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作者 | Michael K. Spencer(FutureSin 技术编辑)

Author Michael K. Spencer (FutureSin Technical Editor)

编译 | Eli、kou

Eli, kou


The history of digital cryptographic currencies is rich, dynamic and controversial, from the cryptographic currency singularity that emerged at the end of 2017 to the entire ecosystem that accommodates a large number of Altcoin, functional Token, new protocols, excellent landing projects and smart contract platforms.


a. Original digital encrypted currency


b. Bitcoin is the largest and most popular network of blocks


c. Increased demand increases the burden on the Bitcoin network


d. Bitcoin-related consensus agreement, proof of work and design leading to labour-intensive mining to make it extremely power-intensive

e. 2014年4月上任的Bitcoin Core开发者Wladimir J. van der Laan领导比特币开发

e. Bitcoin Core Developer, Wladimir J. van der Laan, who took over in April 2014 to lead bitcoin development


Total market value: $141,675,691,470


a. Allow developers to write built-in programming languages called smart contracts


b. So far, most first-time currency issuances (ICOs) have been based on Etherum smart contracts

c.由当时21岁的Vitalik Buterin于2015年7月首次发行

c. Issued for the first time in July 2015 by Vitalik Buterin, then 21 years old


Total market value: $48,647,927,863

a. Ripple认为自己的加密货币XRP能成为“桥币”

a. Ripple thinks its own encrypted currency XRP can be a "bridge currency"


b. Mechanisms used by financial institutions to conduct cross-border settlements in the past are faster and cheaper than they are now


c. The new consensus agreement it uses makes transactions much faster than Bitcoin and Etheria.


d. Ripple, as a private enterprise, has a lot of control over its system, so the puritanists don't think that XRP is sufficiently centralized

e. Ripple由其CEO Brad Garlinghouse领导

Ripple is headed by CEO Brad Garlinghouse.


Total market value: $18,218,219,356


a. Bitcoin's "work hard" product, adapting bitcoin software to manipulate larger volumes of transactions

b.批评声音认为Bitcoin Cash太中心化了,因为极少数的矿工创造了大多数货币

b. Criticisms suggest that Bitcoin Cash is too central because a very small number of miners create most of the money

c. Bitcoin Cash拥有多个独立的开发团队

c. Bitcoin Cash has several independent development teams


d. You can explore the reddit and official web pages yourself

e.在比特币区块链“辛勤劳动”后,Bitcoin Cash于2017年8月1日被创造

e. Bitcoin Cash was created on 1 August 2017 after the Bitcoin block chain was “worked hard”


Total market value: $14,633,760,886


a. Latcoin is a clone close to bitcoin, but there are many modifications to “Altcoin”


b. It handles transactions four times faster, and its excavation process is designed to remain open to lovers.


c. Although faster than Bitcoin, because of its slow pace and its high energy consumption, Lightcoin is still not an ideal payment route

d.它由当时还在谷歌工作的Charlie Lee于2011年首次发行

d. It was first released in 2011 by Charlie Lee, who was still working in Google.


Total market value: $5,042,370,540

a. Cardano的创作者认为该系统仍然只是交易和转移Token的平台,强调隐私性和法规遵从性

a. Cardano's creators believe that the system remains a platform for trading and transferring Token, emphasizing privacy and regulatory compliance


b. It uses a stake to prove a consensus agreement, thereby reducing energy consumption


c. Will be in possession of an intelligent contract


d. Despite the power of developers, information on Cardano is still scarce

e.它最初是由一些以太坊早期团队成员Charles Hoskinson和Jeremy Wood以Input Output Chinese Hong kong为名发布的,后来改名为Cardano

e. It was originally published by Charles Hoskinson and Jeremy Wood as Input Output China Hong Kong, later renamed Cardano.


Total market value: $4,486,161,015


a. As China's largest digital cryptography currency, NEO is an intelligent contract platform with similar objectives to Etheria


b. Using a consensus agreement known as the appointment of Byzantine for misbehaviour, the founder of NEO claims that it can reach 10,000 per second compared to the 15 transactions per second handled by Ether.

c. NEO高度中心化,目前并不清楚这种状况在未来会改变

c. NEO highly centralized, and it is not clear that this situation will change in the future

d. NEO(正式名称为Antshares)希望将存储在较传统手段中的多种类型资产数字化,从而使在智能合约中使用它们成为可能

d. NEO (officially known as Antshares) wants to digitize the multiple types of assets stored in more traditional means, making it possible to use them in smart contracts

e. NEO由Da Hongfei创立

e. NEO by Da Hongfei


Total market value: $2,283,456,500

a. Stellar的分布式账本是Ripple的硬分叉

Steelar's distribution book is Ripple's hard fork.


b. Non-profit operations


c. It also plans to compete with Etheria as a platform for first-time currency issuance

d. Stellar Lumens寻求使用区块链技术做到以极小的费用进行极快速的国际支付。该网络只需要3-5秒的确认时间就可以每秒处理数以千计的事务

(d) Steelar Lumens seeks to use block chain technology for extremely rapid international payments at minimal cost. The network only needs three to five seconds of confirmation time to handle thousands of transactions per second.

e. Stellar Lumens团队由Jed McCaleb领导

e. Steelar Lumens team led by Jed McCaleb


Total market value: $6,154,793,224

a. EOSToken目前在以太坊平台上交易,尽管其智能合约平台本身被称为以太坊的另一个杀手,但事实上该平台还没有被推出

a. EOSToken is currently trading on the Etheria platform, which in fact has not yet been launched, despite the fact that its smart contract platform itself is referred to as another of its killers


b. Similar to Cardano, it uses the use of equity proof of consensus in lieu of proof of work, which would theoretically make the transaction faster and more efficient

c. EOS由Dan Larrimer创立

c. EOS by Dan Larrimer


Total market value: $7,837,158,884

a. TRON认为互联网已经偏离了允许人们自由创建内容并随意发布内容的初衷

TRON believes that the Internet has deviated from the original purpose of allowing people to create content freely and publish it at will.

b.这个项目由其创立者Justin Sun领导,项目总部在北京

b. The project was led by its founder, Justin Sun, and was based in Beijing

c. TRON试图通过构建免费的娱乐内容系统从行业垄断公司夺回互联网

c. TRON's attempt to take back the Internet from industrial monopolies through the construction of a free entertainment content system

d. TRON旨在使用户能够自由地存储,发布和拥有数据,使他们有权决定分享的位置和方式

d. TRON is designed to enable users to store, publish and own data freely so that they have the right to decide where and how to share


Total market value: $2,492,800,204

a. Monero使用环签名,这是一种允许群组中任何成员匿名进行交易的数字签名

Monero uses ring signatures, a digital signature that allows any member of the group to make a transaction anonymously


b. It allows users to trade privately. “Equalism” was originally designed for the mining process

c. Monero通过实现接收地址的密码散列来解决“匿名性”问题,从而将币与其目的地址分离

(c) Monero solves the problem of “anonymity” by achieving a password hash of the receiving address, thereby separating the currency from its intended address

d. Monero的特性使其成为网络犯罪分子的首选货币,它也造成了“加密劫持”的兴起

d. Monero's characteristics make it the preferred currency for cyber-criminals, which has also contributed to the emergence of “encrypted hijackings”

e. 因此,Munero是一种被设计为使用于完全匿名支付系统的数字货币

Therefore, Munero is a digital currency designed to be used in a completely anonymous payment system.


Total market value: $2,334,295,268

a. Dash是另一个类似于Monero的隐私货币,它的灵感来自比特币,但具有加速支付流程的功能

a. Dash is another private currency similar to Monero, inspired by Bitcoin, but with the function of expediting the payment process


b. Centralization: too much money, too concentration of wealth and disproportionate power for a small group in determining the future of the currency at the time of the first release


c. Some believe that DASH's “immediate delivery” may be used by entity retailers as a form of payment

d. DASH由前金融服务从业者Evan Duffield领导

d. DASH led by former financial services practitioner Evan Duffield


e. You can learn more through their official website and the Reddit home page.


Total market value: $2,016,239,495

a. IOTA的系统不使用区块链,而是使用基于有向非循环图数学结构的共享分类帐

a. IOTA systems do not use block chains, but rather shared ledgers based on mathematical structures for non-circle maps


b. It is intended to be a currency for the purchase, sale and trading of data by an object-networking device, regardless of whether the trading partner is other equipment or a customer similar to a technology company


c. Critics claim that IOTA is too central and that many cryptographic system researchers question the overall security of the system


d. When IOTA issues a transaction, you have to verify the two previous transactions. This means that you no longer need to outsource the certification to other miners, thereby avoiding the waste of a lot of money and a lot of money.


e. In IOTA, the more active the ledgers are validated, that is, the faster the system is used


f. No tip on the transaction due to the non-requirement of subsidies for miners


Total market value: $2,868,530,843

a. NEM(New Economy Movement)是世界上第一个基于区块链技术的重要性证明(PoI)企业

a. New Economic Movement (NEM) is the world's first demonstration of the importance of block chain-based technology

b. NEM的目标是让公司使用他们的“智能资产系统”来实现可定制的区块链

The goal of NEM is for companies to use their smart asset systems to achieve customized block chains


c. Thus, NEM can apply to voting, crowd raising, stock ownership, security record keeping, loyalty reward point schemes, mobile payments and hosting services, etc.

d. NEM于2015年3月31日推出

d. NEM launched on 31 March 2015


Total market value: $2,283,456,500

a. VeChain的使命宣言是建立“基于Blockchain技术自我传播和扩展的无信任和分布式业务生态系统”

Vechain's mission statement is to establish a “trustless and distributed operational ecosystem based on the self-dissemination and expansion of Blockchain technologies”

b. VeChain的目标是解决现实问题,例如消灭时尚和奢侈品行业的假冒伪劣,食品安全跟踪系统,汽车行业的数字化维护以及许多其他全球供应链流程

(b) Vechain aims to address real-life issues, such as the elimination of counterfeiting in the fashion and luxury industries, food safety tracking systems, digital maintenance in the automobile industry and many other global supply chain processes


c. For more information about Ve Chain, please visit their reddit and official websites


Total market value: $1,111,983,889

a. “一分钟内获取你的区块链Token”是Waves的最初口号

a. "Acquire your block chain to Token in a minute" is the original slogan of Waves.

b. Waves是第一个使没有编码经验的人轻松制作自己的区块链Token的区块链平台

b. Waves was the first block chain platform where people with no coding experience could easily make their own block chain Token

c. Waves推出了允许使用现有Token和法定货币交换新创建Token的去中心化交易所

c. Waves launched a decentralised exchange allowing the use of existing Token and legal currency exchanges to create Token

d. Waves的创建者和CEO是Sasha Ivanov

d. Waves' founder and CEO is Sasha Ivanov


Total market value: $275,282,000


March 2017

a. QTUM(发音为Quantum)是专注于移动去中心化应用或Dapps的开源价值转移平台

a. QTUM (Quantum) is an open source value transfer platform focused on mobile decentralizing applications or Dapps

b. QTUM同时作为价值转移协议(如比特币)和智能合约平台(如以太坊)

b. QTUM as both a value transfer agreement (e.g. Bitcoin) and an intelligent contract platform (e.g. Ether)


c. It's the first smart contract platform in the world.


d. Many of their technological innovations have led some to think that the platform is better than Ether, and they are also focused on mobile applications


Total market value: $726,868,156

a. Binance Coin是用于促进Binance平台运行的货币,Binance平台是一个能够每秒处理140万订单的加密货币交易所

a. Binance Coin is the currency used to facilitate the operation of the Binance platform, an encrypted currency exchange capable of processing 1.4 million orders per second

b. “Binance”这个名称源于“binary”和“finance”这两个术语的结合,意指数字技术与金融的结合

b. The term “binance” is derived from the combination of the terms “binary” and “finance”, meaning the combination of digital technology and finance

c. BNB货币用于支付Binance平台上的交换费,提款费,上市费和所有其他可能的交易费用

c. BNB currency to cover exchange fees, withdrawal fees, listing fees and all other possible transaction costs on the Binance platform

d.为了激励新用户在Binance进行加密货币交易,该团队在BNB用于支付费用时提供折扣。 第一年折扣为50%,第二年折扣为25%,第三年折扣为12.5%,折扣结束前的第四年折扣为6.25%

d. In order to motivate new users to engage in encrypt currency transactions in Binance, the team provides discounts to BNB when it pays for costs, 50 per cent in the first year, 25 per cent in the second year, 12.5 per cent in the third year and 6.25 per cent in the fourth year prior to the end of the discount


At first, Binance sold mainly to Chinese encrypted money investors, but they also had platforms in English, Korean, Japanese, French, Spanish and Russian.


Total market value: $1,248,128,998

原文链接: https://medium.com/futuresin/top-cryptocurrency-primer-guide-in-bite-sized-notes-3e9e8921c2e0 参考资料: https://www.technologyreview.com/s/610835/the-top-12-cryptocurrencies-and-what-they-are-and-arent-good-for/ https://techcrunch.com/2017/11/19/100-cryptocurrencies-described-in-4-words-or-less/ https://www.investinblockchain.com/top-cryptocurrencies/

Links to the original text: References:


  • 合约安全漏洞连载之一:溢出漏洞
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  • 几乎所有钱包都有致命漏洞,黑客接触手机2分钟,就能转走币


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