PA周刊 央行揭露交易所三大套路;ETC减产、Steem硬分叉

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Abstract: A formal reduction in production in the Taiku Classic (ETC); a new community created by Steem fork; Russian ban on the distribution and circulation of encrypted currency; Bitcoin's selection of the “Best Design Product” in The Wealth magazine; Yoshion's share in launching a “block chain mask”. 14 listed companies disclose operations or plans related to the block chain.


According to PANews, seven projects in the block chain area were released last week, with a total financing value of $309 million (excluding projects for which no specific financing has yet been disclosed), covering areas such as derivative exchanges, games, privacy technology and services.


1. Central banks issue 315 consumer alerts to the three main sets of virtual currency exchanges

央行官方微信22日发布《3·15金融消费权益保护⑧ | 不要被虚拟货币交易平台骗了》,文章用漫画形式,指出了交易所目前存在的三大套路。第一,交易造假刷量严重,境外前三大虚拟货币交易商平均换手率大幅高于国外持牌交易所,存在采用机器人刷量的重大嫌疑。第二,恶意宕机,逼迫杠杆交易爆仓,某大型虚拟货币交易商平台一年内发生系统宕机6次,其中3次为不明原因的突发故障宕机。第三,洗钱。通过对某虚拟货币交易平台的提现数据进行分析发现,符合洗钱行为的基本特征。

First, there is a high volume of counterfeiting, and the average exchange rate of the top three foreign-based virtual money dealers is significantly higher than that of foreign-owned exchanges, and there is a serious suspicion of using robotic brushing. Second, malignancy, pressure on leverage trading, and a large virtual money-trading platform with a system crash six times in a year, three of them for unknown reasons. Third, money-laundering. An analysis of the cash flow data of a virtual money-trading platform is consistent with the basic characteristics of money-laundering.


2. A new proposal by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission or liberalization of securities-like finance

据Coindesk报道,本月早些时候,美国证券交易委员会(SEC)公布了一项提案,旨在修订其针对各类早期创业公司的募资规定。修改后的规定如果获得通过,将把Regulation A+监管下的证券发行收益上限从5,000万美元提高到7,500万美元,把Regulation CF(众筹)监管下的收益上限从100万美元提高到500万美元。

According to Coindisk, earlier this month, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) published a proposal to amend its fund-raising provisions for various early start-up companies. The revised provisions, if adopted, would raise the yield ceiling for securities issuance under Regulation A+ from $50 million to $75 million and the yield ceiling under Regulation CF from $1 million to $5 million.


3. Central Bank of Russia Legal Chiefs: The Russian bill will prohibit the issuance and circulation of encrypted currency .

3月16日,俄罗斯中央银行法律部门负责人Alexey Guznov在接受采访时表示,即将出台但尚未最终确定的加密货币立法(一项“数字金融资产”法案)将禁止发行和流通加密货币,并将对违反该法律的行为处以罚款。

On 16 March, Alexey Guznov, head of the legal department of the Russian Central Bank, stated in an interview that the forthcoming but not yet finalized legislation on encrypted currency (a “digital financial assets” bill) would prohibit the issuance and circulation of encrypted currency and impose a fine for violating the law.


4. Central Bank of Zimbabwe proposes to regulate sandbox censorship of encryption companies .

津巴布韦央行RBZ金融市场和国家支付系统副主任Josephat Mutepfa近期表示,RBZ已经开始提出一个金融科技框架以指导金融科技公司运作。据介绍,该框架是一个监管沙箱,加密货币公司必须通过该监管沙箱进行审查。(Pindula)

The Deputy Director of RBZ Financial Markets and National Payments Systems of the Central Bank of Zimbabwe, Josephat Mutepfa, recently stated that RBZ had begun to propose a financial science and technology framework to guide the operations of financial technology companies. The framework was described as a regulatory sandbox through which encryption money companies would have to review sandboxes. (Pindula)


5. FCA warns investors not to participate in encrypt currency investments related to the new coronary virus


On March 16, the British Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) issued a warning on its network calling on investors not to participate in the encrypt currency investment associated with the new crown virus. The paper states that, as the new crown epidemic continues to spread around the world, many criminal traffickers begin to take advantage of fraud in the form of insurance, pensions, and high-return investments, with vulnerable groups as important targets.


6. The Swedish Central Bank tendered to host the Digital Monetary Research Centre of the Bank for International Settlements


According to the Swedish Central Bank (Riksbank), the country’s digital-currency researchers are among the best among the central banks. This idea stems from the efforts of the Swedish Central Bank to host the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) Innovation Centre on March 3, a new initiative launched by the Bank’s Bank, which now hopes to establish local financial innovation policy clearing houses around the globe, one of which is the central bank’s digital currency.

7.日本4月将实施一项修订法案 在加密货币交易所开户需提交两种KYC文件

7. Japan will implement a revised bill in April to open two KYC files on an encrypted currency exchange .


In Japan, the Act amending the Law on Prevention of Transfer of Proceeds of Crime (Receipt Law) will be implemented on 1 April, the virtual currency exchange in Japan will conduct a rigorous examination of the identity of the person at the time the account is opened, and users will be required to submit two types of identification (KYC) documents at the time the new account is opened.


8. Korea's FSC is working with local encryption companies to launch the Special Financial Information Act .


The Korean Financial Services Commission (FSC) is working with local encryption companies to activate the previously adopted Special Financial Information Act. In the near future, enterprises must be registered with the Korean Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU). The Special Financial Information Act will enter into force in March 2021, requiring encrypted businesses to register with local financial institutions and comply with the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) guidelines.


9. The financial technology “regulating sandbox” pilot will be extended to include non-licensed financial institutions or will be allowed to apply separately .


According to the Economic Reference Paper, following the launch of the pilot in Beijing, the financial technology “regulating sandbox” pilot will soon be located in more cities. In the pilot city selection, the pilot city will be accompanied by national strategies such as the Bay of Australasia, Long Triangular Integration in Hong Kong, the cities of Shenzhen, Shanghai, Yuan, etc., or will be surrounded. Next, the regulatory sector or non-licensed institutions, such as financial technology companies that meet certain qualifications, will be allowed to apply for separate “boxing” applications. In addition, the accompanying regulatory rules will be put in place.


10. The Government of Hawaii has set up a regulatory sandbox for digital money issuers


On 19 March, according to Theblock, on 17 March, the Hawaiian government released a regulatory sandbox for digital money companies. The state government announced the establishment of a two-year “Digital Currency Innovation Laboratory”, which allows digital money distributors to operate in Hawaii without state senders’ permission and hopes to learn more about digital money and its activities over a two-year period and to focus on enacting legislation.


11. Ministry of Information and Communications: leading the platform to enhance the support of new technologies such as 5G, block chains


According to the Information and Communication Management Authority, the Office of the Ministry of Industry and Informatics issued a circular on accelerating the development of the industrial Internet, in which it mentioned that the platform should be guided to enhance the capability of supporting new technologies, such as 5G, artificial intelligence, block chains, reality/virtual reality, and to enhance the integration of process-wide digitization functions, such as design, production, wiring, management. Ten cross-sectoral platforms were selected to develop 50 priority industries/regional platforms. The number of priority platforms was promoted to support an average of 200 industrial agreements, 800,000 industrial equipment links and 2,500 industrial APs.


1. Development funding for projects related to the fight against the new coronary virus from the Getcoin platform


On March 14, Gitcoin, a popular platform in Taiwan, pledged at least $50,000 for development projects related to the coronary virus. On Twitter, Gitcoin Gitcoin, a popular platform in Taipan, said that its fifth round of funding had already been spent on “public health” projects. However, it was seeking to reach its minimum target of $100,000, with the aim of allocating sufficient funds for many efforts.


2. Gansu has set up seven service platforms based on technology such as block chains


According to the Gansu daily newspaper, Gansu Province used technology such as big data, block chains, etc. to build seven specialized technical service platforms, such as the Industrial Economy Operational Monitoring Platform and the SME Public Service Platform, to help prevent outbreaks and resume work throughout the province.


3. Illegal control by 100-degree carriers of 155 “mining” servers: three years' imprisonment


During the period from January to July 2018, Ann, while serving as the server manager in 100 degrees, used its task of maintaining the search server, exceeding its authority to deploy the “mining” program on 100-degree servers by technical means, to obtain virtual currency such as Bitcoin and Menroche by occupying computer information system hardware and network resources, and subsequently to sell part of the virtual currency and profit from the RMB 100,000. On 18 July 2018, Ann was captured by the public security authorities, who gave a factual account of the proceedings.


4. The United States Monetary Administration (OCC) appointed Captain Coinbase as Chief Operations Officer

3月17日消息,据TheBlock报道,美国货币管理署(OCC)任命Coinbase首席法务官Brian Brooks为下一任首席运营官兼第一副审计长。任期自2020年4月1日起。自2018年9月以来,Brooks一直担任Coinbase的首席法务官,领导其法务、合规性和政府关系工作。

On 17 March, according to The Block, the United States Monetary Administration (OCC) appointed Brian Brooks, Chief Legal Officer of Coinbase, as its next Chief Operating Officer and First Deputy Auditor-General, for a term beginning on 1 April 2020. Brooks has been Chief Legal Officer of Coinbase since September 2018, leading his legal, compliance and government relations work.


5. supports the departure of the members of the Board of Directors of the Foundation by reducing production in the Tetso Classic (ETC)

PANews 3月17日 消息,据Tokenview ETC区块浏览器数据显示,Ethereum Classic以太经典(ETC)已于区块高度10,000,000 完成挖矿奖励减少,由原先每个区块4个ETC奖励降低至每个区块3.2个ETC奖励。同日,Ethereum Classic Collective(ECC)董事会成员 James Wo 宣布,其已决定离开这家专注于以太经典(Etheruem Classic)网络的非盈利研究组织。

PANews 17 March, according to Tokenview ETC block browser data, Etheum Classic (ETC) has reduced the incentive to complete mining at a block height of 10,000,000, from the original four ETC awards per block to 3.2 ETC awards per block. On the same day, the Board member of Etheum Classic Corporate (ECC) James Wo announced that he had decided to leave the non-profit research organization focusing on Etheruem Classic networks.


6. Kaula sea order announces upgrading of the full-chain traceability system for commodities and introduction of new block-chain traceability technology


On 17 March, it was reported that the Koala Sea Office had announced the upgrading of the full-chain traceability system for commodities, introducing new block-link traceability techniques in the old technologies of forgery prevention and malicious closure, and achieving one key against commodity traceability.


7. Ningxia established a financial services focal point mechanism using techniques such as block chains


Ningxia will establish a financial services focal point mechanism, with no fewer than 300 financial services focal points from financial institutions to serve no less than 1,500 enterprises in the course of the year, and municipalities and counties will establish a pool of financial services focal points of no less than 10.


8. Starbucks integrates Bakkt payments for some applications

星巴克已向其移动应用程序的某些用户提供了“Bakkt Cash”作为付款方式。Bakkt总裁Adam White在推特上宣布了该整合。星巴克表示,Bakkt Cash目前仅限于一些Beta版。星巴克发言人称:“我们目前正在就使用Bakkt付款方式对客户进行限量测试。客户可以将Bakkt视为一种选择,但该测试仅在此时可用。”

Starbucks has provided some users of its mobile applications with “Bakkt Cash” as a means of payment. Adam White, President of Bakkt, announced the integration on Twitter. Starbucks says that Bakkt Cash is currently limited to some Beta versions. Starbucks spokesman said, “We are currently running a limited test on clients using Bakkt payments. Clients can see Bakkt as an option, but the test is only available at this time.”


9. Bitcoin is selected for Fortune magazine, “Modern 100 Best Design Products”


Wealth magazine recently published the "The Greatest Designers" list. Bitcoin came in 90th place. David Kelley, founder of IDO, gave a bitcoin entry comment: Bitcoin was designed to enable a wide range of stakeholders — developers, investors, businesses, miners, individuals — to adopt a brand-new digital currency under an incentive mechanism without any centralizing issuer or regulatory body.


10.ETH miners used the chip processing capacity of 6,000 computers to find coronary viral therapy


CoreWeave, the largest American miner in the Taiwan block chain, is redirecting the chip processing capacity of 6,000 specialized computers to the search for coronary viral therapy. The GPU will help Foding@home at Stanford University, a long-term research project that launched on 27 February to promote coronary virus research through unique drug development methods.


$11.2 million MakerDAO debt will be cleared at the final stage of the auction

随着MakerDAO债务拍卖的第一阶段进入最后,竞标者已经承诺以总计200万美元的价格购买Maker (MKR)代币。目前的大多数中标者都是在美东时间3月20日凌晨1点25分左右进行的,因此,除非有更多的人出价,否则大多数拍品都将在美东时间上午7点25分左右售出。第二批拍品预计将于3月22日上市。

As the first phase of the MakerDAO debt auction enters its final stage, bidders have pledged to purchase the Maker (MKR) tokens at a total price of $2 million. Most of the winners are currently at around 1:25 a.m. on March 20, US East Time, so unless more bids are made, most of the films will be sold around 7:25 a.m. on March 22, the second batch is expected to be on the market.

12.芝商所旗下结算公司据报爆仓 资产遭拍卖

12. Explosion of assets reported to have been auctioned


According to the sources quoted by CNBC, the CME was forced to intervene by citing emergency regulations to auction out the assets of the Chicago-based company because of the failure of the CME direct settlement company, RoninCapital, to meet regulatory requirements.


13. The Steem community has successfully implemented hard fork and created a new chain

据此前消息,Steem区块链上领先验证器Blocktrade创始人Dan Notestein称,Steem社区将对Steem进行硬分叉,以使Tron基金会完全与之分离。Steemit针对博客的区块链Steem也将转移到。在Steem代币供应方面,开发人员将在某个区块捕获所有钱包的快照,然后将相同代币量分配给新链上所有钱包。除了由波场基金会控制的Steemit钱包外,所有在Steem上有代币的人在新链上将有代币。

As a result, Dan Notestein, the founder of the Blocktrade block chain, said that the Steem community would split Steem hard so that the Tren Foundation would be completely separated. The Steem-to-blog block chain would also be transferred to In the case of Steem tokens, developers would take a snapshot of all wallets in one block, and then allocate the same token to all wallets in the new chain.


1. Winners: Holdings have completed the registration of multiple block chain utility products, patents, soft writings, etc.


In response to investors' questions, the winning win (300377) stated that the company-owned block chain technical services company, Cyclops, had adhered to technology, the scene, and had completed the registration of a number of practical products, patents, soft writings, etc., and that the standards drafted as members of the block chain standards committee had been published.


2. Deepen shares require disclosure of block chain operations and equity participation


On 16 March, a further letter of concern was sent to Jingu (002488.SZ) regarding the company's involvement in the development of the sector chain and digital currency operations of Magnetic Cloud Tang Quints Technology Ltd. in Beijing. An account should be given of the company's shareholding ratio of the company, the specific impact of the company's participation on the company's performance, and whether the company fulfilled its review procedures and disclosure obligations with respect to the above-mentioned investment matters and related developments.


3. Cobalt software: research in the area of block chains is concentrated in the field of applications


In response to a question from investors, Colan Software (30063.SZ) stated that the technology applications of the company's block chain were related to cooperation units at the national level, such as the Credible Block Chain Alliance under the Institute of Information and Communications Technology, and leading Internet companies such as ants, tungsten clouds, and specialized technology companies such as Bubi.


4. Yoshiro shares the "block chain mask"


On 16 March, the “one-time use of a medical mask” of the Tianjin Health Science and Technology Ltd., a company with a share in Yoshion (002803.SZ), obtained a medical instrument registration certificate approved by the Drug Supervisory Authority of Tianjin City.


5. IUPAC: The company involves technologies such as block chains in the development of intelligent systems


In response to a question from investors, IUPAC (002010.SZ) stated that technology exploration currently involved by companies in the development of smart systems included the construction of industrial Internet platforms, the application of 5G technologies in the logistics area, the application of networking technologies, and the application of block-link technologies.


6. Wally Innovation: Company participation in the establishment of the East Lake Financial Research Institute involved in digital currency-related research


In response to the investor's question in the depth-interactive response, Wally Innovator (300045.SZ) stated that the East Lake Institute of Finance, established by the company's shareholding, dealt with research in areas related to digital currency.


7. Corporate ownership continues to provide R & D and services for products such as block chains


In response to investors'questions on the interactive platform, Co-Blue Software (300663) stated that the new human resources services in the company's sphere of operation were not human resources software development; corporate ownership continued to provide R & D and services for financial science and technology products such as Internet finance software products, database products, block chain products, but only to complement the corresponding IT technology human resource inputs and services.


8. Gold solidity: no gains have been made from the company's involvement in block chain operations


During the evening of 18 March, in response to a letter of deep concern, Jingu shares (00248.SZ) stated that the company's interface with Tesla through its relationship with Tison Kamper was still in progress and had not yet yielded any final results; that the company's involvement in sector chain operations, hydrogen energy operations and unmanned operations had not yielded any benefits; and that the use of cutting-edge technologies, such as 5G, car networking and Iot, had not been beneficial to its subsidiaries.

9.鹏博士3000万元成立新公司 经营范围涉区块链

9. Dr. Penn's $30 million to set up a new company with a sector-related chain of operations


According to the source, on 16 March, the listed company Dr. Peng Telecommunications Media Group Ltd. (600804.SH) and Hongjian Electronics and Technology Ltd. of Lanzhou jointly invested in the establishment of Dr. Peng (Gansu) Industrial Internet Science and Technology Ltd., which covers Internet data services; data processing and storage services; and technology development in areas such as the Internet, object networking, sensor networks, cloud computing, big data, 5G, block chains, etc.


10. Installation: the company block chain technical platform is already in a position to function substantively


The China Central Construction (002822.SZ) responded to investors at the deep-interactive point that financial institutions are now making their first loans through the company block chain technology platform, which has been successfully completed. The company block chain technology platform is already in a position to operate substantively.


11. Agricultural products: one of the tools used by current block chains to solve business problems

农产品 (000061.SZ)在互动平台表示,公司参股公司中农网公司主要是专注于农产品B2B垂直领域。

Agricultural products (00061.SZ) indicate on the interactive platform that the company's shareholding company, Agronet, focuses mainly on the vertical area of agricultural products B2B.


12. Far-sighted software: research and development of technological applications, such as block chains, will continue to be advanced in 2020


In response to the investor's question in depth-interactive response, Telelight Software (002063.SZ) stated that in 2020, in terms of research and development, companies would continue to follow the pace of energy Internet scale development, based on distributed systems construction strategies, micro-service adaptations, platform integration, innovative mid-stage services, and continued development of large data, block chains and artificial intelligence technology applications.


13. Quadripartite Ingenuity: R & D and cooperation in financial applications of technologies such as block chains


300468. SZ, responding to the investor's question in depth-interactive, stated that in recent years companies have been actively engaged in innovative R & D and cooperation in financial applications of technologies such as block chains, cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence, etc., and have been moving towards a business transformation of products-services, platforms-plus services.


14. Harun Science and Technology: In cooperation with Guangzhou University, the company explores the application of block chains in areas such as financial associations


In response to investors'questions on the interactive platform, Hoyun Technologies (300448.SZ) stated that the company had worked with Guangzhou University to build a public safety intelligence laboratory to explore the application of block-chain technologies in business areas such as smart justice and financial goods associations.

1.Bakkt B轮融资筹集3亿美元 微软、Pantera参与投资

1. Bakkt B Round raised $300 million. Microsoft, Pantera are involved in .

Bakkt在新一轮融资中筹集了3亿美元,投资者包括洲际交易所(Intercontinental Exchange)、微软(Microsoft)的M12、Goldfinch Partners和Pantera Capital,该公司还推出了一个新设计的网站。

Bakkt raised $300 million in a new round of financing, with investors including the Intercontinental Exchange, M12 of Microsoft, Goldfinch Partners and Pantera Capital, which also launched a newly designed website.


2. Wave clouds complete Pre-IPO C rounds of finance and release wave cloud code platforms using block chains


On 17 March, the tide formally announced the completion of the Pre-IPO C round, the last round of pre-market financing, and a declaration will be launched this year at an alternate date.


3. FundsDLT completes the A round of financing with Swiss credit participation


FundsDLT, an incubated block chain technology platform initiated by the Luxembourg Stock Exchange and its subsidiary Fundsquare, announced the completion of the A round of finance.


4. Enterprises associated with the block chain announced that they had completed a round of financing .


In recent days, Big Data Privacy Computation Platform Inc. announced that it had completed round A financing of tens of millions of yuan and that the current round of financing had been inspired to invest exclusively in it.

5.游戏平台The Sandbox融资201万美元,Square Enix等参投

5. The Sandbox funded $2.01 million. Square Enix et al. participate in

游戏平台The Sandbox已获得201万美元的现金和加密货币,用于建立其区块链游戏世界。去年第三季度,该公司以Animoca Brands子公司TSB Gaming的名义筹集到这笔资金,并在监管部门允许的情况下进行报告。投资者包括Square Enix、B Cryptos和True Global Ventures。

The game platform The Sandbox has received $2.01 million in cash and encrypted money to build its block-chained world. Last third quarter, the company raised the money on behalf of TSB Gaming, an Animoca Brands subsidiary, and reported on it as the regulatory authority allowed. Investors include Square Enix, B Cryptos and True Global Ventures.

6.企业DLT公司Billon Group完成逾600万美元A轮融资

6. Business DLT Billon Group completes over $6 million in round A finance

企业DLT公司Billon Group宣布已完成A轮融资,向现有和新投资者发行600多万美元股权。本轮投资者包括FIS、Rising Tide、Mencey Capital、VCF III、现有投资者以及知名国际经理人和专家。

The firm DLT, Billon Group, has announced the completion of the A Round of Financing, issuing over $6 million in equity to existing and new investors. This round of investors includes FIS, Rising Tide, Mencey Capital, VCF III, existing investors, and well-known international managers and experts.


7. Seed Extension Finance completed by Fluree, Block Chain Database Platform, with Engineering participating


The North Carolina block-linking firm Fluree completed seed rotation finance, which included Engage, but the amount was not disclosed.


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