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区块链(英语:blockchain 或 block chain)是用分布式数据库识别、传播和记载信息的智能化对 […]

Block chain (English: Blockchain or Block Chain) is smart to identify, disseminate and document information using distributed databases [...]

区块链(英语:blockchain 或 block chain)是用分布式数据库识别、传播和记载信息的智能化对等网络, 也称为价值互联网,其本质上是一个去中心化的数据库。区块链被认为是通往互联网第二纪元的革命。中本聪在2008年于《比特币白皮书》中提出“区块链”概念,并在2009年创立了比特币社会网络,开发出第一个区块,即“创世区块”。

The block chain (in English: Blockchai or Block Chain) is an intelligent peer-to-peer network using distributed databases to identify, disseminate and document information, also known as value Internet, which is essentially a decentralised database. The block chain is considered a revolution leading to the second era of the Internet. In 2008, Benz introduced the concept of a “block chain” in the Bitcoin White Paper and created a Bitcoin social network in 2009 to develop the first block, the “inventive block”.


Block chain technology, based on decentralized peer networks, combines cryptographic principles, time-series data and consensus mechanisms with open-source software to ensure consistency and continuity of nodes in distributed databases, enabling information to be readily validated, traceable, subject to manipulation and unshieldable, thus creating a system of shared values that is private, efficient and secure.


The block-chain value-sharing system was first replicated by numerous encrypted currencies and improved in workload certification and algorithms, such as the introduction of equity certificates and SCryptc algorithms. The block-chain ecosystem evolved globally, with the emergence of the ICO smart contract block chain for the first time in a currency; and the asset-sharing economy and block-chain countries of “light ownership, heavy rights of use.” This value-sharing system is being used to develop decentralized computer programs across industries to build decentralized organizations and decentralized autonomous communities around the globe.


's typical feature of the block chain

  1. 去中心化:和大数据不同,区块链使用分布式核算和存储,不存在中心化的硬件或管理机构,任意节点的权利和义务都是均等的,系统中的数据块由整个系统中具有维护功能的节点来共同维护。
  2. 开放性:区块链系统是开放的,除了交易各方的私有信息被加密外,数据对所有人公开,任何人都可以通过公开的接口查询区块链数据和开发相关应用,因此整个系统信息高度透明。
  3. 自治性:区块链采用基于协商一致的规范和协议(如公开透明的算法)使得整个系统的所有节点能够在去信任的环境自由安全的交换数据,对“人”的信任改成了对机器的信任,任何人为的干预不起作用。
  4. 信息不可篡改:一旦信息经过验证并添加至区块链,就会永久的存储起来,除非能够同时控制住系统中超过51%的节点,否则单个节点上对数据库的修改是无效的,因此区块链的数据稳定性和可靠性极高。
  5. 匿名性:由于节点之间的交换遵循固定的算法,其数据交互是无需信任的(区块链中的程序规则会自行判断活动是否有效),交易对手无须通过公开身份的方式让对方自己产生信任,信用可以累积。

  1. Decentralization: Unlike large data, the block chain uses distributed accounting and storage, there is no centralized hardware or regulatory body, rights and obligations at any point are equal, data blocks in the system are jointly maintained by nodes with maintenance functions throughout the system.
  2. Open: Block chain systems are open, data are open to all except private information of the parties to the transaction are encrypted, data are accessible to all, and anyone can search block data and develop related applications through open interfaces.
  3. Autonomy of the entire system is highly transparent. Autonomy: Block chains use consensus-based norms and agreements (e.g. open and transparent algorithms) enables all nodes of the entire system to exchange data that are free and secure in a trusted environment. Information is not encrypted: Once information is authentic and added to the block chain of blocks, it is permanently stored, unless it is able to control at the same time more than 51 per cent of the system.


    's block chain core technology


    The block chain addresses the issues of trust and security in transactions, and so far there are four technological innovations:


    The first is called Distributive Books. The transaction logs are performed by multiple nodes located in different locations, and each node records complete accounts, so that they can participate in monitoring the legitimacy of the transaction and can testify against it together. Unlike the traditional centralization schemes, there is no single node in which accounts can be recorded separately, thus avoiding the possibility of a single bookkeeper being controlled or bribed to keep a false account. On the other hand, because of the large number of nodes in the accounts, the accounts would theoretically not be lost unless all nodes were destroyed, thereby ensuring the security of the accounts data.


    The second is called asymmetric encryption and authorization technology. The transaction information stored on the block chain is publicly available, but the account identity information is highly encrypted and accessible only with the authorization of the data owner, thereby ensuring data security and personal privacy.


    The third is called a consensus mechanism. It is a consensus among all the bookkeeping nodes to determine the validity of a record, both as a perceived tool and as a means of preventing tampering. The block chain offers four different consensus mechanisms that apply to different applications, balancing efficiency and security.


    The fourth is called smart contracts. Smart contracts are based on these reliable and indeterminable data and allow for automated enforcement of predefined rules and provisions. For example, insurance, if everyone’s information (including medical information and information on the occurrence of risks) is authentic, it is easy to automate claims in some standardized insurance products.


    's current application of block chain technology

    1. 国家货币

    National currency

e-Dinar 是突尼斯共和国政府用区块链技术发行地数字货币。也是第一个国家数字货币。

e-Dinar is the local digital currency issued by the Government of the Republic of Tunisia using block chain technology.

eCFA 是塞内加尔共和国政府用区块链技术发行地数字货币。

eCFA is the local digital currency issued by the Government of the Republic of Senegal using block chain technology.

  1. 社区货币

Community currency


Airloo issued the East London Community Pound in a block chain in London, United Kingdom, providing payment platforms mainly for small and medium-sized enterprises.

  1. 私有链

Private chain

商业组织正在为各种应用开发分布式分类账和其他区块链启发的软件。由于这些软件被中心化机构控制,不具有区块链去中心化的属性,被称为私有链 (private blockchains)、区域链或联盟链。

Commercial organizations are developing distributed ledgers and other block-chained software for a variety of applications. As these software are controlled by centralized agencies, they do not possess the decentralised attributes of block chains, known as private chains (private blocks), regional or union chains.

  1. ICO代币

ICO tokens /ol>

首次代币发售(英语:Initial Coin Offering,简称 ICO),也称为ICO众筹,是用区块链筹集资金,以便开发新型区块链社区的项目。

First-time sales of coins (English: Intiial Coin Offering, ICO), also known as ICO crowd-mobilization, are projects using block chains to raise funds for the development of new block chain communities.

  1. 非营利组织

  1. non-profit organization

比尔及梅琳达·盖茨基金会《基层项目/Level One Project》旨在利用区块链技术帮助世界各地20亿缺乏银行账户的民众。

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Grassroots Project/Level One Project aims to use block chain technology to help 2 billion people around the world who lack bank accounts.

联合国世界粮食计划署的《区块建设/Building Blocks》旨在使粮食计划署越来越多的现金扶贫业务更快,更便宜,更安全。“区块建设”于2017年1月在巴基斯坦开展了现场试点工作,将在整个春季继续进行。2017年6月,该项目已经扩大到叙利亚等国,计划在2030年前在全球实现零饥饿。

Building Blocks/Blocks of the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) aims to increase WFP's cash-based pro-poor operations faster, cheaper, and safer. The block building field pilot in Pakistan in January 2017 will continue throughout the spring. In June 2017, the project was extended to countries such as Syria, where zero hunger is planned to be achieved globally by 2030.


'decent social networking'

1.回馈项目(Backfeed project)正在基于区块链分布式自治系统,开发共识主动性创建和分配价值的社会网络。

1. The Backfeed Project is developing a social network of consensus initiatives to create and distribute value based on a block chain distributed self-government system.


2. Alexander is a network of decentralized libraries based on the development of block chains.


3. Tezos is a project for self-evolving block chains based on voting results. The Bitcoin block chain is a decentralised system of financial autonomy for encrypted money and payments. The Taiku block chain adds a decentralised legal autonomy system for intellectual contracts. It will add a decentralized computer program development function to the former two, in order to create an autonomous system for social management.


The current situation in the block chain is similar to that of TCP/IP (the technology that emerged in 1969, which became fully operational after 30 years) or HTML when it first came out could not find landing applications, with the exception of Bitcoin, where there is a lack of killer-level applications, Bitcoin is only a block chain of 1.0, while smart contracts are 2.0, and the higher application of the block chain is a network of recalibrated objects that can provide real-time credit rights.


There is still a long way to go before block chain technology is truly widely used, and I personally believe that block chain technology is a promising area for interested friends to study.


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