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以太坊联合创始人,Vitalik Buterin,币圈敬称 V 神。这位 27 岁的以太坊联合创始人在近期接受了 CNN Business 的采访,他认为加密市场处于泡沫之中。然而,他强调,"众所周知,很难去预测 "泡沫何时会破裂。"加密狂热可能已经结束了,也可能在几个月后才结束。…… 埃隆 (埃隆.马斯克) 不会永远拥有这种影响力"。

This 27-year-old founder of Etherwood, Vitalik Buterin, is known as V God. The 27-year-old co-founder of Ethio was interviewed recently by CNN Business, who argued that the encryption market was in a bubble. He stressed, however, that &quat; as you know, it was hard to predict when the & quot; the bubble would break down. &quat; encryption fanaticism could be over or over months later.... Elon (Eron Mask) would never have that influence &quat;

周三早间,据 Coinbase 的数据,以太坊跌破了 1900 美元,与周二晚上相比,跌幅惊人,超过了 40 %。周四上午,以太坊反弹至 2700 美元左右,但与 5 月 11 日创下的 4384 美元的最高纪录相比,仍然有相当大的差距。

In the morning of Wednesday, according to Coinbase, there was an alarming decline of over 40% compared to Tuesday night of $1,900. Thursday morning, it rebounded to around $2,700, but there was still a significant gap compared to the highest record of $4384 created on 11 May.

Buterin 生于俄罗斯,4 岁开始接触编程;6 岁,挖比特币以太坊FIL加slf756同家人移民加拿大,拥有俄罗斯、加拿大双重国籍;7 岁创建「兔子百科全书」的复杂文档;10 岁便能用同龄人的两倍速进行三位数的心算;12 岁时就会用 C++语言,撰写简单的游戏;19 岁大学辍学;20 岁成为以太坊联合创始人。

Buterin was born in Russia, 4 years old, starting with programming; 6 years old, digging bitcoin and migrating to Canada with his family FIL+slf756, with dual citizenship from Russia and Canada; 7 years old, creating a complex document for the Rabbit Encyclopaedia; 10 years old, allowing three-digit calculations to be made at twice the speed of the same age; 12 years, writing simple games in C++; 19 years of university dropouts; and 20 years of age as co-founder of Taicha.

年仅 27 岁的 Vitalik Buterin,早已经习惯了这些加密货币牛熊交替的周期。而在他的眼里,加密市场不仅仅只是金钱的游戏。

Twenty-seven-year-old Vitalik Buterin is used to the cycle of exchange of encrypted money. In his eyes, the encryption market is more than just a game of money.


Encrypted money is no longer just a toy.

Buterin 说:"到目前为止,挖比特币以太坊FIL加slf756我们至少有三次这样的大型加密货币泡沫时期,而很多时候,泡沫最终停止的原因是,发生一些事情,然后让人突然明白技术还没有到想像的那一步。」

Buterin says: &quat; so far, there have been at least three times such large-scale encrypted currency bubbles in the district of Bitcoin plus slf756, and in many cases the bubbles have finally stopped because something happened and then suddenly it became clear that technology was not as yet known as it was.”

Buterin 在 2013 年的一份白皮书中阐述了他对以太坊的愿景,两年后以太坊正式推出。今天,它是第二大加密货币,仅次于比特币。与被视为 "数字黄金 "的比特币不同,以太坊是一个基于区块链的平台,供开发者构建和运营应用程序。它就像加密货币领域的安卓或 iOS。

Buterin's vision of Ether was set out in a white paper in 2013, which was officially launched two years later. Today it is the second largest encrypted currency after Bitcoin. Unlike Bitcoin, which is considered &quat; digital gold & Quot; and Bitcoin, it is a block-based platform for developers to build and operate applications. It is like Andre or iOS in the encryption currency field.

2017 年底,Buterin 发表了一篇推特风暴,质疑加密货币空间是否真的配得上其市场估值,当时的估值刚刚超过 5 万亿美元。他指出实际取得的成就很少,加密货币价格随后很快就下跌了。

At the end of 2017, Buterin published a Twitter storm questioning whether encryption money space was really worthy of its market valuation, which was just over $5 trillion. He pointed out that real gains had been minimal, and that the price of encryption money had fallen soon thereafter.

与那时不同,布特林对近年来技术和应用取得的 "巨大 "进步感到鼓舞。例如,由于 NFT 在社交媒体上的兴起,还有几次标志性的出圈事件,以太坊的活动在最近几个月急剧上升,因为 NFT 是基于以太坊网络。

Unlike at that time, Butrin was encouraged by the progress made in recent years in technology and applications, &quat; huge & Quot; and, for example, by the rise of NFT in social media and by several landmark outcry events, the activities of the Etherms have risen sharply in recent months, as NFTs are based on the Etherms network.

Buterin 说:"感觉加密货币已经为融入主流做好准备,而四年前则是完全相反的景象,那时它完全没有做好准备。现在的加密货币不再只是一个玩具了。虽然我不确定,但以太坊仍有可能最终赶上并在市场价值上超过比特币。」

Buterin says: &quat; it feels like an encoded currency is ready for the mainstream, and four years ago it was completely opposite, when it was completely unprepared. The encrypt currency is no longer just a toy. Although I am not sure, it is still possible that Ether will finally catch up and exceed the market value of Bitcoin.”

爱狗的大嘴巴 BOSS 马斯克

Big, dog-loving mouth, Boss, Musk.


However, there are still problems in the area of etherms, as well as a wide range of encrypted currencies. First, they remain highly unstable, especially for bulk investors, who are accustomed to more moderate changes in the stock market.

而且,一些亿万富翁似乎把加密货币当成了玩物。埃隆-马斯克 (Elon Musk) 对各种硬币时好时坏的爱恋,给整个领域带来了冲击波。

And, some billionaires seem to be using encrypted money as a game. Elon-Mask's love for the good and bad of all kinds of coins brings a shock wave to the whole field.

在马斯克 5 月 12 日发推文称特斯拉将停止接受比特币付款,因为担心加密货币对环境的负面影响。(因为比特币复杂的开采过程需要大量的计算机功率和电力)加密市场的情绪立即发生了转变。据 CNBC 报道,当天有近 3650 亿美元的加密货币市值蒸发。

In Musk, on May 12, a tweet was sent stating that Tesla would stop receiving payment in bitcoin, fearing the negative impact of encryption on the environment. The mood in the encryption market (because of the complex process of mining in bitcoin, which required a large amount of computer power and electricity) immediately changed.

Buterin 承认,加密货币市场在 "随着时间的推移建立起自己的免疫系统 "之前,往往在破坏性事件面前显得 "很脆弱"。

Buterin acknowledges that the crypto-currency market is in &quat; that it has built its own immune system over time &quat; that it often appears in the face of disruptive events; and that it is fragile &quat;

马斯克在推特上发文影响市场,这是在近期才第一次出现加密货币领域的事情。Buterin 认为现在有点疯狂是合理的。但市场最终总会进步。埃隆不会永远拥有这种影响力。

It is only the first time in the near future that Musk has posted a text on Twitter affecting the market. Buterin thinks that it is reasonable to be a bit crazy. But the market will always progress.

这位特斯拉亿万富翁还多次鼓吹 dogecoin,dogecoin 是为了讽刺加密市场而诞生的。马斯克还在周六夜现场表演中再次提及狗狗币。

The Tesla billionaire has also repeatedly advocated that dogecoin, dogecoin, was born to sarcastically encrypt the market.

Buterin 认为,马斯克对狗狗币的迷恋仅仅是处于兴趣,并无恶意。

Buterin believes that Mask's obsession with dog money is merely an interest, not a malice.

他说,"他(马斯克)是一个一千多亿的富翁,他经营着特斯拉和 SpaceX 以及所有这些事情,但这并不改变他最终是一个人的事实,而人类会对狗狗币感到兴奋。这只是人类的一种本能。我不认为埃隆在这些事情上有什么恶意。"

He says, &quat; he's a billionaire who runs Tesla and SpaceX and all of this, but it doesn't change the fact that he's finally a human being, and humans are excited about dog coins. It's just a human instinct. I don't think Eron has any malice in these things.

V 神怒斩 SHIB

I'm sorry, SHIB.

近期,另一个能让人类感到兴奋的动物币就是 Shiba Inu,是一种自称「狗狗币」杀手的 meme 币。

In recent times, another animal coin that excites humans is Shiba Inu, a meme coin that calls itself a "dogbill" killer.

在 Buterin 将当时价值 10 亿美元的 SHIB 捐给印度的 Covid-19 救济基金后,Shiba 瞬间崩盘了约三分之一。这次抛售凸显了这些山寨币的一些缺乏流动性的问题。挖比特币以太坊FIL加slf756他说,"这些狗狗币的问题出在,它们的市场太小了,实际上通过卖出本来价值 10 亿美元的 Shiba Inu,最后连几百万美元都可能拿不到。"

After Buterin donated $1 billion worth of SHIB to the Covid-19 relief fund in India, Shiba crashed about a third of the time. This sale highlighted some of the lack of liquidity of these bogus coins. Digging bitcoins to the FIL plus slf756, he said, &quat; the puppies are too small in their markets, actually by selling the original $1 billion Shiba Inu, which may not even be able to get a few million dollars.

Buterin 最近还宣布计划烧毁,或从流通中移除他所持有的 90% 的 SHIB,这些 SHIB 都是来源于链上捐赠。Buterin 说他不想成为一个 "权力的中心"。在采访中,他强调,他不希望创造山寨币的 人出于 "营销 "目的给他送币。

Buterin also recently announced plans to burn down, or remove from circulation, 90% of the SHIBs that he owns, all from the chain of donations. Buterin said he did not want to be a & quot; centre of power & quot; in an interview, he stressed that he did not want the man who created the & Quot; marketing & quot; to give him the money.

Buterin 谈到,"首先,我并不真正了解或理解这些项目。所以,我不能为它们背书,我看到我的钱包里好像有几千枚叫作 Freecoin 的山寨币。我甚至都不知道这玩意是什么。"

Buterin talked about, &quat; first of all, I didn't really know or understand the projects. So, I couldn't endorse them. I saw thousands of them in my purse called Freecoin. I didn't even know what that was.

Buterin 劝诫那些想用加密代币做好事的人,直接把它捐给慈善机构。

Buterin exhorts those who want to do good with an encrypted token to donate it directly to charities.


There's always a problem with government custody.


The recent collapse of encrypted currency is partly due to concerns about domestic regulation. The three regulatory agencies in China’s financial and banking sectors have stated on Tuesday that financial institutions and payment companies should not be involved in any transactions related to encrypted currency, nor should they provide services related to encrypted currency to customers.

Buterin 在接受中国新闻采访时承认,监管 "始终是一个问题",尽管对彻底禁止的担忧已经消退。"做这样的事情似乎更难,也更不现实。同时,政府确实有很大的权力,可以让参与加密货币领域的工作更加艰难。" 即使区块链是去中心化的,政府不能完全拿下它们,但政府可以阻止或限制访问。

Buterin, in an interview with the Chinese press, admitted that regulation & quot; was always a problem & quot; and that, while concerns about a total ban have faded. & Quot; doing this seems harder and less realistic. At the same time, the government does have a great deal of power to make it harder to participate in the area of encryption money. &quat; Even if the block chain is decentralized, the government cannot take them completely, but the government can block or restrict access.

"听取监管机构的意见很重要,这样我们才能尽力的去解决可能存在的问题,「监管」风险让加密货币和监管机构之间的关系变得 "更加对抗"。

&quat; Listening to regulators is important so that we can do our best to solve possible problems, and the risk of "regulation" makes the relationship between encrypted money and regulators &quat; it is more resistant to &quat;

PoS 革命,将大幅降低 gas 费用

Pos Revolution will significantly reduce gas costs

亿万富翁 Mark Cuban 在 2 月份向 The Defiant 抱怨说,以太坊的发展正受到「荒谬的」交易费用的制约。V 神谈到,「交易费用现在的确 "非常高",尽管交易需求非常大,但以太坊区块链每秒只能处理 20 到 50 笔交易。」

In February, the billionaire Mark Cuban complained to The Defiant that the development of Ether was being constrained by the "irresponsible" transaction costs. V God said, "The transaction costs are now & Quot; very high & quot; despite the high demand for the transaction, Ether is only able to handle 20 to 50 transactions per second."

但 V 神仍然有信心,挖比特币以太坊FIL加slf756他坚信交易成本会下降,因为以太坊团队正在进行大规模的技术性改造,目的是为了让以太坊能够迅速扩大规模。以太坊正在从区块链技术的原始算法 "工作证明"(Proof of Work) 转向一个名为 "权益证明 "(Proof of Stack) 的较新概念。简而言之,这一升级意味着以太坊网络的参与者将得到适当的奖励,以保持在线并保持网络的正常运行。这将消除工作证明所带来的能源消耗竞赛。

But V God is still confident that the bitcoin mining industry’s FIL plus slf756, he is convinced that the transaction costs will fall, because the Etherworld team is undergoing a massive technical overhaul to enable the Ether to expand rapidly. The Etherworld is moving from the original algorithm of block chain technology & quot; proof of work & & quot; (Proof of Work) to a relatively new concept called &quat; proof of interest; (Proof of Stark). In short, this upgrade means that participants in the ethala network will receive appropriate incentives to keep online and running the network. This will eliminate the energy consumption competition that the work has proven.


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