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In the last two years, even Tesla’s founder, Mask, has started to operate as a virtual currency frequency station. With the Mask’s high-intelligence agency, more investors have entered the currency circle and began to fantasize about the good life of lying on their backs. The fact is, however, that, when investors think about the return on their investments, some virtual currency exchanges have been looking at investors’ money bags. In the case of today’s virtual currency “first” trading platform, there have been almost 10 “technology failures” in almost a year.


there's a fixed pattern of fraud


According to media reports, on 26 April, the Public Security Bureau of the City of Ordos, Combash, received a report from the citizen Yang Hao that she had been defrauded for purchasing virtual money online. The civilian police were informed that on 10 April, the informant had added, through a micro-mail, a pool of proposed units, and the group owner and his assistant, QQ, who had recommended a mobile phone APP for purchasing virtual money. On 24 April, the alarmer paid $116,800 in three instalments to the bank account number provided by the other person, and on 26 April she was unable to disclose it while operating on the platform and found to have been defrauded and called the police.


According to sources, this kind of virtual currency fraud is about four steps:


As a first step, liars spread information such as “investment in foreign exchange, precious metals, futures, digital money” in groups of QQs, micro-messors, “investment in foreign currency, precious metals, futures, digital money” and lured the subject with the words “high returns” in the name of “fiscal experts” and “gold lecturers.” When the owner joins the group, many of the horses have been ambushed in the group, the group immediately opens the group mode of chatting.


In the second step, the so-called "Big Curry" would certainly allow the owner to start investing on a third-party platform, and it would probably start with significant book profits for the owner, or even a small amount of cash. When the owner increasingly trusts the Cable, the "Big Deal" will be used to induce the owner to make additional investments, increase leverage, and, in the case of currency security, leverage up to 125 times, well beyond the normal limits of national law, as opposed to gambling.


In the third step, when the owner is hooked up, the platform will immediately perform “technical operations”, whether “plug” “wiring” or “directional explosion”, causing the owner to be unable to deal when he or she wants to do so, to be undisclosed when he or she wants to do so, and soon “account anomaly” or even “shock warehouse” when, basically, the owner is bloodless.


In the fourth step, when the owner wants to hold the platform accountable, these “big-guys” immediately turn upside down, and even suddenly black, when many investors find out where the platform is, who they don't know, and who they can immediately cut off contact with the owner on the Internet and complain about it. Even if some of the owners try to find the platform, the staff will say that the platform does not have any responsibility, and will tell the owner, intentionally or not, even outrightly, that investing in the virtual currency country is illegal, that you're trying to prosecute us for your own involvement, even if you sue us, that our platform is registered overseas, that the subjects of the company are not on the mainland, that the law is not the same, that we can't do anything.


legal rights without fear


In response, journalists also interviewed Professor Wang Zhiwei, Vice-President of the School of Criminal Justice of the Chinese University of Political Science and Law, and, as a legal expert, said that although our regulations prohibit the investment of virtual money, users invest in virtual money through platforms where the source of their investment and the destination of virtual money are legal and where there is no illegality. Conversely, the so-called Virtual Currency Exchange, which absorbs a large number of user funds, conducts virtual currency transactions with foreign accounts, and even introduces financial products, which are suspected of committing offences, regardless of whether the subject is in China and is facing Chinese users, will be subject to the jurisdiction of Chinese law; some platforms, even through so-called technical failures such as the “wiring” of needles, manipulation of virtual currency prices, and illegal access to user funds, are already suspected of fraud.


Wang Zhisheng also referred to the need to remain calm if his interests had been violated, first to collect evidence: such as chat records, station letters, chat records with analysts, agents, callers and platform staff, which are the most basic evidence, because such evidence adequately reflects the entire process of victim deception, and violations committed by relevant business personnel, which can be adequately reflected in chat records; and access notes, which accurately reflect the investment of funds by the victim, as well as the payment of funds, which allow for a simple calculation of the loss of funds. Such evidence is not difficult to obtain, as is the preservation of relevant banks, payment of treasures, and the flow of micro-mail transactions.


Finally, rights must be upheld as soon as possible and as soon as possible.



As early as September 2017, seven sectors, such as the People’s Bank of China, issued a bulletin on the prevention of the risk of financing the issuance of tokens, in the spirit of which ICO (the first issue) was used to finance the issuance of coins. The Virtual Currency Exchange platform’s three main bitcoin trading platforms – the Currency Network, the OkCoin Bank, and the Bitcoin China Bank – stopped trading in bitcoins.


In December 2019, the Beijing Municipal Local Financial Supervisory Authority, the Central Bank's Department of Business Management, the Beijing Bank Insurance and Insurance Authority and the Beijing Securities and Certification Authority jointly issued a Risk Alert for Further Protection against “Virtual Currency” Transactions, stating that, along with the technical promotion of block chains, virtual currency transactions showed signs of a resurgence in the country, some virtual money trading platforms offered virtual currency trading services to residents of the country, projects such as zero-interest lending and double-currency finance through digital currency mortgages, and serious violations of the Proclamation on Protection against the Risk of Financing the Distribution of Currency, issued by seven ministries, including the People's Bank, were suspected of engaging in illegal financial activities.


At the same time, the Risk Alert seriously warns Kyoto-based institutions and personnel involved in related activities not to promote virtual money projects or platforms, to conduct virtual currency sales or transactions, to engage in virtual currency transactions or disguised transactions with investors, to engage in or represent virtual currency distribution transactions within or outside the country, and to refrain from providing services to financial institutions and non-bank payment agencies within the jurisdiction for the sale or sale of any virtual currency transactions.


As regulation shuts down the ICO, many people in the country continue to engage in virtual currency transactions on offshore platforms. The regulators remind investors of the need to recognize the risks associated with offshore ICOs and virtual money trading platforms, and to establish a strong risk awareness and not engage in related violations.


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