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1、资深交易员Peter Brandt在其推文中预测,比特币可能需要等到2024年才会迎来新一轮的“疯狂牛市”。根据他的分析,比特币的下一轮显著上涨可能发生在2024年5月,这与下一次比特币减半事件的时间相近。

In his tweets, Peter Brandt, a senior trader, predicted that Bitcoin might need to wait until 2024 to usher in a new round of the “crazy cow market.” According to his analysis, the next significant increase in Bitcoin could take place in May 2024, close to the next halving of Bitcoin.


2. Bitcoin is not the mainstream currency now, and it has little to do with ordinary people like us for a while, but to say that its cattle market has come is a bit far-fetched, perhaps just a short wave of rebound.



In the end, just as the little partner was happy to catch up with the last bus in the cattle market, in the last 20 minutes of June 2, Bitcoin fell madly from $10147 to $797 in a six-minute period, which was more exciting than riding a mountain. A proper currency circle for one day, 10 years across the globe. When the world dollar was at risk, the surge in Bitcoin was unexpected.

4、然后继续上涨,上涨,上涨,直到25美元; 随之,其价格就崩溃了,伴随着无数关于黑客盗币、交易所跑路的负面消息,比特币一路阴跌到了最低时候的1美元,跌幅高达96%,随后又逐渐上涨至10美元左右。 2013年3月份开始,比特币价格再度经历一轮牛市,在短短的一个月之内,其价格最高点突破200美元。

Four, and then continue to rise, rising, up to $25; then, its prices collapse, with numerous negative news about hacking, exchange runs, and Bitcoin falling to its lowest dollar, with a drop of 96%, and then gradually rising to around $10. Beginning in March 2013, Bitcoin prices went through another round of cattle markets, reaching a peak of $200 in just one month.



Part of the overlap with the third phase of Bear City often occurs in the most pessimistic circumstances of the market. Most investors are frustrated with the market, and even with good news, many start selling it at no cost.


1. The following picture of the situational distribution of will provide detailed answers in Chinese to the K-line on how to look at the situation in bitcoin: the K-line outlines the K-line usually consisting of a straight line and two short horizontal lines. Each “K-line” represents a specific time period (e.g. one day) of

2、K线是预测数字货币短期市场行情的重要指标比特币今日行情走势分布图,K线图可以显示各货币的价格走势、交易量、高低等基本信息。 因此,对于没有经验的比特币玩家来说,了解烛台图非常重要。 烛台图,也称为烛台图,是用每个分析周期(通常以分钟、小时、天、月和年为单位)的开盘价、最高价、最低价和收盘价绘制的。

The K Line, which is an important indicator of the short-term market performance of digital currencies , is a map of the trends of the bitcoin today , which shows the basic information about price movements, volume of transactions, and low and low prices of each currency. Thus, knowledge of candlestick maps, also known as candlestick maps, is important for inexperienced bitcoins.


In general, the Bitcoin Japanesek line is a very important tool in Bitcoin market analysis that can help investors better manage market trends. But it needs to be emphasized that investment in bitcoin has a certain risk and requires a calm and rational investment mentality.


The key three colours in the K-line of Bitcoin are a line, a double yellow line, and the Green Line, each showing that the 60-day mean system is not static, but it will vary depending on the set-up, for example, by setting them into 160 moving mean lines in the system software. Looking at the number and number of the K-lines, the shade means a cross-reference between the two sides.


5. The default to open the K-line first is that the 15-minute line is green and the red representative drops. As shown in the graph: The last year's movement can be viewed according to different needs, as well as a minute's experience, as shown in the graph: there is a simple drawing tool on the line icon page that can facilitate the flow of the flow analysts, as shown in the graph: Bitcoin has a normal K-line and a simple K-line and a professional K-line, usually open by default.


The following is an introduction to the Bitcoin Treasure Map for Today's Bitcoin. See the Xinyang's Treasure Map for Today's Bitcoin,


The default to open the K-line first is that the 15-minute line is green and the red representative drops. As the figure shows, you can see the past year as well as the one-minute flow depending on different needs. As the figure shows, there is a simple drawing tool on the line icon page that can facilitate the flow of the flow analytics, as the figure shows: Bitcoin has a normal K-line with a simple K-line and a professional K-line, usually open to the default K-line.


The key three colours in Bitcoin's K-line are a line, a double yellow line, and the green line shows each other: 60-day mean-line systems, but this is not static and will vary depending on the set-up, for example, by setting them into 160 moving mean lines in the system's software. Looking at the number and number of K-lines, the shade means a comparison between the two sides.


Here are some of the explanations for the Bitcoin trend: the candle map for the analysis of candle maps consists of entities and lines. Each entity represents the opening and closing prices over a period of time, and if the entity is green, the closing price for the period is lower than the opening price, and the reverse is red. Each entity has a line that represents the highest and lowest price for the period.


Line: The line of the Bitcoin trend chart represents a trend in bitcoin prices over time. When bitcoin prices rise, the line moves upwards; when bitcoin prices fall, the line moves downwards. If bitcoin prices are relatively stable, the line maintains a level. Move average: the moving average line is a method of calculating the average of bitcoin prices.


I've organized the introduction to the bitcoink map. Look at the yin and the sun. Most of the communication analysis software in the currency circle is green for the sun and red for the vagina. The sun indicates that it continues to rise, and the vagina for the vagina continues to fall. Take the example of the sun. After a period of empty struggle, the closing of the disk is higher than the opening sign. The sun suggests that the next phase will continue to rise, at the very least to ensure that the next phase can be driven by inertia.

根据权威网站Coindesk的报价,截至12月21日收盘,比特币暂报167635美元。 ▲比特币对美元价格历史走势图 2011年仅值6美分的比特币,如今一路逼近2万美元,6年时间比特币身价猛涨了二三十万倍。

According to quotes from the authoritative website Coindisk, by 21 December, Bitcoin had temporarily reported US$ 167,635. bitco’s historical trend towards US dollar prices in 2011 was only six cents worth of bitcoins, and it is now close to US$ 20,000, with Bitcoin’s price skyrocketing by two to three million times over six years.


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