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        2009年,不受央行和任何金融机构控制的比特币诞生。该“电子货币”最初来源于“中本聪”(Satoshi Nakamoto)的设想。比特币由计算机生成的一串串复杂代码组成。

& nbsp; & nbsp;       & nbsp; & nbsp; 2009: Bitcoin was born outside the control of central banks and any financial institution. This “ electronic currency & & rdquao; originally from “ middle-class & rdquo; Satoshi Nakamoto. Bitco is made up of a series of complex codes generated by computers.


& nbsp; & nbsp;         & nbsp; & nbsp; New Bitcoins are manufactured through predefined procedures and as totals increase, the rate of manufacture of the new coins slows down until 21 million caps are reached in 2140. The total amount of bitcoin currently available for circulation is about 16.8 million (digital source: coinmarkcap.com).


& nbsp; & nbsp;         & nbsp; & nbsp; currently, similar electronic currencies such as Lettcoin, Ripoco, dome, landcoin, domain currency, Etheria etc. are based on bitcoin chain technology.



& nbsp;             — — — &bitcoin China (BTCchina) closed off all trading functions on 30 September 2017 and then stopped cash withdrawal/loaning operations and charged administrative fees for undisclosed digital assets.

       成立于2011年6月的比特币中国在全球的比特币领域都拥有较高的信誉度。其交易量曾经超越世界前两大平台——Mt. Gox 和BitStamp,成为全球最大比特币交易平台,单日最高交易量曾接近9万比特币,最高日交易额超过2亿元。

& nbsp;             and Bitcoin China, established in June 2011, has a high level of credibility in the world’s bitcoin field. Its trading volumes have exceeded the world’s two former platforms — — — Mt. Gox and BitStamp as the world’s largest bitcoins trading platform, with a single-day maximum trade volume of nearly 90,000 bitcoins and a maximum of 200 million yuan.


& nbsp; & nbsp;         and & nbsp; just the same period, the national ICO platform ICOINFO and ICOAGE closed down their ICO operations, even on 31 December last year. All of this was due to the tightening of policies. On 4 September 2017, seven ministries, including the Central Bank, issued a joint announcement calling off the ICO transaction (financing activities for the issuance of various currencies) and closing the country’s encrypted digital currency exchange, with unprecedented levels of regulation.

       虽然比特币的币值随之受到重挫,但此后中国比特币“矿工”及交易者的热情似乎并未受到真正的打击。2017年,比特币一度从年初的900美元上下 ,涨到年末13880.00美元(数据来源:BitStamp),涨幅约15倍,甚至在12月中旬一度逼近20000美元大关。

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & & nbsp; & Bitcoin & & ldquo; Miners & & rdquo; and traders’ enthusiasm did not seem to have been really hit. In 2017, Bitcoin rose from US$ 900 at the beginning of the year to US$ 138.800 at the end of the year (data source: BitStamp), which increased about 15 times, even close to US$ 20,000 in mid-December.



miner, miner


& nbsp; & nbsp;           Bitcoin is dependent on the P2P network and can only be produced through complex mathematical algorithms. In the digital world, the process of producing this virtual currency is called &ldquao; mining & rdquao; in &ldquao; in &ldquao; in &ldquao; in &ldquao; in &rdquao; in &rdquao.


& nbsp;             early & &ldquao; mine mining & rdquao; simpler, but as Bitcoin develops, ordinary people are increasingly trying to dig bitco. & ldquo; miner & rdquao; equipment competitions are getting stronger and harder and harder to dig, only with very high computing power.



& nbsp; & nbsp;       & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; the following chart from coin.dance shows that the top four of the largest number of blocks in a pond came from China during the last week (data taken from 2018.1.17.).

  • BTC.com - 23.2%


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; BTC.com is a public mine pool with members of an entrepreneurial team from a front-line Internet company in the country.

  • AntPool - 20.6%


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; ant ponds are under the flag of the Bit continent and were launched on 12 November 2014.

  • ViaBTC - 11.3%


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & & nbsp; completed the clearing of renminbi and digital currency assets and stopped trading at the end of September 2017. In January this year, the pond significantly increased the customer management fee.

  • BTC.Top - 11%


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Lebitt is a private pool and cannot be included.


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;     & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; together, the top four Chinese deposits together accounted for 66.1% or about 2/3 of the global total.

       另外,从区块网的(www.qukuai.com)算力分布图上看,最近一周(数据取自2018.1.25),前4名也是这四家,共占到全球总算力的60.31% (全球算力9211434 TH/s)。

& nbsp;           and   in addition, from the network of blocks (www.qukuai.com) the last week (data taken from 2018.1.25), the top four of which together account for 60.31 per cent of the total global capacity (global capacity 9211434 TH/s).


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; ; but at the beginning of the year, domestic mining firms began to be gradually guided by the policy of providing low-cost electricity and tax breaks through the termination of pitcoin mining operations & & ldquao; orderly exit & & rdquao; so some large domestic mines have started to be laid overseas.

       根据BUSINESS INSIDER网站预测,加拿大很可能变成下一个世界比特币挖矿中心。尤其魁北克地区的电能过剩、电费便宜、气候寒冷、政治稳定等优势,将吸引大型比特币矿场入驻。

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;     & nbsp; & nbsp; and, according to the BUSINSIDER website, Canada is likely to become the next world mine centre in Bitcoin. The advantages of excess power, cheap electricity, cold weather, and political stability, in particular in Quebec, will attract large bitcoin mines.


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; and & nbsp; in fact, as early as last fall, the demand for mining electricity in Quebec had risen significantly, almost in tandem with China’s heavy fist regulations. Iceland, Eastern Europe, and Russia were also options for domestic mines, in addition to Canada. But, given costs and various uncertain policy factors, some small and medium-sized mine sites in the country that could not be relocated remain precarious.




& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;     & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Goldman Sachs strategists predicted at the beginning of the year that Bitcoin might become a legitimate global currency. They also stressed that it was mainly theoretical. In practice, encrypted digital currencies still face regulatory difficulties in many places, not only in terms of the inability of governments to track payments and receipts, but also in terms of the volatility of their currencies, which is less volatile than the legal monetary value.


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;     & nbsp; & nbsp; & & nbsp; and last year's boom to more than 15 times the amount of bitcoins, which, like Ripon, was very unstable at the beginning of 2018. But the second-higher ether has remained high since he climbed.



& nbsp; & nbsp;           seems to be a failure to sing bitcoin all over the world. Birkhshire & bul; Hazarwe CEO Warren & bul; Buffett told CNN, a cable television station on 10 January, that he would not be involved in encrypting digital money business, even without warning: & & & & & nbsp; & nbsp; & & & nbsp; & & nbsp; & ; the world as a whole.


& nbsp; & nbsp;         & & & ldquo; with all due respect. I am tired of Bitcoin. ” Michael & Bull; Glennnon, founder and fund manager of Glennon Capital, said. He argued that this so-called circulation currency, which is not supported by any sovereign country, is of little use and not a good investment, except for selling it to others. He advised those fortunately earning money that it would be better to put it in real business as soon as possible.


& nbsp; & nbsp;         & nbsp; & nbsp; and while there are also people who have confidence in, or neutrality in, bitcoin and other digital currencies, many believe that the golden age of bitcoin is over. However, there are indications that, while bitcoin may die, block chain technology will not be, and is likely to become, more and more applied in practice.




New applications of computer technologies such as & nbsp;         and & nbsp; distributed data storage, point-to-point transmission, consensus mechanisms, encryption algorithms, etc., are the bottom-of-bitcoin technology and infrastructure, which amounts to a non-alterable, retrospective and non-false distribution book and is considered to be the core technology of the next generation of subversion after steam machines, electricity, the Internet.


& nbsp; & nbsp;         & nbsp; in short, the essence of the block chain is a decentralised database consisting of a string of data blocks that are code-linked and time-seriesly linked. Each data block contains information from a Bitcoin network transaction to verify the validity of the information (security), and to generate the next block.


& nbsp; & nbsp;         & nbsp; & nbsp; of course, if you don't understand this, it doesn't matter. As you do not have to understand the TCP/IP protocol on the Internet. You just need to know that the block chain is like a public ledger. Every page of the ledger (block) records every historical transaction, and all the details of the transaction can be seen by anyone.


Ted Lecture: How the block chain will radically change the economic system




& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;     & nbsp; & nbsp; & & nbsp; with the bursting of Bitcoin, the block chain technology behind it is also receiving increasing attention, resulting in stocks and futures, but in large numbers. But, apart from Bitcoin, block chain technology can indeed be widely applied in banking and finance, commerce, government, industry, etc.


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; in the commercial field, for example, a few specific applications:

  • 供应链管理


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;       & nbsp; and the immutable and retrospective distributional character of the block chain, which makes it well suited to track goods moving and passing through the supply chain, or to arrange matters in an orderly manner. For example, placing newly arrived goods in different containers, etc.


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; block chain technology allows companies to add several new options to the logistics chain for transporting goods and provides a dynamic way of sorting and tracking data.

  • 医疗


& nbsp; & nbsp;         & nbsp; & nbsp; decentralisation, openness, autonomy, anonymity, etc. of the block chain are features that are well suited for use in the medical field. Medical data include overall information such as age, gender, and even basic medical history data, such as immunological history or vital signs, which, if stored on the shared block chain, are easily accessible to countless people without fear of disclosure of privacy.


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; in addition, using block chain technology, different medical devices can be connected to the sharing of personal medical records.

  • 房地产


& nbsp; & nbsp;         and & nbsp; on average, each owner sells about every five to seven years, and on average moves about 12 times in his or her lifetime. With such frequent relocations, block chain technology is most suitable for use in real estate markets.

  • 媒体

       传媒公司已经开始使用区块链技术。去年7月份,基于区块链技术的美国内容分发平台Decent宣布上线 PUBLIQ程序,允许写作者和内容创作者通过智能合约对内容自主定价,通过区块链传播作品并收到即时稿费。

& nbsp; & nbsp;         & nbsp; media companies have started to use block chain technology. Last July, the US content distribution platform, based on block chain technology, announced the online PUBLIQ program, allowing authors and content creators to freely price content through smart contracts, disseminate their work through block chains and receive instant copy fees.


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; block chain technology can also be used for media source authentication, citizen news clearance, digital copyright protection, paid content subscription, dissemination effectiveness statistics, etc. because of its traceability.

  • 能源


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;       & nbsp; block chain technology can be used for energy supply trading and can be further used as a basis for measuring, billing and clearing processes. Other potential applications include: attribution, asset management, source assurance, emission quotas, and renewable energy certificates.


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;       & nbsp; & nbsp; in addition to the applications listed above, block chain technology can also be used in a number of areas, such as payments and transfers, network security, elections, smart contracts and stock trading.



& nbsp; & nbsp;         &ldquo in the Netherlands; tulip foam & rdquo; contrasting with the brilliance of Bitcoin, some even denounced Bitcoin as a new & ldquo; Ponzi concoct & & rdquo; as policy tightened, the early bitcoin fell, perhaps the golden age in the country was really past. It was unlikely to go too far without a virtual digital currency backed by the government. However, the block chain technology behind Bitco is gradually being valued. Perhaps in a few years, you will find that this technology has completely changed the face of society.



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