Telegram Bot赛道新秀:NerdBot研究报告

币圈资讯 阅读:41 2024-04-22 12:12:03 评论:0



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1 基本信息



1 Nerdbot 是 telegram上专注于链上数据的bot,是链上达人的必备。功能完备,形成了阿尔法信号,链上雷达、代币数据、dex交易、监控警报等完整的交易全链路。其中功能“代币Xsight”精简出了买币最关注的几个维度(比安全性、市值、流通量、聪明钱买卖),适合行情火热时候做快速决策,或者普通小白。

2 链上雷达的功能,用户可以通过聪明钱、新钱包、主流做市商等信号来挑选潜在的机会。其中的聪明钱得益于Nerd团队长期的沉淀,准确率还不错。并且近期做了大的升级,官方称平均投资回报率在 2 周内从 50%增加到 100%。

3 阿尔法信号是Nerd的新功能,也是特色之一。Nerd利用了自己最擅长的链上数据,综合了聪明钱、新钱包、狙击手、交易所情的数据,不仅可以探测MEME,还可以得到大市值的信号。官方号称阿尔法的收益非常高,作者正在跟踪中。

4 Nerd现在流通为1000万枚,流通市值仅为80万美金。但是未来每月都有解锁,请自行判断风险。不构成任何投资建议。

2 代币 Xsight

NerdBot研究报告:TG BOT赛道新秀,链上达人的必备工具


1)基本信息,合约时间,可以判断新币老币。市值、交易量、流动池资金,作为第一眼判断的项目是否进一步研究的依据。比如市值太高,可能就直接say no了。







3 链上雷达


NerdBot研究报告:TG BOT赛道新秀,链上达人的必备工具





5)做市商:4个主流的做市商,Wintermute Trading • Jump Trading • DWF Labs • GSR Markets

3.1 聪明钱

Smart Money也就是我们熟知的聪明钱,(如果我没有记错)最早是Nasan平台设立的,指的是那些盈利率非常高的钱包地址。之后的时间内每个数据平台基本都有。但是聪明钱的定义并没有统一的标准,每个平台根据自己的定义聪明钱。那么判断该指标的效果,那就是根据实际的效果来判断。

有一位推特网友跟踪了Nerdbot上面聪明钱指标和 头部新钱包指标,统计了一个多月的数据。发现收益相加高达1104.56%。并且这里是每笔指标收益的相加,并不是复利投资,如果复利投资收益是更加惊人。这位网友自己开始操作后已经有了4倍的收益。详细请看推文


  • 每天扫描 1000 万个钱包

  • 产出:2000个优质钱包(SM在DEX、VC、MM、KOL上交易)

  • 每日扫描频率(之前每周一次)

  • 深度标签寻找真正的每日智能交易者)

  • 平均Smart Money钱包名单胜率从42%升至58%

  • Smart Money 列表的平均投资回报率在 2 周内从 50% 增加到 100%

  • 尽快根据SM信号启用自动购买(仅限白金)

  • 启动金库允许根据智能货币列表进行投资(即将推出)

4 警报








  • Smart Money 购买的数量和数量

  • Fresh Wallet 购买的数量和数量

  • 狙击手数量

  • 交易所的净流入流出量

并且能做到 15分钟/30分钟/1小时级别的跟进。所以Nerd的阿尔法信号不仅可以探测到MEME币,也可以探测到如pendle这样的市值较高的币。


4 其它功能











/sm:过去 14 天聪明钱钱包买入卖出代币的行为



/early: 代币早期总结

5 代币经济


  • 种子轮: 10%。3个月锁仓,然后12个月线性释放

  • 公募轮: 10%。TGE50%,然后3个月线性释放

  • 社区基金:40%。6个月锁仓,然后24个月线性释放

  • 合作伙伴:10%。1个月锁仓,然后6个月线性释放

  • 空投: 5%。TGE0%,不锁车,6个月线性释放

  • 流动性: 5%。不锁仓全部流通

  • 团队顾问:20%。12个月锁仓,然后24个月线性释放


  • 80%的NerdBot Premium的收入

  • 50%的Nerd 交易税的收入

  • 80%的dex交易费用(筹划中)


NerdBot研究报告:TG BOT赛道新秀,链上达人的必备工具

6 链上数据分析11/27

NerdBot研究报告:TG BOT赛道新秀,链上达人的必备工具







Basic information Basic information official website project profile is focused on the data on the chain, which is the necessary function of the expert on the chain. It has formed a complete transaction link such as radar token data transaction monitoring and alarm on the alpha signal chain, in which the functional token has streamlined several dimensions that are most concerned about buying money, which are smarter than security, market value and liquidity. Money trading is suitable for making quick decisions when the market is hot, or the function of radar on the ordinary small white chain. Users can choose potential through signals such as smart Qian Xin wallet, mainstream market makers and so on. There are opportunities in which the smart money benefits from the long-term precipitation of the team. The accuracy is not bad, and it has been upgraded recently. The official said that the average return on investment has increased from alpha signal in a week. It is a new function and one of the characteristics. It uses the data on the chain that it is best at, and integrates the data of smart Qian Xin wallet sniper trading situation, which can not only detect but also get the signal of large market value. The official said that Alpha's income is very high, and the author is tracking it, and the current circulation market value is only 10,000 pieces. However, it will be unlocked every month in the future. Please judge for yourself that the risk does not constitute any investment suggestion. Token research report is an essential tool for talents on the track rookie chain. Token is a major function. After entering the contract address, you can get the information of the token, including the following three basic information. The contract time can judge the market value of new and old coins, the transaction volume and the flow pool funds. For example, if the market value is too high, it may be the basis for further research. The new wallet can be used to measure whether the main force of the market is sucking goods or shipping goods, and the early buyers are the highest gainers. These data are very useful for finding smart money. From the data content, these data dimensions are similar to other platforms and less than those of big data platforms, but the functional information of tokens used is different from the scenes and crowd objects. It is suitable for three scenarios and needs rapid decision-making. For example, if the market is hot, the price of coins may be brushed up. People recommend a coin and it is a hot spot, so you need to know the information quickly and make a decision on whether to buy or sell it. For long-term tokens, we need to check the latest data regularly. If the number of long-term positions is large, we need a platform that can quickly understand the situation. Check the increase and decrease of smart money, the flow of exchanges, new wallets, etc. People who are not familiar with the tools on the chain, then provide a relatively simple and efficient function. The function of coins is that you know that a coin needs to use the data on the chain to decide whether to buy it, but the radar on the chain is a different situation, that is, when you don't know what coins to buy, the radar on the chain will give you the choice of coins through some information on the chain, which mainly includes the research report, the necessary tool for the rookie on the track, the signal of smart money, the inflow and outflow of the exchange, the head pool, the head, the new wallet, the market maker, the smart money, which is what we know, if I remember correctly. The earliest platform was set up, which means that every data platform basically has those wallet addresses with very high profitability, but there is no uniform standard for the definition of smart money. Each platform judges the effect of this indicator according to its own definition, that is, according to the actual effect. A Twitter user tracked the data of the smart money indicator and the head new wallet indicator for more than a month and found that the income added up to a high level, and here is the sum of the income of each indicator. It's not a compound interest investment. If the compound interest investment income is even more amazing, this netizen has doubled the income since he started to operate himself. Please see the tweet for details. My personal guess that the smart money index is effective because the team has accumulated in this area. In the year before doing this project, he operated a Twitter account to track the data and wallets on the chain. More than 10,000 fans have recently made a big upgrade to smart money, including scanning 10,000 wallets every day to produce a high-quality wallet for trading. Before the daily scanning frequency, once a week, search for the depth tag to find the real daily average winning rate of smart traders' wallet list from rising to the average return on investment in the week from increasing to enabling automatic purchase as soon as possible according to the signal. Starting the vault only allows investment according to the smart currency list, and there are three functions to remind users of the wallet transfer that they are concerned about. The radar reminder is also set for the main data above. Reminder function Alpha reminds me that this is also one of the characteristics. Different from the Alpha of other data platforms, the Alpha signal contains the quantity and quantity of purchases, the quantity and quantity of snipers, and the net inflow and outflow of transactions can be followed up in minutes and hours. Therefore, the Alpha signal can detect not only coins but also coins with high market value like this. Officials have listed some cases of their own. I haven't fully verified the income of the French signal, but I have followed up several effects myself, and I can still continue to verify other functions, other functions and other functions, because it is relatively common. Here is a brief introduction to wallet analysis, which is mainly used for the profit and loss of wallet addresses. The current main positions are mainly used for analyzing some wallets and creating their own address library, such as smart money. Most people don't need wallets and transactions, and users can create their own wallets for one-stop shopping. Transaction realization: from providing new projects, analyzing projects, and finally trading, of course, there are many functions of community robots on it. Users can deploy the community robots into the group to provide the following dimensions: scanning the price chart of tokens whether they are healthy or not, and quickly checking the price of tokens and their basic information. In the past day, the behavior of smart money wallets to buy and sell tokens will display an easy-to-understand report, indicating the running status of wallets, and will show the inflow and outflow of tokens in the exchange. The economic total amount of tokens is 100 million yuan. The time is year, month, day, and the tokens are allocated as seed rounds, then the public offering rounds are released linearly next month, then the community funds are released linearly next month, then the partners are released linearly next month, then the airdrops are released linearly next month, the liquidity is released linearly next month, and all the circulation team consultants lock the warehouses next month, and then the pledge is released linearly next month. The specific proportion in the transaction cost planning of the income including the three parts of the income will change according to the amount and time of the pledge. See the official document for details. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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