金色Web3.0日报 | LBank已于今日上线USTC

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    LBank已于今日上线USTC U本位永续合约

    据官方消息,LBank发布公告称,11月27日,USTC U本位合约已上线LBank,最高杠杆为20倍。自从Terra链上的算法稳定币TerraUSD(UST)与美元脱钩以来经历了一次巨大的“改造”,该代币现在被称为TerraClassicUSD (USTC) ,不再是稳定币。最初,TerraUSD是Terra区块链推出的一种算法稳定币,旨在通过算法与其支持的储备货币(美元)保持1:1的挂钩。





      比特币买卖交易网报道,葡萄牙投资银行 (BPI) 宣布推出基于区块链技术的数字收藏品市场D-verse,BPI成为第一家专门为客户投资NFT产品的葡萄牙银行。D-verse 首次推出了由法国艺术家 Julien Raffin 创作、由葡萄牙艺术家 Alexandre Farto 创立的 Web3 项目 Ephemeral Ethernal 策划的首个数字艺术收藏。 在D-VERSE上,BPI客户可以进入一级市场,其中收藏品由艺术家直接拍卖,也可以进入二级市场,在那里他们可以向其他用户买卖收藏品。

        3.日本游戏巨头Square Enix将启动游戏《Symbiogenesis》的NFT拍卖

        11月27日消息,日本游戏巨头、《最终幻想》开发商 Square Enix 即将启动《Symbiogenesis》游戏的NFT拍卖。Symbiogenesis 建立在以太坊和 Polygon 区块链网络上。拍卖将从 11 月 27日开始分三个阶段进行第一阶段从11月27日至11月28日,第二阶段从11月30日至12月1日,第三阶段从12月2日至12月3日。为了准备发布,发行商于本月早些时候启动了白名单访问,允许用户通过在游戏的 Discord 聊天服务器内完成各种任务和挑战来参与拍卖。



          比特币买卖交易网报道,11月27日,日本加密投资公司CGV宣布对Blast生态系统进行500万美元专项投资,旨在协同推进Blast网络的发展。Blast的贡献者已从Paradigm、Standard Crypto、Mechanism Capital等风险投资公司筹集了2000万美元。 CGV创始人Steve对Blast的未来充满信心,强调了EVM的兼容性以及为开发者提供的支持资源,期望吸引更多的开发者和用户,促进Blast生态的繁荣和多样性。

          2.将Aave V3的GHO借款利率提高至5.22%提案未通过

          比特币买卖交易网报道,Aave社区治理页面显示,关于将Aave V3的GHO借款利率提高至5.22%提案未通过,反对率达100%。 此前消息,ACI(Aave Chan Initiative)在Aave社区发起一项新提案,建议将GHO借款利率从4.72%年利率提高至5.22%。


            11月27日消息,Cosmos创始人Jae Kwon发文称,尽管对“ATOM减产:将最大通胀率设置为10%”提案投了反对票,该提案还是最终通过了。Kwon认为,最终计划应包括集成ATOM与ATMO/ATMO1,这样就不会大量出售ATOM并使其全部崩溃,而是允许ATOM参与,但README内容可以改进。Kwon称,将对Cosmoshub4分叉,新网络称为AtomOne,使其成为当前的软件,但将通过自己的计划与开发团队(比Gaia更去中心化)来管理向最小最终产品过渡。AIB不会是唯一的参与者。 此前消息,Cosmos Hub社区已投票通过“ATOM减产:将最大通胀率设置为10%”提案,支持率为41.1%,反对率为31.9%。ATOM最大通胀参数将从20%降低至10%,使ATOM当前的通胀率降至10%,并将Stake年利率从19%降至13.4%。

              4.Vitalik Buterin拟重新设计以太坊质押,并称赞UTXO支付模型

              11月27日消息,以太坊联合创始人Vitalik Buterin近期在土耳其Devconnect大会期间与The Defiant的博客视频中表示,计划重新设计以太坊质押并彻底解决影响其性能的所有问题。未花费交易输出(UTXO)支付系统模型因其特性而受到赞扬。 Vitalik Buterin分享其关于将各种新协议整合到以太坊代码区块链中的观点。他特别提到了私有mempools、账户抽象协议ERC-4337、代码预编译、ZK-EVMs和流动质押。在这些协议中,他倾向于整合像账户抽象协议ERC-4337这样的协议,而像mempools这样的协议则需要更多谨慎。他表示,无论整合哪些协议,都涉及到平衡开发灵活性、性能优势和中心化风险等因素。 Vitalik Buterin还对以太坊流动质押在权益证明模型中集中度不断增加表示关切。以太坊流动质押提供商Lido和Rocket Pool拥有超过32%的质押供应量。他表示,尽管它们已经设置了安全机制,但这可能还不够。


                11月27日消息,波场 TRON 创始人、火币 HTX 全球顾问委员会委员孙宇晨发推向行业人士征集波场TRON生态系统下一步应该优先考虑的重大发展的想法。 孙宇晨表示,个人认为,重点应该放在去中心化稳定币和基于RWA收益的DeFi上。


                1.链游工作室Farcana获得Animoca Brands战略投资

                比特币买卖交易网报道,The Sandbox 今天宣布与韩国创意内容局(Korea Creative Content Agency)合作,举办以电视剧《奇怪的律师吴英宇》(Strange Lawyer Woo Young-woo)为主题的元宇宙立体模型快闪店。 该活动将持续到下个月1日,地点在首尔城水洞,将设有沙盒的内容推广区和LifeNecut的展台。参加预热活动的吴英宇头像NFT持有者可以参观活动并免费领取限量版商品套装。

                2.回合制链游Sindia今近日与Saki Labs达成战略合作

                11月27日消息,区块链游戏平台Sindia宣布与Saki Labs达成战略合作伙伴关系。旨在通过生态建设、品牌联动、项目开发等方面合作,共同探索链游生态发展方向。据悉,Sindia目前正处于内测阶段,其创世礼包也将于近期公开发售。


                    The total market value of data tokens is billion dollars, the total market value and the top ten token data sources are billion dollars. The transaction volume of centralized exchanges in the past hours is billion dollars. The data sources are locked in the transaction volume data sources of centralized exchanges in the past hours. The total market value of data sources is billion dollars. The market value of data sources ranks in the top ten projects. The hourly transaction volume is billion dollars. The headline of the top ten data sources sold within the top hour of data sources has been launched today. According to the official, Party news released a notice saying that the Japanese bit contract was launched in June, and the highest leverage was doubled. Since the algorithm on the chain was decoupled from the US dollar, the token has undergone a huge transformation. Now it is called no longer a stable currency. Originally, it was an algorithm introduced by the blockchain. The stable currency was designed to be linked to its supported reserve currency, the US dollar, through the algorithm. The cumulative fee income reached US$ 100 million. Bitcoin trading network reported that the latest data showed that the cumulative fee income of the bitcoin agreement inscription casting reached US$ 100 million. At present, the total number of casting inscriptions is about US dollars. Portugal Investment Bank launched the digital collection market and became the first Portuguese bank to invest in products for customers. Bitcoin Trading Network reported that Portugal Investment Bank announced the launch of the digital collection market based on blockchain technology and became the first Portuguese bank to invest in products for customers. For the first time, it launched the first digital art collection created by French artists and planned by Portuguese artists. Customers can enter the first-class market. In the field, the collectibles are directly auctioned by artists, or they can enter the secondary market, where they can buy and sell collectibles from other users. Japanese game giants will start the auction of games. It is reported that Japanese game giants will finally imagine that developers will start the auction of games. The auction will be held in three stages from March to March, the second stage from March to March, in order to prepare for the release of publishers earlier this month. Later, white list access was launched, allowing users to participate in the auction of hot spots by completing various tasks and challenges in the game's chat server. Cryptographic money funds invested 10,000 US dollars in the ecosystem. Bitcoin trading network reported that on March, Japan Cryptographic Investment Company announced that it would make a special investment of 10,000 US dollars in the ecosystem to promote the development of the network in coordination. The contributors have raised 10,000 US dollars from venture capital companies, and the founders are full of confidence in the future, emphasizing the compatibility and providing it for developers. We expect to attract more developers and users to promote the prosperity and diversity of the ecology, and raise the loan interest rate to the proposal. The community governance page shows that we will raise the loan interest rate to the proposal's failure to pass the opposition rate. Earlier, we launched a new proposal in the community, proposing to raise the loan interest rate from the annual interest rate to the founder's network bifurcation due to opposition to the proposal to reduce production. The founder issued a message saying that although the maximum inflation rate was set as the proposal for reducing production, After voting against the proposal, it was finally passed, thinking that the final plan should include integration, so that it would not be sold in large quantities and make it collapse completely, but participation would be allowed, but the content could be improved. It was said that the new bifurcated network would be called the current software, but the transition to the minimum final product would not be the only participant through decentralized management of its own planning and development team. Previously, the news community had voted to set the maximum inflation rate as the proposal support rate and the maximum opposition rate through production reduction. The inflation parameter will be reduced from the current inflation rate to the current inflation rate and the annual interest rate will be reduced from the proposed redesign of the Ethereum Pledge and praised the payment model. The co-founder of Ethereum recently said in a blog video with during the Turkish conference that he planned to redesign the Ethereum Pledge and completely solve all the problems affecting its performance. The model of the payment system was praised for its characteristics and shared his views on integrating various new protocols into the Ethereum code blockchain. He particularly mentioned that. When it comes to private account abstract protocol code pre-compilation and mobile pledge, he tends to integrate agreements like account abstract protocol, while agreements like this need more caution. He said that no matter which agreements are integrated, they involve balancing development flexibility, performance advantages and centralization risks. He also expressed concern about the increasing concentration of Ethereum mobile pledge in the equity proof model. Ethereum mobile pledge providers and the pledge supply that they have exceeded. The security mechanism has been set up, but this may not be enough. The future development of Sun Yuchen wave field should focus on decentralized stable currency and Sun Yuchen, a member of the Global Advisory Committee of Firecoin, the founder of last month's news wave field, pushed the industry to collect the important development ideas that should be given priority in the next step of the wave field ecosystem. Sun Yuchen said that personally, the focus should be on decentralized stable currency and online game hotspots based on income. Chain tour studios get strategic investment. Bitcoin trading network reported today. Cloth cooperated with Korean Creative Content Bureau to hold the Metacosmic Stereo Model pop-up shop with the theme of TV drama strange lawyer Wu Yingyu. This activity will last until next month. Wu Yingyu's avatar holder who will take part in the warm-up activity will be able to visit the activity and receive a limited-edition product set turn-based chain tour for free. Recently, he reached a strategic cooperation with the blockchain game platform. The goal is to announce and reach a strategic partnership through ecology. Building brand linkage project development and other aspects of cooperation to jointly explore the ecological development direction of chain tour. It is reported that it is currently in the internal testing stage, and its creation gift package will also be publicly released in the near future. Disclaimer: The contents of articles published by Bitcoin Trading Network as a blockchain information platform are for information reference only, not as actual investment suggestions. Please establish a correct investment concept and be sure to raise your risk awareness. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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