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As web3.0 continues to be raised, this article has been collated in the hope that it will help us all.

Web 3.0实际上是当今互联网基础协议“万维网(World Wide Web)”的衍生品。互联网已经度过了 Web 1.0时代,目前正处于 Web 2.0时代,而 Web 3.0 是我们所期盼的下一代互联网,也就是语义网(semantic web,机器可以读取任何数据,网站可以基于数据提供信息)。其中最重要的是,互联网上数据的所有权将是去中心化的。

Web 3.0 is actually a derivative of today's Internet base protocol, World Wide Web. The Internet has passed the Web 1.0 and is now in Web 2.0, and Web 3.0 is the next generation of the Internet that we want, the semantic web.


Figure 1



Figure 2


Web 3.0 是一场具有足够颠覆性的技术变革。为什么这么说呢?Web 3.0 涵盖了娱乐、搜索、电子商务、社交网络、金融和银行业等各个领域。几乎每一个你能想到的应用类型,都在推出 Web 3.0 创业项目。Web 3.0 的卖点就是反垄断、反平台和用户所有。

Web 3.0 is a sufficiently subversive technological change. Why say so? Web 3.0 covers entertainment, search, e-commerce, social networking, finance and banking. Almost every application you can think of is running a Web 3.0 entrepreneurship project. Web 3.0 is for antimonopoly, anti-platform and user ownership.



From Information Internet to Value Internet

为了更好的理解 Web 3.0,我们先来回顾一下互联网在过去几十年,从 Web 1.0 到 Web2.0 的发展历史。

To better understand Web 3.0, let's look back at the development history of the Internet over the past decades, from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0.



Figure 3


1989年,Tim Bernes-Lee 撰写了一篇题为“Information Management: A Proposal”的论文,其中他将“网络”一词描述为一个由超文本链接相互连接而成的信息系统网络。这就是 Web 1.0。Web 1.0 是建立在开放、去中心化和社区治理协议之上的只读网络。

In 1989, Tim Bernes-Lee wrote a paper entitled “Information Management: A Proposal”, in which he described the term “network” as an information system network linked by hyperlinks. This is Web 1.0. Web 1.0 is a read-only network based on open, decentralised and community governance protocols.

在 Web 1.0 时代,Netscape、谷歌、Yahoo、Amazon、eBay、Java 和 AOL 等公司凭借其浏览器和搜索引擎主导了互联网。

In the Web 1.0 era, Netscape, Google, Yahoo, Amazon, eBay, Java and AOL led the Internet with their browsers and search engines.

这些平台是 Web 1.0时代的内容创造者,而上面的绝大多数用户是内容的消费者。个人网页也很常见,主要是由 ISP 运行的网络服务器上的静态网页组成,或者是免费的虚拟主机服务。

These platforms are content creators in the Web 1.0 era, and most of the users above are content consumers. Personal web pages are also common, consisting mainly of static web pages on Internet servers run by ISP, or virtual hosting services that are free of charge.

Web 1.0的特点:

Features of Web 1.0:

1. 静态页面;

1. Static pages;

2. 内容由平台提供;

2. Content to be provided by the platform;

3. 使用服务器端包含或通用网关接口(CGI)构建的页面;

3. Pages constructed using a CGI interface that contains or is common to the server end;

4. 使用框架和表格来定位和对齐页面上的元素。

4. Use frames and tables to locate and align elements on the page.


You can see it as a digital phase of traditional content creation. The platform hires content creators to produce text, pictures and videos, and then provides them to users, only to read and not to change. All the rights to create, control, manage and benefit belong to the platform.



Figure 4


Web 2.0的概念是 Tim O’Reilly 在 2004 年提出的。他鼓励开源软件,并创建了世界上首个门户网站。内容自此从“只读(read-only)”变成了“交互式(interactive)”。

The Web 2.0 concept was introduced by Tim O'Reilly in 2004. He encouraged open-source software and created the world's first portal. The content has since been changed from read-only to interactive.

与 Web 1.0 相比,在 Web 2.0 时代,用户能够上传自己的文本、图片和视频等内容到平台上,不再是内容的被动接受者,而是可以创造内容并与其他人进行交流。于是,社交网络出现了。

Compared to Web 1.0, in the Web 2.0 age, users can upload content such as text, pictures and videos to the platform, no longer being passive recipients of content, but can create content and communicate with others. So social networks appear.

在 Web 2.0 时代,人们变成各种应用程序的用户,并在这些产品上创造大量的内容,这些数据被一个中心化的平台所掌控。因此,平台可以通过不同的算法将不同的内容推荐给不同的受众。这些平台的价值是与用户数量和流量紧密相连的。由于数据在不同的平台之间不具备互操作,因此,谁拥有更多的信息和数据,谁就能更好地抓取流量。

In the Web 2.0 era, people become users of applications and create a lot of content on these products, and these data are controlled by a centralized platform. The platform can therefore recommend different content to different audiences through different algorithms. The value of these platforms is closely linked to the number and flow of users. Since data are not interoperable between different platforms, who has more information and data can better capture the flow.

Web 2.0 时代有许多应用程序,例如 Facebook 和 YouTube 等。它们让距离不再是一个问题,但却悄悄地扭曲了价值关系。

Web 2.0 has many applications, such as Facebook and YouTube. They make distance no longer a problem, but quietly distort value relationships.

这些平台强调用户生成的内容、可用性以及终端用户的互操作性。技术规范没有任何更改,但设计和使用 Web 页面的方式被更改了。Web 浏览器采用了 Web 2.0 的一些开发技术,包括 AJA X和 JavaScript 框架。

These platforms emphasize user-generated content, usability and end-user interoperability. The technical specifications have not changed, but the way the web pages are designed and used has been changed. The Web browser uses some of the Web 2.0 development techniques, including the AJA X and JavaScript frameworks.

Web 2.0 的特点:

Features of Web 2.0:

1. 动态内容响应用户输入;

1. Dynamic content responds to user input;

2. 通过评价和在线评论的方式使得信息在平台所有者和用户之间进行流动。

2. Enable information to flow between the owners and users of the Platform through evaluation and online comments.

3. 开发了允许自我使用的 APIs。

3. APIs allowing for self-use have been developed.

4. 网络访问导致关注更广泛的用户。

4. Network access leads to a focus on a wider range of users.

5. 信息自由分类。

Freedom of information classification.

Web 2.0 开发的应用:

Web 2.0 Applications for development:


1. Podcasts


2. Blogs


3. Labeling


4. Social bookmarks


5. Social networks


6. Social media


7. Web voting


8. Planning with RSS (Really Simple Syndication of Information)


While users provide content and contribute data on these platforms, they do not belong to the user. A series of privacy leaks makes it difficult to reconcile the conflict between the platform and the user.

Web 3.0

Web 3.0的概念是由以太坊联合创始人、 Polkadot 创造者 Gavin Wood 在 2014 年提出的,代表了下一代互联网时代,即互联网朝着更加去中心化和民主的范式转变的形态。

The concept of Web 3.0 was introduced in 2014 by Gavin Wood, the co-founder of the Etherms and creator of Polkadot, and represents the paradigm shift of the Internet towards a more decentralised and democratic era.

与 Web 3.0相比,Web 2.0催生了大量的平台和互联网寡头。这些中心化的行业巨头为互联网世界的运营制定了一套规则:用户可以提供自己的私人数据和关注,来换取平台提供的服务。平台将用户的数据和流量作为“燃料”,推动其 4 种盈利模式:游戏、广告、电子商务和会员服务。在这种模式下,用户的关注和时间构成了平台的流量,而这些流量和生成的数据则属于平台。

Web 2.0 creates a large number of platforms and Internet oligarchy compared to Web 3.0. These central industry giants have developed a set of rules for the operation of the Internet world: users can provide their own private data and concerns in exchange for the services provided by the platform. The platform uses user data and traffic as “fuels” to promote its four profit models: games, advertising, e-commerce, and membership services.

因此,Web 3.0代表了下一代的去中心化互联网,并赋予了个体价值。在一个中心化的系统中,其他节点必须依赖中心才能生存,中心决定了节点。而在一个去中心化的系统中,分布着许多节点,每个节点都有很高的自治程度,并且拥有自己的决策过程。

Web 3.0 thus represents the next generation of de-centralized Internet and gives individual value. In a centralized system, other nodes have to rely on the centre for survival, which determines the node. In a decentralized system, many nodes are distributed, each with a high degree of autonomy and its own decision-making process.

如今,Web 3 仍处于起步阶段,各种概念层出不穷。有些人一直在问 Web 3 到底是什么,但没有人能准确预测它的未来。Web 3 关注的是通过区块链等去中心化技术形成的“谁创造,谁拥有”的关系价值。用户创造的内容由用户拥有和支配,用户创造的价值也可以根据平台与用户之间签订的协议进行分配。

Now, Web3 is still in its infancy, with a variety of concepts emerging. Some keep asking what Web3 is, but no one can accurately predict its future. Web3 is concerned with the value of the relationship “who creates and who owns” through decentralized technologies such as block chains. The content created by the user is owned and dominated by the user, and the value created by the user can be distributed according to the agreement between the platform and the user.

Web 3.0的特点:

Features of Web 3.0:

1. 语义网(Semantic Web):改进了网络技术,基于理解单词意义的能力,通过搜索和分析来创建、共享和连接内容。

1. Semantic Web: Web technology has been improved to create, share and connect content through search and analysis, based on the ability to understand the meaning of words.

2. 人工智能(Artificial Intelligence):可以区分各种类型的信息,并提供更快、更相关的结果。

2. Artificial Intelligence: It distinguishes between different types of information and provides faster and more relevant results.

3. 三维图形(3D Graphics):广泛应用于电脑游戏、电子商务、地理空间语境、博物馆导览等网站和服务中。

3. Three-dimensional graphics (3D Graphics): widely applied to websites and services such as computer games, e-commerce, geospatial contexts, museum tours, etc.

4. 连通性(Connectivity):可以把用户体验提升到另一个层次,利用所有可用的信息。

4. Connectivity: The user experience can be upgraded to another level, using all available information.

5. 普遍性(Ubiquity):内容可以被多个应用程序访问,或者服务可以在任何地方使用。

5. Universal (Ubiquity): Content can be accessed by multiple applications or services can be used anywhere.


Web 3 数字产品创造者项目

Web 3 Digital Producers Project

27 个 NFT 市场平台

27 NFT Market Platforms

1.Opensea:世界上第一个也是最大的加密货币收藏品和 NFT 的点对点数字市场。

Opensea: The world's first and largest encrypted currency collection and NFT is a point-to-point digital market.

2.Foundation:用于销售基于以太坊的独特 NFT 的市场,可以上架或通过拍卖来进行 NFT 的买卖。

Foundation: A unique NFT market based on the Etherms can be bought and sold on the shelf or through auctions.

3.SuperRare: 使用智能合约出售基于以太坊的独特艺术 NFT 的平台。

3. SuperRare: Use smart contracts to sell platforms based on the unique art of the Etherm NFT.

4.Rarible: 一个基于以太坊的平台,通过 NFT 促进数字艺术作品(数字艺术品、收藏品、音乐、视频、域、元宇宙、可穿戴设备等)所有权的创建、销售和购买。

4. Rarible: A platform based on the Etherm, which promotes the creation, sale and purchase of ownership of digital art works (digital art, collections, music, video, domain, meta-cosmos, wearing equipment, etc.) through NFT.

5.Nifty Gateway: 一个数字艺术品的在线拍卖平台/市场(可以创建限量版、高品质的 Nifties 系列)。

5. Nifty Gateway: An online auction platform/market for digital art (which can create limited editions, high-quality Nifties series).

6.KnownOrigin: 一个由艺术家驱动的平台,数字创作者可以很容易地验证、展示和出售他们创造的艺术品和收藏品。

6. KnownOrigan: An artist-driven platform where digital creators can easily authenticate, showcase and sell their works of art and collections.

7.MakersPlace: 这是世界领先的艺术家和创作者发现、收集、购买和投资真正稀有和真实数字艺术品的首要市场。

7. MakersPlace: This is the primary market for the world's leading artists and creators to discover, collect, purchase and invest in truly rare and real digital art.

8.Art Blocks: 策划和创造 NFT 艺术市场。

8. Art Blocks: Planning and creating the NFT art market.

9.Async Art: 帮助创造基于以太坊区块链的 NFT 市场的新艺术(包括动态、互动艺术和音乐)革命。

9. Async Art: Help to create a new artistic revolution (including dynamic, interactive arts and music) based on the NFT market in the Ether-Team block chain.

10.NFTb: 建立在 BSC 上,用于高级数字艺术的完整 DeFi 和 NFT 平台。

10. NFTb: A complete DeFi and NFT platform built on BSC for advanced digital art.

11.Shōyu: Sushi NFT 市场。

11. Shuiyu: Sushi NFT market.

12.Cryptograph: 来自您最喜欢的偶像和艺术家的独一无二的数字收藏品,通过拍卖永远为慈善机构筹集资金,平台由区块链技术进行保障。

Cryptograph: A unique digital collection from your favorite idols and artists, always raising funds for charities through auctions, the platform being secured by block chain technology.

13.Momint: 它允许收藏者量力进行打赏,不用倾尽所有就能够支持自己最喜欢的创作者。这是一个社交媒体NFT市场,人们不需要事先了解区块链或加密货币即可参与。

13. Momint: It allows collectors to reward themselves by doing everything they can to support their favorite creators. It is a social media NFT market in which people can participate without having to know a block chain or encrypted currency in advance.

14.Curate: 世界上第一个无 gas 费的 NFT 和点对点实体商品市场 App。

14. Curate: The world's first gas-free NFT and point-to-point real-goods market App.

15.Zora: 在以太坊上购买、出售和管理 NFT(各种媒体类型)的开放协议。

15. Zora: Open agreements for the purchase, sale and administration of NFTs (all types of media) at the Etheria.

16.Polygram: 在DeSo区块链上查找、收藏和出售 NFT。

16. Polygram: Find, collect and sell NFTs on the DeSo block chain.

17.Ephimera: 它旨在为艺术家、收藏家和画廊策划一个空间,以革新艺术(摄影和视频艺术)的互动方式。

Ephimera: It aims to create a space for artists, collectors and galleries to innovate the way art interacts (photographic and video art).

18.Minty: 创造、购买和销售被策划的 NFT 艺术的 NFT 平台/市场。同时,该平台会将创意者推荐给赞助人,以使后者能通过艺术项目赞助在财政上支持前者。

18. Minty: NFT platforms/markets for the creation, purchase and sale of the planned NFT art. At the same time, the platform will recommend creative people to sponsors so that the latter can financially support the former through the sponsorship of arts projects.

19.Beta Cent: 为加密艺术、铸造艺术、照片、音乐和写作创立的市场。

Beta Cent: Market created for cryptography, casting arts, photographs, music and writing.

20.Neon: 一个出售 NFT 和画廊的市场,建立在Solana区块链上。

20. Neon: A market for the sale of NFTs and galleries, built on the Solana block chain.

21.Rendar: 为世界领先的街头艺术家绘制的数字艺术品而创建的 NFT 市场。

21. Rendar: The NFT market created for digital art by the world's leading street artists.

22.Cargo: 一个创建、共享、销售和购买 NFT 的多链平台。

22. Cargo: A multi-chain platform for creating, sharing, selling and purchasing NFTs.

23.Bisket: 提供独特和珍贵的数字艺术、物理艺术品,以及美术和卡通的 NFT 市场。

23. Bisket: A unique and valuable digital art, physical art, and an NFT market for fine arts and cartoons.

24.Axie Marketplace: 建立在以太坊区块链上的电子游戏(Axie Infinity 代币)在线商店。

24. Axie Marketplace: An online video game (Axie Infinity token) based on the Etheria block chain.

25.CryptoPunks: 建立在以太坊区块链上的一个数字艺术项目的平台。

CryptoPunks: Building a platform for a digital art project on the Etheraya block chain.

26.NBA Top Shot: 在这个平台上,玩家可以通过Dapper Labs创建的Flow区块链从世界顶级的篮球联赛购买视频片段和游戏亮点。

26. NBA Top Short: On this platform, players can purchase video clips and game bright spots from the world's top basketball leagues through the Flow block chain created by Dapper Labs.

27.Theta Drop: 在互联网上去中心化发布视频和 TV 的平台,建立在 Theta 区块链上。

Theta Drop: The platform for centralizing video and TV distribution on the Internet is built on the chain of Theta blocks.

11 个会员和社交代币

11 members and social tokens

1.Roll: 创造者和品牌打造品牌数字代币(社交货币)的平台,专为他们的在线存在。

1. Roll: A platform for creators and brands to create branded digital tokens (social currency), dedicated to their online presence.

2.BitClout: 由用户拥有的平台。比特币正在去中心化货币和去中心化社交媒体。

BitClout: A user-owned platform. Bitcoin is decentralizing currency and decentralizing social media.

3.Rally: 独立数字经济(加密货币)的创造者和在线社区的平台。

3. Rally: A platform for creators and online communities of the independent digital economy (encrypted currency).

4.Liquiditeam: 创建者构建代币,并直接向社区出售订阅费、代币包和 NFT 的平台。

4. Liquiditeam: Founder constructs tokens and sells subscriptions, token packages and NFT platforms directly to the community.

5.Coinvise: 为创建者建立和运营通证化社区提供的强大工具。

Coinvise: A powerful tool for creators to establish and operate a communion community.

6.Mirror: 一个去中心化的出版平台,变革了我们分享和通过想法获利的方式。

6. Mirror: A decentralised publishing platform has changed the way we share and profit from ideas.

7.Fyooz: 为名人和创作者提供通证化的平台。

Fyoz: Provide a licensed platform for celebrities and creators.

8.HumanIPO: 创作者通过发行可赎回股票将粉丝变成股东的平台。

8. HumanIPO: The creator transforms fans into a platform for shareholders by issuing redeemable shares.

9.Gari: 在 Chingari 上为短视频内容创作者提供社交代币。

9. Gari: Provide social tokens for the creators of short video content on Chingari.

10. Creton: 一个会员平台,为创作者提供来自粉丝和所有权的实时订阅收入。

10. Creton: A membership platform that provides creators with real-time subscription income from fans and ownership.

11.Bonuz: 创造者通过铸造代币来创造专属内容,以此与他们的粉丝联系的平台。

11. Bonuz: Creaters create exclusive content through the creation of tokens as a platform for contact with their fans.

8 个 NFT 商店和画廊建造者

8 NFT Shops and Gallery Builders

1.NFT.Kred: 为允许自定义商店设计、自定义 NFT 和区块链设置的品牌和创建者建立的 NFT 平台。

1. NFT.Kred: A NFT platform for brands and creators that allow custom stores to design, custom NFT and block chain settings.

2.Bitski: 创造者通过铸造 NFT 来建立店面的平台。

2. Bitski: The creator builds a shopside platform by casting NFT.

3.Dime: 在该平台,创建者可以建立店面,把他们的内容变成独特的 NFT,并直接卖给他们的订阅者。

3. Dime: On this platform, creators can build shops, turn their contents into unique NFTs and sell them directly to their subscribers.

4.NiftyKit: 在该平台,创造者、品牌和企业能够使用简单的工具开启 NFT 和智能合约。

4. NiftyKit: At this platform, creators, brands and businesses can open NFTs and smart contracts using simple tools.

5.NFTically: 为创作者和企业提供平台,具备友好的功能、定制服务和大型集成,以启动他们的 NFT 商店或市场。

5. NFTically: Provides a platform for creators and enterprises with friendly functions, custom services and large integrations to activate their NFT shops or markets.

6.Mintbase: 任何人在此平台都能创建 NFT 而无需担心技术复杂性,包括铸造、销售、部署智能合约、启动商店,并在此合约上创建 NFT。

6. Mintbase: Anyone can create NFTs on this platform without worrying about technical complexities, including casting, selling, deploying smart contracts, starting shops, and creating NFTs on this contract.

7.Gallery: 创建公共 NFT 收藏画廊的平台。

7. Gallery: Create a platform for public NFT galleries.

8.Cyber: 为艺术家和收藏者提供一个免费展示 NFT 的平台,提供完全身临其境的 3D 体验。

8. Cyber: Provide artists and collectors with a platform for free displays of NFTs and a full 3D experience of their presence.

6 个来自社交媒体的 NFT

6 NFTs from social media

1.Valuables: 推特市场。

1. Valuables: Twitter market.

2.Clout.art: Instagram 帖子的市场。

2. Clout.art: Market for Instagram post.

3.Melon: 社交媒体内容的市场。

3. Melon: Market for social media content.

4.CocoNFT:将 Instagram 上的帖子转化为 NFT 的市场。

CocoNFT: Convert the post on Instagram into a market for NFT.

5.BlogToNFT: 有所有权证明的博客文章的市场。

5. BlogToNFT: Market for blog articles with proof of ownership.

6.Beyond Mars Art: 在 Instagram 出售艺术品。

6. Beyond Mars Art: Selling art at Instagram.

4 个 NFT 生成工具

4 NFT Generation Tool

1.Manifold: 创造者在该平台创造的产品远超视觉和音频 NFT,且不止具备铸造的特性。

1. Manifold: The creators produce much more than visual and audio NFTs on the platform and have more than casting characteristics.

2.Nifty Pixels:绘制、铸造和销售 32x32 像素艺术品的平台。

2. Nifty Pixels: Platform for drawing, casting and selling 32x32 pixel art.

3.Photo: 一款手机摄像应用,可以将任何照片或视频转换为 NFT。

3. Photo: A mobile camera application that converts any photograph or video to NFT.

4.Nifty Ink: 构建在 xDAI 链上,用于绘制和创建 NFT 的平台。

4. Nifty Ink: A platform built on the xDAI chain to draw and create NFTs.

3 个社区

3 communities

1.Friends with Benefit: 成员为了共同的价值观和奖励走在一起。

1. Friends with Benefit: Members walk together for shared values and rewards.

2.PleasrDAO: 集合了 DeFi 领导者、早期的 NFT 收藏家和以获得带有慈善色彩的重要作品而闻名的数字艺术家。

2. PleasrDAO: Gathered deFi leaders, early NFT collectors and digital artists known for their important works of charity.

3.PartyBid: 在这个社区,用户可以建立资金池,以团队的形式购买 NFT。

3. PartyBid: In this community, users can create a pool of funds to purchase NFTs as a team.

3 个音乐家平台

3 Musicians Platforms

1.Royal: 在这个平台上,你可以直接从你喜欢的艺术家那里购买歌曲,并用它们赚取版税。

Royal: On this platform, you can buy songs directly from artists you like and use them to earn royalties.

2.Ampled: 通过集体所有权和社区支持为音乐人提供平台。

2. Ampled: Provide a platform for musicians through collective ownership and community support.

3.Audius: 去中心化的音乐流媒体协议,允许艺术家发表自己的作品,并直接从粉丝处获得报酬。

3. Audius: A decentralised music stream media agreement allowing artists to publish their works and receive direct remuneration from fans.

3 个 DeFi 平台

3 DeFi platforms

1.OctoFi: 当你在多个区块链上使用可信的 DeFi 和 NFT 市场进行交易时,会返还现金。

1. Octofi: Cash is returned when you use a credible DeFi and NFT markets for trading on multiple block chains.

2.Flair Finance: NFT 的创建者和收藏者享受去中心化托管方式的平台。

2. Flair Finance: NFT creators and collectors enjoy a decentralised hosting platform.

3.Unifty: 一个驱动构建下一代 DeFi 和 NFT 构建块的工具。

Unifty: A tool to drive the construction of the next generation of DeFi and NFT blocks.

3 个自由工作平台

3 free work platforms

1.Braintrust: 工作如何完成的新模式。

1. Braintrust: New mode of how the work is done.

2.MyNFTeam: 为您提供一个发现、加入或召集对该领域充满热情的 NFT 团队的平台。

2. MyNFTeam: provides you with a platform for discovering, joining or convening a passionate NFT team in this field.

3.NFT Jobs and Gigs: 一个让你发现提供正式工作、临时工作和合作机会的 NFT 平台。

3. NFT Jobs and Gigs: A NFT platform that allows you to discover opportunities for formal work, temporary work and cooperation.

2 个其他

2 Other

1.CharmVerse: 一个为创造者铸造可赎回 NFT 的平台,这些 NFT 被称为“charms”。

CharmVerse: A platform for creating redeemable NFTs for creators, which are known as “charms”.

2.FingerprintsDAO: 一个为区块链指纹(Blockchain Fingerprints)收集者、管理者和生产者而建立的平台,这些人以极具创意的方式使用智能合约。

2. FingerprintsDAO: a platform for Blockchain Fingerprints collectors, managers and producers who use intelligent contracts in an extremely creative manner.

了解完以上项目,你会有一种意识形态的转变:“你创造的任何东西都会让你获得报酬。”Web 1.0 和 Web 2.0 实现了信息的互联互通。在 Web 3.0 时代,价值互联成为了可能,价值的传递比信息的传递更为重要。基于去中心化网络的 Web 3.0 将彻底改变经济体系,改变产品的交付和消费方式,改变企业的运营方式,改变社会和个人之间的合作方式。互联网是一个巨大的数据交换网络,它正在演变成一个日益复杂的生态系统。个人创造的价值可以以代币的形式进行交换,使得价值更好。

After learning about these projects, you will have an ideological shift: “Anything you create will pay you.” Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 have achieved information connectivity. Value interconnection has become possible in the Web 3.0 era, and value transmission is more important than information transmission. Web 3.0, based on decentralized networks, will radically change the economic system, change the way products are delivered and consumed, change the way businesses operate, and change the way societies and individuals work together. The Internet is a vast data exchange network that is evolving into an increasingly complex ecosystem.


Figure 5



Figure 6


Web 3.0 代表了下一代互联网,因为它将权力从大型科技公司转移到了个人用户身上。Web 3.0 的概念就是去中心化和不可信的中介(即区块链)。去中心化的主要目的是为了削弱中心,实现人与人之间的直接沟通、交易和传播。去中心化和中心化的主要区别在于:去中心化允许节点自由地选择和决定中心,而中心化掌控者节点。

Web 3.0 represents the next generation of the Internet because it shifts power from large technology companies to individual users. The concept of Web 3.0 is decentralisation and untrustworthy intermediaries (i.e. block chains). The main purpose of decentralization is to weaken the centre and achieve direct communication, transaction and diffusion between people.

Web 3.0 的核心创新之一是基于共识的分布式区块链技术,它允许用户与陌生人达成绑定协议。加密货币是区块链技术最初的应用。区块链诞生于比特币系统,本质上,它就是一个共享数据库。存储在其中的数据或信息具有去中心化、不可变、透明和安全的综合特征。由此,一种“不信任”的概念产生了。基于此,区块链奠定了坚实的“信任”基础,创造了可靠的“合作”机制。

One of the core innovations of Web 3.0 is consensus-based distributed block chain technology, which allows users to enter into binding agreements with strangers. Encrypted currency is the initial application of block chain technology. The block chain was born in the Bitcoin system, which is essentially a shared database. The data or information stored in it has the combined features of decentralisation, inflexibility, transparency and security.


Figure 7



Web 3.0 技术堆栈

Web 3.0 Technical Stacks

Web 3.0 的基础架构是基于区块链技术的。Web 3.0 技术堆栈由 5 层结构体系组成,从 L0 到 L4。

Web 3.0 is based on block chain technology. Web 3.0 technical stacks consist of 5 layers of structure ranging from L0 to L4.


Figure 8


Layer 0


It provides the network capacity necessary to establish a point-to-point network.


1. Point-to-point (P2P) Internet-cover protocol

点对点覆盖网络是建立在现有网络之上的计算机网络。它使参与网络的对等体不通过 IP 地址,而是通过所有对等体已知的特定逻辑标识符找到其他对等体。

The point-to-point overlay network is a computer network that is built on the existing network. It makes the equivalent of the participating network not through an IP address, but through a particular logical identifier known to all the equivalents.


For example: Devp2p, Libp2p

2. 平台无关的计算描述语言

2. Irrelevance of the Platform's computational description language


For example: EVM, WASM, UTXO

Layer 1


Provision of distribution and interactive functions.


1. Data distribution protocol


For example: IPFS, Bluzelle, Florence, Swamm

2. 低信任度的互动平台

2. Interactive platform for low confidence


For example: Poca

3. 低信任度的交互协议

3. Interactive agreements with low confidence

例如:以太坊、比特币、Zcash、Polkadot 平行链

For example: Etheria, Bitcoin, Zcash, Polkadot

4. 瞬态数据传递

4. Transient data transmission


For example: Whisper, Matrix

Layer 2


Provide enhanced features such as scalding, computing and encrypting messages.


1. Second tier agreements


For example, state lanes, platma protocols, encryption storage, storage incentives, large numbers of calculations, distributed secret management

Layer 3


It is a human readable language and code library that makes development easier.

1. 协议扩展的开发者 API 和语言

1. Developer of the extended protocol API and language


For example: Web3.js, other.js, oo7.js, Society, Rust

Layer 4

用户在这一层最容易与 Web 3.0 技术进行交互。

Users are most likely to interact with Web 3.0 technology at this level.

1. 可扩展协议用户界面

1. Extendable protocol user interface


For example: Status, Metamask, MyCrypto, Paris


DApp 程序架构

DApp Program Structure


Figure 9


Web 3.0 删除了管理中心,不需要数据库来集中存储应用程序的状态,也不需要一个中心化的网络服务器来存储后端逻辑。程序架构师使用区域区块链在互联网上的去中心化状态机(state machine)上构建应用程序。

Web 3.0 Deletes the management centre and does not require a database to centralize the status of the application or a central network server to store backend logic. The program architect uses the regional block chain to build the application on the state of decentralisation (state machine) on the Internet.

状态机由状态寄存器(state register)和组合逻辑电路(combinational logic circuit)组成,可以根据控制信号按照预设状态进行状态转换,是协调相关信号动作并完成具体操作的控制中心。没有任何实体控制这个去中心化的状态机,它是由网络中的每个人共同维护的。智能合约定义应用程序的逻辑,并部署想要构建区块链的人。任何人都可以在共享状态机上部署代码。

The state machine consists of state recorder and combined logical circuits, which can be converted according to the control signal according to the predefined state, which is the control centre for coordinating the signal movements and completing the specific operation. No entity controls the decentralised state machine, which is maintained by everyone in the network. The smart contract defines the logic of the application and deploys the person who wants to build the block chain. Anyone can deploy the code on the shared state machine.


Figure 10


1. 区块链—以太坊提供了一个可编程的区块链,它是一个由点对点节点网络维护的全局可访问的确定性状态机。以太坊状态机上的状态变化由网络参与者遵循的共识规则所控制。

Block Chain - Ether provides a programmable block chain that is a global, accessible state-of-the-state machine maintained by the point-to-point node network. Changes in the state on the ether are controlled by the consensus rules followed by the network participants.

2. 智能合约—它是一个运行在以太坊区块链上的程序,定义了发生在区块链上的状态变化背后的逻辑。智能合约是用高级语言编写的,比如 Solidity 或 Vyper。

Smart contracts – it is a program that runs on the Etherm block chain, defining the logic behind the change of status that occurs on the block chain. Smart contracts are written in advanced languages, such as Solidity or Vyper.

3. 以太坊虚拟机(EVM)—它是一个计算机系统的仿真器,在一个完全隔离的系统中提供真实计算机的功能。

Etheria Virtual Machine (EVM) - It is a computer system emulator that provides real computer functionality in a fully isolated system.

4. 前端—它定义了承载与用户交互的用户界面逻辑,以及智能合约中定义的应用程序逻辑。

Frontend - It defines the user interface logic that carries interactions with users, as well as the application logic that is defined in an intelligent contract.


Figure 11




Monet-based incentives

代币最初是区块链上用来激励“矿工”的一种经济手段。许多机构都希望成为“联邦银行”,来发行自己的代币。因此,区块链 2.0——以太坊及其ERC20标准应用程序允许组织在该平台上发布自己的代币。随着 NFT 技术的兴起,代币的概念也在不断扩展:它可以代表任何数字权利和价值。

The token is initially an economic tool used on the block chain to motivate “miners.” Many agencies want to be “federal banks” to issue their own. So, the block chain 2.0 – with Tai and its ERC20 standard application – allows organizations to publish their own tokens on the platform. As NFT technology rises, the concept of the token is expanding: it can represent any digital rights and values.


基于 DAO(Decentralized Autonomous Organizations)的组织协作模型

Model of organizational collaboration based on DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations)


Figure 12


随着信息技术的发展和组织的日益复杂,新兴的组织治理模型 DAO 为解决现有的组织管理问题提供了很好的思路。群体在达成一致意见的情况下自发产生的共同创造、共同建设、共同治理、共同享有的合作行为就是区块链对人们的解决方案。而传统的组织要求不同层次的成员之间具有高度的信任。

As information technology develops and organizations become more complex, the emerging organizational governance model DAO provides a good idea for addressing existing organizational management issues. The co-creation, co-building, co-governance, co-ownership, and co-operating cooperative behaviour that emerges spontaneously from the consensus of groups is the solution for people in the chain of blocks.


Web3.0 生态系统

Web3.0 Ecosystems


Figure 13


1. DApp

DApp 运行在一个去中心化和不可变的区块链网络上。这是一种自动执行协议,通过智能合约将交易条款写入代码。双方都可以在无信任的情况下进行交易。

Dapp runs on a network of decentralised and non-changing blocks. This is an automatic enforcement protocol, where trade terms are written into codes through smart contracts. Both parties can do business without trust.

2. DeFi


This is a new financial system characterized by encryption, decentralization and the use of block chains.


Figure 14


3. NFT


This is a digital asset of value because of its uniqueness. These assets can be transferred, sold, mortgaged, loaned, or preserved for appreciation.

4. DAO

DAO 是围绕透明性和包容性构建的一种新的组织治理模型,是一个由参与成员共享、由成员共识管理的社区。

DAO is a new organizational governance model built around transparency and inclusiveness, a community shared by participating members and managed by consensus of members.

5. GameFi(链游)

5. GameFi (links)

这种模式整合了游戏和金融,当然,游戏是基于区块链技术。因此,GameFi 以游戏的形式代表了去中心化的金融产品,并将 DeFi 的规则游戏化。用户只有在参与游戏的过程中才能获得收入和奖励。Axie Infinity 就是代表性的 P2E(Play-to-earn)游戏。

This model integrates games and finance, but the game is, of course, based on block chain technology. Thus, GameFi represents decentralised financial products in the form of games and plays deFi rules. Users can only get income and rewards in participating in games. Axie Infinity is a representative P2E (Play-to-earn) game.



Participant in encrypted airdrops


Airdrops refer to a way in which the project distributes money to the user in order to reward the particular behavior that the project wants to stimulate.



Developer's subsidy


These projects and agreements provide developers’ authorizations, including Celo, Chainlink, Compound, Etheeum and Uniswap.




从国家层面来看,欧美正准备从 Web 2.0 转向 Web 3.0。而大多数亚洲国家仍在筹集资金,以使他们的Web 2.0 技术和应用更加成熟。我们认为,去中心化并不会是大多数国家的解决方案。在短短几十年的时间里,各大互联网巨头已经基于大数据建立起了新且庞大的垄断。

At the national level, Europe and America are preparing to move from Web 2.0 to Web 3.0. Most Asian countries are still raising funds to make their Web 2.0 technologies and applications more mature. We believe that decentralization will not be the solution for most countries.


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