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Before answering this question, the coin ring’s small editor would like to talk to you about Ether, which is a bitcoin’s digital currency, and is therefore more interested in most of the investors in Ether, although the currency circle’s small editor believes that it is necessary to know the price of Etheria if he wants to invest enough. At the end of the deadline, the price is $429.72, equivalent to $2976.19. Here, investors are curious about the price of Ether’s history, so how much of the yuan will be raised?


Ethio has been issued since 2014, with an historical maximum price of $143,288 or RMB 9913.23 or a historical minimum price of 0.4208 or RMB 2.9112 or, until the deadline, $429.03 or RMB 2968.2.

2014年1月23日,Buterin在题为“以太坊:现在公开上市”的文章中宣布了以太坊。在本文中,他描述了他的“新一代”平台,该平台当时包括加密货币,智能合约,去中心化组织(DAO)等。但是Buterin说广播的速率将是1000-2000 ETH=1BTC。

On January 23, 2014, Buterin announced Etheria in an article entitled “Etheria: It's open now.” In this paper, he describes his “new generation” platform, which included encrypted currency, smart contracts, decentralised organizations (DAOs), etc. But But Buterin said the rate of broadcasting would be 1000-2000 ETH=1BTC.

7月22日,在预售期间的空气成本在开始的14天内为1BTC=2000ETH。然后卖出价将更改为1337ETH。预售将持续42天,并将于9月2日结束。预售带来了60.102.000 ETH的团队,当时相当于18.439.000美元(31.591BTC)。

On 22 July, the air cost during the pre-sale period was 1 BTC = 2000ETH within 14 days of the start of the sale. The sale price would then be changed to 1337/ETH. The pre-sale would last 42 days and end on 2 September.


By 1 January 2017, at a cost of $805 and at a market value of $700 million, one at a price of $20 in the Taiyuan token on 12 March. On 20 March, the cost of the token increased twice, to $46. The daily volume of transactions was $450 million.

以太坊与其他区块链的主要不同取决于,以太坊并不是单纯性的货币,而是一个环境/服务平台。在这一平台上,所有人能够运用区块链 的技术,根据区块链智能合约来搭建自身的项目和DAPPS(区块链技术运用)。

The main difference between the district and other block chains depends on the fact that the district is not a simple currency, but an environmental/service platform. On this platform, everyone can use block chain technology to build their own projects and DAPPS (block chain technology).


1. In 2015, $2.83 for an Etherm, equivalent to RMB 19.6512;


2. In 2016, $11.54 for an Ethio, equivalent to 80.1326 yuan;


3.2017 US$ 812.54 an Ethio, equivalent to 5642.1965 yuan;


In 2018, $117.09 was equivalent to 813.0613 yuan;


In 2019, $154.5 an Ethio, equivalent to 1072.83226 yuan;


6. In 2020, 385 US dollars is equivalent to 2673.47 yuan;


1. WalletInvestor的以太坊(ETH)2020-2025年价格预测

1. WalletInvestor's Ether (ETH) 2020-2025 price projections

如果代币长期处于下降趋势,则该价值预测服务的观点通常是负面的。 WalletInvestor认为,以太坊加密货币将在一年内升至270美元,仅在2025年就将达到844美元/ ETH。相当看涨。

If the tokens are on a long-term downward trend, the view of the value forecast service is usually negative. WalletInvestor argues that it will rise to US$270 in one year’s time, and US$ 844/ETH in 2025 alone.

2. CoinSwitch 的以太坊(ETH)2020-2025年的价格预测

2. CoinSwitch's Etheria 2020-2025 price projections


They predict a price increase of $484 per token, followed by a rebound in cattle at the end of 2020 to the level of $1449. Well, the first part of the plan has not yet been realized, and we hope that the second part of the projection will be achieved soon.

预计在2020-2022年期间,以太坊将能够达到2480美元的水平并将其保持到2025年,届时价格将达到每枚以太坊 3844美元的水平。以太坊价格肯定会上涨!

It is expected that in the period 2020-2022, Ethio will be able to reach the level of US$ 2480 and maintain it until 2025, when prices will reach the level of US$ 3844 for each. The price of Ethio will rise!

3. Bobby Ullery的2020年以太坊(ETH)价格预测

3. Bobby Ullery's 2020 projection with ETH prices

在以太坊价格预测中,区块链和以太坊的推广者Bobby Ullery认为,2020年加密货币总市值将达到4.5万亿美元,比特币和以太坊将分配25%的市场份额。根据这个假设,鲍比预测,到2020年,1枚以太坊的价格将为11.375美元!

In the Taiyo price forecast, Bobby Ullery, the promoter of the block chain and Ether, argued that the total market value of the encrypted currency would be $4.5 trillion in 2020, and that Bitcoin and Etheria would allocate 25% of their market share. According to this assumption, Bobby predicted that by 2020, one of them would cost $11.375!

4. LongForecast对以太坊(ETH)2020、2021、2022、2025和2030年的价格预测

4. LongForecast price projections for Ether (ETH) 2020, 2021, 2022, 2025 and 2030

根据LongForecast的数据,在2020-2022年期间,以太坊将有系统地下跌,仅在2023年,它将收于230美元的水平,而不会克服当前的240美元的阻力水平。这些分析算法 太残酷了。

According to LongForecast, in the period 2020-2022, the Ethio will fall systematically, and in 2023 alone, it will receive $230 instead of overcoming the current 240-dollar resistance level. These analyses are cruel.

5. Tom Lee和Joseph Raczynski对以太坊(ETH)的预测

5. Tom Lee and Joseph Raczynski's Ether (ETH) projections

至于准确的2020年以太坊价格预测,专家的意见有所不同。Tom Lee认为,以太坊的价格趋势将逆转,随后将“强劲增长”。

The expert opinion differs with respect to the accurate projection of the year 2020 at Taiwan prices. Tom Lee argues that the trend in Tai Jin prices will be reversed and then “strong growth” will follow.

同时,Joe Technologist创始人约瑟夫·拉钦斯基Joseph Raczynski观点对以太坊的价格期望也有所不同。他预计,以太坊的价格趋势和2020年的预测也将是积极的,但最高将升至1200美元。他认为,该代币的成功可以通过大量资金的涌入以及团队中有才华的开发商的事实来实现。

At the same time, Joseph Raczyński, founder of Joe Technologist, has a different view of what is expected to happen at the Taiku price. He anticipates that the trend in the price of the Taiku and projections for 2020 will also be positive, but it will rise to a maximum of $1,200. He believes that the success of the coin can be achieved through a massive influx of funds and the fact that there are talented developers in the team.

6. 以太坊(ETH)的2025和2030年价格预测

6. ETH price projections for 2025 and 2030

根据CryptoGround消息来源,到2020年中,以太币价格将在229.0892美元左右。在2021年之前,代币估计为256.6986美元。 2025年,以太坊汇率将达到1445.2美元。

According to CryptoGrowd sources, by mid-2020, the price will be around $229.0892. By 2021, the currency is estimated to be $256.6986. & nbsp; in 2025, the exchange rate will be $144.52.


Through the above presentation, it is believed that there has been some understanding of the best price increases in Ether, which have been going on the exchange for more than five years from August 2015 to the present, that, in just a few years, the development of a mountain car at Taipa prices has been stabilized in the range of $100 to $300 after a year of adjustment and digestion in 2019, but even so, investors should be careful not to use all their assets or borrow money to invest, after all the risks involved in a stable investment. If you want to know more about this, you can focus on the currency circle and keep it up to date at a later stage.


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