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The block chain technology began to be discovered from Bitcoin’s origins, and it was born with its own talent, fair and open. Now that the block chain is stronger and stronger, Shanghai's mothers have begun to be prepared to enter the military chain, so let us explain it today in a simple and understandable way.




The block chain is essentially a decentralised distributed account database that can use this term in block chain applications associated with Bitcoin, but the block chain technology may not include “ accountbook & rdquao; itself a series of data blocks generated using cryptography, each containing information validly confirmed by multiple Bitcoin network transactions.


This is the definition of the block chain, and for a step-by-step understanding of the block chain, we need to know the following.



Let's go to the center.


Consider a centralized process. You have to buy a mobile phone on a treasure. The deal is: you call the money to pay the money, you tell the seller to deliver the money, the seller to deliver the goods, you confirm the receipt, and you call the money.

图1: 中心化集中式交易模式

Figure 1: Centralized and centralized trading patterns


In the process, although you are dealing with the seller, the deal has involved you and the seller’s third party, the payment of the treasure. So, if there is a problem with the payment of the treasure system, the transaction will fail. And, while you simply buy a mobile phone, you and the seller will provide the third party with extra information. So, considering extremes, if you run off or take the money and don’t recognize your deal, or if the city where the payment of the treasure is driven away by the G20?


And it's going to be a lot easier to decentralize, you just have to exchange money and cell phones with the seller, and then both parties claim to have done the deal.


It can be seen that, in certain specific cases, decentralised treatment would be easier without fear of leaking information that is not related to the transaction.


Indeed, if the benefits of decentralization are not fully demonstrated by considering only two-person transactions, it is envisaged that, if tens of thousands of transactions were under way, decentralized treatment would save a lot of resources, automate the entire transaction, simplify it and exclude the risk of being controlled by a centralized agent.


Decentralization is a subversive feature of block chain technology that does not require a centralizing agent, which enables a direct point-to-point interaction that makes efficient, large-scale, non-centralized proxy information interaction a reality.


Of course, there is a great potential problem with the above example: how can the accuracy and validity of each transaction be ensured without a central agent of authority? For example, without a central agent of authority, Zhang San lent me $100 a day, but did not pay back what to do? This brings out the other characteristics of the block chain.


Two basic dilemmas.


When decentralized, there is no centralizing agent of authority throughout the system, and the credibility and accuracy of information is at stake.


Question 1: The bi-military issue


The first time I heard of the problem was in TCP class, it was said that two distant armies were sending messages, and the Red Army sent a messenger to the Blue Army: “ you fucking took the Italian gun out! ” and the Blue Army sent another messenger to the Red Army after receiving the message: “ received the instruction! &rdquao; then the Red Army sent another messenger to the Blue Army: “ knew you received the instruction! ” knew you received the instruction! ” … and then it was not over.


Figure 2: Consistency on asymmetrical systems and unreliable pathways in distributed calculations is not possible



In this case, because of the point-to-point communication, it is not possible for both parties to achieve consistency of information in this case. Strictly, it is & ldquo; in distribution calculations, it is not possible to try to achieve consistency on an asymmetrical system and unreliable corridors & & rdquao;


Question 2: General Byzantine


In its military operations, the Byzantine Roman Empire uses the tactics of a general’s vote to decide whether to attack or to withdraw, which means that if the majority decides to attack, they go up there. But if there are spies in the army (such as the general has deliberately voted against water, or the summoning officer has changed military orders) how can it be assured that the result of the final vote truly reflects the will of a loyal general?


The issue of General Byzantine, reflected in the area of information exchange, can be understood to mean that in a system to reach the centre, there are nodes that are broken, that they may broadcast false or non-broadcast information to the outside world, and how to verify the accuracy of data transfers in such cases.


The birth of block chain technology.


Let us now take a step towards solving these problems in a decentralized system and witness the emergence of the technological prototype of the block chain.

1.我们先来建立一个去中心化的系统,为了方便理解,我们来看一个简单的去中心化借贷模型:如果A借了B 100块钱,这个时候,A在人群中大喊“我是A,我借给了B 100块钱!”,B也在人群中大喊“我是B,A借给了我100块钱!”,此时路人甲乙丙丁都听到了这些消息,因此所有人都在心中默默记下了“A借给了B100块钱”。你看,这个时候一个去中心化的系统就建立起来了,这个系统中不需要银行,也不需要借贷协议和收据,严格来说,甚至不需要人与人长久的信任关系(比如B突然又改口说“我不欠A钱!”,这个时候人民群众就会站出来说“不对,我的小本本上记录了你某天借了A100块钱!”)。

We first came to build a decentralised system, and for ease of understanding, we looked at a simple decentralized lending model: if A borrows B$100, this time A shouts & ldquo in the crowd; I am A, I borrow B$100!&rdquao; B shouts & ldquo in the crowd; B, this is B, A lends me $100! & & rdquo; when the passers-by hears this news, everyone writes & & ldquo; A lends B$100 & & rdquo in the heart, and you see that this time a decentralized system is built and there is no need for banks, no need for loan agreements and receipts, and, strictly speaking, no need for a long-standing relationship of trust with people (such as B suddenly changing & ldquo; I don't owe A! & & rdquo; this time, the people will come forward and say & ldquo; and no, my little book, you borrowed A$100!


Figure 3: Decentralized lending models



Perhaps you have discovered that in the above-mentioned model, the so-called & ldquo; 100 bucks & rdquo is irrelevant. In other words, anything can be exchanged in this model, and even you can create something out of nothing, if you admit it. For example: I shouted a & ldquo out of the crowd; I created 10 chaclas! & rdquo; I didn't even need to know what Chakra was, nor did I need to care whether there was any Chakra in the world, as long as everyone heard it and then wrote it down in their little book; LaiW3n had 10 chakras and rdquo; and I really had 100 Chakras. Since then, I can claim that I gave someone a chakra, and as long as Luan has received and admitted this information, I can finish the deal, even if there is no Chakra in the world.

你现在脑海中是不是浮现出了三个字——“比特币”?由于真正的区块链和比特币比我上述的模型复杂太多,细节也丰富太多,因此以下还是以查克拉举例,毕竟本文是Blockchain for Babies.(笑)

Do you have three words in your head now? & mdash; — &ldquao; bitcoin”? Because the true block chain and bitcoin are so much more complex and detailed than the models I have mentioned, the following is the example of Chakra, after all, Blockchain for Babies.


Assuming that after a long period of time, the Chakra that I created out of thin air has been in circulation in this system, and that everyone has started to recognize Chakra. But there are only 10 Chakras in this system, and so some of them have bad thoughts, and he shouts in the crowd & ldquao; I have 10 Chakras! & rdquao; what do we do? Everyone writes down in this book that he has 10 Chakras, so everyone can fake Chakras?


In order to prevent this from happening, I decided to mark my Chakra when I created the Chakra (more precisely, I was calling it the & & & & & & & & ; I created 10 & & & & & & & ; marked, for example, 001) so that, in every transaction, I shouted & & & & & ; I gave a certain Chakra! & & & & & quo; I gave an additional sentence to a certain Chakra! & & & & & & ; when I gave an additional sentence: & & & ldquo; the source of this one was the record of 001, which I marked with 002! & & & & & & & Qu; and when we were abstract, the format of the content of someone's call became & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, ; and then, & & & & & & ; and then, & ; and then, & & & & &, and then, & & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & &, & & & & & &,,, ),,,,,, & & & & & & &,,,,,,,,,,, & &, & & & & & & & &,, & & & & & & & & & & & & &


Figure 4: Comparative map of the Chakra model and the chain agreement for the first version of Central Ben-Hebon block



Well, you're pretty much able to visualize here and explain the block chain to your retarded roommate in no detail. But maybe your roommate is one who's got a mind-blowing problem, so you better go ahead and answer the following questions.

1. “凭啥?”

1. & ldquao; Why? & rdquao;


Your roommate may ask: “ why do you say a word and I'll write it down for you? My little book is free of money? & & & & & & & ;. To inspire people to pass words and bookkeeping, I decided to give the first person to hear my voice and record it: the first person to hear my voice and record it, you get a Chakra, and this Chakra is the reward of the entire system, and you record it, and you tell the others that you've recorded it, let others drop it and give you your own log number so that others can find it, and then you call my words together with your log number, so that the next person can record it.


When this rule is laid down, there must be a group of people in the system who start listening to the sound around their ears in order to seize the first rights to account. Yes, do you have the word & ldquao in your head; bitcoin mining & rdquao;?


It's worth mentioning that about bitcoin mining,




Here's a good example:


The bachelors are looking for a woman's ticket, and the mother-in-law says I have a lot of daughters, so I'll give you a few questions, and I'll give you a small signal to one of the girls.


The bachelors compete and try to solve the problem. As long as one of them solves the problem, the whole demonstration will be told, and the girl will be all single. This is mine. You can give up. The other bachelors, even if they can't do it, will not be a problem.

2. “听谁的?”

2. & ldquao; listen to whom? & rdquao;


In this system, if I say at almost the same time as another person, C: & ldquao; for Aizelas! & & rdquao; because the audience is in a different position, someone must hear me first, while others hear C first, and if we stipulate that there is only one person to say that, who says that?


If there were no conditions, the situation would have developed as follows: some people thought that the sentence was what I said, that it began to be taken into account, that everything they did was based on that fact and that the chain of information would grow deeper as the message went on and on and on, and another group of people who thought that it was C, would follow that trend. So, it was the only chain of information that we called & ldquao; for Ezelas & rdquo; and then, for Ezelas & & rdquo?


Figure 5: & ldquao; block chain & rdquao; fork



What happens? As we see it, everyone's little book records the same thing, a chain that links all the information together. But at this point, what they record in their little book is different. This is gross. How do we determine the trueness of the transaction and the information in the future?


In order to solve this problem, I have added a new rule: every person needs to take off his shoes and take a pen with his feet, and write it in italics! This rule, which takes at least 10 minutes to write because of the difficulty of writing his or her feet, and because of the lack of proficiency in writing his or her feet and the difference in the time it takes to write his or her words, must have been written first and then shouted & ldquo; I am finished! The phrase is called by LaiW3n! & & rdquo; so that other people who are writing it will stop writing and start writing & ldquao again in the small book; the last one is written by a communication and the last one is numbered xx & rdquao;


If you're interested in my solution as mentioned above, you can look at the following by analogy:


& ldquo; listen to whose & rdquo; — — & & & mdash; neutron debacle & & ldquo; General Byzantine & & rdquo; algorithm


& ldquo; record & rdquao; — — bitcoin mining in small books


& ldquo; foot-writing & rdquao; — — Bitcoin mining difficulties


& ldquo; writing speed & rdquao; — — arithmetic


& ldquao; new rules & rdquao; — — workload certification chain


& ldquao; double flower & rdquao; problem


At the same time, your roommate might ask, "If I announce that I gave a Chakra to A and a Chakra to B at the same time, but I only have one Chakra, then how is it that A and B received Chakra or what?"


All you have to do at this time is lift his jaw, look him in the eye gently, shave his nose with your hands, and say, &ldquao; leprechaun, take this to the rules up there and try it? & rdquao;


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