2023 年十大加密货币

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2023 年十大加密货币

2021 年是加密货币最好的一年,当时比特币在当年 11 月达到了 68,000 美元的峰值。但一年后一切都变了,加密货币损失了一半以上的价值。差不多一年后,ChatGPT 出现了。 OpenAI 聊天机器人的突然流行占据了头条新闻,使生成 AI 成为新的加密货币。

2021 was the best year of encryption, when bitcoin peaked at $68,000 in November. But after a year everything changed, encryption money lost more than half of its value. Almost a year later, ChatGPT appeared. OpenAI chat robots suddenly took over headlines, making AI a new encrypted currency.

然而,这并不全是悲观和厄运。自 1 月以来,全球最受欢迎的加密货币比特币自今年年初以来已上涨超过 72%。行业专家预测,加密货币市场将在 2023 年开始趋于稳定,此前 2022 年经历了动荡的熊市,并显着降低了数字货币的整体价值。

Since January, the world’s most popular encrypt currency, bitcoin, has risen by more than 72% since the beginning of this year. Industry experts predict that the encrypt currency market will begin to stabilize in 2023, after experiencing a volatile bear market in 2022 and significantly reducing the overall value of digital money.

虽然不太可能完全回到 2021 年的牛市,但比特币 (BTC) 回升至 20,000 美元以上已导致其他几种加密货币在 2023 年初获得收益。因此,许多加密货币的价格仍然足够低,足以让加密资产爱好者可能会在未来几个月内产生可观的利润,从而导致定于明年举行的下一次比特币减半活动。

While a full return to the 2021 cattle market is unlikely, the return of Bitcoin (BTC) to more than $20,000 has led to several other encrypted currencies reaping gains in early 2023. As a result, many of the encrypt currency prices remain low enough to allow encrypters to generate significant profits in the coming months, leading to the next halving of bitcoin, scheduled to take place next year.

因此,以下是您可能希望在 2023 年购买的前 12 种数字货币代币,它们有可能在年底和未来产生可观的回报:

Therefore, the following are the previous 12 digital currencies that you may wish to purchase in 2023, which are likely to yield considerable returns at the end of the year and in the future:

  • 元计算机 (MCADE)
  • 替代信号 (ASI)
  • 以太坊 (ETH)
  • 币安币 (BNB)
  • 卡尔达诺 (ADA)
  • 瑞波币(瑞波币)
  • 索拉纳 (SOL)
  • 柴犬 (SHIB)
  • 多边形 (MATIC)
  • 狗狗币 (DOGE)
  • 链环 (LINK)
  • Uniswap(UNI)

Metacade是最令人兴奋的全新加密货币项目之一,旨在将游戏爱好者和加密货币粉丝聚集在一个地方。这个虚拟在线街机是一个基于以太坊的项目,它将承载最广泛的经典街机游戏以及完全使用 Web3 技术和无与伦比的游戏赚钱 (P2E) 机制的最新、最具创新性的游戏。

Metacade is one of the most exciting new encryption money projects aimed at bringing together game fans and encrypt money fans in one place. This virtual on-line is an Ether-based project that will carry the most extensive classic arcade game and the most recent and innovative game (P2E) mechanism of fully using Web3 technology and unmatched games.

Metacade 最近启动了预售活动,该活动在 2023 年初产生了巨大的势头,在短短 16 周内筹集了 1080 万美元,因为投资者蜂拥而至以极具吸引力的价格购买其原生 MCADE 代币。

Metacade recently launched a pre-sale campaign, which generated a huge momentum in early 2023, raising $10.8 million in just 16 weeks, as investors rush to purchase their original MCADE tokens at a very attractive price.

除了种类繁多的游戏和出色的游戏赚钱引擎外,Metacade 还将社区置于其计划的核心,以将自己定位于 GameFi 加密社区的最前沿。 MCADE 代币持有者将获得宝贵的效用,可以访问各种机会来赚取奖励,例如 Create2Earn、Compete2Earn 和 Work2Earn。每一项举措都使用户能够以不同的方式与中心互动并获得加密货币奖励。

In addition to a wide variety of games and excellent game-making engines, Metacade places the community at the heart of its program to position itself at the forefront of the GameFi encryption community. MCADE token holders will be valuable in accessing opportunities such as Create2Earn, Comppete2Earn, and World2Earn.

Metacade 的原生 MCADE 代币是一个有趣的投资机会。目前在预售活动的第一阶段以 0.017 美元的极低价格提供,该代币出色的代币经济学和高水平的内置实用程序使其成为任何加密投资组合的有吸引力的补充。

Metacade’s original MCADE token is an interesting investment opportunity. The first phase of the pre-sale campaign is now offered at a very low price of $0.017, and its excellent monetic economics and high-level built-in practical procedures make it an attractive complement to any encrypted portfolio.

同样,其开创性的 Metagrants 计划为开发者提供资金以专门为 Metacade 开发新游戏,这将有可能推动平台的增长并刺激整个加密游戏行业。

Similarly, its pioneering Metagrants plan to fund developers to develop new games specifically for Metacade has the potential to boost the growth of platforms and stimulate the entire encryption industry.

此外,开发人员可以提交申请以获得社区投票的资金。获得最多支持的想法有可能投入生产,这意味着社区有权看到他们想玩的游戏成为现实。因此,MCADE 是一种令人兴奋且独特的加密货币。

In addition, developers can submit applications for funding for community voting. The idea of getting the most support is likely to be put into production, which means that the community has the right to see the game they want to play become a reality. Therefore, MCADE is an exciting and unique encoded currency.

到预售活动结束时,MCADE 的当前价格将上涨至 0.02 美元。在此阶段之后,令牌将在 UNISWAP 等交易所发布,并可用于更大的加密货币市场。

At the end of the pre-sale campaign, the current price of MCADE will increase to $0.02.

随着代币的固定供应和 Metacade 的众多优势惠及更广泛的受众,对 MCADE 代币的需求可能会激增并推高价格。当然,与许多其他加密资产一样,Metacade 会受到一般市场波动的影响,投资者在投资任何加密货币之前应进行研究。

As the fixed supply of tokens and the advantages of Metacade reach a wider audience, the demand for MCADE is likely to surge and push prices up. Of course, like many other encrypted assets, Metacade will be affected by general market fluctuations, and investors should study it before investing in any encrypted currency.


AltSignals, a well-known industry leading trade signal provider, is developing state-of-the-art artificial intelligence technology to provide users with market analysis to maximize their trade efficiency and outcomes.

该平台的 AltAlgo? 指标最终将由新的 ActualizeAI 驱动的交易工具包提供支持,该工具包结合了几种最新的人工智能技术,并允许用户访问最新的交易信号。 ActualizeAI 将使用机器学习、预测建模和自然语言处理 (NLP) 来全天候 24/7 搜索市场,并为用户提供最佳的交易情报。

AltAlgo? Indicators will eventually be supported by a new transaction kit driven by ActualizeAI, which combines several of the latest artificial intelligence technologies and allows users to access the latest trade signals. ActualizeAI will use machine learning, forecasting modelling, and natural language processing (NLP) to search the market 24/7 round the clock and provide best trade intelligence to users.

AltSignals 正在通过发布其原生 ASI 代币及其 AI 会员俱乐部来提升其产品。 ASI 代币将为会员提供 Web3 领域利润丰厚的预售和私人销售机会的独家早期访问权。这只是向 ASI 硬币持有者开放的众多好处之一。

AltSignals is upgrading their products by publishing their original ASI tokens and their AI member clubs. ASI tokens will provide members with exclusive early access to lucrative pre-sales and private sales opportunities in the area of Web3. This is just one of many benefits open to ASI coin holders.

ASI 代币预售是 2023 年最激动人心的 ICO 之一。随着代币预售以每个代币 0.012 美元的价格推出,ASI 和 AltSignals 本身一样具有巨大的潜力,是在加密货币上提供准确的人工智能交易信号的领先供应商市场。

ASI is one of the most exciting ICOs in 2023. As presells at a price of 0.012 dollars per token, ASI and AltSignals themselves have the potential to be the leading supplier markets that provide accurate signals of artificial intelligence transactions in encrypted currencies.

ASI 社区将受益于一个已经建立且高度信任的平台的巨大支持,很可能会刺激代币价格,在预售期间将从 0.012 美元上涨至 0.02274 美元,专家预测它在进入交易所时可能会大幅上涨比如 Uniswap。

The ASI community will benefit from the tremendous support of an established and highly trusted platform, which is likely to stimulate the price of money in currencies, rising from 0.012 to 0.02274 during the pre-sale period, with experts predicting a significant increase, such as Uniswap, when entering the exchange.

在预售阶段投资像 ASI 这样的新加密货币项目显然存在风险。然而,作为已经建立的交易信号指标的新代币,市场力量的影响要小得多,这意味着与不太成熟的项目相比,任何看跌的市场条件对价格的影响都有望忽略不计。

There is a clear risk of investing in new encrypted money projects such as ASI during the pre-sale phase. However, as a new currency for established trading signal indicators, market forces have a much smaller impact, which means that the price impact of any falling market conditions is expected to be negligible compared to less mature projects.


In terms of market value and value, it is the most popular coin except for Bitcoin and remains the world’s leading supplier of block chains. It is a decentralised open-source chain with an excellent intellectual contract function that allows users to easily construct decentralised applications (dApps).

以太坊发现其作为领先区块链提供商的地位受到更新的第 1 层区块链的威胁,与更新、更现代的平台相比,其最初的第 1 层工作量证明 (PoW) 共识证明成本高、效率低且速度慢。以太坊开发人员在 2022 年通过上海升级改进了许多这些问题,这提供了向不那么笨重的权益证明 (PoS) 机制的过渡。

It found that its position as a leading block chain provider was threatened by the updated first block chain, and its initial first layer of workload proved to be cost-effective, inefficient, and slow, compared to the updated, more modern platform. In 2022, its developers improved many of these issues through upgrading in Shanghai, providing a transition to a less cumbersome Proprietary (PoS) mechanism.

ETH 最近的价值增长反映了全球加密货币市场的整体改善,但也可以归因于以太坊 2.0 的成功推出。以太坊声称,与之前的 PoW 共识相比,向权益证明共识机制的过渡减少了约 99.95% 的能源使用,从而使 ETH 与其他加密货币相比更具吸引力。然而,汽油费仍然偏高。

The recent value growth in ETH reflects an overall improvement in the global market for encrypted currencies, but it can also be attributed to the successful launch of the Etherno 2.0. The Tails claim that the transition to a pro-equity consensus mechanism has reduced energy use by about 99.95% compared to the previous PoW consensus, making ETH more attractive than other encoded currencies.

进一步的开发计划将于 2023 年和 2024 年发布,例如新的分片机制将扩展以太坊网络的数据存储容量、提高可扩展性和降低交易费用。这些新功能看起来将巩固以太坊生态系统作为未来几年世界领先的加密资产之一的地位。

Further development plans will be launched in 2023 and 2024, for example, new sub-mechanisms will expand data storage capacity, increase scalability, and reduce transaction costs with the Taiwan network. These new features will appear to consolidate the position of Taiwan ecosystem as one of the world’s leading encryption assets in the coming years.

以太坊生态系统与比特币紧密挂钩,使其成为对一般市场波动最具弹性的代币之一,这意味着 ETH 的价格在当前熊市条件下受到的影响较小。一些全球政府正在考虑引入对加密市场的监管。任何扼杀除比特币之外最大的加密货币(例如以太坊)所享有的自由的法规都可能对 ETH 的价格产生不利影响。

Some global governments are considering introducing regulation of the encryption market. Any regulation that stifles the freedom of the largest encoded currency other than Bitcoin (e.g., the Taiku) could have a negative impact on the prices of ETH.

Binance 在加密货币世界中最为人所知,是占主导地位的中心化加密货币交易所,拥有全球交易量最高的交易量。然而,除了交易所之外,币安还斥巨资开发其生态系统以生产自己的区块链,即币安智能链。币安创建的加密货币称为BNB,是区块链的原生代币。

Binance, the most well-known in the world of crypto-currency, is the dominant centralized crypto-currency exchange, with the highest volume of transactions worldwide. However, in addition to the exchange, the currency invests heavily in developing its ecosystem to produce its own block chain, that is, its smart chain.

在币安这一加密货币巨头的支持下,币安智能链在短时间内取得了长足的进步。币安智能链比其他链(例如以太坊)更加集中,但提供低至 0.02 美元的交易费用和快速的出块时间。这使得币安的区块链技术在几个新项目中大受欢迎,从去中心化的加密货币交易所到不可替代的代币。

Currency security smart chains are more concentrated than other chains (e.g., the Etherm), but provide up to $0.02 in transaction costs and rapid exit times. This makes the block chain technology of currency secure much popular in several new projects, from decentralized crypto-currency exchanges to irreplaceable tokens.


The money security smart chain has excellent features that support smart contracts, which have been used in several existing projects. However, with its meagre gasoline costs, this would seem to make the chain a destination for more new projects that will become increasingly popular in the coming years.

BNB 代币持有者也有机会质押他们的 BNB 硬币,因为他们的硬币支持平台上的交易,因此有机会获得奖励。这种低成本、高效且安全的开发者进入市场的途径可以为 BNB 的投资者提供丰厚的回报。尽管 BNB 已经拥有很高的市值,但仍有巨大的回报潜力,尤其是在币安智能链刺激加密行业增长的情况下。

BNB currency holders also have the opportunity to pledge their BNB coins, because their coins support transactions on the platform and are therefore rewarded. Such low-cost, efficient, and safe developers’ access to markets can offer BNB investors huge returns.

Binance 强大的市值和增长空间使其成为偏好购买成熟代币的投资者的诱人前景。然而,Binance 的多层产品使他们面临更大的贬值风险,不仅是在加密货币市场看跌的情况下,而且如果他们的生态系统的任何部分出现故障,对整个 Binance 生态系统的信心将受到重大打击。

Binance’s strong market value and growth space make it attractive for investors who favour the purchase of mature currencies. However, Binance’s multilayered product exposes them to a greater risk of devaluation, not only in the face of a fall in the crypto-currency market, but also in the event of a breakdown in any part of their ecosystem, it will be a major blow to confidence in the entire Binance ecosystem.

Cardano 由以太坊前联合创始人查尔斯·霍斯金森 (Charles Hoskinson) 创建,是一个建立在解决下述以太坊局限性基础上的区块链。 Hoskinson 和开发团队在设计 Cardano 时进行了深入的研究,所有这些都经过了学术界的同行评审,以确保编码质量和平台功能。

Cardano was created by Charles Hoskinson, a former co-founder of Etheria, as a chain of blocks based on addressing the limitations of the Tails described below. Hoskinson and the development team undertook in-depth research in designing Cardano, all of which was peer-reviewed by academics to ensure code quality and platform functionality.

与 ETH 笨拙的工作量证明共识相比,Cardano 提供替代方案的以太坊的两个重大限制是通过其权益证明共识机制验证交易的速度和成本。此外,Cardano 的分层架构包含 Cardano 结算层 (CSL) 和 Cardano 计算层 (CCL),允许将去中心化应用程序的交易处理和托管拆分到不同的网络上。

In contrast to the ETH's clumsy workload to prove consensus, two major limitations of the Tails that provide alternatives are the verification of the speed and cost of transactions through their pro-equity consensus mechanism. Moreover, Cardano's hierarchical structure includes the Cardano Settlement Layer (CSL) and Cardano Caldano Calculating Layer (CCL), allowing transaction processing and hosting of decentralised applications to be split into different networks.


This multilayered approach provides developers with greater scalability and flexibility, while reducing the computing capacity required to excavate blocks, thus achieving greater decentralized network control.

Cardano 区块链技术的革命性特性迅速建立了忠实而专注的追随者,使其成为 dApp 开发最活跃的第 1 层区块链平台之一。尽管加密货币项目从不可替代的代币到去中心化金融解决方案,但开发人员相信 Cardano 的平台是最安全和灵活的平台之一,尽管以太坊最近发布了新版本。

The revolutionary nature of Cardano block chain technology quickly created faithful and focused followers, making it one of the most active platforms in the dApp development of block chain 1. Although encryption money projects range from irreplaceable tokens to decentralized financial solutions, developers believe that Cardano’s platform is one of the most secure and flexible platforms, although a new version has recently been released in Taipan.

这种新兴的声誉正在吸引越来越多的开发人员到该平台来构建新项目,从而导致平台上进行的交易数量发生潜在的阶跃变化,并推高 ADA 的价格。

This emerging reputation is attracting an increasing number of developers to the platform to build new projects, leading to potential leaps in the volume of transactions on the platform and higher prices for ADA.

尽管 Cardano 继续保持高知名度和高质量的产品,但一些明显的威胁即将出现。随着以太坊网络快速开发新功能,开发人员可能会放弃 Cardano,转而支持区块链巨头。

Although Cardano continues to maintain high-profile and high-quality products, some obvious threats are imminent. As the Etherno network quickly develops new features, developers may abandon Cardano and instead support the block chain giants.

此外,ADA 的高总市值可能会限制投资者获得的回报,主要是因为它主持的许多项目都处于开发的早期阶段。

In addition, the high total market value of ADA may limit returns to investors, mainly because many of the projects it hosts are in the early stages of development.

Ripple 是一个著名的去中心化金融解决方案,成立于 2012 年,它使用自己的 RippleNet 平台来促进国际跨境支付。本地货币 XRP 代币为系统提供流动性,并作为桥梁货币产生收入,因为 Ripple 希望接管相对昂贵且耗时的 SWIFT 系统。

Ripple is a famous decentralised financial solution that was created in 2012 using its own RippleNet platform to facilitate international cross-border payments. Local currency XRP tokens provide liquidity for the system and generate revenue as a bridge currency because Ripple wants to take over the relatively expensive and time-consuming SWIFT system.

XRP 正在巩固自己在市值排名前十的加密货币中的地位。有几个大牌支持者,例如主要的全球银行,要么利用 Ripple 以显着降低的成本和交易时间在几秒钟内而不是几天内推动国际支付,要么试用 Ripple 的解决方案。

XRP is consolidating its position in the top 10 encrypted currencies in market value rankings. There are several big players, such as major global banks, either using Ripple to boost international payments in seconds, rather than days, with significantly lower costs and transaction times, or to try the Ripple solution.

美国证券交易委员会对 Ripple 提起的持续诉讼令许多投资者望而却步,该诉讼质疑 XRP 代币作为去中心化加密货币的有效性以及它是否是一种证券。然而,全球金融巨头继续涌向 Ripple,提供了一个平台,使开发人员能够开发去中心化的应用程序,并无可比拟地访问全球一些最广泛的银行巨头。

The ongoing litigation by the US Securities and Exchange Commission against Ripple, which discourages many investors, questions the validity of the XRP token as a decentralised encrypted currency and whether it is a security. However, global financial giants continue to rush to Ripple, providing a platform for developers to develop decentralized applications without comparable access to some of the world’s largest banks.

这种支持,连同 Ripple 现有的忠诚和敬业的社区,使许多人相信诉讼将对 Ripple 有利。如果真是这样,分析师预计随着越来越多的客户转向 Ripple 作为现状的替代品,XRP 的价格将飙升。

This support, along with the existing loyal and committed community of Ripple, has led many to believe that litigation will be beneficial to Ripple. If this is the case, analysts expect that the price of XRP will soar as more and more customers turn to Ripple as an alternative to the status quo.

Ripple 最大的潜在优势也是其最大的风险。尽管其现有的高市值可能会限制 Ripple 投资者的回报,但最大的威胁是针对 Ripple 的诉讼的后果可能会对 XRP 的价格产生影响。

Ripple’s greatest potential advantage is also its greatest risk. While its current high market value may limit the return of Ripple investors, the biggest threat is that the consequences of litigation against Ripple may have an impact on XRP prices.

由于预计将在 2023 年晚些时候做出决定,这种影响可以早日实现。

As a decision is expected later in 2023, this impact can be achieved at an early date.

Solana 是第 1 层权益证明区块链提供商,其开发类似于 Cardano,旨在挑战以太坊作为去中心化协议提供商的垄断地位,同时为开发人员在使用以太坊区块链时面临的一些问题提供解决方案。

Solana, a first-tier block chain provider, developed similar to Cardano, aims to challenge the monopoly of Tai Pa as a decentralised agreement provider, while providing solutions to some of the problems faced by developers in using the Ether block chain.

Solana 和 Cardano 之间的显着区别在于它开创性地使用了历史证明共识机制和权益证明,以提供出色的可扩展性和灵活性,同时证明自己比以太坊更便宜、更快,并且具有比以太坊大得多的交易能力尤其。 Solana 是以太坊在区块链领域压倒性优势的最大挑战者之一。

The difference between Solana and Cardano is that it has pioneered the use of historical evidence-consensus mechanisms and evidence of rights to provide excellent scalability and flexibility, while proving itself to be cheaper, faster, and more than Etheria’s ability to trade. Solana is one of the biggest challenges Tai’s overriding power in the area of block chains.

Solana 的网络由原生代币 (SOL) 提供支持,近年来已成为许多加密货币项目的首选链。 Solana 最大的用途之一是数字房地产,在这个领域,以太坊仍然占据主导地位,但 Solana 的额外可扩展性为开发人员提供了一个引人注目的选择。

Solana’s network, supported by the original intergenerational currency (SOL), has become the preferred chain for many crypto-currency projects in recent years. One of the most important uses of Solana is digital real estate, an area in which Taiyo continues to dominate, but the additional expansionary nature of Solana provides a remarkable choice for developers.

SOL 是一种硬币,看起来在未来几年内有很大的空间来增加其市值以挑战 Cardano,特别是如果它继续吸引越来越多的新项目和开发人员到其平台。随着这些新项目的成熟,SOL 的价值将会增长,使其成为一项出色的长期投资。

SOL is a coin that looks like there is much room in the coming years to increase its market value to challenge Cardano, especially if it continues to attract more and more new projects and developers to its platform. As these new projects mature, SOL’s value will grow, making it an excellent long-term investment.

尽管 Solana 扰乱了区块链领域,但事实证明它有时是自己最大的敌人。有几次,网络被迫停止以允许完全解决问题。从长远来看,如果无法解决这些问题并为开发人员提供稳定的网络,最终将陷入困境,项目将转向其他地方以获得他们的智能合约共识。

In the long run, if these problems are not resolved and if the developers are provided with stable networks, they will end up in trouble, and the project will move elsewhere in order to gain their intelligent contractual consensus.

Shiba Inu 是一个模因币区块链项目,其灵感来自狗狗币。它已经发展了一个新兴的、热情的支持者社区。因此,原生 SHIB 币的表现超出预期。在开发了一个允许用户参与其去中心化金融3解决方案的平台后,它现在作为治理代币获得了关注。

Shiba Inu is a mosaic block chain project inspired by dog money. It has developed an emerging and passionate constituency. As a result, the original SHIB currency has outperformed expectations. After developing a platform that allows users to participate in its decentralized financial 3 solution, it now receives attention as a governance token.

尽管模因币对加密爱好者的吸引力往往有限,有时还缺乏现实实用性,但 SHIB 在 2022 年的熊市中坚守阵地,表现坚忍,乘风破浪,稳居榜首20 种按市值计算的加密货币。

Despite the often limited and sometimes unrealistic appeal of monetics to cryptographers, SHIB maintained its position in the 2022 Bear City, acting patiently, taking advantage of the wind, and staying at the top of the list of 20 encrypted currencies based on market value.

尽管许多加密货币投资者仍然对 SHIB 的原生加密货币提供的实用性持怀疑态度,将其与其他低价值硬币放在一起,但粉丝们坚持认为 SHIB 是一种可以以相当大的折扣获得的优秀硬币,特别是现在 Shiba Inu 已经创建了一个 DeFi 解决方案来填充实用程序令牌无效。

While many cryptographic currency investors remain sceptical about the utility offered by the original encrypted currency of SHIB, putting it in conjunction with other low-value coins, fans maintain that SHIB is a good coin that can be obtained at considerable discounts, especially now that Shiba Inu has created a DeFi solution to fill in the void of the program signs.

此外,SHIB 正在收获其在以太坊区块链上实施的好处,由于以太坊向权益证明共识的过渡,它提供了安全性、稳定性和增强的功能。

In addition, SHIB is reaping the benefits of its implementation on the Etherm block chain, which provides security, stability and enhanced functions as a result of the transition of Ether to evidence of consensus.

与 SHIB 忠实追随者所表现出的活力形成鲜明对比的是,怀疑论者指出,加密货币市场中模因币的高度波动性,其价格表现有明显的高峰和低谷。尽管 Shiba Inu 将寻求通过他们的 DeFi 解决方案来稳定这种波动性,但存在一种风险,即他们将所有鸡蛋都放在一个高风险的篮子里,而没有成功的保证。

In contrast to the dynamism shown by SHIB loyal followers, skeptics point out that the model in the crypto-currency market is characterized by high currency volatility, with clear peaks and low price performance. While Shiba Inu will seek to stabilize this volatility through their DeFi solution, there is a risk that they put all their eggs in a high-risk basket, without any guarantee of success.

Polygon,前身为 Matic Network,是一种第 2 层区块链解决方案,得到了大型加密货币名称 Coinbase 和 Binance 的支持。通过解决区块链上持续存在的可扩展性问题来刺激加密技术的采用。 Polygon 通过结合 Plasma 框架和权益证明共识机制来实现这一点。

Polygon, formerly Matic Network, is a second-tier block chain solution supported by large encrypted currency names Coinbase and Binance. The introduction of encryption technologies is stimulated by addressing the persistent scalability of block chains.

因此,Polygon 声称在其侧链之一上每秒可实现高达 65,000 笔交易,并且区块确认时间不到两秒。这种侧链功能允许互操作性,并有可能在不影响网络性能的情况下在其网络上容纳无限的去中心化应用程序。

As a result, Polygon claims that up to 65,000 transactions per second can be made on one of its side chains, and blocks are identified for less than two seconds. This side chain function allows interoperability and has the potential to accommodate unlimited decentralised applications on its network without compromising network performance.

Polygon 的原生 MATIC 代币稳居市值前 10 名的货币榜单。由于 Polygon 已经与包括迪士尼在内的有影响力的品牌建立了合作伙伴关系,因此在可预见的未来它看起来会保持在那里。

Pollygon’s original MATIC is the top 10 currencies on the list. Polygon’s partnership with influential brands, including Disney’s, appears to be there for the foreseeable future.

此外,旨在提高以太坊区块链可扩展性的强大新解决方案的发布使 MATIC 成为寻求 2023 年及以后丰厚回报的加密货币投资者更具吸引力的前景。

In addition, the release of powerful new solutions aimed at increasing the expansion of the Etherm block chain has made MATIC a more attractive prospect for crypto-currency investors seeking strong returns in 2023 and beyond.

与任何区块链扩展解决方案一样,投资 MATIC 有一些小风险。首先,尽管大多数分析师仍认为其具有良好的增长潜力,但它已经拥有相当高的市值。此外,区块链扩展解决方案的市场竞争日益激烈,因此 Polygon 面临着巨大的压力,需要通过其可扩展性选项保持领先地位。但Polygon团队在layer-2解决方案上具有先发优势。

As with any block extension solution, there are a number of small risks to investing in MATIC. First, although most analysts still believe that it has good growth potential, it already has a fairly high market value.

狗狗币在币圈是个稀罕物,是个有幽默感的项目。 Dogecoin 最初是作为比特币黄金标准的有趣替代品而开发的,它已经成为加密货币新手易于访问且令人愉快的切入点。近年来,DOGE 获得了大量忠实的追随者,其中包括埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk)。

Dogecoin, originally developed as an interesting alternative to Bitcoin’s gold standard, has become an easy and pleasant entry point for new encrypters. In recent years, DOGE has gained a large number of loyal followers, including Elon Musk.


Although the project has made little progress during this period, many people, including Mask, believe that there are several notable examples that need to be studied in the coming years. These options include digital currency as an alternative to legal currency and the provision of smart contracts.

如果 Elon Musk 的支持不足以让你获得 DOGE,DOGE 是按价值计算最便宜的硬币之一,但按市值排名前 10 位,那么关于 Dogecoin 可能会转向权益证明的传言未来,这将帮助那些有环境问题的人并推动代币的发展。

If Elon Musk’s support is not enough to get you to doge, which is one of the cheapest coins in terms of value, but ranked top 10 in terms of market value, then the rumours about Dogecoin may turn to the future of proof of interest, which will help those with environmental problems and promote the development of tokens.


In addition, it remains an excellent entry point for new cryptographers, while maintaining its status as a solid project, which means that it will remain in place for a long time.

像 DOGE 这样的硬币非常不稳定,并且比其他项目更容易对市场力量的奇思妙想和幻想做出反应。此外,高市值和大量硬币分配有助于使 DOGE 价格低于固定供应量。这一点以及 Dogecoin 的低效用限制了投资 DOGE 的人可能获得的收益。

The coins such as DOGE are very unstable, and it is easier than any other project to react to the fantastic ideas and illusions of market forces. Moreover, high market value and large coin allocations help to keep the price of DOGE below fixed supply. This, and the low utility of Dogecoin, limits the potential gains for those who invest in DOEs.

Chainlink 是一个使用其原生代币 (LINK) 实现经济激励的项目,允许通过其去中心化预言机网络 (DON) 进行无需信任的数据检索,并为所谓的预言机问题提供解决方案。尽管 Chainlink 托管在以太坊区块链上,但它与链无关,允许去中心化应用程序和智能合约访问区块链之外的数据。

Chainlink is a project that uses its native currency (LINK) to achieve economic incentives, allows untrustworthy data retrieval through its decentralised prophesy network (Don) and provides solutions to so-called prophesy questions. Although it is hosted on the Ether section chain, it has nothing to do with the chain, allowing decentralized applications and smart contracts to access data outside the section chain.

这是一个解决巨大区块链技术问题的解决方案,因为 Chainlink 已经建立了许多合作伙伴关系,特别是在 DeFi 贷方和去中心化金融交易所之间,他们很快发现了利用这项技术提供的机会。

This is a solution to the huge block chain technical problem because Chainlink has established many partnerships, particularly between DeFi lenders and decentralized financial firms, who soon discovered the opportunities offered by this technology.

LINK 加密令牌在 Chainlink 的可操作性中起着内在的作用,这意味着它是一种硬币,可以为所有者提供任何加密货币中一些最重要的效用水平。与国际支付巨头 SWIFT 的试验取得了积极成果,有可能使 Chainlink 在未来几年内在全球金融支付领域发挥重要作用。

The LINK encryption token plays an intrinsic role in the interoperability of Chainlink, which means that it is a coin that can provide everyone with some of the most important levels of effectiveness of any encrypted currency. The experiment with the international payment giant SWIFT has yielded positive results, with the potential for Chainlink to play an important role in global financial payments in the coming years.

此外,对区块链数据的需求在未来几年只会增长。随着这一需求的持续增长,Chainlink 在该领域的早期运营可能会对 LINK 的价值产生巨大影响。这使得 LINK 成为今年值得投资的优秀加密货币。

As this demand continues to grow, Chainlink’s early operations in this area may have a significant impact on the value of the LINK. This makes LINK an excellent encrypted currency worth investing this year.

作为一个成熟的项目,其优势众所周知,Chainlink 依靠越来越多的知名合作伙伴来继续发展。虽然与 SWIFT 的合作伙伴关系是一个很好的起点,但随着其他全球金融机构进入加密货币市场,替代方案可能会威胁到 Chainlink。

As a mature project, the advantages are well known, Chainlink relies on a growing number of well-known partners to continue to develop. While partnerships with SWIFT are a good starting point, with other global financial institutions entering the encrypted money market, alternatives could threaten Chainlink.

Uniswap 是一个以太坊区块链托管的去中心化交易所,允许用户在不受中心化交易所限制的情况下买卖和交易其他加密货币。该平台使用自动做市商 (AMM) 交易方法实现主要加密货币之间的转移。

Uniswap is a decentralized exchange hosted by the Taiwan block chain that allows users to buy, sell, and trade in other encrypted currencies without being restricted by a centralized exchange.

用户通过将两种加密代币中的一种存入流动性池来为 Uniswap 提供流动性,以换取交易所产生的部分交易费用。这为用户打开了获得被动收入来源的途径,允许他们的投资在没有他们干预的情况下为他们工作。此外,其他加密货币用户可以获得交易所的流动性,这有利于他们交易其他代币。

Users provide Uniswap with liquidity by depositing one of the two encrypted tokens into a liquidity pool in exchange for part of the transaction costs. This opens up access to passive sources of income and allows their investments to work for them without their intervention. In addition, other encrypted currency users can obtain the liquidity of the exchange, which facilitates their trading of other currencies.

Uniswap 在列出尚未进入大牌交易所的新兴货币方面发挥的关键作用使原生代币 (UNI) 受益匪浅。其基于以太坊的起源为 Uniswap 提供了一个高度安全和稳定的平台,结合 Uniswap 对新兴项目的影响,随着更多 TradFi 公司开始涉足加密领域,该平台可能会出现激增,使 UNI 代币成为优秀的加密货币投资。

Uniswap’s key role in listing emerging currencies that have not yet entered major exchanges has greatly benefited the original intergenerational currency (UNI). Its origins provide a highly secure and stable platform for Uniswap, based on the Taiku’s origins, combined with the impact of Uniswap on emerging projects. As more TRADFI companies begin to engage in encryption, the platform is likely to surge, making UNI’s tokens an excellent encoded currency investment.

Uniswap 面临着与大多数其他已建立项目所面临的相同挑战。他们的服务已经完善,并且在第 1 层区块链加密货币空间内面临竞争加剧的风险。此外,它可能需要帮助才能在未来数月和数年内保持其作为领先去中心化交易所的地位。

Uniswap faces the same challenges as most other established projects. Their services are well developed, and there is a risk of increased competition within the block chain encryption monetary space. In addition, it may need help to maintain its position as a leading decentralized exchange in the coming months and years.

一些加密资产有望在 2023 年创造可观的回报,尤其是随着时间的推移,熊市状况预计将有所缓和。 Metacade 是行业专家和分析师的新宠之一。预计将为参与预售活动的明智投资者提供巨大的机会。

Some encrypted assets are expected to generate considerable returns in 2023, especially over time, and the situation in Bear City is expected to ease. Metacade is one of the new favorites of industry experts and analysts.

MCADE 是一款出色的实用代币,具有出色的代币经济学和一系列诱人的功能,是寻求在 2023 年购买最佳加密货币的早期投资者的不二之选。

MCADE is an excellent practical currency, with excellent monetic economics and a series of attractive functions, and an early choice of investors seeking to purchase the best encrypted currency in 2023.


Encrypted currency is a digital asset that uses encryption technology to authenticate transactions under secure conditions. This technology is provided by a block chain, a distributed account system that can validate transactions through a computer network.


Some encrypted currency is decentralized and more encrypted currency holds this desire, which means that central banks, governments or other central authorities do not control them.

加密货币预售,通常称为 ICO,是加密货币项目在向加密货币交易所向公众提供代币之前用来筹集资金的一种方法。

The pre-sale of encrypted currency, commonly referred to as ICO, is a method used by cryptographic money projects to raise funds before providing a token to the public on an encrypted currency exchange.


During the pre-sale campaign, a project provides a limited number of coins at fixed prices to a selected group of crypto-currency investors, usually at considerable discounts. The funds raised support the development of the project and reward early investors with a greater potential return when coins are placed on the market.

预测未来最好的加密货币总是很棘手。然而,具有紧凑项目计划、高代币效用和成为所选行业领导者的巨大潜力的预售加密资产通常被寻求随后加密资产指数增长的投资者选择。 Metacade 就是这样一个项目,看起来将在未来几年成为领先的 GameFi 项目。

However, pre-sale cryptographic assets with tight project plans, high-currency utility, and great potential to be leaders in the selected industry are often selected by investors seeking subsequent growth in the index of cryptographic assets. Metacade is such a project, which appears to be leading the GameFi project in the coming years.

Metacade 是最好的加密项目之一,由于其较低的预售价格和固定的代币供应,将产生极好的短期回报。 AltSignals 的 ASI 很快将提供另一个加密货币预售,由于其 AI 技术和已建立平台的支持,ASI 代币的推出看起来也是一个完美的短期选择。

Metacade is one of the best encryption projects, with an excellent short-term return due to its low pre-sale price and a fixed supply of tokens. AltSignals’ ASI will soon provide another pre-sale encryption currency, and the introduction of ASI tokens appears to be a perfect short-term option because of its AI technology and the support of established platforms.

加密世界正在快速发展,从长远来看,预测最佳加密货币可能很困难。然而,GameFi 行业预计将在未来几年激增。这为新的区块链游戏平台提供了极好的长期投资前景。

The world of encryption is growing rapidly, and it may be difficult to predict the best encrypt money in the long run. However, the GameFi industry is expected to expand in the coming years. This provides excellent long-term investment prospects for a new block chain platform.

Metacade 的多标题平台已经将其与许多依赖单一标题或有限游戏体验的竞争对手区分开来。结合其许多其他令人兴奋的功能,Metacade 可以在 GameFi 领域占据主导地位多年,并且很可能成为目前适合长期投资者购买的最佳加密货币。

Metacade’s multi-heading platform has distinguished it from many competitors who rely on a single title or limited play experience. In combination with its many other exciting functions, Metacade can dominate the GameFi area for many years, and is likely to be the best encrypted currency available to long-term investors.


A project that allows developers to build and develop ecosystems will encourage sustained growth in the coming years. Any encrypted currency that integrates stabilization growth plans into its road map is almost always the best encrypt currency to buy.


This paper is from the Internet and does not represent a scientific and technological position for the future. If it is reproduced, please indicate where it is from: https://accesspath.com/tech/582525/


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