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因此,应运而生了一种崭新而充满前景的解决方案,即 ZK预言机。它充分利用零知识证明(ZKP)的强大能力来迎接这些挑战。这种创新方法巧妙地融合了 ZKP 和预言机的优势,在区块链领域确保了更高水平的数据隐私。



然而,传统的预言机网络,如 Chainlink 或 The Graph,通常依赖于抵押机制,要求节点抵押资产以参与。这种方法存在内在限制,尤其是在信任和易受操纵方面。

这就是ZK预言机发挥作用的地方,通过创新地融合 ZKP,有望彻底改变预言机的效率和可信度。

那什么是 ZK预言机?

ZK预言机,即零知识预言机的简称,巧妙地将 ZKP 与智能合约融为一体,构建了一种灵活的链上/链下解决方案。这一创新方法提升了预言机在区块链生态系统中的效率和安全性,实现了成本效益的链下计算和存储。


1. 建立自主网络。

2. 提升基础层安全性。

3. 采用 1-of-N 信任模型,确保只要至少一个节点表现如预期,系统功能就能得以保障。

4. 增强去中心化。

5. 高效分配计算能力,旨在最小化浪费。




图片来源于 Gu 和 Nawab

根据 Gu 和 Nawab 的描述,ZK预言机的架构包括以下独特组件:

1. 数据源:这些实体从各种来源(如物联网设备)收集或生成原始数据,充当计算过程的起始点。

2. 链下证明者:这些实体从数据源接收原始数据并进行计算。通过使用zk-SNARK(零知识简洁非交互式知识证明)计算,它们生成用于证明其计算的证据。

3. 消费者:通过智能合约与区块链互动,消费者提交读取和写入请求。他们依赖链下证明者提供的数据和证据来做出明智的决策。

4. 智能合约:负责验证和维护与计算结果和ZK证明数据相关联的摘要,智能合约确保zk证明的完整性。如果发现无效的证明,它们还执行惩罚策略。

利用先进的批处理算法加速 ZK 证明生成

Gu 和 Nawab 提出了一种旨在加速ZK证明生成的批处理算法,该算法同时运用水平和垂直批处理技术。水平批处理将多个证明合并为一个单一的证明,而垂直批处理将相似的计算整合成一个统一的证明。这些策略显著提高了zk证明生成的效率,相较于标准方法,性能提升高达550倍。



1. 价格信息源:在DeFi应用中,ZK预言机简化了价格信息源的操作,消除了对区块链上持续更新和昂贵存储的需求。

2. 安全数据源:ZK预言机提供了一个安全途径,可以从不合作方获取数据源。例如,用户可以生成其银行余额的零知识证明,而无需透露敏感细节。这用作去中心化金融部门中获取贷款的抵押,增强了金融交易的信任。

3. 保密投票系统:ZK预言机可应用于保密投票系统,实现可验证的结果而不暴露个体投票。

4. 身份验证:在身份验证场景中,ZK预言机为身份验证提供了有价值的支持。它们验证用户身份,而不泄露其记录中的复杂细节,确保了一种安全和隐私为中心的方法。

5. 供应链系统:ZK预言机促进了对产品真实性的验证,而不泄露专有信息。这种应用确保了供应链流程中的信任和透明度。


Hyper Oracle

Hyper Oracle 专注于为以太坊区块链打造专属的ZK预言机网络。该系统高效地从每个以太坊区块中提取数据,运用 zkPoS 进行检索,并利用 zkWASM 支持的可编程 zkGraphs 进行数据处理。所采用的方法通过 ZK 技术确保了安全而最小化信任的链下计算。这一创新方法不仅为扩展以太坊智能合约创造了可能性,同时赋予其处理自动化和机器学习等复杂任务的能力。


图片来源于 Hyper Oracle

在2023年1月,Hyper Oracle成功完成一轮融资,共计300万美元,由红杉中国的孵化基金Dao5及其他知名机构和天使投资人联合领投。这笔资金将专注于进一步研究和开发ZK预言机以及区块链基础设施。

Mina Protocol

(0)1Labs,作为 Mina Protocol 生态系统的合作伙伴,正在积极构建一个ZK预言机。Mina 的ZK预言机独特之处在于其独特的两步执行模型,由 zkApps 协调。初始步骤涉及链下验证,确认特定信息和已完成计算的存在。这种链下验证使得在个体机器上进行本地化计算成为可能。

以价格信息源为例——用户可以灵活查询多个可信 API,计算平均价格,并进行复杂的链下操作。通过ZK预言机,用户可以在不产生费用的情况下查询价格,直到达到期望的结果。只有在获得期望的结果后,才会进行链上执行,从而实现更简化和成本效益的架构设计。这种独特的两步执行模型,是ZK预言机在 Mina 上独有的,提供了一种安全与链下数据进行高效交互的强大方法。

Nil Foundation

于2023年8月,流动性质押领域的先驱 Lido Finance 宣布了一项重要计划。该公司透露,将利用Lido Grant 资助 Nil Foundation,这是一家以太坊研究和开发公司,进行ZK预言机的开发。这一战略性合作的明确目标是为 Lido Finance 的会计报告建立信任最小化的健全性检查,最终加强Lido Finance 的流动性。值得注意的是,ZK预言机计算的证明将直接从以太坊虚拟机(EVM)使用 Proof Market 进行签名,Proof Market 是一个最近推出的网关接口,确保所有 EVM 应用程序具备可证明的计算可组合性,标志着该领域的显著进步。


随着ZK预言机在预言机领域崭露头角,仍然存在一些需要解决的挑战。三方握手协议中涉及的源、节点和用户之间的复杂性需要进一步的研究和发展来优化系统。一些团队,如 Mina,正在积极努力解决这些挑战,但这需要时间。


In the field of blockchain, the Oracle plays a vital role in connecting external data. However, the traditional model is faced with the challenge of trust and security. By making full use of zero-knowledge proof technology, the Oracle not only ensures the improvement of data privacy, but also directly solves the trust problem. Blockchain technology has completely reformed all walks of life and realized safe and transparent transactions without intermediaries. Although its revolutionary influence is far-reaching, it is still a persistent challenge to integrate real-world data into blockchain system. War Oracle plays a key intermediary role in this process, seamlessly connecting the blockchain with external data sources. However, traditional Oracle often relies on trusted third parties to cause concerns about reliability and security. Therefore, a brand-new and promising solution, Oracle, has emerged, which makes full use of the powerful ability of zero-knowledge proof to meet these challenges. This innovative method skillfully combines the advantages of Oracle and ensures a higher level of data privacy in the blockchain field. Oracle acts as an information provider of trust-related external sources, providing information from multiple databases to the chain, including token price, transaction activity, wallet balance, etc. Oracle provides an application programming interface that allows calculations to be performed according to real-world events and data. In short, Oracle collects query verification and verification data from multiple sources and transmits them to smart contracts. However, traditional Oracle networks, such as or usually relying on mortgage mechanisms, require nodes to mortgage assets to participate in this. There are inherent limitations in the method, especially in terms of trust and easy manipulation. This is where the Oracle comes into play. It is expected that the efficiency and credibility of the Oracle will be completely changed through innovative integration. What is the abbreviation of the Oracle, namely the zero-knowledge Oracle? It will be skillfully integrated with the smart contract to build a flexible solution on the chain and off the chain. This innovative method has improved the efficiency and security of the Oracle in the blockchain ecosystem, and achieved cost-effective off-chain calculation and storage response. The challenge of the traditional Oracle provides several solutions. Establish an autonomous network to improve the security of the basic layer. The trust model is adopted to ensure that as long as at least one node behaves as expected, it can be guaranteed. The purpose of enhancing decentralized and efficient allocation of computing power is to minimize waste. The obvious advantage of the Oracle is to protect data privacy while ensuring the integrity and authenticity of transmission information. Different Oracle machines broadcast data publicly to the blockchain by providing evidence of data. Not exposing the data itself brings its unique advantages, which makes it particularly outstanding in application scenarios that need to maintain a careful balance between transparency and privacy. The architecture of the Oracle unlocks the new benchmark of blockchain security. The architecture of the Oracle includes the following unique components: data sources. These entities collect or generate raw data from various sources, such as Internet of Things devices, and act as the starting point of the calculation process. Under the chain, these entities receive raw data from the data sources. Start data and calculate by using zero-knowledge concise non-interactive knowledge proof to calculate them and generate evidence to prove their calculation. Consumers interact with the blockchain through smart contracts. Consumers submit reading and writing requests. They rely on the data and evidence provided by the prover under the chain to make wise decisions. Smart contracts are responsible for verifying and maintaining the abstract associated with the calculation results and proof data. Smart contracts ensure the integrity of the proof. If they find invalid proofs, they also implement punishment strategies. The advanced batch processing algorithm is used to accelerate the proof generation, and a batch processing algorithm aimed at accelerating the proof generation is proposed. The algorithm uses both horizontal and vertical batch processing technology to merge multiple proofs into a single proof, while vertical batch processing integrates similar calculations into a unified proof. These strategies have significantly improved the efficiency of proof generation, and the performance has been improved by up to times compared with the standard method. In practical application fields, the Oracle has demonstrated its versatility and specific applications, such as The application of price information sources simplifies the operation of price information sources and eliminates the need for continuous updating and expensive storage on the blockchain. The secure data source predictor provides a safe way to obtain data sources from non-partners, for example, users can generate zero-knowledge certificates of their bank balances without revealing sensitive details. This is used as collateral for obtaining loans in decentralized financial departments, which enhances the trust of financial transactions. The secure voting system predictor can be applied to the realization of secure voting systems. Verifiable results without revealing individual voting authentication. In the authentication scenario, Oracle provides valuable support for authentication. They verify the user's identity without revealing the complex details in their records, ensuring a security and privacy-centered method. The supply chain system Oracle promotes the verification of product authenticity without revealing proprietary information. This application ensures the trust and transparency in the supply chain process. The project overview of Oracle is focused on creating exclusivity for the Ethereum blockchain. The system efficiently extracts data from each Ethereum block, and uses the supported programmability to process the data. The adopted method ensures security through technology and minimizes the trust of offline computing. This innovative method not only creates the possibility for expanding the Ethereum smart contract, but also gives it the ability to handle complex tasks such as automation and machine learning. The picture of the new benchmark for unlocking blockchain security by Oracle comes from the successful completion of a round of financing in June. Ten thousand dollars was jointly invested by Sequoia China's incubation fund and other well-known institutions and angel investors. This fund will focus on further research and development of the Oracle and blockchain infrastructure. As a partner of the ecosystem, the Oracle of the Oracle is actively building a Oracle. The uniqueness lies in its unique two-step execution model, which involves coordinating the initial steps to confirm the existence of specific information and completed calculations. This offline verification makes localized calculations on individual machines become. Perhaps taking the price information source as an example, users can flexibly query multiple credible average prices and carry out complex offline operations. Through the Oracle, users can query prices without incurring expenses until the expected results are achieved. Only after obtaining the expected results will they carry out online execution, thus realizing a more simplified and cost-effective architecture design. This unique two-step execution model is unique in Oracle, which provides a powerful method for safe and efficient interaction with offline data. In March, the pioneer in the field of liquidity pledge announced an important plan. The company revealed that it would use funding to build an Ethereum. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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