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Ten years after the birth of Bitcoin, new entrants to the industry are vulnerable to various block-chain scams and even to CX and ZJP circles, given that block chain technology itself brings together various areas of knowledge that are obscure, and that poor information leads to cognitive deviations and the temptation of various short-term interests.


So we can avoid these frauds only if we continue to learn and raise awareness. We have already introduced Bitcoin and the two mainstream currencies in Ethio, so today we come to to provide a comprehensive classification of digital currencies to help identify mainstream currency, mountain currency (competing currency), air currency, CX currency, and move away from currency traps.


i, mainstream currency


In Bitzou's view, the mainstream currency can now include Bitcoin, Etheria, and Main Platform Currency (BNB, HT, OKB, GT). Bitcoin, which is self-evident, has a share in the industry; Tai is the most useful public-chain platform for the development of block chains at present; the mainstream is also assigned to them because they are similar to the use of coupons as the physical landing of the bond chain in the financial sector.


II, , , , > >.


The most important feature of is the modification or even direct application of the bitcoin source code (as the bitcoin process is open-source), the renaming of a name, the birth of a new currency, as in the case of Leitcoin, which, although different from bitcoin in terms of total distribution and block packing times, is essentially copybitcoin, with minor modifications.


Strictly speaking, with the exception of bitcoins, all of the digital currencies that follow are “shelter coins” or now competitor coins, because they are imitating bitcoins, using the idea of block chains to centralize them, distribution books, cryptography, etc., to circulate them. It is just that the code has been modified a little bit.

?常见的山寨币有:莱特币 比特币现金 DASH EOS ETC XRP 等

♪ The usual bounties are: Lightcoin, Bitcoin Cash, DASH EOS ETC XRP, etc.


Moreover, it is important to note that the coins are not counterfeit, which is a matter of translation, and that in our country they are widely translated into the coins, while abroad they are referred to as competitive currency.


Some of the better bounties (or competitor coins) are indeed capable of dealing with some of the pains of real life, as well as practical applications, such as Ripo, which we described earlier, and which can solve the problems of inefficiency and high transaction costs associated with cross-border payments.


i> summed up that “shelter coins” are based on bitcoins or ideas, they are innovative and have some application scenes.


iii. Aircoin


The biggest feature of the air coin is : it does not have any application scenes, or the very powerful applications that they advocate are not really needed in real life, are simply impossible to achieve. And Bittzou understands that the industry as a whole is now looking for real business logic after the early Internet bubbles burst, and that there is a risk of collapse for projects that have no real commercial presence in the future, that is, those that cannot make a profit.

这就好比,产品经理让程序员小哥做一个App,可以根据用户的手机壳颜色来改变软件主题, 然后......然后两个人打起来了一样,这是根本实现不了的事情嘛。

So it's like the product manager had the programmer's little brother do an app that changes the subject of the software according to the user's cellular shell color, and then... and then two people fight like that, and that's something that's never gonna happen.


The air coins are very close to the mounds, and it is not easy to detect that this is an air project. There are too many air projects to invest, as


We are not saying that new projects will not be possible, and that it would be better to study their white papers.


The White Paper on block chains is somewhat similar to the Business Plan and describes some market phenomena, solutions, technical details, business interests, team presentations, crowd-sourcing details, Token programmes, visions for the future, etc.


If you find that the items in the White Paper are unrealistic, obscure or hard-wired, or infinity in team strength, you need to be careful and better placed in the future with realistic scenarios and business logic.


The white paper on the block chain is a deep one, and it is said that the white paper on the block chain can be synthesized through AI, or a complete white paper can be bought at a cost of several thousand dollars.

现在有些空气项目的白皮书,故作玄虚,弄一些常人看不懂的专业术语、代码或者英文来掩盖其空气项目的事实,当你努力研读之后呢, 仔细推敲一下,又发现白皮书里描述的项目,无论从技术层面还是政策层面,现有情况根本达不到白皮书中所描述的美好愿景。

Now, there are white papers for air projects, so they're false, and there's a lot of technical terms, codes or English that people don't understand to cover up their air projects, and after you try to read them, go through them carefully and find out that the projects described in the white papers, both at the technical and policy levels, are simply not as good as the visions described in the white papers.


In addition, the White Paper is an inexhaustible exaggeration of team strength, with members of the team with a high degree overseas and project technology described as very mature, but the network is not able to search for any of their information. When it comes to these situations, it is basically assumed that this is an air project.


To sum up, the air coins, the so-called air, are false items that are invisible and are not actually commercially available, the only purpose of which is to mow money and cut vegetables.


iv, CX


The most significant feature of CX currency is to draw heads, to develop lines, to commit high fixed returns, to have a first-level agent, to a second-level agent, to a tenth-level agent, and these words can be identified with great certainty as CX currency.


In fact, CX is easy to identify, but when CX's behavior is wrapped in the coats of the block chain, a lot of people don't see it. It's a terrible thing to mention now that the money has infiltrated the three or four lines, as well as the 18th line city.

其实,对于大多数人来讲,他们是能够认识到某些项目是资金盘类的骗局,是为了圈钱割韭菜的,但是因为对方给出的诱惑力太大了,很多人就想:“不如早点入局赚一笔 ,然后等后面的人来接盘,赚一笔快钱就出局。”

In fact, for most people, they were able to realize that some of the projects were money-plate scams designed to cut vegetables for money, but because the temptation was too high, many people thought, "Why don't we get into the game early and then wait for the next person to pick it up and get out?"


It's like gambling, making you a little bit of a taste, tempting you to make a bigger bet, and then leaving you with nothing but the same way, just in different forms.

不会识别山寨币 、空气币、CX币,没关系,但是,当你看到”只涨不跌,保证固定收入,财富自由、稳赚不赔、0风险”这样的字样时,一定要对它说不,这样的项目一般都是骗局。

It doesn't matter that you don't recognize the bounties, the air, the CX, but when you see the words "just keep up, guarantee fixed income, free wealth, secure income, zero risk", you have to say no to it, which is usually a scam.


Whether the stock price is good or the currency is good, the price is regulated by the market, there's no risk of making zero. Remember that there's a high risk for all the high returns!


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