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作者:Toby Lu,文章来源于公众号:Brandverses品牌元宇宙(ID:brandverses)

Author: Toby Lu, article from the public number: Brandverses brand dollar universe (ID:brandverses)


The Internet industry has never lacked new terminology.


Over the past year or so, the concepts of block chains, NFTs, Woncosmos, Web3 and so on have swept through the Internet, as if you were not aware of these new concepts, and would soon lag behind an era until it was finally abandoned.


Morketing has long focused on the area of digital marketing, largely based on Web 2.0-era marketing. If Web3.0 really augurs well for the future, the way digital marketing is bound to change.


In the face of the new wave, we know that 78% of brand owners have started to try or are considering Web3.0 marketing, that Web3.0 has become a mandatory issue for branding, and that it is worth thinking about how brands should answer it.


Web3.0 is currently the subject of intense discussion on the Internet, and ordinary people need to be informed by the basic definition in order to be involved.


Morketing enquired about Wikipedia's definition of “Web3.0”, which states that Web3.0 is a concept of global information network development, provided that it is based on the decentralization of block chains, encrypting currencies and non-monetary aspects.

最早这个词语是出现在2006年,万维网创建者Tim Berners-Lee提出了Web3.0的概念,当时是为了与Web2.0作区别开的形态描述。

The original term appeared in 2006, when Tim Berners-Lee, the creator of the World Wide Web, proposed the concept of Web3.0, which was intended to provide a morphological description different from Web 2.0.

后来在2014年,由以太坊联合创始人 Gavin Wood(加文·伍德)第一次在公开场合提出来,他发表了一篇论文阐述了对“Web3.0”的构想,希望基于 P2P 协议来从软件层面重塑互联网,打造一个以去中心化、隐私为主要特征的网络服务。

Later in 2014, for the first time in public, Gavin Wood (Gavin Wood), a co-founder of the Etherms, published a paper on the concept of “Web3.0”, hoping to restore the Internet from the software level on the basis of the P2P protocol and to create a network service with decentralized privacy as its main feature.



In fact, Web3.0 is relative to Web1.0 and Web 2.0 and represents different stages of Internet development.


The Internet features of the Web 1.0 era, for example, are dominated by web-based media such as fox search, new wave, and web-friendly, where users can access websites and view their content, but not be involved in creating content. At this point, digital marketing is mainly based on fixed advertising slots for the site, dominated by brand exposure.


The Web 2.0 era, the second generation of the Internet, means that, in our current network environment, users not only have access to Internet content, but can also be actively involved in creating Internet content, i.e., the so-called UGC and PGC producers are involved in platforms such as micro-mail, microblogging, shivering, and site B. At this point, marketing really enters the digital marketing age, generating different brand marketing methods, such as content marketing, precision marketing, cross-border marketing, etc.


So what's going to be the Web3.0?


Web3.0, the time of the meta-cosmos, despite the intense and somewhat divisive discussions in industry, there is a number of important points of consensus on Web3.0, namely, decentralizing, automating, intelligent and all-new Internet worlds.


Simply put, users can freely access the virtual world and the real world, even breaking the physical time limit. Through block-chain technology, users rely on smart contract systems to regulate virtual world behaviour, maximize the security of data privacy for each user and guarantee the same fair rights for each user.


Web3.0 is more concentrated on the virtual level, resulting in a huge virtual economy, which is built on meta-cosmos, NET, and digital people.

它们的市场规模有多大?根据普华永达预计,全球元宇宙市场在2030年将贡献1.5万亿美元。市场研究和咨询公司Emergen Research预测称,全球NFT市场规模将在2030年达到1300亿美元,全球数字人市场规模将达到5276亿美元。

What is their market size? According to Pricewaterhouseunda, the global meta-cosm market will contribute $1.5 trillion in 2030. The market research and consulting firm Emergen Research predicts that the global NFT market will reach $130 billion in 2030, and the global digital market will reach $52.76 billion in 2030.


The metacosystems, NFTs, digital people, etc., are the infrastructure equivalent to Web3.0, the interactive virtualization in Web3.0; the NFT is the trading vehicle in Web3.0; and the metacosystem is equivalent to the open space in Web3.0, which corresponds to the “human, cargo, field” of the real world.


When the infrastructure of Man, Goods, Fields is gradually complete, a lot of Internet giants are starting to jump and pull up brands and taste Web3.0 brands.

一方面是投资,另一方面是亲自下场。据虎嗅此前的报道,阿里巴巴收购的香港销量最高的英语报纸——南华早报,成立了一家NFT公司Artifact Labs;腾讯在3月参与投资了澳大利亚NFT初创公司Immutable,这家公司目前估值25亿美元,新晋为独角兽。

On the one hand, investment and, on the other hand, personal end. According to earlier reports, Alibaba’s highest-selling English-language newspaper, the South China Morning Post, founded an NFT company, Artifact Labs, which in March was involved in investing in Immutable, Australia’s NFT start-up company, which is currently valued at $2.5 billion and is now a unicorn.



The 100-degree release of the dollar cosmodrome product, "Hyati."

在去年12月10日,百度宣布正式发布元宇宙产品“希壤”,并且百度Create 2021(百度AI 开发者大会)也在希壤APP举办。据了解,这是国内首次在元宇宙中举办的大会,可同时容纳10万人同屏互动。

Last December 10th, 100 degrees announced the official release of the meta-cosm product, “Hyoma,” and 100 degrees Create 2021 (the 100-degree AC Developers Assembly) was also held in APP, Greece. It is understood that this was the first national congress in the meta-cosmos, which could accommodate 100,000 people at the same time to interact with the screen.


Morketing learned that the platform has three main core features: it can customize virtual spaces and create an exclusive brand world for merchants; it can interact with the whole person and each individual has an exclusive role; and it can serve as a business outreach platform, including exhibitions, performances, speeches, etc.


What is it like to publish new products in the Woncosmos? There are car brands being tried, and the first strategic new B70S has been launched in the Bado-Hyati.


First, it fully combines virtual with reality in the meta-cosmos world, combining real people with virtual scenes and a range of technological elements, and creates a immersed launch; secondly, it creates a brand digital museum in Greece, presenting brand culture and brand history one by one; and finally, users can even test driving in the virtual world.





And what kind of sparks do a virtual encounter with a branded virtual?


In June this year, the 70 Series of Glory launched the Vlog, with the collaboration of Goon Joon Digital Man and AI Do Xiaoqiao. In the Vlog, two high-value virtual images sang together, sparking widespread enthusiasm among fans. Morketing learned that Jun was a global voice for the 70 series of glory and was also a spokesperson for 100-degree APPs, the first marketing attempt of both sides in the meta-cosmos world.



"The new Coca-Cola product on the theme of the meta-cosmos"


In May of this year, Coca-Cola China announced that the global creative platform, Music without Borders, had launched the first Coca-Cola block in the Chinese market, inspired by the concept of the meta-cosmos.

Morketing了解到“律动方块”也是以元宇宙为灵感的限定产品,外观原型最早诞生于可口可乐和电竞组织 PWR 在游戏《堡垒之夜》中共同创建的像素岛。而且消费者可以通过扫码可口可乐产品上的二维码,进入元宇宙AR游戏体验,增加与消费者的互动性。

Morketing understands that the Molotov cocktail is also a defined product inspired by the meta-cosm, and that the prototype was first born of a pixel island created by Coca-Cola and the electric competition PWR in a game called Fortress Night. And consumers can gain interaction with consumers through a two-dimensional code on a coca-Cola product that allows them to enter the meta-cosm game experience and increase their interaction with consumers.


There is also a more common branding method, which is the release of NFT digital collections.


Whether it is a meta-cosm launch or a virtual cross-border marketing of NFT digital collections, it can be said that Web3.0 is opening the eyes of many brands, even creating greater commercial potential, and that many of the digital marketing challenges that brands face in the Web 2.0 era are receiving another answer in the Web3.0 era.


Morketing observed that, when China entered the mobile Internet age, brand marketing gradually turned into digital marketing, with advertising revenues also dominated by mobile Internet advertising. In 2020, the total size of China’s Internet marketing market was 100 billion yuan, amounting to 1045.7 billion yuan.


First, the interaction of users and brands has been worrying. In digital marketing, Internet advertising is a product that induces users and consumers to click, and the leads that emerge from the clicks are valued by the brand, but the interaction is “guiding” and does not have a profound impact on the mental dimension of the user.


Second, user privacy protection issues are frequent. Digital marketing has been seeking to maximize ROI, collecting user data using big data, artificial intelligence, etc., and then accurate advertising based on consumer demand. This is an intrusion into consumer privacy data and has been of great concern to the industry.


Third, false flows become a persistent problem in the marketing industry. In the area of digital marketing, advertising fees are wasted by a false click, and it is a persistent problem in the industry, such as scalding, false advertising, false trading, etc., that removes water and fires is something that Internet regulators need to do.


So, for the top three marketing issues, would there be new ideas for the Web3.0 era of brand marketing?


i, in terms of the interaction of users and brands. In the metaspace world, every person in reality can become a virtual person, a digital person, and brand content can be placed in the metacosystem in ways that can be combined with virtual and reality, so that users can interact with brands without time, physics, freedom and speed.


ii, in the context of user privacy protection. It is generally recognized that user data privacy in the Web3.0 era will be protected through encryption algorithms and distributed storage, i.e. the application of basic block chain technology.


iii, in the case of false traffic. Because one of the great features of Web3.0 is “decentralization” and all actions based on block chain technology are recorded, so any actions of false traffic can be detected.


While the branding of the Web3.0 era is very promising, the future challenges of the current Web3.0 cannot be ignored. For example, Web3.0 has a certain impact on existing governance systems, and the future Web3.0 decentralisation concept will pose new governance and regulatory challenges, as well as the anonymity of the block chain technology itself, posing new challenges to cyberregulation.


In summary, the Web3.0-era marketing approach will open a different “window” for brands to see the wider world through this “window” brand, where the “people, goods, fields” have changed dramatically, and where the first tasters have come to take advantage of the Web3.0 marketing dividend will be an important strategic goal for brands.


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