43亿美元天价罚款的背后 对Binance和CZ的制裁是利好还是利空

币圈资讯 阅读:40 2024-04-22 12:31:09 评论:0



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作者:Phyrex,币安广场创作者 来源:X(原推特)@Phyrex_Ni







根据认罪协议,CZ最高10年的监禁会变成不超过18个月,目前CZ已经放弃了上诉,宣判将推迟6个月,在支付了1.75亿美元的保释金以后被释放,并可以随时往返阿联酋和美国,这个待遇BitMEX联合创始人兼前CEO的Arthur Hayes也经历过,当时Arthur Hayes是的判决是6个月的居家监禁以及缓行2年,从这个角度来看CZ大概率也是居家监禁。但这并不是重点,重点是从CEO退下来的Arthur Hayes仍然是BitMEX的联合创始人,虽然不担当BitMEX的工作,但可以以顾问的形式来“联合”处理BitMEX的事宜。





而BinanceUS在解决了SEC的问题以后,会更容易受到华尔街的青睐,距离上市的路也会更近一步。说到SEC就不得不提,SEC在昨天又起诉了Kraken,起诉的理由几乎和Coinbase是一摸一样的,前边我们也说了,这次在美国的和解中并不包括SEC在内,这也代表了SEC对于Binance的监管问题并不是“政治立场”的问题,甚至随着和CFTC的和解,Binance已经支付了对让美国客户交易的罚款和资金没收,所以SEC大概率不会在这个问题上继续纠结,那么SEC的目的还剩下的可能就是为了给加密货币的合规化铺平道路,而这条道路中的一个里程碑可能就是Bitcoin和Ethereum  的现货ETF。

当然已经摆脱了最大枷锁的Binance来说,和SEC的问题并不涉及到刑事,甚至应该说Binance和SEC之间已经没有官司了,有官司的是BinanceUS和CZ本人,那么结果无非就是要么像Coinbase和Kraken一样硬扛,要么就是是和解,这两种不论是哪一种,都只是钱的问题。从我个人的理解来看,后者的可能性会更大一些,毕竟Coinbase是美国的上市公司,Kraken也是欧美都合规的交易所,而BinanceUS  本质上是Binance为了在美国上市并且捆绑华尔街资金的重要布局,而横在BinanceUS和SEC中间最大的问题就是Binance本身和CZ本身,现在前者没事了,后者也认罚了。





The creator of the author's Coin 'an Square comes from more than 10,000 original tweets, nearly 10,000 billion tweets and these five data worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Although the data of cash withdrawal still holds more than 100 million dollars, the wave of cash withdrawal has not ended. Almost every minute, assets are still lost from it. Almost the whole network is giving farewell. Half of the front page headlines of Bloomberg were given to Hamas, and if the time is pushed forward, I don't know how many friends still remember that I was in ten. Last month, it was emphasized that the Finance Committee of the House of Representatives pursued cryptocurrency as a terrorist financing. Last week, even a famous member of Parliament jointly asked Biden and Yellen to give detailed cryptocurrency support for terrorist activities on the day of this month, pulling the time back to the present. The settlement of the financial crime law enforcement network was $ billion, and the settlement of the Foreign Assets Control Office was $ billion, of which $ billion was paid to the financial crime law enforcement network. Of the $100 million paid to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, $100 million was the transaction fee charged to American customers, and another $100 million was fined. In this case, the biggest problem should be to let American customers participate in the transaction. After all, this part of the fine is the highest, but in fact, the answer given by the Ministry of Commerce, the highest institution in the actual investigation, is that it is neither to let Americans trade nor to violate the securities law. By the way, The second settlement represents the end of years of investigation with the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Justice and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, but this issue does not include the US Securities and Exchange Commission. We will talk about it later, but because of the violation of the US anti-money laundering and sanctions laws that protect the national security of the United States and the integrity of the international financial system. It is said that it is the most important thing for the United States to strictly control the composition of traders in the platform and let terrorists defined by Europe and the United States, including Hamas. What is intolerable is just a question of money, so the definition given by both the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Justice in this report is because it is not well implemented. Even the staff chat provided by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission in the actual prosecution involves the record that Hamas can buy one with less than US dollars. This is the most troublesome violation. And providing funds for terrorism are two completely different natures. Fortunately, the direct answer given by Yellen this time is that it is just not strict. Enforcement and admission of the charges of anti-money laundering and violation of US sanctions make it possible to avoid the problem of the biggest crisis, even including today, where money is the least worrying problem. According to the plea agreement, the maximum year of imprisonment will become no more than months. At present, the appeal judgment has been abandoned, and it will be postponed for months. After paying bail of 100 million US dollars, it can be released and can travel to and from the United Arab Emirates and the United States at any time. Experienced the judgment at that time, it was a month's home imprisonment and a deferred year. From this point of view, it is probably also a home imprisonment, but this is not the point. The point is that the retired co-founders can still handle matters in the form of consultants, although they don't take on the work. Speaking of this, there may be smart friends who have thought that they are really not taking on the responsibility, but it does not mean that they are far away from being a co-founder although they are not. What happened to the founder has not been implicated in this issue, and I don't need to say more about her relationship, so has it changed? Has it not played a more important role as a decision-maker than an executor? Is it not important or just working for the board of directors? This case has not deprived the director of his position, and the United States has not dealt with it in a way that can even continue to speak on Twitter. From the perspective of phased conclusions, the United States has used a reason that cannot be ignored to make the final decision. Either you follow my rules and play under the framework of my rules, or you don't play anywhere, which is why what I emphasized earlier is that you just violated rather than provided support to terrorists. These two decisions are actually in a moment, that is, you obeyed the former, and you disobeyed the latter, and chose the former. The fine is not the purpose. Is the United States short of this billion dollars? What the United States lacks is whether the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange behind this billion dollars is under its control. The result of these agreements will be to end the long-standing corporate behavior that poses risks to the American financial system, American citizens and American national security, and thus be released from the blacklist of risky companies that pose a threat to the United States. This not only means that there is still a chance to operate, but also means that channels in the United States and Europe, including payment, can serve again. These are the most important things for me. Before I said many times, compliance will be necessary for all exchanges to go further. What we have to face has been under the iron fist of many departments in the United States, and we have to give up a lot of markets. From today on, these abandoned markets and opportunities are likely to start again, and what we have paid is only a quarter's profit and nominal departure from our posts. So has it changed? It has really changed. After removing the biggest shackles, our imagination will be better, and after solving the problems, we will be more likely to be favored by Wall Street, and the road to listing will be closer. Yesterday, we sued again for almost exactly the same reasons as before. We also said that this time it was not included in the settlement in the United States. This also means that the regulatory issue is not a question of political stance. Even with the settlement, we have paid fines and confiscation of funds for trading with American customers, so there is a high probability that we will not continue to struggle with this issue. The remaining purpose may be to pave the way for the compliance of cryptocurrency, and a milestone in this road can be achieved. Of course, the spot of "energy is harmony" has got rid of the biggest shackles. Generally speaking, there is no criminal matter, or even there is no lawsuit between them. If there is a lawsuit against me, the result is nothing more than either hard-shouldering like harmony or reconciliation. From my personal understanding, the latter is more likely. After all, it is a listed company in the United States and an exchange that complies with the regulations in Europe and America. In essence, it is to be listed in the United States and bind up the important layout of Wall Street funds. The biggest problem is itself. Now the former is fine, and the latter is fine. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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