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尤其是当社区文化在现在的新项目中越来越重要,meme 似乎成了社区中的一种比拼,以 meme 为灵感的项目越来越多,甚至有项目直接用 MEME 来命名。在百度指数中查看,「meme」的搜索量甚至小幅上涨。

Especially when community culture is becoming more and more important in the new project now, meme seems to be a crossword in the community, with more and more meme-based projects, even directly named after MEME. Viewed in the 100-degree index, the number of "meme" searches has even increased slightly.

meme 的中文翻译为「模因」或者「米姆」,当然中文互联网没有人真的用中文翻译来表达 meme,最直接的文字翻译,meme 就是「梗」。而对于大众来说,表情包是最常见的 meme。

The Chinese translation of meme is called "Mime" or "Mem", but no one on the Chinese Internet actually uses the Chinese translation to express meme, and the most direct translation of the text, "Meme" is "Immaculate." For the general public, emoticons are the most common type of meme.

但也许大家不知道,以表情包为代表的 meme 的起源地,是 17 年前,一个年仅 15 岁的美国年轻人做的网站,也许他自己也没有想到,这个网站居然衍生出了当今互联网最繁荣的 meme 文化,演化成了互联网黑洞,同时也成为了币圈的顶流平台。

But maybe you don't know that the meme, represented by emoticons, was made 17 years ago by a 15-year-old American young man, and maybe he didn't realize that the site had produced the most prosperous meme culture of the Internet today, evolved into a black hole on the Internet, and also became the top platform of the currency ring.

高度自由的 4chan

4chan with a high degree of freedom

更直观的描述,4chan 其实更像一个贴吧,是一个国外的综合型讨论区,而与贴吧体验最大的不同,是 4chan 极高的言论自由度。

More intuitively, 4chan is actually more like a sticky bar, a comprehensive foreign discussion area, and the biggest difference from the experience of the sticker is that 4chan has a very high level of freedom of expression.

没有签名文件,没有头像,所有用户全部匿名,而且匿名得非常彻底。你能想象一个不需要注册,直接打开就能任意发言的平台吗?4chan 就是这样的。

There are no signed documents, no images, all the users are anonymous and completely anonymous. Can you imagine a platform that opens directly and can speak at will without having to register? 4chan is like this.

在 4chan 中,用户没有任何门槛,没有注册登录,几乎没有任何发言限制。全站每 24 小时自我刷新,24 小时之前的内容不会留存,没有任何历史记录,很少有官方管理和和谐。

In 4chan, there are no thresholds, no login, and there are few speaking limits. The entire site is self-renewed every 24 hours, the contents are not retained 24 hours ago, there is no historical record, and there is very little official management and harmony.


Most pages are capped at ten pages, and when the content exceeds the cap, the old post is permanently deleted. So the forum post lives only a few hours to a few days.


More simply, it's a social platform without memories.

而这个没有记忆的平台,却是世界上流量最大的网站之一,2011 年,已有 8 年历史的 4chan 月独立用户达 1800 万。就在移动互联网已经发展了多年的今天,打开 4chan,依然有超过 20 万人的同时在线。

And this memoryless platform is one of the world’s most mobile sites, with 18 million independent users in 2011 for an eight-year-old 4chan month. Just today, when mobile Internet has been growing for many years, 4chan is still online for over 200,000 people at the same time.

2020/08/26 15:57 在线人数21万

2020/08/26 1557: 210,000 online

15 岁的创始人

15-year-old Founder

要了解 4chan,不得不提 2channel,这是 4chan 的前身。

To understand 4chan, I have to mention 2channel, this is 4chan's predecessor.

1999 年,日本人西村博年建立了 2channel,这是日本自己的匿名 BBS,一个 ACG、御宅族文化与次文化相关讨论为主题的日语贴图讨论网站,也是一群宅男的归属地。

In 1999, Japanese Nishimura established 2channel, Japan's own anonymous BBS, a Japanese poster discussion site on the theme of ACG, the culture of the royal family and sub-cultural discussions, which is also the home of a group of homeboys.

2003 年 10 月 1 日,年仅 15 岁美国的 2channel 用户 Chris Poole,在自己卧室建立了美国版的 2channel,取名为 4chan。

On October 1, 2003, a 15-year-old American user of 2channel Chris Poole established an American version of 2channel in his bedroom, named 4chan.

在美国,15 岁甚至还不是法定喝酒的年纪,他却在网络中开启了他另一个身份。

In the United States, 15 years old was not even the legal age for drinking, but he opened up another identity on the Internet.

4chan创始人 Chris Poole

Founder of 4chan, Chris Poole.

Poole 一开始并没有公开身份,而是一直以「moot」这个绰号在线上出现,这是他最早在 2channel 就延续下来的用户名。 为了匿名,Poole 非常低调,在 4chan 的开始几年,Poole 的父母甚至都不知道这个网站的存在。

Poole didn't start out as a public identity, but he appeared on the Internet under the nickname "moot," which was the first user name he continued in 2channel. To be anonymous, Poole was very low-key, and his parents didn't even know about the site in the early years of 4chan.

直到 2009 年,首次有媒体公开采访 Poole,他的身份才被人所知,在那时,4chan 已经是一个月活 500 万用户的平台了,Poole 是这 500 万人的唯一管理员。

His identity was not known until the first media public interview in 2009, when 4chan was already a platform for 5 million users per month, and Poole was the only administrator for 5 million people.

很难有人把这位善良、有趣、聪明的年轻人与 4chan 联系在一起。曾经有一位同样是 BBS 的创始人这样描述 Poole,「只要你见过 Poole,那打死你都不会把他和 4chan 联系到一起。」

It's hard for anyone to associate this nice, interesting, smart young man with 4chan. Once upon a time, one of the founders of the BBS described Poole, "As long as you've seen Poole, you won't link him to 4chan."


And that's the man who no one could have imagined and was later known as "Zuckerberg on the line."

4chan 能席卷互联网世界,匿名是最大的因素之一。2010 年,在 TED 大会上,Poole 说自己曾经接到一个用户的电子邮件,邮件里说:「感谢你给我这个发泄的空间,让我能在下班之后来做我自己。」

4chan has access to the Internet, and anonymity is one of the biggest factors. In 2010, at TED Congress, Poole said that she had received an e-mail from a user who said, "Thank you for giving me this space to be myself after work."


Anyone here will find another one of the most true of themselves.

这里的真实即捧起了 Poole,真实也让他经过了人生中压力最大的几个月,真实让 4chan 诞生了自己的文化。

The truth here is that Pole, the truth has given him the most stressful months of his life, and the truth has given 4chan the birth of his own culture.


4chan culture


It's a derivative of the emoticons.

这也许是在 4chan 中最欢乐的部分。

It's probably the funniest part of the 4chan.

2007 年,一位 4chan 用户讲述日常生活中的琐事,他用 4 格漫画,加上粗犷且基本没有美感的笔画,描述了自己在厕所中遇到的问题。后来,这种 4 格漫画被延用,基本格式是:陈述 + 最后一格的「暴走表情」,这类漫画后来被称为「Rage Comic」,也就是中文的「暴走漫画」。

In 2007, a 4-gauge user described the problems he encountered in the toilet, using a 4-gauge comic book, coupled with a crude and largely unkind brush. Later, the 4-gauge cartoon was extended in the basic form of a statement + the last one, which was later referred to as the "Rage Comic", or the Chinese "Jumping Cartoon".

后来的事情,大家都知道了,表情包成为了现在聊天必备,除了暴漫,最早的狗头 DOGE、悲伤蛙都来源于 4chan,这里是全球表情包的发源地。

Later on, as we all know, emoticons are now a necessity for chatting, except for the first dog head, Douge, and the sad frog, which comes from 4chan, which is the origin of the global emoticons.

meme 的衍生似乎也是 4chan 用户特别骄傲的一点,在发现有人开始调查 4chan 后,有用户在 4chan 发表了名为「We're in the spotlight(我们被重点关注了)」的帖子。跟帖者的反应十分淡定:「无论你们做什么,无非就是给我们多加一个 meme 而已。」

Meme seems to be a particularly proud point for 4chan users, who, after discovering that someone had started investigating 4chan, published a post in 4chan entitled "We're in the spotlight." The response to the poster was very modest: "What you do is just add one more meme to what you do."


false news

4chan 平台没有记忆,24 小时自动删除历史记录。

The 4chan platform has no memory, automatically deletes historical records 24 hours.

但 4chan 不是一座孤岛,互联网是有记忆的。

But 4chan is not an island. The Internet has memories.

2016 年美国大选前,希拉里被卷入了一起名为「披萨门」的虐童事件,在美国流量最大的社交平台 Reddit 和 Twitter 上,讨论人数不断增加,谩骂和抨击充斥着网络。正值关键时期,这样的消息出现对希拉里的影响可想而知。

Before the 2016 United States elections, Hilary was involved in a child abuse incident called the Pizza Gate, and on the biggest social platform in the United States, Reddit and Twitter, there was an increasing number of discussions, scolding and scolding the Internet. At a critical time, the impact of such news on Hilary could be imagined.

而这条消息,完全是 4chan 用户的臆想,他们根据一张图片意淫了一个故事,发在了 4chan,故事猜想越来越失控,有人把故事发到了 Reddit,竟然引发了病毒式的传播,甚至连土耳其的官方媒体都在报道。

And the news, entirely based on the assumptions of the 4chan users, was based on a picture of a story that was sent to 4chan, which was getting out of control, and that someone sent the story to Reddit, which triggered a viral spread, even in the official Turkish media.

4chan 的历史记录会删除,但互联网不会。被发在 4chan 上的虚假新闻会扩散至不同社交媒体平台。曾经有人统计在 Reddit 的国际新闻版块中,有大约 12% 的虚假新闻都来自 4chan。曾有来自 4chann 的消息导致美橄榄球赛事险些导致取消。

4chan's history will be deleted, but the Internet won't. Fake news posted on 4chan spreads to different social media platforms. Some 12% of false news in Reddit's international news section came from 4chan. News from 4chann led to a risk of cancellation.

这样的谣言在 4chan 上比比皆是,在匿名的世界里,没有人会对谣言引发的任何后果负责。

Such rumours are common in 4chan, and in an anonymous world no one is responsible for any consequences of rumours.


freedom >/strong

大家应该还记得 2014 年 iCloud 发生过一次非常严重的信息泄露事件,大量好莱坞女星的私密照片流露到互联网上,震惊全球。当时,被大家在互联网上抨击的不仅有 iCloud,还有 4chan,因为这些照片最早是被发表在 4chan 上。

One should recall that in 2014 ICloud had a very serious information leak, and that a large number of private Hollywood women’s photos were leaking to the Internet, shocking the world. Not only was iCloud, but also 4chan, which was criticized on the Internet, because they were first published on 4chan.

这是自由的代价,没有人知道最早把这些照片发在 4chan 上的人是谁,他也许不会有任何心理负担。因为所有的压力都转移到了受害者们,和创始人 Poole 身上。Poole 曾经坦言,「艳照门」事件的那几个月,是他人生中压力最大的日子。

This is the price of freedom, and no one knows who first sent these pictures to 4chan, and he may not have any psychological burden. Because all the pressure has shifted to the victims, and to the founder, Poole. Poole once said that the months of his life were the most stressful days of his life.


He can't hold on.

具体的原因谁也不知道,但可以确定的是,4chan 创始人这个 title 给 Poole 带来的负面远比正面要多。Poole 从弗吉尼亚联邦大学退学后就创办了 4chan,一直与母亲同住,4chan 上内容导致根本没有人愿意在上面大广告,Poole 甚至还背负了 2 万美金的债务。而 4chan 也并没有给 Poole 带来积极反馈,身份公开后,Poole 也完全暴露在一个匿名的世界里,谩骂、威胁已经是家常便饭。

No one knows the specific reason, but it is certain that 4chan’s founder, Title, has brought far more negative than positive consequences to Pole. Poole, who was founded after dropping out of Virginia Federal University, has been living with his mother, and 4chan, which has led to no one wanting to advertise on it and Poole even bearing a debt of $20,000. And 4chan has not given Poole any positive feedback, and Poole is completely exposed to verbal abuse and threats in an anonymous world.

2015 年,4chan 宣布易主,Poole 把它卖给了西村博年,就是那个给了他 4chan 灵感的 2channel 创始人。

In 2015, 4chan announced that Poole sold it to the founder of 2channel, who inspired 4chan.

就在 4chan 收购完成的第二年,Poole 宣布加入 Google,「地下扎克伯格」完成了 12 年的地下生活,回到地面。

In the second year of the 4chan takeover, Poole announced that he would join Google, "Underground Zuckerberg" who had completed 12 years of underground life and returned to the ground.



4chan 中有一个名为「Business & Finance」的板块,原本是股市、房地产等金融消息的消息渠道,但当加密货币火爆之后,这个版块逐渐成了币圈专属。

One of the 4chan sections, entitled " Business & Finance ", was originally a source of information on financial information such as stock markets and real estate, but when the encrypted currency burst, it became exclusive.

对于加密货币的各种项目来说,这里晴雨表。一旦某项目热度上升,4chan 就会出现其 meme(表情包),并火速引起其他网友的关注或共鸣。比如几个月前的 Chainlink,那时你几乎看不到其他项目的 meme。

For various items of encrypted currency, there's a barometer here. Once the heat of a project rises, 4chan will appear, and the speed of fire will draw the attention or resonance of other users. For example, Chainlink, a few months ago, when you can hardly see the other items.

通过不断的讨论提升曝光度,激发起潜在的购买欲望、购买力度和价格预期,你可以理解为这是 FOMO,也可以理解说这是项目的价值发现,逐步走向大众的过程。但若是没有后续发帖抬升热度,很快自发安利贴就会沉下去,社区的热度是评判 4chan 帖子留存的唯一标准。自由竞争,市场选择。

You can understand that it is FOMO, or that it is the process of discovering the value of the project and moving toward the general public, through constant discussion to raise its visibility. But if there is no follow-up to raise the heat, it will soon sink, and the heat of the community is the only criterion for judging the 4chan post’s retention.

任何项目在 4chan 上基本都会被讨论,唯一的问题是,过于小众的项目可能会在你看之前消失掉。

Any project is basically discussed at 4chan, and the only problem is that too small a project could disappear before you look at it.

可以说,4chan 是一个很公平的社区消息分发平台和项目热度衡量标准,充斥着 gem 和 shicoin(宝藏与垃圾):近到最近火爆的 YFI,远到 XRP、LINK、BAT 都曾在 4chan 很火热,但与此同时 KIMCHI 和 YUNO 这种距最高点跌幅超 90% 的项目也曾是 4chan 的座上宾。

It can be said that 4chan is a fair community news distribution platform and project heat measurement, filled with Gem and Shipcoin (treasure and garbage): the recently hot YFI, far from XRP, LINK, BAT were hot in 4chan, but at the same time KIMCHI and YUNO were also guests at the top of the 4chan.

就像是玩文物市场,里面确实有好东西,但需要你有慧眼,4chan 只是提供了平台,淘金永远是个技术活。

It's like playing the cultural market, and there's really something good in it, but it needs you to be smart, and 4chan just provides the platform, and gold mining is always a technical job.

在好莱坞「艳照门」事件后,4chan 很少再出现在媒体的笔下。4chan 这类平台很难被界定是单纯的「好与坏」,它创造出了 meme 这个传播全球的互联网文化,也引发了诸如「艳照门」这样轰动世界的事件。

In Hollywood, 4chans rarely appear in the media in the wake of the "Black Door" event. Such platforms are hard to define as simple "good and bad," creating meme, a global Internet culture, and triggering events such as the "Blow Door" of the world.

都说比特币是一场社会实验,4chan 又何尝不是,17 年里,人们把最真实的一面放在这里任由演化,发展出了今天的 4chan 文化,下一个 17 年,又会有哪些新故事?

They say that bitcoin is a social experiment, that 4chan is not, that for 17 years, people have left the most real side here to evolve, and have developed today's 4chan culture, the next 17 years, what are the new stories?

*律动 BlockBeats 提示各位投资者防范追高风险,本文所提观点不构成任何投资建议。

*BlockBeats alerts investors against high risk, and the views presented in this paper do not constitute any investment proposal.


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