity, territorial integrity, each other's path to development and the social system, and respect each other's core interests and concerns.


“One way” is the path to prosperity. President Xi has stated that development is the key to solving all problems.


The "one-way" is an open road. The "one-way" is an open platform that, despite China's initiative, belongs to the world and requires the participation of all countries, working together to maintain and develop an open world economy and to create an environment conducive to open development. China's development is open development, and international industrial cooperation is an important element of the "one-way" initiative.


The path of innovation is also the path of “all the way.” The construction of “all the way” is both a hundred-year-old project and an innovative one. It builds government-market relations from the characteristics of a new era, making full use of existing technological conditions, and taking advantage of the human-resource-intensive advantages of developing countries.


The ancient Silk Road is a path of inclusion. The path of inter-civilizational understanding and inter-civilizational convergence has been built across time and again. The spirit of inter-civilizational understanding and inter-civilizationism, with peaceful cooperation, open tolerance, mutual understanding, mutual benefit and win-winness as its core, has left a valuable spiritual asset for a “one-way” approach. The path of civilized inclusion is both the foundation of a “one-way” society and the ultimate goal of a “one-way” approach.


  5  新熟人社会来了!靶向治疗社区病


With the accelerated transformation of the social fabric and the deepening of the urbanization process, population mobility has increased, with people from different backgrounds and occupations gathering in the same community and residents `unknowing each other' becoming a trend. Traditional acquaintance societies have collapsed, and the original community governance concepts and tools are no longer fully applied. It is urgent to build a new society of traditional and modernly integrated acquaintances and to re-establish the foundations of community governance.


community without close neighbourhood, stranger community-based disease


“There is a high level of security among the inhabitants.” Seo Hae-young, the head of the Community Housing Committee for Homes Today in Haidian District, Beijing, told journalists that when the community started organizing the “Community Mothers Shouting” campaign, most of the mothers who attended the event used online names.

  今日家园是一个经济适用房小区,很多人从素不相识的陌生人变成了邻里。“有些居民进了自家门,不管别人家的事。” 徐海荣对现在城市社区邻里间的陌生状态深有感触。

Homes today are an area of affordable accommodation, and many people have changed from strangers to neighbours. “Some of the inhabitants have entered their homes, regardless of the other people's home.” Xu Haiyong is deeply touched by the strangeness of the neighborhoods of the urban community today.


The pace of work is high, the pressure of work is high and there is no time for communication with neighbours; the amateur life is rich and hesitant to go out there again; the fear of trouble is a lot less. The half-month talkers learned that the changing way of living, the increased individualization, the rapid movement of the population, coupled with the influence of modern lifestyles and values, the rigidity and alienation of the neighbourhood, and the transformation of the urban community from a familiar society of the past into a stranger society.


“This change in the urban community is related to the reform of the housing system.” Professor Chengping of the Central Party School (National School of Administration) stated that the working and living circles of the residents of the commercial housing age were separated and that there was no longer a sense of familiarity among the inhabitants of the formerly highly integrated working and living environment.


“Being `relative as near-neighbour', some of the neighbours now tend to be utilitarian, indifferent and closed.” The former Vice-President of the 4th Governing Board of the China Society for Social Work stated that this was a social disease, a community disease and a neighbourhood disease brought about by social progress.


According to China's Mobile Population Development Report 2017, the size of our mobile population in 2016 was 245 million people, a decrease of 1.71 million compared to the end of the previous year. However, the population continues to converge in urban areas, and some of the mobile population settles in inflows into new citizens. Social transformation and social mobility are now accelerating, with stranger societies becoming the dominant form of urban communities, creating problems for community governance, such as inadequate community interaction.


Neighborhood disease, which appears to be a weakening of the demand for human dependence, is further compounded by the deconstructive impact of urban development on traditional societies. The experts suggest that changing the stranger societies that emerge in urbanization and population movements requires grass-roots governments and communities to actively promote the building of new communities of acquaintances.


New acquaintances are looking forward to it.


< b/ > The Secretary of the Labour Committee of the Heidian District, 8 Mile Street Party, told journalists half a month about community issues, such as the management of neighbourhood diseases, and the need to revitalize the community through multi-channel, multi-channel, multi-faceted and diverse activities to reshape the “academic society”.


“When a community organizes a literary event, you can look at the right person and find the right person.” The head of the Community Housing Committee, 26 Street Revival Road, told half a month-long journalists that the community in which you live is well known among the inhabitants because it is a family member. “We all know what we're seeing, we can tell if we're outsiders, we have conflicts between neighbors, we've done a lot of work.”


In the opinion of the enemies, community service now requires precision, precision, specialization, standardization, and precise matching needs are difficult to do if residents are not familiar with each other.


At the same time, the complexity of stranger societies increases exponentially compared to traditional societies. The lack of basic trust among strangers in the community can lead to a loss of community cohesion, not only increasing the cost of social governance, but also creating psychological divides and even insecurity.


Accompanies not only the convenience of community governance, but the harmonious and intimate neighbourhood relations that they represent are also very attractive to residents. “In the management of community housing, community-based community residents assist in overseeing governance groups as volunteers. Working together, people become familiar and feel very good. People say, ‘How can we not build close neighborhoods in such a good community?’” Xu Hae-yong says.


“The new society of acquaintances is socially centred and is bound by rules and emotions.” According to Marxistics, this requires grass-roots governments and communities to actively engage in good-neighbourly cultural activities to help the population out of their small homes.


The half-month talker learned that the community had organized a number of innovative activities: today's Home based community-based organization of the `Small Waterdrops' `Small Development Alliance'volunteer team, which allowed children and young people in the community to use weekends, holidays for public service activities in the community and to identify small groups of children and young people; and eight-mile street leaders'community based on the resource advantages of the High School, building a series of reading events, `Students and Classics' reading and sharing sessions, `Best Faiths and Classics' poetry sessions, `Autumn Songs', etc. to enhance cultural identity and cohesion in the community...


According to the data, more than 60% of the country’s community housing committees now carry out distinctive cultural activities of good neighbourliness, covering almost all of the 10 provinces of Zhejiang, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Chongqing, Guangxi, etc. In June this year, 20 units, including Hunan Governor Tianxi, were identified as pilot areas for urban and rural community governance innovation in the province for a period of two years.


In addition to organizing events to give everyone a better chance to meet, it is important to build a neighbourhood communication platform.


It is understood that Sichuan Province has set up a “Singing Xing Hong” platform in Chenghua Town Street, Chenghua Town, to “open the life window `open' on the cell phone of the residents.” Channels to reflect the problem have been opened and community participation in community governance has been fully stimulated. In just three months, the population has reported 395 cases of self-government and co-management services, involving more residents and social forces.


The community of the beautiful park on the 8-mile street of Haidian district is people-centred, focusing on the service of “old for small” and using the “four-time” service approach of community workers + party members + volunteers + university students, working to build community service platforms, helping families to build communities into “gold settlements.” Wang Su-ha, the head of the community building section on the 8-mile street, told journalists that the excellent service awareness and inter-organization model of the beautiful park community had attracted provincial and municipal exchange groups, of which more than 300 had been visited.


Increase community service delivery capacity and increase social power participation


“There are places where there are hundreds of feasts, thousands of feasts, and people are very cohesive, but we are only able to make 10 dinners.” Seo Hae-Wung said that there is a growing demand for community service delivery capacity, but that communities are understaffed, operating space is too few, funding is limited, and invisiblely increases the invisible threshold for communities to engage in good-neighbourly activities.


In order to improve the ability of community cadres to perform their duties and humanities, Tseng Tao recommended that the age and knowledge structure of the community should be optimized, that grass-roots training should be stepped up and that the stability of the community should be ensured. In the first half of 2018, 44 community workers were recruited on the 8-mile street in Heidian District to inject fresh blood into the community. Over 1,000 trainings were organized in the streets and communities to meet the needs of community workers in different jobs.


Incentives for community volunteers need to be further refined. The half-month talker found that the position of volunteers is now somewhat blurred, that volunteers pay a lot, and that the short period of time is just to record the hours of service, leading to “a good launch, persistent problems.” Xu Hai Yung et al. suggested that consideration could be given to a shift of thinking to reward park tickets, performance tickets, etc., as a step-by-step incentive to “encouraging volunteers to continue their commitment and spreading the effects of related performances”.


< b/ > The Director of the Centre for Community Services in the 8-mile neighbourhood of Haidian District, Zhang Qingying, recommended that community volunteer corps leaders be trained to improve their organizational recruitment capacity, streamline the filing process, include members of society in the volunteer corps, promote volunteerism, enhance education and nurturing to serve community security and stability, community governance and civilization-building.


Residents are expected to play a leading role in community governance, but community workers work time, which is when most of the residents go out to work; community workers work time, which is also the time when the needs of the population are concentrated, creates a shift in time for community work. Therefore, there is a need to explore mature mechanisms for community-driven, local and people-driven activities.


With regard to the capacity of community services, Tsengao proposes to increase government purchasing of services and to introduce service providers through government purchasing services, to address family maintenance, cleaning, health care, etc. of special population groups such as district low security, disability, isolation, empty-shelter seniors, and to support community services to increase the sense of well-being and well-being of the population.


The Director of the Department of Grassroots Government and Community Building of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, Chen Yeung-hwan, stated that the participation of social forces is an important aspect of community activation and co-governance. In urban communities, the Ministry of Civil Affairs actively guides local communities in their efforts to foster community service, public good, and solidarity social organizations.


The beautiful park community establishes a platform for community-based party organizations, neighbourhood councils, industry committees, and industry to consult together on key community decisions and matters so that community problems can be identified and resolved early.

  6  反形式主义之举,也可能沦为形式主义


Grassroots formalism has improved in recent years, but it is still very serious. Some grass-roots cadres have shown that routineism, such as filling out forms, reporting materials, etc., has taken a lot of effort, and that it has become normal for them to work late at night, while there is no time to do it. Some grass-roots cadres have spoken out against formalism, which, if not corrected, has even turned anti-formalist measures into formalism.


strong > evaluates in material good and bad and is typical of formalism


Not long ago, during a half-month interview with journalists in one of the central districts, a grass-roots cadre said that he had spent the night working on materials to report to the leadership.


At the time, the cadre represented a distinguished delegate at the Congress. The day before the Congress, he sent his statement to the relevant department, as required, and the statement was not approved.


“It is not how I work, but where I need to reflect the spirit of leadership.”


Changed from more than 10 p.m. to 5-6 a.m. After changing five or six versions, it was decided to use the first version.


There are not a few cadres that are exhausted and helpless by materials like this.


“The year in which hard work is not evaluated as advanced, the year in which information is given is recognized.”


< b/ > A village support book in a district of Hunan province states that the work done at the grass-roots level is long and varied and that each task is productive and requires the presence and commitment of grass-roots cadres.


day and day, dissipating more work. < < b/ > > > > >. < With material inspection results, evaluation of good and bad is typical formalism. > > > >.


A deputy head of the street office in a city in the centre is deeply touched by this: “Every superior must have a report on his research.


The material comes from the leftovers, which are also “hard indicators” for working at the local level, but this “hard indicators” pushes a lot of jokes at the grass roots. The deputy director of the street office, speaking of local demands for riverwalks, said, “Not only personally, but also with the comrades who took the pictures, took some clothes, took one picture at a time, did enough to write a lot of material at a time.”


"A thousand wires up, one needle down", more threads or less needles?


Some grass-roots cadres complain that their superiors usually do two things, one on a mission, and the other on a horsestand. "A thousand lines above, one needle below. The reality is that the "wire" is increasing and the "wire" is entangled to death.


A staff member in a development area in South China gave half a month's talkers an estimate of the number of “pins” at the grass-roots level. He said that there were generally 13 civil servants in a local grass-roots organization.


“In this case, it is normal for one person to combine more than a dozen posts and take charge of more than 40 systems. More busy than the mayor!” said the staff member.


However, there is a growing number of “lines” above. A street office manager said that he needed to report monthly developments in recruitment and industrial development, and to form a summary for the leading district leaders.


“Doesn't the recruitment dynamic be compiled by the hiring department directly on the basis of the project? Shouldn't the major projects move forward on a regular basis by the authorities? These tasks go down to the townships, where feedback on the project is mostly not resolved, but only to summarize the progress of the data.” The head of the street office said that he did not know what to do later.


In this case, in the face of a superior examination, the grass-roots level has to do something superficial.


anti-formatism, how did it become formalist?


"Formatism is a peacock dressed as a screen-opening chicken. Why? The leader loves peacocks!"


< b/ > A grass-roots cadre said that the greatest benefit of keeping track of the material and the matter was that it was easy for superiors to check, that it seemed formalistic and that the substance was bureaucratic.


Some grass-roots officials believe that doing anything requires a certain form. But formalism only completes what is formal and does not care about substantive work.


In recent years, various measures have been taken at the grass-roots level to solve the problem of formalism, but the results have not been ideal.


< b/ > There are also grass-roots cadres who say that in recent years anti-formism has been strong, but the superiors are accustomed to leaving the problem to the grass-roots level, where they can only meet to communicate and write minutes and photos of statements, or how can you prove that you have done so? This has led to the introduction of anti-formalism into formalism.


According to grass-roots cadres, anti-formatism should be counter-bureaucratic at the same time and not “the superiors are sick and the grass-roots take drugs”.


  7  亲子作业:锻炼孩子还是折腾家长?让手工作业回归“儿童视角”


“I've been forced to work hand in hand since my child went to kindergarten.” “The child is asleep, and my mother and I are working overtime to do the teacher's homework.” “The third grade requires the child to do PPT, fortunately because there are college students at home to do it.


Experts suggested that, on the one hand, the tasks that were originally assigned to teachers should not be left to parents to turn them into half-teachers, and, on the other hand, that “parental homework” should not lead to a loss of educational value. More crucially, the utilitarian evaluation of “adult perspective” should be reduced to the greatest extent possible, and that “childwork” should be child-friendly and personalized.


strong > all over the city looking for san leaves and drawings in eggshells, parents complaining that the homework is “too rough”


"The kindergarten has to feed the worms so that the children can bring some sauna. It's a good thing other parents in the neighborhood have experience finding a sauna seller in the market. I wonder if anyone in Shenzhen City buys this too. The boss says it's all the students' homework."


Knows that the answer of a Shenzhen parent, even though it was a playful one, is resonance. “The circle of friends is not only looking for San leaves, but also for walnut leaves, where do we live in the middle of the city, where do we look for the children? Sometimes it's only for relatives of the home.” There are parents and posters. The half-month journalism survey found that even in the middle of the season, the monthly sales of students strapped to a web shop on the Treasure Web are easy to pay.


In an interview at
, a number of parents spoke to a half-month journalist about the experience of being “dumped” by homework:


The hardest thing a Wuhan parent wrote is that simple drawings or materials are easy to do by hand, and expensive work such as building bridges is all Mom and Dad's job, such as moving old paper box robots, chopsticks on ding-tao ships or houses, carpentry cars, wire weaving, leaves drawings, etc. The worst thing is to draw two self-made paintings, one home story, the other to introduce people from home, for almost two months, and all the free time after work.


The most challenging thing - Ms. Liu, a Shanghai parent, said that in his second year, the teacher had laid a painting job on an egg that had been empty inside, and the child had no choice at all. By way of the Internet, the family had punctured a small hole in the egg with a toothpick, allowed the egg fluid to flow out slowly, then washed and dried up the egg case, started drawing. Despite the careful wing, three eggs had been broken and the child cried.


The most wasteful -- schools often have manual work on environmental subjects. Some parents say that the next day the child has to go to school with a large cola bottle, scraped chips, not at home, to buy them at a supermarket, and eventually they can't eat them, so they can't waste them. Kindergarten shows, families make a dress with dozens of different colours of garbage bags, and the child wears two laps.

  比童真还是比“颜值”  功利评比让孩子很受伤

> > > > > > > > > > > >. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >.


The whole family has come together to complete their “parental and child work” and to bring the children to school. It is not surprising that during the evaluation process, many children and parents were once again “injured”.


parents Mr. Xu said that in a parent-child event in kindergarten, parents and children were asked to use milk boxes as a robot.


"We specifically let the child do it on his own, do not become dependent on adults, and the final work, though crooked, meets the requirements, and the child has a sense of accomplishment. We don't want to get a class, and in front of a bunch of fine works, we get a third (the worst) evaluation of our work. To that end, the child has been sad for days."


As parents say, difficult and time-consuming manual work like carpentry, robotics, knitting, etc. is usually done by adults or purchased directly on the Internet. In school ratings, such “beautiful” work tends to be preferred to real “childwork.”


Some parents have no choice but to bring their second- and third-year-olds back to their PPTs: < < b/> "It's almost all `parent works' that are handed over, and they don't know what this job means."


The half-month talkers learned that many kindergarten and primary school teachers also know that parents work for their children, but sometimes, in response to visits and examinations by their superiors, they want their children to present their best works and good school images, and that this formism places an unreasonable burden on parents and children.


At the same time, parents’ anxieties and anxiety have contributed to a somewhat negative climate. “Many parents want their children to `do not lose on the starting line', whether they write words, mathematics, spoken words, or creative DIY, to compete first, making the intended `playing' exercise extra-coded and submissive, and ultimately making the entire environment `pressure mountain'.” Lee Yin, Director of Pre-school Education at Shanghai Teacher Training University, says.


Bringing manual work back to the “child's perspective”


Compared to the practice of hand-work in the form of “roll-out” and approved by parents. Ms. Neng said that the children had attended a public kindergarten in Shanghai and that the teachers had asked the children to go home to make flowers, but the children had prepared the materials they needed to make them in advance so that they could bring them home, using scissors and glue under the guidance of the parents.


There are also schools that carefully inform parents in advance about the purpose of their children's work, about their ability to exercise their children's skills, how they wish to help them at home, etc. There is no requirement for the final work, so that the parents are well-informed and effectively avoid excessive parental involvement and even “out-of-pocket” work.


The Associate Professor of the People’s University of China, Ko Yong-Ayan, said that the manual work of parents for their children does not allow them to exercise.


The director of a public kindergarten in Shanghai believes that teachers should indeed strengthen the design of their jobs, according to the age characteristics of the children, so that they can perform their jobs, but parents must also learn to let go, fully believe in the potential of their children and place their role in companionship and cooperation.


Li Yin states that manual and child work is an important part of quality education and is aimed at helping children to develop a habit of first-hand inquiry. On the one hand, it is important to respect personality, to avoid single standards and uniform requirements in kindergarten and primary schools, and to encourage families to produce creative work based on their own characteristics and children's different characteristics. On the other hand, the process is more important than the results, not the “child's perspective” manual work, and it makes no sense to refine it, which requires a change in the way that the education administration and schools evaluate and guide society towards the right development of human values.


  8  资本“转战”,从炒房价到炒房租


The rent boom became the hot word for the summer. In the context of the regulation of the “tenancy equal rights” of “tenancy housing”, some of the hot-spot urban rent increases were evident. Long-rent apartments that had been placed with high hopes to stabilize rent levels in the market turned into new pushers for rent increases. The house price, the rent, the rent, the price of the house, the price of the house, the price of the house, the rent of the house, the rent of the house, the rent of the house, the price of the house, the price of the house, the price of the house, the price of the house, the price of the house, the price of the building, the price of the house, the price of the house, the price of the house, the price of the house, the price of the house, the price of the house, the price of the house, the price of the house, the price of the house, and the price of the house, the price of the house, the price of the floor, the price of the floor, the price of the house, the price of the floor, the floor, the floor, the floor, the floor, the floor, the floor, the floor of which, the house, the house of which was the price of the price of the house.


long rental flats became a new pusher for rent increases


“My wages have not risen, my rent has risen.” Zhang Nan, who graduated only a year ago, has been renting back and forth from Beijing, far away from her place of work, but in mid-August she received a rent increase from the landlord, requiring her to pay 500 more a month in a bedroom, and the rent has increased by nearly 20 per cent.


In the community of university graduates, the subject of rising rents is accompanied by self-media headlines such as “Away from high house prices, avoid excessive rents”, “The building city is using rent hikes to punish those who do not buy houses”, which creates a lot of anxiety.


According to data from China's Housing Prices Network, the rent in Beijing in July rose by 20.3 per cent over the same period in 2017, and by 20 per cent for 10 people, including Chengdu, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.


Due to the peak rent periods in July and August as a result of graduation, job search, and start-up seasons, the rental market and prices in previous years will indeed be a hot wave. But this year, it is of particular concern that long rental apartments have become a new pusher for rent hikes.


In Beijing, the tenant Ms. Zhang chose her own south-to-south bedroom, telling reporters: "The rent is $2490 a month, plus 2,000 multi-services a year. The rent has increased considerably this year, and last year around $1,800 a month will be available for this kind of room."


< strong > broker grabs houses and disrupts the rental market


Why did the rent of a long-lease apartment soar? The monthly rent of a three-square room in Beijing, 120 m2 of Tiandong, was won by an apartment operator from the two parents who rented it from $7,500 to $10,800.


The former Vice-President of “I Love My Home” Hu Xingyuan said that long-rent apartment operators, represented by self-styled egg-shell apartments, had raised the price of house collections artificially in order to increase their size and compete for more than 20 to 40 per cent of the market.


In fact, the “storage” of long-lease apartment operators is not uncommon in other hot-spot cities. One Shenzhen broker said that many of Shenzhen’s housing sources were “cleaned” by long-lease apartments, and that when the bulk of the housing stock was under the income of large suppliers, the right to rent was naturally in their hands.


In addition to the vicious sources of home grabs, the high-end, aristocracy trend is pushing up the overall rent. A semi-monthly survey of journalists in Shanghai found that even in remote suburbs, the monthly rent for one room in a long-lease apartment is generally over $3,000, with two rooms above $5,000, and some long-lease brands are doing a lot of work on refurbishment, location, and brand premium.


The Chief Analyst of Central African Estates, Zhang Da Wei, argues that the main business of many intermediaries or long-lease apartment operators in the rental market is low-cost hoarding, packing up high-cost rentals, and earning the difference between rent increases. Even some intermediaries are interested in publishing data on large increases in regional market prices and creating expectations for market rises.


overleveraging and capital playing karate


In fact, with the growing support of financial policies for the housing rental market, long-rent flats operating in the open have grown in size and capital power, resulting in a number of innovative financial products, such as rental housing-type REITs (real estate trust investment fund), ABS (securitization finance supported by project-owned assets), and housing rental-specific corporate bonds.


To date, 12 companies have submitted applications to issue debt for housing rental companies totalling $61.88 billion.


Why housing rental enterprises are so eager to finance? Industry sources point out that, after financing, the development model of housing rental operations has become a cycle of “get-rent-finance-take-back” that can rapidly increase the market share.


A senior voucher dealer has revealed that for the long-lease apartment industry, which is currently uncertain about the future of profits, it is possible to obtain financial money by hoarding houses, squeezing rents, and using the business of renting houses to make money. “The essence of this model is to use the credit of tenants and landlords to provide expansionary funds to operators through rental loans, which can be described as `profitless', both to speed up the return of investment funds and to quickly re-route them into the acquisition, renovation and operation of the next housing source.”


“rent remains unpaid” needs to be implemented


The President of the Shell Institute, Yang, argues that the main impact of housing prices is on investment, and the main effect of rent is consumption.


According to < b/ >, leasing enterprises continue to take up most of the housing stock in the market through financing expansion and rolling development, eventually creating a “monopoly” to obtain rent pricing rights.


At the same time, the lack of access thresholds, standards, and laws and regulations has led to a growing lack of market development. The excessive use of leverage by small-scale businesses, in collaboration with micro-lending companies such as P2Ps, has increased the risk of housing renters and tenants, and may even lead to P2P rollers if they are poorly run.


Capital speculation behind high rents has become a matter of alarm for regulators. Many actions have been initiated in response to the irrationally high renting of long rental apartments.


Experts argue that the fight against rent-free activity is fundamentally about increasing and optimizing the supply. Yang now says that, for some time to come, both front-line and partially second-line cities will face an effective supply deficit, and that the key to rent stability is to correct current and potential supply-demand imbalances.


  9  非遗技艺:从“高阁”走向亲民


Redwood furniture production technique is the first national intangible cultural heritage to be listed in the country. However, when it comes to redwood furniture, it is often the impression that it is “boiled money” and that it is “high and weak and difficult to reach”.


standard first: allow for reproduction


How do you choose redwood furniture? How do the darts work? What kind of hardware accessories can be used to preserve the unique style of redwood furniture?


“The technique of the production of mangrove furniture has been the norm as early as tomorrow, but it has not been documented and is transmitted only through the mouth of the masters.” In Jiangsu province, following the traditional “oralist” way of transmission, some of the unique production techniques of mangrove furniture are not widely disseminated, the industry is difficult to do on a large scale, and a large number of crude copying products appear on the market.


In order to demonstrate the essence and promote non-residual skills of Soo, since March 2015, the Suzhou Municipal Furniture Association has organized 30 city-wide mangrove furniture pipelines to draft, together with the National, Provincial, and Municipal Intangible Cultural Heritage Technical Carriers, the Standard for the Soho Redwood Furniture Group. The Suzhou Municipal Furniture Association's Director, Shi Ho, introduced the criteria for the group, which include three components: production techniques, structural processes, and quality testing.


“The publication of group standards is more significant in terms of promoting the effective reproduction of the Redwood culture.” Yao, Director of the Centre for Research and Development of the Redwood Culture in Su, China, and Managing Director of the Eastern Redwood Furniture Company, Inc., have spoken to the east.


The half-month talker found in the Eastern Redwood Club Company Ltd. that almost all craftsmen were “old-fashioned” and that one trader was engaged in only one process, one process for more than a decade or even the rest of his life.


Yao said to the east that, in the interest of excellence, the company had established a standardized product production process that would break down the woodwork, carving and painting of three core processes in the production of redwood furniture into 12 processes. “So that each process could be standardized and more conducive to the transfer of technology.” Yao said to the east.


Trace: Resonance in transmission


In September 2017, the National Intangible Cultural Heritage furniture production technique was used to preserve mangrove culture and art in the city of Toussou.


The Deputy Director of the Redwood Cultural Research and Development Centre, China, and the Director of the China Non-residual Furniture Productions and the Director of the Chinese Manchurian Heritage Base, Feng Dynasty-Hyung, told reporters that the presence of the Fluttershy, invented by the Meng generation's acquaintance Goi, had far-reaching implications for the development of the combination of furniture. “In time of limitation, its applications were not widespread or even close to being lost.


The “dryflies” are reborn, refracturing the great value of Sioux's mangrove history and culture. As one of the origins of Sioux's mangrove furniture, the city has recently built a museum of redwood cultural art and rehabilitated the “dryflies” in the near-disappeared Goroki, drawing more attention to Sio's khoku as a legacy of redwood non-repair.


"A lot of young people now prefer a very simple style, which is also found in the redwoods." Yao said to the east that Europe's very simple style could be associated with Chinese bright furniture. "I saw a displayed chair in a museum in Paris, France, and a life out would be a replacement of bright furniture."


The conjectures of Yao-dong and other craftsmen have drawn the attention of experts such as the Golden Mantis School of Architecture at Suzhou University. “These conjectures are not unfounded.




"I'm not short of the aesthetics, I'm the renminbi." Nanjing citizen Xu Bei said that Su is a “precious” word that keeps a lot of ordinary people out of the art gates.


“Redwood furniture is expensive because it is used in high-value wood.” As Fung introduced, bright furniture usually uses imported wood such as sorghum, acid branches, pears, chicken wings, etc., with high prices for raw materials and high prices.


In Yao's view, this “threshold” has the potential to fall eastwards. “The most important thing is the knitting of redwood furniture.


“The price of personal goods must be accompanied by an appreciation of the best work.” Fédération says that there are a large number of crafts for the production of redwood furniture, many of which can be embedded in interactive segments involving the public, such as ding-doo production, and are well suited for on-site displays and interactions.


“The recent Redwood Cultural Exhibition in Su, China, will be held in Beijing.” Fong said that the exhibition will tell the story of the legacy and development of Su's mangrove technique through the production of a Redwood chair. “Not only the price will be lowered, but the threshold for non-heritorials will be lowered.” Yao said to the east that the non-residual arts will grow only if more people come closer to Su and participate in it.


  10  河长:从“巡河”到“寻根”


In recent years, the river-long lake system has been firmly promoted throughout the country as an effective measure to protect the aquatic environment. What is the implementation of this system at the grass-roots level? In recent months, journalists have been following the three grass-roots river leaders of Zhejiang, Shaanxi and Jiangxi to observe the success of river-long work in old urban areas, urban-rural interfaces and rural areas.


< strong> Old River Leader: promoting the transformation of the underground network


The white wall is black, it's green, it's thick, it's laughter, it's the view of the East River, in the Old Town area of Hangzhou. Thirty years ago, this small river, which is less than 3 metres wide, was a veritable “square ditch”, and the inhabitants dump waste and go straight down the river with the sewage.


“It was only after several massive dredgings that the East River was transformed from the Black Steak River to the Clear Water River.” The Deputy Governor of the Upper City of Hangzhou, and the Chief of the East River (Upper Sector) Region, Xue Hong, witnessed this change. But, in his view, to completely heal this typical central city river, it has to work not only in the course of the river, but also on the shore.


“primarily contaminated with sewage from the extensive small catering industry, the river will soon float as soon as the water enters the wells.” On April 10th this year, when he visited the river, he observed that sewage was drained from the water drains. The municipal inspection found that sewage pipes in the cut-off system were clogged, resulting in poor discharges of sewage into the rainwater pipelines. This situation persists in the old urban areas of the old underground pipe network, some of which are constrained by pre-existing conditions such as the state of the ground, and has not yet been able to undergo a thorough process of partitioning.


A two-year plan of action for water management was developed in the Upper City District in 2018, facilitated by Honghong Xue, who showed journalists a map of the city’s underground pipe network, which is described in a dense mahjong. “We must not only connect the underground pipe network ‘the aorta’, but also identify all the ‘fine veins’.” He said that 30 square kilometres of underground pipe network would produce a 10-metre network map. “Construction of storm partitions and balcony water management projects by reference to the hair vascular map will result in the collection of sewage pipes from the source and the discharge of rainwater into the river.”


Xue Hong has said quite frankly that 70% of his energy has been devoted to water management since he took over the East River, which used to be at the heart of GDP, environmental protection has now risen to new heights, and party cadres have realized that ecological protection is one of the central tasks. But he has also pointed out that “one-size-fits-all” and over-ambitious attempts to complete ecological governance can lead to landscapes and underground drainage in individual places.


“Combating the environment's debt is by no means a one-time event, depending on the speed at which the target is met, while ignoring the inherent balance of the system is the end of the line.” He said that rather than “powdering” in the short term, it would be better to be “boiled by fire” and would really give the population a green shore and a shallow bottom.


Towns and Rivers: Caring Lives Sewage Collection


34-year-old Wei Shih-chung is the head of the community in the town of Kim Yue, in the town of Yonyan, Yanxi Province, and one of the Yan River tributaries, the Nanchuan River is located in the 5-km long river section of the town. Every day, he is required to patrol the river and examine the four priority sections on the spot.


“The four focus areas are all about the discharge of domestic sewage.” Wei said that this was the most important source of pollution in the urban/rural interface. Last year, Yanan began to decontaminate the riverway environment, prohibiting the discharge of sewage into it. In some areas, however, since infrastructure such as sewage networks has not yet been put in place, sewage collection tanks have to be built first in populated areas, plastic pipes have been used to feed each household into it, and each household has been pumped into a treatment plant for treatment.


Wei Shun, with half a month's talker, visited the sewage collection warehouse in the village of Mao Tseong. He said that this wastewater collection warehouse, about 40 cubic metres in size, could only be used as a temporary measure, and that in the long run it would be possible to access municipal sewage pipes as soon as possible. In particular, Yanan's winter was cold, and plastic pipes laid on the road were liable to freeze. “Yonyan city has stepped up the construction of the municipal pipeline, which is scheduled to be completed by the end of September this year, and the problem is expected to be resolved completely.”


In the river cruise, reporters find the water in the Nanchon river to be a little treacherous. Wei Shih-chung says that it is because the village upriver is building a pedigree bridge. "A little bit of water changes, we have to figure out why, and we have to tell the residents house-to-house not to dump the sewage into the river."

  半月谈记者沿着南川河继续往前走,又在河岸边发现一堆垃圾,里面混合着塑料板、废旧轮胎等。“可能是附近居民倒的,城乡接合部还是比较难管。” 魏世雄一边略显无奈地说,一边拨打保洁员的电话。保洁员贺雨生赶来一看,有些生气:“总有不自觉的人,昨天下午来还没看到,肯定是昨天晚上倒的。”

The half-month reporter continued along the Nanchon River, and found a pile of garbage on the bank of the river, mixed with plastic sheets, used tyres, etc. "It may be the nearby residents, but it's still hard to connect with the city and the village." Wei, on the other hand, said he was a little unstinting, calling the cleaner. The keeper came and he was a little angry: "There's always someone who didn't see it yesterday afternoon, and it must have fallen yesterday night."


In the village of Goimen, journalists accompanied Wei Shih-Yung to check the homes of several residents to see if the sewers leaked. It took about two hours for the entire riverway to patrol. Wei Shi-Hung said that grass-roots cadres are more than just river leaders, and that it is not a long-term solution to go door-to-door with grass-roots cadres. He suggested that the construction of basic sewage treatment facilities should be accelerated and that areas with access to the municipal network should be accessed as much as possible.


: Worried about funding for follow-up care


In the town of Punze County, Jiangxi Province, Yeo Yi Yi, on the banks of the River Creek, the river's long-standing responsibilities are well-known. Half-monthly talkers follow the town's mayor, Ouyang, who is the river's head, to patrol the river along the river. This seven-kilometre-long small river reaches the lake of Tai Po and will eventually be transferred to the Yangtze River, where the river is clear and no garbage is seen. “The implementation of the river's longness along the river line is a top priority for our work.


In the vicinity of the bridge on the side of the bridge, journalists saw a new flat piece of land. This was a small marble processing plant, which was often washed with white water pouring into the river. To dismantle the plant, the town of Wave Creek, through the county river chief, coordinated administrative enforcement personnel, such as the county water service and the environmental protection agency, to work with business owners on a number of occasions, which were successfully dismantled shortly before.

  “乡镇开展河长制工作,关键靠组织网络建设。”欧阳时群说,乡镇干部“一人独挡九面”,不可能把全部精力都放在河长工作上。为解决人手不足问题,浪溪镇聘请了15 个保洁员,每天巡河打捞河面垃圾。一旦发现污染问题,就通过河长工作微信群逐级上报。半月谈记者看到彭泽县河长微信群中有87位河长。

“The town does river length work, which depends mainly on the organization of networks.” Ouyang Quantities say that the village cadre “one person stands alone” and cannot devote all its energy to river length work. In order to address the shortage of staff, the town of Wave Creek has hired 15 janitors to patrol the river to collect the river's waste every day.


Last year, the River Creek River Review was ranked first all over the county, and the Panzer River Governor rewarded it with $100,000. Despite the rewards, the town still faces a shortage of funds. “In keeping with the requirement to build the River Creek as a model river, over 3 million dollars have been spent in the town to build the River River River.” The Ouyang Times said that the dismantling of livestock farms, dredging of riverways, greening of river banks, and the construction of cruise lanes would require money, and subsequent pressure on custody funds.


There are currently special funding for river chiefs at the municipal and county levels, but there is no specific funding for river-long work in the townships.


“The importance of river-long work in the towns is much higher than in the towns, where river-long work is included in the end-of-year job evaluation of the cadres, which is second only to poverty reduction.” The Ouyang community says that the original town is now more pro-poor and longer-run. “We want to have dedicated funding to maintain the long-term governance effect of `water-cleaning, river-leafing, shore-greening, landscape-beautiful'.


  11  他带着老母亲去扶贫


After the fall, the northern sun was still hot in Inner Mongolia's shadow mountain. Under the sun, Fu Yong-Sin, a 52-year-old farmer, had a dark face, sweating on his face. He was too busy measuring chickens from house to house and selling them at a rate of 4.5 pounds. He had contacted some of the city's employees to buy “poor chickens” and hoped that the green farm chickens would generate a larger income for the population.


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Bringing older mothers to poverty alleviation is a new source of help for Fu Yong-jin. Fu Yong-Sin is the Minister of the Carnival Industrial Complex of the China Metallurgical Engineering Research Institute of Steel Designs and a member of the Party's branch. In spring 2017, he took older parents to his own home and intends to spend more time with them.


What Fu Yongzhin did not expect was that his father was subsequently identified. On March 22, 2017, Fu Yongzhin, who was hospitalized with his father, was informed that he had gone to the village in April to alleviate poverty and did not say he had accepted the mission. The next day, however, the city called and said that he was leaving on March 26th.


"What can we do? You've promised to go to the country and you won't be able to talk about your difficulties?" So Fu Yong-seung has contacted his sister to take care of his father, and he leaves on time to fight poverty. After the father's discharge, the two elderly were sent back to the Ordos mine, and the plan to put their parents around them for later years was interrupted. At the end of the year, however, the father was admitted to the hospital for cerebral infarction, and he was released from the hospital in a state of discomfort and unable to walk.


In spring 2018, Fu Yongxin returned to Ordos to see that her mother had no energy to buy food to cook and take care of her father.


“I was also hesitant at the time, whether this would give rise to misunderstandings and, again, if I were to rent a house in the village and cook for the elderly after work, it would not affect the job.” So, after spring 2018, his mother came with him to the village of Likang to alleviate poverty.


"First Secretary" to "Standing Secretary"


The "Hunting Secretary" is a tribute to Fu Yong's new life. Since March 2017, when he was first secretary of the Party's branch in Likang village, Fu Yong's new gas and gas minibus has travelled more than 30,000 kilometres.


< b/ > The size of the village is 72 km2 and the land is sandy and arid, with a total of 478 families and 993 people, of whom 125 are poor and 252 are poor at the Lica national level, and most of them are old and infirm and suffer from various chronic diseases.


Fu Yongxin invites the city's doctors to the village department, to drive the villagers to a free medical examination and to have the doctors tell people how to treat a disease, how to maintain it, where to treat it, etc.


When it was discovered that a villager could not find a place to attend to hospital claims and did not fill out the forms, he agreed with the village committee team that, except for the children in the county council, the others were run by village cadres. Once, the elderly were hospitalized in the village, and their son ran several times and could not be reimbursed due to irregularity. Fu Yong-jin contacted multiple parties to make up the materials and eventually reimbursed 95% of the medical fees. The elderly moved to say, "The clerks are better than the children."


Moreover, some people sell agricultural by-products and Fu Yongxin becomes a salesman; some villagers buy things, enter the city and return to the village, and Fu Yongxin becomes a driver.


starting with small things, solving practical problems


Fu Yongxin said, “The people have nothing to do with anything, one small thing is their big thing, and the people see the cadres as Communists, and we can't beat the party.”


< b/ > After several months of reconstructing and renovating a new house in the village of Lignan and in the oil sector, the use of electrical circuits has been delayed, there is a greater security risk for the villagers' private connections, and Fu Yongzhin coordinated the electricity sector and resolved the problem within a week.


"This year's Spring League at my house was posted on the 29th month of La. One more day is left, and the secretary is still busy in the village." The villagers Luguang-san old man said, "A good man like this is a servant of the people."


“If it wasn’t for the secretary, my son would not have been able to attend university.” Zhao Mao-yun, a villager, said that her son could not afford to go to college last year, and that the family had been unable to pay the tuition fees.


One small thing brings Fo Young-Jin’s relationship to the masses.


At the end of 2017, the village of Likang withdrew from the chain of poor villages at the Autonomous Region level, with 84 families living in poverty at the national level, 157 people out of poverty, and the rest of the population is expected to be lifted out of poverty by the end of the year.


There is no regret that the villagers will be lifted out of poverty


The half-month talker saw his mother, Fan Yu-jin, sitting on the groundside and talking to some of the old ladies in the village. More than 20 square metres of room, most of the windows were dirt, and there was a kitchen. There was almost no furniture in the house, except for a large water bottle and a small table. In the tunnel, there was an iron stove warmed during the winter spring.


"This is no way." Van Yu-Jen says his son is not worried about her and her old companions, and she wants to support her son's work. There's no bathroom in the house, no heating facilities, like a dry toilet outside the yard, heating for firewood, and a little discomfort from the beginning. "Now it's time to get used to it, and that's the way it is in the countryside, but it's good, and the air is fresh and the people are special." The old man says that the work done by the son is a very meaningful thing. "It's worth it in order to make the country feel better."


Although old mothers with poor eyesight and legs and legs cause Fu Yongzhin to worry less, old fathers with cerebral after-effects are still in his heart in a nursing home. Recently, after two years in the city as the daughter of a community volunteer, who has not yet completed his service and has not found a job, he will not be able to look back. “I have no regrets that next year when I leave, the villagers will be able to achieve the goal of poverty eradication.”


"The work is very serious, very careful, and the people themselves can think of something that they don't think of." The Secretary of the Huaisha Town Party, Guo Yong, said, "The village needs a cadre like Fu Young-Jin, who is able to work with the people and who really solves the problem."


The Secretary-General of the Kuyang County Council, Zhao Kwun, commented: “Lieutenant Fu Yongxin has set up a bridge between the Party and the Government to serve the poor and has painted the standard of pro-poor cadres of the new era with practical action, and is a worthy example to be seen around us.”


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