21万一个的比特币 自己能挖到吗?

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Bitcoin is a decentralized initiative, using point-to-point network and consensus, opening the original code, using the block chain as an encrypted currency for underlying technology. Bitcoin was published on 31 October 2008 by China Harbour, and was born on 3 January 2009. In some countries, central banks, and government agencies, Bitcoin is considered a virtual commodity, not a currency.


By the way, do you know how much bitcoin is worth?

截止到2021年1月13号 1比特币大约等于21万软妹币啊!

As of January 13, 2021, a bitcoin equals about 210,000 flounders!








先给大家简单说一下区块链的意思:区块链(英语:blockchain或block chain)是借由密码学串接并保护内容的串连文字记录(又称区块)。

Let us begin with a brief description of what the block chain means: the block chain (English: Blockchai or Block Chain) is a string of text records (also called blocks) with cryptographic stringing and protection of content.

每一个区块包含了前一个区块的加密散列、相应时间戳记以及交易资料(通常用默克尔树(Merkle tree)算法计算的散列值表示),这样的设计使得区块内容具有难以篡改的特性。用区块链技术所串接的分布式账本能让两方有效纪录交易,且可永久查验此交易。

Each block contains an encrypted hash of the previous block, a corresponding time stamp, and a transaction information (typically expressed as a hash value calculated by Merkel Tree), which makes the block content difficult to tamper with. Distribute accounts that are connected with block chain technology are supposed to allow both parties to record the transaction effectively and to permanently identify the transaction.


The largest application of block chain technology at present is digital currency, such as the invention of bitcoin. Because of the nature of the payments, “the amount reduced in account A is increased to account B.” If one has a public account that records all transactions to date in all accounts, one can calculate the amount of money it currently has for any account.



, according to the basic bitcoin algorithm, Bitcoin produces a block (block) every 10 minutes, with N bitcoin in each block as a reward (the number of which is described below). This block contains all the bitcoin transactions for the last 10 minutes. The process of manufacturing bitcoin is called “mining” and, in the process, the computer wraps the recently received bill into the newly manufactured block, which is the process of packing up, with very few chances of success. (You can understand that when the newly received bill is combined, no change can be made at one time, if the manufacturing fails again) Once the block is successfully manufactured, you broadcast it, which means you get the Nbit in the block as a reward.

那么N是多少呢?根据比特币算法,在比特币发布之日起的头4年里,N=基础报酬(50个比特币) + 交易报酬(过去10分钟内整个比特币网络耗费的交易手续费,前面已经说过,每笔比特币交易会消耗0.001比特币作为报酬给挖矿的人),每隔4年,N的基础奖励将减少一半,也就是说,头4年为50,第5-8年为25,第9-12年为12.5,以此类推。而随着比特币越来越普及,交易越来越频繁,N的交易奖励会逐渐增加。

What is N? According to the Bitcoin algorithm, for the first four years from the date of Bitcoin, N = Basic Remuneration (50 Bitcoins) + Transaction Remuneration (the transaction fees spent on the entire Bitcoin network in the last 10 minutes, as previously stated, each Bitcoin transaction consumes 0.001 bitcoins as a reward to miners), the base N reward will be halved every four years, that is, 50 in the first four years, 25 in the 5-8 years and 12.5 in the 9-12 years, and so on.


since May 2013, Bitcoin entered its fifth year officially, so until May 2017, N's per block was paid 25+ for trading, and according to the current bitcoin price, each block was paid approximately 210,000 RMB



(1) 下载比特币官方客户端

(2) 安装好客户端后,启动客户端,客户端启动后一般3分钟内会开始同步网络数据,由于比特币数据非常庞大,这可能需要若干个小时(根据网速和电脑性能决定)。图为客户端同步网络数据:



Please ensure that your C-disk has more than 10 gigabytes of space left, and if there is not enough C-disc, the data will need to be set up on D or E-disk.

(3) 如果你的客户端显示的是英文,而你又对英文不太擅长,你可以把它设置成中文

If your client shows English and you're not good at English, you can set it up in Chinese .

(4) 客户端同步网络数据不会影响我们挖矿,我们先获取我们的账户地址,点击客户端的“收款地址”按钮,这时你看到的一串非常长的地址,类似19G5E9SY5WKdMJEJd71Zs35G8V6x2o3qpG,就是你的比特币账户,比特币账户地址是自动生成的、全世界唯一的地址。

(4) Client Synchronization Network data will not affect our mining. We first get our account address, click on the client's “receipt address” button, and then you see a very long set of addresses, similar to 19G5E9SY5WKdMJEJ 71Zs35G8V6x2o3qpG, which is your Bitcoin account, the only address in the world that is automatically generated.


(5) 你的账户里现在是0.00 BTC,意味着你还没有比特币,但你现在可以开始挖矿了,下载一个简单易用的挖矿软件CGMiner(CGMiner能挖比特币以及大部分的货币,但并非所有货币的挖矿都能用CGMiner)

Your account is now 0.00 BTC, which means you don't have bitcoin, but you can start digging now and download a simple, easy-to-use mining software, CGminer (CGminer can dig bitcoins and most of the money, but not all of the money can dig with CGminer

(6) 你需要确认你的显卡型号,如果是nvidia显卡,那么就可以直接挖矿了,请跳过本步骤。如果是ATI显卡,除了CGMiner你还需要安装一个AMD SDK包 点此下载AMD SDK安装包

(6) You need to confirm your card type. If it's a nvidia card, then you can dig directly. Skip this step. If it's an ATI card, you need to install an AMD SDK package .

(7) CGMiner是英文界面,不过这并不影响一个菜鸟来使用它,请将下载到的CGMiner解压到电脑的任意地方,然后进入到CGMiner的文件夹。

(7) The CGminer is an English-language interface, but this does not affect a rookie to use it. Please untie the downloaded CGminer to any place on the computer and then enter the CGminer folder.

(8) 在cgminer的文件夹里面,新建一个文本文件(TXT),将内容代码写为:

(8) In cgminer's folder, add a new text file (TXT) with content code

cgminer -o http://pool.btc38.com:9332?-u XXXXXX?-p btc38


Amend the above to read as follows: /span /strang >



The codes above

(9) 将你刚才新建立的TXT文本文件的.txt后缀改为.bat后缀(如果你比较菜,文本文件后面不显示后缀名而不会改文件名后缀,。修改后,这个文件如图所示:

(9) Replace the.txt suffix of the new TXT text document that you have just created with the.bat suffix (if you compare the text file, the suffix does not appear at the end of the text file and does not change the suffix of the document). With this change, the document will be as shown in the figure: .


(10) 然后双击运行上面的run.bat文件,就可以开始采矿了。你挖矿时产生的收益,比如你获得了0.001个比特币,会存放到你自己填写的BTC地址中(由于现在这个阶段BTC挖矿的难度非常大,你可能要等待一整天才会有BTC收益,挖矿时,电脑屏幕可能会有一些卡,是因为显卡的资源绝大部分被占用了)。图为测试时挖到的比特币:

(10)) and then double-click the run.bat files above, you can start mining. The profits you generate when you dig, for example, by getting 0.001 bitcoins, will be stored in the BTC address you filled out. (Because it's very difficult at this stage for BTC to dig, you may have to wait a whole day to have BTC returns. When you dig, computer screens may have some cards because most of the resources in the cards are occupied.)


(11) 你可能还想知道,挖矿的界面怎么才能看得懂,下图主要标识了你的速度和状态:






如上文所说,比特币挖矿的用户数量非常庞大,而每10分钟产出的比特币又十分有限,形成了千万人抢1个区块的情况出现,所以,如果你用个人电脑单独挖矿,有可能一整年也抢不到一个区块,在这种情况下,人们就想出了一种组队挖矿的方法,所谓的组队挖矿,就是我们现在要讲述的矿池(mining pool)。

, as noted above, the number of users of bitcoin digs is huge and the output of bitcoins is very limited every 10 minutes, creating a situation in which millions of people rob a block, so if you dig alone with a personal computer, it is possible that you won't get a block for a whole year, in which case one can come up with a method of team mining, the so-called team mining, which is the pond that we are going to talk about. .



在上文挖矿教程中讲到的比特时代免费提供的矿池,采用P2Pool技术架构,不向用户收取任何费用,是主流矿池中的一个,另外还有BTC Guild和deepbit等矿池,人气也是非常旺的。虽然每个矿池的设计都不太一样,但是使用方法基本上是雷同并且简单的,因此本教程不再做进一步的讲述,大家可以自行摸索。

, free of charge in the Bit era, as described in the above-mentioned mining curriculum, using the P2Pool technical architecture, without charge to users, is one of the main deposits, as well as the BTC Guid and Deepbit, which are very popular. While the design of each pond is not the same, the methods used are essentially the same and simple, so the curriculum is free of further discussion and can be consulted.


bitcoin mining strategy


First of all, regardless of the basic principles of Bitcoin, we understand that the better the computer works, the more efficient the mine. And, because of the bitcoin algorithm, the better the card core, the more efficient the mine. After a test, this lesson compares the mining efficiency of the mainstream card core:


HD 6570 | 速率 78.5 MHash/S

HD 6570 78.5 MHash/S

HD 6670 | 速率 96.9 MHash/S

HD 6670 96.9 MHash/S

HD 6750 | 速率 156.3 MHash/S

HD 6750 Rate of 156.3 MHash/S

HD 6770 | 速率 182.3 MHash/S

HD 6770 Rate 182.3 MHash/S

HD 6790 | 速率 182.5 MHash/S

HD 6790 Rate 182.5 MHash/S

HD 5870 | 速率 343.2 MHash/S

HD 5870 Rate 343.2 MHash/S

HD 6950 | 速率 299.3 MHash/S

HD 6950 Rate 299.3 MHz/S

HD 6970 | 速率 355.1 MHash/S

HD 6970 355.1 MHz/S

HD 6990 | 速率 714.8 MHash/S

HD 6990 Rate 714.8 MHz/S

HD 7950 | 速率 453.7 MHash/S

HD 7950 453.7 MHz/S

HD 7970 | 速率 566.2 MHash/S

HD 7970 566.2 MHz/S

HD 7990 | 速率 1073.5 MHash/S

HD 7990 Rate 1073.5 MHz/S


GTX 285 | 速率 56.1 MHash/S

GTX 285 Rate 56.1 MHash/S

GTX 460 | 速率 71.1 MHash/S

GTX 460 Rate 71.1 MHash/S

GTX 570 | 速率 124.2 MHash/S

GTX 570 Rate of 124.2 MHz/S

GTX TITAN | 速率 302.4 MHash/S

GTX TTAN 302.4 MHz/S


we see that the same price N series cards are no better than the same A series cards in comparison to the efficiency of mining, which is determined by the design structure of the cards, so the curriculum no longer tests more N series cards.

上面这个速率表明每个显卡的挖矿效率的区别,那么这些效率能够获得多少回报呢?这个不是绝对值。在当前的挖矿难度下(挖矿的人越多,难度自然就越大),每100 MHash/S的速率,24小时可以获得大约0.002个比特币作为回报,按2013年6月初的比特币行情折算,也就是1.6元人民币。很显然,这1.6元多钱基本上还不够电费了。所以,显卡性能差的电脑,并不适合用来挖BTC。假设你的显卡性能可以达到300MHash/S,那么每天的收益就可以达到差不多5块钱。

shows the difference in the efficiency of each card's mining effort, so what are these benefits? This is not absolute. Under the present difficulty of mining (the more mine digers, the more difficult it is), about 0.002 bitcoins per 100 MHz/S are available for 24 hours in return, converted to bitcoin at the beginning of June 2013, which is 1.6 yuan. Obviously, more than $1.6 million is not enough. So, a computer with bad card performance is not suitable for BTC. Assuming that your card performance can reach 300 MHz/S, the daily return will be almost five dollars .


Speaking of which, you can't help but ask, is there a better way to dig?


The answer is: yes.


professional mining 1: CCM


has a number of professional diggers who, through their own modified computers, install two or even six cards on the same computer, thus obtaining several times more efficient mining than others, provided that power and heat distribution are guaranteed, which is certainly more efficient, if you wish to install multiple cards for mining, recommend that you go first to the computer sales store, consult on detailed installation methods and accompanying power sources and master panels.




Professional mining 2: Specialized industrial miner


A part of the laboratory has developed, through technical research, a number of mining chips dedicated to the production of bitcoin, which are efficient and low-power features, and which are undoubtedly instruments of God. They all have the same disadvantages: quality is not stable, nothing can be done but mining, and prices are expensive.





bitcoin mining software


, we talked about the Bitcoin mining software CGminer. In fact, CGminer is only one of many mainstream mining software, which, because of its simple interface, is more suitable for newcomers. However, some miners prefer to use mining software such as Guiminer and CPUminer, which has its advantages and disadvantages, but it is essentially the same.


Draw bitcoin doesn't need to know much about programming techniques, but if you understand the underlying principles, you know what many people don't know. Java language python is very helpful.


Thank you for seeing me here. You can trust me if you need help.





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