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Total: 100W


Distribution (including destruction): mkr.tools


Consensus mechanism: based on Ether


Project start date: 2013/4


Source: https://makerdao.com/whitepaper/Dai-Whitepaper-Dec17-en.pdf


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Introduction in Chinese

深入浅出了解 MakerDAO

面向大众的 Dai 介绍


In-depth articles


MakerDAO 是以太坊上的智能合约系统,提供第一个去中心化稳定币 Dai (以太美元) 和衍生金融产品。

The MakerDAO is an intelligent contract system in the Taiwan that provides the first decentralised stabilization currency, Dai (in dollars) and derivative financial products.

Dai 由链上资产足额抵押担保发行,和美元保持1:1锚定,1 Dai=1 美元。个人和企业可以通过兑换 Dai 或者抵押借 Dai 获得避险资产和流动资金。

Dai is issued with a full collateral guarantee from the assets in the chain, and maintains a 1:1 anchor, 1 Dai = $1.

Maker 在抵押贷款、保证金交易、国际转账、供应链金融等方面都已经有落地应用。

Maker already has local applications in mortgage lending, bond trading, international transfers, supply chain finance, etc.



    Source: https://makerdao.com/whitepaper/Dai-Whitepaper-Dec17-en.pdf

    White Paper in English: https://makerdao.com/whitepaper/Dai-Whitepaper-Dec17-zh.pdf

    White Paper in Chinese: 0x89d24a6b4ccb1b6faa2625fe562bdd9a23260359

    Contract address: 0x89d24a6b4ccb6faa2625fe562bdd9a233209

    Dai 合约数据:https://www.amberdata.io/addresses/0x89d24a6b4ccb1b6faa2625fe562bdd9a23260359/metrics

    Contract data:

    Dai 由 MakerDAO 开发并管理,是第一个去中心化基础稳定货币。Dai 由数字资产足额抵押担保发行,和美元保持1:1锚定,1 Dai=1 美元。

    Dai, developed and managed by MakerDAO, is the first currency to be decentralised and stable.

    每个人都可以通过在 MakerDAO 平台上建立一个抵押债仓 (CDP) 来生成 Dai,或者在交易平台直接兑换 Dai。抵押债仓 (CDP) 是一个智能合约,可以让用户通过存入有价值的抵押品来借 Dai。这些抵押品由智能合约锁定,当用户返还借出的 Dai 时,可以取回抵押品, Dai 从流通中退出。这一系统加上利率政策和自动清算机制,调节市场中 Dai 的流通总量,并保证 Dai 的价格稳定。

    Everyone can create Dai by creating a mortgage warehouse (CDP) on the MakerDAO platform, or by converting Dai directly on the trading platform. The Mortgage Bank (CDP) is a smart contract that allows users to borrow Dai by depositing valuable collateral. These collaterals are locked in smart contracts, and when the user returns the loan, the collateral can be retrieved, and Dai exits from circulation. This system, combined with interest rate policies and automatic liquidation mechanisms, regulates the total circulation of Dai in the market and guarantees Dai’s price stability.

    对冲:在市场剧烈波动时,Dai 为投资者提供了存储价值的避风港,使得投资者无需离开加密货币市场。

    Spills: In times of high market volatility, Dai provides a safe haven for investors to store value, leaving investors without having to leave the encrypted currency market.

    贷款:Dai 可以为持有加密数字资产,需要紧急资金周转,但希望同时保持加密资产仓位的投资者提供低息的贷款和流动性。

    Loans: Dai can provide low-interest loans and liquidity to investors who hold encrypted digital assets and require emergency liquidity, but wish to keep encrypted asset warehouses at the same time.

    去中心化的杠杆:在创建 CDP 的过程中,用户在无需卖出他们看涨的抵押品的前提下,就可以获得更多投资资金,以购买更多的资产。

    Decentralized leverage: During the creation of the CDP, users could obtain more investment funds to buy more assets without having to sell their increased collateral.

    支付/在线购物:用户可以用 Dai 在接受加密货币支付的商店购物。

    Payment/online shopping: Users can use Dai for shopping in shops where encrypted money is paid for.

    去中心化交易所:去中心化交易所往往不支持法币和加密货币的交易,而数字资产持有者可以将手中的其他数字资产换成与美元锚定、价格具有低波动性的 Dai。

    Decentralized exchanges: Decentralized exchanges often do not support transactions in French and encrypted currencies, while digital asset holders can swap other digital assets in their hands for low price volatility in Dai, which anchors with the United States dollar.

    交易对:币币交易是一个复杂的过程。当用户在交易时,基础交易对的涨涨跌跌加剧了追踪收益的难度。当引入了 Dai 的低波动交易对后,用户就有一个稳定的计价货币,提高交易效率 。

    Transactions are: Currency transactions are a complex process. When a user makes a transaction more difficult to track. When a low-volatile deal is introduced in Dai, the user has a stable denominated currency that improves the efficiency of the transaction.

    供应链:货物与资金交接的过程中,中间商为了保障交易的安全、提供稳定的借款以及促成跨境交易,往往要收取较高的中介费。Dai 可以降低供应链和国际贸易的成本。

    Supply chain: During the transfer of goods to funds, brokers often charge higher brokering fees in order to secure transactions, provide stable borrowing and facilitate cross-border transactions. Dai can lower the cost of supply chains and international trade.

    预测市场:如果用户无法预测其投注资产在未来会达到的价值,则长期投注也变得不可行。Dai 这样的稳定货币可以成为预测市场的自然选择。

    Forecasting markets: Long-term bets are not feasible if users are unable to predict the value of their investments in the future. A stable currency such as Dai can be a natural choice for predicting markets.

    Dai 的价格恒定在1美元。

    Dai's price is constant at $1.

    Dai 是一种完全基于区块链的货币。

    Dai is a currency based entirely on the block chain.

    所有的 Dai 都有数字资产做支撑,基于可供审计、不受第三方控制且可公开查看的以太坊智能合约。

    All Dai are supported by digital assets, based on auditable, third-party-controlled and publicly accessible Ithaya smart contracts.

    Dai 的偿付能力不依赖于任何中心托管

    Dai's solvency is not dependent on any central hosting.

    所有的 Dai 都是通过链上抵押数字资产创建的。假设你有一些加密数字资产,比如以太坊。你不希望卖掉以太,但是需要一笔流动性现金,用来消费或者投资更多的数字资产。

    • 你将1500美元的以太锁入智能合约 (Collateralized Debt Position, 抵押债仓) 之中,作为担保物。

      You locked $1,500 into a smart contract as collateral.

    • 根据该担保物的风险参数 (2/3的折扣),可生成1000个 Dai,即1000 美元 。

      Based on the risk parameters of the collateral (2/3 discount), 1,000 Dais are generated, or $1,000.

    • 用 Dai 换成美元或投资其他的资产。

      Replace Dai with United States dollars or invest in other assets.

    • 当需要取回担保物(以太)时,偿还 1000 个Dai 和极低的利息(以MKR支付, 目前年化 0.5%),拿回以太并保留获取的收益(来自以太的上涨或用Dai投资的收益)。

      When it is necessary to recover the collateral (the Ether), 1,000 Dai and very low interest (paid in MKR, currently annual 0.5 per cent) are reimbursed, the Ether is recovered and the gains are retained (from Ether's upturn or investment in Dai).

      Dai 的生成成本是 1 美元 (来自于抵押物的喂价),且始终是超额抵押的,也就是说 Dai 的背后始终有足额的资产。


      如果资产价格上升,那么 Dai 的担保将更充足。如果资产下跌到一定值(原CDP开启者没有追加保证金或偿还 Dai),合约会自动启动清算。任何用户都可以清算抵押不足的资产,并且获得3%的无风险收益。这也激励了很多市场参与者扮演 Maker 中的 Keeper 角色,他们不仅可以从系统中获益,同时也保护了 Dai 的偿付性。

      Maker的核心智能合约是CDP,我们用一个类比来描述。假设你在银行请求房屋贷款。你把你的房子作为抵押品,银行把现金给你作为贷款。如果你房子的价值下降了,他们会要求你偿还贷款。如果你不能偿还贷款,他们就会把你的房子收走。对于 Maker 来说, 以太就相当于房子,智能合约相当于银行,Dai 相当于贷款。你把以太存入 CDP 智能合约,然后你就获得 Dai 贷款。如果你抵押的以太币的价值低于某一个阈值,那么你要么像偿还银行贷款一样偿还智能合约的贷款,要么智能合约把你的以太币收走并拍卖给竞价最高者。





      We don't have to explain what happens when the gas rises. The mortgage rate will be higher, Dai  the value will be higher. This is not to say that Dai  the value cannot be too high – especially when the demand for Dai is higher than the will to create Dai. But if Dai's transaction costs exceed one dollar, Maker will have a corresponding mechanism to motivate users to create more Dai. But if the value of the tai falls, then the problem will come. If Dai's value as collateral is not enough to support a corresponding amount of Dai, then Dai's value will be lower than one dollar, and the system may collapse. Maker will address it by clearing the CDP and auctioning it before it is enough to support Dai. Basically, if CDP's price feedback shows that the value of the currency is already below a certain threshold (presumably 125 per cent of the value of Dai's value), then CDP will be “liquidated” and CDP will be auctioned on the margins until it is clear.


      如果你在考虑这个系统的缺陷,那么你不难发现“黑天鹅事件”出现的可能性。假设以太币价格在短时间内迅速崩盘并跌破100%的抵押率,那么系统可能根本没有时间应对。幸运的是,Maker为这种情况提供了解决方案:MKR (makercoin)。 MKR是一种以太坊区块链上的代币(和Maker生态系统的其他部分一样),具有Maker智能合约的管理权限。比方说,上述例子中所使用的CDP的抵押率是由MKR的持有者投票决定的。作为管理系统的回报,MKR持有者将获得费用收入。然而,作为MKR持有者也是有风险的。他们将充当最终买家。如果系统中的抵押品不足以支撑现存的数额,那么MKR就会被创造并出售到公开市场上,以筹集所需的抵押品。这为MKR持有者提供了一个强有力的激励机制,使得他们可以负责任地规范CDP创造Dai的参数。因为如果系统失败,他们将最终遭受损失,与此同时 Dai 的持有者不会有这个风险。

      If you consider the defects of the system, then you can see the possibility of the “black swan event” appearing. For example, the mortgage rate used in the above example is determined by the MKR's holders voting in the open market. The MKR holders will receive the cost as a return on the management system. However, MKR holders will also be at risk. They will act as final buyers. 全球结算的唯一结果就是返还你的抵押品。它不会盗取你的以太币或Dai,或者代替你与系统进行互动。全球结算最不济的情况是你最终不得不自己面对抵押品的波动直到系统恢复,或者你可以把抵押品放到交易所。

      The only result of a global settlement is to return your collateral.

      功能 - 去中心化杠杆

      functions - decentralised leverage /strang>

      聪明的人,也许会注意到 Dai 币创造过程中的一个有趣的结果。价格波动不能被消灭,它只能转移。如果我们有 Dai 这样的稳定币,那么它的波动性到底去哪里了呢?在 Maker 体系中,波动性转移给了 CDP 的持有者。用我们之前的例子,如果我从某个抵押有一个以太币的CDP中借出66个Dai,只有当以太币价值高于清算比例时,我才能拥有那个以太币。Dai其实是我抵押以太币后所获得的贷款。

      Smart people may notice an interesting result in the process of currency creation. Price volatility cannot be eliminated, it can only be transferred. If we have   Dai  such a stable currency, where is it? In   Maker  the system, the volatility shifts to   CDP  the holder. With our previous example, if I borrow 66 Dai from a CDP in too much currency, I can have that in too much currency only if it is worth more than the settlement ratio. Dai is actually the loan I took after I mortgaged it.


      That means: I can borrow my Dai to buy more ethers. By doing so, I basically leverage the purchase of ethers. Yes, completely decentralised. You can do more than 2x, 3x or even more money than you actually have when you integrate Maker's decentralized exchange.

      1、Dai 与 USDT 的区别是什么?

      What's the difference between strong1, Dai and USDT?

      USDT 背后是声称用美元担保,但存在不透明性和中心化托管的问题。Dai 是有超额数字资产担保发行,所有的记录都在链上,任何人都可以参与审计,安全可信。

      Underlying USDT is the claim that it is guaranteed in United States dollars, but there is a problem of non-transparent and centralized hosting. Dai is an over-digitized asset guarantee issued, all records are on the chain, and anyone can be audited and secure.

      USDT 能做的事情 Dai 都可以做,很多 Dai 能做的事情 USDT 做不了。

      USDT can do anything Dai can do, a lot Dai can do anything USDT can't do.

      除了可以作为交易所的基础货币和避险资产之外,Dai 的生成机制让任何用户都可以将以太抵押在系统中,借出  Dai。同时进行低成本的去中心化保证金交易。

      In addition to the underlying currency and risk avoidance assets that can be used as exchanges, Dai’s generation mechanism allows any user to borrow & nbsp; Dai from the system with too much collateral. At the same time, it carries out low-cost decentralized bond transactions.

      在去中心化生态中,Dai 不仅仅是计价货币,同时也是dAPP默认使用的稳定支付手段,如 Augur 预测市场将使用 Dai 作为主要投注货币,避免投注代币本身的波动风险,同样的案例在几乎所有去中心化商业场景中都适用。

      In decentralised ecology, Dai is not just a currency for valuing, but also a stable payment method that the dAPP defaults to use, such as Augur predicts that the market will use Dai as the main currency to avoid the risk of fluctuations in the currency itself, which is applicable in almost all decentralized business scenes.

      跨国转账和供应链金融将是 Dai 连接现实经济中很大的应用,国际供应链公司 Tradeshift 使用 Dai 作为支付方式,并且探索将票据代币化进行 Dai 的融资。

      Cross-border transfers and supply chain finance will be a significant application of Dai's connectivity to the real economy, with international supply chain companies using Dai as a means of payment and exploring the monetization of instruments to finance Dai.

      Dai 与数字资产转账企业 Wyre 打通了数字货币与法币的通道,之前通过比特币和以太坊的国际转账都可以由消除波动性的 Dai 进行,企业可以获得包括美元、欧元、英镑、澳元、港元、人民币的即时兑换。

      Day, which connects digital currency with French currency with digital asset transfer firms, and previously international transfers through Bitcoin and Etheria can be made by Dai, which eliminates volatility, and businesses can obtain instant convertibility, including the United States dollar, the euro, the pound sterling, the Australian dollar, the Hong Kong dollar and the renminbi.


      2, how does DAI design its stabilization mechanism as a stable currency? How can transparency and reliability of the mechanism be guaranteed? What is the competitive advantage of DAI over other stable currencies in the market?

      从根本上来说,Dai 创造出了新的流动资金,而其它稳定币只是法币的凭证。

      Essentially, Dai created new liquidity, while other stable currencies are merely certificates of French currency.

      Dai 是通过链上抵押数字资产创建的。Dai 的生成成本是1美元,且始终是超额抵押的,也就是说每个 Dai 的背后始终有价值超过1美元的资产。Dai 是完全公开透明的,所有 Dai 的生成和销毁都在链上,任何人都可以参与审计。

      Dai is created through a chain-based mortgage of digital assets. Dai is generated at a cost of $1 and is always over-collateralized, meaning that each Dai has assets worth more than $1. Dai is completely transparent, and all Dai is generated and destroyed on the chain, and anyone can participate in the audit.

      Dai 的竞争优势是独特的,因为 Dai 的背后是一整套复杂的智能合约系统,涉及抵押品选择、风险管理和稳定币的发行。市场上其他稳定币大多为单一法币托管模式,只有用户存入美元,才能发行新的稳定币。而 Dai 的抵押品可以包括各种链上资产以及证券,加上 Dai 是无需准入的,任何人都在 Maker 系统中抵押数字资产,生成 Dai。任何其它 ERC20 的稳定币都可以作为 Dai 的抵押品,增加 Dai 的市值。

      Dai’s competitive advantage is unique, because Dai’s behind it is a complex system of smart contracts involving collateral selection, risk management, and the issuance of stable currencies. Other stable currencies in the market are mostly single-currency hosting models, and new stable currencies can be issued only if the user deposits in the dollar.


      3, what did MakerDAO do? What are the obstacles? What are the applications?

      我们在去年12月份上线了 Dai 的第一版本 - 单一抵押 Dai,目前是市值最大的去中心化稳定币,1%的以太坊都在 Dai 的抵押池里。今年我们完成了多资产抵押 Dai 的开发,这将是第一个经过形式化验证的大规模 DApp。我们在自身原去中心化交易所 Oasis.dex 的基础上开发了无需注册和手续费、即时交易的去中心化撮合交易平台 Oasis.direct。同时,我们还启动了链上投票系统,完善 Maker 的治理结构。目前我们和欧洲大型的供应链金融公司 Tradeshift 达成合作,用稳定币 Dai 解决供应链金融中的存单融资问题。以及和跨国汇款公司 Wyre 合作,实现面向 30 多个国家的法币与 Dai 兑换渠道。

      This year, we completed the development of a multi-asset mortgage, which will be the first large-scale formalized DApp. On the basis of our own decentralized exchange, Oasis.dex has developed a decentralized transaction platform, Oasis.direct, without registration and transaction fees. At the same time, we have launched a chain voting system to improve Maker’s governance structure.


      What are the main problems and risks of 4, us, , , , , , ? , , , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

      USDT 的问题主要有几点:1. 中心化托管 2. 不透明性 3. 监管风险。USDT 前几天的暴雷代表着市场参与者对信心的动摇,这和其近期更换合作银行以及限制法币存入都有关系,人们质疑其背后是否有足额资产进行兑付,出现恐慌性抛售,当然,也和近期市场上出现更多稳定币竞品,人们有其他的稳定币选择。

      3. Regulatory risks. The thunderstorms of the previous few days represented a wave of confidence on the part of market participants, which had to do with the recent replacement of the cooperative bank and the restrictions on the deposit of French currency, and raised questions about whether it had sufficient assets to pay, a panic sale, and, of course, the emergence of more stable currency competitions in recent markets, with other options for steady currency.

      USDT 最大的风险来自于监管和不透明性,由于监管不明朗,USDT 无法与有联邦存款保险的银行合作。同时由于其不透明性,私人保险公司也不愿意为其提供存款保险,导致风险集中在 USDT 合作的小银行,而这些银行的资产风险较高。比如最近正是因为其合作的波多黎各的诺布尔银行出现资产危机。

      The greatest risk for the USDT stems from regulatory and non-transparentness, which prevents the USDT from working with banks with federal deposit insurance because of unclear regulations. At the same time, private insurance companies are reluctant to provide deposit insurance because of their non-transparent nature, leading to a concentration of risk in small banks that work with the USDT, whose assets are at higher risk.


      5, wedt was introduced in early 15, but the current market’s stable currency competitors were introduced at the earliest in the second half of 17 years. Why was there such a long period of competition gap?

      一方面是由于15年到17年其实是加密货币的熊市,并没有引起这么多的关注,主要交易还是围绕 BTC,USDT从某种程度上来说够用了。17年下半年开始,加密货币市场开始爆发,同时 USDT 也不断爆出问题,因此立即出现了很多竞品,市场的反应还是很快的。而对于 Dai 来说,我们从2015年就可以启动开发了,只是 Dai 背后涉及的工程量很复杂,到17年底开始推出。

      On the one hand, because 15 to 17 years are actually the city of an encrypted currency, the main deal is still, to some extent, enough. Starting in the second half of the year, the crypto-currency market began to explode, while the USDT continued to explode, prompting a lot of competition, and the market’s response was quick.


      What is the importance of stabilizing the currency? What should the core competitiveness of stabilizing the currency come from?


      The typical example of the French currency hosting model that stabilizes the currency is the access of funds to encrypted currency transactions, which, because of their distributed books, can be transferred relatively freely across national borders. In addition, there are hedge funds in case of volatility in the encrypted currency market.

      对于加密货币抵押模式的稳定币,如 MakerDAO 的 Dai 就有更多的使用场景了。比如去中心化的保证金交易,可以抵押数字资产生成 Dai,然后购买更多或者其他的资产。由于其 ERC20 标准,作为以太坊生态很多应用的基础货币,包括去中心化交易所、预测市场投注货币以及任何涉及生态内部的交易和支付工具。

      Decentralized bond transactions, for example, can encumber digital assets to generate Dai and then buy more or other assets. Because of its ERC20 standard, it is used as a base currency for many eco-friendly applications, including decentralized exchanges, forecasting market currency injections, and any eco-internal transactions and payment instruments.

      此外,Dai 还与传统企业实现了很多落地的应用。比如与供应链金融公司 Tradeshift 将存单上链进行 Dai 的融资。

      In addition, Dai has implemented a number of landing applications with traditional businesses. For example, TradeShift, a supply chain finance firm, will finance Dai in a single chain.


      7, what do you think of the recent US-born regulated stabilizer, GUSD, and PAX? What are their effects on the market? Is there a lot of pressure on you?

      这会很大程序上影响其相同法币托管模式稳定币的市值,比如USDT和TUSD。对我们来说,其实是利好,因为GUSD和PAX都是ERC20格式,在多种抵押 Dai 发布时,这些稳定币都可以作为我们很好的抵押品,扩大 Dai 的市值。

      This would greatly affect the stability of the market value of the same French-currency hosting model, such as USDT and TUSD. For us, it would be good, because both GUSD and PAX are in the ERC20 format, and when multiple collaterals are issued, they could serve as a good collateral for us to expand the market value of Dai.


      8, what are the next trends in stabilizing the currency as a very important part of the digital currency world? What are the future market patterns?


      I think the development of a stable currency is taking two directions: , a stable currency hosted by a central institution, which means that this stable currency embraces supervision and is equivalent to that of banks in the traditional financial sector; and another, a stable currency with a point-to-point model based on the issuance and wind control of a stable currency in the block chain, with no risk of centralization and no need for permission. Moreover, the market does not really need too many stable currencies, and I think the final pattern will be two to three stable currencies.


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