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In October 2019, the Secretary-General of Xi Jinping, during the eighteenth collective study of the Central Political Bureau, stressed that “the integration of block-chain technologies plays an important role in new technological innovations and industrial transformations. We need to make block-chains an important entry point for core and autonomous technological innovation. We need to make clear the main thrusts, step up the inputs and accelerate the development of block-chain technology and industrial innovation by focusing on a number of key core technologies. This will enable the country to effectively improve its technical capacity to apply and manage block-chain technologies and further develop the important role of block-chain technologies in building network States, developing the digital economy and contributing to economic and social development.


Currently, the world’s leading countries are accelerating the technological development of block chains, whose application extends to digital finance, material networking, smart manufacturing, supply chain management, and digital asset trading. In recent years, the sector chain industry has grown rapidly, but there are still significant challenges in terms of technological breakthroughs, human support, and security controls.


Industrial ecosystems have emerged


At present, the sector chain industry in our country is at a rapid stage of development, with the initial formation of the ecosystem of the sector chain industry, the basic configuration of the upstream industry, the rapid expansion of the downstream industry and the gradual acceleration of the layout of the industry service industry, which integrates the upstream and downstream industry.


Looking first at the upstream sector of the block chain, which is the bottom technological industrial layer of the block chain ecosystem, there are two main aspects. One is the block chain infrastructure. In the bottom platform, because of the high alignment of the chain with the demands of inter-industry, inter-firm, and inter-sectoral cooperation, and its greater security and operational efficiency, it is more likely to be located in the real landscape, and therefore is widely recognized as the most promising sector chain technology at this stage, which some leading firms have already laid out, building a bottom-of-line platform at the enterprise level. The other is the block chain hardware facility.


For example, the block chain plus finance has good practice in the financial system of supply chains, in international settlements, and in the area of letters. And, for example, the block chain plus charitable public goods can provide a mechanism of traceability that effectively enhances the transparency of information on public goods, while improving the efficiency of the operation of public goods.


It should also be noted that in the sector chain industry ecosystems, industry-based industries, represented by safety services companies, community media and investment finance institutions, have also played an important role in accelerating industrial development and integration up and down the block chain.


some of the existing problems have yet to be resolved


At present, the main factors constraining the development of the ecosystem in our block chain industries are the following:


The first is that block chain technology is still developing at an early stage, and basic research and synergies are weak. In the upstream industries of block chain industries, the bottom of the block chain technical problems are more pronounced, such as trade efficiency and safety issues in bottom platforms, the speed of calculation and storage of block chain hardware, etc. There are also technical difficulties in the practice of enabling physical economies in block chains. How smart contracts can more effectively reflect the true intentions of the parties to the transaction, how to guarantee the safety of consumer digital assets, and how to effectively safeguard the “real harmonization” of physical flows, information flows and value flows need to be further explored at the technical level.


As a cutting edge in technology today, the demand for talent for industrial development is expanding dramatically. But the development of a system of skills development in the sector has just begun, with only a few institutions of higher learning offering courses on the sector chain, and the social retraining system lagging behind.


In addition to technological risks, there is also a risk of compliance and speculation in the process of integrating blocks into the real economy. In this regard, there is a need to strengthen the guidance and regulation of block chain technologies, to strengthen research and analysis on the security risks of block chains, to follow closely their development, and to actively explore the establishment of a safety and security system to facilitate the orderly development of the block chain.


At present, there is an imbalance in the development of the block chain, which varies considerably from one region to another, and between industries and sectors. This imbalance is a constraint on the realization of the concept of “combining, sharing, sharing, and sharing” of the block chain, which is not conducive to the development of the ecosystem of the block chain industry.


The fifth is that the policies and regulations relating to the sector’s chain industry are not yet well developed.


Key policy responses to development


Further efforts to improve the ecosystem of the sector chain industries must begin with technological innovation, human development, risk prevention, ecological coordination and industrial regulation.


At the same time, the development of open-source block-chain projects is being actively encouraged, the efficient integration of basic technological resources and the enhancement of synergistic innovation capabilities.


The second is the active construction of a system of support for talent. It is aimed primarily at accelerating the construction of an integrated training model for production and research, based on the needs of enterprises and based on science and technology parks and training bases, in order to accelerate the development of specialists in the area of block chains.


The third is to accelerate the establishment of industrial risk-control systems. First, to raise awareness of the safety risks of the block chain so that technological breakthroughs can be made to address technological risks; secondly, to identify the main safety issues facing the ecosystem of the block chain industry and establish safety and control standards in various areas; and, again, to accelerate the development of legal systems that effectively regulate the behaviour of various subjects and prevent potential risks.


The fourth is the comprehensive integration of the industrial development landscape. At the national level, the top-level design and master plan for the development of the block chain should be developed, with a clear outline of the overall programme, road map and timetable for the development of the block chain; a coordination mechanism for the development of the sectoral and inter-sectoral clusters should be established; and guidance should be given to the development of the sector in each region, so as to avoid the blind development of the block chain.


The fifth is to promote the establishment of regulatory systems that are better adapted to the development of block chain industries. Policy and regulatory frameworks should be expedited to provide a legal environment for the development of the ecosystem in block chain industries; to promote the integration of one-way and passive regulation with self-regulation in block chain industries and to actively address the potential risks of new technological changes; and to encourage industry institutions to develop certification services to provide third-party evaluation of the regulation of block chain industries and to guarantee the development of sector chain industry regulation.


(Subauthor: Faculty of Economics, Liaoning University)


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