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The key to answering this question is what the chain of blocks is.
Many people don't understand what the chain of blocks is because they come up and die & & ldquo; what the chain of blocks is? & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & quo; & & & & & Quo; & & & & & & & Ququo; & & & & & & central & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; you don't & ; you don't & ; you don't & ; you don't ; you't & ; you's & ; you's & ; you's & ; you's & ; you's & ; you's & ; you's ; you's ; you's & you's ; you's & ; you's ; you's ; you's ; you's ; you's ; you's ; you's ; you's ; you's ; you's ; you's ; you's ; you's ; you's.


It's called the & & ldquo; distribution & & & & & & & quo; decentralizing & & & & ; because everyone's accounting, and the accuracy of the books is determined by the algorithm rather than by an authority.
This is the block chain, the core of which is so simple, a common book of accounts.
Of course, the block chain can be used in practical applications with fewer participants, and it can be used in a number of areas, including digital finance, material networking, digital assets, etc.. Just as you need to know 4Gs versus 3Gs.
bitcoin, which is the largest application of the block chain in digital finance and digital money.
You say: Is that so simple? Yes, that's so simple.


Now it's not just you and Zhang San, but Lee's wife, Wuxian, and millions of their children and grandchildren. Millions of people have to be accounted for together. How is it? Every transfer, everyone's computer records it, and then check each other to make sure that millions of computers are accounted for exactly the same.
That's bitcoin, that's all. Bitcoin, that's all. Millions of computers, that's all, that's all, that's all.


You'll say,
differently, this pen is in the hands of someone else.
You're in the hands of someone else.
You're in the hands of someone else's books.
You're in the hands of a little bit of distance.
You're in the hands of the bank's system, you're in the hands of a zero. How do you prove that the real reason for the current financial boom in the chain, the arms race in Central America is to take this pen to the world?
You're in the back of us.
You're in the bank, this pen is in the bank. > You're in the bank.


At the same time, the chain of blocks is extremely tenacious. Bitcoin, which is still alive for so many years and has become more expensive because it is so expensive. Hundreds of thousands of computers in the world, with the same Bentcoin book, are located in dozens of countries in school rooms, ordinary homes, deep mountain forests, and deep in the open. No matter how hard it is, as long as there is still a machine in the world running a bitcoin book, it won't really die.
on what the block chain is, that's the answer. Here's some of my thoughts about the future of Central America in the financial field of the block chain.


I'm not here to say so much about the merits of the block chain. Indeed, Bitcoin is a very successful experiment in economics combined with computer technology, and its success has allowed the world's smartest people to see how the block chain can destabilize the current world monetary system and economic landscape. For example, Facebook Zuckerberg. We need to understand the deep intentions of yesterday's news, and we need to raise our eyes to at least the same height as Zuckerberg.
When we talk about the risk of money-laundering in the block chain, difficult to regulate, and difficult to control, we tend to think unwittingly that the country will put pressure on it, because it is against the economic order of the country.

  • 一键开立账户,无需身份证明等任何手续
  • 发行量公开透明可控制,无需担心币价大幅贬值
  • 抗审查、抗冻结


These three features may have a negative impact on the domestic economic system, but if used to enter the economic system of other countries, they are three sharp edges.


We dare to imagine what we can get:
without having to set up any banking points, without having to agree with any country, so that people in every corner of the world, through just one cell phone, can settle with a renminbi or a digital currency controlled by China. And the worst is that other countries can't ban it.
We can get a new type of universal world currency and a new type of APP product: .

  • 手机一键免费开立账户
  • 无国界转账
  • 用户体验极佳
  • 安全性极高
  • 抗审查、抗冻结
  • 抗通胀、汇率稳定
  • 大国背书


Far from saying that this could at least immediately significantly improve the way of life of the billions of people around the world who do not have bank accounts. They would have access to their own universal free accounts at one key, and the currency would not have to worry about sudden devaluations or the freezing of accounts.


I doubt that this new universal currency of the world will be the new shape of the future currency and the ultimate prize of this digital world monetary war. Two days ago, the United States Congress conducted a six-hour inquiry into Facebook's digital currency Libra plan. During this period, Zackberg said: ldquo; I wonder if I could do it, but pay the treasures and the microbrets are in the old world, and we need to do it. If we could be rulers of the new world's currency, from the bottom up to the world's monetary landscape, it would be even more interesting.
The idea that the digital currency of the world is in the middle, and the possibility of the digital currency war is in the center, and it's in the center, and it's in the center, it's in the center, it's in the center, it's in the center, it's in the center, it's in the center, it's in the center, it's in the center, it's in the center, it's in the center, it's in the center.


I have no intention of attacking the owners of the ponds and mines, because it is the inevitable result of the development of things. And many of them are pioneers in the block chain industry, making a real contribution to the development of the block chain. But I'm just trying to explain the fact that the block chain does not amount to extreme dispersion and complete decentralization. There's no need.
It's the machine that can't be fully centralized.
Because bitcoin can make money, it's the size that can improve the efficiency of the money.
Bitcoin at its earliest, so it's the best machine that needs capital to be invested in research and development and production.
As Bitcoin gets more and more money, more and more people start to account for money.
It's the machine that can be built with 100 degrees of electricity.


Unfortunately, it's all the same.
And every once in a while, someone comes out and says they solved the problem, but once they start making money, they can't escape the simple, powerful economic law of scale.

1、 Blockchain——区块链

1, Blockchain— — block chain


Block chains are new applications for distributed data storage, point-to-point transmission, consensus mechanisms, encryption algorithms, etc.

2、 Block——区块

2, Block— — blocks


In the Bitcoin network, data are permanently recorded in the form of documents that we call blocks. One block is a record set of some or all of the most recent bitcoin transactions and is not recorded in other previous blocks.

3、 Node—一节点



A copy of the ledger operated by the participants in the block chain network.


4. Decentralization


Decentralization is a phenomenon or structure that must occur or exist in a system with many nodes or in groups with many individuals. The influence between nodes and nodes can result in a non-linear causality through the network.

5、 Pow—工作量证明

Pow & mdash; proof of workload

Proofof Work,是指获得多少货币,取决于你挖矿贡献的工作量,电脑性能越好,分给你的矿就会越多。

ProofofWork, which refers to the amount of money you get, depends on the amount of effort you make to dig, and the more the computer works, the more the mine will be distributed to you.


6. Function encryption


One of the problems associated with same-state encryption is functional encryption. Consistency encryption protects the data itself, while function encryption protects the processing function itself by name, i.e., the data is processed without the third party being able to see the process.

该问题已被证明是不存在对多个通用函数的任意多 key 的方案,目前仅能做到对某个特定函数的一个 key 的方案。

This question has proved to be an option where there are no more than one key for multiple functions, and only one key option for a particular function can be achieved at this time.

7、 PoS—权益证明

7, PoS— certificate of entitlement

Proofof Stake,根据你持有货币的量和时间进行利息分配的制度,在 POS 模式下,你的“挖矿”收益正比于你的币龄,而与电脑的计算性能无关。

ProofMake, according to the system for distributing interest according to the amount and time of the currency you hold, your & & & & & & & & & & & & in the POS mode, your & & & & & mine & & returns are just as old as your currency and not as computer computing.


8. Smart contracts


Smart contracts are computer protocols designed to disseminate, validate or execute contracts in an informative manner.


Time stampes

时间戳是指字符串或编码信息用于辨识记录下来的时间日期。国际标淮为 ISO 8601。

Time stamp refers to a string or coded information used to identify the date of time recorded. The international mark is ISO 8601.


Ten. Turing is perfect.


The completion of Turing refers to the ability of the machine to perform any other programmable computer to perform calculations.

11、 Dapp——去中心化应用

11, Dapp— — decentralised application


It is an open-source application that automatically runs, stores its data on the block chain, inspires it in the form of a password token, and operates on agreements showing proven value.

12、 DAO——去中心化自治组织

12. DAO— — decentralised Autonomous Organization


Companies operating without any artificial interference can be considered, and all forms of control are handed over to a non-destructible set of business rules.

13、 Privatekey——私钥

13, Privatekey— — private key


The private key is a string of data that allows you to access the medals in a given wallet. They are hidden as passwords, except for the owner of the address.

14、 PublicKey—公钥

14, PublicKey—public key


It appears in pairs with private keys, which can be calculated as the address of the currency and can therefore be used as proof of possession of that currency address.

15、 矿工

15. Miners


Try to create blocks and add them to the computing device or software in the block chain. In a block chain network, when a new active block is created, the system automatically gives a certain amount of money to the subblock creator (miner) as an incentive.


16, the public chain.


A fully open block chain is a system maintenance that anyone can read, anyone can send a transaction and the transaction can be validly confirmed, and anyone around the world can read and write data through a transaction or mine.


17, Private Chain


The permission to read is open to the outside world or is arbitrarily restricted.

18、 联盟链

18. Alliance chains


The consensus mechanism is a chain of blocks to be jointly controlled by a number of agencies.


19. Main chain


The main chain is derived from the main network (relative dry test network), i.e. an officially online, stand-alone block chain network.


20, side chain.

楔入式侧链技术(pegged sidlechains),它将实现比特币和其他数字资产在多个区块链间的转移,这就意味着用户们在使用他们己有资产的情况下,就可以访问新的加密货币系统。

The pegged side chain technology (pegged sidlechains) will allow the transfer of bitcoin and other digital assets between multiple block chains, which means that users can access the new encrypted monetary system when they use their own assets.


21. Cross-chain technology

跨链技术可以理解为连接各区块链的桥樂,其主要应用是实现各区块链之间的原子交易、资产转换,区块链内部信息互通,或解决 Oracle 的问题等。

Cross-chain technology can be understood as a bridge to connect the block chains, the main applications of which are atomic transactions between the block chains, asset conversions, information-sharing within the block chain, or the resolution of the Oracle problem.


22, hard fork.


The chain of blocks was permanently divided and, after the issuance of the new consensus rule, parts of the nodes that had not been upgraded could not be validated for blocks produced at the nodes that had been upgraded, usually with hard fork.


23, soft fork.


When the new consensus rule is issued, the nodes that do not upgrade will produce illegal blocks without knowing that they are under the new consensus rule, creating temporary forks.

24、 Hash—哈希值

24, Hash— Hashi value


Usually translates to &quat; hash & quot; and also directly translates to &quat; Hashi & quot;. Simply put, is a function of a message summary that compresss messages of any length to a fixed length.

25、 区块头

25. Blockheads


The head information of the block is stored in the head of the block, containing the PreHash value of the previous block, the Hash value of this block, and TimeStamp, among others.

26、 中本聪

26, Central Benz.


The Japanese media often translates into Chinese philosophy, who is the creator of the Bitcoin agreement and its associated software, Bitcoin-Qt, but whose true identity is unknown.

27、 加密货币

27. Encrypted currency


Encrypted currency is a type of digital currency (or virtual currency). It is a transaction medium created by a transaction unit that uses cryptography to ensure the security of transactions and control them.

28、 Oracles


Oracle is a bridge between the real world and the chain of blocks by providing data to smart contracts.

29、 DPoS——授权权益证明

29, DPoS— — certificate of entitlement

Delegate Proof of Stake ,类似于董事会投票。以EOS来说,它引入了见证人的概念,持股者投票选出一定数量的见证人,每个见证人按序有两秒的权限时间生成区块,若见证人在给定的时间片不能生成区块,区块生成权限交给下一个时间段对应的见证人。

Delegate Proof of Stark, similar to the Board of Directors vote. In the case of EOS, it introduces the concept of a witness, the shareholders vote for a certain number of witnesses, each witness has two seconds in sequence to generate a block, and, if the witness does not generate a block at the given time, the right to produce the block is given to the witness for the next period.

30、 瑞波共识机制

30. Rapo Consensus Mechanism


The Ribo Consensus algorithm enables a set of nodes to form a consensus based on a list of special nodes, which is like a club where 51% of its members must vote to admit a new member. Consensus follows these core members “ 51% of rights & rdquo; and outsiders have no influence. As the club begins with centralization, it will remain central, and if it starts to corrupt, shareholders can do nothing. Like Bitcoin and Peercoin, the Ribo system separates shareholders from their voting rights, so it is more central than other systems.

31、 PoB——焚烧证明

31, PoB— — certification of incineration

Proof of Burn,通过焚烧自己手中的代币来表决谁拥有对网络的领导地位的承诺。焚烧代币的数量越多,能获得网络领导地位的概率越高。

Proof of Burn, by burning the tokens in his hand, votes who has a commitment to leadership of the network. The more there is to burn the tokens, the more likely it is to be able to get leadership of the network.

32、 PBFT——拜占庭容错算法

32, PBFT— — Byzantine tolerance error algorithm

Practical Byzantine Fault Toleran,采用“许可投票、少数服从多数”来选举领导者并进行记账的共识机制,该共识机制允许拜占庭容错,允许强监督节点参与,具备权限分级能力,性能更高,耗能更低,而且每轮记账都会由全网节点共同选举领导者,允许33%的节点作恶,容错率为33%。实用拜占庭容错特别适合联盟链的应用场景。

Proactive Byzantine Fault Toleran, using “ a permit to vote, a minority to obey the majority & & rdquo; and a consensus mechanism to elect leaders and record accounts that allows Byzantine to be mistaken, allows by-passing nodes to participate, has a high level of competence, has a higher performance and is less energy-consuming, and each round of accounts is jointly elected by the leaders of the whole network node, allowing 33% of nodes to be corrupt, with a faulty tolerance of 33%.

33、 Byzantinefailures——拜占庭将军问题

33, ByzantineFailures— — General Byzantine Question


The issue of General Byzantine is the basic problem of point-to-point communications, raised by Leslie · Lambert, which means that it is not possible to try to achieve consistency in the form of a transmission of information on an unreliable channel where there is a lost message. The study of consistency therefore generally assumes that the belief is reliable or that there is no problem.

34、 51%攻击

Thirty-four, 51 per cent of attacks


When a single individual or group has more than half of the capacity to calculate, the individual or group can control the entire encrypted monetary network, and if they have some malicious ideas, they may send some conflicting transactions to damage the network.

35、 DistributedLedger——分布式账本

35, DistributedLedger— — Distributed books


Data are stored through a distributed network of nodes. Distributed books do not have to have their own currency; they may be licensed and privately owned.


36, DistributedNetwork— — distributed network


Competences and data are distributed on nodes rather than a network with centralized data centres.


37- Prediction machines


Prophecies are a trusted entity that, by signing, introduces information about the state of the outside world, allowing defined smart contracts to respond to an uncertain outside world. Prophecies are immeasurable, service stable, auditable, and have economic incentives to ensure that they function.


38. Zero proof of knowledge


Zero knowledge proves that it was proposed by S. Goldwasser, S. Micali and C. Rackoff in the early 1980s. It means that the certifying officer is able to convince the certifying officer that a certain assertion is correct without providing any useful information to the certifying officer.


39, AES— — advanced encryption standards

密码学中的高级加密标准(Advanced Encryption Standard,AES),又称Rijndael加密法,是美国联邦政府采用的一种区块加密标准。

Advanced cryptography standards in cryptography (Advanced Environment Standard, AES), also known as Rijndael encryption, are a block encryption standard used by the United States federal government.


40, Wallet & mdash; & mdash; wallet


A file that contains a private key. It usually contains a software client that allows access to transactions that view and create a specific chain designed by the wallet.


41, Cold Wallet.


Generally speaking, cold wallets are wallets that store digital money offline, and players generate digital currency addresses and private keys on an offline wallet and save them. Cold wallets store digital money without the need for any network, so hackers cannot access their wallets for private keys.


42, SPV— — light wallets


Light wallets rely on other full nodes on the Bitcoin network, synchronizing only their own data, and can be decentralized basically.


Full Node


The full node is the node with the complete block chain, which requires that all block chain data be kept in memory, that all transactions on the block chain be independently verified and that the data be updated in real time, and that the primary responsibility be for broadcasting and validating the block chain transactions.




Superbooks (hyperledger) are open-source projects initiated by the Linux Foundation in 2015 to promote block chain digital technology and transaction validation.


45, Lightning Network


The aim of the Lightning Network is to achieve a safe chain-to-chain transaction, which is essentially a mechanism that uses Hash time lock-in smart contracts to safely conduct 0 confirmed transactions through smart & & ldquao; smart contracts & & rdquao; and makes it as safe for users to conduct unrecognizable transactions on the Lightning Network as it is for gold.


46, P2P— — peer network


The equivalent computer network is a distributed application structure that distributes tasks and work loads between peers (Peer) and is a network or network form formed by the equivalent calculation model at the application level.


47, Mining & mdash; & mdash; mining


The process of calculating the location of the currency and obtaining it is known as mining.


48 ore ponds


It is a fully automated mining platform that enables miners to contribute their numeracy to dig together to create blocks, receive block incentives and distribute profits in proportion to their numeracy contribution (i.e., mine machine access to the pond & mdash; provide & mdash; reap benefits).


49, Hashig.


Assuming that mining is an equation, and that it can only be calculated by counting each integer, the Hashi rate is the speed at which data are processed per second.


50, Hashtree— — Hashish tree


The Hashi Tree is a tree-shaped data structure, with each leaf node labeled as Hashi in the data block, while the non-leaf node labeled as Hashi in its sub-node label.



SHA-256 is the encryption algorithm used in a number of Bitcoin digital currencies. However, it uses a great deal of computing capacity and processing time, forcing miners to form mining ponds to reap the benefits.


KYC是Know Your Customer的缩写,意思是了解你的客户,在国际《反洗钱法》条例中,要求各组织要对自己的客户作出全面的了解,以预测和发现商业行为中的不合理之处和潜在违法行为。  

KYC is an abbreviation of Know Your Custamer to know your clients and, in the International Anti-Money Laundering Act regulations, requires organizations to have a comprehensive understanding of their clients in order to anticipate and detect irregularities and potential offences in commercial conduct.


53, Trading


An operation that results in a change in the account's status, such as the addition of a record.


54, Chain (Chain)


A block is linked in order of occurrence and is a log record of the overall change in status.


55 Private currency


The largest private currency in China is the Q dollar, which can be used in the ring, and you can buy it in the renminbi, but you cannot exchange it in exchange for the renminbi, which is itself a private currency and a commercial currency.


Digital currency


The difference between private currency and digital currency is that private currency is endorsed by a central institution, and digital currency is not endorsed by a central institution, relying on mathematical algorithms.


57, Genesis Block


Genesis blocks are the first blocks in the block chain to be used to initialize the corresponding encrypted currency.




The account is recorded in the general ledger, which is indexed by its address and contains complete data on the status of the account. In a monetary system, this includes monetary balances, perhaps incomplete transaction orders; in other cases, more complex relationships can be stored in the accounts.


59, Bitcoin Address

地址用于接收比特币,功能类似银行的存款账号,但不需要实名登记。若只公开地址不必担心里面的比特币被盗走,也没有任何身份信息,也可以离线产生。比特币的地址是由用户的公开密钥经过 SHA-256 散列运算后,再通过 RIPEMD-160 散列运算而得,其长度固定为 160 个比特(bits),通常会利用 Base-58 将之编码成一串由英文字母和数字所组成的字符串,以方便显示或散布,其特征是皆以“1”或者“3”开头,区分大小写,但不包括“IlO0”等字符,“1”开头的地址长26~34位,“3”开头的地址长34位,例如

The address is used to receive bitcoin, which functions like a bank's deposit number, but does not require a real name registration. If only the public address is not necessary to fear that bitcoin is stolen from it, there is no identity information, it can also be generated offline. Bitcoin addresses are “ 1” or “ 3” initial, case-specific, but not & ldquo; Ilo0” characters, & ldquo; 1” opening addresses 26~34; & ldquo; 3” for example, 34 places.

1DwunA9otZZQyhkVvkLJ8DV1tuSwMF7r3v",地址也可编码成快速反应矩阵码(QR-Code)的形式让移动设备能够便捷地读取复制 。比特币客户端可以离线生成比特币地址 。一个人可以生成并拥有许多比特币地址,并用在不同的交易上,而且除非自己揭露,否则外人无法看出其中的关系。

& quot;
1DwunA9tZZQyhkVvkLJ8DV1tuSwMF7rd3v&quat; addresses can also be coded as Quick Response Matrix Code (QR-Code) to enable mobile devices to read and copy easily. Bitcoin client can generate bitcoin addresses offline. A person can generate and own many bitcoin addresses and use them in different transactions, and outsiders cannot see the relationship unless they reveal it.


60, wallet address.


If we compare the ETH wallet simply to a bank card account, then the ETH wallet address can be seen as a bank card account. The difference is, the ETH address can be stored off the network, more independently of your wallet.


61, Wallet.


It is divided into bitcoin wallets, Etheria wallets, EOS wallets, etc. by different agreements.


62, Arithmetic

为了挖到矿,参与处理区块的用户端往往需要付出大量的时间和计算力。算力一般以每秒进行多少次hash计算为单位,记为h/s。矿工能获得记账的权力,就能获得 比特币新发行出的奖励 ,这其实取决于其的算力 。获得奖励的概率等于他所掌握的算 力占全网算力的百分比 。哈希碰撞是哈希算法的一种称呼,哈希算法是一种密码学数学算法 。每秒能做多少次哈希碰撞,就是其 " 算力 " 的代表,目前主流的矿机为10T左右的计算量级,即一台矿机就能每秒做至少10的13次方哈希碰撞,我们可以说,这一台10T的矿机就有10T的算力。一个矿工所掌握的矿机占比特 币全网的总算力的百分比是多少, 就代表TA在这10分钟记账竞争中能够获胜的概率就是多少 。

In order to dig up a mine, the user end involved in the processing of a block often has a great deal of time and computing to do. Arithmetic is usually based on how many hashs per second, which is recorded as h/s. Miners are given the power to keep books, and are given the incentive of the new bitcoin, which depends on their ability to calculate. The probability of receiving an incentive is equal to the percentage of the calculation that he has of the full network. Hashi Collision is called the Hashi algorithm, which is a cryptographic mathematical algorithm. The percentage of the total capacity of the entire network of currency that a miner has is its & quat;


63, mine mining

挖矿是反复总计交易,构建区块,并尝试不同的随机数,直到找到一个随机数可以符合工作证明的条件的过程。如果一个矿工走运并产生一个有效的区块的话,会被授予的一定数量的币(区块中的交易全部费用)作为奖励。而且所有的矿工开始尝试创建新的区块,这个新区块 包含作为父块的最新的区块的散列。

Digging is a process of repeated aggregate trading, building blocks, and trying different random numbers until a random number can be found that meets the conditions for proof of work. If a miner gets lucky and produces a valid block, a certain amount of money (the full cost of the transaction in the block) is awarded as an incentive. And all miners start trying to create new blocks, a new block that contains the last hash as the parent block.


64, Fork.


Pointing to the simultaneous creation of two blocks to the same parent block, some miners see one block, others see another. This leads to the simultaneous growth of two blocks' chains. Usually, as miners in one chain get lucky and the chain grows, all miners move to that chain, and the mathematical score closes themselves almost within four blocks.

65、 EcoBall生态球

65, EcoBall Ecoball


The EcoBall Ecoball is a brand-new, open-compatible multi-chained parallel block chain operating system that combines the simple and fast-recognizing advantages of block logbooks to effectively address the fast-growing volume of systems such as Bitcoin and Etheria, and seeks to build a truly commercial block chain ecosystem.

66、比特币/ Bitcoin / BTC 

66, Bitcoin/&nsp; Bitcoin /  BTC 

一种点对点的去中心化加密货币 Bitcoin (比特币)的概念是由中本聪(化名)于 2009 年 1 月 3 日提出,是一种点对点 的、去中心化、全球通用、无排他性、不需第三方机构或个人,基于区块链作为支付技 术的加密货币,比特币不依赖中央机构发行,而是通过工作量证明共识机制在区块链中 完成,也就是俗称“挖矿”。比特币使用整个 P2P 网络节点的分布式数据库来确认、验 证及记录货币的交易 ; 比特币发行总量 2100 万枚,预计于 2140 年(编者注:2040 年的 说法有误)发行完毕,目前市面上流通量超过 80% 。

The concept of a point-to-point decentralised encrypted currency is presented as a point-to-point, decentralized, global, non-exclusive, non-requirement of third-party institutions or individuals, based on block chains as payment techniques   cryptographic currency, which does not rely on central institutions for issuance but is in the block chain through workload proof mechanisms & ensp; completion, commonly known as & ldquo; mine mining & rdquo; whole & & mpsp; P2 P&nsp; distributed database of network nodes to confirm, detect and record transactions of currency & ensp; &   & & & ; & mpp; & 40; & 40; & 40; & 40; mp; & 40; currently published; & 40; & 40; mp; & 40;


NFT是Non-Fungible Token的缩写,中文称为「非同质化代币」,通常是指开发者在以太坊平台上根据ERC721标准/协议所发行的代币,它的特性为不可分割、不可替代、独一无二的,简单来说,采用ERC721标准/协议而发行的代币就叫做NFT。

NFT is an abbreviation of Non-Fungible Token, which in Chinese is referred to as “non-homogenous tokens”, usually referred to as coins issued by developers on a Taiyo platform on the basis of the ERC721 standard/agreement, which is indivisible, irreplaceable and unique in character, and simply known as NFTs issued using the ERC721 standard/agreement.


68, GameFI: GameFi=NFT+DeFi+ Game

GameFi即Game Finance,将去中心化金融以游戏方式呈现。Defi提供底端逻辑,游戏提供方式载体,NFT承担游戏内的装备、道具。

GameFi, or Game Finance, will be presented in a game-by-play manner. Defi provides bottom logic, game-by-form vehicle, NFT assumes equipment and props in the game.


DeFi是decentralized finance(分布式金融)一词的缩写,通常是指基于以太坊的数字资产和金融智能合约,协议以及分布式应用程序(DApps)。简单来说,它是建立在区块链上的金融软件。

DeFi is an acronym for the term decentralized finance, usually based on a digital asset and financial intelligence contract, protocols and distributed applications (DApps). In short, it is a financial software based on a block chain.


SocialFi: SocialFi is defined as social finance, and socialFi is by definition a combination of socialFi and Finance. Currently, socialFi has only ENJ. So so socialFi is not a currency.

70、Gas Fee

矿工费(Gas Fee)就是用于转账激励矿工的费用,即支付给矿工的手续费,当你在以太坊区块链上进行转账时,矿工要把你的交易打包并放上区块链,才能使交易完成,在这过程中会消耗区块链的运算资源,所以要支付费用。

Gas Fee is the fee that is used to transfer incentives for miners, i.e. the fee that is paid to miners, who, when you make the transfer on the Ether block chain, have to pack your transaction and put it on the block chain in order to make it complete and, in the process, consume the resources of the block chain, hence the cost.


ICO(是Initial Coin Offering缩写),首次币发行,源自股票市场的首次公开发行(IPO)概念,是区块链项目首次发行代币,募集比特币、以太坊等通用数字货币的行为。

ICO (i.e. the Initial Coin Offering acronym), the first currency issue, the first IPO concept from the stock market, was the first time that a block chain project had issued a token to collect universal digital currency such as Bitcoin and Taicha.


Centralized exchange: In a central exchange, users deposit digital assets on the exchange, which is centrally kept and controlled by the exchange. When a user makes a transaction, a transaction order is submitted to the exchange, the transaction is brokered by the exchange and the result is communicated to the user.


72, decentralised exchange.


In a decentralised exchange, the funds are fully controlled by the user in the user’s wallet address or in a transactional smart contract.


73, decentralised wallets.


In contrast to the centralized wallets (exchanges) held in the hands of third-party service providers, the private keys of decentralized wallets are kept by the users themselves, the assets are stored on the block chain, the users are the real holders of digital money, and the wallets are only a tool to help the users manage the assets on the chain and access the block chain data, so that they cannot control, steal or transfer your assets.


It is therefore difficult for a decentralised wallet to be attacked by hackers, and users need not worry about the wallet provider's self-stealing or running, because as long as the wallet is created and your private key is kept safe, your assets remain on the chain, as can be seen in a new wallet.


Note: Once a decentralised wallet is lost or stolen, it cannot be recovered without a back-up private key or helpword, so it must be safely and correctly backed up with your private key.

74、以太坊/ Ethereum / 以太币/ Ether / ETH

74, Etheria/  Etherium  /   Ether/   Ether  /   / & ETH

下一代智能合约和去中心化应用平台 Ethereum (以太坊)是一种开源的、图灵完备的、智能合约公有区块链,基于区块链 账本用于合约的处理和执行,使得任何人都能够创建合约和去中心化应用,并在其中自有定义所有权规则、交易方式和状态转换函数。Ethereum 由 Vitalik Buterin (绰号 “ V 神”)所创立并于 2014 年 7 月进行 ICO。以太坊内置名为 Ether (以太币)的加密货币。

The next generation of smart contracts and decentralised applications platform   Etheeum  (Etheria) is an open-source, well-developed, smart contract public block chain based on block chains   accounts are used for contract processing and execution, enabling anyone to create contracts and decentralize applications, and in which they define their own ownership rules, modes of transactions and status conversion functions. Etherum  by   Vitalik  Buterin  nickname &nsp; &ldquao;   V&nsp; God &rdquao;) created and implemented; 2014   &nsp; 7 &nsp; monthly &enssp; ICO.

75、(瑞波)/ Ripple / 瑞波币/ XRP

75, (Ribo)/&nsp; Ripple / &nsp; Riboco/&nsp; XRP

点对点的去中心化资产传输网络 Ripple 是一个去中心化的资产传输网络,用于解决金融机构以及用户间的资产转换和 信任问题。XRP (瑞波币)是 Ripple 网络流通的基础货币,任何人均可以创建 Ripple 账户并通过 Ripple 支付网络转账任意一种货币,包括美元、欧元、人民币、日元或 者比特币,交易确认在几秒以内完成且交易费用几乎为零。瑞波币的最大发行量为 1000 亿枚并随着交易的增多而逐渐减少,瑞波币的运营公司为 Ripple Labs,其前身为 OpenCoin 。

The point-to-point decentralised asset transfer network   Ripple  a decentralized asset transfer network to address asset conversion and &ensp between financial institutions and users; trust issues. XRP  Ribo currency is &nsp; Ripple  base currency in network circulation, where any person can create   Ripple  accounts and through   Ripple  payment of any currency for network transfers, including the United States dollar, the euro, the renminbi, the yen or & ensp; Bitcoin, where the transaction is confirmed to be completed in a few seconds and the transaction cost is almost zero.

76、比特现金/ Bitcoin Cash / BCH 

76, Bit cash/  Bitcoin  Cash /  BCH 

比特币的大区块分叉币 Bitcoin Cash(比特现金)是比特币硬分叉产生的分叉币,比特现金修改比特币的代码, 通过将区块大小调整到 8M 以解决扩容问题并且移除 Segwit (隔离见证)。比特现金于 2017 年 8 月 1 日 UTC 时间 12:37 从比特币区块高度 478558 开始分叉。

Bitcoin's large blocks are split currency   Bitcoin  Cash (bit cash) is a split currency generated by bitcoin's hard fork, and Bit's cash changes bitcoin's code,   changes in bit's currency's code by resizeing blocks to &nsp; 8M  solves magnification problems and removes &nsp; Segwit  (segregated witness). Bit's cash is in &nsp; 2017  &nsp; 8 &nsp; month & &; 1 &nsp; day &   UTC  time & ensp; 12:37 &nsp; height from bitco & ensp; 478558 ensp; start of crossing.

77、莱特币/ Litecoin / LTC 

77, Latcoin/  Litecoin /  LTC 

最早的第一代加密货币竞争币之一 Litecoin (莱特币)是最早的竞争币之一,于 2011 年从比特币衍生出来并在技术上具 有相同的实现原理,其创新点有两个:其一,使用 Scrypt 作为工作量证明算法,使得莱特币在普通计算机上更易于挖掘;其二,莱特币网路大约每 2.5 分钟处理一个区块, 使得莱特币网络具有更快的交易确认速度。2017 年 6 月莱特币闪电网络上线。

The first generation of encrypt currency competitions   Litecoin  (Letco) was one of the first currencies to compete in &nsp; 2011 & mpsp; it was derived from bitcoin and technically &ensp a year; there were the same realization principles, with two points of innovation: first, using   Scrypt  as workload proof algorithms, making it easier to excavate on a normal computer; second, it was about &ensp per &nsp; processing a block per minute & & mpsp; making the Lettco network more fast to confirm transactions.

78、卡尔达诺/ Cardano / 艾达币/ ADA 

78, Caldano/  Cardano /  Aidain/  ADA 

第一个由研究为主导的完全开源的区块链技术平台 Cardano (卡尔达诺)是全球首创可以证明公平性、安全性,完全透明且不能作弊的、 完全开源的分散型游戏平台,特点是完全没有被运营商支配的民主平台。卡尔达诺的目 标是构建一个分层次的、集成加密货币(如比特币、莱特币)和智能合约(如以太坊、 EOS)的区块链生态系统。卡尔达诺运用独立的 SDK 系统,个人技术者可以参与游戏 开发,并产生游戏竞争以提高游戏的质数,以解决当前赌场、线上赌场的大部分缺陷。 ADA(艾达币)是 2017 年初公开的 Cardano 项目的加密货币,可用于发送和接收数字 资金;作为卡尔达诺的中心货币,如需要参与 Cardano 的游戏必须持有艾达币并通过 对战赢取艾达币。Cardano 项目发起于 2015 年,名称来自于 16 世纪的意大利数学家 Gerolamo Cardano ,Cardano 是医生、占星术士、哲学家同时也是个赌徒,他运用占星 术预言自己的死期并据说于同一日自杀。Ada 则是以 19 世纪英国贵族 Ada levea 命名, 她被称为人类史上的第一位程序员。

The first fully open-sourced technology platform, led by research, is   Cardano   Caldano is a global initiative that can prove fairness, security, and is fully transparent and non-viable,   a fully open-source, decentralized game platform, characterized by a democratic platform that is completely unattended by the operator. Caldano's visual   the construction of a layered encrypted currency (e.g. Bitcoin, Letco) and smart contracts (e.g., &nsp; EOS) is a chain ecosystem. Caldano uses an independent &nsp; SDK   S&nsp; S& Snsp; & & Snsp; & & Snsp; & Snsp; & Snsp; & Snsp; & Sr.; & Sr.

79、恒星币/ Stellar Lumens / XLM 

79, stellar currency/  Stellar  Lumens /  XLM 


Decentralization of transmission between digital and legal currencies

关 Stellar Lumens (恒星币)是由电驴创始人以及前 Ripple 创始人 Jed McCaleb 因管理 层分歧而发起的加密货币项目,是基于 Ripple 代码修改创建的恒星支付网络中的基础 加密货币,用于搭建一个数字货币与法定货币之间传输的去中心化网关,使得数字资产 可以在银行、支付机构和个人之间快速、稳定、极低成本地转移。恒星币供应量为 1000 亿枚,其中 95% 将用于免费发放。

The encrypt currency project initiated by   Stellar  Lumens  (stellar currency) is the founder of an electric donkey and formerly   Ripple  founder &nsp; Jed  McCaleb&enssp; an encrypted currency project for managing &nsp; layer differences based on &nsp; Ripple  the basis of a code-modified star payment network &nsp; encrypted currency used to set up a decentralised gateway between a digital currency and a statutory currency that allows digital assets & ensp; it can be moved quickly, steadily and at very low cost between banks, payment agencies and individuals.

80、(小蚁股)/ NEO

80, (small ant unit)/ NEO

非盈利的社区化的区块链项目 NEO(小蚁股(曾用名))是一个非盈利的社区化的 区块链项目,是利用区块链技术和数字身份进行资产数字化,利用智能合约对数字资 产进行自动化管理,实现“智能经济”的一种分布式网络。NEO 于 2014 年正式立项, 2015 年 6 月在 Github 上实时开源。NEO 总发行量 1 亿枚并在创世区块中一次性创设, 并实行双代币机制,另一代币为 GAS (小蚁币(曾用名))。

Non-profit community-based block chain project   NEO (small ant unit (formerly named)) is a non-profit community-based   block chain project is an asset digitization using block chain technology and digital identity, using smart contracts to automate digital capital   “ smart economy & & rdquo; a distributed network. NEO  &enssp; in &enssp; in &nsp; in &nsp; in 2015, &nsp; in &nsp; in &nsp; Github  in real-time access.

81、区块链技术(Block Chain)

81 Block Chain Technology (Block Train)


is a technology program that collectively maintains a reliable database through decentralisation. The technology program mainly links blocks (Block) through cryptography, each containing all data information of the system over a period of time, and generates digital signatures to verify the validity of the information and link it to the next data block to form a main chain (Chain).


82, Hash


It is the classic technique in cryptography that transforms input of any length through the Hasi algorithm into a fixed length of output consisting of letters and numbers.

83、数字签名(Digital Signature)

83 Digital Signature


The digital signature algorithm is a process whereby a user can generate a short string of data called signature for a document using a private key, to the extent that any person who has the corresponding public key can verify that (1) the document is owned by a particular private key & ldquo; signature & rdquo; and (2) the document has not been changed after signing. Note that, unlike traditional signatures, this is a way of rubbing redundant text after signing, and this is impossible to distinguish; any change to the document after a digital signature would render the signature invalid.


84, Public Key Encryption


A special encryption, with the processing of two keys generated at the same time (often referred to as private and public keys), allows the encryption of a document with one key to be decrypted by another. Generally, as their name suggests, individuals publish their public keys and keep their private keys.


85, confirm.


When a transaction is recorded by a block, we can say that it has been confirmed once. Each time the miners produce a block after the block, the confirmation of the transaction is increased by one. When the confirmed number is six or more, the transaction is considered to be safe and difficult to reverse.


86, move the bricks.


A moving brick is an speculative act when different bitcoin trading platforms have price differentials, &ldquao; the moving brickman & rdquao; this is a case of buying bitcoins in low-priced platforms and selling bitcoins in high-priced platforms, thereby earning low-risk differentials.


Transaction costs


If the output value of a transaction is less than the input value, the difference is the transaction fee, which will be increased to the block’s incentive. As long as an established amount of electronic money is in circulation, the Bitcoin incentive will gradually be converted to a total transaction fee, and the monetary system will be immune from inflation.


88, half-life


This concept, developed for Bitcoin, provides incentives for miners to verify each block. From the beginning, 50 BTCs are reduced by half every four years, currently 12.5 BTCs, having experienced two half-lives (50 BTCs– > 25 BTCs– > 12.5 BTCs).


89, PKI System

在非对称加密中,公钥则可以通过证书机制来进行保护,PKI(Public Key Infrastructure)是建立在公私钥基础上实现安全可靠传递消息和身份确认的一个通用框架,PKI框架包含CA\RA、证书数据库三个重要组件,CA(Certification Authority):负责证书的颁发和作废,接收来自 RA 的请求,是最核心的部分,RA(Registration Authority):对用户身份进行验证,校验数据合法性,负责登记,审核过了就发给 CA,证书数据库:存放证书,一般采用 LDAP 目录服务,标准格式采用 X.500 系列。

In asymmetric encryption, the public key can be protected by the certificate mechanism, the PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) is a universal framework for secure and reliable transmission of information and identification based on public and private keys. The PKI framework includes CA\RA, three important components of the certificate database, CA (Certification Authority): responsible for issuing and dissolving certificates, receiving requests from RA, which is the most central part, RA (Registration Authority): authenticating user identity, verifying the validity of data, registering, checking and issuing certificates to CA, the certificate database: generally using the LDAP directory service, standard format using the X.500 series.


Unspent Transaction Outputs是未花费的交易输出,它是比特币交易生成及验证的一个核心概念。交易构成了一组链式结构,所有合法的比特币交易都可以追溯到前向一个或多个交易的输出,这些链条的源头都是挖矿奖励,末尾则是当前未花费的交易输出。所有的未花费的输出即整个比特币网络的UTXO。比特币规定每一笔新的交易的输入必须是某笔交易未花费的输出,每一笔输入同时也需要上一笔输出所对应的私钥进行签名,并且每个比特币的节点都会存储当前整个区块链上的UTXO,整个网络上的节点通过UTXO及签名算法来验证新交易的合法性。这样,节点不需要追溯历史就可以验证新交易的合法性。

Unspent Transaction Outputs is an unspent transaction output that is a core concept for the generation and validation of Bitcoin transactions. Transactions constitute a chain structure in which all legitimate bitcoin transactions can be traced back to the output of one or more transactions, which originates from mining incentives and ends with currently unspent transactions. All unspent outputs are UTXOs of the entire Bitcoin network. Bitcoin requires that each new transaction be entered into an unspent output of a transaction, that each input also requires the signature of the private key to which the previous output corresponds, and that each of the bitcoins's nodes store of UTXOs on the current block chain, and that the entire network nodes verify the legitimacy of the new transaction through the UTO and signature algorithms, so that no retroactive history is needed to verify the legitimacy of the new transaction.

91、找零地址(Change Address)

91, Zero Address (Change Address)


When using bitcoin or similar encrypted currency, we often hear the concept of finding a zero address. Finding a zero address is the address to which the money is sent is greater than the money generated by the receipt. Unlike the concept we generally understand, a similar currency in bitcoin and bitcoin is traded on a UTXO model.


Simply put, if one address has 10 bitcoins, then the 10 bitcoins should have been the result of one or some transaction, and we assume that one person transferred 10 bitcoins to this address once, a transaction called a, and now I want to send five bitcoins to another address called a b deal, then I need to consume all bitcoins ari, that is 10. But I have five bitcoins, and the remaining five bitcoins I need to assign one more address (without taking into account transaction fees), which is a zero address. (This address can also be the original one, so there's still five bitcoins.)


Ninety-two. Trade-collaborative.


When you come out of the exchange or some of the custodian wallets, it is often found that there are many senders or receivers of the transaction, as the transaction is a car-pooling transaction.


In the UTXO model mentioned above, you should have noticed that the b transaction actually has two exporters, one that I need to transfer and the other that I need to find a zero address. In fact, there can be more input for each transaction, more output, and the exchange or wallet can effectively reduce the cost of mining by making the demand for cash at the same time in a single transaction in a different way.

93、图灵机(英语:Turing machine)

93, Turing Machine (English: Turing machine)


A certain type of Turing machine, also known as the English mathematician Alan & Middot; an abstract calculation model proposed by Turing in 1936, more abstractly understood as a mathematical logic machine that can be considered to be the ultimate powerful logic machine equal to any limited logical mathematical process.


The so-called Turing Machine refers to an abstract machine with an unlimited length of paper belt divided into a small square of different colours. There is a machine head moving around on a paper belt. The machine head has a set of internal states, and there are some fixed programs. At every point, the machine head reads a square message from the current paper, then looks at the program table in conjunction with its own internal state, produces the information according to the program, changes its internal state, and then moves it.


94, block chain blind (Blockchain-blindness)


UTXO does not see data on block chains, such as random numbers and Hash in the previous block. This deficiency deprives script language of potential value based on randomity and severely limits the application of other areas, such as lottery.


95, Turing test.

1945年到1948年,图灵在国家物理实验室负责自动计算引擎(ACE)的研究工作。1949年,他成为曼彻斯特大学计算机实验室的副主任,负责最早的真正的计算机---曼彻斯特一号的软件工作。在这段时间,他继续作一些比较抽象的研究,如“计算机械和智能”。图灵在对人工智能的研究中,提出了一个叫做图灵测试(Turing test)的实验,尝试定出一个决定机器是否有感觉的标准。

During the period from 1945 to 1948, Turing was in charge of auto-calculation engine (ACE) research at the National Physics Laboratory. In 1949, he became Deputy Director of the Computer Laboratory at Manchester University, responsible for the first real computer -- Manchester I software. During that time, he continued to do some more abstract research, such as “ computing machines and intelligence & rdquo; and, in his study of artificial intelligence, introduced an experiment called Turing Test, which tried to define a criterion for determining whether the machine felt.


In 1952, Turing wrote a chess program. But, when no computer had the capacity to do it, he imitated it for half an hour each step. He did it with one of his colleagues, and the program lost.


Subsequently, the research team at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, United States, designed the world's first computer program, the Los Alamos Chess, on ENIAC, based on Turing's theory.


96, lack of Turing integrity

这就是说,尽管比特币脚本语言可以支持多种计算,但是它不能支持所有的计算。最主要的缺失是循环语句。不支持循环语句的目的是避免交易确认时出现无限循环。理论上,对于脚本程序员来说,这是可以克服的障碍,因为任何循环都可以用多次重复if 语句的方式来模拟,但是这样做会导致脚本空间利用上的低效率,例如,实施一个替代的椭圆曲线签名算法可能将需要256次重复的乘法,而每次都需要单独编码。

This means that, while the bitcoin script language can support multiple calculations, it does not support all calculations. The most important drawback is a circular statement. The purpose of not supporting a circular statement is to avoid an unlimited cycle when a transaction is confirmed. In theory, this is a barrier that can be overcome for script programmers, because any cycle can be simulated by repeated if statements, but it can lead to inefficiencies in the use of script space, for example, the implementation of an alternative elliptical signature algorithm may require 256 multiple multiplyings at each time, and require separate coding.


97 Value Blind (Value-blindness)

UTXO脚本不能为账户的取款额度提供精细的的控制。例如,预言机合约(oracle contract)的一个强大应用是对冲合约,A和B各自向对冲合约中发送价值1000美元的比特币,30天以后,脚本向A发送价值1000美元的比特币,向B发送剩余的比特币。虽然实现对冲合约需要一个预言机(oracle)决定一比特币值多少美元,但是与现在完全中心化的解决方案相比,这一机制已经在减少信任和基础设施方面有了巨大的进步。然而,因为UTXO是不可分割的,为实现此合约,唯一的方法是非常低效地采用许多有不同面值的UTXO(例如对应于最大为30的每个k,有一个2^k的UTXO)并使预言机挑出正确的UTXO发送给A和B。

The UTXO script does not provide any fine control over the amount of money to be taken from the account. For example, a powerful application of the oracle contract is a hedge contract, in which A and B each send $1,000 in bitcoins to the hedge contract, and 30 days later, the script sends $1,000 in bitcoins to A and the remaining bitcoins to B. While an oracle is needed to achieve the hedge contract to determine how much bitcoins are worth, this mechanism has already made significant progress in reducing trust and infrastructure compared with the solution now fully centralized. However, because UTXO is indivisible, the only way to achieve the contract is to use many UTXOs with different face values (e.g., for each maximum 30 k, there is a 2 k UTO) and to pick the correct UTO to A and B.


98, missing status


This makes it very difficult to achieve multi-stage options contracts, decentralised offers, or two-stage encryption commitments, which are necessary to ensure arithmetic incentives. It also means that UTXO can only be used to create simple, one-time contracts, rather than more complex ones like decentralized organizations, making meta-agreements difficult.


99, same encryption.

同态加密(Homomorphic Encryption)是一种特殊的加密方法,允许对密文进行处理得到仍然是加密的结果,即对密文直接进行处理,跟对明文进行处理再加密,得到的结果相同。从代数的角度讲,即同态性。

Simultaneous encryption is a special encryption method that allows for the processing of classified messages to continue to be the result of encryption, i.e. to process them directly and to encrypt them. From an algebra perspective, i.e., homogeneity.

如果定义一个运算符 $$ riangle{}$$,对加密算法 E 和 解密算法 D,满足:

If you define an operator $ Riangle{}$, for encryption algorithms E and Decrypt algorithm D, meet:

$$ E(X riangle{}Y)=E(X) riangle{} E(Y)

$$ 则意味着对于该运算满足同态性。

$ means that the calculation is of the same quality.

同态性在代数上包括:加法同态、乘法同态、减法同态和除法同态。同时满足加法同态和乘法同态,则意味着是 代数同态,即 全同态。同时满足四种同态性,则被称为 算数同态。

The homogeneity includes, on algebraic terms: add-up homogeneity, multiplier homogeneity, subtraction homogeneity and division. At the same time, satisfying add-up homogeneity and multiplier homogeneity means the algebraic homogeneity, i.e., homogeneity. At the same time, satisfying four homogeneities is called count homogeneity.

同态加密的问题最早是由 Ron Rivest、Leonard Adleman 和 Michael L. Dertouzos 在 1978 年提出,但 第一个“全同态”的算法 到 2009 年才被克雷格·金特里(Craig Gentry)证明。

The question of same-state encryption was first raised by Ron Riverst, Leonard Adleman and Michael L. Dertouzos in 1978, but the first & & ldquo; All-Same & rdquo; algorithm was not proven until 2009 by Craig & Middot; Craig Gentry.

仅满足加法同态的算法包括 Paillier 和 Benaloh 算法;仅满足乘法同态的算法包括 RSA 和 ElGamal 算法。

The algorithms that satisfy only the same plus include Paillier and Benaloh algorithms; the algorithms that satisfy only the same multiplying algorithms include RSA and ElGamal algorithms.


Same-state encryption is of great importance in the cloud age. For now, users are afraid to put sensitive information directly on third-party clouds from a security point of view. With more practical homogeneity encryption, you can be assured of the use of cloud services.


Unfortunately, currently known homogenous encryption technologies require significant computing time and are far from being practical.


100 P2SH scripts


The output scripts are created by the payers, who (when the money is spent) do not care much about the long-term safety or usefulness of the bitsbrain they consume.

收款人则关心输出脚本指定的条件。如果收款人愿意,他们可以请求支付者使用某种特定脚本。遗憾的是,定制的脚本没有短小的比特币地址方便,也不像P2PKH的公钥哈希方案( P2PKHpubkey hashes)那样容易保护。

The payee is concerned about the conditions specified for the output script. If the payee wishes, they can ask the payee to use a particular script. Unfortunately, the custom script does not have a short bitcoin address, nor is it as easy to protect as the P2PKHpubkey programmes.


In order to solve these problems, “ payment to script Hashi & rdquo; (P2SH) transactions were created in 2012 to allow the payer to create an output script, which contains another script, Hashi, and another script called & ldquao; recognition of script & rdquao;

101、“幽灵“协议("Greedy Heaviest Observed Subtree" (GHOST) protocol)

101, “ phantoms & & ldquao; protocols (&quat; Greeny Health Observed Subtree&quat; (GHIST) protocol)

是由Yonatan Sompolinsky 和 Aviv Zohar在2013年12月引入的创新。幽灵协议提出的动机是当前快速确认的块链因为区块的高作废率而受到低安全性困扰;因为区块需要花一定时间(设为t)扩散至全网,如果矿工A挖出了一个区块然后矿工B碰巧在A的区块扩散至B之前挖出了另外一个区块,矿工B的区块就会作废并且没有对网络安全作出贡献。此外,这里还有中心化问题:如果A是一个拥有全网30%算力的矿池而B拥有10%的算力,A将面临70%的时间都在产生作废区块的风险而B在90%的时间里都在产生作废区块。因此,如果作废率高,A将简单地因为更高的算力份额而更有效率,综合这两个因素,区块产生速度快的块链很可能导致一个矿池拥有实际上能够控制挖矿过程的算力份额。

It is an innovation introduced by Yonatan Sompolinsky and Avv Zohar in December 2013. The phantom agreement is motivated by the fact that the currently rapidly identified chain is suffering from low security problems due to the high rate of fragmentation of blocks; because blocks take a certain amount of time (set as t) to spread to the whole net, if miner A digs out a block and miner B coincidentally digs another block before it spreads to block B, the miner B’s block will be destroyed and will not contribute to cybersecurity. In addition, there is a central problem here: if A is a 30-per-cent-capable tank with a full net capacity and B has a 10-per-cent capacity, A will face 70 per cent of the time to create a waste block and B will create a waste block in 90 per cent of the time. Thus, if waste rates are high, A will simply be more efficient because of a higher factor, combining these two factors, the fast-growing chain of blocks could well result in a mineral pond having a 10 per cent factor that can actually control the mining process.


102, Merkel Tree


The Merkel tree is a two-fork tree, consisting of a set of leaves nodes, a set of intermediate nodes and a root node. The following is a large number of leaves nodes contain basic data, each of which is the Hasi of its two subnodes, and the root node is the Hasi of its two subnodes, representing the top of the Merkel tree. The Merkel tree is intended to allow the data of blocks to be transmitted in a piecemeal manner: node can still be recorded as a completely different block (almost certainly supported by an incorrect workload) from one source downloading block. This is because of the proliferation of Hashi: if a malicious user tries to add a forged transaction to the lower part of the tree, the changes that will result in changes in the upper node of the tree, as well as changes in the upper node, eventually leading to changes in the root node and changes in the Hashi section.


103. Consensus mechanism


The block chain is essentially a distributed account technology. Traditional accounts are usually stored centrally in the form of a database on a bank or company's server node. In the network of blocks, each node maintains a complete account book, and the contents of all nodes are identical.


This raises the question of whether the data would be inconsistent if all nodes were to write together. There is a need for a mechanism to ensure that each block in the block chain can only be written by one node and that all other nodes agree to write.


实用拜占庭容错协议(PBFT,Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance)是Miguel Castro (卡斯特罗)和Barbara Liskov(利斯科夫)在1999年提出来的,解决了原始拜占庭容错算法(即上文中的口头协议)效率不高的问题,将算法复杂度由指数级降低到多项式级,使得拜占庭容错算法在实际系统应用中变得可行。

The functional Byzantine Misbehaviour Agreement (PBFT), introduced by Miguel Castro (Castro) and Barbara Liskov (Liskov) in 1999, addresses the inefficiency of the original Byzantine Misbehaviour algorithm (i.e. the oral agreement above), reducing the degree of complexity of the algorithm from an index level to a multi-formal level, making the Byzantine Misbehaviour algorithm feasible in the application of the actual system.

PBFT算法的结论是n>=3f+1 n是系统中的总节点数,f是允许出现故障的节点数。换句话说,如果这个系统允许出现f个故障,那么这个系统必须包括n个节点,才能解决故障。这和上文口头协议的结论一样,或者这么说,PBFT是优化了口头协议机制的效率,但是结论并未改变。

The PBFT algorithm concludes that n> =3f+1 n is the total number of nodes in the system, and f is the number of nodes allowed to fail. In other words, if the system allows for f malfunctions, the system must include n nodes in order to solve the failure. This, like the conclusion of the oral agreement above, or, in that case, the PBFT is optimizing the efficiency of the oral protocol mechanism, but the conclusion remains unchanged.



As the ASIC machines are heavily used in bitcoin mining, they are vulnerable to attack by the ASIC mine that used to serve bitcoin if there are other shash-based grids to reach consensus. In designing its PoW consensus algorithm, Etheeum realized that algorithms should be made to operate better on a normal personal computer, thus avoiding being attacked by ASIC.

106、Delegated Methods

以上的PoW和PoS的挖矿过程,是全网所有节点共同参与的,每一时刻都有成千上万个节点同时去争取产出下一个block,因此会时有发生区块链分叉(fork)的问题。即同一时刻,两个节点同时产出了next block,但由于网络时延的问题,block产出的时候两个节点并不知道有其他节点已经产出了另一个block,因此这两个block都被发布到了网络中。[5]中对分叉的问题有详细的描述,可以进行参考。

The above-mentioned PoW and PoS mining process, in which all nodes of the network are involved, each time thousands of nodes are simultaneously trying to produce the next black, there is a block fork problem. At the same time, the two nodes produce the same next black, but because of the lateness of the network, the two nodes at the time of the black output were not aware that other nodes had already produced another black, so the two nodes were posted on the network.[5] The nodes are described in detail and can be consulted.[5]


It is precisely because of the fork that Block's output time lags are not too short. Block chains, through dynamically adjusted mining difficulties, stabilize Block time intervals at their desired level. For example, the initial interval between bitcoin is 10 minutes, followed by the underworld is about 15 seconds. If the time lag is further short (i.e., to reduce the difficulty of mining), the problem of splits becomes much more visible, not to the benefit of consensus-building and system stability.


107, cold storage


The term refers to offline preservation of bitcoin. When Bitcoin’s private key is created and stored in a secure offline environment, cold storage is achieved. Cold storage is important for any Bitcoin holder. Online computers are vulnerable to hackers and should not be used to store large amounts of bitcoin.


108, chromosome coins.


The Bitcoin 2.0 open-source agreement allows the developer to create digital assets above the Bitcoin block chain using its currency-exceeding function.


109, Consensus


When many of the nodes in the network, usually most of them, have the same maximum number of locally validated blocks, they are called consensus. Do not confuse with the consensus rule.


110. Difficulty


The entire network controls the computing power required to generate workload proof by adjusting &ldquao; difficulty & rdquao; this variable.


111, recalibration of difficulty


For each new 2016 blocks in the network, the full network difficulty will be recalculated and the new difficulty value will be based on the Hashi algorithm of the previous 2016 blocks.


112. Difficult objectives


The difficulty value required to generate a block approximately every 10 minutes of the computing power of the entire network is the difficulty target.


113. Dual payments


Double payment is a successful payment of more than one time. Bitcoin prevents double payment by validating each transaction added to a block and ensuring that the transaction is not entered into for payment.



The elliptical digital signature algorithm (EDCSA) is the encryption algorithm used by Bitcoin to ensure that funds can be paid only by their correct owners.


115, excess random number


As the difficulty increases, miners usually do not find blocks after recycling 400 million random values. Because coinbase scripts can store data by 2 to 100 bytes, miners begin to use this storage space as an overvalue nónce space, allowing them to use a larger area head Hashi value to search for effective blocks.


116, Genesis.


Genesis blocks are the first blocks in the block chain to be used to initialize the corresponding encrypted currency.


117, Hardware Wallet


The hardware wallet is a special bitcoin wallet that can store a user's private key in a secure hardware device.


118, Hassy locks.


The Hashi lock is a restricted object that limits the cost of an output, and its effect continues until the specified data clips are publicly disclosed. The Hashi lock has a useful attribute, which is that once any Hashi lock is open, any other Hashi lock that securely uses the same key can be opened. This makes it possible to create more than one output that has been agreed to be restricted by the Hashi lock, which will be spent at the same time.


119, HD Agreement


Hierarchy (HD) key creation and transmission protocol (BIP32), which allows the parent key to be created from the parent key in a hierarchical manner.


120, HD wallet.


Use the key identified at the creation level and the wallet of the BIP32 transmission protocol.


121, HD wallet seed


The HD wallet or root torrent is a potential short value used to generate the main private key and main chain code for the HD wallet.


122, Hash's time to lock in the contract.


The Hashi Time Locking Contract (HTLC) is a type of payment method that uses the Hashi lock and time lock to lock the transaction. Unlocking requires the recipient to provide an encrypted payment certificate acknowledging that payment was received prior to the cut-off date, or the recipient loses its ability to claim payment, at which point the payment will be returned to the payer.


充分了解你的账户(KYC,Know yourcustomer)是一个商业过程,用于认证和验证顾客的身份信息。也指银行对这些活动的监管。

Full knowledge of your account (KYC, Know Yourcustomer) is a business process used to authenticate and authenticate customer identification information.



Leveldb is an open-source hardboard key-to-database.


125, lock time.


The lock time (technically nLockTime) is part of the transaction, which indicates that the transaction is added to the earliest time or block in the block chain.


126, the trading pool.


The Bitcoin memory pool is a collection of all transactions in blocks that have been validated by bitcoin nodes but are confirmed.


127, random number


The random number is a 32-bit (4 bytes) field in a bitcoin block, which is set to calculate the Hashi value of the block, which starts with more than zero. The other field values in the block are constant because they have a definite meaning.


128, offline.


Offline transactions are value transfers outside the block chain. When a chain transaction (often simply a transaction) changes a block chain and relies on a block to determine its validity, offline transactions rely on other methods to record and verify the transaction.


129, code.


The code is derived from the bitcoin script language, which enables you to press data or execute a function in a public key script or sign script.


130 Open Assets Agreement


The Open Assets Agreement is a simple and valid agreement based on a bitcoin block chain paper. It allows users to create the distribution and transmission of assets. The Open Assets Agreement is an evolution of the colour currency concept.



An output code used in OP_RETURN transactions. Do not confuse with OP_RETURN transactions.


132, OP_RETURN transactions


OP_RETURN defaults on a disseminated and excavated type of transaction in the Bitcoin core of 0.9.0, adding any data to a proven public key script in a subsequent version without having to store the script in their UTXO database at all nodes. Do not confuse with the OP_RETURN code.


One hundred and thirty-three. Alone.


Since the parent blocks are not processed by local nodes, they cannot be fully validated.


134, stand-alone transactions


Isolated transactions are those that do not have access to the trading pool due to the lack of one or more entering transactions.


135, trading out.


The transaction output (TxOut) is an output in a transaction that contains two fields: 1. An output value field: for the transfer of 0 or more ears; and 2. A public key script: for the determination of what conditions are to be met for these ears to be spent.



The transaction paid to the Bitcoin address consists of the payment of the public key Hash script (P2PKH). The transaction output that is locked in the P2PKH script can be unlocked (consumption) by giving a public key and a digital signature created by the corresponding private key.



P2SH is a powerful, new type of transaction that can significantly simplify complex transaction scripts. By using P2SH, a complex script detailing the cost-out conditions (foreclosure scripts) will not appear in a locked script. On the contrary, only a redeemed script is contained in a locked script.


138, P2SH address

P2SH地址是基于Base58 编码的一个含有20 个字节哈希的脚本。P2SH地址采用“5”前缀。这导致基于Base58 编码的地址以“3”开头。P2SH 地址隐藏了所有的复杂性,因此,运用其进行支付的人将不会看到脚本。

The P2SH address is a script with 20 bytes of Hashi based on the Base58 code. The P2SH address uses &ldquao; 5&rdquao; prefix. This leads to an address based on the Base58 code in &ldquao; 3&rdquao; beginning. The P2SH address hides all the complexities, so the person who uses it to make the payment will not see the script.



The P2WPKH signature contains the same information that P2PKH spends. But the signature information is placed in the witness field instead of the signing script field. The public key script has also been modified.



The difference between P2WSH and P2SH is that the cryptographic evidence repository is changed from a script signature field to a witness field, and the public key script field is changed.


141, paper wallets.


In most specific senses, a paper wallet is a document that contains all the necessary data, which are used to generate the Bitcoin private key and form the key wallet. However, the term is usually used to express the way in which Bitcoin is stored offline in the form of a physical document. The second definition also includes the paper key and the redeemable code.


142, payment tunnels.

微支付通道和支付通道是 设计用于允许用户生成多个比特币交易,且无需提交所有交易至比特币区块链中。在一个典型的支付通道中,只有两个交易被添加至区块链中,但参与双方可以生成无限制或接近无限制数量的支付。

Micro-payment channels and payment channels are designed to allow users to generate multiple bitcoin transactions without having to submit all transactions to the bitcoin block chain. In a typical payment channel, only two transactions are added to the block chain, but the parties involved can generate unlimited or near unlimited amounts of payments.


143 Incentives


Each new block has a certain amount of newly created bitcoin to reward miners for calculating the workload.



RIPEMD-160 is a 160-bit encryption Hash function. RIPEMD-160 is an enhanced version of RIPEMD, which calculates a 160-Hash. The RIPEMD-160 encryption expectation is safe for the next 10 years or more.


145. Scripts


Bitcoins handles transactions using a script system. Scripts have the characteristics of a type of Forth language, simple, stack-based, and left-to-right processing. Scripts are deliberately limited to non-Turin complete and do not have a revolving function.

146、PubKey (公钥脚本)

146, PubKey (Public Key Script)


Script public keys or public key scripts are scripts that are included in the transaction output. The script sets the conditions to be met for the expense of bitcoins. Data that satisfy the conditions can be provided by signing scripts.

147、Sig (签名脚本)

147, Sig (signed script)


The signature script is a payment end-generated data that is almost always used as a variable to satisfy a public key script.



Safety Hash is an encrypted Hash function family issued by NIST (National Institute of Standards Technology).


Soft fork: Soft fork is a short fork in the block chain, usually because miners do not upgrade their use of nodes without knowing the new consensus rule. Do not confuse it with fork, hard fork, soft fork, or Git fork.

149、SPV (简化支付验证)

149, SPV (Simplified payment certification)


Simplified payment certification is the method used to validate a particular transaction without the need to download all blocks. This method is used in a number of lightweight bitcoin clients.


150, old pieces.


The old blocks were those that were successfully excavated but were not included in the current main chain, and it is likely that other blocks at the same altitude gave priority to expanding the length of the chain.


Time locks: Time locks are a type of barrier that allows strict control of some bitcoins to be spent only at a certain point in the future. Time locks play a significant role in many bitcoins, including payment of passageways and Hash time locks.


151. Ring signature

环签名由 Rivest,shamir 和 Tauman 三位密码学家在 2001 年首次提出。环签名属于一种简化的群签名。

Ring signatures were first proposed by three cryptographers, Riverst, Shamir and Tauman in 2001. Ring signatures belong to a simplified group of signatures.


The signatory first selects a temporary pool of signatories, which includes the signatory itself. The signatory then uses its own private key and the public key of the other person in the collection of signatures to generate the signature independently, without the help of others. The other members of the pool of signatories may not know that they are included in it.


152. Digital certificate


The digital certificate is used to prove who a public key is.


The important thing for digital signature applications is the distribution of public keys. Once a public key is replaced, the entire security system will be destroyed.

怎么确保一个公钥确实是某个人的原始公钥?这就需要数字证书机制。顾名思义,数字证书就是像一个证书一样,证明信息和合法性。由证书认证机构(Certification Authority,CA)来签发。

How to ensure that a public key is indeed the original public key of a person? This requires a digital certificate mechanism. By definition, a digital certificate is a certificate that proves information and legitimacy. It is issued by the certificate certification authority (Certification Authority, CA).

数字证书内容可能包括版本、序列号、签名算法类型、签发者信息、有效期、被签发人、签发的公开密钥、CA 数字签名、其它信息等等。其中,最重要的包括 签发的公开密钥、CA 数字签名 两个信息。

Digital certificates may include a version, serial number, type of signature algorithm, issuer information, validity period, issueee, issued public key, CA digital signature, other information, etc. The most important of these are the issued public key, CA digital signature, and so on.

因此,只要通过这个证书就能证明某个公钥是合法的,因为带有 CA 的数字签名。更进一步地,怎么证明 CA 的签名合法不合法呢?类似的,CA 的数字签名合法不合法也是通过 CA 的证书来证明的。

Thus, a public key can only be justified by passing this certificate, because it has a CA digital signature. How, further, does it prove that CA's signature is unlawful? Similarly, the CA's digital signature is legal and illegal by CA's certificate.

主流操作系统和浏览器里面会提前预置一些 CA 的证书(承认这些是合法的证书),然后所有基于他们认证的签名都会自然被认为合法。

Mainstream operating systems and browsers pre-position some CA certificates (recognizing that they are legitimate) and then all signatures based on their authentication will naturally be considered legitimate.

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