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Since its inception, Bitcoin, the “deep leader” of the encoded monetary community, has held the heart of global investors by its alarming volatility and potential investment value. From what was initially seen as a marginal digital object, to what many institutions and individuals now view as a powerful tool for adding value to wealth, Bitcoin’s prices have moved like a falling financial epic, in which opportunities and risks are both awe and fascinated.


1. 无价之宝:比特币诞生之初,几乎无人问津,甚至有人用它来换取披萨。首个有记录的比特币交易发生在2010年,彼时一枚比特币仅值0.003美分,堪称“一文不名”。然而,这种看似微不足道的数字货币,却在悄然间孕育着一场金融革命的火种。

Priceless: When Bitcoin was born, it was almost unattainable, and even used for pizza. The first recorded bitcoin transaction took place in 2010, when one bitcoin was worth only 0.003 cents, which is called “no one name.” Yet, this seemingly insignificant digital currency is in the shadow of a financial revolution.

2. “矿工”的狂欢:随着比特币挖矿的兴起,越来越多的人加入到这场“数字淘金热”中。2011年,比特币价格首次突破1美元大关,随后一路飙升至30美元,涨幅高达300倍,让早期“矿工”们喜出望外,仿佛一夜之间挖到了“金山银矿”。

“Millers” carnivals: As bitcoin digs rise, more and more people are joining the “digital gold-grabbing” industry. In 2011, Bitcoin prices broke the $1 mark for the first time, and then skyrocketed to $30, up 300 times, bringing out early miners as if they had dug up gold and silver all night long.

3. 泡沫破裂与重生:2013年,比特币价格一度冲上1000美元高峰,但紧接着遭遇了Mt.Gox交易所破产引发的大崩盘,价格暴跌至200美元左右。然而,这次危机并未将比特币击垮,反而在市场自我修复的过程中,其抗压能力与潜在价值得到了市场的重新审视与认可。

3. Foam break-ups and rebirths: In 2013, Bitcoin prices hit a peak of $1,000, but immediately followed by a collapse in the bankruptcy of the Mt.Gox exchange, with prices falling sharply to around $200. Instead, the crisis did not destroy Bitcoins, but, in the process of self-repairing the market, its resilience and potential value were re-examined and recognized by the market.

1. 阴霾散去,曙光再现:经历了2014年的低谷后,比特币在2015年开始缓慢复苏,价格逐步回升至500美元附近。这一时期,比特币的生态系统逐渐完善,接受度不断提高,为后续的大爆发奠定了坚实基础。

1. The haze has dissipated and dawn has resurfaced: after the 2014 valley, Bitcoin began to recover slowly in 2015 and prices have gradually risen to around $500. During this period, Bitcoin's ecosystem has gradually improved and its acceptance has increased, laying a solid foundation for a subsequent outbreak.

2. “牛市狂潮”席卷全球:2017年,比特币如同脱缰野马,价格一路狂飙,短短一年内从约1000美元飙升至近20000美元的历史最高点,涨幅超过20倍,令无数投资者为之疯狂,也使“币圈一日,人间十年”的说法深入人心。

In 2017, the price of Bitcoin, like a wild horse, surged from about $1,000 to its historic peak of nearly US$ 20,000 in just one year, rising by more than 20 times, driving countless investors crazy, as well as the idea of “a currency circle of one day, a decade for all”.

3. 监管之手与市场调整:面对比特币的疯狂涨势,各国监管机构开始加强对加密货币市场的监管,导致市场出现短期恐慌情绪。同年年底,比特币价格在触及巅峰后迅速回调,进入深度调整阶段,但这并未阻止其在人们心中“数字黄金”的地位日益巩固。

Regulatory hand and market adjustment: In the face of the crazy surge in bitcoin, national regulators began to tighten the regulation of the crypto-currency market, causing short-term panic in the market. At the end of the same year, Bitcoin prices quickly recovered after reaching the peak and entered the advanced adjustment stage, but this did not prevent its position as “digit gold” in people’s minds from becoming more entrenched.

1. “牛熊交织”的新常态:自2018年起,比特币市场呈现出明显的周期性特征,价格在“牛市”与“熊市”间反复切换。尽管波动剧烈,但每一次触底反弹都似乎在验证那句老话——“真金不怕火炼”,比特币的价值认知度持续提升。

The new norm of “cow bear knitting”: since 2018, the Bitcoin market has been marked by a clear cyclical pattern, with prices changing repeatedly between the Cow and Bears. Despite the volatility, it seems that every time the touchback is confirming the old saying, “The real gold is not afraid of fire”, the appreciation of Bitcoin continues to rise.

2. 机构入场与合规化进程:近年来,包括特斯拉、MicroStrategy等多家知名企业及多家主流金融机构纷纷涉足比特币投资,推动其进一步走向主流。同时,各国对加密货币监管框架的构建,预示着比特币正逐步迈向合规化、透明化的未来。

2. Institutional entry and compliance processes: In recent years, a number of prominent businesses, including Tesla and MicroStrategy, as well as mainstream financial institutions, have been involved in bitcoin investments to promote their further mainstreaming. Meanwhile, the construction of a regulatory framework for cryptographic money augurs well for the future of Bitcoin as it progresses towards compliance and transparency.

3. 展望未来:尽管比特币价格的不确定性依旧,但其作为区块链技术的先驱、去中心化金融的基石,以及对抗通胀的独特属性,使其在全球经济格局中占据越来越重要的位置。无论是对于寻求资产保值增值的投资者,还是探索金融科技前沿的研究者,比特币的未来之路无疑充满了无限可能与挑战。

3. Looking ahead: Although bitcoin price uncertainty remains, its role as a pioneer in block chain technology, as a cornerstone of decentralized finance, and as a unique attribute to the fight against inflation has made it increasingly important in the global economic landscape. For investors seeking value added on assets, and researchers exploring the frontiers of financial science and technology, Bitcoin’s future course is undoubtedly fraught with possibilities and challenges.


Summing up: Looking back at the price trends of Bitcoin over the years, we have seen not only a financial change from the periphery to the centre, from the experiment to the practice, but also a creative epic driven by dreams and underpinned by faith. The story of Bitcoin continues, and everyone involved in it is part of this great narrative, writing together a financial legend that is unique to our time.


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