2022年全球十大元宇宙公司排名 世界元宇宙平台排名top10

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Twenty-two dollars of the world's top 10 cosmopolitan company.

  1 Roblox (虚拟平台类):这是目前世界上最接近元宇宙的平台,它是一类在线视频游戏平台,由数百万开发人员组成的全球社区,拥有6岁到30岁的4320万日活跃用户,在2021年第二季度,其用户在线时长达到97亿小时。甚至时装品牌Gucci在其中推出了新款选秀活动。开发人员使用其桌面设计工具Roblox Studio 设计出各种各样的游戏、内容和其他娱乐。Roblox还出售虛拟货币,虚拟货币可以用来购买游戏、体验、内容甚至虚拟服装和饰品(例如Gucci包)。最终,Roblox要的目标是打造成为一个一站式虚拟空间,给用户提供如身临其境的体验,如现场演唱会一样。

1 Roblox (virtual platform type): This is currently the world’s closest platform to the meta-cosmos. It is an online video game platform, a global community of millions of developers, with 43.2 million active users aged 6 to 30 years, with 9.7 billion hours online in the second quarter of 2021. Even the fashion brand Gucci has launched a new selection show. Developers use their desktop design tool, Roblox Studio, to design a variety of games, content and other entertainment. Roblox also sells counterfeit currency, which can be used to buy games, experiences, content and even virtual costumes and accessories (e.g., Gucci packages). Ultimately, Roblox aims to create a virtual space that provides users with experience in their own places, such as on-site concerts.

  2 Unity Software (交换标准类) :是引擎,也是发挥个体创造力的重要工具,它是一类3D游戏设计软件公司,游戏设计师通过其图像渲染引擎可以设定玩家在游戏中的交流方式;当前,全球前1000款手机游戏中使用Unity平台创建的大约占比71%,世界上超过50% (跨PC、 移动和控制台设备)的电子游戏是用Unity软件创建的。

2 Unity Software (exchange standards class): is an engine and an important tool for individual creativity. It is a type of 3D game design software company in which game designers, through their image rendering engines, can set the way in which players communicate in the game; currently, the world's top 1,000 mobile phone games use about 71 per cent of Unity platforms, and over 50 per cent of the world's electronic games (cross-PC, mobile and controller devices) are created using Unity software.

  3 Fastly (算力基础):其有专门的边缘计”基础设施即服务”(infrastructure-as-a-service)平台。

3 Fastly (Arithmetic Basis): It has a dedicated margin & rdquao; infrastructure & rdquao; infrastructure-as-a-service platform.

  4 Autodesk (交换标准):Autodesk是一个软件公司,早在上个世纪就已经上市,他的AutoCAD软件世界闻名,是工业流水线、基础设施、交通工具、建筑业、工业设计软件的行业标准,用户包括工程师、建筑师、设计师和学生。该公司现在已经开发出一套软件用于渲染3D动画、构建和启动虚拟建筑,以及在VR和增强现实(AR)空间中进行创作,是元宇宙开发人员的首选工具。当前已经有众多开发人员开始使用Autodesk软件来设计和构建元宇宙空间。

4 Autodesk (exchange standards): Autodesk is a software company that has been on the market since the last century, and his AutoCAD software is known worldwide as industry standards for industrial currents, infrastructure, transport, construction, industrial design software, with users including engineers, architects, designers and students. The company has now developed a software package for 3D animations, construction and activation of virtual buildings, as well as for creation in VR and Augmentation (AR) spaces, and is the first tool for meta-cosm developers. Many developers have started using Autodesk software to design and construct meta-cosm spaces.

  5 英伟达(Nvida,硬件生产):多年来专注生产用于高端计算和人工智能的图形和视频处理芯片,不断提成其计算能力,其芯片已被广泛运用在复杂计算所必须的服务器和中央计算机中。英伟达计划从软银集团手中收购ARM Holdings。

Nvida, Hardware Production: Over the years, it has focused on the production of graphic and video processing chips for high-end computing and artificial intelligence, which are constantly being developed into their computing capabilities, and which have been widely used in servers and central computers necessary for complex computing.

  6 Meta (虚拟平台、内容、资产和身份服务、硬件生产):2014年,Facebook收购VR初创公司Oculus,为Facebook的元宇宙愿景奠定了基础。2021年10月,扎克伯格将Facebook更名为Meta Platforms Inc. (Meta平台公司)。Meta公司在用户社群、消费端硬件和应用软件建设以及其先发优势看,Meta将会成为领先建成元宇宙的公司。

6 Meta (virtual platform, content, asset and identity services, hardware production): In 2014, Facebook acquired the VR start-up company Oculus, which laid the foundation for the Facebook meta-cosm vision. In October 2021, Zuckerberg changed the name of Facebook to Meta Platforms Inc. (Meta Platform). Meta will become a leading company in the user community, in the construction of consumer end hardware and applications, and in its early advantage.

  7 Shopify(支付服务):底层架构元宇宙商业模式.建成元宇宙的-个关键方面是:内容创作者都希望能有自己的商业模式,因此资产数字化、数字货币和内容变现方式在元宇宙中必不可少。Shopify能让小企业主无需编码能力就能像专业人士一样建设商务网站并在线开展业务的公司。其推出NFT平台能够让数字创作者直接向消费者出售自己的艺术作品或其他内容。

7 Shopify (payment services): The bottom-structure meta-cosm business model. The key aspect in building the meta-cosmos is that content creators want to have their own business models, so asset digitization, digital money, and content realization are essential in the meta-coastal universe. Shopify allows small business owners to build business websites and operate online like professionals. Its launch allows digital creators to sell their works of art or other content directly to consumers.

  8 微软公司(虚拟平台、交换标准、硬件生产):聚焦云计算与办公软件,深耕企业服务场景;微软的CEO萨蒂亚·纳德拉已经将微软从一家PC巨头转变为云计算巨头。还推出了一套新的元宇宙工具,使用户能够创建自己的Al化身。微软还会将元宇宙元素集成到其远程合作办公软件Teams及365软件套装中

8 Microsoft (virtual platform, exchange standards, hardware production): Focus on cloud computing and office software, deep-farming business service scenes; Microsoft CEO Satya & Middot; Nadera has transformed Microsoft from a PC giant into a cloud computing giant. A new meta-cosm tool has also been introduced to enable users to create their own alms. Microsoft will also integrate meta-cosm elements into its remote co-operative office software, Teams, and 365 software packages.

  9 Matterport(软件):是一家软件和视频捕捉公司,它开发的软件让用户拿着手机对实体建筑物一拍就可以生成其“数字孪生”。还提供数字孪生云存储服务,并销售相应的设计和协作软件和硬件。

9 Macherport (software): a software and video capture company that develops software that allows users to generate & ldquao; digital twinkling & & rdquao; and digital cloud storage services and sells design and collaboration software and hardware.

  10 Roundhill Ball Metaverse ETF(资产管理):2021年6月由未来学家和风险投资家马修鲍尔(Mathew Bal)等人成立的资产管理类公司。业务涉及基础设施建设、开发到内容创作等,无所不包,充分关注整个元宇宙领域的发展,共涵盖50家上市公司,70%为提供云解决方案、游戏平台和计算元件的公司,主要有英伟达、微软和中国游戏巨头腾讯。截至2021年11月,该公司已经累积财富1亿美元,日均交易量达到25万股。

Roundhill Ball Metaverse ETF (Asset Management): Asset Management Group, founded in June 2021 by future scientists and venture capitalist Matthew Bal, among others. The business involved infrastructure development, development to content creation, etc., all-encompassing, with full attention to developments in the entire meta-cosm, covering 50 listed companies, 70 per cent of companies providing cloud solutions, games platforms and computing components, mainly British Welda, Microsoft, and Chinese games giants. As of November 2021, the company had accumulated $100 million, with an average daily turnover of 250,000 shares.



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