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Whether or not you pay attention to the subject of encrypted money or NFT, you may have heard a lot of celebrities promoting or converting NFT images.

周杰伦品牌合作推出的NFT头像开卖后40分钟售罄;Mirror成员Ian、林俊杰等转用Monkey Kingdom头像;韩国人气男团防弹少年团BTS也正式计划推出NFT项目。到底NFT头像是什么?为什么NFT头像会受名人追捧?

Forty minutes after the sale of the NFT headcarf, launched by the Jolien brand; Ian of Mirror, Jung-ja of Lin, and others, converted to Monkey Kingdom headcarf; and BTS of the Korean Legion of Man against Bullets officially planned to launch the NFT project. What exactly is the NFT head? Why would the NFT head be popular?

世界上第一个NFT项目诞生在2017年,是当年在以太坊发行、名叫CryptoPunks的像素头像项目,是由创办人Matt Hall 和John Watkinson,在2017年编写一套程序,令电脑自动绘制一万幅24x24 pixel的庞克头像开始。

The world's first NFT project, born in 2017, was launched in Etheria in the same year as the pixel image project called CryptoPunks, and started in 2017 with the creation of a program by Matt Hall and John Watkinson, which enabled computers to automatically map 10,000 24x24 pixel Punks.


Each image is unique, and they put it on the Etherm block chain, making it 10,000 non-homogeneous encrypted assets. By the time the NFT concept rises, it becomes a hot, high-value investment.

NFT头像即是就是NFT(Non-Fungible Token)非同质化代币,是和普通加密货币相对的概念,以大家熟知的比特币为例,比特币的总发行量大约是2100万枚,每枚比特币都是一样的货币。

The NFT header is the NFT (Non-Fungible Token) non-homogenous token, a concept relative to ordinary encrypted currencies, for example, the well-known bitcoin, with a total circulation of approximately 21 million bitcoins, each of which is the same currency.


Unlike NFT, which is also an encrypted currency, every NFT is unique and indivisible. Any digital file can be a NFT, a map, a recording, a film, and even a note, which can be launched on the NFT platform after processing and paying gas fees.


As noted above, NFT head, which is the product of an automatic generation of technology, can be the only thing in the world that coincides with the core idea of an irreplaceable NFT, and thus becomes the object of market competition soon after its advent.


It became a digital image of NFT, like a work of art with an identification, even if you bought a valuable JPG file and anyone on the Internet could copy it, but as long as it had a "birth certificate", it was the only, valuable and valuable one, just like the original and the concept of a "copy" of the work of art.


The biggest reason for this is, of course, economics, where celebrities, who have a wealth of assets, mostly want to invest, just as the major art auction houses always have a reputation. When NFT heads-ups become a hot, hot collection, a lot of celebrities take advantage of the market to appreciate their money, and the fact that NFTs are already market hot calls, and those who buy or hold NFT heads always create market issues and bring more fame to them.

NFT头像亦能为买家创建群体认同感,持有NFT头像在一定程度上表达持有人对于某个NFT概念的支持,为买家创造更好的身分认同和社群体验。例如Bored Ape Yacht Club 和CryptoPunks 系列只为头像持有人开放能够进入私人社群享受锁定内容的专属权利,以及参与线下私人活动。所以NFT头像也是一种身分象征。

NFT heads can also create a sense of group identity for buyers, hold NFT heads to some extent express the owner’s support for an NFT concept, and create a better identity and community experience for buyers. For example, the Bored Ape Yacht Clubs and CryptoPunks series are open to headsholders only to enjoy exclusive rights of access to the private community, as well as to participate in offline private activities.

Cryptopunks由位于纽约的Larva Labs实验室推出,作为NFT始祖,一开始是以ERC-20代币协议发行,后来推动了现时用于NFT的协议ERC-721的诞生。Cryptopunks头像总共有一万颗,当中有3849名庞克造型的女性和6039名男性,另外还有少量稀有造型:猿人、僵尸和外星人,这些头像全部由电脑演算法画出,每一颗都独一无二。

Cryptopunks was launched by the New York-based Larva Labs laboratory, as the founder of the NFT, which started with an ERC-20 token agreement and later contributed to the creation of the current NFT agreement ERC-721. Cryptopunks had a total of 10,000 heads, of which 3,849 Punk-style women and 6039 men, and a small number of rare shapes: apes, zombies and aliens, all of which were created by computer algorithms, and each of which was unique.

刚推出时,这一万颗头像可以免费被任何拥有以太坊钱包的人领取,并且在当时已经全部被领取完毕。现时若果想拥有任何一颗Cryptopunks头像,则需要使用以太币购买,并且价值不菲。Larva Labs在Cryptopunks网站上推出了交易平台,买家可以自行在网页上出价买卖头像,也可以到OpeanSea平台上购买。

At the time of the launch, the ten thousand heads could be taken free of charge by anyone with an Ether wallet, and all of them were taken at the time. If you want to own any Cryptopunks, you need to buy them in TT. Larva Labs has launched a trading platform on the Cryptopunks website, where buyers can bid on their own and buy on the Opean Sea platform.

Cryptopunks作为最高价的NFT系列(总共价值19.1亿美元),更加创下第二和第三高价NFT交易纪录,代号#7804和#3100的头像皆以4,200枚以太币售出(约分别价值757万美元和758万美元),而现时最高价成交NFT是Beeple的画作——EVERYDAYS:THE FIRST 5000DAYS。

Cryptopunks, the top price of the NFT series (a total value of $1.91 billion), created a record of the second and third highest-priced NFT transactions, with 4,200 images sold in Tainotes #7804 and #3100 (approximately $7.57 million and $7.58 million, respectively), while the current highest price of NFT was made by Beple & mdash; & mdash; EVERYDAYS: THE FIRST 5000DAYS.

Monkey Kingdom系列总共推出2222张32x32pixel的NFT头像,并于Solana区块链发行。该系列NFT头像的创作意念受启发于孙悟空的故事。

A total of 2,222 32x32pixel NFT images were launched in the Monkey Kingdom series and distributed in the Solana block chain. The idea behind the series of NFT images was inspired by the story of Sun Wukong.

故事设定是:事缘花果山水帘洞美猴王齐天大圣孙悟空被如来佛祖镇压在山下500年无法逃脱,愤怒的悟空下定决心向佛祖报仇。悟空具有多种法力,包括变身,为了不再被佛祖捉住,悟空变出2222个不同版本的自己,不过身为NFT界巨鲸的佛祖却将全部2222个悟空化作NFT困在Solana区块链内,又将这些被囚禁的悟空命名为The Monkey Kingdom系列。

The story is based on the fact that Goku, King Qi Tian’s Great Sun, was repressed by Buddha for 500 years below the mountain and determined by anger to avenge Buddha. Goku had a variety of powers, including a change of body, to stop being captured by the Buddha, and became himself in 2,222 different versions, although the Buddha, who was a giant whale in the NFT, trapped all of the 2222 NFTs in the chain of the Solana district, and named those imprisoned as the Monkey Kingdom series.

全系列的悟空在推出后2分钟内已经销售一空,现时可以在二级市场购买。团队致力于打造一个亚洲NFT社群,后来再推出The Baepes 系列,由2221张女版悟空组成,

The whole series of Goku has been sold within two minutes of its launch and can now be purchased in the secondary market. The team worked to build an Asian NFT community and later launched the The Baepes series, which consists of 2,221 female versions of Goku.

Bored Ape Yacht Club(BAYC)无聊猿系列由一万只无聊猿组成,并于以太坊发行。

The Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) series consists of 10,000 boring apes and has been launched in the Etheria.


In total, 10,000 boring apes are made of 170 expressions, headdresses, clothes, etc., and some monkeys are particularly rare. The original sale price for each head is 0.08 ETH, which can now be purchased in Opean Sea, with a total value of 32.62 million ETH, becoming the second-highest-value NFT series, with a single NFT head (#2087) having created a high exchange of 769/ETH ($294). High-value but relatively cheap Cryptopunks, making BAYC the most popular and frequently traded NFT head.

无聊猿的拥有人同时拥有BAYC的会员身份和会员独有福利,例如只有会员会员能够进入的The BATHROOM社群涂鸦板,这个NFT系列强调社群精神,由于凝聚起了强大的社群意识,BAYC被视为对NFT艺术史有重大意义。

Possessors of boring apes have both membership and unique benefits in BayC, such as the BATHROOM community graffiti board, which is accessible only to members. The NFT series emphasizes the community spirit, which is seen as significant to the history of NFT art as a result of strong community consciousness.

Phanta Bear由数字娱乐平台Ezek联合周杰伦旗下潮牌PHANTACi发布的NFT项目,合共推出一万个电脑生成的Phanta Bear头像。Phanta Bear在2022年1月1日早上11时发布,40分钟内1000个Phanta Bear已经售罄,售出总价值近一千万美元,推出不久已经位列OpenSea所有NFT系列总交易额中的43位。

Phanta Bear's NFT project, launched by the Digital Entertainment Platform Ezek in conjunction with Jayon's PHANTACI, brings together 10,000 computer-generated Phanta Bear headscarfs. Phanta Bear was released at 11 a.m. on 1 January 2022, 1,000 Phanta Bears were sold out in 40 minutes, with a total value of nearly $10 million, and was recently launched 43 out of all the NFT series transactions in OpenSea.

系列中每只熊都穿着PHANTACi独特设计的衣服和饰物。购买Phanta Bear NFT头像会同时拥有Ezek俱乐部的会员卡,可享有会员独有权限和福利,例如全球PHANTACi商店购物九折。

Each bear in the series wears PHANTACI's uniquely designed clothes and accessories. The Phanta Bear NFT Association, which also owns the membership card of the Ezek Club, has the exclusive rights and benefits of its members, as in the case of worldwide PHANTACI shopping.

YOLO Cat Club系列由歌手陈零九伙同FOMO Dog Club技术团队合作推出,于以太坊发行,2022年1月9日正式发售。系列总共有999个NFT头像,只有249个公开发售,暂时总交易价值为698ETH。

The YOLO Cat Club series, launched by the singer Chen Xix in collaboration with the FOMO Dog Club technical team, was launched in Etheria on 9 January 2022. The total number of NFT images is 999 and only 249 are publicly available, with a temporary total transaction value of 698ETH.

YOLO Cat初始发售时惹起争议,团队宣布NFT的正式发售时间是13:30,但NFT在一分钟前的13:29已经显示全部售罄,令社群怀疑存在内线交易。团队解释事件是沟通问题,而非技术问题,团队准备在约13:30时释出合约,刚好当时以太坊运载速度较快,以致提早释出NFT,但公告时未有向社群解释清楚。团队又补偿合共约7万美元的gas fee予未铸造成功的用户,以及补偿免费抽3个YOLO Cat NFT。

YOLO Cat’s initial sale provoked controversy, and the team announced that NFT’s official launch time was 13:30, but NFT’s 13:29 a minute ago showed that it was all sold out, making the community suspect of insider trading. The team explained that the incident was a communication issue, not a technical one. The team was prepared to release the contract at approximately 13:30, just as the delivery of the NFT was fast enough to release the NFT earlier, but the announcement was not explained to the community. The team also compensated the unconstructed user with approximately $70,000.

Lucky Kittens是由香港团队推出的NFT,在2021年12月12日首次释出,于Solana发行,外形受招财猫形象启发,发行数量合共为5888只。

Lucky Kittens, an NFT launched by the Hong Kong team, was first released on 12 December 2021 and released in Solana, inspired by the image of a paid cat, with a combined volume of 5888.

初售价格为每只0.88SOL,经已全部发售完毕。若想拥有一颗Lucky Kittens NFT,则需要到二级市场Magic Eden、Alpha Art、Moonverse购买。

If you want to own a Lucky Kittens NFT, you need to buy it at the secondary market, Magic Eden, Alpha Art, and Monoverse.


The problem has been market rhetoric since the rise of Cryptopunks in 2017. In fact, we need to understand that any freely traded investment product is inherently speculative, especially in the light of emerging booms, and is more likely to generate high rates of premium for market success.


Instead of thinking whether NFT is a bubble or not, it would be better to warn yourself that before purchasing NFT images, careful attention should be paid to the development philosophy behind it, and not to buy NFTs easily because of the rhetoric.


The largest and most popular NFT trading platform is OpenSea. To buy NFT in OpenSea, you need to first have an encrypted currency wallet (e.g. MetaMask) and connect it to OpeanSea.


On access to OpenSea, you can see the total value of the NFT series, the number of owners and the number of distributions from "Rankings" in "Stats".

搜寻或点击进入你属意的NFT头像系列,你可以开始选择你心仪的NFT头像,然后购买。OpenSea提供「Buy Now」或者「Make Offer」两种购买方式,各有优劣。

If you search for or click into your preferred NFT header series, you can start selecting your own NFT header and buy it. OpenSea offers two different ways of buying, "Buy Now" or "Make Offer."


The more prominent cases of theft of NFT head images include thefts of members of the NFT series who pretend to be NFT team members on Discord, deceptions, and transfers of NFT assets in wallets after they have taken control of them.

例如曾经有骗徒假扮OpeanSea客服人员,向Authentic AI创意总监Jeff Nicholas提出,需要他分享远端萤幕控制权,以协助他排除故障。骗子取得电脑控制权后,趁机打开MetaMask钱包,盗取私钥二维码并哄骗Jeff Nicholas获认证许可,其后将钱包的NFT资产全部转移,令Jeff Nicholas损失价值几十万美元的NFT收藏品。

For example, a con man who pretended to be the Opan Sea client, raised with Authentic AI's Creative Director, Jeff Nicholas, the need for him to share remote screen control to assist him in his troubleshooting. After taking control of the computer, the con man took advantage of the opportunity to open the MetaMask wallet, stole the two-dimensional code of his private key and tricked Jeff Nicholas into obtaining certification, and then transferred all of his NFT assets, causing Jeff Nicholas to lose hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of NFT collections.


After the incident, although it was possible to view the transaction records, track the location of the thief's wallet and the location of the stolen NFT, it was impossible to find the owner behind the wallet, and even if the official Opan Sea was contacted, given that the NFT transaction was irreversible, the stolen NFT could only be prohibited from trading and could not return to the stolen person's wallet.


That's what the NFT's head looks like. Why does the NFT's head look like a celebrity?

Tag:NFT   头像  


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