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author Doraemon

去年7月,三言曾写过那些高调All in比特币的公司,那么,如今一年过去,这些公司怎么样了呢?

Last July, three words were written about high-profile All inbitcoin companies, so what happened to them now, a year ago?


On 3 July, the United States of America issued an announcement stating that the net losses of companies in the first half of the year could range from $274.9 million to $349.9 million, representing an increase of some 99.6 to 154.1 per cent over the same period last year.

笔者在《那些All in比特币的公司咋样了?美图:我亏了1.1亿》一文中曾表示,加密货币不可控性和投机性很高,押注比特币的公司走这条路未必能走通。

What happened to me in All in Bitcoin? Metz: I lost 110 million, saying that crypto-money was uncontrollable and speculative, and that companies betting on bitcoin did not necessarily follow that path.


The map is a clear example of the fact that when Bitcoins rose, they tried to take advantage of the opportunity, but did not think that they had experienced a fall in currency prices over the course of a year and that “speculation” was not a corrosion of rice.

不过,这一年来,随着Facebook更名Meta掀起了元宇宙风口,又有一批公司开始要All in元宇宙了。

However, in the course of the year, as Facebook became known as Meta, another group of companies began to want All In Cosmos.


So, today, let's look at the status of the companies that used to be betting on encrypted money, and at the same time, take stock of the companies that are in the universe of stations.


Encrypted Currency: Redemption of Light


"Strong" map: 300 million dollars in the first half of the year, but still optimistic


At the beginning of 2021, the price of Bitcoin was close to $65,000 at its highest, and the United States dollar spent $100 million in March of that year on the purchase of encrypted currency such as Bitcoin and Etheria.


But I didn't think that less than six months would have been a huge loss.


In July 2021, the United States dollar announcement stated that, as at 30 June 2021, it had purchased $17.3 million in bitcoins, equivalent to approximately RMB 110 million; and that it had purchased $14.7 million in profits, equivalent to RMB 94.96 million, and a combined loss of $2.6 million, equivalent to approximately RMB 16.8 million.


The combined loss of more than $2 million over three months seemed acceptable to the United States dollar and opted for a currency watch.


Unexpectedly, by 2022, the price of Bitcoin had fallen by $20,000 and, although it had since recovered, it continued to hover below $20,000.


The impact on the map is significant, with losses expected to reach between 270 and 340 million in the first half of the year, which could be described as the end of the bargain.


According to IFRS, the United States dollar is expected to recognize impairment losses of approximately $18.5 million and approximately $27.1 million, respectively, combined with losses of approximately $45.6 million, equivalent to approximately RMB 305 million at current exchange rates.”


However, this has already been the case, and the Board stated in its bulletin that it considered the recent fluctuations in the prices of Tai and Bitcoin to be temporary and remained optimistic about the long-term prospects for the purchase of encrypted currencies.


Boy, it's a swollen face, a hard-on, a dead duck's mouth.


As of today, US$ 0.93 has fallen by 10.58 per cent. Meanwhile, US$ 2 has fallen from the top to less than HK$ 1 in the past year.


I wonder if the map will continue to watch, and maybe Bitcoin will still have a chance to fly.


bit mine: $3.3 million a year later and $3.1 million a year later


The Bit Mining is the former 500 Lottery, and last year's article mentioned that the 500 Lottery is also one of the companies that want to borrow the Bitcoin to boost the encrypt currency.


The initial results were also positive, with profits recorded in the company's first financial statements following its transformation in May 2021, and the prospects for encrypt money mining were very favourable in Bit mining.


However, it has been pointed out last year that the prospects for mining operations in Bit mining are not likely to be open to regulatory policy.


At the end of May 2022, the Bit Mining Company released its first quarter of 2022. According to the accounts, $296.7 million was collected in the first quarter of the year, while $497.8 million was collected in the fourth quarter of 2021, representing a significant decline of $201.1 million in the ring comparison.


In the first quarter of 2022, the company suffered a net loss of $3.1 million, compared with a net profit of $3.3 million for the same period in 2021.


Over $3 million was earned in the first quarter of last year, and $3.1 million was lost in the past year. In their financial statements, Bit Mines explained that the decline in corporate ring sales in 2022 was mainly due to the company’s cessation of service to mainland Chinese users in October 2021, and the revenue from the mineral pool business fell by about $202.6 million.


In addition, Bit Mines revealed losses of approximately $7.7 million in encoded currency impairments in the first quarter of 2022, mainly due to market price fluctuations.


At present, Bit Mining is mainly focused on regional business expansion in North America, and the encrypted digital currency mine in Ohio, United States, has been completed and has reached 50 megawatts of electricity.


As of today, the Bit Mining Corporation has reported an increase of $5.81 per cent of the amount of $0.656. Over the past year, Bit Mining stock prices have dropped from a peak of $12 to 0.7 per cent today.


Ninth city: least felt


The ninth city belongs to the “most uninhabited” company, which I mentioned last year spent $100 million on mining machines, but today a search for the ninth city finance report found little media coverage of its release.


In fact, the ninth city published its annual 2021 report as early as May this year, although financial data for the first quarter of 2022 have not yet been published.


According to the financial report, as at 31 December 2021, the ninth city had a net loss of RMB 416.8 million; a negative cash flow of RMB 687.7 million; in addition, the company's net current debt was RMB 506.2 million.


And the ninth city also states in its financial statements that companies may not be able to make profits in the short or long term.


In terms of income structure, since 2021, 98.7 per cent of the income of the ninth city has been derived from encrypted currency mining, and as at 31 December 2021, the company's revenue from encrypted currency mining was $134.1 million.


In addition, as at 31 December 2021, the encoded currency of the ninth city had been reduced by $50.9 million.


Although the ninth city did not publish financial data for the first quarter of this year, almost all of the company's revenues depend on mining and are bound to be severely affected by the fall in currency prices.


As of today, the ninth city had reported $1.770, an increase of 5.36 per cent. Over the past year, the ninth city stock price had fallen from a maximum of $16 to less than $2.


"Men cosmopolitans": Future promising?


U.S. Electrics: Weeds for Life


Not long ago, U.S. appliances, a well-known branded retail market, announced their involvement in the meta-cosmos industry, and defined the meta-cosmos as an important development strategic direction. The project focuses on the meta-cosmos world, the meta-cosm electrician, digital people, digital collections and virtual idols.


According to media reports, the head of the National Dollar Cosmos Project had taken up his post in June and other positions related to the Woncosmos were currently being recruited.


In China’s retail trade, the US and America were the oldest older brothers. But today, the US and America are almost “the tears of the times.” According to corporate finance, in 2020, the US and the United States collected $44.12 billion, a 25.83 per cent decline.


Although the return of Yellow Light in 2021 generated 46,484 million yuan, an increase of 5.36 per cent over the same period, the level of the camp was only at the same level as in 2008.


At present, according to the National Electricity Market Report, mid-2021, Kyoto was ranked first by 32.5 per cent; followed by (00224) 16.3 per cent; and Skycats were 14.8 per cent, third in rank.


As a result, the US and US expect to boost performance and find another way. According to the US and US retail sales report for 2021, the company collected $46.440 billion as of December 31, 2021, resulting in a net loss of $4.773 billion.


As of today, the U.S.-American retail newspaper Hong Kong Dollar 0.375; over the past year, the United States has gone down a mile.


The Yuan cosmos is more of a “life-saving straw” for the United States and the United States, but it remains to be seen if the present United States and the United States can catch it.


: Multiple attention letters



On 6 September 2021, (300052) announced that it was about to build a game called "Master of Wine" and promote it as a virtual association with real dreams to simulate a meta-cosm game of business.


With the heat of the time in the universe, the share price of Sino-Singbao has also opened up a hymn that has skyrocketed from $8.2 to nearly $40.


The game was also quickly brought to the attention of the regulatory authorities, with a number of deep-seated letters requesting details on the relevance of the Master of Wine to the concept of the meta-cosmos, on the state of core technology, on the feasibility of the site of the product, and on the development of input measurement data.


On 28 February, the Open Quantified Test for the H5 social page of the Brewer Master was open only to users who had completed their previous appointments; on 29 June, the 2D edition of the Brewer Master will be officially launched.


According to the 2021 financial report, the company collected $356 million in 2021, an increase of 20.86 per cent in the same year; the net loss was $4.626,000, an increase of 73.61 per cent in the same year.


So, Nakabu wants to make a lot of money.


However, this game has not led to Singbao’s performance. According to media reports, the average number of active users of the game as of May has gradually declined from 1317 to 211; the number of paid users has dropped from 13 to 1; and the recharge rate is up to $2369.


It is obvious that such data is a tragic one. At present, Sino-Singbao is in detention for a digital treasure, a digital collection of white wine sold by a fully-owned subsidiary, a rare dollar collection, and the first digital collection to be released by a rare dollar platform.


Can we “take off” from the digital collection business if we fail to succeed in the meta-cosmos?


As of today’s closing date, China’s share price has risen by 1.13 per cent by $22.35. Over the past year, since the announcement of the march to the US dollar, China’s share price has risen significantly, although it is now close to being cut off at its highest point.


HTC: Will Won Cosmos Phone Success?

6月28日,老牌手机厂商HTC推出新款5G手机 Desire 22Pro。这款手机搭载骁龙695,8+128G存储空间;配备6.6英寸、2K分辨率的120Hz刷新率屏幕。此外,机身背部使用6400万像素+1300万像素+500万像素的后置三摄模组。

On June 28, the old mobile phone manufacturer HTC launched a new 5G mobile phone, Desire 22Pro. The mobile phone carries 695,8+128G storage space with a 6.6-inch, 2-K-resolution 120Hz refresher screen. In addition, the back of the plane uses 64 million pixels + 13 million pixels + 5 million pixels.


Although this hardware configuration is only equivalent to the market level of a thousand units, this type of machine is of concern because it is a “HTC first dollar cosmic cell phone”.

HTC Desire 22 Pro预装了多款“元宇宙”App,包括充当“元宇宙入口”的Viverse App、建立虚拟分身的Vive Avatar以及管理虚拟资产的Vive Wallet等;同时,这款手机还能与HTC的轻量化VR头显Vive Flow配合使用。

HTC Desire 22 Pro pre-positioned a number of “metacosmos” Apps, including Vivers App, which serves as the portal to the metacosmos, Viv Avatar, which creates a virtual bilocation, and Viv Wallet, which manages virtual assets; at the same time, the mobile phone can also be used in conjunction with HTC's light-quantified VR head VR, Vive Blow.


But industrialists believe that this product may not work as well as the various mobile VR box products that used to be on the market. This is because it does not have enough hardware to support a high-immersion, clean, and real-life meta-cosm experience.


From this point of view, it remains to be seen whether HTC will be able to return by means of the King of Won-Cosmos.


Blue Cursor: The meta-cosmos contributed millions of dollars, but stock prices fell to last year's level


Not long ago, ( 300058) revealed that the “Blue Universe” marketing space under the flag has attracted more than 1.1 million users since it came online on 30 March.


According to the Blue Cursor 2021 annual report, the company collected $4078 million, a decrease of 111 per cent in the same year; net profits of $520 million, a decrease of 27.95 per cent in the same year.

元宇宙相关业务方面,蓝色光标已发布虚拟人“苏小妹”、虚拟音乐人K,构建了虚拟IP矩阵;虚拟物品方面,蓝色光标上线了自有数字艺术品发行平台MEME,并发行了“预见ME”创世徽章项目;虚拟场景方面,“蓝宇宙”已入驻百度希壤,获得110万用户体验;此外,公司投资的BlueBox xR Studios虚拟拍摄影棚也于4月正式开棚。

With regard to the business associated with the meta-cosm, the blue cursor has released the virtual person “Su Xiao Xi” and the virtual musician K. The virtual IP matrix has been constructed; with regard to the virtual object, the blue cursor has been placed on the line of its own digital art distribution platform, MEME, and the project for the “foreseeing ME” logo has been launched; with regard to the virtual scene, the “blue universe” has been placed in Bado-Hyto, with 1.1 million user experience; and the company-invested Blue-Box x R Studios virtual studio was officially opened in April.


The report reveals that the blue cursor cosmopolitan business, which has already received more than tens of millions of dollars, will be a new engine of growth.


As of today’s closing date, the blue cursor’s share price is $6.29, an increase of 0.32%. The company’s share price reached a peak of $12.37 on 5 January this year, but then declined.


: Can Yuan cosmos get back on track?


The show was preceded by the announcement of the setup of the cosmos business.


On April 20, the president of the company, Lee Leung, revealed that the product of the "Ion cosmos" under the company's flag would be fully open in 2022. At present, the "Ion cosmos" has accumulated over 400,000 subscribers since it came online.


In 2021, the company achieved a revenue of 4.5 billion yuan, an increase of 47.4 per cent in the same year; a net profit of 420 million yuan, an increase of 12.7 per cent in the same year; an increase of 1.16 billion yuan in the first quarter of 2022, an increase of 36.2 per cent in the same year; and a net profit of 98 million yuan, an increase of 17.9 per cent in the same year.


Although the performance of the show has been positive, the year-round growth rate has been declining over the past five years. Moreover, recent net profit gains have been much slower than those of the same period.


This reflects the fact that the red economy is likely to encounter bottlenecks in its further expansion, and that it is therefore a great place to play in the universe.


According to the annual 2021 report, corporate revenue from innovation was $220 million, an increase of 123.6 per cent over the same year, which refers mainly to the “Ion cosmos” product, which currently attracts a number of red people.


As of today’s closing date, the share price of the show has risen by 0.87 per cent to $8.13. However, the company’s share price has fallen from a high of more than $15 to near-back beheading over the past year.


Encryption Currency Mission PK dollar cosmopolitan: 50 steps smile?


It seems that the PKs of the “encrypted currency” and the “mass cosmos” have had the effect of winning. After all, companies that stake encoded money have suffered rapidly and intuitively from the fall in currency prices.


This does not mean, however, that the meta-cosmies are easy to win. While the concept of the meta-cosmos itself is very technological and future-oriented, it is a forward concept that requires enormous input.


So most companies have meta-cosmos operations, either at the conceptual level or on a small scale, and companies like Sino-Singbao, which are constantly building on the meta-cosmos.


Compared to a highly volatile and speculative product like crypto-currency, betting on the meta-cosm requires long-term investment, testing the company’s forward power. In today’s inventory, all companies that choose the meta-cosmos face a certain degree of performance pressure.


So, the meta-cosmos is good, the encrypt currency is good. Is it possible for the future? We'll keep an eye on it.


(责任编辑:冀文超 )


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