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The first view is that, after the entry into force of the amendment (vii) to the Criminal Code, any intrusion into a computer information system, illegal access to data stored, processed or transmitted therein and serious circumstances, should no longer be criminalized as theft, but rather as illegal access to computer information system data. The second view is that the illegal acquisition of data from computer information systems other than virtual money (virtual property) should be punished for the offence of illegal access to computer information system data, but that the acquisition of electronic data of the type of virtual currency by theft, mainly for the property interests of virtual currency owners, should be criminalized. The third view is that the theft of a virtual currency constitutes a crime, together with the offence of theft and the offence of illegal access to computer information system data, is an imaginary combination of competition and can be qualified as a felony. The key factor in this disagreement is that there is no consensus on the concept and legal attributes of a virtual currency.


I. The concept of virtual currency


The view was expressed that the virtual currency included both traditional currencies that were not issued using encryption technology, such as Q-currency, and new currencies that were issued using encryption technology. The view was expressed that it was defined as a currency issued, managed and circulated by private issues using point-to-point block-chain technology. The idea was broadly consistent with the outreach of virtual money, emphasizing its private issuance characteristics. The concept of virtual currency as a counterpart to physical money was that of a non-authorized body, supported by a block chain or similar technology and recorded electronically, unlike traditional Internet-based technologies such as Q-currencys, which were distributed by centralized subjects and used only within their services, mainly by bitcoins, was not a new form of currency in material form. Virtual money was produced by relying on specific computer algorithms (“mine mining”), and could also be acquired by means other than “trading” to ensure safe operation of centralized digital transactions. Virtual currencies were located in cyberspace in the form of computer data and were secured by encryption techniques.


II. Legal attributes of virtual currency


The legal attributes of virtual currency should be judged on the basis of legal provisions.


1. Computer information systems data attributes

  数据安全法第三条第一款规定“数据”是“任何以电子或者其他方式对信息的记录”,计算机信息系统数据范围应当包括在计算机信息系统中实际处理的一切文字、符号、声音、图像等内容有意义的组合。虚拟货币产生并存在于计算机网络,性质上是计算机进行特定的数学运算而产生的加密字符串,是有意义的符号组合,具有计算机信息系统数据的刑法属性。虚拟货币是电子数据, 这是虚拟货币的物理属性。

Article 3, paragraph 1, of the Data Security Act states that “data” is “any recording of information electronically or otherwise” and that the data range of computer information systems should include a meaningful combination of all text, symbols, sound, images, etc. that are actually processed in computer information systems. Virtual currencies are generated and present in computer networks and are encrypted strings that are the result of computer-specific mathematical calculations, are meaningful combinations of symbols and have criminal law attributes to computer information system data. Virtual currencies are electronic data, which are the physical properties of virtual currencies.


2. Non-monetary attributes

  2013年中国人民银行等五部委联合发布的《关于防范比特币风险的通知》(以下简称2013 年《通知》)明确:“虽然比特币被称为‘货币’,但由于其不是由货币当局发行,不具有法偿性与强制性等货币属性,并不是真正意义的货币。从性质上看,比特币应当是一种特定的虚拟商品,不具有与货币等同的法律地位,不能且不应作为货币在市场上流通使用。”由此,虚拟货币不能以货币方式流通,不具有货币属性。

The 2013 Circular on Protection against the Risk of Bitcoin (hereinafter referred to as the 2013 Circular) issued jointly by five ministries, including the People’s Bank of China, makes it clear that: “Although Bitcoin is referred to as a ‘currency’, it is not a currency in the real sense because it is not issued by a monetary authority, it has no monetary attributes, such as legal remunerativeity and compulsoryity. By its nature, Bitcoin should be a specific virtual commodity, with no legal status equivalent to currency, and cannot and should not be used as a currency on the market.” As a result, virtual currency cannot circulate in monetary terms and has no monetary identity.


3. Property attributes

  虚拟货币是否具有刑法意义上的财产属性:一种观点认为,虚拟货币能够在相当范围内流通,具有交易价值和使用价值,具备刑法上“财产”的特征。另一种观点认为,刑法上的财产应该是普世价值中具有一般性、客观性经济价值的财物,而非“特定群众主观上的好恶价值”。虚拟货币的价格一直上下波动,不同人对虚拟货币价值的看法不同,不同地方虚拟货币的价格也不统一。这种主观性极强的虚拟货币不属于具有一般性、 客观性经济价值的财产,不属于刑法保护的对象。

Whether virtual currencies have property attributes in the sense of criminal law: one view is that virtual currencies can circulate on a considerable scale, have a trade value and use value, and have a criminal law “property” character. Another view is that property in criminal law should be property of general and objective economic value in universal values, rather than “the subjective good or bad value of a particular population.” The price of virtual money has fluctuated, with different views of the value of virtual money being different, and the price of different local virtual currencies is not uniform. This highly subjective virtual currency is not a property of general and objective economic value and is not the object of criminal law protection.


Whether or not a virtual currency has property attributes should be judged in accordance with national regulatory policies, which can be divided into two stages:


(1) Property as a virtual commodity. The 2013 Circular makes it clear that Bitcoin cannot be used as a currency on the market, but recognizes its nature as a specific virtual commodity. The State does not allow financial institutions and payment agencies to engage in business related to bitcoin sales, registrations, etc. However, legal websites providing services such as Bitcoin registration, transactions, etc. are allowed to operate after filing. At this stage, Bitcoin, as a virtual commodity, can be traded and traded outside the financial, payment and payment institutions, where Bitcoin has property characteristics.


In September 2017, seven ministries, including the People’s Bank of China, jointly issued a bulletin on the prevention of the risk of financing the issuance of money in currencies, stating the illegality of the sale, circulation and financing of virtual currencies such as Bitcoin, and explicitly prohibiting all services such as the exchange, sale and sale of virtual currencies such as bitcoin on trading platforms, which are the subject of a severe blow to the country’s macroeconomic order. Thus, after September 2017, virtual money is no longer a property in the sense of criminal law and should not be protected as property under criminal law.


III. Qualifying illicit acquisition of virtual currency


If the act occurred before September 2017, the virtual currency traded at that stage could be considered as property within the meaning of criminal law and as having the characteristics of computer information systems data, while constituting the crime of theft and illegal access to computer information systems data, it would be deemed to be a felony if the competitor were to choose a felony. If the act took place after September 2017, the virtual currency at that time should not be regarded as property within the meaning of criminal law and could not be defined as a financial offence.


(author: Chongqing City Intermediate People's Court IV)



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