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WEB 3.0 是什么 ?

WEB 3.0 what?

? ? ?Web 3.0,第三代互联网,意思是由DLT(分布式账本技术)支援,基于区块链的去中心化网路世界,也将是驱动元宇宙的基础建设技术。

♪ Web 3.0, third generation Internet, meaning DLT (distributed account technology) support, decentralised web world based on block chains, will also be the basic building technology that drives the meta-cosmos.

? ? ?在Web 3.0世界里,所有权及掌控权均是去中心化,建设者和用户都可持有NFT等代币而享有特定网路服务。 Web 3.0能否在可见将来成为主流,仍是未知之数。但全球区块链技术热潮带动下,Web 3.0不再是纸上谈兵的理论或流行用语,而是颠覆网路世界的科技革命。Web3.0现在主要的像VR、AR这种虚拟现实设备。从技术来说的话,Web3.0它运用了像物联网、大数据、人工智能、区块链这种一系列的技术,构建了一个智慧化、泛在化,包括一个沉浸式的互联网,就是虚拟和现实深度的融合。(xm520ppz)

♪ ♪ In the Web 3.0 world, ownership and control are de-centralized, and builders and users can hold tokens such as NFT and have access to specific web services. Whether Web 3.0 can be mainstreamed in the foreseeable future is still unknown. But, driven by a global wave of block-link technology, Web 3.0 is no longer paper-based theory or popular language, but rather a technology revolution that destabilizes the web world. Web3.0 is now primarily a virtual reality device like VR, AR. Technically, Web3.0 uses a range of technologies such as graphic networking, big data, artificial intelligence, block chains, and builds an intelligent, generalized, including a immersional Internet, which is a virtual and real depth integration (xm520ppz).


What does "b" mean?

? 去中心化是Web 3.0 的核心原则。信息不再只在固定位置,而是分散储存。没有了中心控制点,等如删除了制造商与消费者之间的中间商(Intermediate Trader),用户数据将不再受Meta(Facebook)和Google等科技巨企控制,可以可降低公司或政府的审查风险、拒绝服务 (DoS) 攻击的有效性,确保个体用户的私隐资料甚至保留所有权。

? Decentralization is the core principle of Web 3.0. Information is no longer just in a fixed position, but is stored in a decentralized manner. Without a central control point, e.g., the elimination of intermediaries between manufacturers and consumers (Intermediate Trader), user data will no longer be controlled by technology giants such as Meta (Facebook) and Google, which can reduce the effectiveness of corporate or government censorship risks, denial of services (DoS) attacks, and ensure that private information from individual users is even retained.

Web 3.0、Web 2.0、Web 1.0 分別和比较:顾名思义,Web 3.0出现前,必定已经有Web 1.0与Web 2.0的存在。

Web 3.0, Web 2.0, Web 1.0 Disparity and Comparison: by definition: Web 3.0 must have existed before web 1.0 and Web 2.0 appeared.

Web 1.0(1990-2005年)

Web 1.0 (1990-2005)

Web 1.0,即第一代互联网。大多数参与者是内容消费者;创作者则只是建构网站的开发人员,这些网站主要以文本以及图像格式提供资讯,站点与站点之间没有太多互动性。例如 IP、TCP、HTTP、SMTP等都是70至80年代设计,秉持包容与开放精神,也是开放标准。现今不论是Android或iPhone手机里,都与这些开源的代码有莫大渊源。

Web 1.0, or the first generation of the Internet. Most of the participants are content consumers; the creators are simply developers of web sites, which provide information mainly in text and image formats, with little interaction between sites such as IP, TCP, HTTP, SMTP, etc. were designed in the 1970s and 1980s, in a spirit of inclusiveness and openness, and open standards. Today, both in Android and iPhone mobile phones, there is much to do with these open source codes.

Web 2.0(2005-2020年)

Web 2.0 (2005-2020)

Web 2.0,第二代互联网,也就是当代的网路形式。内容具有互动性,由企业提供独立、中心化的服务,价值集中在 Google、Apple、Amazon及Meta (Facebook) 等少数企业巨头。创作变得容易,也令应用程式的供应商的目标转移成为谋利:追求点击率从而获得更多广告收入,成为现今网路公司主要盈利模式。

Web 2.0, the second generation of the Internet, is a contemporary form of the Internet. The content is interactive, with companies providing independent, centralized services with a value concentrated on a few corporate giants like Google, Apple, Amazon, and Meta (Facebook).

这也暴露了Web 2.0的弱点:隐私与安全。

This also exposed the weakness of Web 2.0: privacy and security.

Web 3.0 (目前处于开端)

Web 3.0 (currently at the beginning)

Web 3.0背后的概念是,让数据本身依托于开放的数学算法与协议,不依赖于机构甚至个人。建于Web 3.0 的应用程式称为 DApp(Decentralized Application),强调网路开放而且分散地安全。

The concept behind Web 3.0 is to make the data itself dependent on open mathematical algorithms and protocols, not on institutions or even individuals. The application built on Web 3.0 is known as Dapp, which emphasizes open and decentralized security.

对用家来说,Web 3.0的体验可能和Web 2.0分别不算太大,而差异在于使用者或创作者能对自己贡献的内容保有所有权,还能获得一定程度的回报。私隐方面,用户能清楚知道这些数据的用途,并且具有决策权。

For users, the Web 3.0 experience may not be much different from Web 2.0, but the difference is that the user or creator retains ownership of the content to which they contribute and has a certain level of return. On the private side, users have a clear understanding of the use of the data and have decision-making power.

Web 3.0 的范式是:用户创造、用户所有、用户控制、协议分配。

The paradigm for Web 3.0 is: user creation, user ownership, user control, protocol allocation.

也就是说,在 Web 3.0 中,用户所创造的数字内容,所有权明确为用户所有,由用户控制,其所创造的价值,根据用户与他人签订的协议进行分配。

This means that in Web 3.0 users create digital content that is clearly owned by the user, is controlled by the user and the value it creates is distributed according to the agreement between the user and others.

? ? ?在这种体系之下,这些数字内容就不再是简单的数据了,而是数字资产,因为它的权利得到了资产级别的保障。

♪ Under this system, these numbers are no longer simple data, but digital assets, because their rights are guaranteed at the asset level.

? ? ?这类似数字经济当中的市场经济,确认、尊重和保护个人的数字产权,基于契约进行价值交换。如果市场经济相对于奴隶制度和封建制度极大的释放了生产力,提升了经济水平,那么 Web 3.0 相对于 Web 2.0,对于数字经济的发展,应该具有类似的效应。?

This is a market economy similar to the one in the digital economy, recognizing, respecting and protecting the digital property rights of individuals, and exchanging values on the basis of a contract. If the market economy is highly productive and raises the economy in relation to slavery and feudal systems, then Web 3.0 should have a similar effect on the development of the digital economy as opposed to Web 2.0.


Web3.0 The future


According to Secretary-General Cao, the most immediate change in Web3.0 is the profit model of the Internet. is the direct purchase of content from the supply side on the demand side of the Web3.0 product, and the platform may only receive fees.


The second is the way social collaborations move from companies to organizations, and Web3.0 will gradually hand them over to organizations and may be distributed self-governing organizations (DAOs). In the Web3.0 era, users will be more involved in organizing collaboration because the content created belongs to the users themselves. Corporate systems will also exist, dealing mainly with issues that are difficult to collaborate on a large scale; but more and more simple work will be done through distributed collaboration.


Finally, on social governance , the combination of different countries and cultures, and Web3.0 will be different. But the existing governance will not be adjusted as Web3.0 changes.

? ? ?Web 3.0 时代将崛起若干全球性的巨型平台,以及比现在多一百倍的创业英雄,多一千倍的数字资产富豪,但是我们可能看不到今天这样的社交网络帝国和数字寡头,至少希望如此。

The era of Web 3.0 will rise a number of global giant platforms, as well as a hundred times more entrepreneurial heroes, a thousand times more digital asset rich, but we may not see today's social network empire and digital oligarchs, or at least hope so.

? ? ?未能融入这一运动的数字经济体,在 15 年内将完全掉队,未来其规模和影响力在全球数字经济格局中将变得微不足道。(xm520ppz)

?? (xm520ppz) ?


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