发生了什么?BTC对USDT暴涨20% USDT暴跌5%

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At the same time, BTC’s trades with USD and USDT are inverted to prices. At one point, BTC/USDT offers were generally over 7,500 in the exchanges that supported USDT (e.g., Democratic Coinbase, Bitstamp, Kraken, etc.) and BTC/USD offers did not exceed 6900 in the exchanges that supported USDT (e.g., Coinbase, Bitstamp, Kraken, etc.).

  行情显示,今日下午BTC/USDT价格急速拉升与USDT/USD价格暴跌5%密切有关。CoinMarketCap数据显示,USDT一度跌至0.9252美元,现暂报0.9718美元。按照兑换,三大交易所上BTC最高价格分别是:火币7023美元,OKEX 7494美元,币安7106美元。不过,这一价格仍然高于美国B网(Bitterx)上BTC价格——6600美元(USD);此外,B网上USDT价格短线曾一度跌破0.9USD大关。

This afternoon, BTC/USDT prices surged closely related to a 5% drop in USDT/USD prices. CoinMarketCap data show that USDT fell to $0.9252 and is now provisionally reported as $0.9718. By exchange, BTC prices peaked on three major exchanges at $7023, OKEX 7494, and $7106. However, this price is still higher than the BTC prices on the United States B Net (Bitterx) of $6,600 (USD); in addition, BNET of USDT prices fell short on 0.9 USDD.

  USDT/USD 暴跌5%直接原因来自于投资者抛售USDT。著名加密货币分析师Joseph Young发推也表示,投资者正在抛售USDT,因此不应该去考虑比特币对USDT交易对的交易所中BTC对USDT的价格,在Coinbase、Bitstamp和Kraken上,比特币的价格还稳定在6450美元(13:00的价格)左右。

The 5% decline in USDT/USD was the direct result of investors selling USDT. Joseph Young, a well-known cryptographical currency analyst, also said that investors were selling USDT and should not therefore consider BTC’s price for USDT in Bitcoin’s exchange for USDT transactions, and in Coinbase, Bitstamp and Kraken, the price of Bitcoin remained stable at about $6,450 (1.3%).


Investors were scared to sell USDT from recent bankruptcy stories in Bitfinex.


bitfinex >

  Bitfinex破产传言发生在近期波多黎各Noble银行危机之后。据Bloomberg 10月2日报道,波多黎各Noble银行发生现金流危机,正在寻求出售机会。

Rumours of Bitfinex’s bankruptcy followed the recent crisis at Puerto Rico’s Noble Bank. According to Bloomberg, on 2 October, Puerto Rico’s Noble Bank was facing a cash-flow crisis and was seeking opportunities to sell.


Since April 2017, when rich country banks cut off Tether and Bitfinex, Bank Noble is considered to be the only bank that could provide savings services for Bitfinex and Tether.


On 6 October, the user of Mediam “ProofofResearch” warned that Bitfinex had lost its solvency and that the users were in desperate need of asset recovery. According to the media, there had been several problems with connection during visits to the Bitfinex exchange website in recent weeks: 1; access to the Bitfinex website. 2 Serious problems arose when enticing encrypted money from Bitfinex. 3 Some users, at the time of operation, suddenly changed the "self-renewed" key to "opening", resulting in their encrypted assets being borrowed indefinitely on the platform and unable to stop.


In response to rumours of bankruptcy, on 8 October Bitfinex rebutted the rumour on an official blog and showed its BTC, ETH and EOS cold wallets.

  核财经查询Bitfinex BTC冷钱包,里面目前持有高达14W枚BTC,近9.5亿美元。Bitfinex公布的BTC、ETH和EOS 总计超过14亿美元。

The B.O.C. asks Bitfinex BTC's cold wallet, which currently holds up to 14 W BTCs, close to $950 million. Bitfinex publishes BTC, ETH, and EOS totals more than $1.4 billion.

  Bitfinex表示平台的运营成本较低,而且运营公司的团队也很小。法币和加密货币的交易都在正常运作,会继续缩减平台法币充提的等待时间。而且与波多黎各Noble Bank之间的关系对其运营、生存能力或偿付能力没有任何影响。

Bitfinex states that the platform’s operating costs are low, and that the operating company’s team is small. Transactions in French and encrypted currencies are functioning properly, and will continue to reduce the waiting time for the platform’s French currency.

  Dfund创始人、Bitfinex股东赵东10月8日发微博表示,“Bitfinex/Tether 的CFO Giancarlo刚刚给我展示了他们在Noble 银行的usd余额只有66.78美元,他们所有的美元资产目前都已经安全转移至其他银行。”

The founder of Dfund and shareholder of Bitfinex, Zhao Dong, wrote on October 8 that “CFO Giancarlo of Bitfinex/Tethe has just shown me that their Usd balance at Noble Bank is only $66.78 and that all their dollar assets have now been safely transferred to other banks”.


Despite Bitfinex’s up to $1.4 billion worth of digital assets, Bitfinex regenerates doubts as to whether or not it will be able to use Tether’s super-emitting USDT to pay for USD demand. After all, USDT has now reached a total circulation of $3.08 billion.


Why did the BTC/USDT soar?

  10月13日,美国参议院银行、住宅和城市事务委员会举行“探索加密货币和区块链生态系统”(Exploring the Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Ecosystem)听证会。

On 13 October, the United States Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs held a hearing on “Exploring the Cryptogency and Blockchain Ecosystem”.


The economist Rubini, who had predicted the financial crisis by 2008 and had been named Dr. Apocalypse in the media, had once again stunned the encrypting currency at the hearing. He said that there was ample evidence that the entire encryption market was subject to massive, systematic and widespread price manipulation, and that such manipulation was evident in the history of criminal manipulation.


Rubini again quotes an academic paper published by the University of Texas in the United States on the prices of USDT and BTC, stating that without such direct criminal manipulation of encrypted currency, the price of Bitcoin would be 80 per cent lower than at present, from the current $6,500 to $1,200.


Rubini openly questioned that the $2 billion in counterfeit money (USDT) could have been created through a scam and claimed that the USDT scam would eventually collapse.

  在美国听证会后,投资者担心Bitfinex、USDT 危机的心理发酵。投资者抛售USDT,赎回USD。美国B网USDT/USD价格一度达到0.89。

After a hearing in the United States, investors were concerned about the psychological fermentation of the Bitfinex, USDT crisis. Investors sold USDT and redeemed USD. USDT/USD prices were once 0.89.


On the night of October 14th, CEO Wu Steel wrote in his friends’ circle saying that if there is a problem with the USDT, it will only lock in bitcoin’s liquidity, thereby allowing bitcoin to surge. The 2017 experience tells you that every time French troubles with gold, bitcoin will only surge.

  USDT暴跌后,赵东10月15日微博显示,Bitfinex CFO承认的确有巨额USD被赎回,但没什么问题。

Following the collapse of the USDT, on October 15, Huo Dong Weibo showed that Bitfinex CFO admitted that a large amount of the USD had indeed been redeemed, but that there was no problem.


Bitfinex subsequently issued a bulletin stating that all encrypt currency and French currency bills are being processed without any interference. All French coins (United States dollars, pound sterling, yen, euro) are being extracted. The French deposit function of certain specific user groups is temporarily closed and a new, stronger French deposit system will be launched on October 16.


Bitfinex and USDT Relations History

  2013年3月8日,Bitfinex在香港注册,总部设在香港中环。一家注册在英属维尔京群岛、名为iFinex Inc.的公司拥有Bitfinex的所有权并负责经营。

On 8 March 2013, Bitfinex was registered in Hong Kong, with its headquarters in Hong Kong Central. A company registered in the British Virgin Islands, iFinex Inc., owns and operates Bitfinex.

  2014 年, Tether 公司在英属维尔京群岛成立,并发行了1:1锚定美元的USDT。 Tether 公司由Philip Potter 和 Giancarlo Devasini 注册。

In 2014, Tether was founded in the British Virgin Islands and issued USDT with an anchor of US$ 1:1 and was registered by Philip Potter and Giancarlo Devasini.

  Philip Potter为Bitfinex首席战略官,Giancarlo Devasini为Bitfinex CFO,也就是说Bitfinex与Tether管理层几乎是同一批人。但他们宣传是“这是两家完全独立的实体”。

Philip Potter is the Chief Strategic Officer of Bitfinex, and Giancarlo Devasini is Bitfinex CFO, which means Bitfinex is almost the same as Tether's management. They advocate that “these are two completely independent entities”.


On 22 May 2015, Bitfinex’s hot wallet was hacked into, resulting in the loss of 1,500 encrypted coins worth $400,000. Bitfinex bore all the losses.


On 2 June 2016, Bitfinex was fined $75,000 by the United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) for providing illegal encrypted currency transactions and not registered, and its cooperation with various banks was interrupted.

  2016年8月2日,Bitfinex再次遭黑客入侵,这次被窃取近12万枚加密币,当时价值约为 7500万美元。Bitfinex 从未透露黑客的全部细节,但为其提供数字签名服务的安全公司BitGo声称,其服务器没有被攻破。

On 2 August 2016, Bitfinex was again hacked, and this time nearly 120,000 encrypted coins, valued at approximately $75 million, were stolen. Bitfinex never disclosed the full details of hackers, but Bitgo, the security company that provided them with digital signature services, claimed that its servers had not been broken.

  Bitfinex想出一个神来之笔——债转股,削减所有用户账号中36%的数字资产,并向每一个用户发放等价的BFXCoin代币,迫使用户与其共渡难关。BFXCoin代币初始值被设定为 1 美元,BFXCoin代币代币既可以交易,也可以购买 Bitfinex 母公司 iFinex 的股票。

Bitfinex has come up with a magic pen – debt swaps, cuts 36% of the digital assets in all user accounts, and issues the equivalent BFXCoin token to each user, forcing the user to join it. The initial value of BFXCoin is set at US$ 1 and BFXCoin tokens can be traded or the shares of Bitfinex's parent company iFinex can be purchased.


With the advent of a full year's digital-currency cow market in 2017, Bitfinex continued to buy back the BFXCoin token that it had issued, claiming to make up for the user's loss. & nbsp;

  2017年4月,富国银行切断Tether和Bitfinex的银行业务。此后不久,彭博报道,Noble Bank接管了Bitfinex的银行业务。

In April 2017, rich-country banks cut off the banking operations of Tether and Bitfinex. Shortly after that, Bloomberg reported that Noble Bank had taken over the banking operations of Bitfinex.

  2017年12月,Bitfinex和Tether因缺乏透明度等问题被美国商品期货交易委员会传唤。随后USDT 发行不透明、Bitfinex和Tether联手“操纵市场”的质疑不绝于耳。

In December 2017, Bitfinex and Tether were summoned by the United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission for lack of transparency. The subsequent untransparent distribution of the USDT and the joint efforts of Bitfinex and Tether to “manoeuvre the market” were incontrovertible.


Since February 2015, Tether has issued $3.08 billion worth of USDT. In the last two years, USDT traffic has increased 400 times.


Different sounds


There were also investors who said that Bitfinex had always been a benchmark for the industry, and that the debt had been converted to a perfect pen. Not only had Bitfinex paid off the entire debt, but the person holding Bitfinex's claim, Bitfinex, had given each share five dollars a year. "There were large households that had more than 10 million dollars a year on the red, and not just money, but could even turn over. A lot of people were waiting for usdt to blow up, and if bfx and usdt did blow up, the whole currency circle would be cool for a while."

  Bitfinex股东之一赵东则是这样为Bitfinex辩护的。为何不能透露Bitfinex的存款银行?因为美元世界一直在对比特币交易所围追堵截,存款银行一旦被暴露就会成为他们打击的目标。 “实际上今年二月份在东京我和老猫查看bitfinex 和Tether 银行账户时,我们知道当时他们存款银行为Noble Bank,超额准备金(后面其他金融机构对于Noble的调查也支持这点) 。”

“In February this year, in Tokyo, when I visited Bitfinex and Tether’s bank accounts, we knew that their deposit bank was a Noble Bank, overstocked by other financial institutions as well.”


USDT faces a challenge


Since the beginning of the year, stable currencies have gradually become the currency of digital investment, and the USDT is facing challenges.

  2018年9月10日,纽约金融服务部同时批准了两个受官方监管的、基于以太坊发行、锚定美元的稳定币Gemini Dollar(GUSD)和Paxos Standard(PAX)。

On 10 September 2018, the New York Department of Financial Services simultaneously approved two officially regulated stabilizers, Gemini Dollar (GUSD) and Paxos Standard (PAX), based on an anchored dollar issued by Etheria.


According to media statistics, after the issuance of the first regulated stable currency, 15 agencies announced the introduction of the stable currency within 30 days.


The giants Goldman Sachs, Bitland and GMO have all moved to stabilize the currency.


In the wake of a panic in the USDT, the currency was pushed to indicate that if it was possible to know about the regulated stable currency PAX, the currency opened up the USDT/PAX deal and was freely exchanged.

  OKCoin创始人徐明星10月10日表示,OKCoin USA会参与推出合规稳定币,15日他向财经网表示,USDT本身是一个行业最早的(stablecoin)稳定币,历史上是没有监管,由Tether公司运营。USDT在去年9.4特殊的时机被全行业选用作为一个基础货币。业界对USDT质疑一直没有停止过,行业内也在努力寻求新的解决方案。所以,目前有很多新的稳定币,如USDC,TUSD,这些稳定币都是有美国监管机构监管等。OK也在接入其它的稳定币,一旦出现问题,OK会进行切换。

The founder of OKCoin, Star Seo, said on October 10 that the USA would be involved in the roll-out of the compliance stabilizer, and on 15 that the USDT itself was the oldest stable currency in the industry, which was historically unsupervised and operated by Tether. The USDT was selected as a base currency at a special time in 9.4 last year. The industry has not stopped questioning USDT, and the industry is trying to find new solutions. So, there are many new stable currencies, such as USDC, TUSD, which are regulated by US regulatory agencies.

  USDT在今日持续下跌的同时,其他稳定币出现不同程度上涨。Coinmarketcap行情显示,TUSD报1.15美元,24小时涨12.65%;PAX报1.08美元,24小时涨近7%。Bibox行情显示,GUSD/USDT 24小时涨10.49%。

While USDT continues to fall today, other stable currencies have risen to varying degrees. Coinmarkketcap shows that TUSD reported $1.15, an increase of 12.65 per cent in 24 hours; PAX, an increase of $1.08 in 24 hours, an increase of almost 7 per cent. Bibox, an increase of 10.49 per cent in 24 hours.


Some commentators argue that the vast majority of stable currencies have no real meaning, that stable currencies are in fact the medium of trade, that other stable currencies cannot be counterbalanced by tadtans, and that the amount of transactions is poor. As a trader, he is interested in buying enough bitcoins with these stable currencies.


This afternoon, the CEO said in his circle of friends, "All the steady coins tied to the French currency, no one can guarantee that there will be no problems! Every time there is a collapse, so the stable currency is unstable! Bitcoin is the true stable currency!"



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