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The construction and development of the Yuan cosmos, the NFT hot tides #xff0c; Web3.0 is high-profile.


The Web3.0 concept emphasizes user ownership over the Internet xff0c; sharing xff0c between users and builders xff0c xff0c xff0c xff0c. At present, most of the existing Web3.0 applications have yet to realize a large-scale user-friendly vision. How far xff1f is the site application of Web3.0; as an important part of Web3.0 xff0c; and what is the direction of the next stage of the development of the block chain xff1f;

7月3日,Parity亚洲负责人Helena Wang在接受《华夏时报》记者采访时表示,区块链的下一个方向是应用。目前很多投资人都比较关注Web3.0相关的应用,而现下相关应用的大众化发展尚需克服一定的困难。但总体来讲,这将会是一个技术推动应用的实现,应用再倒逼技术的发展,这样一个互相促进的、长期的、动态的过程。

3 July xff0c; Helena Wang, head of Asia, Paris, in an interview with a Washington Times journalist, said xff0c; the next direction of the block chain is application. Many investors are now more interested in Web3.0-related applications xff0c; and the popularization of applications now has some difficulty to overcome. But, overall, xff0c; this will be a technology-driven application xff0c; application of back-to-back technology development xff0c; and this is a mutually reinforcing, long-term and dynamic process.


Creating a New Generation of the Internet

对Web3.0的定义众说纷纭。其中,最早提出Web3.0概念之一的波卡创始人林嘉文(Gavin Wood)认为,Web3.0是去中心化的下一代互联网架构,是一个改变生产关系的技术框架。在这个框架下,网络使用者的身份不再单一,而可以是网络的建设者、参与者、拥有者、治理者等多重身份。

The definition of Web3.0 is very varied. xff0c; xff08; Gavin Wood) xff0c; Web3.0 is considered to be the next generation of decentralised Internet structures xff0c; it is a technical framework for changing productive relationships. In this framework xff0c; the identity of network users is no longer single xff0c; it can be multiple identities of network builders, participants, owners, governance, etc.


Ultimately, the transition from user to builder roles & #xff0c; the foundation of many years of development in the Web1.0 and Web 2.0 eras is essential.


Web1.0 refers to the early Internet xff0c; users “readable” xff0c at this stage; consumers present as content xff0c; what the Internet provides xff0c; and what users read. And Web 2.0 adds user interactive functions xff0c; users can achieve “readable 43; writeable xff0c; social platforms as an example xff0c; users can create and disseminate content xff0c on platforms such as micro-letters, tremors, microblogs, etc.; and interaction with other participants xff0c due to lack of user autonomy in digital identity, personal data, algorithms, etc. xff0c; passive acceptance of Internet platform rules xff0c; concept Web3.0.


Unlike Web1.0, Web 2.0, xff0c; Web3.0 places greater emphasis on user ownership of their own data information and assets xff0c; is able to achieve "readable #43; write #43; own" if the user can manage identity xff0c; mutual identification of digital identity xff0c can be achieved by signing and verification mechanisms of public and private keys xff0c; no need to open an account on an Internet platform xff1b; user data xff0c; user ownership of identity information, user ownership xff0c; protection of the user's right to informed consent, access, etc. xff1b; and xff0c; user autonomy in front of algorithms is enhanced xff0c; full-course monitoring of possible algorithmic abuses, algorithm bias, etc. xff0c; can be checked and validated at any time.


Mr. Yao, Director General of Science and Technology of the China CSRC, said that xff0c; Web3.0 is expected to significantly improve the existing Internet ecosystem xff0c; effectively address the problems of monopolies, lack of privacy protection and malpractice in the Web 2.0 era xff0c; make the Internet more open, inclusive and secure xff0c; and move to higher levels.


Overall, xff0c; new technology applications such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing, big data, block chains and object networking have contributed significantly to the development of Web3.0 xff0c; however, the current use of block chains in Web3.0 is still dominated by NFT and DeFi.


NFT uses block chain technology as endorsement & #xff0c; makes it 100% impostable or pirated & #xff0c; thereby ensuring the safety of digital art & #xff0c; and the current NFT ecology in the country, although it has its headlines & #xff0c; but it is relatively conservative. As of the release & #xff0c; the total market value of global encrypted assets is around $1 trillion & #xff0c; in the field of digital collections and games & #xff0c; and the market size of NFT is also to be expected.


Defi builds xff0c based on block chains; applies block chain technology xff0c; makes agreemental cooperation between platforms based on mutual trust xff0c; replaces the “intermediate” role of traditional financial services xff0c; makes the transaction information more transparent and secure. However, the Defi market is still weak xff0c; due to the natural encryption properties of the block chain xff0c; its subsequent development remains to be observed in the long term.


In general, xff0c; most of the existing Web3.0 applications have yet to realize a large-scale user-friendly vision. How far xff1f is their popular landing application; xff0c, an important component of Web3.0; and what is the next stage of the development of the block chain xff1f;

7月3日,知名Web3.0项目波卡背后的技术公司Parity的亚洲负责人Helena Wang在接受《华夏时报》记者采访时表示,区块链的下一步方向将会是向应用发展。

3 July xff0c; Helena Wang, Asia’s head of the technology company Parity behind the well-known Web3.0 project, stated xff0c in an interview with a Washington Times journalist; the next step in the block chain will be to move towards application.


The next step for Web3.0 is application.


Block chains are used as the basis for the construction of Web3.0 & #xff0c; they are also supported by technology to “own” it. Helena believes & #xff0c; there is already some basis for the development of Web3.0 related technologies & #xff0c; due to the relatively short period of development & #xff0c; and there are some difficulties to overcome in the popular development of the applications in question.


Take social applications as an example. At the database level & #xff0c; due to the persistence and frequency of social activities & #xff0c; social data covered by social applications showing a fast-updating and voluminous amount of data & #xff0c; and therefore a great challenge for decentralizing data storage, description, management.


At present, each storage on the block chain requires the calculation of service costs & #xff0c; a social database & #xff0c, which is updated every second; timely, high-frequency storage is clearly too costly & #xff0c; therefore, from the entire stack & #xff0c; new storage technologies are needed to meet the storage needs of decentralized social applications & #xff0c; and stronger decentralized bottom technologies are needed to build more decentralised servers.


"Personally, #xff0c; I look forward to the emergence and spread of social applications." Helena says.


The Internet platform now has a separate account system & #xff0c; user participation requires the opening and management of a large number of accounts and passwords & #xff0c; data and content are not interoperable & #xff0c; there are numerous data islands. Helena admits & #xff0c; the future Web3.0 society must be able to reach different social platforms & #xff0c through the only digital identity; without exposing the privacy of users & #xff0c; and achieving a high level of experience and security.


“When the infrastructure reaches a certain level xff0c; xff0c for `smart' developers xff0c; application of block chains xff0c; future block chain applications xff0c; more expansion of existing native applications xff0c; e.g., many applications currently in use xff0c; technology and stacks based on Web3.0 xff0c; decentralization xff0c; i.e., “basic and architecture of decentralized applications xff0c; ability to cut into more user real scenes and real needs xff0c; ability to reach the current flow and functionality of some central applications.”

许多投资机构也将目光瞄准了Web3.0。如头号加密VC A16z在Web3.0的生态布局就非常丰富,涵盖Web3.0游戏、去中心化金融、去中心化的社群媒体等领域。传统风投红杉资本在2022年1月到6月,几乎以每周一家的投资速度,疯狂参投了22家Web3公司,涵盖NFT、游戏、元宇宙、跨链、交易平台、DeFi、公链等。

Many investment agencies are also looking at Web3.0. For example, the number one encrypted VC A16z at Web3.0 is very rich & #xff0c; it covers areas such as Web3.0 games, decentralized finance, decentralized social media. Traditional redwood capital flows took place between January and June 2022 & #xff0c; almost one investment per week xff0c; 22 Web3 companies xff0c; NFTs, games, meta-cosm, cross-links, trading platforms, DeFi, public chains, etc.


“This also means xff0c; we have reached a certain level at the bottom of our current technology xff0c; we can try to accept the challenge of the application layer.” Helena believes xff0c; xff0c in general; this will be a technology-driven application xff0c; the development of the application of repulsive technology xff0c; such a long-term dynamic process.


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