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苏州发放10万个数字人民币消费红包 每个金额为200元


Suzhou has announced that it will distribute 20 million yuan (100,000 yuan) in red bags to eligible citizens of Suzhou, each in the amount of 200 yuan, double the amount and time spent on it in the more Shenzhen version, significantly expand the consumer landscape, increase the consumption on the trading line of the city and have the opportunity to experience the arrival of goods and payments. In addition, 1,000 people will be selected from among the clients involved in the drawing of lots for the digital renminbi in the case of offline wallets.

京东双十二期间有近2万笔订单通过数字人民币支付 首单耗时0.5秒

Nearly 20,000 orders were paid in the digital renminbi for the 12-year period in Kyoto.

京东数科发布数字人民币12月12日电商平台消费战报,从12月11日20时至12月12日 20时的24小时,在京东场景有近20000笔订单通过数字人民币支付,其中最大单笔线上支付金额超过1万元。全国首单电商平台数字人民币消费诞生于11日20:00:02,来自苏州的一位90后消费者在京东商城下单,并通过数字人民币支付,支付过程耗时仅0.5s,与现有支付方式体验一致。

From 20 December to 2000 hours on 12 December, around 20,000 orders were paid through the digital renminbi, the largest single line of which was paid in excess of 10,000 yuan. The digital renminbi consumption of the country’s first single electric power platform was born on 11 November at 20:00:02, after a 90-year consumer from Suzhou was placed in Kyoto Business City and paid through the digital renminbi, and the payment process took only 0.5 s, in line with the current payment pattern.


Shenzhen issues local standards for the technical specifications of the financial sector block chain platform

深圳市市场监督管理局批准发布地方标准《金融行业区块链平台技术规范》,将于 2021 年 1 月 1 日实施。该标准分为范围、规范性引用文件、术语和定义、缩略语、基本原则、分层框架、用户层、接入层、核心层、基础层和通用功能等十一个部分。

The City of Shenzhen Market Supervisory Authority approved the issuance of a local standard, the Technical Standard for the Financial Sector Block Chain Platform, which will be implemented on 1 January 2021. The standard is divided into eleven parts: scope, normative references, terminology and definitions, acronyms, basic principles, tiered framework, user layers, access layers, core layers, basements and generic functions.


Russia will enact a new digital and encrypted asset law at the beginning of next year

俄罗斯总检察长办公室已努力要求政府官员公布他们的加密财产。总检察长办公室主任Igor Krasnov在接受采访时证实,新裁决将于2021年初生效,届时将颁布新的数字和加密资产法律。Krasnov称,一些肆无忌惮的公务员已经开始通过转换成加密货币来隐藏非法收入。他补充说,尽管俄罗斯法院不认为加密具有货币价值,但它们可以被视为财产。

In an interview, Igor Krasnov, Director-General of the Office of the Attorney-General, confirmed that the new ruling would come into effect in early 2021, when a new digital and encrypted asset law would be enacted. Krasnov stated that some unscrupulous civil servants had begun to hide illegal revenues by converting them into encrypted currency. He added that, while Russian courts did not consider encryption to be of monetary value, they could be considered property.


Beijing Yang Court explores the use of block chains to resolve property disputes


On 10 December, the Beijing High Court held a press conference to inform the Yangtze Court of its efforts to explore new ways of managing the source of property disputes by using the block chain. The new mechanism was described as using not only the technical documentation of the block chain, but also introducing a law firm and a third-party mediation platform, organized jointly by the Shaoyang District Court, the District Housing Authority, the District Justice Authority and the District Property Industry Association, to try to resolve property disputes at their source. The mechanism is currently being piloted in seven subdistricts.


block chain technology will be applied to the B2B signing scene at the fair


On 11 December, it became clear from a press conference on the “South Expo Unending”, organized by the People's Government Information Office of Yunnan Province, that the current South Expo would launch an electronic signing based on the block chain, the first time in the country to apply the block chain electronic signing to the exhibition service, which had been certified by both the Beijing and Guangdong Internet Courts.


Joohai City launched the Smart Innovation Platform for Real Estate Registration “Plus Chains + Invisible Services”


On the afternoon of 9 July, Joohai City held the launch of the 2020 launch of the “Digital Government” Reform Innovations and the priority project. On that day, Joohai launched the 10 major innovations in the “Digital Government” reforms and officially launched the construction of 15 priority projects, such as the Smart Innovation Platform for Real Estate Registration “Plus Chains + Invisible Services”.



According to the Jinan Institute of Human Capital Industries, Han Junjie, Shandong Province’s city credit results are showcased in the Perimeter Project, the country’s first credit value realization system. The system uses the Internet, block chain technology, big data and 4C assessment models to quantify people’s credit in the form of a price, and access to a bank’s pure credit loan on the basis of a price.

海南将推动法定数字货币应用试点 打造“区块链+金融”产业集群


The recommendations of the China-China China China-China Provincial Council on the development of the fourteenth five-year plan for national economic and social development and the vision of 2335 provide for the piloting of the use of the statutory digital currency, the development of a “block chain plus financial” industrial cluster, the promotion of the “sand box control” pilot site and the improvement of the construction of a multi-layered inclusive financial system.

星展银行与浦发银行签署金融科技备忘录 在区块链等领域寻求合作机会


At the second meeting of the Singapore Council for Comprehensive Cooperation, the Bank of Singapore signed the Memorandum of Understanding on Financial Science and Technology Cooperation. In the context of its new comprehensive cooperation, the Bank of Singapore and the Bank of Singapore will strengthen communication in the area of financial science and technology and actively seek opportunities for cooperation in the areas of data governance, open banks, technology applications in block chains, and smart risk management.


World Economic Forum, together with Chainlink, published Prophecy Industry Standards for Block Links to the Traditional System

世界经济论坛与去中心化预言机 Chainlink 联合发布白皮书《弥合治理差距:区块链和传统系统之间的互操作性》,为传统基础架构集成区块链技术提出新标准。白皮书提出应建立一个开源框架,通过使用去中心化的预言机网络在传统系统和分布式账本技术(DLT)之间实现互操作性。

The World Economic Forum and Decentralized Programme Chainlink co-published the White Paper Bridging Governance Gaps: Interoperability between Block Chains and Traditional Systems, which proposes new standards for traditional infrastructure integrated block chain technologies. The White Paper proposes the establishment of an open source framework for interoperability between traditional systems and distributed book technology (DLTs) through the use of decentralised prophecies networks.


Morgan Chase completes the real-time buyback transaction based on block chain

摩根大通 J.P. Morgan 宣布已完成了基于区块链的实时盘中回购交易。该交易使用摩根大通内部开发的区块链应用程序,并在其经纪人交易商和银行实体之间成功进行。官方称,使用区块链可以使借款人和贷方通过实时同步的交易结算来执行短期的日内回购交易,从而创造了获取日内流动性的新方式。

Morgan Chase J.P. Morgan announced that it had completed a real-time buy-back transaction based on the block chain. The transaction used a block-chain application developed internally by Morgan Chase and was successfully carried out between its broker traders and banking entities.


United Bank of the Philippines, in cooperation with Chartered Bank, completed the concept validation of $187 million block chain bonds

律宾联合银行(UnionBank)与渣打银行合作在区块链平台(由两家银行创新与风险投资部门 SC Ventures 共同创建的平台)上完成了价值 90 亿菲律宾比索(1.87 亿美元)的零售债券代币化的可行性概念验证(PoC),其中包含 3 年期和 5.25 年期的发行期限,该项目旨在为散户投资者提供直接获取债券的平台。

The UnionBank, in cooperation with the Chartered Bank, completed the concept validation (PoC) of the feasibility of monetization of retail bonds worth PhP 9 billion ($187 million) on the block chain platform (a platform co-founded by the two banking innovation and venture capital sectors SC Ventures), which includes a three-year and 5.25-year distribution period, which is designed to provide a platform for bulk investors to obtain bonds directly.


The Thai State Tax Office plans to use block chain technology to improve tax efficiency

泰国财政部国税厅计划使用区块链技术来提高征税效率。泰国财政政策办公室总干事 Lavaron Sangsnit 表示,“税厅将采用区块链技术来管理 2021 财年的税收收入。区块链技术将有助于确定每种进口产品的价格、进口关税和应纳税额。目前,用于评估石油出口退税的区块链集成程序已经在开发当中,预计将于明年第一季度实施。”

The State Revenue Office of the Ministry of Finance of Thailand plans to use block chain technology to improve tax efficiency. The Director-General of the Office of Fiscal Policy of Thailand, Lavaron Sangsnit, states that “the Tax Office will use block chain technology to manage tax revenues for the 2021 fiscal year.” The block chain technology will help to determine the prices, import duties and taxable amounts for each imported product. At present, the block chain integration process for assessing the return of taxes on oil exports is under development and is expected to be implemented in the first quarter of next year.”

以太坊2.0客户端执行团队Prysmatic Labs发布Prysm v1.0.4版本

Releases Prysmatic Labs version of Prysm v1.0.4 from the Tails 2.0 client implementation team

以太坊2.0客户端执行团队Prysmatic Labs发推文称,Prysm v1.0.4版本已发布。此可选版本包括运行时数据库备份、从文件加载涂鸦、同步改进等功能.

Prysmatic Labs, the Tails 2.0 client group, tweets that version Prysm v1.0.4 has been published. This optional version includes backup of databases when running, loading graffiti from files, synchronizing improvements, etc.


Releases V1.9.25 Marljeh by Taipan client Geth

12月11日,以太坊客户端Go Ethereum(Geth)官方宣布已正式发布Geth v1.9.25版本Marljeh。该版本是维护版本,针对此前版本做了一些改进,并针对LES服务器做了安全修复。

On December 11, the Etherium client Go Etheeum (Geth) officially announced the release of the Geth v. 1.9.25 version of Marljeh. The version is a maintenance version, with some improvements to the previous version and security repairs to the LES server.

以太坊2.0区块浏览器beaconcha.in发布移动版 支持iOS和安卓

releases a mobile version of the ioS and Andre section 2.0 block browser beaconcha.in

Ethermine 矿池母公司 Bitfly 宣布旗下产品开源以太坊 2.0 区块浏览器 beaconcha.in 已发布移动版,支持 iOS 和安卓,支持功能包括接收验证者提醒、追踪验证者表现和接收有关客户端更新的推送通知。

The Mothers of Ethemines, Bitfly, announced that the portal 2.0 block browsers have been released to support iOS and Andre, and that support functions include receiving references from the certifying officer, tracking the performance of the certifying officer and receiving forward notifications of updates from the client.


Maximum number of Poca Certifiers up to 296


The data show that, starting today, 44 of the Poca network will have an additional certificationer slot, so that the number of valid certifications will increase from the current 252 to 296.

开发者向Geth客户端发出加上EIP-1559交易费用机制的Pull Request

Developer sends Pull Request to a Geth client with EIP-1559 transaction fee mechanism

开发者Ramil Amerzyanov向以太坊go-ethereum客户端(Geth)发出加上EIP-1559交易费用机制的Pull Request,目前处于等待审核状态。

The developer, Ramil Amerzyanov, sent to the Ethaygo-etheum client (Geth) Pull Request with the EIP-1559 transaction cost mechanism, which is currently awaiting clearance.

Incognito推出pUniswap 2.0版 允许用户以最小滑点进行Uniswap隐私交易

Incognito releases pUniswap 2.0 allowing users to make Uniswap privacy transactions with minimal slides

加密货币隐私解决方案提供商 Incognito 宣布推出 pUniswap 2.0 版本,允许用户在 Uniswap 上进行隐私交易。新版 pUniswap 集成了跨链费用,并且 Incognito 应用会自动计算并推荐最佳选择以最小化滑点。

The encryption currency privacy solution provider Incognito announces the introduction of pUniswap version 2.0, which allows users to engage in privacy transactions on Uniswap. The new version of pUniswap combines cross-chain costs, and the Incognito application automatically calculates and recommends the best option to minimize the slide point.

火币推出生态链Heco 测试环境正式上线

Fireflies roll-out ecolink Heco test environment officially online

火币宣布正式推出生态链 Huobi ECO Chain。与此同时,Heco 测试环境也正式上线。火币生态链 Heco 的原生数字资产为 HT,采用 HPoS 共识机制。作为火币开放平台推出的首个产品,Heco 具备高吞吐量、低延迟、安全稳定等特性,给予用户高效且低价的链上体验。官方介绍称,火币生态链 Heco 分为火种、星火、烈焰、燎原四个阶段。12 月 10 日上线测试环境。

At the same time, the Heco test environment is officially online. The original digital asset of Heco is HT, using the HPoS Consensus mechanism. Heco, as the first product to be launched by the Fire Sign Opens platform, has high-absorption, low-delayed, safe and stable features that give users an efficient and low-priced chain experience. According to the official presentation, Heco is divided into four phases: fire, star fire, fire, and platinum.

上市矿企Marathon Patent Group购买比特大陆1万台蚂蚁矿机

Marathon Patent Group, a listed miner

纳斯达克上市加密矿企 Marathon Patent Group 宣布与比特大陆签订购买 1 万台蚂蚁矿机 S-19j Pro 的购买合同,将于 2021 年 8 月收到首批 6000 台矿机,其余 4000 台将于 2021 年 9 月交付。

Marathon Patent Group, an encrypted mine company listed by NASDAQ, has announced a purchase contract with Continent Bit for the purchase of 10,000 ant miners S-19j Pro, which will receive the first 60000 in August 2021 and the remaining 4000 will be delivered in September 2021.

工行融e购上线“数字人民币”公益捐赠 捐赠信息将记录于工银玺链

Information on the donation will be recorded in the silver and industrial seal chain .

深圳工行与深圳市关爱行动公益基金会合作,在工行“融e购”App 上实现了使用“数字人民币”进行公益捐赠。据介绍,目前仅有深圳市关爱行动公益基金会下的该项捐赠支持数字人民币支付,其它捐赠并不支持。

The Shenzhen Workers Bank, in collaboration with the Shenzhen Care Action Public Interest Foundation, has implemented the use of the “digital renminbi” for donations on the Bank’s “e-purchase” App. At present, only the grant under the Shenzhen Care Action Public Interest Fund supports the payment of the digital yuan, while other donations are not.


President of the European Block Chain Association : Regulators recognize the stable currency as an encrypted asset

欧盟委员会CrowdFunding Stakeholder小组顾问、欧洲区块链协会主席Michael Gebert在接受专访时表示,关于监管机构正在关注稳定币,加密社区最初的反应是监管机构想要监管稳定币。就此我们已与欧盟委员会进行了交谈,监管机构并不反对将稳定币作为一种加密资产。

Michael Gebert, a consultant to the European Commission’s CrowdFunding Stockholder Group and president of the European Block Chain Association, said in an interview that regulators were concerned about stabilizing the currency, and that the initial reaction of the encryption community was that regulators wanted to regulate the stable currency. We spoke with the European Commission about this, and regulators did not object to the use of stabilizing the currency as an encrypted asset.


Korea Exchange screens encryption-related stocks

韩国证券交易所运营商韩国交易所(Korea exchange, KRX)将加强对加密相关股票的监管。在11月30日至12月4日期间,KRX开始审查加密股票相关公司,至少有六家与加密业务有关的公司受到了监管机构的审查,监管机构有权制裁、罚款,甚至将违规者除名。

Korea stock exchange operator Korea Exchange (KRX) will strengthen the regulation of encryption-related stocks. Between 30 November and 4 December, KRX began reviewing encrypted stock-related companies, and at least six companies related to encryption were reviewed by regulatory bodies, which have the power to sanction, fine, or even remove offenders.


Bloomberg: Fuda Digital Assets will provide Bitcoin Mortgage

富达数字资产(Fidelity Digital Assets)将与BlockFi合作提供以比特币为抵押的美元贷款。这项新服务将有益于对冲基金、矿工和其他潜在客户,他们将能够在不清算其加密货币持有量的情况下获得现金。在获得贷款之前,富达客户必须先拥有BlockFi账号。

The new service will benefit hedge funds, miners, and other potential customers, who will be able to obtain cash without clearing their encrypted currency holdings. Before obtaining a loan, the Fudo customers will have to have a BlockFi account.



MassMutual has purchased $100 million worth of bitcoins for its general insurance account through the New York Digital Investment Group (NYDIG). In addition, the company acquired $5 million worth of NYDIG shares.


Three NFT works of art earned $582 million in five minutes

数字艺术家Beeple近日开始进行为期数天的大规模加密艺术品拍卖。首次拍卖在加密艺术市场Nifty Gateway上进行,三件公开版本的NFT艺术品“Bull Run” “Into The Ether”和“Infected” 仅在五分钟内就赚取了58.2万美元。整场拍卖的累计销售额超过110万美元。此外,Beeple还将在周末拍卖另外21个版本。

The digital artist Beaple recently started a large-scale auction for encrypted art for several days. The first auction took place on the encrypted art market of Nifty Gateway, with three public versions of the NFT works “Bull Run” “Into The Ether” and “Infected” earning $582 million in just five minutes. The aggregate sales for the entire auction exceeded $1.1 million. In addition, Beaple will auction another 21 versions on weekends.


Bitcoin rises strained supply in the visible card market: AMD RX6000 series is seriously short

由于比特币等加密货币价格飙升再次带动挖矿热情,导致显卡市场供货紧张。据TrendForce集邦咨询旗下半导体研究处分析,从接单状况看,半导体代工产能吃紧的情况预计将至少延续到明年上半年,AMD的RX 6000系列及NVIDIA的RTX 30系列显卡今年缺货严重。

According to the semiconductor research service under the TrendForce Console, the tightness of semiconductor replacement production is expected to continue at least until at least the first half of next year, with the AMD RX 6000 series and the NVIDIA RTX 30 series seriously missing this year.


Libra's new name Diem is suspected of violating UK's same name, Financial Science and Technology Startup Inc.


Earlier this month, the social media giant Facebook-supported encryption project Libra announced a change of name to Diem, although this could lead to a lawsuit. According to reports, Diem, a British-based financial technology start-up company based in London, threatened to sue Facebook and its partners for violating the company’s new term.


Foreign medium: Chartered Bank will launch encrypted currency transactions for institutional investors


According to two sources familiar with the plan, Chartered Bank has assembled a group of encrypted money exchanges for a new digital asset trading platform for the institutional market. According to one source, the Chartered Bank’s crypto-trading team consists of the five largest OTC traders and four exchanges and will include a proxy settlement based on the Tai Wan.


Star Show Bank officially launched the full-scale digital trading platform


On December 10, Starfleet Bank announced the official launch of a digital trading platform to create a comprehensive digital asset monetization, trading and hosting ecosystem for institutional clients and eligible investors. Through this digital trading platform, Starfleet Bank will use block chain technology to provide monetization of assets, including digital assets such as encrypted currency, and secondary market transactions to form an ecosystem for fund-raising.


BVDH Bank of Germany introduced euro stabilizers on Stellar

德国Bankhaus von der Heydt银行(BVDH)已在Stellar网络上推出一种欧元稳定币。该银行声称,EURB是由银行机构发行的第一种稳定币。EURB稳定币于今天上线,由BVDH与数字资产托管技术提供商Bitbond在Stellar区块链上合作开发。

The German Bankhaus von der Heydt Bank (BVDH) has introduced a euro-stabilized currency on the Stellar network. The bank claims that EURB is the first stable currency issued by banking institutions.


MasterCard and Visa stopped paying for adult websites Porrnhub

在纽约时报专栏作家尼古拉斯·克里斯托夫(Nicholas Kristof )报道成人网站 Pornhub 平台上有虐待儿童和强奸视频之后,万事达卡和 Visa 已停止支持 Pornhub。Pornhub 在周二表示,已对平台进行更改,以防止未经许可的内容出现,并在周四表示,万事达卡和 Visa 的应对措施“异常令人失望”。

After the New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof reported on child abuse and rape videos on the adult website Pornhub platform, MasterCard and Visa stopped supporting Pornhub. On Tuesday, Porrnhub stated that the platform had been modified to prevent unauthorized content from appearing, and on Thursday he said that the response of MasterCard and Visa was “unusually disappointing”.


Vice-President of the Central Bank of France: The CBDC experiment may rewrite the current regulatory framework


The Vice-President of the Central Bank of France, Denis Beau, recently referred to the ongoing CBDC experiment in the context of financial technological innovation. He stressed the broad nature of the experiment and said that it might rewrite the current regulatory framework. He added that the experiment was part of the Bank’s preparations to achieve the goal of a digital euro, adding that “the ongoing experiment is directly related to the needs of the euro system and, if circumstances so require, could be prepared to issue the CBDC to ensure public access to central bank funds and to maintain their freedom to choose how to pay and their confidence in our currency.”


Visiting Professor, University of Luvun : An immune passport based on a block chain does not solve core privacy issues

鲁汶大学客座教授Harry Halpin在其发表的一篇新论文提出,现有的去中心化数字身份标准很容易受到损害,并且其核心没有隐私。Halpin称,基于全球唯一标识符的身份系统本质上是在侵犯隐私,并且将它们放在区块链上并不会改变这种基本的分裂。实际上,将这些数据放在区块链上往往会使隐私问题变得更糟,而且尚不清楚随意挥霍零知识证明是否会真正改变这种情况。

Harry Halpin, a visiting professor at the University of Leuven, argued in a new paper that existing decentralised digital identity standards could easily be compromised and that there was no privacy at their core. Halpin argued that identity systems based on the only global identifier were essentially a violation of privacy and that placing them on the block chain would not change that fundamental division.


American leading computer scientist: Bitcoin could end credit card use

美国著名的计算机科学家保罗·格雷厄姆(Paul Graham)最近发表推文表示,“可能的未来情况:信用卡公司越来越挑剔他们将为谁处理交易,这成为促使普通大众在交易中使用加密货币的原因,最终终结一部分信用卡的使用。”

The famous American computer scientist Paul Graham recently published a tweet saying, “Possible future: credit card companies are increasingly skeptical about who they will handle transactions for, which is why the general public is motivated to use encrypted currency in transactions and eventually end the use of a portion of credit cards”.

桥水基金联席主席Ray Dalio:比特币已确立作为黄金类资产替代品的地位

Ray Dario: Bitcoin, Co-Chair of the Bridge Water Fund, has established his position as an alternative to gold-type assets

桥水基金联席主席 Ray Dalio 在 Reddit 上表示,比特币和其他一些数字货币在过去十年中已经确立了作为黄金类资产替代品的地位,可以作为分散黄金和其他此类财富资产储备的工具。Ray Dalio 还表示他有强烈兴趣持有央行可能会用来作为价值交换的资产。

Ray Dalio, co-chair of the Bridge Water Fund, stated on Reddit that Bitcoin and some other digital currencies had been established over the past decade as a substitute for gold-type assets, which could be used as a tool for dispersing stocks of gold and other such wealth assets. Ray Dalio also expressed a strong interest in holding assets that central banks might use as a value swap.


Technology of the palm date CEO: The BSN network will support the central bank's digital currency

红枣科技CEO何亦凡表示,央行数字货币是全球必然趋势,将极大促进商品流通和资金流转速度。而BSN网络会建立Universal Wallet,只支持央行数字货币和可靠稳定币。BSN正在联合多家国际大型银行, 探讨为金融机构树建一条可以处理全球央行数字货币、法定数字资产和可靠稳定币的基础设施。

And BSN’s network will create Universal Wallet, which will support only central banks’ digital currencies and reliable and stable currencies. BSN is joining with a number of large international banks to explore an infrastructure for financial institutions that can handle global central banks’ digital currencies, legal digital assets, and reliable and stable currencies.

国支付技术初创企业CHAI完成6000万美元融资 韩华投资证券领投

Korea >...............................................................................................................................................................................................

韩国支付技术初创企业 CHAI 再获 6000 万美元融资,此轮融资由韩华投资证券(Hanhwa Investment & Securities)领投,参投方包括软银亚洲风投、SK Networks、Aarden Partners 等战略合作伙伴。加上今年 2 月份的 1500 万美元 A 轮融资,CHAI 已经总共吸引到 7500 万美元的资金。

South Korea’s technology start-up company CHAI received another $60 million in financing, a round led by Hanhwa Investment & Security, which involved strategic partners such as the Silver Asian Winds, SK Networks, and Aarden Partners. With $15 million in A in February this year, CHAI has already attracted a total of $75 million.


One-stop DeFi investment platform YIELD raised $4.9 million in financing

一站式 DeFi 投资平台 YIELD 宣布筹集 490 万美元融资,此次融资来自多个不同的渠道,其中,私募投资者投资了 340 万美元,包括 Alphabit Fund、Digital Strategies 和 Yeoman's Capital,另一部分来自 TrustSwap (通过代币活动在 12 小时内筹集了 120 万美元),以及通过 BnkToTheFuture 的众筹股权活动筹集了不到 30 万美元。

The one-stop DeFi investment platform, YIELD, announced the mobilization of $4.9 million in financing from a variety of sources, including $3.4 million from private investors, including Alphabit Fund, Digital Srategies and Yeoman's Capital, and less than $300,000 from TrustSwap (US$1.2 million raised within 12 hours through a token activity) and from BnkTo Thefuture.

Core Scientific获得Foundry的2300万美元挖矿设备投资

Core Scientific obtained $23 million in Foundry's investment in mining equipment

加密货币挖矿运营商 Core Scientific 宣布获得加密货币行业巨头 Digital Currency Group (DCG)旗下加密矿业全资子公司 Foundry 的2300万美元挖矿设备投资,并达成合作关系,将为 Core Scientific 及其客户购买挖矿设备。另外,DCG 承诺在 2021 年将向 Foundry 再投资 1 亿美元。

The encrypt currency mining operator Core Scientific announced an investment of $23 million in mining equipment for Foundry, an encrypted mining company under the banner of Digital Corporation Group (DCG), and a partnership to purchase mining equipment for Core Scientific and its clients. In addition, the DCG committed to investing an additional $1 billion in Fondry in 2021.


墨西哥加密货币交易所 Bitso 完成由 Kaszek Ventures 和 QED Investors 领投的 6200 万美元 B 轮融资。Bitso 表示,“近期我们已将业务延至巴西和阿根廷,将利用这笔新资金在这些地区以及拉丁美洲等其他地区扩张业务,同时还将为企业和个人开发更多的加密产品和用例。一些新产品有望在 2021 年推出。”

The Mexico Encrypted Currency Exchange Bitso completed the $62 million B round of financing by Kaszek Ventures and QED Investors. Bitso said, “We have recently extended our operations to Brazil and Argentina and will use this new money to expand our operations in these regions and other regions, such as Latin America, while also developing more encryption products and examples for businesses and individuals. Some new products are expected to be launched in 2021.”


Robinhood chose Goldman Sachs to lead an IPO that could exceed $20 billion

知情人士透露,加密交易应用公司Robinhood已选择高盛(Goldman Sachs)牵头进行首次公开募股(IPO),上市时间可能在2021年,届时该公司的估值将超过200亿美元。

It was revealed by sources that Robinood, an encryption trade application, had chosen Goldman Sachs to lead the first public fund-raising initiative (IPO), which could be listed in 2021, at which time the company's valuation would exceed $20 billion.


By the end of 2019, provinces and municipalities had adopted 106 block-chain-related policies


More than 30 provinces and municipalities throughout the country have issued policy guidance documents and set up district-chain-related policies. By the end of 2019, the provinces and municipalities had adopted 106 policies relating to the block-chain. In terms of regional distribution, Zhejiang issued the largest number of policies, with Beijing and Guangdong ranked second in the list of eight.


As of December 2019, there were 1,006 block chain businesses in our country.


As of December 2019, the country provided specialized technical support, products, solutions, etc., and a total of 1006 firms with inputs or outputs.


In the first 10 months of this year, the block chain industry was invested in the amount of $65,667 million


According to the incomplete statistics on IT oranges, in 2013-2018 there was an increasing trend in the number of investments and the scale of financing for enterprises associated with the block chain. In 2018, the number of investments for enterprises associated with the block chain rose to 648 with a total investment value of $20,67,94 million; by 2 November 2020, 282 investments were made in the sector with a total investment value of $65,667 million. In terms of the single financing of the project, the financing in 2015 was the highest, with an average of more than $800 million.


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