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21世纪经济报道 记者郭美婷 实习生童佳轩 广州报道

{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}Economy report for the 21st century.


Since Roblox hit the first share of the dollar universe and Facebook’s alias “Meta” last year, the concept of the meta-cosm has continued to rage, and investment fanaticism has been accompanied by questions about the technology bubble. And the legal risks posed by the meta-cosmos are increasingly being recognized in the absence of the necessary legal regulations.


On 26 May, the Forum of the 2022th Expo was held online. At the Forum, the Director of the Ministry of Information, Information and Industry Development of the National Information Centre said that it faced many open innovation problems in the future development of the country and needed to be optimized and improved continuously at the legal, applied, and industrial levels. With regard to the use of money in digital space, it raised the question of the legitimacy of the country's only legal currency, the renminbi, in the future as a currency in the space of the metaspace, and discussed the applicability of digital assets in the metacosystem under the laws in force in the country.


The legal currency should be used in the metacosystem.


With the application of technology such as block chains, object networks, artificial intelligence, etc., there will be a great deal of transaction demand in the future meta-cosm. In a vast and complex meta-cosm network, what kind of currency is used to guarantee the fairness of the economic system is an important issue in the future development of the meta-cosm.

近年来,全球数字货币进入高速发展阶段且增长态势迅猛。以比特币,以太币为代表的加密货币逐渐被大众熟知。凭借区块链的不可篡改特性,加密货币作为元宇宙内的流通货币,有助于保证元宇宙经济体系的安全和稳定。在目前已布局的元宇宙如Decentraland、The sandbox等,用户能够分别使用其原生加密货币MANA币和sand币为其他用户支付工作报酬、购买土地或者交易虚拟商品。玩家可以在虚拟世界里工作,赚取各种虚拟资产收入,虚拟资产可以兑换为法定货币,成为玩家真实的收入来源。加密货币不仅让虚拟资产与实际价值产生了关联,也为用户在虚拟世界的身份、财产以及经济系统运转提供了规则载体。

With the immutable character of the block chain, encrypted currency as a moving currency within the meta-cosmos helps to ensure the security and stability of the meta-cosm economy. In the currently deployed meta-coastals, such as Decentraland, The Sandbox, users are able to pay for their jobs, buy land or trade virtual goods in their original cryptic currencies, respectively. Players can work in the virtual world, earn a variety of virtual assets, convert virtual assets into legal currencies, and become a real source of income for their players.


However, in the absence of a credit endorsement and a well-developed regulatory system, the asset value of encrypted money is highly volatile. Between 19 and 20 May 2021 alone, in less than 24 hours, more than 480,000 people in the area of investment in encrypted money exploded, amounting to nearly 40 billion yuan.


According to Chen Kai, the director-general of China’s research department, there are now a large number of digital currencies, such as Bitcoin, Etheria, etc., and DeFi (decentralized finance), which are actively using the technology at the bottom of the meta-cosm to build different financial and commercial systems. But they also reveal a number of problems.


In March 2022, Citibank issued a report, The Dollars and Currency: Decrypting the Future, which suggested that the future meta-cosmos might contain more digital progeny, but also traditional forms of currency. Currency in the meta-cosmos might exist in different forms, such as intra-correspondent currency, stable currency, central bank digital currency (CBDC) and encrypted currency.


“The renminbi is the only legal currency in China, in accordance with the laws in force. Whether it is a bank currency, bank balance, or a digital renminbi, the future use of the currency as a currency in the Won cosmos space is legitimate.” As mentioned, even when user credits are generated through charging or consumption, they are used in accordance with the relevant provisions of the People’s Bank, which allows payments to be made only to management accounts for the exchange of services and goods.


Non-financialization or securitization of digital assets


Data assets are another important concept in the metacosystem.


On 20 April, the Hangzhou Internet Court published a judgement notice in the domestic NFT Tort case, raising widespread concern. The Court made it clear that NFT is a certificate of interest whose function is to mark the attribution of items, which also plays an important role in ensuring the right to digital assets.


Single ambition suggests that digital assets in the meta-cosmos fall into two categories: real asset certificates and digital asset interests.


In his view, both the true rights and ownership of assets should be agreed upon in a contractual agreement and, in the case of real assets documents limited to non-State registered assets, interests in digital assets should exist in the form of data bureaux, so that the transfer of data assets could be facilitated by second-hand commodity transactions, but the transfer of digital assets was flexible and did not permit securitization or financialization of digital assets.


With regard to the applicability of digital assets in the Woncosmos under the laws in force in our country, it is noted that, for example, in the Civil Code and the Penal Code, the central question is whether digital assets in the Woncosmos will be recognized as assets under the laws in force, with many open issues that need to be further clarified. For example, justice units, public security, and whether courts can open cases in the Woncosmos?


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