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加密货币无疑是区块链的最著名用例之一,但对于 Vitalik 和以太坊开发者来说,更重要的是改进区块链设计,以使其成为几乎所有问题的解决方案。

Encrypted currency is undoubtedly one of the most well-known examples of block chains, but for Vitalik and the Etherpau developers, it is more important to improve the design of block chains to make them solutions to almost all of the problems.


As the name indicates, the block chain consists of a series of interconnected blocks. Information is collected and converted into something that can be processed, called data, and the division of data into blocks of the same size is an act that makes the data accessible in an efficient, fast and reliable manner. Today, data is vital because it helps individuals, businesses, and governments to make informed decisions in order to realize their full potential.


Data on the block chain must be stored linearly and in chronological order, which means that new blocks can only be added to the so-called “end” of the existing data chain. It is worth noting that once a new block is created, the content of the previous block cannot be changed, because the Hashi value of each block, their “sole digital identification”, changes accordingly and requires validation of most nodes of the network. To some extent, this leads to the well-known non-variability, trust, transparency and traceability of the block chain.


block chains are divided into first tier projects (L1s): Bitcoin, Ether, Letco, Ripo, Solana, , currency chains, wave fields, and so on. Looking at the security, decentralization and scalability of block chains, we know that original projects such as Bitcoin and Ether focus on security and decentralisation, so that they will experience difficulties in expansionaryness. Why is it so expensive to trade with Taishu? Because the size of the chain is disproportionate to the needs of users, users are forced to “bid” on their transactions during peak periods, leading to higher transaction costs. Moreover, the processing of the block chains is not fast enough to achieve global adoption: 62.34 per second of the maximum transaction (TPS) in Tails and 1,700 .


The upgrade/extension of the block chain is referred to as the second layer (L2s). L2s are built on L1s so that they can reposition transactions that should have been processed on L1s to their networks in order to achieve faster and more efficient movement. Rollup is a way of “repositioning” this data, so it is an extension solution. Understanding all this will help us understand the next part more easily.

以太坊合并是一个事件,其中以太坊与旧有的工作证明(PoW)共识机制彻底实施权益证明(PoS)分道扬镳。这是出于可扩展性的考虑,对于安全性和去中心化进行的实际妥协,因为在以太坊上考虑到验证者的数量,PoS仅次于PoW,尤其是与其他第一层(L1s)相比。 PoS能够实现更高效(节能)和更高数据吞吐量。以太坊是最大的区块链生态系统,拥有各种目的和应用的项目,以及一些最广泛使用的L2基础设施(Polygon、Arbitrum、Optimism),因此以太坊效率的提高将无疑有益于区块链的所有利益相关者。

This is a practical compromise on security and decentralisation, for reasons of scalability, because PoS is second only to PoW, especially when compared to the other tiers (L1). PoS is able to achieve more efficient (energy-efficient) and higher data-absorption. It is the largest chain ecosystem, with projects for various purposes and applications, and some of the most widely used L2 infrastructure (Polygon, Arbitrum, Optimism) and thus will undoubtedly benefit all stakeholders in the chain.

以太坊合并发生在Beacon Chain启动后近两年,那时是以太坊原始PoW之外的PoS层。这种双层设计在合并之后没有改变,但现在Beacon Chain是以太坊的共识层,而另一层是执行层(交易发生的地方)。

The ETA merger took place almost two years after Beacon Chain was launched, at a time when it was a PoS layer outside of the original PoW. The two-layer design did not change after the merger, but now Beacon Chain is the Taichain consensus layer, while the other level is the enforcement layer (where the transaction took place).

最新的以太坊升级是 2023 年 4 月的 Shapella 升级,该升级允许验证者取消质押,而 Dencun 升级是 2024 年第一季度以太坊的下一个大事件。在 Shapella 升级中,发生在 Beacon Chain 上的那一部分以 Capella 星命名,而在执行层上以上海市命名。

The latest e-Team upgrade was in April 2023, which allowed the certifier to cancel the pledge, while Dencun upgrade was the next big event in the first quarter of 2024. In the Chapella upgrade, the part on the Beacon Chain was named after Capella Star and named above the executive layer.

现在以太坊正在致力于提高可扩展性,他们必须找到实现这一目标的方法。最初的提案是分片,它描述了将区块链分成总共 64 个碎片的过程 - 这些碎片较小、更容易访问、更好、更快、更便宜。此外,验证者被伪随机分配到碎片,并在每个纪元之后重新洗牌,也就是在特定事件发生后重新洗牌。这作为区块链的增强安全屏障。

They must find a way to achieve this by working to make it more scalable. The original proposal was a segment, which described the process of dividing blocks into a total of 64 fragments -- smaller, easier to access, better, faster, cheaper. Moreover, the certifier was misdirected to the fragments and reshuffled after each era, i.e., after a given event. This served as an enhanced security barrier to the block chain.

然而,以太坊开发团队注意到 Rollup 的不断升温,并决定将重点转向支持 Rollup 在未来几年的发展。现在的想法是帮助第二层(L2s)以最高效的方式“交流”或向以太坊发送数据,而这一答案是由以太坊基金会的研究员 Dankrad Feist 提出的,因此得名 Danksharding:与其将整个区块链分割成较小的碎片,不如将数据存储分割成“分片”。

However, the ETA team noted the growing temperature of Rollup and decided to shift its focus to supporting Rollup’s development over the next few years. The idea now is to help the second tier (L2s) “interchange” or send data to Etheria in the most efficient way, and the answer was given by ETA researcher Dankrad Feist, and is therefore known as Danksharding: Instead of dividing the entire block chain into smaller fragments, the data should be stored into “fractures”.

要实现 Danksharding,我们需要首先准备好区块链,换句话说,工作在 Danksharding 的早期版本(希腊语中的 proto)上。再加上 EIP-4844 的另一位研究员的名字,就有了 Dencun 升级的 Proto-Danksharding。该升级将在两个层面上进行,Beacon Chain 上的 Deneb 和执行层上的 Cancun。将引入一种称为“blob-carrying transaction”的新类型交易到执行层,并且 Beacon Chain 将在有限的时间内存储 blob 数据。Blob,即 Binary Large Objects(二进制大对象),是以二进制形式存储的非结构化数据。当 Rollup 与以太坊互动时,它们将以 blob 形式发送交易信息,而不是 calldata(用于交易数据存储的只读内存),要记住 blob 数据已经与 calldata 分开存储,并且仅存储了有限的时间,因为它们已经与 calldata 分开。这将减轻两个层面的拥塞,尤其是在执行层上,因此据估计将提高 Rollup 的速度和费用。

In order to achieve Danksharding, we need to first prepare the block chain, in other words, to work on the early version of Danksharding (proto in Greek). Plus the name of another EIP-4844 researcher, there is Proto-Danksharding, which is upgraded by Dencun. The upgrade will take place on two levels, the Deneb and the Cancun on the implementation level on the Beacon Chain. When Rollup interacts with the too-horizon, they will send transaction information in the form of blob rather than the so-called dataata (only readable for data storage), bearing in mind that blob data is already stored separately from the so-called large Objects (second-large object), off-structured data is stored in a binary format, and that the speed of storage will be reduced on the two layers of the transaction, especially since it will be used to reduce the estimated costs of spending on the ground.

结果是:对于 Rollup 团队最有利,因为他们不必为 Danksharding 过渡做额外的工作,速度提高了 10-100 倍,以太坊数据费用降低,占 L2 交易费用的 90%。从逻辑上讲,最有利于 Dencun 升级的将是 L2 代币,如 OP 和 ARB。但是,ETH 价值也可能上升。不要忘记,L2 依赖于以太坊,因此当它们繁荣时,以太坊生态系统也将增长!

The result is that the Rollup team is the most advantageous, because they do not have to do extra work for the Danksharding transition, increasing at a rate of 10-100 times, reducing the cost of data for the Tails at 90% of the L2 transaction cost. Logically, the best way to upgrade Dencun will be L2 tokens, such as OP and ARB. But the value of the ETH may also rise. Don't forget, L2 depends on Etheria, so when they prosper, the Ether Ecosystem will grow!




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