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It is believed that most investors have some understanding of Ether as the second highest ranking in the current global digital currency, but most of them are at the bottom, such as Ether’s prices, development history, founders, etc., and to speak of the Ether’s consensus algorithm, which is less common at present, but which of them is not known to the majority of investors, what is the Taifu’s consensus algorithm? What is it?

以太坊中设计了一套基于POW的Ethash共识算法。以太坊中共识设计的主要思想是设计一大一小的2个数据集,初始大小是:小:16M的cache 大:1G的dataset(DAG)

An Ethash consensus algorithm based on Pow has been designed in Ethash. The main idea of Ethash is to design two large and small data sets with the initial size: small: 16M cache large: 1G datasset (DAG)


The purpose of a large and small design is that large data sets are calculated by the small Cahce, that miners can only save large dataset for faster mining to avoid double counting of time, and that light nodes can only be verified by saving small cache.


Generating principles for data sets of sizes



1. Little cache:


The initial size is 16M and the volume size will change once every 30,000 blocks.


The first number was obtained through some operation of the Seed seeds, and each number in the smaller cache was obtained after the previous number was taken, and the small cache is normally stored at light nodes.


2. Big DAG:


The elements of the large data concentration are calculated by the small cahe, where the value of element A of a location is obtained first by pseudo-random sequence, then the value of a position of B is calculated by Hashi, and the first element of the large data concentration is obtained by recycled 256 times, and then by analogy until the total DAG element is obtained.


3. Mining process

在以太坊中挖矿成功的条件跟比特币一样,找到一个nonce值,需要满足H(header) <=target.

Finds a nonce value on the same terms as Bitcoin for success in mining in the Taiku and needs to satisfy H(header) & lt;=target.


When trying a random number of nónce, in the larger DAG, an initial Hashi value map is calculated by the header and nónce to the initial position A, then reading the A position element and the A adjacent position A#39; the elements are then calculated by (A and A #39;) the position (B and B & #39;) is calculated (B & B #39;) by analogy, after 64 turns, a total of 128 numbers are read out, and the 128 Hashi value is calculated in comparison with the target value Target, if & lt; = Target is met, the mine is successfully excavated; otherwise noce is tried again, as shown in the following graph:



The overall mining process is illustrated in the following graphs:



4. Certification process


The validation process is similar to that of Bitcoin, with a nonce value, which can only be verified once.


The validation process is similar to the excavation process, where large DAGs are saved in the memory for the whole node, and the final Hashi values are compared to the target values only 64 times after recycling; for light nodes, large DAGs are calculated first through small cache, and the subsequent process is the same as the whole node.


There are four phases of the ETA consensus mechanism, namely, Frontier, Homestead, Metropolis, and Serenity. The first three phases of ETA are the POW consensus mechanism. The fourth phase will use the self-created POS mechanism, called Casper's Consensus, which increases the punitive mechanism and selects the certifier in the account node based on the POS idea.


The Pow, the workload, has proved to be the consensus mechanism used in the Bitcoin system. (This paper focuses on the consensus mechanism of the Etherms.)


When it comes to Casper's consensus, let us start with POS. POS is proof of equity. The main feature is proof of entitlement in lieu of proof of workload, with the inclusion of a new block of interest and incentive gains. The POS consensus is an alternative to addressing the waste of resources and security deficiencies of the POW consensus mechanism. Its essence is to replace PAW with proof of Hashi-based workload, which is that the system has the highest interest rather than the highest value.


For example, when a person receives 10 coins in a transaction and holds them for 10 days, he gets 100 coins; when a person spends 5 coins, he consumes 50 coins. It is clear that the system that uses the POS Consensus mechanism is limited in its total amount of money at a given point in time, and that long-term holders are more likely to have more currency years, so that the currency age can be regarded as their interest in the POS system.


The consensus is a completely new concept introduced by the next generation of Tai Ho's consensus mechanism, Casper, which belongs to POS. Casper's consensus is built by blocks, not by chain, as it is done by POS.


In order to prevent the certifiers from offering different kinds of bets in different worlds, there is a simple and strict clause: if you two do the same numbering, or if you submit an indentation that Casper cannot handle under the contract, you will lose all the bonds. It is clear from this that Casper, unlike the traditional POS, has a punitive mechanism, so that illegal nodes not only do not receive transaction fees through malicious attacks on networks, but also face the risk that the bonds will be confiscated.


The certifier under the Casper agreement is required to complete two activities:


Blocks are a process that takes place independently of all other times, where the certifiers collect transactions and when their turn comes, they create a block and sign and send it to the network. The process of betting is more complex, and the current default certifier strategy of Casper is designed to imitate traditional Byzantine tolerance consensus: to observe how other certifiers invest, to take a value of 33 per cent and move further to 0 or 1.


The process by which the current state is confirmed by the client is as follows: first download all blocks and bets, then use the algorithm above to form its opinion, but not publish it; it simply looks at each altitude in order, if the probability of a block is higher than 0.5, or skips it. After processing all blocks, the resulting state can be shown as the current state of the block chain & rdquao;


In short, the basic idea of ethash, similar to that of Bitcoin, is a constant random comparison of the values and difficulties received by nónce and the fulfilment of the conditions is a success in mining, otherwise the attempt continues. Unlike Bitcoin’s collage of cpu algorithms, ethash enhances the ability to decentralize by generating a huge data set that prevents a powerful arithmetic ASIC miner monopoly by limiting memory.


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