ETH 与 BETH 之间的纠葛 | 以太坊2.0漫谈

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随着 Eth2.0 启动前的最后准备工作正在完成,包括抵押合约 (Deposit Contract) 的部署和公共测试网将很快将会推出,很多人都迫切想知道 Eth2.0 的上线是否会带来两种具有不同价格的加密货币资产。

我们知道,Eth2.0 即将最先交付的是采用 PoS 机制的信标链(beacon chain)。信标链是 Eth2.0 系统中的主链,将担任着如下重要作用:

, as we know, Eth 2.0 is about to be delivered first on the beacon chain using the PoS mechanism. beacon chain is the main chain in the Eth2.0 system and will play the following important role: .

  • 管理验证者和他们抵押的代币资产;

    manages the certifying officer and the money assets they encumber;

  • 在各 epoch 期间为各分片链组成验证者委员会(包括随机选定区块提议者(block proposer)和组织委员会其他验证者对被提议的区块进行投票证明);

  • 实现 PoS 机制并对验证者进行奖励或惩罚;

    achieves the PS mechanism and provides incentives or penalties for certifiers;

  • 促进跨分片通信等。

    promotes cross-discreet communications, etc. .

当然,只有当 Eth2.0 完成了分片链的交付 (预计在2021年) 之后才能发挥信标链的核心作用但在分片结构实现之前,以太坊用户依旧可以通过信标链来参与 Eth2.0 的 Staking 并获得奖励。

, of course, plays a central role in the beacon chain only after Eth 2.0 has completed its delivery (expected in 2021). , but users through the beacon chain to participate in the Eth2.

按照当前的进度,信标链将很可能于2020年第一季度得以交付。但在信标链启动之前,系统中需要质押大约 200 万枚 ETH。这就是抵押合约发挥作用的地方:

At the current pace, the beacon chain will most likely be delivered in the first quarter of 2020., but before the beacon chain is activated, the system will need to pledge about 2 million ETHs., this is where the collateral contract works: .

以太坊核心团队将在当前的 Eth1.0 旧链上部署该抵押合约,任何以太坊用户都可以往该抵押合约中发送 ETH 来成为信标链中的验证者 (validator)。


信标链在验证用户发送的 ETH 之后,该抵押合约会将被发送的 ETH 从当前的 Eth1.0 旧链中销毁,同时在信标链上给予用户相同数量的代币,我们不妨将信标链上的这种代币称为 BETH (或者其他名称)。

After verifying the ETH sent by the user, the collateral contract will be destroyed by the sending ETH from the current Eth1.0 old chain, and the beacon chain will be given the same amount of coins as the user. We may wish to refer to the token on the beacon chain as BETH (or other names).

最初,Eth2.0 验证者在信标链中抵押的资产将无法转移回当前的 Eth1.0 链中,这部分抵押资产将用于参与信标链的 Staking,也即相当于锁定在信标链中。

Initially, Eth 2.0 Certifiers would not be able to transfer the assets they encumbered in the beacon chain back to the current Eth1.0 chain, which would be used for Staking, which would be locked in the beacon chain.

在近期的 DevCon5 会议期间,有些参会者讨论了有关交易所为 Eth2.0 代币提供流动性的话题,也即交易所将需要决定是把 Eth2.0 代币依旧划为 ETH ,还是将其作为一种全新的加密资产 BETH (或使用其他名称) 进行上架。

During the recent DevCon5 meeting, some participants discussed the issue of the exchange providing liquidity for the Eth 2.0 token, i.e. whether the exchange would need to decide whether to continue to classify the Eth 2.0 token as ETH or to put it on board as a completely new encrypted asset BETH (or other name).

之所以会出现这方面的讨论,是因为当采用 PoS 机制的信标链启动时,当前采用 PoW 机制的 Eth1.0 链依旧会继续运行至少三年的时间,也即新旧两条链会在未来几年同时运行

is discussed because, when the beacon chain using the PoS mechanism is activated, the Eth 1.0 chain currently using the PoW mechanism will continue to operate for at least three years, i.e. the new and old two chains will run simultaneously in the coming years.


在 Eth2.0 系统的最初阶段,基于 PoW 的 ETH 代币可以转换成 PoS 代币,但 PoS 代币却不能转回成 PoW 代币

in the initial phase of the Eth 2.0 system, the PoW-based ETH token could be converted into a Pos token, but the Pos token could not be converted to a PoW token .

Eth2.0 协调员 Danny Ryan 表示这种单向桥接的方式更像是一种策略决定,而并不是因为在技术上无法实现。

Eth2.0 > Coordinator Danny Ryan said that this one-way bridge approach was more a strategic decision than a technical impossibility.

Danny 表示如果允许 PoS 代币转回成 PoW 代币,这将减缓整个 Eth2.0 的开发进程,且在技术上“需要将信标链的状态暴露于1.0链中,并在1.0和2.0链上增加额外的共识规则来处理1.0链上的代币重铸和2.0链上的代币销毁。

Danny indicates that if Pos is allowed to convert into Pow, this will slow down the development of Eth 2.0 as a whole and that there is a technical “need to expose the beacon chain to the 1.0 chain and to add additional consensus rules to the 1.0 and 2.0 chain to deal with the recasting and destruction of the coins on the 1.0 chain.

也就是说,如果想要将信标链中的 PoS 代币转回成 Eth1.0 链中的 PoW 代币,那转回的方式就会像用户通过抵押合约将 PoW 币转换成 PoS 币一样,只是方向相反。如果实现了这种双线桥接,那以太坊的 PoW 代币和 PoS 代币就别无二致了

means that if you want to convert the PS in the beacon chain back into the PW in the Eth1.0 chain, it'll be the same way that the user converts the Pow currency into the PS through a mortgage contract, but in the opposite direction. If this two-line bridge is reached, the PW and PS in the Taipan will be the same as

目前尚不清楚以太坊是否会在将来实现 PoS 代币转回成 PoW 代币,很多相关的讨论在变化中此前以太坊研究员 Justin Drake 预计可能在2020年底将实现 Eth1.0 链和 Eth2.0 链之间的“通信”(通过改变 Eth1.0 链的分叉选择规则,并对其进行分叉),但 Joseph Lubin 在最近的 DevCon5 会议期间表示 Eth2.0 的阶段1和阶段2将可能于2020年底合并推出。

it is not clear whether the Etheria will be returning PPS in the future to Pow, and many related discussions are changing . > > >


, therefore, the specifics are still unclear, but all transactions are optional.

上架 BETH 代币?


就作者了解的情况而言,由于当信标链启动之后,验证者似乎可以将 BETH 发送给其他的验证者,因此交易所将可以选择上架信标链上的 BETH 代币资产。

目前尚不清楚这些 BETH 代币是否可以发送给仅仅拥有信标链账户的非验证者用户,或者一开始在信标链上是否会存在非验证者的账户。

It is not clear whether these BETH tokens can be sent to non-certifier users who only own the beacon chain accounts, or whether there will initially be a non-certifier account on the beacon chain.

这是因为,信标链只是作为「协调者」的身份来协调验证者 (及其抵押的代币) 应该验证哪条分片链。但起初 Eth2.0 系统中并不存在分片链,因此也就不存在需要在不同的分片链之间转移 BETH 代币了,信标链一开始只是一条笨拙的区块链。

在实现分片链之前,交易所为何需要上架这种 BETH 代币,目前尚不清楚。但显然有些用户在成为信标链的验证者之后,可能不想要继续抵押自己的代币资产,因此想要将自己的 BETH 代币转给其他人,这个接收者可能之前并没有或者不想要通过往抵押合约中发送 ETH 代币来成为信标链验证者。

It is not clear why the exchange needed to mount such BETH tokens before it could achieve a segmental chain. , however, it is clear that some users may not want to continue to encumber their token assets after becoming the certifier of the beacon chain and therefore want to transfer their BETH tokens to others, who may not have been or do not want to be the certifier of the beacon chain by sending the ETH in the collateral contract.

另外,你可能认为交易所将必须上架两种不同的以太坊代币,因为显然 ETH 和 BETH 是两种不同的代币,因为当前的 ETH 已经获得了大量用户的使用和诸多 DeFi 应用的支持,而 BETH 则仅仅是用于 staking 而已。

Also, you may think that the exchange will have to go up to two different Ethio tokens, because it is clear that ETH and BETH are two different tokens, because the current ETH has been supported by a large number of users and many DeFi applications, while BETH is only used to stay.

如果交易所一直等到分片链结构实现之后再上架 BETH 代币,那么可以说,届时它们依然会是两种不同的代币,因为 ETH 是一种 PoW 代币,而 BETH 是一种 PoS 代币。

If the exchange waits until the segmental chain structure is realized before the BETH tokens are on board, then it can be said that they will still be two different tokens at that time, because the ETH is a Pow token, while the BETH is a PS token.


The extent to which the two tokens will differ will depend on how the related wallet is realized and what the relevant address is.

如果针对这两种代币存在不同的地址格式,那可能给人的感觉就是 ETH 和 BETH 存在于两个不同的区块链网络中,进而将 BETH 代币发往一个 PoW 地址可能就像是将之发往一个比特币地址无异了。

If there are different address formats for these two tokens, it may be the feeling that ETH and BETH exist in two different grids, and then send the BETH token to a PoW address as if it were sent to address.

如果是这样,那可能交易所别无选择只能上架两种不同的以太坊代币了,这是对抵押合约两端 的 Eth1.0 链和 Eth2.0 链中的代币实现双向连接的唯一方式。

If that's the case, then maybe the exchange has no choice but to put on two different Eth 1.0 chains and Eth 2.0 chains of collateral contracts.

否则这两种代币就是处于不同的世界,从可用性的角度来看彼此之间没有联系,直到 Eth1.0 合并成为 Eth2.0 中的一条分片链时,ETH 与 BETH 也相应地实现了合并

Otherwise, the two indignities are in a different world and are not linked from the point of view of availability until Eth1.0 merges into a segmental chain in Eth2.0, and ETH and BETH merges accordingly.


So it may actually be that the exchange will have to be on top of two different Ethio tokens until the two tokens are combined.


But this may be a bit of a problem, mainly because that's what a token is. Both are, but at least for some time, they're not the same as an E.T. . /span >

从「交易所将上架两种不同的以太坊代币」这个角度来分析以太坊的加密经济情况并非易事,这是因为,Eth1.0 链上的一些 ETH 代币供应将因为被发送到抵押合约中而被销毁而减少,与此同时 Eth2.0 链上的 BETH 代币供应将相应增加

does not analyse the encryption economy from the perspective of "the exchange will take up two different types of e-Taiwan tokens" because some of the ETH in the chain of

随着 ETH 供应的下降,你可能认为 ETH 的价格将会上涨,但这只有当 ETH 的需求量保持不变或上升才会出现。实际上,随着一些用户转向 Eth2.0,他们对 ETH 的需求可能将下降,不然 BETH 就没有市场立足了。

As the supply of ETH drops, you may think the price of ETH will rise, but it will only happen if demand for ETH remains constant or rises. Indeed, as some users turn to Eth 2.0, their demand for ETH may decline, otherwise BETH will have no market position.

Eth1.0 链将在一段时间内继续作为占据主导地位的链,因为 Eth2.0 链基本上要从头开始增加用户量。

The Eth1.0 chain will continue to be the dominant chain for some time, as the Eth2.0 chain will essentially increase the number of users from scratch.

因此这既是一种迁移,也是一种类似 BTC/BCH 但不会克隆账户的分离,因为每个基于以太坊的企业/服务最终都将必须进行升级。

is therefore both a migration and a similar one to BTC/BCH, but it will not clone the account because every enterprise/service based on Ether will eventually have to be upgraded.

Eth1.0 和 Eth2.0 是两个不同的网络。即便当 Eth1.0 链成为了 Eth2.0 链中的一条分片链,支持 ETH 的基础设施可能也会在一段时间内导向不同的链。也许正是因为如此,Vitalik Buterin 最初才说这样的合并将在许多年之后才会发生。

Eth1.0 and Eth2.0 are two different networks. even if the Eth1.0 chain becomes a segmental chain in the Eth2.0 chain, the infrastructure supporting ETH may also be oriented towards different chains over a period of time. may be the reason that Vitalik Buterin initially said that such a merger would occur many years later.

当然,对于习惯趋利避害的个体用户而言,可能会根据 ETH 和 BETH 之间价格的高低来抉择,但以太坊开发者则更关注的是 BETH 对于整个 Eth2.0 系统的长期发展所承担的作用。

对于 BETH,你有什么想说的?欢迎在评论区一起探讨!

What do you want to say about BETH?


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